Meant to Be #2

Laura P.O.V

We went in the apartnment. The door opened and my eyes went wide!

"Welcome to Changbin's house" Hyunjin said

I blinked like 200×. He is rich. I admired the floor. His living room was the size of my whole entire house I was amazed.

I was admiring the house until a women spoke

"Hyunjin! Felix! Nice to see you come in. I guess she was Changbin's mother?. I took of my shoes before entering the house. "Who is this young beautiful girl?" The women asked. "She is a friend of Hyunjin and Felix I met her just now" Changbin answered. "Bringing girls now are you" His mother chuckled. She came forward to me to say hello, I was going to bow but she hugged me instead, oh do I miss hugs. I haven't got a hug in ages. "You're not from here" She said. I looked at her and answered "No I only been here for short time I am originally from Canada." She smiled at me and said "Well just hug me so you feel more comfortable" I nodded my head and entered their living room.

"Shall we play a card game?" Hyunjin yelled. Changbin and Felix ran to the coffe table and started shuffling the cards. "Want to play?" Changbin asked me. "Sure" I replied while heading to the coffee table.

I didn't understand the game because they said words in korean that I didn't understand. Felix thought I understood because I kept nodding. All I knew is that once you get a pair of 4 similar cards you win! It was a fast paced game and it took me few seconds to realized "Oh I have four cards the same." I gasped and quickly put down the cards on the table.

"Four! Four!" I yelled

Everyone looked at me and my cards and then looked at Hyunjin. "We put our cards at the same time" Hyunjin said looking at me. I stared at him a little bit to hard. "I think we should take a vote" I said still looking at Hyunjin. I really wanted to win. I don't know why I got so competitive.

"I choose Laura" Felix yelled

"Same" Changbin said

"What!? Why are you guys! Heyyyyy no one is going to side with me!?" Hyunjin whined.

"Ha! I won! You lost!" I jumped in joy.

Hyunjin was obviously annoyed but he smiled anyways. We continued playing the games few times more. I kind of felt bad for the mom making dinner for the four of us. I was thinking if they had a maid because with the money they had shouldn't they have one. I put that thought down and decided to go help the mother with atleast the dishes.

"I am going to take a break" I told them while getting up and heading to the kitchen. "Can I help you?" I asked the mother. She was a little bit shocked on the question. "It's okay I can do it later" She said. I declined her question saying I wanted to help her because it would be easier to cook and organize the kitchen. I took the rubber gloves and staryed washing the dishes.

I was use to washing the dishes. Back home I took care of the house because my mother would never be home. She would go to many male houses and sleep with them. She was an alcoholic. For my dad he waz addicted to gambling. My dad of course was a bit better than my mother. He cared for me more than my mother therefore I trust him more. I moved here because I got mad the way I was living and so my mother kicked me out here in Korea to live with my aunt. Not much really changed just my aunt was nice to me. The taking care of myself didn't I always cleaned their house,washed their dishes,prepared their food. I didn't mind it. But I was fed up with it. To not get kicked out of that house I have to do something for them. Especually since I am the daughter of her sister, they look down upon me a little bit but they don't show it.

I finished washing the dishes and Changbin's mom showed me where to put them. I emptied the rack and put the cloth were it belonged. I signalled the mother that I finished my job. I was about to go back to the boys when she put her hand on my shoulder. "I was wondering." She stated "Do you want to work for me?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "I actually wanted to hire a maid earlier since I've been getting busier but no one has really caught my eye but seeing you." She continued. Changbin came in the kitchen. "Mom you're going to hire her?" He asked. "Laura do it! Mom give her good money." Changbin said while putting his hand around my shoulders.

Hyunjin P.O.V

We all were overhearing the conversation Changbin's mom was having with Laura. Changbin got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Mom you're going to hire her? Laura do it! Mom give her good money" He said. He put his arm around her which made just want to take his hand off her. I don't know why I had that urge, it felt wierd. I hope she says no I thought not knowing why she should say no. I didn't like the fact that Changbin was going to grow closer to her before me.

"Sure i'll do it" I heard Laura say

"Great if you can start tomorrow?" The mom asked. Laura nodded while the mother gave her the schedule of her work hours.

"Great they're going to be together everyday" I mumbled

We stayed there for an hour more until it was time to leave.

"Changbin go leave Laura at her home. I don't want her walking home alone" Changbin's mother insisted. "We can bring her home Felix and I...." I got interrupted by Changbin "Well we better get going Laura your parents must be worried it is late"

I could only give a death stare at Changbin without him noticing. I know he didn't mean to interrupt me. It was his mother's orders. We went outside and Laura was suppose to go the opposite direction from us which made me sad. So we said our goodbyes and headed off.

Laura P.O.V
I was walking with Changbin to my Aunts house. It was quite for a bit but Changbin wasn't that type of person to have an awkward walk.

"Are you excited to start work tomorrow?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. "I'm glad. We can become closer as well. My mother isn't so strict so relax" He ensured me.
"This is my house" I pointed. He looked at it. "Small isn't it" I said quietly. "Not at all. It is a cute house. You live with your parents?" He asked. "No my aunt and her family. My parents are in Canada" I explained. He nodded and told me to have a good night. He gave me a hug which I got quite flustered and gave a hug back. He waved his hand while walking back to his house. I was watching him walk until I couldn't see him anymore.

"Ring ring" My phone rang. I saw the caller ID it was my dad. I answered the phone.

"Hello" I said
"Hey Honey" my dad answered

Laura: What's up? Are you home with mom?

I don't think she will come home. I'm locked out of the house.

Laura:Hold on i'll call her

I hanged up on my dad. I looked for my mother's phone number. I didn't want be yelling close to my aunts house. So I walked to am empty park. I clicked my mother's phone number.

*Ring ring*

"Hello" an unknown voice answered.I knew my mom got another man.

Laura:Can I speak with Glenda (Mother's name)

I heard the phone getting passed on to my mother

"Hello" my mother answered

Laura:Mom go home now dad's locked out of the house.

"I guess he's stuck outside today." She answered

Laura:Mom leave the man! You're going to find another man anyways! Go open the door for dad!

"No! And he is not another man! I truly love him!

I knew my mom was drunk but I just hung up. I was angry. I dropped down to the ground hugging my knees. I started crying

"I hate my life! Should I just go back to hell. Even here I can't escape this problematic family I have!! I screamed. I stayed there crying. But my crying didn't last long when I felt someone putting headset on my head. I got startled and got up to see who it was. I faced the man still crying. The song was soft which made me cry more. Hyunjin was looking at me while I was crying.

Hyunjin P.O.V
I am here on my bed rolling from side to side of my bed. I can't sleep! I sat up on my bed. Why does Changbin bother me so much. I decided to take a walk maybe that'll clear my head.

I put my headset and put soothing music. I walked for a bit. I started to felt a bit calmer. I was about to turn around when I saw Laura alone at the park.

Why is she here at this time I questioned. I took off my headset so I could call her name and hear her. I was about to call her but she just dropped on the ground hugging her knees.

"I hate my life!"
"Should I just go back to hell?" I heard her say. She was having a hard time I slowly approached her.

"Even here I can't escape my problematic family! She screamed. She started crying. I wanted to make her feel better so I put her my headset with my music on. She got startled and stood up to face me. She started crying more and relaxed when she saw me. All I did was stand there not knowing what to do in this situation.

She then hugged me. My eye's widen my heart started to race not knowing why it did. She was still crying so I hugged her back. The moment lasted for a good 4 minutes.

She pulled away after and started bowing saying sorry. She was just emotional. I offered to walk her home. We reached her house and she quickly said bye to me and entered her house. I smiled at her waving my hand. I headed home and kept smilling. I laid down on my bed hugged my pillow and went to dreamland quickly.

Second chapter!!! Yayyy!!! I hope you liked it❤❤

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