Chapter 1: Champions Selected!
Tron's Pov:
I finally done it, I defeated the so called dark lord once again after destroying all of his horcrux's and slain his minions meaning that my plans are coming together. It's been months since myself along with my crew and those who I was still friends with before I change into what I am hunted down and destroyed every death eater known to man while the others were sent to Askaban who decided to not fight or just couldn't bring themselves to face someone like me or my crew. I got my revenge on the one who believed in such a ridiculous prophecy as well as killed the one who was both mine and my sisters care taker. I still think about my sister and I plan to take her with me once the truth of Dumbledore's plans come to light. I knew that old fool couldn't be trusted not after what he did to me and not just him but my so called former mother and father in which if I saw James Potter again I will snap his neck.
Over the past months I gain new powers and my magic has become even stronger than any wizard that came before. I was happy, I gain a new family, a father who loves me and I also gain a lover in which both me and Neon got together and it was like love at first sight. She's got my back and I have hers. I grew close to the rest of the Decepitcons and I treated each of them like my brothers, brothers I couldn't ask for and actually have working brains even if some of them want to go on a rampage and kill some more. Anyway word got out that the Tridewizard tournament in starting and since my father Sirius Black told me all about this tournament I knew that I would somehow be part of it and I get the feeling that Dumbledore is planning to have my sister compete in the tournament but she is not of age because only those under the age of seventeen can compete. Then I also got word that Moody will be attending Hogwarts as defense against the dark arts but that is impossible because Moody was kidnapped by Barty Crotch Jr meaning that Moody going to Hogwarts is Barty probably using a potion to make him look like the real Moody and keeping the real one somewhere which I tend to find after words. Thanks to our spies we got a lot of good information of what is going to happen in Hogwarts.
So it was time to get prepared for the journey, myself and my crew are ready and if those medially fools try anything well they are in for a rude awakening and I will not allow that old fool with too many names get in my head because my mind is head strong and can now withstand anything including mind reading. Though I think I should share my story with the other students and teachers who don't follow Dumbledore and show them how I became what I am and how those bastard Potters minus my sister took everything from me as well as show them how the Dursley's ruined my life before abandoning me in the desert.
Inside castle Black, Tron along with his crew were getting ready to leave because the tournament selecting of champions was said to begin today and Tron knows that his sister would be in danger. Tron knows that someone basically Barty Jr will put his name in Goblet of Fire since Voldemort was defeated by Tron when he was still Miles Potter years ago but not anymore. What Jr doesn't know is that his leader was already dead as well as the others who served the dark lord in which Barty still thinks that he is serving his master.
Sirius: So your going with your plan.
Tron: I am, though I think it would be fun to play along with Dumbledore's little game. He still doesn't know of what is going on nor doesn't know that the dark lord is already dead. I cannot wait until his plans crumble into dust.
Mohawk: Hey boss, if those bastards try anything foolish can I kill them.
Tron: We will save that as a last option if things go well but if not you can do what you please.
Mohawk: Oh hell yea!
Onslaught: Hope these fuck faces have bigger doors at that school whatever its called.
Tron: I will make some improvements my brother don't worry about it.
Nitro Zeus: Oh yea I been waiting for a good ass kicking for months now! I mean those little death eaters didn't even put up much of a good fight but it was fun to see them get blasted all over the place.
Neon: My love, if any girls come near you I will not hesitate to snap their pretty little necks. You are mine and only mine.
Tron: I appreciated your concern beloved and don't worry you are the only one I truly love and care for.
Sirius: I can already see you two married as it is. You will make a fine bride for house Black.
Neon: I thank you for your compliment sir Black.
Berserker: Brother how are we going to get to this Hogwarts?
Tron: I will most likely be summoned there through a portal but as for the rest of you take my portkey it will transport you all to my location of where I might end up.(Tron saids and hands Neon the portkey which is a sword)
Neon: Understood beloved.
Remus: Good luck Tron, and also do give some of those idiotic fools a good scare.
Tron: Oh I will and I was already planning on coming there in my cybertronian form anyway.
Tonks: Take care sweetie, also if the tournaments get intense go completely nuts and win them.
Tron: I will try not to show off too much aunty.
Sirius: Before you leave, I have something here for you and Neon help create it with me. I know you don't use one since you have wandless magic but they might ask that if you have one so me and Neon made you this customized wand that is also half cybertronian. It is made from strong magical wood and the core is fire drake.(Sirius saids and hands a customized wand for Tron)
Tron: Thank you father, and thank you as well my love. I think this would suite me great and I will probably use it if needed.
Netro Zeus: So when is this portal thing suppose to take you to that school?
Tron: My former name should be coming out of the goblet in about an hour. There are other champions that are being selected so might as well wait until an hour is up and soon a portal seal will appear under my feet and it will take me to Hogwarts.
Sirius: While there try to to find out where Barty Jr is keeping Moody our spies couldn't find him anywhere in the castle but I am sure you could.
Tron: I know can, Moody has been a great mentor to me for years.
Tron gave his father along with Remus and Tonks hugs while his crew get ready and change into the robot forms along with Tron changing into his MegaTronus form and await for him to be summoned to Hogwarts.
MegaTronus: It is time for Dumbledore to know what real fear looks like and what ultimate power is all about. I will show those fools not to mess with me and I will take back what they have stolen from me....Rose I am coming and I am brining you home.
A lot has happened at this school for past couple years now in which a teacher was possessed by a dark being but was slain during first year then in second year a giant snake that hid underground and attacked students was also slain and the cause of these events were done by known other than Rose Evans Potter daughter of James and Lily Potter. Rose grew over the years but sometimes she thinks that something was missing from her life like someone she knew for years but vanished without a trace. Many think that she was the savior of the wizard world but to her she was just Rose because how could a baby defeat an all powerful dark lord and magical children don't get their magic abilities when they reach to the age of five. Her parents became craved with fame and money and Rose didn't want any of that she just wanted to be normal like the other young wizards and witches.
When she got her Hogwarts letter she was happy and excited to go to school. On the train ride to school she met some interesting people who became good friends with her while some just wanted her because she was the girl who lived. Those who she became friends with and treat her like a normal person were Draco Malfoy, Daphne GreenGrass, Pansy Parkinson, Fred and George, Ginny Weasley, Luna LoveGood, Neville LongBottom, Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyal, and Hagrid. Those who treated her like a prize and wanted her attention were Hermione Granger a total nut case and bookworm and then there is Ronald Weasley who thinks that he and her are made for each other like Dumbledore saids. Rose found Ron and Hermione annoying and wouldn't leave her alone but with her true friends they got them to back away from her. For her house sorting she has to choose either RavenClaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Slytherin. The hat told her that she would do marvelous in RavenClaw or Slytherin since Gryffindor had those who see her as nothing more than the chosen one so Rose chose to be sorted in Slytherin which made her parents not only shocked but furious.
They tried to get her resorted but the hat made his decision and that Rose is a Slytherin since she has a soft spot for reptiles. James wouldn't allow his daughter to be in a house filled with slimy snakes but Lily loved her daughter and trusts her decision even if she wasn't sorted in her mothers house. Rose became very fond of her house and the friends she made with her fellow classmates as well as the head house Severus Snape and Gryffindor's headmistress Minerva McGongall. Rose liked helping her classmates and other students but when it came to the two golden trio(Ron and Hermione) they insulted her for being a traitor and a slimy snake and even sometimes bully her but with her friends they kept her safe. Ginny hated how her brother treated Rose and would often slap him in the face for being an asshole which Rose thanks her for doing it. Rose has accomplished a lot in her past third years in school and now she was in her fourth year in the time of the tournament.
The tournament is contest that brings three schools for dangerous and challenging events that only one will win eternal glory. The two schools from across the world arrived in which Beauxbatons academy of magic and Durmstrang. Now everyone is gathered in the great hall where Dumbledore with too many names was giving out his speech that the champion selection is about to begin.
Rose(Whisper): Who do you think is going be selected?
Daphne(Whisper): I am voting on that it would Viktor Krum from Durmstrang.
Draco(Whisper): I agree on Krum.
Dumbledore: Sit down please. Now the moment you all have been waiting for! The champion selection.
Dumbledore circles around the goblet with the blue flame to see what happens and the next thing everyone sees was the flame turning pink meaning a champion is about to be selected.
A small paper with a name flies out of the goblet of fire and Dumbledore catches it and reads the name written on the slip.
Dumbledore: The Durmstrang champion is, Viktor Krum!
Krum's school mates and the Hogwarts students clapped for the first champion that was selected and Dumbledore had Krum stand to the front to await the other champions to be called next.
The next champion that came out of the goblet had a blue paper that looked like it belong to a female student and Dumbledore took the slip and read the name.
Dumbledore: The champion of Beauxbatons is miss Fleur Delacour!
Fleur from Beauxbatons got up from her seat next to her classmates who cheered with joy for her along with the others who clapped for the young witch and goes to stand with Krum while Dumbledore attends to the next champion that is being selected. The next paper came out and Dumbledore read it and it belong to a Hogwarts champion.
Dumbledore: The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!
All of Hogwarts even Rose cheered for her friend who was selected as the champion to compete in the tournament and now with Cedric standing next to Krum and Fleur, the three champions have now been selected.
Dumbledore: Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end only one will go down in history only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory, The Tridewizard Cup!(Dumbledore saids while pointing at a glowing cup that gets revealed)
While everyone was clapping, Severus was looking at the goblet of fire and it was acting up that caught the attention of Dumbledore as well as everyone else. Dumbledore looked at the goblet and saw it was changing from blue to shades of red instead of the pinkish color like before and it was shooting out electrical bolts that got the students frightened but stop when a paper came out of the fire and Dumbledore caught it and read the name to himself that made his eyes widen in pure shock.
Dumbledore: can't be.......I thought he was....
Dumbledore started to have flashbacks on whose name he just read. It was a name of a person he thought have died when he came to visit the Dursleys years ago but came to see the house on fire and the Dursleys killed like they were shot with something that was unknown to the old wizard. When he told the Potters of what happened they just simply shrugged it off and never spoken it to anyone not even Rose who does not known but soon will. The only ones who knew what happened were Minerva and Snape, Dumbledore knew those two had a connection with the name of the person that was set to be dead and forgotten but now the name has been revealed meaning that same person is still alive.
Dumbledore: M....M....P...Pot....
Barty Sr: Dumbledore what is it? Whose name is on that paper that came out of the goblet?
Dumbledore: Potter.
Rose: WHAT?!!!(Rose saids in thought while in shock but stops when she hears the full name)
Dumbledore: MILES POTTER!!!
The hall was in silent until James and Lily stood tall in absolute shock as well as Minerva, Severus, and Hagrid but also Rose who knew that name and it was the name of her lost forgotten brother who thought he left and never came back like her parents told her.
Miles Potter?
There is another Potter in the family?
I didn't know Rose Potter had a brother?
How come we didn't know about him? Was he kept hidden from our world?
Everyone started to whisper to each other about the mysterious Potter while Rose was being comfort by her friends who was about to break down finding out that he brother she thought was gone forever was still around but where has he been all these years and why didn't her parents tell her anything about him. James grew pale after finding out that he former son was still alive and thought he was gone forever while Lily broke down that her once called son her first born was alive but could she bring herself to even face him after what has happened over the years and she thought that he died along with her sister.
Draco: Rose, whose is he? Miles Potter?
Rose: He.....he was my big brother......the first born son of the Potter family.
Crabbe and Goyal: You had an older brother!
Daphne: Another Potter but how come we don't know about him? Why hasn't anyone not even your parents talk about him.
Rose: They told me that he vanished years ago and was never seen again. I only remember a little bit about him but nothing else I was so young to remember.
Minerva: ALBUS!!!! What is the meaning of this?!!! I thought you said that boy died in the fire along with his relatives!!!
Everyone and Rose: WHAT?!!!!!
Dumbledore: I thought so too but his name came out of the goblet meaning that he could be...alive somehow.
Rose: Mom, dad I thought you told me my brother vanished?! Was that a lie, where has my brother been all this time!!!
James: Rose, honey it was for the best....
Rose: What are you talking about?
James: The day you were chosen as the girl who lived we decided to send your brother to your mothers sister's home while we train you and give you comfort.
Rose: You abandoned him....just because of what people thought what I was....
Lilly: Your brother became a squib after you know who came, he had low magic and couldn't produce any magic. Dumbledore saids so himself after he met him. We knew that you had magic after you did those amazing little magic tricks and Miles he thought he was doing them but it was you sweetie.
Severus: That is ridiculous, magical children don't develop their magical abilities at the age of five and I should know because I was there when Miles Potter was performing his magic even Minvera has seen what the boy was capable of.
James and Lily lowered their heads in shame because maybe they were too hard on the boy and they remembered what they did to him including the abuse and the abandonment. Lily broke down into more tears while James looked broken. Minerva was furious and not just her but Hagrid, Severus and those who know Miles Potter were also angry.
Rose: What?
Severus: Your aunt miss Potter is a magical hatting muggle who despise anything magic related including your mother cause of her jealousy. Dumbledore I should have known better to have you put that boy into those abusive peoples hands.
Rose: MOM!!!! You left him at the hands of those awful people who knows what they could have done to him!!!
Lily: I...I didn't know.....
Rose: Didn't know or just decided to shrugged it off like Miles didn't mean anything to you.
Hermione: Rose!
Hermione: Gulp.......(Hermione shuts her mouth while in fear)
Minerva: If he is alive, then we must bring him here. He's got to be around in his young adult years since he was born in the seventy's. Maybe twenty or twenty one by now.
Severus: It is a possibility. Though we do not know how he would react, it has been years since we last saw him.
Flitwick: Should we perform a summoning circle?
Minerva: Yes please do.
Dumbledore: My dear I don't think that would be...
Minvera: You stay out of this! You know damn well I loved that boy with all my heart.
Soon the professors minus Dumbledore, James and Lily performed the summoning circle in the great hall to have the one known as Miles Potter appear to them in person. Rose was shaking that she was going to see her big brother again but wants to hear his side of the story on what really happened to him. When the circle was finished, the circle started to float into the air towards the lanterns that were still lit and then a portal appeared within the circle.
Minerva: He should be coming through any moment.
The all of sudden everyone started to see something coming through meaning that the person that they have been waiting was arriving now but then the hall went silent when they looked to see something massive and gigantic coming out of the portal and landing on top of the goblet of fire itself and once the light cleared everyone eyes widen like dinner plates but also showed signs of fear and terror of what just appeared in front of them that was over thirty feet tall and had a mean look as well as looking like a giant suit of armor but scary looking.
Megatronus: It seems that I have been summoned.
Dumbledore: Dear Merlin........
Admittedly everyone in the hall panicked and got up from their seats and moved towards the front where the champions are standing who had their eyes widen of the being that appeared in front of them.
Barty Sr: Oh my..........
Flitwick: That's what the summoning circle did!
Lily: Wait you mean that....this...this is Miles. What has happened to him?!!!
James: Oh my god.....(fainted)
Dumbledore: This is impossible?!!! How could the boy become something this powerful it doesn't make any sense!!!!(Dumbledore saids in thought while in fear)
Rose couldn't believe what she heard or see this giant metal being was her brother but he looked nothing what she remembered she must know what really happened to him she has missed him so much and refuse to let him go again. Rose stood and walked towards MegaTronus while he was eyeing everyone in the room until his eyes landed on Rose.
MegaTronus: This aura I sense, it's her it's my little sister. She's grown and sorted in Slytherin not bad sister not bad.(MegaTronus saids in thought)
Lily: Rose come back here!
Rose didn't listen to her mother and just kept walking towards the giant metal warrior until their eyes met with each other. Megatronus kneel down to meet Rose's height and looked upon the young witch.
Rose: B..big brother.
MegaTronus: Hello my dear sister, I have missed you very much. I am so sorry for not being there for you and the only thing kept me going was your spirit. You have grown into very gifted young witch I am very impressed.
Rose: What has happened to you? Why do you look like this?
MegaTronus: I will share my tale with you as well as the others except for those I do not like.
Minerva: Is it really you....
MegaTronus: Hello Minerva it's a been a long time and I see you are doing well Severus. Still the potion master I see.
Severus: Where have you been all this time? What is this form that you took on its like nothing I ever seen before?
Dumbledore gasp in shock that this being was indeed Miles Potter but he was so much more powerful even his magic was stronger but the old fool didn't know how the boy gain such power after he put those blocks on the boy before his parents sent him off to the Dursleys just how did he achieve this is beyond him.
Rose: Why didn't you come back?
MegaTronus: Guess the old fool and those so called parents never really told anyone about what happened to me or why I never been seen.
Rose: They said that they sent you away because you were a squib and that you were brought into mom's magical hating sister.
MegaTronus: That is actually true but for me being a squib was LIE.
Dumbledore: Now my boy I don't think you should...
MegaTronus: BE SILENT YOU WRETCHED OLD MAN OR I SHALL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!!!(MegaTronus saids while aiming his blaster at Dumbledore who looked like he just crapped his pants)
Minerva: Of course you were not a squib you had magic all this time.
MegaTronus: Then why did I find out my magic was bonded and had many blocks on me. I went to gringotts and found that I had magical blocks put on me and my money stolen and they were under the names of Albus Dumbledore.
Everyone: WHAT?!!!!
Rose: Your magic was blocked....
MegaTronus: That's right blocked but luckily I removed them so my magic retuned to me but I did that after I gain myself this new form I took on.
New form?
What happened to his original form?
Something tell us that we are about to find out.
Minerva: What really happened to you please I would want to know no matter how horrible it is?
Rose: I want to know as well.
MegaTronus: Very well but I will only show those who would know what I have been through my whole life and how I became what I am. And no Dumbledore you and the Potters bastard of parents don't deserve to see what I went through.
Lily: S...son...
MegaTronus: I am no longer your son. You made it clear after you and that bastard of husband of yours decided to disown me from the Potter family in return I gain a new name and a new family who loves and cares for me unlike you two.
Lily looked down in sadness that her no once her son was right she and James disowned him from the Potter family long ago and took some of his money and gave it to Rose and the kept the rest for themselves.
MegaTronus: What I am about to show you all is not a happy childhood more like torment and abuse and left for dead. Paysage mental de la memoire!
MegaTronus said the spell that will allow everyone the fools to see and watch the boy's life from the beginning to the end. They saw the memories of him doing magic at young age and loved by many, saw him being there for his baby sister Rose of which the girl cried in joy that her brother loved her. Soon saw the scene with Voldemort and Rose's brother shielding her from the dark lord with his magic that left everyone in shock that Rose wasn't the savior but her brother was meaning that Miles Potter was true savior and Dumbledore lied to everyone about it. The next thing they saw was the abuse from the Potters who treated the boy will disgust and shoved as well as beaten him that made everyone sick to their stomach but more sick when they saw him being treated like a house elf at the Dursleys and thrown under the stairs while doing their chores and watching his cousin and his minions beat him until he couldn't breath. Soon came when they saw him being shoved into a sack before getting beaten by his uncle and left for dead in the hot sandy desert in Egypt.
Rose saw her brother trying to survive for so long with hardly any food nor water nor magic since it was blocked. She cried at seeing her big brother so broken and injured that she grew to hate her family now and Dumbledore as well as the Dursleys. Everyone else even the two schools felt upset and shocked about what has happened to the missing Potter child and how he went through so much and yet kept himself alive all this time. However they saw that he was on the brink of death for spending nearly four years in the desert while the other remaining years were abused by his relatives, Rose was crying her eyes out that her brother was going to die until she and everyone else saw him making a huge discovery that left all of them in complete shock. They saw him finding a giant metal body that looked nothing like something a muggle could built, they all saw him digging the body out of the sand and made a huge risk in which he drew out a symbol on the metal bodies head with his own blood and the next thing they all saw was Rose's brother's body turning into dust and his soul and magic being transported into a new body.
Tron decided to leave out the death eater and Voldemort part for later until the time comes to reveal that secret but showed the others on how he gain a new family with Sirius Black who became his new father along with Remus and Tonks Lupin which earned smiles to everyone even Rose that her brother found love in a family. Soon the spell wore off and everyone came back out of their thoughts.
MegaTronus: Now you all see what really happened to me.
Dumbledore: I ask that you show me what you show....
Minerva: YOU BASTARD!!!!
Barty Sr: Everything you said was a lie this whole time!!!
MegaTronus: He also lied about the prophecy, there was no prophecy it was all a shame for him to gain more power. Which would explain the blocks he put on me, he wanted to use me as a weapon and mold me into what he thought I was probably do the same thing to Rose.
Rose: I trusted you Dumbledore! You left my brother to die and look what you did!!! You and my parents ruined him!!!
MegaTronus: I am actually glad I am not part of their family anymore. Though I still like having you as my sister Rose. Your spirit kept me going all these years. I never forgotten about you Rose never.
Rose: Are you going to be like this forever.
MegaTronus: I am afraid so but not only I gain this new body but I also gain a new human body one that is better than my old one.
Minerva: Would you mind changing into your human form because this form is frightening the younger students.
MegaTronus: Why of course.
Soon a light engulfed Tron's body where everyone shielded their eyes from until Tron started to shrink down to human size and once the light dyed down everyone got a look at Tron's new human body that made a lot of girls even Rose blush at the site they were seeing.
Tron: This is what I look like now. However my name is now Tron. Tron Regulas Black son of Sirius Black and heir to the black family.
Girls: OH MY GOSH HE LOOKS SO HOT!!!/THOSE EYES!/THOSE MUSCLES!/THAT WHITE HAIR!/OOH AND THAT SMOOTH VOICE OF HIS!❤️(All said in thought while blushing and having nose bleeds at seeing Tron's appearance)
Rose: Even though he's my brother he looks so handsome!!!❤️(Rose saids in thought while blushing)
Severus: Very impressive, you gain a new body and your magic is stronger than ever.
Tron: Thank you for your kind words Severus.
Minerva: I have missed you so much my dear.(Minerva saids with tears and hugs Tron)
Tron: I missed you too Minerva.
Barty Sr: Albus Dumbledore I am sorry to say this but as an auror of the Ministry of Magic I am going to have to place you under arrest for deceiving, spilling lies, stealing, as well as manipulation and your sentence will be discussed in court. Auror's take him away.(Barty Sr saids as auror's pointed their wands and grabbed Dumbledore)
Tron: Greater good my ass. You just wanted power and now you just lost it and you wanna know something else.
Dumbledore: What?
Tron(Whisper): I foiled all your plans long ago and also Voldemort is dead for good this time after all I was the one who hunted down his horcrux's and his minions and the stuff you put on me I got rid of it including that marriage contract. Soon all the truth will be revealed and you will gain nothing. The first dark lord should have killed you long ago since you allow power and money cloud your mind. Bye bye..
Dumbledore's whole face turn white like a ghost that all his plans for the Potters children has crumbled to the ground and now he couldn't do anything and unknown to him was that Tron took the elder wand without him knowing and hid it inside his pocket. Soon the auror's took the old fool away leaving everything silent in the hall.
Rose: Never leave me again big brother.(Rose saids and hugs her brother with tears)
Tron: I promise to never leave your side Rose. I am happy that you are doing all right.
Barty Sr: Mr.Pot...I mean Mr.Black rules stand that you are still a champion and you must compete in the tournament.
Tron: I know that because I want to compete, I been itching for some action for months now. I don't really care for enteral glory I just like to test out my abilities and skills that I master over the years.
Barty Sr: Very well, Minerva McGongall as of this moment you are now HeadMistress of Hogwarts.
Minerva: I except this position. I think it's time for a change around here.
Lily: Son please can we just....
Tron: You lost the right to call me that. You and that deadbeat landing on the ground are no longer my parents and I am no longer your blood. Sirius Black is my father now and my family, you are not. If you and James Potter here or any of your friends try to force me to do what you want well myself and my crew will deal with you personally.
Rose: Your crew?
Tron: Oh that is something that I forgot to mention, you see that mental body I found in the desert wasn't the only thing I found. I found other metal beings with souls like ours, I revived them and I treated them like my own siblings except for one who is my lover.
Rose: Can I meet them.
Tron: Actually they are already here.
Tron: And that would be them. Decepitcons reveal yourselves!!
Rose: Decep what now?
Soon the hall door opened and came into more beings like Tron and many of them were fearsome and large as well as looking to kill. The small green one walked in first and introduce himself.
Mohawk: What up little fellas! Man this place sure one heck of dump hahaha!
Tron: Meet Mohawk.
Mohawk: Man do any of you people ever dust this place geez.
The next one that came in was vicious that made a lot of younger students scared and the others try to hold back their fear.
DreadBot: SCREECH!!!
Tron: DreadBot or Dread for short, he's not much of a talker but he can communicate with sign language. Just don't piss him off and you might live to regret it. However this next guy here likes to party and he's also like the brother I never had.
Nitro Zeus: Hows it going Hogwarts, Nitro Zeus is in the house! This looks like good place to kick it.
Rose: I like him.
Tron: He's cool around others and likes to party. However this one here don't mess with him because he can do something far worse than Dread.
Berserker: You little bastards try anything and I will SUCK YOUR BRAINS GRAAA!!!!
That made everyone nod in agreement and that they will not dare mess with Berserker at all not even DreadBot.
Tron: Easy Berserker.
Berserker: I am just giving them warning.
Berserker: You got something to say you little WORM!
Hermione: No......
Berserker: Heh I thought so.
Tron: The big green one right there is Onslaught.
Onslaught: Finally they have a bigger door!
Tron: He's not a fan of tight spaces. This right here is Stinger, he and I train together in combat.
Stinger: Greetings.
Rose was in awe of this cybertronian and admired his appearance in which Stinger looked to see Rose looking at him with amazement and gave the girl a wave who smiled and waved back. Tron can see that Rose and Stinger will get along quite well.
Tron: Last but not least is the love of my life and soon to be future bride of the black family. Say hello to my beloved, Neon.
Neon: Any of you dare harm my beloved in any way then you will have to answer to me!(Neon saids while cracking her metal knuckles)
Pansy(Whisper): I like her.
Daphne(Whisper): A woman with a strong back bone or metal back bone.
Tron: As you can see me and my crew here wont hesitate to use lethal force if anyone tries to force me to do whatever they pleased and if those who bring harm to Rose well you will get the answer.
Minerva: Tron did...
Tron: No muggles didn't built them they are from a race that was long forgotten they are the last of their kind and they are not from anyone nor the wizarding world nor the muggle world.
Severus: How is that possible?
Tron: Sorry but that is top secret and I promised them that I will not reveal their home nor their heritage.
Barty Sr: Do they do what you can do Mr.Black?
Tron: Change into human form yes they can. Guys if you all would.
Decepticons: Right boss!
The Decepticons did the same thing as Tron did and later every one of them were in their human forms that left the whole great hall in shock and awe while some were blushing again at how and hot and attractive they boys looked and how awesome Neon looked as a human.
Rose: Whoah they look awesome! But Stinger wow he...he looks so so oh wow he looks hot.~(Rose saids in thought while blushing at Stinger who winked at her that increased her blush)
Minerva: Interesting they have the ability to do that. Though I think everyone here has seen enough and it's getting late. Myself and Severus will be happy to show you to the guest rooms we have the castle for you and your friends here.
Tron: Most appreciated. Rose we can talk some more later on.
Rose: All right seen you soon big brother.
Minerva: All prefects please escort your houses back to their dormitories, classes are due tomorrow so be ready for them. Champions will be asked to join in the office later on in the evening tomorrow for interviews.
Tron: Great just what I needed interviews.(Tron saids in thought)
Everyone began to leave the great hall after what they have experienced and finding out the truth of what Dumbledore and the Potters did though they don't blame Rose because she didn't have anything to do what they did to her brother. The fake Moody aka Barty Jr was in deep trouble now and he hasn't got any word from his master nor his allies in months now meaning something is trembling wrong and now that Tron is here with his crew it would make his plans crumble. The two idiots Hermione and Ron were terrified of seeing Roses's brother in person and not just him but his crew who brought shivers down their spines if they ever try to pick a fight with them. Lily was shocked that Tron her former son had a new life and a new family but who couldn't blame her she was never there for him and abandoned him for a fake prophecy that Dumbledore created and now she lost her daughter who despises her and her father who is still out cold.
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