Robot Assigning

There was no explanation for the unbearable pain throughout Magnetman's body. Amongst the sleeping figures of his brothers he was having trouble getting comfortable in his bed. The beeping from his core grew louder as he struggled to relax, and his circuits seared in pain throughout his legs and arms. He gripped his head so hard, he would've crush it inward if it weren't for the smallest whimper waking him. He opened his eyes to the cracked door pooling enough light to fill the room. After walking around the bodies of his sleeping brothers, he trekked quietly down the stairs and the whimpering noise grew closer. To his surprise, the origin of the whimper was a huddled Sparkman in the farthest corner of Doctor Light's lab.

"Sparkman? What are you doing up so late? The doctors won't be-" Magnetman spoke up, but the whimpers grew louder. Spark's body shook in fear as his electrode hands clanked together. Tiny sparks flew around him and Magnet heard whispers from his brother. As he walked closer, his brother's shaking worsened.

"P-Please....don't leave me...d-don't t-take them away..." The electricity robot whispered. "I won't...don't do it..."

Magnet placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and felt the searing pain in his body grow worse. He felt his back hit the floor and saw the crying figure of Sparkman over him, the electricity around his body intensifying.

"I won't let you hurt us!" Spark cried.

"Calm down brother. No one is hurting you." Magnet soothed. He slowly reached to his brother and gripped his hands. Spark slowly came to and Magnet got back on his feet. 

"Mags! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You shouldn't have done that! I could've shocked you!" Spark stuttered. Magnet made a shush motion to silence any shouting, and the brother nodded.

"I wasn't going to leave you crying in the corner in the middle of the night. I didn't even know we had the capability of crying. What were you crying about?" Magnet asked.

"I don't know." Sparkman murmured. As the two calmed themselves, Magnet directed his brother towards the main room.

"You were murmuring about something hurting us. Were you suffering from a bug? Or were you replaying the event of Ra Moon taking us to be brainwashed?" Magnet questioned. Spark shook his head in response.

"I think I had a dream." He said.

"You had a dream?" Magnet was surprised to hear the word escape his brother's mouth. A robot capable of having dreams should be an impossible feat for them, let alone understand the meaning of having a dream. He had read what dreams were to humans, but even if he and his brothers had highly complex thoughts and feelings, they shouldn't have the ability to conjure up dreams. It should be impossible.

"Yeah, I think so. It was brief, but so surreal at the same time." Spark murmured.

"Sparkman, I'm saying this as politely as I can. Robot masters can't have dreams. Dreams are a fabrication of thoughts that occur during a human's sleep. We are machines incapable of dreaming at all, let alone have surreal thoughts."

"But it was a dream! Do you know how I know Mags? I was in space."

Magnet stopped his attempts to sooth his brother and sat closer to him. The electric brother's body had stopped shaking enough to grab his shoulder. "What do you mean you were in space? What was happening?"

Spark tapped his feet nervously. "I don't know if it was space, but I recall floating in nothing so I think it was. I felt very light but I couldn't move at all, and all of you were circling around me. Everyone was dazed and weren't responding to anything I said. And then I heard voices all around me getting louder and louder. I couldn't make them stop and I saw a figure walking towards us. I could move, but when I did...they killed you. Your body floated away and I couldn't catch you. Then the figure took Gemini, then Hard and Needle, Snake, and finally Top. I was yelling for them to stop, but they turned and charged at me. And then you woke me up." He finished.

Magnet rubbed his chin in thought. "And you've been having these for days?"

"They were worse today. You guys were screaming this time." Tears once again welled in his eyes. To say this was concerning Magnetman was a understatement of the day.

"I'm sorry Sparkman." Magnet said.

 "Have you been feeling off?" Spark said.

Magnet didn't want to make his brother feel worse about his condition. He had already gained the others' attention by waking up writhing in pain from nothing, and he received enough looks from all of Doctor Light's first gen robots. The last thing he wanted was to plague Sparkman's mind with his troubles. However, he knew that no one knew what was happening to them, and Spark is the only one awake to listen to his story. Exhaling slowly, Magnet slumped against the couch.

"Ever since I woke up, I've been having these convulsions. Sometimes it's the legs or the arms, and other times my head is pounding. I've gone through all of the checkup procedures as much as possible, and even got the doctor's assistance on some of them, but I found nothing. My circuitry is perfectly intact and my CPU is not glitching at all. It's like I am experiencing phantom pains, but it's getting worse." Magnet said. The brothers' shoulder leaned into each other as the rambling went on.

"I think Ra Moon did something to us." Sparkman murmured.

"I can't deny that Ra Moon did affect our programming in some way. I talked to Snake yesterday and he said something that made me curious. He said that Ra Moon came from a civilization not from Earth, and that it traveled many galaxies and crash landed here. He also mentioned that Ra Moon was alive, but not life-like like us. I have many theories on what's happening with us, and maybe some lie within the temple. But we'll never know since it's destroyed."

"It's going to be okay though. Doctor Light said our assigning is in the morning, and we're going to meet our new bosses. Our minds can off from the whole Ra Moon nonsense and go to a sense of normalcy. Or at least as normal as it could get." Magnet soothed his brother as they started to close their eyes.

"What if it goes wrong?" Spark questioned.

"It won't." Magnet assured.

"But our brothers..."

"Are going to behave themselves. I know we're all going through this, but it's not the time for us to bicker among ourselves when the important day arrives." Magnet insisted.

"What if I have that dream again tonight? I hate going to sleep now." Spark's eyes were closing, and Magnet could hear the faint humming of his core slowing down.

"Then I'll stay here with you."

With a nod of confirmation, Magnet walked to the hallway closet and pulled several blankets. Magnet gently wrapped his brother's body in the blankets to avoid startling him. He put himself in the same position as before, staying silent as Spark's eyes gently closed and his core remained a constant hum. He didn't remember when he fell asleep, but he felt someone shake him. 

Throughout the morning he watched as his brothers scattered in the house with heads down and eyes focused on the floor. Doctor Light had a nervous smile as he opened the door. Magnet rounded the kitchen corner as two ladies entered with varied expressions. The first lady was taller than Doctor Light, with her formal black suit complimented with her tied hair. She stood composed with little emotion on her face, except for her glance towards his location. The second lady was shorter than the first, her blonde hair frizzled from stress and brown eyes darting from her clipboard to the doctor several times.

"Ms. Christine, Ms. Jazmyne, what a surprise! I was told Mayor Leo would be here today!" Dr. Light greeted.

"He's busy doing meetings regarding the city's damages, and the United Nations considered it to be too risky to hold a meeting in the city, so we were told to meet your robots here in person. We hope that doesn't complicate anything today." Jazmyne said with formality.

"Not at all! Come on in, let me get you something."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." Jazmyne interrupted. Dr. Light chuckled and chatted about certain projects under construction. He heard the familiar project called GAMMA and its intended purposes of being a giant peace keeping robot for all humankind, and he noticed the uncertainty of both ladies. The blonde lady named Christine wrote furiously on her clipboard, asking seemingly random questions as the doctor went on. An hour of conversations went by until Jazmyne gave a certain look to Christine, and she nodded nervously.

"Well Thomas, I must say you certainly have no limit to your inventions. Would you mind bringing in your newest r-robot masters?" Christine said.

"Of course." Dr. Light nodded.

"To be clear, you are sure they are safe to the public and federal law?" Jazmyne questioned.

"Ms. Jazmyne, I will let you know that my boys are completely safe and well cared for. They wouldn't harm anybody." Dr. Light's smile faded slightly as he called for the first Wi-light, with all but Magnetman failing to notice Jazmyne rolling her eyes. The first one called for was Needleman, his eyes forward and never moving. He didn't speak a word as he stood beside Doctor Light. Christine was surprised. Jazmyne was not.

"O-Oh, it's...a lot spikier than I expected." Christine whispered, and Magnetman had to suppress a smirk.

Well he is called Needleman for a reason, He thought.

"This is Needleman. I've installed a special system in his arms that allows him to fire needle-like projectiles to penetrate the thickest rock. The spikes attached to his head is also a useful tool as he can fire it at will to destroy any large boulders." Dr. Light demonstrated with Needle's head and arms. Christine wrote down details Magnet couldn't read, and her eyes darted to his brother nervously.

"Is any particular function you have for this robot?" Jazmyne asked.

"I was proposing he could do mining operations. His armor and strong projectiles could easily help with difficult terrain."

"And you are sure it is incorruptible? On account of your previous models being hacked by Doctor Wily, who is currently in your care?" Jazmyne pressed. Dr. Light's smile tightened and he nodded a little too fast. "Very well. Carry on."

Doctor Light excused Needleman and called Magnetman's name. Releasing a shuddering breath Magnet composed himself and walked to his creator's side. The stares from the two ladies made him uncomfortable, their unsure glances to each other and the sounds of the clipboard made him want to bolt out of there. He felt tense. The pain in his head was slowly returning.

"What a bright shade of red! And what does it do?" Christine smiled.

"Magnetman is capable of detecting and manipulating any metal with magnetic properties. I suppose working in an area for processing scrap could help." Dr. Light patted the red robot gently in attempt to ease the tension. Unfortunately, Magnet only focused on the headache.

"That could pose a certain risk to any technology other workers will be using though. How will they be able to work with their tools while Magnetman is in the area?" Christine asked confused.

Dr. Light hummed in response and smiled. "I'll make sure that his powers are only able to detect magnetic properties. Will that be good?"

With a nod of confirmation Magnet was dismissed. He retreated back into the corner to watch the rest of the assigning. The next two were Sparkman and Hardman, and the assigning was calmer than the first two. Sparkman had forgotten that he was next to present himself, but Hardman had thankfully brought him back. Christine smiled at the sight of the two, humming as she asked for functions. After a few minutes, the two went upstairs with Hardman rubbing Spark's body in support. Magnet was relieved the assigning was going smoothly.

Then Topman was called.

The moment the cheery orange brother slid down the stairs to the doctor's side, Jazmyne made a face. A face that only sparked concern in Magnetman. Even Christine seemed baffled by the brother's appearance.

"Excuse me for asking Doctor Light, but what is with the appearance? He looks a little odd to be a robot master." Christine asked.

"It looks impractical." Jazmyne added.

"Hold on now, I know Topman looks unusual but I have a reason. Topman is designed with an auto balance system, which allows him to maintain balance in any type of environment. He also has a aerodynamic body that allows to move at high speeds, which increases with the rollers on his feet." Dr. Light explained. Topman looked back and forward through the conversation, his cheery demeanor now filled with dejection.

"He could be useful in the entertainment department. To get things done and start up events." Christine suggested to Jazmyne.

"There are plenty of robots that are in the entertainment industry already, and many companies already have enough stock of robots with lesser AI's capable of doing their functions. Is there maybe a more practical use to this one? Perhaps construction work? Navigation?" Jazmyne dismissed. Dr. Light realized he was in a corner on suggestions for Topman's function. As for the orange robot, he once cheery demeanor was now replaced with a dejected look, with his head pointed to the floor.

"Well, his body armor isn't as sturdy as the others for construction. If he takes too much damage he will-" Dr. Light stopped himself from exposing the brother's potential flaw. "I suppose he could help with navigation through unknown terrain. I would need to make a few modifications for that to be possible."

Christine nodded and wrote an additional note. "I'll put here that Topman is an experimental type robot. I'll take a look to see if any companies are willing to take him for a test run. But it will up to you on what type of function your robot will be set for this to work."

"I understand." Dr. Light sighed.

"You seem to be a lot more experimental with these models Doctor Light. Electrical and heavy lifters I can understand with your previous models, but magnetism and needle projectiles I haven't heard of in robot masters. And I haven't heard of you making an experimental robot ever since you constructed your first. It's really impressive." Christine said. 

"It's never too late to make something new." Light said.

A large crash vibrated the floor. Two voices overlapped each other and stomping footsteps approached the edge of the stairs. Light's color slightly faded as Gemini and Snake came into view shouting nonsense and cornering each other. A swift motion of Snake's hand and Gemini stumbled down the stair holding his cheek. Christine gasped in horror and scooted to avoid the tumbling robots.

NO NO NO! Not here! Magnet mentally screamed.

"I told you already to stay away from me you freak! Give me back my mirror and go away!" Gemini spat.

"Only if you stop stealing my stuff and putting them in your room! There's a fine line of being a narcissist and being a hoarder!" Snake snarled back.

"Something so pretty and expensive should be in the hands of someone who will admire it as much as himself. Someone who isn't a predatory freak of nature who thinks it's funny to scare and attack people!" Gemini argued. The two were getting dangerously close to the ladies, neither acknowledging their existence. Dr. Light's face grew pale as the argument intensified.

"What are you talking about?! I've never hurt you once in my life! Though that's becoming tempting as of right now..." Snake growled dangerously.

"'I thought you said that your robot masters were safe Doctor Light." Jazmyne spoke up amongst the arguing.

Snake, realizing the presence of the ladies, dropped his smile and retreated to Dr. Light's side shamefully. Gemini, however, stood over them with a prideful look. "Excuse me, but I don't believe I asked you to butt in on our conversation. Don't you know it's rude to talk to someone like that? I bet you don't even know who I am."

"Back down 019. That is an order." Jazmyne said. Gemini's body lurched forward and went still for moments, slowly rising and turning to Doctor Light. Magnet repressed a gasp as he saw his brother's eyes, wide and glazed over. There was no expression or halt in his movements as he went by Snake's side. Neither the reptilian brother or Magnet could look at him standing eerily still. Dr. Light had a scowl directly at Jazmyne with balled fists, and the lady's expression returned to neutral.

"Jazmyne-" The doctor started.

"I was just making sure you're following protocol. After what happened to your batch of robot masters, the United Nations needed to be assured that the public can be safe." She interrupted.

"Jazmyne that will be enough. I'm so sorry for that Doctor Light, but she can be quick to activate the laws when being jumped. Please, let's continue with assigning your robots." Christine stepped in. 

While the doctor slowly regained his composure, Magnet noticed all of his brothers peeking over the stairs. They must've saw Gemini's strange reaction to the first law, and he admitted seeing his shiny and confident brother so still irked him. He was aware that the laws were developed by humans as a means of protection for the general public and the government. If a robot with less advanced AI reacted to the laws, there would be no change in behavior. However, seeing it process through a robot master, his brother nonetheless, was jarring. Even alien. In a single moment, there was a hollow husk replacing where Gemini once stood, slowly walking in a daze like a zombie. When the narcissist blinked, the color returned to his eyes and he clutched himself tightly. His face was wide with terror and his legs shook to which Snake, who dropped whatever argument they had, gripped his shoulder in reassurance. Whatever the laws did to Gemini in that moment, Magnet knew it must've felt horrifying.

Christine's pencil scribbling ceased after the last Wi-light was interviewed. She rose with a sympathetic smile and shook Dr. Light's hand. "Thank you so much for your time Thomas. Aside from the startle from Snakeman and Geminiman, your new robot masters look like a wonderful group. I'll send this quickly to the United Nations and find positions for them. You are doing good work doctor." Looking over to him one more time, she opened the door and walked out. However, Doctor Light maintained eye contact with the still Jazmyne.

"Magnetman, could you take your brothers outside? It will only be a few minutes." The doctor said softly.

"Sure Doctor Light." Magnet made sure to close the door, and upon its closing did Gemini collapse on the ground. All of the brothers rushed to him, blurting out questions at quick speed. The red robot managed between them and kneeled to his level.

"Hey Gemini, are you alright? It's okay now." He said softly. Gemini lifted his head and their eyes met.

"Everything stopped and I was walking without control. I heard the order in my head, and it was the only thing I could hear. What did she do to me?" The brother's eyes were still wide and glossy on the verge of breaking down.

"There are..." He started slowly and turned to his brothers, "There are three types of laws that all robot masters must follow. We must never hurt humans, must obey orders when it doesn't violate the first law, and to preserve our own existence as long as we don't break the first two laws. Jazmyne must've activated the laws on Gemini when he got close, on account she felt in danger."

"So if humans don't like us, they can just order us to be mindless drones?" Needle said.

"They wouldn't do that." Magnet tried to calm them, but was quickly failing.

"They just did."

It was an awkward several minutes between the group until the front door opened. Jazmyne stepped out looking over all the robots before her eyes rested on Gemini's. Doctor Light had joined her immediately afterward, and the exchanged glances one last time. "I will remind you that when your creations get a function, they are expected to be in perfect working condition. Which includes agreeable "personalities" that will not act hostile in public situations. We do not want there to be any future problems either regarding rogue projects. Try to keep that in mind Doctor Light, okay?" She asked.

"Of course." Light said through his teeth

The ladies smiled and waved their goodbyes as they drove down the road. Doctor Light walked towards the brothers, clearly exasperated and pinching his brow. He kneeled to Gemini's level and rubbed his head gently. 

"I'm so sorry boys, I didn't think she would do that in front of all of you. I talked with her about it, and she promises to not do that again." Dr. Light said.

"Doctor Light, is she what she said true? Do we all have these laws in us? Are people going to use these laws on us if we do something wrong? Did we do something wrong? I don't see what Gemini did for her to make him...act like that. I thought humans are supposed to our friends, aren't they?" Sparkman asked nervously. Dr. Light helped Gemini to his feet and looked at them with guilty eyes.

"I do believe that robots and humans can live peacefully, and that we can create a better future for both man and machine. But even with that dream, I do have to follow the government's protocols and rules. Every robot master has the three laws to follow as a safeguard for humans if the robot ever turned dangerous." He said.

"But I wasn't going to hurt her!" Gemini replied.

"Maybe not in her eyes Gemini." Dr. Light looked to the road.

"Doctor Light, are you defending her?" Hardman asked.

"Absolutely not. I would never use the rules on any of you or force you to do anything. Jazmyne and I never agreed with each other on robot masters. But no matter what happened today, you are all dear to me and I want you to know that not everyone will think of you this way. There are many people that appreciate you, and will treat you with respect. Don't let this incident make you think wrongly of humans." Dr. Light reassured, looking at each robot's eyes for reactions. While some were retaining a hopeful innocence and smiled at the doctor's words, others had looked to the ground in premature resignation. Magnet was the last to join Doctor Light back in the house. Though the atmosphere was quiet and tense, everyone resumed their activities and conversed among each other with the exception of Gemini, who had retreated into his room.

As the day went by and his brothers retreated into their corners of the house, Magnet was left alone on the couch to contemplate. His magnetic powers suspended the forks and spoons in midair as a way to cope. He should be happy about his brothers getting their functions. They will have friends, and be able to finally leave the house without having any of the doctors by their side. Their older robot brethren would be able to see them as hard working. That they're just as much of the family as the others.

"Why does this bother me so much?" Magnet muttered to no one in particular. Not a single voice spoke in the room and he set the utensils down. However, as he tuned the noises of the house out, a voice much like his own spoke in the back of his mind.

It's because we are different.

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