S1, E7 - Pool Party
It was another day in the treehouse and Melody and Travis came downstairs.
Melody: *yawn* Morning guys.
Travis: Morning.
Poppy: Morning Melody!
Ellie: Morning.
Melody: Have you felt bored?
Travis: Yeah there's nothing much to do.
Melody: I wonder what's Pointy doing...
Suddenly, Pointy kicks down the door.
Pointy: Hey guys, I just got an idea!
Melody: Nevermind, we're screwed.
Pointy: Just hear me out Melody!
Melody: Um okay...
Pointy: Okay so there's this new pool and I was thinking what we could all go on trip and bring the others along.
Rosa: That could be fun! Let's do it!
Pointy: Great! I'll call Sheller!
Pointy gets the phone.
Sheller: Hey Pointy.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Wartortle
Nature: Hardy
Level: 78
Moves: Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Withdraw and Rapid Spin
Info: Sheller leads a team called Team Submerged, he's a chill dude and very friendly. (He's based off of Clifford from T&N)
Sheller: What's up?
Pointy: I was wondering if you and your team wanted to go on a trip to the new pool nearby. We haven't hung out in a while.
Sheller: Well the others do deserve a break from since they have been completing a lot of missions, so sure, let me ask them.
Pointy: Okay then.
10 minutes later...
Sheller: Good news, they agreed so we'll go. So what will be it?
Pointy: How about 4pm?
Sheller: Sounds good to me! See ya there!
Pointy hangs up the phone.
Pointy: Okay, Sheller and his team is coming along!
Melody: So, we'll do our own thing until the other arrive.
Spark: Okay.
At 4pm...
The group arrived to the pool.
Travis: We're here!
Then, Team Submerged arrived at the pool.
Cicuta: Hi everyone!
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Vileplume
Level: 84
Nature: Docile
Moveset: Poison Powder, Giga Drain, Solar Beam and Venoshock
Info: Cicuta is the supporter of Team Submerged, her flower can glow in the dark.
Rosa: Hey Cicuta, I see that you haven't changed even the slightest!
Cicuta: Yeah!
Sheller: What are we waiting for? Let's go!
They entered the pool and went to different places separately.
With Melody and Travis, they went to the massage part and they were getting massages.
Melody: Ah! This is the spot.
Travis: Agreed.
Their backs were getting massages.
With Spark and Pointy, there were playing by the water park.
Spark: I bet ya 20 bucks that I can slide the fastest down the slide!
Pointy: Deal.
With Rosa and Cicuta, they were getting a sand bath by having the sand bury them and Sheller, Poppy and Jolleva were enjoying the hot tubs.
Shortly after, they went to the main thing the hot springs. The boys were at a different part of the pool.
Pointy: Aw yeah, this is happening!
Travis: Agreed.
Sheller: So how do you know Melody well?
Travis: She's my childhood friend. We met by the slide in a playground.
Pointy: Y'know, you two would be a great couple.
Travis: Don't make me use Adapt Punch.
Pointy (sweats): Heh...
Spark: I feel like we're forgetting somemon...
Back at the treehouse...
Ellie: Where the f[Minun cry] is everymon?
Back with the boys...
Travis: Hey Pointy, what time do the girls come in?
Pointy: Uh...
Travis: Pointy...
Pointy: So I may have forgot it...
Travis: Eh, do you remember Sheller?
Sheller: Well I don't remember seeing any schedules.
The door opened.
Travis: Eh, it's probably another dude.
Rosa: Wow, it's very quiet in here...
Spark: Oh sh[Pikachu cry].
Sheller: Shoot, it's the girls!
Pointy: Why are you guys acting weird? We just gotta say sorry that we didn't know about the time change.
Travis: Are you crazy? We have to very careful, especially with Melody and Poppy.
Sheller: I'm kinda scared of Poppy...
Pointy: Oh yeah... Poppy's a Grass-type and Sheller's a water-type... but at least Melody's a Normal/Fairy type and I'm a Poison type!
Travis: Also, I heard Melody's the strongest out of all of us, I heard she used Pound and the wall broke!
The dudes peaked and they saw the girls including Cicuta and Rosa.
Travis: Shoot! This is bad!
Sheller: Hiding behind this rock won't last for long!
Jolleva: Did you hearing something?
Poppy: I don't know, but somemon might behind hiding behind this rock.
Melody: You know what? I'm out.
Melody does the peace sign and fades away.
Cicuta: That was weird.
Travis: At least, One horror was gone...
Sheller: Yeah, but we gotta head towards the door!
Spark: Let's do it then!
The boys had to tiptoe quietly to get to the door.
Rosa: Did ya find anymon?
Poppy: No, but this spot feels nice!
Jolleva: Yeah, I heard you get along with Pointy very well!
Poppy: Yeah...
Cicuta: So who do you like?
Poppy: Uh...
Rosa: Is it Pointy?
Poppy: Let's just say it's a secret...
Rosa: It has to be Pointy! You blushed when he carried you last night!
Poppy: Yeah, but we're close!
Cicuta: Yeah... sure...
Cicuta: What was that?
The dudettes looked and they see the boys.
Sheller: Uh, we can explain.
The girls have death glares in their eyes.
Poppy: So you wished for death?
Rosa: Let's get them!
Spark: I'm out.
Spark uses Instant Transmission to avoid the fight.
Pointy: WAIT?!
Sheller: WAIT HOLD O-
The next day...
Pointy: ...
Travis: ...
Melody: Woah, what happened?
Melody, Spark and Ellie were putting bandages on Travis and Pointy.
Pointy: Let's just say, that we got the others upset...
Travis: Can't we just have another normal day?
Spark sees the girls walking the living room.
Spark: Welp, there's trouble for you...
Pointy: Shoot, I just got a beatdown.
Pointy and Travis braced themselves but nothing happened.
Rosa: ...
Jolleva: ...
They walked away.
Pointy: Huh, the quiet treatment huh.
Travis: Welp, at least it's not Poppy.
Spark: Spoke too soon.
Poppy walked by but she didn't even look at Pointy and Travis. But she did give them a cold look then walked away.
Travis: Wow, not even a single look huh.
Pointy: So it's that bad.
Travis and Pointy looked down in despair.
Melody: You know what? You guys suffered too much, let me go deal with this.
Melody walks towards to Jolleva, Rosa and Poppy.
Poppy: What do you want Melody?
Melody: Apolzge to Travis and Pointy.
Rosa: Why should we do that?
Melody: Because they probably didn't mean it, plus it was probably your fault for being for idiotic.
Poppy: What did you say?
Melody: You heard me, you were being idiotic for not believing them.
Jolleva: So you think we're stupid?
Melody: Sometimes yeah.
Rosa: Well we'll show you stupid!
Rosa, Poppy and Jolleva cracked their knuckles.
Melody: Well I could do this all day!
Melody's hand glows up.
With the boys (and Ellie)
Spark: I think we should leave them be.
Travis: Definitely.
Ellie: Agreed, I don't want to be involved with this nonsense.
And so they backed away while Melody is fighting with the girls.
End of Episode
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