Chapter 1

Noah groaned as he put his hands under either side of his pillow, slamming it around his face to try and block out all the noise. It didn't help. Nothing seemed to help. He could still clearly hear the incessant pounding and the the annoying screams and shouts, and then there was the fact that the banging against the wall made it sound like the entire house was going to collapse at any minute. The worst part of it all was that this was all he had heard for the past hour and a half, and he couldn't wrap his head around how this was even possible. How was it even possible to have nonstop sex full of screaming and wall breaking for an hour and a half? That question would, of course, always be rhetorical, because he had no intention of ever asking his sister and definitely had no intention of asking her boyfriend, Adam.

There were three main things about this situation that disturbed Noah above all else. The first was the fact that it was now three in the morning- he looked over at his phone to double check- and he had school tomorrow, so getting no sleep was going to be a pain in the ass. The second thing was the fact that his bedroom was upstairs while his sister, Lydia, was sleeping with Adam in her room one level below him, and despite all this he was still suffering from the crazy amount of noise they were making. He figured it was a better scenario than being his younger brother, Leo, who's room was downstairs right next to them, but, well, that wasn't his problem. The third and most disturbing thing of all, however, was that his sister was 22 years old and in college, while her boyfriend, Adam, was 18 years old and was a senior in high other words, he was in the same grade as Noah. He didn't know how his older sister managed to hookup with someone who he literally attended school with, and he honestly didn't want to know. He just wanted them to shut the fuck up so that he could get some sleep, otherwise at this rate, he wasn't going to graduate.

It seemed life was on his side but wasn't at the same time. After thirty more minutes, he heard Lydia give a scream of such finality that it made him wonder if Adam was fucking her or murdering her. He honestly could care less about which one it was, all he cared about was that she stop screaming. His wish was granted; it seemed that his predator of a sister was finally spent. Unfortunately for him, it was pretty much too little too late, and despite the quiet that finally settled into their house, he wasn't able to catch a wink of sleep.

He restlessly got up a few minutes before his alarm even went off, tossing his legs over the side of his bed with a frustrated and tired sigh. He could not wait to get out of this house forever, but first, he had to make it through the day. As he walked out of his room to get ready, he noticed that the lights in the bathroom were open. When he entered, he saw a figure standing by the toilet. He blinked sleepily and rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. It was a tall man, dark brown hair that was somehow always spiked and- oh. It was Adam. Obviously, since Adam was the only guy in the house taller than Noah. Their eyes met, and Adam grinned at him.

"Morning, Noah. You know, I'm fine with you watching me pee and all, but I don't know if your sister would be happy about it." Noah's eyes widened, suddenly more awake as he walked towards the sink, focusing his eyes on his reflection in the mirror. Adam chuckled at his reaction, to which Noah just offered him a grunt of distaste. He didn't know what his sister possibly saw in Adam. Sure, he was considered the hottest guy in their grade, and even Noah had to admit that the dude was physically flawless and that he'd felt jealous of his body once or twice during sophomore and junior year and maybe even now, comparing Adam's sculpted bare chest to Noah's scrawnier one, but the positives ended there. The guy's personality just rubbed Noah the wrong way. He saw his sister peer into the bathroom from the mirror.

"Oh, Noah, you're up?" Yeah I'm up, I couldn't fucking sleep thanks to some people reenacting the screams of a banshee. He thought, but he kept it to himself as he grumbled back at her in response. Adam flushed the toilet and walked up to the sink next to Noah to wash his hands. Noah immediately scooted away as a passive aggressive sign that he was incredibly salty about them keeping him up all night.

"I was wondering if you could catch a ride with Adam? Since mom's out of town for a while we only have the one car, so I'm gonna have to take it to work." Noah was horrified as he whipped around to look at his sister.

"Dude, what? No! We already made the agreement that you would just have to take me and Leo to school before work! That's why I'm up so early!" Lydia sighed, leaning against the bathroom wall.

"I know we did, but isn't this way easier? I mean, you and Adam go to the same school anyways." Noah cringed, looking back at Adam who was washing his face.

"Don't remind me." He muttered. Lydia put a hand on her hip, waiting for him to give her the answer she wanted. He groaned. His options were to either go with Adam or to just skip school...and Noah wasn't about to miss the history lecture today, or else he'd be screwed. He gave his sister a dirty look.

"Fine, whatever, I just have to put up with it for today, right?" Lydia didn't answer him right away, and he felt an impending sense of doom.

"Actually, since mom's out for a while, Adam's going to be staying here. He can drive you and Leo around wherever you two need to go. You know, have a little guy bonding time." Noah rolled his eyes. Adam was the last person he wanted to be around, and Leo wasn't much better. His brother was only three years younger than him but sometimes he acted like such a brat, Noah couldn't stand it. And then there was Lydia, who he couldn't stand right now. Before he could argue with her, however, he felt Adam put a hand on his bare shoulder, making him shiver a bit. He'd just woken up and was cold, but Adam's hand was strangely warm. It was mildly uncomfortable, but Noah didn't want to seem squeamish, so he ignored it as Adam spoke up for him.

"It's fine, Lydia, I don't take any offense. I'll take the boys today, but you should probably do it tomorrow onwards." Lydia looked torn, and Noah was surprised, too. He hadn't expected Adam to take his side, and he was almost thankful. Almost. He would have to do a lot more though to make up for keeping him up all night. Also, the fact that he was dating his older sister was super weird, so he was pretty sure that he wasn't capable of feeling anything positive for Adam no matter what he did.

"Alright, fine Adam. I'll send them tomorrow, but you'll have to pick them up." Noah scoffed at this.

"Excuse me, could you please not act like you two are our mom and dad? I don't know if you've forgotten this or not but Adam and I are literally in the same grade. I can take the bus home from school like usual and so can Leo." Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Okay, have it your way. You'll still put up with him and send him today?" She asked, directing her question to Adam. He walked over to her and they kissed, giving her his answer. Noah swore he could've thrown up right at that moment. There was nothing quite as disgusting as watching your older sister make out with a guy you'd known from the past three years of high school. Adam walked out of the bathroom, presumably to get changed, and Lydia turned to do the same.

"Oh, Leo needs to go to school early for some sort of test review thing in his biology class? So, yeah, you don't get to go back to sleep. And go wake him up." Noah groaned.

"You got any other fantastic news for me, mother?" She ignored him and left, leaving him alone to lament at how shitty this day already was. That was basically all he'd been doing this morning. With a sigh of exasperation, he turned on the sink to wash his face.

When he was done in the bathroom, he walked downstairs to Leo's room, knocking on his door before opening it.

"Leo, get up. Lydia said you had some weird thing at school early today." Leo groaned from under his blanket, crawling out so that his head was peeping out at Noah.

"I'm up. I have been all night." Noah rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Stop complaining and get up. Why do you have to go early anyways?" Leo grumbled, sitting up but wrapping his blanket around him to defend himself from the cold.

"I have a stupid test review...I have to stay after for a bit too...but dude, you have no idea what I just had to go through...they were screaming all night!" Noah's eyes were going to go sore if he kept rolling them at his stupid younger brother.

"Yeah, I know, I heard it too." Leo tossed the blanket off of himself dramatically.

"But not like I did! Your room is an entire floor up, I'm right next to them! I could hear every word, every breath, every sound, christ Noah you don't know how traumatizing that shit is!" Noah groaned.

"Leo you're a fourteen year old boy and you're turning fifteen in like a week, don't try and pretend you don't know what sex sounds like." Leo was protesting, but Noah had had enough noise for the morning and went to retreat to his room to change. He was being just a little hypocritical since, of course, he too was incredibly disturbed by the events of that night, but he had different reasons. For starters, it was a whole other level of traumatizing when it was his classmate fucking his older sister, like, he shivered just at the thought of it. That was reason enough for him to want to run away and never come back.

He sighed as he rummaged through his clothes. He was running on roughly zero seconds of sleep and a headache the size of his fist, so he wasn't in any mood to put effort into his attire. He took his pants off, bending over to grab a pair that lay on the floor messily. He heard a whistle from behind him and he turned to see Adam leaning against the doorway.

"What the fuck?!" He screamed, quickly pulling his pants on. The other boy chuckled.

"I gotta say, with the way you act at school, everybody thinks you're that super-clean-smart-kid-nerd. Man, would they be shocked to find out how dirty you really are." Noah glared at him.

"I'm the dirty one? You're the one who's screwing my older sister, then you walk around my house half naked, and now you're spying on me as I'm changing." Adam grinned at him, not even denying it.

"I was just talking about how dirty your room is, but I guess you make a fair point. We should get going soon, so hurry and pretty yourself up." Noah seethed as Adam walked away. He didn't even deny that he'd done all those things, which, probably would've been stupid since he couldn't really deny it when Noah had witnessed it all, but he didn't even seem to care. He was just waltzing about like he owned the house now. Noah tossed a shirt on angrily. Adam was only one year older than Noah due to when their birthdays were; he didn't get to act like they were from completely different generations.

Noah stepped out and saw Leo quickly finishing up in the bathroom. When he was done, they stepped outside, seeing that Lydia had already left. Adam gestured them over to his black car that Noah couldn't place a name to. He knew his history terms better than he new anything about cars, that was just the type of person he was.

Adam chuckled when both Noah and Leo sat down in the back, neither of them wanting to take shot gun. As much as Leo annoyed the hell out of Noah, there was no way he would ever willingly get that close to Adam, especially with the knowledge that he had been in bed with his sister only hours prior. Adam pulled out of the driveway and started towards Leo's school. Noah had every intention of not discussing anything for the entirety of the car ride, but Leo apparently had other plans, and he mentally slapped himself in annoyance when his younger brother started talking.

"I hope you know it's your fault if I don't learn anything from my review this morning." Leo accused tiredly. "I mean, what's wrong with you even? Why are you dating somebody so much older than you?" Adam didn't seem to mind talking about it at all as he turned to look at Leo.

"Well, I wouldn't say Lydia is 'so much older' than me, it's really just four years. Sorry bout last night, but, hey. We all have sex drives. You two know what I mean since you're guys too, right?" Leo's face got noticeably more embarrassed as he just looked away. Noah was getting uncomfortable to the point of wanting to yell at Adam for being such a creep, but he kept his lips sealed as they drove on in silence.

Leo fidgeted impatiently as they began pulling up to his school, no doubt desperate to get as far away from the car as possible. Adam looked back at him.

"Hey, sorry about keeping you up. I'll help you study some time to make up for it, 'kay?" He winked, making Leo's face redden a bit. The fourteen year old boy just gave a quick nod before sprinting out the door, not stopping to even shut it. Noah reached over to pull the door shut, groaning inwardly because fuck, it was just him and Adam now. He hoped they could just go on in silence, but those hopes died very quickly as Adam turned to him.

"You wanna hop up? Ride shotgun?" Noah, not wanting to seem like a little bitch, stared Adam back in the eyes rather than avoiding his annoying blue gaze.

"No, I think I'll pass." Adam shrugged with that annoying smile of his before turning back to face forward, driving off towards their high school. From there, Adam basically engaged in a conversation with himself, talking about different assignments they had coming up and some stupid drama that was apparently going on between some of the school staff members. Noah wasn't interested. He just wanted to get out of this car and never have to be alone with Adam ever again so he could focus on school. They eventually made it to the school parking lot, and as soon as they were parked, Noah left the car, mumbling a quick thanks to Adam. He didn't really mean it because he hadn't even asked for this car ride to begin with, but he figured it was common decency. He figured Adam knew that much as well.

Noah had never been so happy to be in school. Sure, he was practically falling asleep in every single class due to his sleep deprivation, but at least there was stuff going on to help him forget the trauma of that night. He couldn't help but wonder why the hell Adam was apparently going to be spending days over at their house though. Like, why? He was pretty sure his sister hadn't been dating Adam for very long, so this entire situation seemed creepy to Noah. Luckily, he had an idea of how to get rid of Adam.

Once lunch time came around, Noah went looking for Kate, Adam's younger sister. She was only a year younger and she and Noah got along pretty well, so he figured he could ask her to tell Adam off for him. He had already texted her to meet him earlier and quickly found her waiting for him by the cafeteria doors. They waved as he ran to meet her, exchanging a greeting. Kate shared Adam's dark blue eyes, but her hair was a lighter complexion than Adam's, and she had red streaks in it.

"So, what'd you want to ask me?" She unfolded her arms. Straight to business as usual. Noah cleared his throat as they moved off to the side a bit.

"It's about your brother, Adam. He's dating my sister and it's really weird...god, you don't even understand how bad it is, they're screaming all night and now he said he's staying at our place? Is this like, something your parents are okay with?" Noah hadn't meant to rant about it at all, but he seemed incapable of talking about Adam without complaining. Kate scoffed at this, walking past Noah and away from the cafeteria.

"I can't believe this. Come on, follow me, we'll go somewhere more private. I have a couple of stories that I would love to share about my brother." Noah blinked in surprise, doing as she said and walking after her. He wasn't exactly here for her life story, but at the same time he wasn't going to complain about listening to somebody shit talk Adam. He just hoped it wasn't boring, otherwise he'd probably fall asleep since he was currently a walking insomniac.

They wound up going to one of the practice music rooms in the art hallway. People usually only used these rooms when they were going to rob or bully someone, so Noah was feeling just slightly nervous. Kate groaned as she leaned against a wall, slapping her forehead.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a chance to complain about Adam...seriously, everyone in this damn high school worships him like he's some sort of deity, just because they think he's hot and because he pretends to be nice." Noah related on a personal level to Kate's apparent distaste of Adam, but the last bit surprised him a bit.

"'Pretends to be nice'?" He didn't exactly enjoy Adam's personality and had always thought it was a bit over the top, but even he had to admit that the guy wasn't exactly a jerk or a bully. He was just annoying in that he always seemed nice because he thought he was superior to you and treated you like a child.

"Oh, you don't even know." Kate groaned, sinking down against the wall until she was sitting with her knees hugged to her chest. "Adam just acts nice to people to lure them in. In reality, he's nothing but a sex-hungry control freak." Noah really didn't have anything to say to that. He wasn't sure about the control freak part, but he could totally imagine Adam's personality being fake, not to mention the guy did happen to be sleeping with his sister. Just thinking about how they'd kept him up all night made Noah yawn. Damn, he really needed sleep right now.

"It's infuriating, really. I guess people like the nice-guy-turned-bad-boy type of feeling they get after they get to know the real him. As for me? I hate him." Kate said simply, looking up at Noah. He raised an eyebrow at how easily she could say that about her own brother. As if sensing his puzzlement, she reiterated. "I hate him. He took away my previous two boyfriends and my girlfriend." Noah's eyes widened at that, taken aback by that information. Dozens of questions popped up in his head all at once, and his tiredness was momentarily forgotten, replaced by interest.

"...what do you mean he 'took away'? Did he scare them off or something?" Kate let out a loud chuckle that caused Noah to physically jump from how unexpected it was. She rubbed at her eye a bit.

"Scare them off? More like the exact opposite. It's exactly like I said; he took them away. Lured them away from me. For himself. I...oh, it'll be easier if I just explain everything from the beginning." She stretched as if she was preparing to tell a long story, and Noah was both interested and regretting this at the same time.

"We never really talked much, really. Adam was always off doing his own thing and so I never had much of an opinion on him even though he was my brother. I knew that he was sexually active from a pretty young age and I mean, okay, whatever. He could do his own thing as long as it didn't affect me." She sighed, pausing briefly, as if the real story began now. Noah was already intrigued and had begun to listen more intently upon learning that Adam had been sexually active from a young age.

"The first time he decided to ruin my life was two years ago, I was fourteen and he was sixteen. I was dating a guy in my grade who was fifteen and...we'd been in a relationship for six months. I was really happy, obviously. It was my first committed relationship, and we'd been going strong for half a year...or so I thought. One day, I caught my boyfriend being pinned against a wall by Adam, and...they were making out. I was so shocked I lashed out, but my boyfriend defended Adam. It was then that I learned that the only reason my boyfriend stayed around was because...he was sleeping with Adam." She picked at her hair a bit, having nothing better to do as she told the story. Noah couldn't believe he was hearing this as she continued.

"Apparently, he had been dating me for me for the first month only. Then he had this whole life changing event with Adam, and apparently it made him unable to think of anything other than Adam's dick. So for five months of our relationship, he pretended to be dating me, but really only stuck around to secretly have sex with Adam behind my back. For five fucking months." The way she spoke about it made it clear she wasn't over it, and Noah figured the rest of the stories she had to share probably played into that, but something about what she'd said stuck out to him.

"Life changing event? What do you mean?" Kate sighed. "If you don't want to talk about it that's-" She rose her hand to cut him off, shaking her head a bit.

"No, it's fine, I've done this before. He left me a note describing this life changing event and how it basically 'turned him gay for Adam' or some bullshit like that. I still have this note. I don't mind letting you read it. In fact, maybe you should take it off my hands." Noah broke into a coughing fit at that. He wouldn't mind reading this note simply to sate his curiosity about what happened, but take it off her hands? Keep it? Why would he even want to do that? He'd probably just throw it away after reading it. Was that what she wanted? He opened his mouth to voice his thoughts, but she spoke first.

"Stop coughing already, I'm still telling my story. After that bust, I didn't date again until a year later, so that would be last year. I was going out with another guy, and it didn't take long for him to notice that Adam and I don't get along. I told him this entire story and gave him the letter to read. And...a month later, I found him having sex with Adam. I decided maybe I was just cursed and tried going out with a girl instead...but she also ended up ditching me to sleep with Adam." Kate hoisted herself back up, checking her phone briefly. "My point is, Adam ruins people's lives. I think he's dating someone else's sister right now, too. He's probably trying to ruin everyone's lives." Noah's eyes widened at that last part.

"Wait, he's dating someone else at the same time as dating my sister?" Kate shrugged, turning to leave the room.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Come on, I'll get the letter from my locker and give it to you." Noah's mind was racing, so he just nodded and followed her. This was good news. If Adam was cheating on his sister, then all he had to do was reveal this information and their relationship would be over. He wouldn't have to see Adam at his house ever again. That thought brought pure relief and joy to Noah.

They stopped outside Kate's locker, and she dug around in her bag a bit before pulling out a letter. The white of the paper had dulled over the last two years, but other than that it was in surprisingly good condition. There were no wrinkles or anything. She turned and held it out to him.

"Here." Noah considered if he should really do this, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he took the letter from her. She sighed, arms falling to her sides as she shut her locker and turned back to look at him. "There you have it. Everything you need to know about Adam. Except for the reasons why he decided it'd be a good idea to steal everyone away from me. Even I don't know that." Noah was about to comment about how he'd never asked to know this much, but her last line made him raise an eyebrow.

"You...don't know why?" She crossed her arms.

"Nope. Not a clue." The bell suddenly rang overhead, making them both look up before she turned back to him. "Sorry about using up your entire lunch time, I know you didn't exactly ask for all this info. I recommend you don't read that letter in public, it gets pretty NSFW. Later." She waved and walked off as more students began filling the hallway, leaving Noah standing by her locker, watching her go. She just wanted somebody else to share her story with; that was why she'd told him everything and tossed her boyfriend's letter into his arms. Noah couldn't help but feel like she deserved to know why Adam did what he did to her. So right then and there, he decided he would find out for her. After all, he knew that Adam was cheating on his sister. If he threatened him saying he'd tell Lydia, maybe he could get something out of Adam.

Noah thought it over for the rest of the school day, imagining exactly what to say and how to say it. He wasn't sure why he was so hung up on this. He figured it was because he actually had a chance to pay Adam back for keeping him up all night. That probably had something to do with it, too; the fact that Noah was still running on zero hours of sleep.

He found himself dozing off on the bus, nearly missing his stop. The interrupted nap only made him more tired. As he walked up his drive way groggily, he noticed a familiar black car and groaned. Adam was here.

Noah quickly entered the house and went straight to his room, intending to avoid Adam and his sister completely. Even though he had been thinking over how to threaten Adam for the past few hours, now wasn't the time. He was too tired to even stand up straight. As soon as he made it to his room, he dropped his bags and collapsed onto his bed, and just like that, he was out cold.


When Noah woke up, he was immediately reminded that he had missed out on lunch that day. He groaned, clutching his stomach as he sat up and checked his phone for the time. He pushed himself off of his bed upon seeing that he had napped for an hour or so only. This sucked. In just the last twelve hours, his normally good health had basically gone to shit. He stumbled downstairs with the intention to grab something to eat, but a sudden groaning noise interrupted him.

He really should've been able to deduct what was going on, but then again he was both sleep and food deprived, so he had basically lost the ability to call himself an intelligent human being. He followed the noise towards Lydia's room and, upon seeing that her door was ajar for some reason, crept forward to peer in. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

Sex. Adam and Lydia were, of course, having sex. They seemed to be laying perpendicular to the bed, because Noah could only make out their bottom halves through the small crack. And even though he wasn't seeing the whole thing, what he was able to see somehow caused him to freeze up and watch.

Adam's dick was in plain sight, and it was massive. It was all he could focus on; that mammoth mound of meat pounding down into the body below it. Noah was glad he couldn't see his sister's body for obvious reasons and should've been glad he couldn't see Adam's...but somehow, he wanted more. He'd never seen a dick so large before and it made him want to see the rest of it, to witness Adam's fully naked body, to-

A light moan from the room brought him out of his thoughts and back him to reality. What was he doing? Why would he want that? Why was he still here? With a gulp, Noah managed to hesitantly pry his eyes off of Adam's dick and turned away from the door. And then he heard it.

"Shhh, baby. You gotta keep quiet, or else Noah will wake up. We don't want that, do we?" Noah's eyes widened as he froze all over again. He had never heard Adam's voice speak in such a low, commanding way, hadn't even been aware that Adam was capable of making sounds like that. What made it even more bone-chilling to him was that Adam had said his name in that voice. He heard his sister speak back, and although the mere sound of her voice was disgusting to Noah in this scenario, what she said sent chills through him.

"No...I'm sorry...daddy." Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. 'Daddy'? Seriously? So Adam was into that kind of thing?

"Then shut the fuck up." Adam's grunts and commands were doing something to Noah, and he didn't understand why. All he knew was that if he spent another second there, he'd risk getting caught. He quickly but quietly fled the scene and went back to his room, only now aware that his forehead was sweating and that he had been holding his breath. He could still hear their sounds, particularly Adam. It was ironic. He was commanding Lydia to be quiet, yet he was the one being super loud?

I guess that's because he can do whatever he wants. He's the alpha. Noah gulped. His dick was hard in his pants. He wasn't small by any means, but he was nowhere near as large as Adam, and that bothered him. It bothered him a lot. It must've been jealousy. That must've been all this was. He'd been jealous of Adam before. This didn't feel quite the same as when he was jealous of Adam's toned body, but that must've been because this was regarding more...private matters.

Even so, that voice of Adam's was...shocking. It froze Noah completely, but that was probably due to the shock factor. Kate had said that Adam was secretly nothing more than a sex-hungry control freak who faked his nice guy attitude and became a total bad boy or whatever behind closed doors, but even so...he hadn't expected it to mean that Adam's voice changed completely from the annoyingly lax wise-guy to being so merciless and commanding and...whatever that was. As if to reiterate that, a grunt sounded from the floor below Noah, making him shiver.

Now, for whatever reason, Noah was even more invested than before. He dug through his backpack and grabbed the letter, unfolding it in his shaky hands. He was shaking in excitement.

Dear Kate,

I'm sorry. I could tell you a million times how sorry I am, but it-

Noah frustratedly skimmed past the first paragraph, not even reading it since every line had the word 'sorry' in it. He wasn't here for the apology. He wanted to know what actually happened.

I know you kept asking how this happened, and,'s a little (okay, a lot) embarrassing, but...I guess I owe you this much. It happened on the night of our one month anniversary. You and I got in that fight at your house before going on our date, and you ended up just leaving with some friends. That left me alone at your house. Man, I was furious. I was going to break up with you that day, but I thought I'd get your brother's advice first. I went to his room, but he was in the shower. That was fine. I sat down on the bed and waited for him, noticing his dirty clothes scattered on it. He wasn't expecting anyone in his room, so he came out fully naked. And I saw it. Adam's was incredible, and only semi-hard. He immediately recognized that I was staring at it. That's when he climbed next to me on the bed, spreading his legs a bit in my direction to give me a better look at it. God, I will never forget it.

Noah was so sexually frustrated at this point, he tossed out all his logic and morals. His hand reached down and worked his own cock out of his pants, eyes going back to the letter as he imagined the scenario.

He just asked me if I needed anything, I didn't know what to say. He smells so much of sex when he's naked, it's insane, and intoxicating, and I couldn't thing lead to the other and he was on top of me, asking me how badly I wanted it and really forcing me to say it before he would give me anything.

Noah imagined Adam being all dominant and controlling like that. His grunt sounded in the background, and Noah clenched his teeth together as he worked his hands on his cock furiously.

I couldn't speak, though. I could barely breathe, but that was alright with me. He wrapped my face in his boxers, making sure I was drowning in his smell and taste, and then he fucked me so hard I never stopped being able to feel it.

Noah let out a soft moan as he jerked himself faster and faster. Hearing Adam grunt from downstairs was certainly helping him reach his release faster as he imagined the scenarios in the letter.

He fucking turned me, Kate.

Noah was trembling a bit as he masturbated faster; desperately fast.

I probably sound like a cock slut just writing this, but when I remember our first time, I can't help but go into detail...I'm telling you, he made me into smell of his boxers, of his dick, and I was lost...

Noah's back arched in pleasure as he felt himself building up.

After that, week after week, I would find times to see him, let him fuck me again and again, I didn't need alcohol to forget my own name, Adam gave me that by fucking me so fucking hard-

Reading this and hearing Adam's grunts getting louder in the background did it for him. Noah's eyes squeezed shut as he came harder than he ever had before in his life, cum shooting all over the letter and onto the floor. He panted and felt sweat drip from his chin as he looked down at himself, hand wrapped around his pulsing, sensitive dick. The realization and regret at what had just happened set in almost immediately once he came down from his climax, and he felt so disgusted, he wanted to just drop dead right then and there.

Good thing the letter was his now, because it was covered in his cum.

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