Fire facts

Most Common Cause Of Hypercalcemia In Malignancy ---> Bone Mets. Goljan P#611, Oxford Hand Book Of Clinical Medicine P#690.
- Most Common Cause Of Hypercalcemia In Malignancy ---> PTHrP. MRCP Notes P#335, Robbins P#208, Harrison. [Note: Follow Key Answers (Which Ever It Is) When Ever U Have Standard Reference To Defend It]
- Malignancy Is Most Common Cause of Clinically Apparent Hypercalcemia While Primary Hyperparathyroidism Is More Common Cause of Asymptomatic [Incidental] Hypercalcemia. Robbins.
- Tranmission of Respiratory Droplet Infection Is Up To ---> 3 Feet. PreTest Medicine P#33
- Sensation From Finger Tips Carried By ---> A-Beta Fibers. Guyton P#586.
- During Exercise, Change of Position Is Detected By ---> Prioprioceptors. Guyton P#585
-Polyarteritis Nodosa Can Be Associated With ---> Hep B & Hep C. USMLE Step-2 [MTB] P#269, USMLE Step 3 [MTB] P#258.
-Blast Cells In Peripheral Film ---> Erythroblastosis Fetalis.
-Antibodies In Erythroblastosis Fetalis ---> Mainly IgG.
-Thalassemia Trait In Pakistan ---> 5%.
- Interleukin That Delays Apoptosis & Leads To Chronic Asthma ---> IL-5 Goljan P#59, MRCP Notes P#223, Ganong P#522
- Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma ''Is'' Caused By ---> Hep B.
[Known Risk Factors of HCC Are Hep B, Hep C, Cirrhosis, Alcohol, Aflatoxin]
- Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma ''Can'' Be Caused By ---> Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
[Other Risk Factors That ''Can'' Cause HCC Are Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, Hemochromatosis, Liver Flukes (Clonorchis Sinensis), Anabolic Steroids, Polyvinyl Chloride, Glycogen Storage Disease Type-1] Sugical Recall P#352.
- Highest Absorption of Long Chain Fatty Acids ---> Duodenum & Jejunum. Ganong P#471
- Highest Absorption of Short Chain Fatty Acids ---> Colon. Ganong P#475
- In HIV Mainly Th-1 Cells Are Affected. MRCP Essentials P#200, 255-56
- Trop I & T ---> Most ''Sensitive'' As Well As ''Specific'' Marker of Myocardial Cell Damage. Essentials of MRCP P#34, CMDT 2015 P#367.
- Myoglobin ---> Most Sensitive ''Early Marker of Myocardial Cell Damage''.
- Fat Depots In Non-Obese Male ---> 15% of Body Weight.
- Fat Depots In Non-Obese Female ---> 21% of Body Weight. Ganong.
- Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma ---> Bi-Lateral.
- Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma ---> Solitary Nodule. Robbins.
- Atrophy In Parenchymal Organs After Duct Obstruction ----> Mediated By Apoptosis. Robbins.
- Infective Endocarditis Most Likely To Occur In ---> VSD.
- Infective Endocarditis Least Likely To Occur In ---> ASD. Davidson.
- Enterokinase/Enteropeptidase Is A Brush Border Enzyme. Ganong P#497
- Sucrase & Lactase Are Brush Border Enzymes. Kaplan Physio P#391.
- Bucket Handling ---> Increases Tranverse Diameter.
- Hand Pump Handling ---> Increases AP diameter.
- Most commonly Damaged Nerve in Thyroidectomy ---> External Laryngeal Nerve. Bailey & Love P#791
- First Pulp Space drained by ---> Infra-Clavicular Nodes. Rj Last P#58.
- Parotid Gland ---> Entirely Serous Acini, Lacking Mucin.
- Sub-Mandibular Gland ---> Large Amount of Serous Acini with some Amount of Mucous Acini.
- Sub-Lingual Gland ---> Large Amount of Mucous Acini with some amount of Serous Acini.
- Brunner's Glands ---> Entirely Mucous Acini. Kaplan Physio.
- Most Potent Stimulus for Renin ---> Sympathetic Stimulation. Ganong P#458, Table 24.1
- Most Potent Stimulus for Aldosterone Secretion ---> Potassium. Guyton P#950.
- Highest Oxygen Consumption is by ----> Liver.
- After Liver, Highest Oxygen Consumption by ---> Skeletal Muscles. Ganong P#618
- What % of liver is Removed in Partial Hepatectomy?? 70% Liver is Removed, Regeneration is Rapid, Takes 5-7 Days. Adult donates Right Lobe to Adult Recipient, Adult donates Left Lateral Segment to a Child Recipient. Guyton P#860-61, Surgical Recall P#683.
- In Kidney Tranplant, Compatability Tests are ---> First ABO, then HLA Typing, Left Donor Kidney is Perferred over Right Kidney as Left Kidney has Longer Renal Vein Allowing Easier Anastamosis. Surgicall Recall P#680.
- Composition of Dialyzing Fluid:
- Glucose & HCO3 MORE than Plasma.
- Na, K & Chloride LESS than Plasma.
- Magnesium & Calcium EQUAL to Plasma.
- Urea, Creatinine, Sulphate, Urate ZEERO. Guyton P#415.
- One Molecule of Hemoglobin Binds with 4 Atoms [2 Molecules] of IRON.
- One Molecule of Hemoglobin Binds with 8 Atoms [4 Molecules] of OXYGEN. Guyton P#422.
- Gastrin, CCK, Secretin, GIP, GLP-1 ---> Increase Insulin Secretion. GIP & GLP-1 being Most Potent. Ganong P#345, Table 19.6, Swanson.
- CCK, Gastrin, Insulin, Motilin, Serotonin ---> Increase Intestinal Motility.
- Glucagon, Secretin ---> Inhibit Intestinal Motility. Guyton P#787.
- Insensible Water Loss through Skin ---> 200-400ml
- Insensible Water Loss through Respiratory Tract ---> 200-400ml. Guyton P#291
- If Asked ''Best'' Source of Folic Acid ---> Mark Green Leafy Vegetables.
- If Asked ''Richest'' Source of Folic Acid ---> Mark LIVER. Chatterjea Text Book of Biochemistry P#171, Davidson P#113.
- Total Absorptive Surface Area of Small Intestine is 250sqm or More [Surface Area of Tennis Court]. Guyton P#813.
- 5-Nucleotidase Increases in Acute Liver Failure, Obstructive Jaundice & Tumours. Chatterjea P#569.
- Most Common Type of Lung Cancer is Adenocarcinoma accounting for 35-40%. Goljan P#409.
- Development of Stromal Tissue of Breast, Development of Ductal System, Fat Deposition in Breast & Areolar Pigmentation ---> ESTROGEN. Guyton P#1017, Ganong P#441.
- Development of Breast Lobules & Alveolar System ---> Progesterone. Guyton P#1039, Ganong P#444.
- Repeated Transfusion ---> Hemochromatosis. Davidson P#959.
- Massive Tranfsusion ---> Hypocalcemia. Bailey & Love P#22.
- Most Common site of Amebic Ulcer in Gut is Caecum.
- Most Common Pathogen Transmitted by Transfusion ---> CMV. Goljan
- In Hypoxia, Erythropoietin Production Begins within Minutes to Hours, Reaches Max within 24 Hours, New RBCs Appear in Circulation 5 Days Later. Guyton P#423
- Highly Selective COX-2 Inhibitor ---> Celecoxib
- Slightly COX-2 Selective Inhibitor ---> Meloxicam
- Non-Selective COX Inhibitor ---> Piroxicam. Katzung Pharma P#603-607
- Aspirin should be stopped 1 WEEK before Surgery. Katzung Pharma P#601.
- Safest Drug in Elderly Type 2 Diabetics ----> Tolbutamide. Katzung Pharma P#725
- Active Dreaming/Night Mares ---> REM Sleep
- Night Terrors ---> Stage III Non-REM.
- REM Sleep ---> Loss of Motor Tone. First Aid P#451.
- Deep Sleep/Slow Wave Sleep ---> Decreased Peripheral Vascular Tone. Guyton P#739.
- Non-Shivering Thermogenesis Mainly by ---> Epinephrine & Nor-Epinephrine, Thyroid Hormones Play Little [If Any] Role in Response to Cold. Guyton P#887, Ganong P#327.
- PCO2 Rises in First Minute of Apnea by 6mm of Hg & 3mm of Hg Thereafter. Anesthesiology Review by Raj Modak P#260.
- In An Apneic Anesthetised Patient, Rate of PCO2 Rise is 12mm of Hg In First Minute & 3mm of Hg Thereafter. Anesthesiology P#419.
- Total Body Water [TBW] ---> Highest in Newborn & Adult Males, Lowest in Adult Females. BRS Physio.
- After ILeal Resection, Un-Absorbed Bile Salts stimulate Water & Electrolyte Secretion in Colon causing Diarrhea & Increased Water
Content of Stools. Davidson P#882.
- Amebic Liver Abscess ---> Neutrophil Leukocytosis. Davidson P#363, Inam Danish P#291.
- Scaly Dermatitis & Hair Loss ---> Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency. Goljan P#176.
- Two Point Discrimination Sensor ---> Meissner Corpuscles.
- Tissue Macrophages are FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE in Inflammation/Infection. Guyton P#434-35.
- Fuid Loss in Diarrhea is ---> ISOTONIC. BRS Physio P#147.
- Hyaline Cartilage ---> Collagen Fibers & Elastic Fibers are NOT Visible. Laiq Hussain Histology P#61.
- BASIC Funtional Unit of Liver ---> Hepatic/Liver Lobule. Guyton P#859.
- Functional Unit of Liver [From Metabolic Perspective] ---> Hepatic Acini. Davidson P#922.
- Organ Other Than Liver That Can Form Urea ---> Brain. Chatterjea Text Book of Biochemistry P#411.
- Megaloblastic Anemia 'Can' be caused by Carbamazepine. Kaplan Pharma P#138.
- Theophylline Inhibits Erythropoietin Production. [Theophylline is Adenosine Antagonist & Adenosine is involved in Regulating EPO Production].


1- turner syndrome == short 4th metacarpal
2- pseudohypoparathyroidism = shortened 4th/5th digit
3- blackfan diamond syndrome = triphalangeal thumb
4- patau == polydactyly
6- edward == clenshed fist
5- antiepileptic = nail hypoplasia
6- alkylating agents == absence digits

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