Chapter 16 - The power of a mother's love

Megan felt like she was weighed down. She opened her eyes. She felt like she had water in her head. She looked around her. And gasped.

"Professor Dumbledore...!"

"Hello, Megan."

"Professor, the stone, Voldemort..."

He lay a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder to appease her.

"Calm down, dear child. He is no longer a threat. Not for the moment. Quirell is dead, and was unable to give the stone to Voldemort. I arrived just in time to prevent you from suffering the same fate. You did a very impressive job of protecting the stone yourself, though, I must say."

Megan's eyes widened.

"It was you... You found me? You got Hermione's owl?"

"I must have crossed it in mid air. But the truth of the matter is I had no sooner reached the Ministry that I realised the place I was supposed to be was the one I'd just left. I returned and headed straight to where I found you. I feared I might be too late."

"You nearly were. I couldn't have held him off the stone much longer."

"Not the stone, child, you! You were nearly killed in the effort to protect the stone! For one terrible moment, I was afraid I really had come too late."

"So, what happened to the stone, sir?"

"It has been destroyed. Now, no one will be able to play with death."

Megan's eyes widened in horror.

"But... Nicholas Flamel... and his wife... they'll die..."

"Oh, you know about Nicholas?" He smiled in amusement. "You did do things thoroughly, didn't you? They have enough Elixir to set their affairs in order. But yes. They will die."

Megan was horrified. She had never meant for anyone to die...

"Don't look so sad, Megan. I've discussed it thoroughly with him and his wife, and they both agreed it was the best solution."

Megan tried to say something, but hesitated.

"I sense that sharp mind of yours is in seek of many answers. Please, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I cannot guarantee an answer, mind you. However, if I don't answer, I will have a good reason not to, and hope you'll forgive me, for I will of course not lie to you."

Megan paused, unsure of how to put her question into words.

"... Sir, if the stone's gone, can Voldemort never come back?"

"Ah, Megan, I fear there are many other ways he can return. But if he is delayed again, and again, then, maybe he will never return to power."

She considered that for a minute, and on that precise moment, vowed to herself to always try and delay Voldemort, even if it cost her her life.

"... Professor... when I was fighting Quirell off... he... I burned him somehow. Do you know why that is?" she asked.

"I do, as a matter of fact. It's because of your mother."

"My mother...?"

"She died to save you. And a love so strong leaves a mark. A powerful protection. And if I know anything about Lily and James, is that they loved you with all their being."

Megan looked away to blink out the tears of her eyes. Then, she said:

"... Sir... Voldemort said he could bring them back... and for one fleeting moment... I... imagined it happening... "

Dumbledore's eyes turned sympathetic.

"It is natural to miss those we love." He said quietly. "But no magic, however powerful, can revive the dead, Megan. I strongly advise you never to forget that."

"I won't, Professor," Megan promised. "But, sir... I never knew where the stone was, so how did I get it out of the mirror?"

"Ah, that is one my more brilliant ideas. You see, unlike Quirell, you wanted the stone, but didn't intend to use it. That is how it was in your pocket."

Megan processed that.

"... Sir... do you know why Voldemort is trying to kill me in the first place?"

"I do, Megan. However, I cannot yet tell you. I will, I promise you. I know this is unpleasant to hear, but you will know when you are ready."

Megan was too polite to complain, but she felt a little frustration all the same.

"And... Quirell said... professor Snape tried to save me."

"He did indeed. You see, he and your father were old school enemies."

"Is that why he always seemed to dislike me so much?" Megan asked.

"Ah, well, they did rather hate each other, but then, your father did something Snape could never forget."


"He saved his life. You see, you and your father have a moral fibre of the likes I have rarely seen." Dumbledore said.

"... So, he tried to save me at the match... because he owed my Dad?"

"I believe so, that way he could consider them quits and return to hating his memory in peace."

Megan said nothing for a moment while she took this in.

"Now, I have things to tend to, unless you have any other questions?"

"Well... something's been bothering me for a while, if you don't mind..."

"What might that be?"

"Well... when I was in the Forbidden Forest during detention... I saw Quirell drinking unicorn blood. And I've never been particularly scared of Voldemort but for some reason... when I saw him, I froze up..."

"Ah, that is because you are such a caring person." Dumbledore said. "You see, when someone has a heart as strong and noble as yours, it is more affected by cold and empty hearts such as Voldemort's. You had only ever seen him as a baby, and you have hardly any memory of that night. But that night in the forest, you met again. And as you had not been prepared for it, you weren't unaffected by it. I imagine it didn't happen tonight because you were expecting him to be there."

"Well... I couldn't have been surprised," she admitted. "Hagrid said he reckoned Voldemort didn't have enough human left in him to die. D'you think that's true?"

Dumbledore heaved a long, heavy sigh.

"I'm afraid Voldemort ceased to be human long ago. Now, I should really get back to my duties. I suggest you enjoy some of these tokens from your friends. I'll leave you to it."

"Thank you, professor."

Megan looked and saw that there was a heap of sweets on the table at the foot of her bed, and a stack of cards on her bedside cabinet. She took one, and blushed. She glanced up to see if Dumbledore had noticed. But he had gone. She hadn't even heard him leave... Looking back at the card, she smiled.

You will have some explaining to do.

Hope you get better soon, Gryffindor missed you at the last match. And I missed you too.

Yours, Cedric.


A mother's love is stronger than every magic. Let's not forget that when our mothers drive us crazy!

What do you think of Lily's sacrifice? Would you do the same for your children? Tell us in a comment!

Cedric and Megan's budding friendship is well onderway! Will she tell him the truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth? Let's find out in the next chapter!

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