Chapter 2: First Task!

Morning came at Hogwarts in which Tron awoken from his slumber with his beloved Neon by his side who was still slumbering. Tron got up and did his morning stretches before going into the bathroom to relax in a hot bath. He was proud of himself of what happened last night and that he put Dumbledore in his place as well as reunited with his little sister who grown into a gifted young witch however there was something he needed to do because he has to know if Dumbledore put anything on Rose just like he did with him. He cannot bare to watch his sister be corrupted by those fools who crave for attention and power.

Tron: I have to make know if that old bastard put any blocks on Rose or anything illegal cause if he did I am so going to destroy him.

Something wrong beloved?(Tron looks to see Neon out of bed but with nothing on which made Tron smirk at seeing his attractive lady near the door)

Tron: It's nothing love, though had to admit you look absolutely attractive right now.

Neon: Hehehe, you flatter me beloved.~ By the way last night was amazing.

That's right the two of them had passionate love in their guest room while the guys just slumbered and knocked out asleep.

Tron: I made have gone a little over board, though you on the other hand did a number of clawing my back.

Neon: That's because I marked what is mine and you are mine.

Tron: And you are mine.

Neon: So whats the plan for today?

Tron: Apparently I have this interview today and for the champions and then followed by figuring out what the first task is.

Neon: Interviews are so boring. I can't stand them, people always asking too many questions and trying to get into our heads and know our secrets.

Tron: Was it like that back on Cybertron?

Neon: Get hounded by cybertrian fans and asking questions yea pretty much. By the way you finished with the bathroom?

Tron: Just finished, it's all yours my love. Save you some hot water.

Neon: Thank you darling 💋.(Neon saids and kisses Tron on the lips before entering the bathroom.

Tron: I love that woman.

After Neon finished getting dressed as well as Tron, the two of them left the guest room and headed down to the great hall to get some food and didn't bother waking up the boys they will get up themselves. While walking in the halls Tron can see the whispers as well as girls staring at him with interest as well as blushes on their faces on how Tron is so handsome and good looking though Tron didn't pay no mind to them cause Neon was his only woman.

Neon: You sure are drawing a lot of attention with these girls beloved.

Tron: Yea but I don't pay no mind to them because you are the only girl for me.

Neon: I know though I don't trust them getting too close to you. If they laid a hand or a finger I will crush them under my metal foot.

Tron: Love behave yourself, they're just fan girls nothing more, just pay no mind to them.

Neon: I will try.

Tron: I like to change the subject now. The first task will be taking place in two weeks so that gives me time to know what I am going to deal with first.

Neon: Nothing can stand in your way love, you are our leader and the most powerful and strongest one I know.

Tron: You flatter me. Though before the task I will like to spend some time with my sister and of course get to know the friends she's made here.

They arrived at the great hall and looked to see everyone eating their breakfast until all was silent when everyone looked to see who came into the hall. Many were still shocked of what they discovered last night while some felt pity for Tron and some despise of what Dumbledore did to him as well as his former family except for Rose who still loves him. Tron then looked towards the Slytherin table and spotted Rose who spotted him with a big smile and was singling him to come over and sit with her. Tron along with Neon headed over to Slytherin table and met with Rose who got from her spot and hugged her big brother.

Rose: Good morning big brother.

Tron: Hehehe, good morning to you too Rose.

Rose: I have so much to tell you.

Tron: I will be more than happy to know about your time at Hogwarts but first why don't you introduce me to your fellow Slytherins here.

Rose: Of course! Here you and your girlfriend can sit with me and Daphne.

Tron and Neon sat down and many Slytherins were shocked to know that Rose had an older brother this whole time but was abandoned by the Potters and used by Dumbledore but broke free and became someone new. Many had questions as well as what was that metal form he took on.

Rose: Mi..I mean Tron, sorry the new name is still getting use too.

Tron: It's quite all right, continue.

Rose: These are my friends that I made at Hogwarts though I have others here from other houses. Here in Slytherin house this is Daphne, Pansy, Blaise, Crabb, and Goyal.

Tron: Greetings to you all, I thank you all for being there for my sister. I am happy that Rose has friends like you looking out for her.

Pansy: The pleasure is ours, though I am still shocked that Rose has a brother.

Blaise: Yea we always thought Rose was an only child.

Tron: That's what the Potters told everyone.

Daphne: Though at least you were taken in by someone who treated you like family.

Rose: How is Padfoot?

Tron: He's doing fine Rose, as well as Moony. They both miss you and would want to see you again.

Rose: I will make sure to write them a letter and I wont let well them see it.

Tron: Oh you mean the parents.

Rose: I hated how they treated you and I hated how they just abandoned you like that. It was cruel!

Tron: Don't feel bad I am just glad I am no longer their blood, cause now I am a Black.

Draco: Rose you forgot to introduce me.

Rose: Oh my merlin Draco, I'm so sorry. Tron this is....

Tron: Draco Malfoy heir to Malfoy Manor.

Draco: You know me?

Tron: Of course I do, your my cousin after all.

Daphne/Pansy/Goyal/Blaise/Rose/Crabb: Cousin?

Draco: We're cousins? How?

Tron: Your mother is Narcissa Malfoy right.

Draco: That's right.

Tron: Well apparently her full name is Narcissa Cissy Nee Black, a member of the noble house of Black. And since she and my father Sirius Black are related since they are third cousins and Black runs through your veins Draco that makes us cousins. That also makes you a member of the Black family.

Draco: I..I never knew about that.

Tron: Well now you know. So without further ado it is a pleasure to finally meet you cousin Draco.(Tron saids and takes out his hand for Draco to shake it)

Draco: Indeed it is dear cousin and it's pleasure to meet you as well.(Draco saids and shakes Tron's hand)

Rose: Does that make Draco my cousin as well?(Rose saids in thought)

Tron: Oh by the way Rose, I got you something, I did miss a lot of your birthdays when I wasn't around so I took the liberty of making you something.

Rose: You made me something.

Tron: Hold out your hand.

Rose held out hand and Tron places on her finger a ring with the symbol of the Decepticon on it. Rose was amazed of how beautiful the ring and wants to know about the symbol on it.

Rose: I love it! Thank you so much big brother.

Tron: You're quite welcome my sister.

Pansy: What does that symbol stand for?

Neon: It stands for the race of beings that we come from.

Draco: Tron, you said something last night before your friends here made their appearance. What was it?

Rose: You said Decep...something.

Tron: Decepticons. It's the name of their race. Though if you want a short name you can just call them Shadow Knights.

Blaise: That does sound a lot more better no offense.

Neon: None taken, we been called many things.

Daphne: Tron said that muggles didn't create you then where did you come from?

Tron: I afraid I cannot give you any of you that information I swore of my friends that I would keep their legacy a secret cause I don't want any wizard like Dumbledore knowing about them or their history.

Draco: We understand, some secrets are meant to be kept hidden. Though it was funny when you came into the great hall in that big metal form and scared the diggings out of Dumbledore and made Potter Sr faint.

Tron: I only use that form for emergencies only or someone who pisses me off.

Daphne: By the way was it true what we saw? Were you really the one who defeated you know who? And was the prophecy really a fake this whole time.

Tron: Yes it was and yes I was the one who defeated Voldemort.

Everyone: GASP!

Neon: Oh will you all grow up it's just a stupid name it's like he's going to pop out and kill you.

Rose: So it is true, you really did defend me from him.

Tron: I will do anything to protect my little sister, anything. Also yes the prophecy was a fake, it always have been. Dumbledore is the one who created it so that he can get attention and fame just like how he defeated the first dark lord all those years ago.

Rose: I trusted him..

Tron: That's the thing about him, he acts like a good person but deep down he's a manipulated old fool who only wants glory just like a certain bushy hair girl and red head boy over there.(Tron saids while glaring at Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley who were studying on Gryffindor table)

Rose: You mean Granger and Weasley? What about them?

Tron: There was something else I found out when I went to Gringots and had those blocks removed from me. I discovered that my money was being taken out of the vaults and given to two people in which they were under the names Hermione Granger and Ron Wealsey as well as someone named Molly Weasley who I think is the mother of Ron Weasley.

Rose: I knew those two were trouble! How could they do something like that.

Daphne: Who in the right mind gave them to idea to take somebody else's money out of their own vaults.

Tron: Take a guess.

Everyone: Dumbledore.

Tron: Exactly.

Rose: What else did he do?

Tron: He and this Molly Weasley forced a marriage contract with someone named Ginny Weasley.

Rose: Ginny? Ginny is my friend. Wait does she know about this?

Tron: Maybe or maybe not, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Rose: I will ask her later on about it. But in the mean time, I want to tell you all about my years at Hogwarts.

Tron: I'm all ears.

And son Rose went on to tell her brother all about her years at Hogwarts while on the table with the teachers are Minerva smiled at seeing the two siblings together again as well as Snape who hid it from everyone however Lilly along James were not looking that good and after what they found out last night that everything was a lie they didn't know what to do. They thought they were doing the right thing but in reality they just simply abandoned their first born son and later find out that he almost died but came back as someone new and exposed Dumbledore for the fraud he is. Lilly wanted to try to reconnect with her former son but she knows that if she or James or any one they knew try to get close to him, he and his metal friends will take action.

Soon it was time for the interviews so Minerva got up from her spot and went to inform the champions to meet in the headmistress office that now belongs to Minerva after Dumbledore got taken away. Tron asked Neon to stick with Rose and make sure nobody harms her in which Neon did what she tasked to do. Once the champions were inside they had to do a group photo for the paper even if Tron hated the attention. After the photo was taken, the interviewer came in to greet the fellow champions and to ask them questions and her name was Rita Skeeter.

Rita: Hello there, I am Rita Skeeter. I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course you all know that don't you. It's you we don't know, your the juicy news.

Tron: I know about this woman, she likes to write out what she think she knows about someone, I seen her write reviews about Rose and hell knows I don't like either of the stuff she writes down about my sister however I think I can give miss Skeeter something better to write about and it will make Dumbledore look like the biggest fool in wizards history.(Tron saids in thought)

Rita: What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mystery to them muscles mask does courage lie beneath those curls in short what makes a champion tick? Me myself and I want to know not to mention my rabid readers. So who's feeling up to sharing, hm? Should we start with the youngest, lovely.(Rita saids and takes Cedric with her first)

Viktor: That woman is strange?

Tron: You and me both. Her stories aren't even that good even in the papers. She just writes down what she thinks is real or false.

Viktor: Oh my apologies, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang.

Tron: I know, I heard so much about you Viktor, it's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on winning the Quidditch World Cup, you must be very proud.

Viktor: I am. Though I am more surprise of meeting someone like you.

Tron: Yea I been getting a lot of questions from people on how I used to be a Potter now a Black as well as how I became that metal being. This is exactly why I don't like fame or attention.

Viktor: After everything you showed us in your memories I can see it already.

Tron: Indeed, oh and my apologies miss I think introduction shall be order.

Fleur(French): Bonjour je suis une Fleur de la cure.

Translation: Hello I'm Fleur Delacour.

Tron(French): Ravi de vous rencontrer, mademoiselle Fleur de la cure.

Translation: Pleasure to meet you miss Fleur Delacour.

Fleur: You know French?

Tron: Indeed, and many other languages but French was one of my favorite subjects. I see you also know english.

Fleur: Well only a little bit, still learning.

Tron: It's always great to learn new things.

Fleur: I am truly sorry for what you have been through your whole life and for what your former parents did you as well as Dumbledore.

Tron: I appreciated your kindness, Fleur I really do. That's in the past now, I moved on and started a new life.

Fleur(French): J'aimerais mieux te connaitre

Translation: I would like to get to know you more.

Tron(French): Bien sur, meme si tu dois depasser ma bien-aimee.

Translation: Of course though you have to get past my beloved.

Viktor: Isn't she the one who was sitting next to you with the Slytherins?

Tron: Yup thats her, Neon attends to get defensive if any girl tries to get close to me or have their way with me.

Viktor: Ooh remind me not to piss her off.

Tron: Oh trust me she's gets intense when's she mad but that's what I like about her. Though she does have a soft spot, get to know her and spend time with her Fleur and I sure you and her will get along quite well just like how she's doing with my sister.

Fleur: I will try.

Cedric came out and Rita then took Viktor with her and later Fleur and last was Tron. Rita took Tron into the closet where the two of them can be alone and talk.

Rita: First off I just want to say it's a pleasure to meet you in person Mr.P...Oh forgive me you no longer go by that name anymore. Ah yes Tron Regulus Black thats it. Such a charming name for a dashing wizard such as yourself.

Tron: I am very flattered Miss.Skeeter.

Rita: So do tell what are you concerns for the other champions that you competing with in the tournament?

Tron: Well Miss.Skeeter to answer your brilliant question, I have no concerns for the other champions I only entered the tournament to improve my skills as a wizard as well show what I have learned over the years.

Rita: Ah yes a wizard who wants to improve himself fascinating. What about fame and glory do you care for any of those?

Tron: Oh merlins name of course not, heh I mean I'm not like some power hungry crazed up lunatic like oh I don't know Dumbledore or the Potter parents. I mean have you seen those people when they are acting like they are the center of attention.

Rita: Ooh things are starting to get good here, do tell me more.

Tron: You know what, hows about we make a deal.

Rita: What kind of deal?

Tron: If I tell you such juicy and dirty secrets about certain people like I don't know the Potter parents, Dumbledore, a certain Molly Weasley along with her red head son Ronald Weasley and a book worm named Hermione Granger. If I tell you these things you have to swore on magic that you will never write a story about my sister Rose ever again, because the stuff you wrote is false.

Rita: Hmm. When you put it that way, the stories I wrote for Rose Potter aren't really selling that well, very well then. I Rita Skeeter swore on to never write a story about Rose Potter ever again for the daily prophet.

Tron: I appreciated for what you have did, now prepare to have you mind blown for the the most juiciest dark secrets that those fools I told about and never revealed to anyone until I discovered it myself.

Rita: Oh I am so ready, take it from the very beginning.

Tron: And there's no rush take your time at writing everything down. I don't want a certain famous writer such as yourself to mess up on anything.

Rita: Not only dashing but such a gentleman.

After Tron gave the information to Rita who was very pleased of what she has gotten, Tron headed back out with the other champions who needed to present their wands in order for them to compete in the tournament. Each of them presented their wands and all of them were improved for the tournament even Tron's who was custom made.

Minerva: Tron, would it be all right if we take a walk together.

Tron: Not at all Minerva, or should call you HeadMistress McGongall.

Minerva: Minerva is fine if it's just you dear.

The two of them walked out of the office and headed outside where they both talked about whats been going on these past years at Hogwarts as well as Tron's past.

Minerva: I still can't believe what Dumbledore did to you and for what James and Lily have done. How could I be so blinded to not see what they were planning.

Tron: It wasn't your fought. You didn't know what they were going to do.

Minerva: I thought we have lost you forever. I always knew you were special as well as your sister. But...having those blocks as well as your magic bonded was the most illegal thing that Dumbledore has ever done. What has happened to him?

Tron: He let power and fame cloud his mind after he defeated the first dark lord. And ever since then he wanted nothing more to be the wizards world savior so he came up with this fake prophecy to fool everyone and use either me or Rose to try to strop snake eyes which is a name for you know who, but anyway he wanted to use us as sacrifice so that if either of us died against the dark lord he would step in and kill the dark lord and take all the glory to himself. He's be plotting this from the very beginning.

Minerva: The nerve of that man. Forgive me for never being there by your side.

Tron: Of course I forgive you Minerva, your my god mother after all and Severus is my god father. I can never blame either of you for what has happened.

Minerva: I never recall Severus ever being your god father?

Tron: Nobody knows this but before they died, my grandparents of the Potter family were always fund of Severus and they treated him with such kindness and respect unlike James Potter who was spoiled brat when growing up after what they told me about him. However Severus was always the smart boy and enjoyed the thrill of potion making just like my grandmother so before they died they took it upon themselves to make Severus Snape my god father along with Remus Lupin and Tonks Lupin as my god mother just like you.

Minerva: Does Severus know about this?

I do now Minerva.(Both turned and looked to see Severus standing behind them)

Tron: Hello Severus.

Severus: Hello my godson.

Tron: Would you care to join me and Minerva for a walk.

Severus: It would be my pleasure.

And so the three walked together telling all about their years at Hogwarts as well as their personal lives and that is when Tron decided to share the hidden secret with them about Voldemort as well as the horcruxes and how he along with his crew and good friends hunted down every death eater across the land. When Tron told the two they were absolutely shocked of the news and that Voldemort was alive this whole time until Tron killed him yet again.

Minerva: this all true?

Tron: Yes everything. Voldemort was alive this whole time using dark artifacts called horcruxes which allows him to split his soul to make himself immortal.

Severus: And you were one of them.

Tron: Until I removed the soul fragment and had it destroyed. And soon one by one myself and my crew along with good friends our mine hunted down every horcrux and destroyed them.

Minerva: And then you defeated the dark lord.

Tron: I had to get some information from the death eaters using a mind reading spell. With the information I gain, I discovered where Voldemort was located in which was a graveyard and there I found Peter Pettigrew. After I found them, I stunned Pettigrew and then finished off Voldemort for good. He can no longer return.

Minerva: Does anyone else know about this?

Tron: Only those I trust know which includes you two. Rose doesn't know yet though I plan to tell her soon when the time is right. That goes for the rest of the wizarding world. Until then this must be kept secret.

Severus: I agree this is top secret information. Now that the dark lord is gone, there's no reason to panic.

Minerva: Who else knew?

Tron: Dumbledore knew. He knew about the horcruxes as well as Voldemort's survival but decided to keep his mouth shut and let things happen. However he didn't know that I would be the one to kill Voldemort or hunt down his horcruxes before he made his plans.

Minerva: By merlin. I hope that Dumbledore gets what he deserves for plotting such idiotic stunts such as this and not telling us about this information.

Tron: That's who he is, a manipulated old fool.

Severus: Indeed, I never trusted him from the start.

Tron: You both promise to keep this a secret.

Minerva: I swear on my magic I would.

Severus: So would I.

Tron: Very good, now if you both excuse there is somebody else I would like to see again.

Minerva: Would it happen to be Hagrid?

Tron: You guessed correct Minerva. I will see you both for dinner tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day. Oh and Severus I might stop by your office because I got some rare potions for you to add to you sets.

Severus: Rare potions you say, I look forward to seeing them.

Tron: I know you will.

Minerva: That boy has grown so much.(Minerva saids in thought with a smile on her face)

Tron goes to visit Hagrid when he stops and looks to see Rose being picked on Weasley and Granger while Ginny Weasley was defending Rose from the two morons. Tron hears the insults coming from the two idiots and had enough of them insulting his sister.


Ginny: Stop it Ron, she didn't do anything you are the one who needs help.

Ron: Well sooner or later she will come to her senses and be with her true friends us.

Rose: You think I would be friends with a bunch of bullies like you two think again. I am perfectly fine of where I am. Why can't you two just leave me alone?!

Hermione: Why are you acting like this Rose? Can't you see that they are brainwashing you. You should have listen to Dumbledore!

Rose: Dumbledore can go to hell for whatever I care after what I found out he was doing!


Rose: No!! I am sick and tired of you two getting or my last nerves, I'm my own person and I have the right to make my own choices.

Ginny: That's right she has the right to make her own destiny. She's not even the girl who lived it was all a lie!

Ron: Of course she's the girl who lived she defeated you know who.

Rose: No I didn't! How could a baby kill an all powerful dark wizard and young wizards and witches don't develop their magic abilities until they hit the age of five.

Ron: That's a lie!

Rose: And how would you know?! Oh let me guess your so called mother told you. No offense Ginny.

Ginny: My mother and I never got along that well so I'm used to it.


Rose: At least Ginny along with Fred, George, Percy, and Arthur have more brains then you do Ronald Weasley.

Ron: YOU REALLY ARE FILTHY SNAKE JUST LIKE THAT SO CALLED DEAD OF BROTHER OF YOURS!! And you know what I say he should have stayed dead because he nothing special just like how you are.



Ginny: I also know about the marriage contract that was placed by our mother and I have to say you and mother are sick!!! Why would I marry someone who is older than me, I'm a minor for crying out loud. I should have left home from the start and went to live with Charlie.

Rose: You two are the worst! It's no wonder I never wanted to be friends with a bunch of crazed up fame hungry bastards like you. You both make me and everyone else here sick.


Ron didn't finished his sentence as he and Hermione were grabbed by their shirts and faced with an furious and angry Tron who glared his crimson eyes upon the two idiots who pales under Rose's brother stare.

Tron: If you ever insult or lay a hand on my sister I will end you myself. I know about you two and what you did to me and mark my words I am going to bring you both down along with Dumbledore and watch you crumble. Word of advice stay away from Rose cause you try anything I will kill you or better yet I will have Berserker or DreadBot do it for me. They actually added you two as targets. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!

Tron drops the two but not before Tron punches Ron in the face where his nose gets broken and runs away with Hermione fearing for her life and everyone saw what happened and cheered for Tron while Rose smiled for her brother helping her and Ginny.

Tron: I think they would make good target practice one day. Are you all right Rose?

Rose: I am, thanks for helping me and Ginny. Oh Ginny this is my big brother Tron, the one I been telling you about.

Ginny: I know, I saw him yesterday in the great hall during the champions selection. It's nice to meet you in person Tron. I also think you over heard over conversation about the marriage contract.

Tron: Yes I did and I believe you, you had nothing to do with it. I don't blame you, though I do blame that mother of yours and Dumbledore.

Ginny: I blame them as well. My mother has been acting weird these past couple of years and always talks about fame and money behind our backs even Ron's involved. He even gets jealous of how amazing Rose is doing in school even though she wants to be like everyone else, normal.

Tron: I appreciated you being honest with me and how you are friends with Rose. And don't worry about the marriage contract I terminated it already.

Ginny: Thank goodness. Besides I am not ready for marriage and I still want to wait until I find that special someone who likes me for who I am.

Tron: That's good to know. I know you will find that special someone, its a leap of faith. Where's Neon?

Rose: She went back to the guest rooms to see how your other friends are doing. I told her I would be all right but that is when I got cornered by the two golden trio.

Tron: Is that what they call themselves? That sounds stupid.

Ginny: Stupid indeed. So where are you off too?

Tron: I was on my way to visit Hagrid, it's been a long time since I last seen him. Would you two like to company me.

Rose: I would love too!

Ginny: Sure.

The three headed out of the castle and down the green stair path which led to Hagrid's hut. They walked down and spotted the gentle man doing crops until Hagrid spotted the three coming down to see him in which Hagrid smiled at seeing the girls but smiled more of seeing Tron.

Hagrid: Is that who I think it is!

Tron: Hagrid!

Hagrid: Oh how I missed you my boy. Come and give to fellow giant a squeeze.

Tron went up to Hagrid and the two hugged each other for meeting again after so many years. Hagrid was sadden of what happened to Tron but is pleased to see the boy again even though he looks different but he is still the little boy he met all those years ago.

Hagrid: I missed you so much. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw ya.

Tron: Yea new body, new abilities but I'm still the same person you met when I was little.

Hagrid: I also see you brought Rose with ya as well as Ginny. Would you three like to come inside for some tea.

Tron: How can I refuse such an offer, girls shall we.

Rose and Ginny: Absolutely!

Tron: After you ladies.

Rose: What a gentleman.

Once inside Hagrid brought out some cookies and tea for the girls as well as Tron who appreciated the treats. Tron looked around the place and saw that nothing has changed since the last time he last visited Hagrid's hut but that was a long time ago before he changed his form and his name.

Hagrid: So how you been? It's been years since anyone has seen you and sorry for what has happened to you after seeing what you had gone through after what...well you know.

Tron: I don't like to get into the past, however I been doing quite well. I gained a new family which Sirius Black became my new father, I live in Castle Black with my new friends and my beloved Neon. I focus on my studies as well as improving my magic as well as my wandless magic.

Ginny: You can do wandless magic!

Tron: Of course I developed it before Rose was born and when it was just us two I would show her some of my magic and it made her smile.

Rose: Wow I was so young back then. Also Castle Black, what's it like?

Tron: It is magnificent Rose, you would love it. And it's bigger than Potter manor.

Rose: Wish I could live there with you. Potter manor isn't that much of a home after well my parents became fame and glory seekers and craved for attention while they dragged me everywhere so that people can take my picture or want an autograph. I never wanted any of that, but they wouldn't listen to me nor Dumbledore saying it is for the best.

Hagrid: could I follow such an old fool like him. I looked up to him and for what so he can destroy other peoples lives.

Tron: He's going to get whats coming to him soon.

Rose: I hope he does.

Tron: Also one more thing Rose, before the holidays come up i would be taking you to Gringots because I want to make sure that Dumbledore didn't put any blocks on you since they were found on me.

Rose: He better not have.

Tron: Let's just make sure.

Hagrid: Before that Tron I would need you to come with me tonight. There is something I need to show you and it involves the tournament.

Tron: Well that sounds interesting, very well I will meet you with you where exactly?

Hagrid: Meet me by the hut later on tonight after dinner and comes alone.

Tron: All right.

Night came and Tron went to dinner with his sister as well as Neon and the crew who all sat down and ate their fill. Tron informed his crew that he will be meeting with Hagrid tonight and asked to come alone but told them that he will be all right because it's something that involves the tournament. Tron meets Hagrid but the hut and soon the two of them left the hut and headed into the dark forest of which no student is aloud to go in.

Tron: So where are we doing?

Hagrid: You will see soon enough. Though it be very wise to listen because its important.

Tron: Hagrid you known me for years, I always listen.

Hagrid: Oh yea thats right you always were the good listener.

Tron: By the way, whats with the flower and Hagrid since when do you combed your hair?

Hagrid: As a matter of fact I have.

Tron: Oh wait a minute, this wouldn't have to do with a certain Headmistress of Beauxbaton that you have been eyeing on for a while now isn't it?(Tron saids with a smirk)

Hagrid: I..I have no idea what you are talking about?

Tron: You can't fool me Hagrid, I saw how you were looking at Madame Maxime during breakfast. You like her don't you.

Hagrid: Um well um....


Tron: What was that?

Hagrid!(Maxime voices saids from afar)

Tron: Oh so not only your showing me something for the tournament but you are also meeting with your lady friend aren't ya.

Hagrid: Ok it is what you say it is. However keep out of site.

Tron: With pleasure I will just hide behind the bushes.

Tron goes hides in the bushes and looks to see Hagrid meeting with Maxime where the two were having a lovely dovey conversation in which Tron will tease later to Rose about but wants to know what Hagrid wanted to show him.

Hagrid: Bonsoir Olympe.

Maxime: Oh Hagrid! I thought perhaps you won't come here. I thought perhaps you had forgotten me.

Hagrid: I couldn't forget you, Olympe.

Maxime: What is it that you wanted to show me? When we spoken earlier you sounded so exhilarated.

Hagrid: You'll be glad you came, trust me.

Hagrid brings Maxime over towards the bushes and shows her in which she gasped in shock of what she was looking at while Tron who hid behind the bushes and heard the same noises and it turned out to be dragons. Dragons are the first task of the tournament.

Tron: Dragons it had to be dragons. Well this got a whole lot interesting.(Tron saids in thought)

While Maxime got closer to see the dragons that will be in the tournament, Tron came out of the bushes and meet up with Hagrid.

Tron: So this what you wanted to show me. We are facing dragons in the first task?

Hagrid: That sounds about right Tron. But you must understand about dragons, after all they misunderstood creatures.

Tron: That I do know however there are some dragons that are...wait a minute isn't way is that a HornTail?

SCREECH!!!!!!(HornTail breathes its fire towards Hagrid and Tron)

Hagrid: Oh, crikey! Yes that it is Tron although I have to admit that HornTail is one nasty piece of work.

Tron: I can tell he looks pissed. What other dragons do they have?

Hagrid: There's the Hungarian HornTail, The Swedish Short-Snout, The Chinese Fireball, and lastly is the Common Welsh Green.

Tron: Well since I know every species of dragon in my studies I wont have any problem dealing with either one of them.

Hagrid: You sure you can handle yourself?

Tron: Hagrid, I been through tougher things than this, I can handle anything.

Hagrid: Well just watch yourself with the games.

Tron: I will, thanks for your concern.

Two weeks later...

The first task is taking place at the an small arena where everyone is gathered to watch the champions compete in the tournament. Before the tournament Tron informed each of the champions that they will be facing a dragon but don't know which one yet so they got prepared to train and learn how to face the dragons. Tron also told Rose about it in which she worries for her broth but Netro Zeus told Rose that Tron will be all right after all he is also MegaTronus their badass leader.

Tron was in the tent with the other champions who were warming up to face off against the dragons in which the three champions were nervous except for Tron who will ready to face anything in his path.

Cedric: You don't seem nervous about this task?

Tron: Why should I be? This could be a chance to improve my skills as a wizard. You guys did study the species of dragons I told you about right?

Viktor: Of course if it wasn't for the knowledge you given us we wouldn't be ready.

Fleur: Thank you for informing us. Though i never faced a dragon before.

Tron: Don't worry just try your best and use whatever you can to make sure the either which dragon does't get the upper hand. You have to be smart, quick, avoid being burned as well as avoid the claws and the teeth but also the their tails.

Cedric: Thanks for the advice Tron.

Minerva: Good day fellow champions, would you all please gather around please. Now, you're waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. At the moment only four of you can fully appreciate. Now please allow Barty Crouch Sr to present to you all the dragons that you four will be facing in the first task.

Barty Sr: Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delcacour, over here, Mr.Krum, and Black, Mr.Black, over here. Now Miss Delcacour, if you will.

Minerva: Inside this bad contains four species of dragons that you will be facing in the first task.

Barty Sr: Miss Delcaour you will be facing the Welsh Green, Mr.Krum, the Chinese FireBall ooh, Mr.Diggory, the Swedish-Short Snout, and lastly Mr.Black...

Tron: I knew it, the HornTail.(Tron saids in thought as he pulls out a mini HornTail dragon out of the bag)

Barty Sr: The Hungarian Horntail. These represent four very real dragons each of which is given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue, without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?

Tron: Are there any rules for this task?

Barty Sr: Excellent questions Mr.Black, I afraid there are no rules, do what you must to collect the egg use any means necessary.

Minerva: Very well, good luck to you champions. Mr.Diggory at the sound of the cannon, you may...


Minerva: Never mind, you may proceed.

Tron: Good luck to you Cedric.

Cedric: Thank, you too.(Cedric saids and takes his leaves to face off against his dragon)

Minerva: Tron, will you be all right?

Tron: I will be fine, Minerva trust me.

Minerva: Very well. Good luck to you.(Minerva saids and leaves the tent along with Barty Sr)

Tron waits with the other two champions and soon one by one each of them went out to face their dragons and each one of them has collected their eggs and proceeded to the next task. Now it was Tron's turn to face his dragon.

Minerva(Mic): Three of our champions have face their dragons and move onto the next task. And now our final champion will come forth and face his dragon.

Tron: Time for some dragon ass kicking.(Tron saids in thought while cracking his knuckles)

Tron heads down and into the arena where everyone was cheering for his name. He looked around and saw his sister sitting next to Neon and the guys who were also cheering for him to win. Tron smiled at his sister and promised her that he will be all right.

Everyone: TRON! TRON! TRON! TRON! TRON!....


Tron looks towards his left and spotted the golden egg but thanks to his senses he knows the dragon is close until he saw a tail coming towards him in which he did a backflip and dodged the sneak attack. He then spotted the HornTail starring at him.


Tron: Whoah! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.(Tron saids and dodged the flames)

Tron uses his reflexes was able to avoid the dragons tail as well as its fire while the crowd watches from on top. Rose was praying that her brother will be all right with Neon keeping her calm.


Tron: Étoile f brillante!

Tron shoots a light spell at the dragon that blinds it for a while giving Tron a chance to get close to the egg. He read about that HornTails weakness is that their eyes are blinded by too much light causing them to loose focus. Tron makes his way towards the egg when he gets hit with the dragons tail and into the rocks.


Everyone: GASP!

Tron: Argh....that's going to leave a mark.

Tron got up from the ground and looked to see the spell wearing off the dragon. The Horntail regained his sight again and went on to the attack once more.

Mohawk: Come on boss, wipe the floor with this scaly son of bitch!

Hermione: Gasp! Language!!!

Netro Zeus: Oh fuck you, you bushy hair flat ass bitch!

Rose and her friends: Hahahahahaha!

Mohawk: Yea you mess with me you mess with all of us!

In the other stands Lily along with James watch Tron use spells that they never seen before against the dragon where they see him using some kind of water spell that shot out of the wand and blasted the dragon into the stones followed by a stone spell that made the beast tremble to the ground.

James: Where is merlins name did he learn those spells? We never taught him any of those?

Lily: We never taught him anything James....we didn't do anything for him all those years only when he was younger and before that prophecy came into our lives.

James: I am going to have a word with him.

Lily: James don't...just don't. He's an adult now and he doesn't need us anymore. He's not our son anymore...

James: Tsk....

When Tron was about to shoot another spell the dragon knocks hits his wand out of his hand and pushes him back into the rocks and then unleashed its fire upon Tron that left everyone even Rose in horror.

Everyone: GASP!!!!

Rose: NOOOOO!!!!!!!

Neon: He will be fine, Rose trust him.

Rose: But...but....

Stinger: Have faith in your brother, trust us your brother knows what he is doing just watch.

When the smoke began to clear all of sudden a glowing light was showing from the smoke where the dragon unleashed its fire on Tron until the beast heard some strange sound until it gets blasted away.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Weapon sound effect)

Out of the rubble came Tron in his MegaTronus form that left the whole crowd in shock like weeks ago while Rose showed tears of happiness that her brother was all right. The crew cheered on for their boss.

MegaTronus: You should have never pissed me off.

Tron's Crew: WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! GET EM BOSS!!!!

MegaTronus: I AM MEGATRONUS!!!!!

Everyone watches in awe of MegaTronus beating the crap out of the dragon that was now feared by the sheer size of MegaTronus. MegaTronus punches and kicked the dragon to kingdom come in which made the crowd cheered with greatness.


Netro Zeus: Now this is a fight!

Daphne/Pansy/Rose/Ginny: HE'S INCREDIBLE!!!!

Neon: That's my beloved.

Draco: My father would not believe this.

Blaise: Go Tron Go!


In the stands Minerva and Severus were in shock of what they were seeing but then again they were impressed of what Tron can do in such a magnificent form and not just them but also Igor and Maxime were in awe of such talent and strength. The champions jaws were dropped to the ground of seeing their fourth member destroy his dragon in his metal form and still having a hard time believing Tron can turn into something so powerful. The arena went silent when they look to see the dragon down for the count and MegaTronus victorious.

MegaTronus: You put up a good fight, but not good enough to beat me. So do my a favor, and lay there to replenished your strength. While I claim what I came out here to get.

MegaTronus changes back into Tron and collects the egg as well as his wand that he picked up before leaving the arena while the crowd cheer for him and his win while Rose cheered the loudest that made Tron smile seeing his sister congratulating him on his win and now he can proceed to the next task.

Minerva(Mic): Our final champion has completed his task and collect the egg, now he proceeds to the next task along with the other champions.

Tron heads into the tent and get hounded by his crew and Neon smashing her lips onto Tron's which he excepts.

Neon: Congratulations love!

Netro Zeus: Nice going boss.

Mohawk: MegaTronus kicked that sorry dragons butt to the next week, hahahaha!

Berserker: Sucks you didn't kill it.

Tron: Berserk really?

Berserker: Just saying it would be cool to see.

DreadBot(Sign Language): You did magnificent great leader.

Tron: Thanks Dread.

TRON! TRON! TRON!(Tron looks to see Rose running inside and jumps into her brother arms with joy)

Tron: Hahahahahaha! I told you I would be all right Rose.

Rose: I know, though don't do something like again please.

Tron: I will. I am happy that you cheered me on though.

Rose: Of course I would, your my brother.

Stinger: Didn't I tell you Rose, nothing stops your brother. He's our leader and a very wise and strong one at that.

Tron: Thank you, all of you.

Rose: So whats the clue?

Tron: I just got the egg Rose, I will solve it out sooner or later.

Neon: In the mean time hows about we celebrate your win.

Mohawk: Oh yea Decepticons are going to party!

Rose: Can I join and can i bring my friends too.

Tron: Of course you can Rose, besides I haven't met your other friends yet.

Rose: Thank you big brother.

Tron: Anytime sister.

WHERE IS HE?!!!! I AM WANT TO HAVE TALK WITH HIM!!!(An argent voice was heard in which was known other than James Potter)

Lily: James stop!

James: There you are! Now listen here, you are going to come home and you are going to....

James didn't finished his sentence as Tron unleashed a huge punch to the mans face where he went flying out of the tent and into a pile of dragon dun.

Tron: I'm sorry did you say something? I couldn't hear you?

Lily: JAMES?!!!(Lily screams and heads out to help her idiot husband)

Rose: Wow...that was awesome!!!! Can you train me in combat as well.

Tron: Of course after we go to Gringots and have you sorted out.

Rose: Ok.

Cedric: Hey did any one you see Professor Potter go flying out of the tent and landed in dragon dun?(Cedric saids while coming into the tent along with the other two champions)

Tron: Yea he tried to get into my face so I punched him.

Cedric: Oh. Nice punch.

Rose: We are on our way to celebrate Tron's victory would you and the other champions like to join us.

Viktor: It would be my honor.

Fleur: I would be delighted to attend.

Tron: Maybe also we can see what the clue is. Though best not to open the egg because heck knows it could be something bad.

Cedric: Good idea.

And so the four champions celebrated their victories together and Tron got to meet some of other Rose's friends like Fred and George Weasley who were pranksters of Hogwarts which both got along well with Netro Zeus and Mohawk. Then Tron met Seamus and Neville who were good people though sometimes Seamus can cause explosions during classes but always gets help from Rose. Tron was happy that he gets to chat with actually normal people and not ones who crave for attention and glory and was pleased to be with Rose again and soon she will no longer be a Potter not after Tron takes her to Gringots to get her inheritance test and have her change into a member of the Black family.

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