Abuja, Nigeria.
"I gotta go. Bye peeps(people)!" Mehr said when she spotted Mallam Audu's car from the corner.

"Bye!" they said at once whilst Afnaan walked to her Range Rover since she's driving herself back home.

"Mehr," Maa called from the door to their living room.

Kydah and Mehr have their own living room then a room they use together cos Kydah was afraid to sleep alone in a room.

"Yes Maamita," she answered coming out with her phone, wearing a crop top and ripped jeans with her hair tied in a ponytail.

"Go and carry a cap or veil to close your hair then meet me in the kitchen," Maa ordered walking to the kitchen.

Their first born, Ya Muhsin is bringing a visitor. His best friend Anwaar Othman Muhammad. He's not even his best friend only cos they're like brothers. Their parents are best friends and business partners.

"Maamita," Mehr called standing next to her mother in the kitchen.

"Yauwa baby, you're making the stew. Call Nadiya (house help) to chop the vegetables for salad." Maa ordered washing the parboiled rice in the sink.

Mehr did as she was asked to then came back and start the stew.

Kydah came in shortly and start the zobo(hibiscus drink) and kunun aya(tiger nuts drink). Their Paa like it most when she did it, he said she's the best cook apart from his wife. But Mehr can cook more even though they all can cook.

"Mehr pass me the sugar please," Kydah pleaded from the other side of the kitchen where she was making the drinks.

"Here," Mehr said handing her the sugar container.

"Mehr, what should we wear?" Kydah asked when she came out from her long hot shower with a towel wrapped around her chest and one on her head.

"Natives or Jallabiya?" she asked again sitting down on the vanity stool where their makeup stuffs are.

"Nah, I'm going for Jallabiya," Mehr said standing up from her bed moseying to their walk in closet to bring out one of her Jallabiyas; red.

"Bring mine please; any black one," Kydah said curling up her hair. She did her simple makeup; kohl, powder and lip gloss.

"We look like twins," Mehr said grinning from ear to ear looking at their reflection in the mirror though Kydah is taller than her and she's not as fair as Mehr. And she has more of a pointed nose.

"You and who?" Kydah asked sarcastically tying her veil expertly on her head.

"Me and you duh," Mehr said running out of the room.

"Take it back." Kydah yelled, "Never!" Mehr yelled back giggling.

She walked to the dinning room after kissing her families cheeks with a little hand shake and a Hi to her brother's best friend. She sat down next to Kydah's usual sit waiting for her to come down and serve.

Kydah look at herself once again in the mirror to make sure she looks presentable before walking down the stairs.

"Hello guys! I'm gonna be your waitress today" Kydah said twirling around totally forgetting about their new member in the dinning room. They all laugh including Anwaar.

When she spotted him, she looked at him a little bit longer. He's not fair and he's not dark, just tan, he has side burns, beard, pointed nose, plump pink lips.

Yes, he's the guy she saw in the coffee shop earlier this very day, no doubt. But he's not dressing like a bad boy now. Instead, a well responsible and gentle man with his sky blue kaftan and blue zannah bukar cap.

Kydah prayed; Oh Allah! I hope I won't embarrass myself by looking at him the whole dinner. Dear God help me.

"Hello to you too princess!" Paa said. She hugged him then kissed his cheeks whilst Mehr muttered, "I'm not dead yet."

"I know right," Kydah said sticking out her tongue at Mehr.

"K, take our orders I'm starving" Ya Muhsin whined like a baby.

"Same here." Ya Habib whined also, "Here." Amdaad again.

"OK, OK, hold your horses," she said before carrying the serving spoon to serve the food.

"Didi." Mehr called from her bed keeping her phone on the bedside drawer.

"Hmm..." Kydah hmm-ed.

"Didn't you notice Ya Anwaar looking at you the whole dinner?" Mehr asked. She was observing him since when her sister came down to the dinning room.

"No," Kydah answered, looking at her sister curiously.

"Ugh.. Are you that dumb?" she asked but Kydah threw her a pillow instead of answering her stupid question. "Seriously Didi, you always don't notice anything. I wonder how you graduated with a first class," she said face palming herself.

"That's it. I'm so gonna kill you!" Kydah said standing up from her bed walking to Mehr's. She playfully strangle her.

"You're the smartest person I know." Mehr managed to choke out.

"Good girl," Kydah said standing up from Mehr's bed to her's when she heard Mehr muttering; "he's fine tho." Kydah smiled switching off her phone and the light in the room before she fell asleep with one person playing with her head; Anwaar.


"Af, let's go and see what he's saying he's been talking on the phone since when he came in. Let's go see." Mehr said dragging Afnaan to the boy's locker room where Khaliq went in since when he came in. He was talking with a serious voice.

"...that's not what I'm planning on. I have to win her heart then make her marry me uno?" he kept quite while the other person on the other line talked "...she doesn't want to get married now. And we have to get the money immediately." he said again "Yeah. Alhaji Malik," that's all what they need to hear before running out of the place.

"Allah! You see what I'm telling you koh," Mehr whispered to Afnaan crying when they sat down on a bench outside the school.

"Shh," Afnaan cooed hugging her best friend tightly.

"Hey!" Khaliq said sitting next to Mehr. Afnaan told her that she should handle it maturely before walking to her car to wait for her till she's done.

"Hi," she replied shortly.

"What's wrong?" he asked faking concern. "Nothing. I'm just tired," she answered curtly. "Let's take you home," he said attempting to stand up.

"No. I'm tired of this relationship Khaliq. I need space. I don't want to date you anymore. And Mallam Audu is on his way," she said finally turning to look at him.

"What happen? Why the sudden decision and change?" he asked with a frown. God! My plan will be ruined, he thought.

"As I said, I'm tired and I need space." she replied then Mallam Audu parked the car near her. She stood up after saying a Good-bye to Khaliq.


Hi peeps!

Hello August!!!

Another update.

Happy Birthday in advance to me #4th🎊



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