Chapter 61 - Carrer advice
Megan woke up anxious. She soon understood she wouldn't get back to sleep so she went to the window and sat on the sill, like she often did when she wanted to think. The weather was very clear. Megan wasn't sure what could compensate what she's seen in Snape's mind, but it couldn't make it worse... could it? She was sure there was some reason... some excuse for his attitude. Her parents couldn't have been so antagonistic to each other...
Her eye was suddenly caught by something below. She squinted her eyes, and spotted Hagrid coming out from the Forbidden forest. She also noticed he was limping. She frowned. What was he up to? It sounded like he didn't want too many people knowing... and that worried her. If Umbridge so much as heard a hint of him acting against the law, she would kick him out with no remorse whatsoever... Smoke came from his cabin, so she assumed he wasn't too badly injured.
She sighed and turned to pull on her clothes. She hadn't expected to have a restful day, but Hermione spent every moment she could trying to talk her out of going.
"If she catches you, she'll not only expel you but I expect she'll force Veritaserum on you so you'll have to tell her anything she wants to know!" she hissed in History of Magic.
All through the morning she hissed dire warnings at them. Potions was, as Megan had expected, not as terrible as she had thought. Snape simply ignored her completely. She was quite used to it already, after living with the Dursleys. Which enabled her to focus on her Invigoration Draught, and by the time she had finished, she had expected to have at least an E. She corked a vial, ducked behind her cauldron and pointed her wand to her vial.
"Duro Maxima" she whispered.
She had eyed Malfoy a few times in the lesson and he had always had a malevolent glint in his eyes. She walked across the room. He marched in the same direction and shoved her. She had expected it but not enough to hold the vial. She dropped the vial... which, thankfully, resisted the shock. Malfoy was about to put his foot on it when Harry shoved him aside and picked up the vial.
"Thanks," she said as he handed it to her. "Get lost, Malfoy."
And she handed Snape her vial. She then gathered her things and left the classroom. As she went along the corridor, her coin came to life in her pocket.
Still alive? Cedric was asking.
Megan smiled. He always seemed to know just what to say to make her feel better exactly when she needed it.
For now. I've still got Defence Against the Dark Arts this afternoon, Megan smiled. I'm thinking I have an angel watching over me, having survived Potions.
And he's going to be around for a long time, so get used to it, Cedric said and she could see the grin as he thought the words.
Oh, I suppose I'll have to... she said in mock unhappiness.
Glad my presence pleases you, Cedric teased.
The bell rang the end of break.
I have to go. I love you.
Love you too.
After lunch, she headed up to professor McGonagall's office. But to her displeasure, McGonagall wasn't alone. She spotted Umbridge in a corner.
"Have a seat, Potter." McGonagall said.
Megan didn't like sitting with her back to Umbridge, but decided to ignore her as much as possible. McGonagall, she noticed, didn't seem much more enthusiastic at having Umbridge with them than her.
"Now, as you know, this meeting is to determine what career path you might consider." McGonagall said. "Have you given any thought to what you might do after you leave Hogwarts?"
"... Well, I –"
Umbridge's quill was quite distracting.
"Yes?" McGonagall encouraged.
"... I did think about... being an Auror." she said.
"That requires top grades, as I think you know," McGonagall said. "They only accept a minimum of five Newts, nothing under E, and you undergo a series of tests afterwards. I won't lie, it is a difficult path, Potter. You'll want to know what subjects to take, I imagine?"
Megan thought for a few seconds.
"Defence Against the Dark Arts, I suppose?"
"Naturally, and I would advise –"
Umbridge let out her annoying little "hem hem". Megan could tell McGonagall was keeping her calm with great effort.
"I would also advise you to take Transfiguration, as it is often used by Aurors in their work. And I must have you know I do not accept students in Newt level with less than and E or higher in their Ordinary Wizarding Levels. You're averaging very close to it but you'll still need a little extra effort to succeed. I'm not too concerned, however. And you ought to take Charms, always useful, of course, and Potions. Yes," she added when she caught Megan's expression, a tiny smile on the corner of her lips. "Potions. Potions and antidotes are essential for Aurors. And Professor Snape refuses anyone who obtains anything underneath O, so –"
New cough.
"Yes, Dolores?" McGonagall said crisply.
"I was just wondering if I could make a teensy suggestion?" she asked sweetly.
"You'll probably find you can without my help," McGonagall retorted.
"I just have to wonder whether Potter really has quite the temperament of an Auror." Umbridge said.
"Do you?"
And she turned back to Megan, ignoring Umbridge.
"If you're serious about your path, Potter, I would focus hard on keeping my grades as high as possible in every subject. Your Charmwork appears satisfactory, and your Potions level, if a little weak for Newt level, is fairly steady. I would advise bringing that and your Transfiguration up. As for your Defence Against the Dark Arts, your grades have been generally high, especially with Professor Lupin, who thought you –"
New cough.
"I take it you have another suggestion?" McGonagall said shortly.
"Well, more of an observation, actually." Umbridge answered. "I was concerned you might have missed my note about Potter's recent grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts?"
"Clearly, I have not," McGonagall retorted sniffily, holding up a pink piece of parchment and placing it back as though it had scorched her fingers. "As I was saying," she went on, "Professor Lupin thought you showed pronounced aptitude for the subject, which for an Auror, of course, is–"
"So sorry to interrupt, but I'm confused... why would you give her false hope?"
McGonagall's eyes narrowed at Umbridge, her lips thin. Megan was amazed she could keep her temper.
"She has achieved high marks in all her tests –"
"Not her most recent ones," Umbridge put in. "she has achieved rather poor results in my classes."
It was true, but only because Megan wasn't putting a lot of effort into it.
"Perhaps I should have made myself clearer. She has obtained high marks in a class taught by a competent teacher." McGonagall said curtly.
Megan bit her lip and kept her head down to keep from smiling. She didn't need to look at Umbridge to know she was furious. She turned away and sat back on her seat, scribbling angrily.
"Questions, Potter?" McGonagall asked.
"... What sort of aptitude tests do you have to take?"
"You'll need to show your ability to resist pressure, and the like," she explained. "Perseverance and dedication, because an Auror course is three years, not to mention high skills in practical Defence. There will be a lot more studying after school, so – "
"You do know the Ministry examines the records of those who apply to be Aurors?"
"Of course I do," McGonagall said sharply.
"Then you'll also know that they do not accept those with a criminal record." Umbridge said. "And, I'm sorry to say Potter has one."
"She was cleared of all charges," McGonagall snapped.
"Potter has no chance at all of becoming an Auror!" Umbridge said shrilly.
"If she puts her mind to it, I think she has every chance. Potter, I will assist you in becoming an Auror if I have to spend my nights at it and if it's the last thing I do!"
"The Minister will never hire Megan Potter!"
"By the time Potter's ready to join, there may well be a new Minister," McGonagall retorted loudly.
"Ah ha!" Umbridge shrieked gleefully, pointing a stubby ringed finger at McGonagall. "So it's true! You want Dumbledore to replace Cornelius Fudge! I suppose you're envisioning yourself in my place, aren't you?"
"You are delusional," McGonagall said, perfectly disdainful. "Potter, this concludes our career advice consultation."
"Thank you, professor."
She nodded and Megan quickly caught her bag and stepped out, the shouts of Umbridge and McGonagall echoing in the hall.
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