Chapter 1: Medicine for the Poor

Two girls cautiously walk down the streets of New York not believing what they've gotten themselves into. It was just a week ago when they arrived in Manhattan so they could attend a symphony concert for one of their birthdays. A few years ago, they went to Chicago to see the Legend of Zelda concert called "Symphony of the Goddesses". This time the concert was in New York and was Marvel themed.

Everything happened so fast. Last night, the night before one of their birthdays, was the concert, and it was beautiful. They played songs from most of the MCU movies, and even some from the X-Men! They had songs from the best shows, too. Specifically the Spectacular Spider-Man, the girls' favorite show to watch together. But, then, as if a plague blanket dropped on the city overnight, the girls woke up to their flight out of town being canceled and their chauffeur direly sick.

The younger of the girls was named Julia, and her mom took them both to New York to see the concert. However, they were called that morning by the airport and informed that no one is allowed to leave the city. Julia's mom became very ill with the sudden virus that was dispersed overnight. And, to top things off, they were kicked out of the hotel they were staying at. Sure, they couldn't afford to pay for an extra night, but that was really rude given the situation! Julia was able to locate a shelter called F.E.A.S.T. and the girls brought her mom there to rest. A nice man named Peter Parker, whom the two girls became very acquainted with, said he would take care of her mother while they were out to get medicine for the shelter.

Now, the girls follow their GPS to the nearest Sable supply tents where they are keeping stock of many antibiotic medicines. Julia finishes up her conversation over her phone, "Thanks again, Peter. Tell her it's not even that far away. We should be back in no less than ten minutes. Right... mhm... bye."

Julia hangs up and puts her phone in her back jean pocket. She looks to her side nervously, making her long brown hair swipe over her other shoulder in its braid. Instead of picking up the habit of biting her fingernails, she puts both hands into the front pocket of her bright green hoodie. It's one of her favorite hoodies because it has a navy blue clover on the front, symbolizing her favorite college Notre Dame.

The other girl, who's name is Maria, keeps her phone leveled and in front of her to watch the GPS. She is only a half inch shorter than Julia, but they are both tall girls measuring at just under six foot. Maria wears a bright yellow hoodie and comfortable, tight jeans that fold above her ankles. Her shoulder length, blonde hair blows back from the wind, making her shiver just a bit. Both of the girls carry a bag with them to put the medicine inside of. Julia has her backpack decorated with Trevor and Dracula from the game Castlevaina. Maria has her favorite army bag strapped over her shoulder and resting on her opposite hip. The blonde also holds her special stick in her free hand just in case anyone gets any ideas.

Along with the new threat of the Manhattan pandemic, there's the problem of all the Raft's prisoners breaking out and running through the streets. Of course, Julia's mother was kept in the dark about that aspect or she never would have allowed them to leave the building and get the medicine she needs.

Maria looks at the sky for a moment and her expression turns worried. She groans and turns to Julia saying, "I really hope it doesn't rain. It's cold enough as it is."

"That's what I get for my birthday being at the beginning of November. Don't worry, the radar said it shouldn't start for another hour. What I am worried about are these Sable guys," Julia says and tugs on the straps of her backpack. Of course today is the day she has to raid a Sable hideout. It's finally her birthday and she just turned 21, finally legal in the eyes of the government. She views this as her first true test of adulthood. Turning eighteen was just a warm up.

"You're right. Peter said they aren't people we should mess with. We have to be careful. Maybe we need a code or something just in case we get separated," Maria suggests.

"That's a good idea. There's bound to be more than one supply tent, so we can split up to cover more ground faster." Julia agrees with Maria and tries to think of how they can communicate.

"Oh, I know!" Maria holds up her hands and snaps her fingers loudly. "One means stop, two snaps mean it's safe to go, and three means we need each other's help."

"Yeah, but..." Julia snaps with her right hand and her face flushes when it barely makes a sound. "It would take me too long to snap with just my left. I'll whistle instead." Julia whistles to allow Maria to know what it sounds like.

"Rub it in my face, thanks Jules. You know I can't whistle!" Maria puffs out her cheeks as they also turn a bit red.

Julia shakes her head playfully, but her smile vanishes when they turn the corner. She pulls Maria behind a pile of stacked boxes and whispers, "I thought Peter said the tents were guarded by Sable agents!"

The two girls peek around the boxes and their heart rates escalate. Instead of agents dressed in white armor carrying advanced guns and drones, groups of escaped Raft and Rykers prisoners wander the area, still wearing their orange uniforms. If Julia's mom wasn't in drastic need of the antibiotics, they both know they would turn around and run to get help. But, they don't even have time to walk back to F.E.A.S.T. They have to do this now.

Luckily, there are many areas for them to hide. The girls observe the layout of the tents around them. There are small boxes and totaled cars everywhere which would be perfect places for them to keep themselves hidden. A bit in front of them are many tents sprawled out around the area, which most likely hold the supplies they need for the sick people in the shelter.

"Okay, all we have to do is get enough supplies and then backtrack our way out of here. You have your stick ready?" Julia turns to Maria who takes a deep breath and nods, holding up her weapon.

The two watch the men in front of them as they talk for a short moment and then walk to the left. Julia points to a wrecked car and quickly sprints over to the right of it, crouching as she does so. Maria follows her closely, keeping her eyes on the prisoners in case they turn around and spot them.

A prisoner swings around a metal bat by his feet, looking in the opposite direction of the girls. Unfortunately, he is right in the middle of the path they have to take to get to the tents. "He needs to move..." Julia whispers under her breath as quietly as she can.

Maria looks around her and brushes her hand on the ground. She curls her fingers around a small rock and throws it over Julia's head into the front window of an already destroyed car. The prisoner quickly looks to his left and jogs over to the car. As he brushes his fingers against the hole in the window, Julia and Maria speed over to the right while making sure to keep their heads lowered.

There is a brick wall that seems to be smashed to pieces at the top. Not really caring how it was broken, Julia stabilizes herself with her hands on the top of the wall and swings her legs over to the other side. Maria copies her movements, and Julia makes sure she lands securely on her feet before continuing.

Maria taps her friend's shoulder and points to a tent that is just ahead of them on their left. Julia double checks to make sure they're in the clear before hurrying over to the tent and opening the cases on the desk. Thank goodness her mom is a nurse because she is able to recognize the different medicines by their names. Julia grabs two handfuls of bottles from the first case and unzips her backpack. "Amoxicillin. What's in that one?"

"Uh, it says: Phenoxy... methyl... penicillin." Maria sounds out the long word, hoping that Julia recognizes it.

"Perfect, that's a type of penicillin. Just like the one I have. Phenoxymethylpenicillin can be used if someone is allergic to Amoxicillin," Julia explains and Maria starts putting some bottles in her bag. Julia opens one more case and smiles when she reads, "Flucloxacillin. This must be the penicillin tent."

"Your mom said three types should be enough. Let's go get some nurse supplies now." Maria secretly wishes they could take the whole tent with them, but they can only fit so much in their bags. They have to get a variety of supplies to help the most people.

The girls leave from the right side of the tent and suddenly freeze when they take their first steps. Julia's jaw drops open and she says shakily, "The pills make so much noise! What do we do?"

"Walk slowly. One of these tents has to have masks and gloves. We can use those to muffle the sounds." Maria tries to reassure Julia enough to continue on. The problem is, she's just as scared. Julia nods to make herself feel better and keeps walking, stopping behind a large metal crate to avoid a prisoner.

Maria presses her back to the crate and lifts her head over her shoulder to peek above the rim. She spots the prisoner blocking them and then two others talking to each other further down the road. Maria finds a loose screw in the crate and twists it out before chucking it at the two further prisoners. It hits one of them in the head, making him yell in pain. The prisoner blocking them turns and runs over to his hurt comrade.

Julia grabs Maria's hand and pulls her to the right and behind another wrecked car. They creep forward, making sure to lay low and stay level so the medicine bottles don't rattle with the pills inside. They make it into another tent. Maria opens a case and smiles when she sees bandages, medical tape, disinfectant, and gauze. "Perfect for keeping these bottles quiet."

"Or, quieter than before," Julia says as she loads her bag up with the stuff. Both of their bags are now filled halfway. As Julia zips up her backpack, they hear mumbling outside the tent. Maria grabs her friend's arm and pulls her out of the tent while Julia is in a state of shock and panic. They leave right before three prisoners enter. It's the prisoners Maria distracted by throwing a screw at one's head.

They hide behind a pile of untidily stacked boxes just outside the tent. The girls can hear one of the prisoners yelling in rage and see his shadow pacing around the tent. "If I ever find the slimeball who did this, they'll be begging for mercy after I'm through with them! AGH, EASY WITH THE TWEEZERS, MIKE!"

"Come on!" It's Julia's turn to shake Maria out of her scared and frozen state. Maria only processes her friend holding her hand and leading her away from the tent, her mind too focused on the threat the man said. She shakes her head, knowing she just has to be extra careful to not run into that guy.

Maria looks ahead of them and spots the next tent to their left. The girls just wait for a few long moments before the path clears out in front of them. They make a beeline around more wrecked cars and hurry into the tent. Julia constantly looks behind her to make sure no one comes inside as they search the place for supplies. "Gloves, masks, nurse hats, wow even some slings."

"We can each carry only one sling, sadly. Take more masks and gloves." Maria hands a bunch of masks to Julia and folds the arm sling to fit it in the back pocket of her bag. Julia does the same, but has to utilize the front pocket instead.

"One more tent. We have to find one that has antibiotics that aren't penicillin. We need the family of antibiotics that people who don't have the virus can take. That way, it keeps them from getting the virus all together." Julia repeats the instructions her mom gave her before they left.

Maria giggles softly at the use of her friend's choice of words. "Families. You make it sound like penicillin has cousins and stuff. So, which ones are we looking for?"

"Any type of tetracycline, really. We have no idea what this virus is, so any antibiotics of that family will work for now. We just have to get them," Julia explains and they leave the tent.

They find a car with flat tires and smashed headlights to hide behind as a larger group of prisoners pass. The girls catch some of their conversation as they walk by, "Said someone's sneaking around and stealing all the medical equipment. Should be around here since they swiped stuff from two tents already."

Maria grabs Julia's upper arm with both hands as the men talk and get dangerously close to their hiding spot. The two hold their breath until they see the five prisoners walk to their right, just missing them. If they turned around, they would surely see the girls hiding. Not wanting to wait for that moment, Julia springs to her feet and leads Maria away from the danger zone.

They walk forward and it starts sprinkling, but not pouring rain yet. Julia guesses the weatherman was off yet again on the time it was supposed to start raining. Knowing they can't give up, Julia and Maria keep going. The two girls wait behind a pile of metal boxes and wait for a lonely prisoner to pass to their left. As Maria watches the prisoner walk away, Julia steps out of their hiding spot and starts to head toward the last tent, but is stopped when she hears a voice. "I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught the thief."

Julia quickly turns and looks up at the man who said that. He wears his orange prison clothes and slides brass knuckles onto his fingers. He smiles down at Julia, but it's not his slightly pointed teeth or the weapons over his hands that make Julia freeze. It's the wound in the side of his bald head that's dripping fresh blood past his ear and down his neck. It's the guy Maria hit with the screw. How hard did she throw that thing?!

"Didn't think it'd be a cute little girl." Julia takes a step back as the prisoner advances. She tries to sprint away, but he grabs the front of her hoodie, pulling her up to his face. The man holds up his other fist, the brass knuckles shining as raindrops make the metal gleam. Unblinking, the prisoner says, "Let's see how you like to have a bunch of screws stabbed into your face."


The man lets go of Julia and he falls to the side, unconscious. Maria stands there with her stick raised above her shoulder and a scared expression on her face. Both girls stare blankly at each other before they both let out a gasp and embrace one another. Julia buries her face into Maria's shoulder and whispers, "Thanks, girl."

"Of course!" Maria takes a deep breath and nods, breaking the hug and looking around them. "Come on, the tent is that way."

Maria holds onto Julia's hand and pulls her inside the other tent. When they get inside, they quickly open the cases and Julia almost squeals in relief. "Demeclocycline, Doxycycline, and Minocycline. And they have one bottle of Cephalexin for some reason."

"Perfect. Now we can get out of-" Maria is cut off by a prisoner yelling loudly behind her and Julia.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?! Stop right there!" Julia and Maria turn to see three prisoners at the entrance of the tent. Instead of surrendering, they sling their packs onto their shoulders and jump over the table, pushing through the white sheet of the tent. They run across the maze of boxes and wrecked cars, the three prisoners chasing them. Luckily there aren't any more as they keep running through the boxes or they would have been caught between another group. Julia and Maria hop over one more set of boxes before they are blocked by a wall of crates and flipped cars.

"Where do we go now?" Maria yells worriedly.

Julia looks around for any openings in the wall. To her left, she spots a flipped car with a broken back window. "This way!"

Maria crawls on her stomach into the car and tries to get to the other side as quickly as possible. Julia follows her, using her elbows to speed up. One of the smaller prisoners is right behind her and grabs Julia's ankle. The brunette grunts and kicks the man in the nose with her free foot. When she gets to the end of the car, Maria helps her climb out and stand up.

They run over to a big, green crate and Maria collapses. Julia wonders what's wrong, but sees the problem instantly. Maria's right leg was cut by a piece of glass. Julia quickly opens her backpack and unwraps some gauze, cleaning it with disinfectant liquid. She wraps the gauze around Maria's scrape with bandages and tapes it down with medical tape they found. Luckily she didn't need to use that much of the supplies. Julia puts everything back in her bag and is about to help Maria stand up when the prisoner who was able to fit through the car catches up with them. He was obviously being less careful due to the fact he has a bunch of scrapes over his arms from running them through glass.

Julia and Maria hug each other as he gets nearer, waiting for him to attack them, but it never comes. Instead, a Sable agent is tossed over their crate and slams into the prisoner, making his head hit the ground so hard that he's rendered unconscious. Maria and Julia look at each other with shocked faces before peeking behind the crate to see who their unintentional savior is. They wish they didn't.

The Rhino, one of the escapees of the Raft stomps away from where they're hiding. A few Sable agents try to shoot his grey armor with their advanced guns, but even they can't penetrate the beast's skin. Maria jumps and hugs Julia tightly around the torso when Rhino viciously runs and throws a car at the agents. Julia wraps her arms around Maria's shoulders as they watch the scene unfold.

Rhino pushes the car further onto the trapped agents, pinning them closer to the wall. "Supply routes and schedules." Rhino's heavy Russian accent is loud and explodes over the thunder from the sky as it starts to rain harder. When Rhino doesn't get an answer from the agents, he yells in his native tongue, "YA SKAZAL-"

"Gentlemen." Maria and Julia didn't notice as a new villain crawled up the wall of metal crates and curled his tail around a beam until he spoke. Scorpion, another prisoner of the Raft, hangs upside down with an amused smile on his face. Maria and Julia hold each other tighter as he speaks, "I apologize." Scorpion lands on the wrecked car and runs across it, his tail dangerously close to the agent's faces. "My associate is... inelegant. He doesn't understand the fine art of persuasion."

When Scorpion stabs his tail into one of the Sable agent's shoulders, Maria and Julia fall back and scramble to their feet. They help each other stand and they realize now is their chance to go while the two villains are distracted.

Julia leads Maria to the right while utilizing some boxes to separate them from the two villains. When they get to the wall of metal crates, Julia gestures for Maria to climb up and hop over. Maria hoists herself onto one of the crates and uses a red toolbox to climb two others stacked up onto each other. Julia follows, trying to hurry. Since her tennis shoes are covered in mud from the rain and sneaking around, she slips off the side of the toolbox, making it fall off the crate and smash onto the ground. Maria lifts Julia over the crate just before Rhino and Scorpion turn around.

The two girls lie on their backs on the other side of the wall, waiting to see if it's okay to move yet. Julia counts to ten slowly, and when she doesn't hear anything but the rain, she turns to Maria and nods. The blonde rolls off the crate and lands in the ground, making the pills in her bag to rattle. Julia quickly lands next to her, but the pills make just as much noise. Scorpion turns to Rhino and says, "Check it! Now!"

"We have to get out of here before he sees us," Julia whispers to her friend. The rain soaks her clothes and makes her fingers numb, so she brings her hands up to her face to try and keep them warm.

Maria leads the way and hurries forward, stopping right behind a big metal box and jumping when Rhino crashes through the wall to their left. He walks past the box between them and stomps over to the right. "Whoever is here, come out!"

"He knows we are here. Distraction?" Maria suggests, whispering as quietly as she can. Julia looks down at Maria's leg and notices the wrapped bandages. She gestures for her friend to stay as she leaves the safety of the metal boxes.

Julia jumps to the right when Rhino isn't looking and rolls behind another set of crates. The pills rattle in her bag, making Rhino turn toward the noise. However, Julia is able to creep more to the right without making a sound, and when Rhino gets to where she was hiding, Julia has already made it to the end and turned to the left. Now in the opposite corner, Julia lifts her fists and bangs on the metal crates by her.

Furious, Rhino turns and charges at her with his head lowered. Julia rolls back to where she was before to dodge him. She motions for Maria to move and the blonde walks out and to the left of the pile of crates. Julia follows her and they quickly jump into an opening in the ground.

The tunnel has bars above them, almost like an aqueduct system to filter out the water, since it's raining, there are big puddles forming in the tunnel that the girls have to make sure to try and not splash around in. As they start walking through the tunnel, Rhino walks in big strides above their heads, crushing the bars above them.

"Come oooout, and I promise not to crush youuuu," Rhino offers, but the girls know better. The tunnel makes a right turn and so does Rhino. Maria because she's in front, holds her arms out to her sides to stop Julia from going too quickly. They walk behind Rhino in case his feet were to go through the ceiling above them.

When they get to the end of the tunnel, Maria lifts the top open and kneels on her bad leg so it doesn't take much pressure. She bends the other one and puts her hands together to hoist Julia up. The brunette takes her backpack off silence Rhino is just to their right side, facing away. She steps on Maria's hands with one foot, allowing her to climb up to out of the tunnel. Maria takes off her own bag and slowly lifts the two up so Julia can take them.

Julia takes the bags and reaches down to help Maria out. Rhino continues to stomp away from them, so Julia takes this as her cue to lift Maria. Once she's on the ground again, the two put their bags back on and follow where Rhino went.

Maria grabs Julia's shoulder and points to their left, noticing a spot in the wall next to them that they can climb over. Knowing it would allow them to get further from Rhino, Julia nods and climbs the boxes, helping Maria up after her. They land on the other side and notice they're on the edge of the area, right by the water.

Knowing they have no other direction to pick, the two girls turn to their left and keep going. This time, Julia grabs onto Maria and holds her back just as Rhino bursts through the wall and stampedes into the room ahead of them. "NO PLAY GAMES WITH ME!"

Julia peeks around the box, but quickly hides again when Rhino throws a giant crate in their direction. It skids next to them and falls into the water. Julia takes her chances again and tries to spot Rhino. He's turned around! Julia quickly runs to the left to hide behind another set of crates. Maria follows, but has to jump back when Rhino quickly turns and almost spots her. Rhino slowly and creepily walks over to where he thinks he saw a tuft of light blonde hair swaying behind a box. "Malyshka? I promise not to hurt malyshka."

Making sure Maria is okay, Julia pops her head out from behind her crate but quickly retreats when Rhino spots her too. Rhino sounds genuinely surprised. "Two? Devochki?"

"What is taking you so long, Rhino?" Scorpion climbs over the wreckage created by the Rhino and perches onto a crate above his companion. "Find them yet?"

"Two little girls. They split up." Rhino points to where he saw the second girl peek her head out.

Scorpion chuckles and flicks his tail to the side. "I'll go to the left since it's further and because I'm faster. You take the one on the right."

"Ladno." Rhino grunts and Scorpion takes off. Maria makes eye contact with Julia and gestures for her to go. Even though she doesn't want to leave her friend, she also doesn't want to be captured by an arachnid super villain. Julia takes one last look at Maria before disappearing behind a wall of crates to her right.

Maria breathes deeply through her nose and grips the strap of her bag firmly. She will not back away now. Julia's mom needs these meds and supplies! Ignoring her hurt leg, Maria pushes forward and spins around another set of boxes. Thankfully the ground turned to concrete after they climbed over the first wall, or she would have slipped on the mud. Rhino hooks his large fingers under a crate and lifts it, flipping it over so that it flies through the air just to Maria's right. It crashes into Julia's old hiding spot, and she becomes very grateful she told her friend to go on without her.

"No more games! I find you, malyshka. I will not stomp you." Rhino's footsteps shake the ground and are so loud that Maria doesn't know if she's hearing thunder or the Rhino walking toward her. Maria falls back and curls in a ball as Rhino looms right over her. By some miracle, he still doesn't see her. Instead, Rhino charges and runs to the right, smashing into four crates along the way. "Come out!"

Maria makes sure Rhino is a good distance away before making her move. She snaps twice to signal that she's moving and runs, crouching behind another set of stacked metal boxes. Unfortunately, she didn't go slowly enough so Rhino is able to hear the pills bouncing around in their bottles. Maria snaps once and freezes, not daring to make any more noises. Rhino turns and stomps over to the boxes she used to be hiding behind. "Muddy footprint? I find you from dirty shoes, malyshka."

The blonde flips over her shoes to look at the bottoms. Sure enough, they are covered in mud from crawling under the car right as it was starting to rain. She quickly takes them off and holds them close to her chest.

Rhino follows the footprints, creeping closer to where Maria is hiding. She gulps and doesn't know what to do. She can't move when he's looking right at her pile of boxes! Rhino slams his hand on top of the metal Maria is hiding behind and laughs. "I FOUND YOU!"

Maria gasps, unable to scream, and does the first thing that comes to her mind. She didn't know why or if it would affect the large man at all, but Maria grabbed one of her shoes and chucked it hard at Rhino's covered eyes. His head surprisingly flinches back, allowing Maria enough time to get out of the way before he lowers his head and charges at her. He crashes through more giant crates and Maria runs more to the left, hiding behind one that was pushed over by Rhino's rampage. She hopes Julia is having better luck than she is right now.

Julia is not having better luck. Not at all. She was able to find a hole in the wall of crates to her right, so she crawled through it, thinking Scorpion wouldn't be smart enough to think she went past the wall. She was wrong.

Scorpion immediately scurries over and climbs the wall, leaving claw marks in the metal wherever he steps. To avoid his gaze, Julia finds an empty crate near her that was missing its end doors. She covers her mouth with one hand to remind herself not to scream. In the distance, she hears Maria snap twice. She peeks out the far end of the crate and spots Scorpion to her left, distracted by the snapping sound.

Julia runs forward into another open one and whistles once. Since it's empty inside, it creates an echo and the sound is able to strongly leave from both ends. Scorpion angrily turns back toward the direction of his prey and growls, "Come on, girly, you don't have to be so scared. I'm an understanding guy. Probably just lost, right?" Scorpion jumps across a few crates, his tail scraping against the top of them as he crawls forward. "I know you're hereee."

Julia lifts her feet and as lightly as she can, she tiptoes over to the other end of the box. However, her shoes make a loud clanging sound against the metal. Quickly, she takes off her shoes and holds them as she continues onward. Julia presses her back against the metal and tilts her head out of the crate, but quickly retracts it when she sees Scorpion turning in her direction. She hears Maria snap once to signal she's stopping. Julia is about to look out the crate again, but jumps when a long, sharp, green tail stabs right through the roof, barely missing her.

She doesn't know how she didn't scream, but Julia keeps her mouth covered and is able to stay silent as Scorpion's tail coils back up and out of the box. "You in there, girly?"

Julia blinks, taking one of her shoes in her right hand, and throws it out the back end of the crate. She cringes externally as it makes an impact with other metal boxes and creates a huge noise. Julia listens carefully as she hears Scorpion jump off her hiding spot and crawl in that direction. She waits a few more moments before whistling twice and running out the other end of the crate. She manages to make a few turns before she finds another open box and hides inside.

Maria snaps twice right before changing spots. Rhino charges into the place she was hiding, getting really irritated. "No more snap! I snap you! Malyshka, make this easy for Rhino!"

Looking ahead, there doesn't seem to be a secure hiding spot for Maria to dive to next. All she can see is a pile of damp, small cardboard boxes in a line just to her right. But, if she is able to pull off that hiding spot, from there she can make a break for the ramp further down! Maria looks behind her and waits for Rhino to stomp off more to the right and creeps to the other side of the boxes. Making sure she's completely hidden, Maria lies flat on her stomach with her bag shifted onto her back.

"Zheltyy... zheltyy..." Rhino mumbles in Russian. Maria is scared that the boxes will fall out of place as Rhino's footsteps shake the ground. She peeks through a crack in the boxes and doesn't see him. Maria doesn't register that everything has gone eerily quiet, only thinking that she has time to run to the ramp now.

Maria props herself up on her elbows, accidentally pushing some of the boxes next to her. She realizes something is wrong when she still hears the raindrops falling, but no drops are hitting her body. Maria quickly turns onto her back to see Rhino bending over her. He lifts one of his feet and raises it above her chest saying, "Bad hiding spot, malyshka!"

Maria doesn't have time to throw her other shoe, so she quickly rolls out of the way when Rhino stomps his foot down. The girl fumbles to her feet, running right toward a wall of crates. She feels the floor vibrating under her feet, and she jumps to the left right as Rhino gets too close for comfort. Instead of catching her with his horn, Rhino runs into the crates and crashes through. Maria successfully jumps inside the ramp.

The ramp takes Maria upward and onto a pile of stacked crates. She sighs, letting out her stress for a moment, knowing Rhino isn't going to look for her up here. She snaps twice to signal that she's still going forward. She hears Julia whistle twice back, but then Julia whistles once again. Maria gets nervous for her friend and crouches down by one of the metal walls before she continues. After a few more seconds, Julia whistles twice again and Maria understands she's okay. The girl continues on.

Maria keeps climbing up the incline until it levels out into a bridge across a gap of crates. She turns to the right, but her path is blockaded and there's no way of climbing over it, especially since her leg is starting to feel numb with pain. Luckily, there is an opening to her left so she can drop back down to ground level. On the other side of the wall, she hears faint crashing and mumbling in a familiar Russian accent. "Malyshka, I pound you to the ground!"

Maria hears Julia whistle about ten times very quickly. What is that supposed to mean? She doesn't think much of it, knowing Julia improvises a lot sometimes. In front of her, Maria spots another opening for the sewer tunnels like the one her and Julia dropped into earlier. Seeing that it's the only way to get to the other side of the wall, Maria jumps inside. Her bag rattles, but she doesn't think Rhino heard anything. This tunnel is darker because the bars above her are thicker, or it's just the clouds in the sky getting darker as well. She isn't sure if she's shivering from the rain or from fear anymore, but she keeps going.

The tunnel turns a bit but never branches off, allowing Maria to hurry down the path. When she sees the end, she makes a plan in her head to quickly lift the hatch and make sure the coast is clear before she climbs up. However, right before she reaches the end of the tunnel, a large and armored hand breaks through the hatch and reaches down into the tunnel. Maria is surprised she didn't scream as she jumps, hitting her head on the ceiling, and falling onto her back.

Rhino feels around the tunnel for a few long moments before he lifts his hand out. He yells in rage and turns around. "GET. OUT. NOW!"

Maria rubs her head and crawls over to the hole in the ceiling, peeking over the opening to see if Rhino is still there. He is standing just to her right with his back turned to her. He stays there for what seems like a full two minutes before he marches away. Maria shakily climbs out of the hole and walks forward to hide behind some boxes.

Rhino walks around in front of her and picks up a big box. He throws it at the wall in front of them before losing his temper once again and charging through the boxes to the right. Maria quickly snaps twice, knowing she hasn't sent Julia a signal in a while. She switches positions and walks to the left, hiding behind another set of boxes. He must have heard the pills shaking because Rhino turns and rams right into the boxes she used to be behind.

Maria quickly scoots so she's on the other side of the boxes and runs into an empty crate. Since her shoes are off, her feet don't make a lot of noise echoing on the metal floor. She doesn't know where a good exit is, looking on either side to try and decide what to do next. Rhino has just about had enough of this, and Maria can tell by the sound of his voice that he will smash through anything at this point to find her.

Julia hears Maria snap twice to signal that she's moving onward. She can't reciprocate, however, due to her current situation. She was able to get out of her crate and slide behind a pile of metal boxes, but Scorpion must have heard her backpack make noise from the pills because he started heading in her direction. Right now, Julia presses her back against the metal and creeps around it as Scorpion does the same on the opposite side.

"Show yourself, girly. I don't bite." Scorpion taunts, knowing that he's scaring the poor girl. "I just wanna know what you're doing here. Maybe have a little chat."

How Julia wishes she could retort with something witty. But, unfortunately, she isn't Spider-Man. If she spoke at all, he would know where she was and that is not something she wants to happen. Instead, Julia jumps behind another set of boxes once she gets close enough. She whistles twice to let Maria know she's moving.

Scorpion growls at the sound of the whistle, making Julia know he's near. She whistles once more to tell Maria she's stopping, knowing she will have to wait for an opening to move on. Scorpion crawls on a giant wall of crates to her left, getting even more irritated that he hasn't been able to find her yet. "Whistle again, I dare you."

Julia gulps, trying to decide what to do. If she makes any more noises, Scorpion will definitely be able to pinpoint where she is. Maybe she can throw her other shoe as a distraction and make a beeline for the ramp to her left. As she finalizes the plan in her head, Julia's heart drops into her stomach when her phone rings.

The Tetris theme plays loudly, making Julia jump a bit and quickly take her phone out of her back pocket. She reads the contact name as Peter Parker being the one who's calling. Julia rapidly tries to swipe the red ignore button to make the phone stop ringing, and after about twenty times of swiping it, she is finally able to shut the phone up. Scorpion lands on the crate she was hiding behind and stares down at her. "Fan of Tetris, I see."

"Was never really good at it. More of a puzzle solver." Julia is impressed with herself as she notices she is able to keep her voice stable.

"I don't like to brag, but," Scorpion crawls down the box, making Julia back up until her back hits another metal crate. "I'm a pro. I'll even teach you. I've been known to be quite generous. We can use your bones as blocks."

"Tempting, but I have another idea. Trust me, you'll love it." Julia pauses for a moment to keep up the anticipation. She is even surprised when Scorpion stops in his tracks, looking at her with an amused expression. After a good few seconds, Julia whistles loudly many times, turns around, and leaps over some boxes.

It was probably the stupidest thing she's ever done, but she doesn't care. It worked and that's all she's concerned about. Scorpion yells in rage and hurries after her, swiping his tail at her whenever she gets the chance. Julia keeps note to make many twists and turns to help avoid his tail. She is able to dodge every single attack that way, and reaches the ramp right before Scorpion catches up with her. Julia intentionally body slams into the side of the ramp, causing a bunch of big metal boxes to fall down over the entrance and cutting off Scorpion.

Julia climbs up and whistles twice just as she hears Maria snap the same amount. She runs, knowing Scorpion has the ability to climb the wall and get her from above. She looks around her constantly, but doesn't see any sign of the green armored arachnid. She doesn't know if she's happy about that or scared.

Julia takes her phone out just as it starts to ring again. She presses the ignore button and slides it over. Julia thinks she might want to put her phone on silent, but before she can Scorpion climbs up the wall just behind her. "Not really stealthy, are you?"

"And yet I've gotten this far. I thought you were supposed to be a professional super villain." Julia knows she definitely shouldn't have said that, but she couldn't help herself. The opportunity was there. Scorpion charges at her, but Julia jumps off the platform to her left, getting back down to ground level.

"I'll show you a professional super villain! Just wait until I catch you, girly!" Knowing Scorpion's threat is genuine, Julia wastes no time before finding an opening in the ground, lifting the hatch, and jumping inside. She closes the gate above her to slow Scorpion down and runs.

About halfway through the tunnel, Julia stops. She is shocked that Scorpion didn't follow her down the tunnel. Unless... he is waiting for her on the other side. Thinking that's the most likely case, Julia throws her last shoe to the other end of the tunnel and backtracks, exiting the tunnel the way she came in. Sure enough, Scorpion is nowhere to be seen. Julia closes the hatch and utilizes a small gap in the wall to her left instead.

When Julia makes it to the other side of the wall, she sees that she is trapped by a locked gate. Just past the gate she sees Maria hiding in an empty crate and Rhino running around destroying things. Julia cups her hand around her mouth and quickly says, "Psst!" to get Maria's attention.

Maria turns toward the noise and is thrilled to see her friend alive and well, just on the other side of a locked gate. She watches as Julia tugs on it, signalizing that she can't get through, and Maria formulates a plan. Using her other shoe, Mara throws it and creates a loud metal banging on the wall to her left. Rhino quickly turns and charges toward the noise, creating a hole for Julia to run through.

Julia quickly jumps inside the crate with Maria and whispers, "I think I lost Scorpion. How do we get out of here?"

"I've been thinking. If I can get Rhino to crash into that plank, then the crate should fall at an angle. We can climb it to get out of this supply zone." Maria points to the wall on their right to show what she's talking about.

Julia nods and tries to think of how to get Rhino to destroy it but he comes back and rams right into the wall they are planning to climb. The wooden plank that's holding up the crate wobbles and falls to the side, making the metal box slide down just a bit.

Julia pushes Maria out of their hiding spot and into their new path. About halfway through their climb, Julia hears the familiar clanging sound of Scorpion's feet right above their heads. He must have landed on the roof of their crate tunnel. The girls hear Scorpion say, "These two girls sure are slippery, aren't they?"

"I want to CRUSH YELLOW MALYSHKA!" Rhino bellows. Julia turns to Maria, gesturing for her to quietly keep going. They continue to climb, but right when they both grab onto the edge of the crate, Scorpion's tail wraps around Julia's wrists and pulls her out of the box.

"Thought you could get away that easily, did you, girly?" Scorpion chuckles, hanging upside down.

"Well, yeah, actually. It was pretty easy now that you mention it. Again, are you really a pro villain?" Julia can feel her wrists and arms starting to ache as she hangs above the ground. "Wearing a cool suit doesn't immediately mean you're part of the big leagues, Scorpion."

"Julia, shut up!" Maria yells as she slides to the bottom of the crate. Rhino and Scorpion direct their attention to the newcomer with shocked faces.

Maria coils back a bit as Scorpion smiles and looks back at Julia. "So, Julia, what were you two doing here all alone?"

"Messing with your plans for the supply routes and schedules, duh." Julia makes a pained face when Scorpion's tail tightens more around her wrists, but she manages to hold back her scream.

"I swear, Julia, stop saying things that are going to get you killed!" Maria holds up her hands and steps onto the solid concrete ground. She really misses her shoes. Maria looks at Scorpion and quickly says, "We only heard part of your conversation. We were here to get medical supplies, but we were... trapped." Maria opens the flap of her bag to show them the antibiotic pills on top. She sees that Scorpion isn't loosening his grip on Julia so she pleads even more, "If you're going to hurt anyone, it's going to be me! You wouldn't kill the birthday girl, would you?"

"Imeninnitsa?" Rhino asks and stomps closer to Maria, making the girl in yellow back up a bit. "Yes! Then I get to squash yellow malyshka!"

"Wait, no!" Julia yells as Rhino lowers his head, ready to impale Maria with his horn. Right before he can start running, everyone pauses as the Tetris theme rings loudly from Julia's pocket for the third time that day.

Scorpion throws Julia into the ground, clearly annoyed with the sound. His tail thrashed at her head, but she ducks just in time and he hisses, "Answer it!"

Julia takes the phone out of her jean pocket and sees that it's Peter calling her again. This time, she answers the call and brings the phone up to her ear. "Uh... hello?"

"Julia, where the hell are you?!" Peter yells on the other side of the line. Julia cringes and holds the phone away from her ear, getting a blast of sound projected from the device. "You've been gone an hour and a half!"

"Um, a little busy right now." Julia looks at Scorpion and Rhino, the former of which is wrapping his tail around Maria's torso. "Call you when I can. Gotta go, bye."

The brunette hangs up the phone and puts the device back in her pocket. She turns to Scorpion who laughs and squeezes Maria tighter. "Good choice. Seems like you can be smart when you need to be. Now, I think I've promised Rhino a squashing."

Scorpion lifts Maria up to Rhino who cracks his knuckles. "About time!"

Julia looks around for anything she can use. She isn't going to lose her best friend to these weirdos, not on her birthday! She looks past Scorpion and smiles when she sees an open crate, the door facing them. Knowing it's now or never, Julia sprints and rams right into Scorpion's side, knocking him over and into the crate. She quickly pulls the stopper out, allowing the door to crash down into the arachnid's tail.

"OOOOWWWW!" Scorpion yells and his tail slacks. Maria has just enough room to wiggle out of its grip, and Julia helps her stand up.

"NO, RHINO IMPALE YOU BOTH!" Rhino kicks back dirt and charges at the two girls. Julia grabs onto Maria and falls back just before Rhino could run to them. Instead, Rhino crashes into the wall behind them, making a giant hole for them to escape. And that's exactly what they do.

Maria pulls Julia up and together they run out of the storage area. Since Rhino had veered to the right, they take an immediate left to avoid him when he turns back around. The two girls run down a few streets and stop in an alleyway before collapsing. Shivering, they hug one another for a long moment and then stand up, ready to bring the supplies back to F.E.A.S.T.

"Hey, you! Yeah, you two little girls." Maria and Julia turn around to see four men in orange prison shirts smirking and cracking their knuckles. Instead of running away or cowering like they expected, the two girls look at each other and quickly run up to one of them, punching him across the face.

"Anyone else?" Maria asks as their victim falls onto his back, now with a bloody nose. The other three men put their hands up and slowly back away, shaking their heads.

Julia and Maria carry the supplies all the way back to the shelter with soggy socks and bags. When they get there, Peter scolds them for being out for so long until he looks at their conditions. Maria still has a bleeding leg and throbbing head, while Julia's wrists look scraped and bruised.

"What happened to you guys?" Peter asks. When Julia and Maria tell him the fabulous story about their dates with Rhino and Scorpion, Peter becomes furious. "Next time, come back and I'll get help, okay?"

The girls nod, still proud of themselves for pulling off the heist of the century. Peter lets them run off to see Julia's mom while he goes up to put his suit on. Looks like I have to pay two of my favorite villains a little visit for hurting those girls, Peter thinks to himself as he slides his mask over his face. I'll call my sister, too. She'll want a piece of this fight.

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