

He would have opened her car door for her, but she was very rigid about being in control of herself. She didn't behave as if she wanted him there, but he defined that as continued grief, and perhaps he was the first guy to be interested in her since Jared had died. So he followed her slim shoulders and straight back up the steps into her cottage.

The cottages were identical, he thought, except for colors and furnishings, but they were similar in that aspect as well. And they weren't cottages. They were town homes, with multiple floors, and large spacious rooms. He closed the door behind them as Melia took off her jacket and hung it on a rack just inside the door. He looked around for signs of Jared, but there didn't seem to be any. No wedding pictures, no couple pictures on the walls. Maybe in her bedroom...

He followed her up the stairs, and Melia got Hannah out of her car seat and laid out a quilt on the floor. They were hardwood floors, covered with large and colorful tapestry rugs, heavy furniture, and a warm fireplace. She laid the baby down and pulled some toys closer. It was obvious they had played here before. In a basket close by were more infant toys and books. A free standing mobile was on the edge of the quilt, and Melia pulled it till it was directly over Hannah's face and then got up as her daughter gazed at the mobile in wonder. It played music when wound up. Melia went into the kitchen which wasn't really separated from the living room and refilled her water bottle with ice and water from the stainless steel refrigerator.

"So what brings you up to this neck of the woods?" she asked leaning on the counter provocatively, and sipping her water.

Matthew was floored. With the initial reception at the studio, he'd figured she wasn't interested. Truly, he got the impression she simply said yes to the dinner as a way of being polite. He kind of figured she wouldn't want to spend time with him, and he was prepared to push her a little. Jared's instructions were that she needed to get on with life.

But then he realized, she was.

He began to talk about his latest film, telling funny anecdotes about those on set and the making of the film itself. He was comfortable with her, she seemed genuinely interested. She came around and sat on the floor near the baby and played with her absently, listening to him talk. She asked him questions, she reacted to the funny parts with laughter and didn't act depressed at all. She wasn't building either that he could tell, just a sparkle in her eyes.

The baby fell asleep easily and Melia put her in a bassinet there in the living room next to her desk, one he hadn't noticed. Then she got up, again without missing a beat and fixed him dinner consisting of a large spinach salad, a strawberry smoothie with added herbs, and a slice of fresh warm bread.

It was all delicious. He told her so, surprised that she cooked so well.

"I didn't cook it, I just put it together." She admitted wryly.

"You baked the bread." He pointed out. "From scratch, I bet."

He took a bite and savored it until he saw Melia's face. The color had drained out of her cheeks and she closed her eyes, holding so still she looked like a marble statue. "Hey, are you okay?" He thought she might have choked on something, and then he thought it was something that he said, and he went over the last few comments quickly, to find that nothing met the criteria for offense.

She nodded, and when she opened her eyes, they were bright, but not unpleasantly so. The color returned to her cheeks and she finished eating her dinner and cleaned up their plates. She returned to asking him questions and he felt at home once again. He asked her if she'd like to go for a horseback ride the next day and she said she would.

It got late, after ten and he figured he had best let her get some sleep while the baby slept, knowing little ones often kept their mommy's up all night. Although Hannah seemed like an exceptionally sweet little baby. Melia stood and shook herself out, looking tinier than ever.

She stood there waiting for him.

"I had a good time." He said.

"Good, I did too." She replied, her eyes still that bright green, staring at him blankly.

Something was missing.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"That would be good." She answered quickly without emotion.

He hesitated. "Melia, are you all right?"

"Why do you ask?" She returned with a funny look on her face, kind of anticipating his remark so she could challenge it. He decided not to push it.

"Nothing." He assured her, sensing the reluctance to speak about more intimate subjects just yet, and hoped the day would come when she felt she could confide in him. He turned to go out the door, and Melia stepped close to him, reaching up and pulling him close to her by the back of his head, she kissed his cheek, and then turned quickly and went up the stairs to her room, and Matthew let himself out.


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