CHAPTER 7: Thrown Out of Class

So how's the story going up till now? Did you like Rayyan? Is he a good guy or not?



After seeing the person of her nightmare. A feeling of nausea came over her and she controlled to threw up there. She wanted to go away from him forever but guess what fate had been decided.

"Ainah, I want to go home. Please can we go? I'm not feeling well." Her voice was filled with tiredness. As she came with Ainah so she couldn't go alone.

"Umm...yeah sure! Wait let me inform Danish, about us leaving." Ainah said and started to text him.

"Done! Come on Let's go,"

"Hmm" Huria hummed in response, her muscles were aching and screaming for rest. She didn't tell Ibrahim of her leaving, because she didn't want to make him feel bad.

Ainah dropped Huria safely after bidding byes, she went to her room, took a long refreshing shower, changed into her comfy pj's.

She Grabbed her favourite shawl from her closet, sat near window feeling the cool breeze brushed over her face calm her nerves. Her hair was freely flowing by the wind making her wet hair dry. Keeping all bad memories, incidents at bay she focused on irregular patterns on her pj's, lost in thoughts, away from all evils. She was enjoying that serenity. She found solace in nature.

She was admiring the dark sky
The never ending blackness consumed everything. Except the stars which stood out like pebbles in front of a storm. Ever enduring these shone with the night cowered in a inky black sky. Nights are so peaceful. They were the symbol of peace for her. No noise, no worries, only tranquillity. She always loved nights. She loved darkness because it's now the part of her life.

She remembered when everyone in her family called her night queen, because she didn't like to sleep at night. Those days were like a blessing.

She heard her phone beep twice. She came out of her trance and walked towards her side table. Her mobile screen was showing two messages from unknown number. She opened it and a frown found its way on her face.

Unknown : Hey! Why did you leave the party, so early?

Unknown: Is everything all right? Are you okay? I'm worried sick. Please reply me back.

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: Ibrahim :P

'How does he even get my number? As far as I remember, I didn't give him my number.' She mentally asked herself.

Me: How did you get my number?

Ibrahim: I asked Ainah to give me your number, but she wasn't agreeing at first. Then Danish insist her to give it to me. So here I got your number. Hope so you didn't mind. :)

Me : Oh Okay! Nope I didn't :)

Ibrahim : So, why did you leave? I wasn't expecting you to leave that soon ):

Me : I wasn't feeling well, that's why I left.

Ibrahim: Are you okay? You know I was planning on showing you my house and so many things but you left :(

Me: I'm sorry. May be next time you can. xD

Ibrahim: Are you okay? I'm still worried.

Me : hahaha I'm fine Ibrahim. Don't worry. Thanks for your concern :)

Ibrahim: I know, I'm a cool lad. Not cool but a hot one. So what are you doing right now?

Me: I was about to have my beauty sleep, but you disturbed my beauty sleep by messaging me :/

Ibrahim : Aww, sorry babe. Won't do it again. Now you can go and sleep. See me in your dreams :)

Me : Don't call me that.

Ibrahim: Don't call you what? :/

Me: babe!😳

Ibrahim: Oh! I wish I could see your face right now. Hahah

Me: Now let me sleep. Good night and Allahafiz.

Ibrahim : Yeah, going. Good night beautiful. Allahafiz! :)

"Did he just call me beautiful? Or am I dreaming? I think I'm going insane, or I guess I have probably lost my mind but he called me beautiful." She read the message again and again, and was talking to herself. Her mind was occupied by the thoughts of Ibrahim only. How handsome and caring he looked. His well built body. His husky voice. She felt heat rising up her cheeks. She hid her face with her hands, and smiled like a maniac.


She woke up with the first ray of sunlight peeking through the window, her room was bathed in the rays of morning sun. She pulled her Comfy brown quilt to the side and stretched her arm, a yawn passed by and she covered her mouth with the back of her hand. She made a messy bun of her tangled hair, and went straight to the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth, splashed cold water on her face. She took a hot shower, and dressed herself in a white short shirt just above her knee, so it wasn't that short, with black jeans, and a pair of white and black converse. She put a little makeup on her face to hide her bags, and a gloss on her lips. She made a messy bun, grabbed her long coat and scarf then went out after glancing at herself.

When she entered in University, Ibrahim was the first one to greet her. His smile was never leaving his face.

"Hey! Beautiful, how are you?" He asked in husky voice, with a permanent grin on his face. What's with him and smiling 24/7 like a normal person wouldn't smile all day. There was a little gap between them. She could see his God damn eyes so closely, his muscular body. Her height just came till his chest. She could see his perfect jaw line, high vheek bones and a slight stubble.

"Uh...I'm fine. What about you?" She asked totally busying herself in taking out her notebooks from her locker.

"I'm good! Umm...I wanna ask you something." He said making her stopped dead in her tracks and she looked towards him with a raised brow. She wasn't feeling anything good coming out of his mouth, so she just mentally prepared herself for any kind of bad news. Bad news as in about Ibrahim knowing things about Rayyan, and it's the least thing she wanted him to know.

"What?" She asked.

"Umm...I was just thinking if you...if you would like to have lunch with me after Uni." He said, while scratching the back of his neck.

Her lips parted and closed like a fish. Her tensed muscle relaxed a bit because he didn't say anything about the devil. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank God! It was not about Rayyan.

"Yeah, sure! I would love to." She said without even realising that she would be alone with him on a freaking lunch.

"Thank you so much, princess," He said bowing down a little. He called her yet with another name. What was he upto? He was switching from one name to another. He couldn't even stick with one name.

"Don't call me princess." she said seriously.

" don't like it?" He asked while looking straight into her eyes.

"No!" Was her simple reply. She knew, he was not the one who back off easily. So she started walking.

"So, butterfly?" He asked, keeping up with her speed.











"No! No! I don't like this word." Her dad used to call her. Only he has the privilege to call her that and no one else. He was the last one who called her 'honey'.

"Umm...sugar cane?"





"No! Ibrahim." She said directly looking at him. She was trying to stifle her laugh but ended up chuckling a little.

"So you don't like any of the above?" He asked hopelessly and she shook her head in negative.

"Why would you even want a nickname for me?" She asked crossing her arms across her chests.

"So it could be our thing." He said, making her amused.

"Our thing?" She raised her brow in question.

"Yeah, the thing between you and me only. A friendship thing."

"Actually, I-" She was trying to say something but was brutally cut off by him.

"Okay! Then, I'll pick a name for you by myself." He said with a mischievous grin. He knew that she didn't like those names but still he wanted to set a name for her.

"How about you call me by my real name 'Huria' or you can call be 'Hur' if you want to." She suggested him and was hoping he would drop the idea of choosing a name for her.

"No, no, no! 'Huria' is pretty much obvious and everyone calls you that. So, I'm not gonna call you by this name. I want a unique name for you. You know a name that could be 'our thing." He said while scratching his chin in a thoughtful manner.

"I really am happy with my real name, Ibrahim!" She giggled, trying to express him that she loved her name but Ibrahim was being stubborn wasn't letting it go.

"Hoori!" He said in high pitch voice, grinning at her.

'Really Hoori? This is the only name came in his head. It more sounds like a 'poori' can't he think of any other name. Ughh' she mentally shook her head with the idea of him calling her with that creepy name.


"Yeah?" He asked innocently.

"In the whole universe, there are more than 6 million names and this is the only name you can come up with?" She said, pressing her lips into a tight line.

"Yeah! It's so cool. Isn't it?" He said still grinning. He knew it triggered her but he was still enjoying the show.

"It's better you call me Hur or Huria. Hoori is more sounding like a poori. I don't want anyone to call me that crap." She made a disgusting look.

"Hahah! This is the only name I'll call you with now. And no one will dare to call you 'poori or Hoori'." He chuckled which made her frown deeper.

He continued saying "And I'm the owner of this name Hoori. No one is allowed to use this name babe." He smirked at her and winked. A shiver ran down her spine.

"You are impossible Ibrahim." She said, turning her face straight and started to walk to her class.

"Hoori, what your first class of?" He asked.

"Hoori, what's your first class of?" She mimicked him.

He chuckled at her childishness and patted her head, like she's some kind of a dog.

"Stop it!" She said annoyingly and continued "I'm not a dog to be patted!"

"So, tell me what's your first class of?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"It's history, why?" She replied, least interested.

"That means I can't come with you." He pouted, making a fake crying face.

"Aww, you are so cute." She pinched his cheeks, making him blush.

What had she done. Did she just pinched his cheeks? She shouldn't had. What was wrong with her. Had she lost her thinking and functioning ability.

"Did you call me cute?" He asked hiding his smile which is threatening to form on his face.

"N--No! I didn't." She stuttered not facing him.

"Yeah, I heard you. You called me cute." He smiled wickedly at her showing his dimple.

"I'm going to my class," she said, and was about to sprint off from there until she heard him saying.

"Hahah! Hoori you are a baby doll." He chuckled.

She turned back and said "Stop making fun of me." She said frustrated, which made him chuckle even more.

"Come babes! Your history class is right next to my physics class." He said ignoring what she said earlier.

"Oh Okay!" She said and they walked in silence to her first class. She didn't know why was he silent. One minute he was joking around her and the other minute he was like all silent and not speaking a single word. She thought something was troubling him and might be he needs some space.

She walked to her first class and saw Noah already sitting on his place which was supposedly her place. She decided to take a seat at her usual place which was probably next to him, not glancing at him she took out her books and starting to turn pages one by one, which creates an annoying sound.

"Can you please stop doing that?" Noah said clearly annoyed.

"Is there any problem with you?" She asked arrogantly.

"Yeah! Pretty much. This annoying sound is distracting me to do, what I'm doing." He said, looking at his phone.

"It's my life, my choice. I can do whatever I want to." She retorted.

"Go ahead then," He said, and cursed under his breathe.

She stopped turning pages and looked at the table. She picked her marker and draw a heart on it, She wrote letter 'K' and 'S' on either side of the heart and 'H' inside the heart. She was tracing her fingers on it. Then Noah cleared his throat to say something.

"Umm...I'm sorry for snapping at you. I-I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that I'm having a headache since two days and I'm researching on, how to get rid of it. A-And the sound you were creating it wasn't doing any good and was annoying the hell out of me. I'm sorry!" He apologised sincerely which made Huria shook her head. The great, brilliant Noah was saying sorry to her *Note the sarcasm*

"It's OK Noah, Get well soon." She said a bit rudely. She wanted to tell him to do massage and so many things regarding headache but she chose the other way by being rude.

"Can we be friends?" He asked.

"No! Please, I don't want any friend who has regular mood swings." She muttered.

"Plea-" He was pleading but She cut him off in mid sentence.

"No, argument!" She said, they both sat in silence. He didn't utter a single word after that.

She thought she was bit ride to him. He was already dealing with his headache and Huria added more salt on his wound by rejecting his friendship on his face. 'Should I say sorry to him? No!' Her subconsciousness replied.

After the period ended, she packed her bag and walked out of the class. She felt a hand clasped on her wrist. She turned around to see Noah holding her wrist.

"What do you want?" She asked and yanked her hand from his grasp.

"Accept my friendship" He said, most like ordered.

"I don't want to." She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"If you will not, I'll cut my wrist." He said, his eyes were blank of any emotion.

"You aren't serious, Are you?" She asked arching her brows.

"I'm dead serious." He said and took out a pocket knife from his jeans. "Accept it!" He ordered again.

"If I will, you will not cut your wrist?" She asked, raising a brow.


"Are you insane?" She asked shaking her head.

"Yep." He said and pressed that sharp side of a knife against his skin.

"Okay! Okay! I accept your friendship. Now drop that weapon." She said, anger was boiling inside of her like a volcano ready to explode.

"Thanks for accepting star." He said smirking at her.

Star seriously? She was annoyed with the nicknames she was getting nowadays. She glanced at her wrist watch and saw that fifteen minutes had already passed. She was late for her chemistry class. She cursed under her breathe and ran as fast as She could. When She finally reached the class, She was breathing heavily. She thought she was looking like a mess and indeed she was. Her forehead was covered in sweat. She entered in the class panting and became the center of attention. She hated being that. Everyone was gawking at her. She apologised to Sir. Andrew for being late.

Ibrahim's POV:

Huria was becoming a drug to him. Something about Huria comforted him. The first day when he looked at her small fragile figure, he knew something was special about that girl, which attracted him at one glance. And the day when he looked into her beautiful brown eyes, that day he saw so many unread emotions hidden in them. Her feature are perfect. Straight align nose, pink full lips, big lashes. An angelic face. If she enhanced her beauty more, then every guy would be on their knees for her.

She acted like everything is Okay, but it's not like that she shows to everyone in this world. She showed that she is the strongest girl, but from inside something deep down is eating her alive. The part of him wanted to hug her, console her deep wound, but he couldn't cross his threshold. He thought with time she would tell him. He will give her space for now.

The bonus point was, she agreed on doing lunch together. He thought she would refuse but she didn't. He was so happy that his heart was doing a happy dance.

His first class went in a blur. He was really zoned out and was day dreaming about Huria. His second class was of chemistry and finally He would be able to meet Huria.

She came late in class. He didn't know what took her so long. She was breathing heavily. Her face was all sweaty as if she was running. She entered in class, apologised to Sir Andrew for being late. Sir glared at her, He wished, he could punch this teacher for being an a**.

Her voice snapped him out of that killing trance he was plotting against that teacher.

"Am I that much late." She said in a low tone. Her breathing was still not settled.

"Why are you late? And why are so out of breathe?" He answered her with another question. He was worried about her.

"Uh-actually...umm that guy Noah in my history class stopped me." She said, now looking straight towards the teacher. She wanted to end the topic, but he wasn't letting her do.

"Why?" He was suspicious and was asking questions one by one.

"He wants to become my friend."

"But why? And what did you say?" He asked her annoyingly. He knew he was possessive. He couldn't let Huria and Noah be friends. Noah is evil and Huria is naive.

"I was rejecting his friendship during class but after period ended he stopped me and insist me to accept his friendship, otherwise he will cut his wrist. So, out of fear I did." She finished wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Ohh---Okay! But you will not talk to him. He is not a good guy, not for you." He said, showing Concern.

"I didn't know about you too, but I accepted your friendship didn't I? I didn't know you were good for me or not. So, I can't decide whether Noah is good for me or not. He is just my friend. I will never do such a thing, which I will regret later." She said out of anger.

"Okay! Okay! No need to ruin your mood. I'm sorry Hoori. No matter what I'll be at your side forever." He held his hands up in surrender.

"Forgiven!" She said smirking at him. This girl was a fireball.

They were looking at each other and cracking jokes. They forgot that they were still in class.

"You two at the back. Out of my class. Now!" Sir Andrew barked, pointed at them and was raising his index finger giving direction of that damn door.

"S-Sir, we haven't done anything. Why are you throwing us out of the class?" She asked in a low voice, he thought she was about to cry.

"Huria you were continously talking to him, disturbing my most important lecture. You don't care about your studies. You just came here to waste your parents money. I think your parents are growing money on a tree. You might have a money plant, but other students don't have. Let them study. Students come here to study not to enjoy or do gossips. Now can you please leave, so that I can continue?" He snarled at her making her flinch.

He could see tears in her eyes now. "Sir, you can't talk to her like that. She didn't do anything. Stop yelling at her. Who do you think you are?" He said furiously.

"Ibrahim, I'm a teacher I guess?" Sir said through gritted teeth.

"So you better do your job as a teacher. Give lecture and go. No need to involve parents in this." Ibrahim said pinching the bridge of his nose, clenching and un clenching his fist to control.

He felt a small hand on his arm and it was Huria. She was shaking her head signaling him to stop. Just for her sake he stopped.

"GET OUT YOU TWO. NOW!" Sir yelled at them. He grabbed her wrist, he could see her tears from the corner of his eyes. He walked out of the class. He punched the wall in frustration, he couldn't see her crying.

"I-I am never sent...o-out of the class like this before." She sobbed and covered her face with her hands. Her body was shaking.
"No teacher has shouted at me like this." Her whole body was shaking with her sobs.

"Huria?" He whispered softly, and put his hands on her small shoulders.

"No! Ibrahim it's all my fault. You are too out of the class, becuase of me. I'm sorry!" She cried. He couldn't see her tears because she was hiding her face with her hands.

"Sshh....Huria, it's Okay. We aren't at fault here. We were just talking, that stupid teacher must be jealous, and out of jealousy he throws us out of the class. It's not biggie. Please don't cry. Want to eat icecream sunshine?" He said soothing words to her and rubbed her arms to calm her sobbing. A brotherly nature came over him.

"You are impossible Ibrahim, why would he be jealous. Is this the only reason you come up with? And No! I don't want icecream." She giggled between her sobs. Relief washed over him by seeing her smile.

"So, What should I do to cheer you up?" He asked confusedly.

"Nothing." she said sniffling a little.

"Basically, all girls like icecream when they are sad." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not 'all' girls. I'm Okay now. Forget what had happened." She said and cleaned her eyes with her head scarf. She was looking like a kid, mercilessly rubbing her eyes with her scarf.

"So, where are you going now?" He asked her, she was looking at him with her red puffy eyes and red nose.

"I'm going to library. Wanna join me?" She replied smirking at him. She knew he hated silent places but still she asked as a friend. Ibrahim told her once that he hates library just because of that creepy silence there.

Assalam o Alikum! How are you all? Did you like this chapter?

What do you think of Noah and Rayyan? Are they good for Huria?

If you think it's worth it.

Till next

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