CHAPTER 6: flashback
3 years ago:
"Hur, come upstairs. I need you." Hamza yelled from his room. His voice was echoing around that house.
"Coming." She yelled back running towards his room. When she opened the door, she saw a boy nearly at her age or may be older than her was sitting with her brother, seeing her intently. That boy send her his innocent smile, she smiled back. He was cute though. He was wearing sky blue shirt with black jeans. His eye colour was beautiful shade of blue. And he had his shades in blue. Is he a 'bluey man' all blue.
"What happened? What do you want?" She asked Hamza boringly.
"Relax 'jam' sit here!" He said.
He liked to her jam because he loved that name. She seated near her brother, impatiently waiting for him to say something.
"So?" She asked out of curiosity.
"Jam, meet my friend Rayyan. I found him sitting alone at a park. So I thought I should bring him home and introduce him to my family. He lives with his grand parents, his parents are barely here. They are almost out of town. So, can you make something for him to eat. He is hungry. Don't tell this to Mom just make something and bring up here." He finished and was pleading not to reject his demand infront of his friend. Boys ego, you know.
"Wait, how do you know all the things about him?" She asked curiously.
"I met him 2 days before so he told me everything." He said looking at him. Rayyan was silently watching us.
"Ohh okay, I'll get something for you both." She said and rose to her feet.
"I love you! sister." He said and she shrugged it with a smile.
She made chicken sandwiches and orange juice for them. She called them down. They ate in silence. After that Rayyan went. Hamza was so happy to make him, his friend.
Every day Rayyan came to their house and she made lunch for them. It's been 2 months then. Rayyan was acting all strange infront of her. He once said to her that he wished to have a wife, who would make food as delicious as her.
But one day Rayyan came to their house and Hamza wasn't at home, he was gone with her parents to fill some forms in school. So he was waiting for him in his room. She ran upstairs to ask him if he want to eat something. But he said 'no'. She just looked at him strangely.
She was making pasta, because she really love to make it, when no one is at home, as she was hungry and her stomach was growling, looking like angry mouses were running there in her stomach. Meanwhile she heard footsteps. She thought Rayyan was going, but he was coming towards her.
" you want anything?" She asked clearly confused.
"Yeah" was his simple reply.
"You." His voice was barely audible.
"Sorry, What?" She asked arching her brows to hear him clearly.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked without any shame.
"WHAT?" She couldn't understand what had happened to him. He wanted her to become her girlfriend? Had he forgotten what Islam taught?
"I said, I want you. Will you be my girlfriend. We would make a cute couple." He said and took further steps towards her to close the distance. She took a step back, afraid that he might harm her.
"Stay away from me Rayyan. I would never become your girlfriend. Have you forgotten what Islam taught you? I don't like people like you." She said disgusted with his tactics.
"Does it look like I care about your likes and dislikes? I will come at night to pick you up for the dinner. You better be ready. Don't you dare talk to your any family member about it, otherwise you and family will pay the consequences princess." He said looking straight into her eyes. His eyes were giving deathly glare.
"Dear, Satan. I'm not scared of you. You better back off. Go to your house and sleep like a loyal dog. It suits you." She said wickedly. She was proud of herself that she made an attempt to stand for herself.
"You little b*tch! Dare you talk to me like that again and I'll make your life a living hell." He snarled grabbing her hair in his fist making her wince at harshness.
"You deserve to rot in hell. You Monster!" She hissed making his smirk grew larger.
"Princess, be ready till 9 pm. I would to seal the deal between you and me." He smiled evilly and caressed her hair.
"I will not come with you. Do you understand Rayyan Sheikh? Fit this thing in your microscopic mind." Anger was building inside of her, like a volcano ready to explode. "GET LOST NOW!" She yelled.
"I know you like me. You don't have to hide it. We will runaway from here and will find a place for only you and me. We will live together in peace, away from any misery." He said solemnly.
"Rayyan, you are highly mistaken. I don't like you. You are my brother's friend and you were like my brother. You should go and find someone else. She will keep you happy. I don' like you. Please try to understand. You are being delusional."
"Don't argue with me Huria. I know you like me. Why the hell are you lying?" He said softly and touched her cheeks smoothly, running his thumb pad on her cheek.
"Don't you dare to touch me!" she said gritting her teeth and removed his hand.
"You will be mine soon, princess. I will touch you then as much as I want to." He said with a smirk etched on his face.
Her throat became dry and she couldn't speak. So, she remained silent. Tears were threatening to cascade down but she kept them at bay. She was beyond afraid.
She was scared. She didn't know anything about his intentions. She just wanted him to go and die.
"Make this all simple, Princess. I want you to be mine. I will keep you happy. I want you! Only you!" He said rooted on his spot sternly. He was really trying to control his anger, but couldn't because Huria was annoying him. She wasn't submitting herself to him.
"No! I don't want you. Neither I have any concern with you. JUST GET LOST FROM MY HOUSE. RIGHT NOW! NEVER COME BACK AGAIN! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AN UGLY DOG." She yelled at him. Tears made its way down her cheeks, endlessly flowing.
"Keep your voice low b*tch! I WILL COME AGAIN TO TAKE YOU. YOU ARE MINE AND WILL ALWAYS BE. UNDERSTOOD!" He barked and left the house by slamming the door.
She was trembling so badly that she collapsed on the floor and started to sob harder. 'What the hell was that. Why was he doing this? He was my brothers friend. What did he mean by 'I'll take you'. He wanted to take advantage of me. Seriously me?' She chuckled dryly, why on earth, a psycho is after her. She cried a lot then she ran upstairs and locked the door from inside so no one could disturb her.
Hamza came and knocked the door several times but then left. He might be thinking that she slept. But she had not. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Her head was aching because of that trauma. She hugged her pillow and darkness engulfed her.
The next morning, she woke to the first ray of light through the window. She got up reciting dua and took a long refreshing shower. After changing into comfy clothes, she ran downstairs putting a fake smile on her face. As she went to the living room she saw everyone looking at her keenly. She knew they would want to know 'why I slept early and didn't wait for them and what happened last night.'
Dad was the first who spoke.
"What happened to you last night?" She was just expecting this question.
"I was having a killing headache, so I took some painkillers and went to sleep. Nothing else." She sighed trying to look down, because if she would do an eye contact with her dad, he would definitely find the truth.
"Honey, we were worried. You just scared us. Don't do this again. And take care of yourself. You are looking down today. I'll come with a glass of milk. Don't go anywhere." This time mom said. She was really worried about her. She came with a glass of milk and handed her.
She doesn't like milk. But for her mom's sake she will drink that. They ate breakfast in silence. No one dared to break the ice. It was kind of soothing silence not an awkward one.
It's been a week. Everything was going normal. Rayyan didn't appear infront of her. He didn't try to contact her, for that she was thankful. He visited their house, when she wasn't at home. It's nice to have no tension in life.
She was coming from school. She felt someone behind her. Fear consumed her body. She got panicked and fasten her speed and she could hear footsteps behind her. As she was about to reach the door of her house. Someone hit her head with force. Her body went numb. Black dots appeared in front of her eyes. She tried to open her eyes but drifted into darkness.
She woke up with a throbbing pain in her head. Her hands were tied up. She tried to focus where she was but couldn't see anything except darkness. There was small hole illuminating light in the dark room, signaling that it's a day time. She screamed loudly ignoring the fact that her head was still hurting.
Her voice was echoing in that empty creepy room. Someone opened the door. She couldn't see his face but the figure was looking familiar. He switched on the bulb over her head. Then she saw who it was. She gasped in surprise, it was none other than Rayyan.
"Rayyan." She said, acknowledging his presence.
"Who it could be. So did you miss me, darling?" He asked and she ignored his question fully.
"What you want from me now?" She asked coldly.
"I think I made you clear that day. Didn't I? " He smirked at her. A pure evil smirk.
"You know what? You are a coward man. Who hides from the world. Who kidnapped a girl to claim her, his. Well you are highly mistaken Rayyan Sheikh. You are nothing but a psycho. Actually you are not a man. You hit me, then kidnapped me and tied me to this chair. Bravo! You really still have guts to make me yours. I WON'T BE YOURS IN ANY WAY, WILL NEVER BE. DO YOU GOT THAT? DO YOU FREAKING GOT THAT! I. WILL. NEVER. BE. YOURS." She yelled at him with disgust, which made him angry. His fist in a matter of seconds made contact with her jaw. She hissed in pain. Her lips were started to bleed. There was a bruise in her cheek and Rayyan grabbed her hair to make it even worse. Her head was throbbing and he tightened his grip around her hair even more.
"So you'll show me your animal side? Isn't it funny. Instead of showing your gentle side you will show me how cruel you could be. Rayyan fear Allah. You are not in a right path. You can't force yourself on me. It's a sin." She said wryly.
She was scared too much. She was trying to save myself from this Monster, by remaining calm. She couldn't show her vulnerable side in front of this devil. She really wanted to scream, cry and to murder him right now. She didn't want to show, how scared she was. She couldn't give him that satisfaction.
"Baby, it's simple be mine. I'll love you and cherish you forever. And will keep you happy. Trust me!" He said confidently.
"Never!" She spat at him.
"So aren't getting my point. Okay now you'll see what I'm capable of doing." He angrily said.
A shiver ran down her spine as he rose to his feet and took further steps towards her. She became nervous and in in a blink of an eye, she felt his lips on her cheek and then her forehead. 'Did he kiss me?' When realization hit her, that what was happening to her. She started to plead him to leave her. She was disgusted by his touch.
"Rayyan. Rayyan please let me go! Please for the sake of your parents let me go! Dont do this to me. Don't touch me. I promise I won't tell anything about this incident. Please just let me go. I will keep my mouth shut. I promise you. I will never tell this to anyone. If you care for me, leave me for now. Please!" She begged him tears were freely falling on her bruised cheek, her lips were trembling and her heart was beating like a speed of train.
His eyes softened a bit, he couldn't see her hurt. Then he went from there without a word. He came back quickly, unfastened her rope and handed her ice bag and an ointment.
"Don't you dare to utter a single word infront to your parents. Otherwise you'll see my wrath. They will suffer more than you."
She nodded at him and rose to her feet, her head was throbbing with unbearable pain. She brushed dust off her clothes, combed her hair with her fingers and made her way towards her home. She had found a better excuse to tell them about her condition.
She reached her house. She was about to open the door but the door automatically opened and there standing her dad totally worried and keys in his han. He was amused see her.
"DAD?" She asked calmly ignoring the fact that she was not at all presentable. She tried her best to look as if nothing had happened.
"Huria? Where were you? You are an hour late. What happened to your lips. There is blood. And that bruise. Who the hell hurt you? Tell me his name." He bombarded her with questions.
"Dad, I am okay. It's just that I tripped and fell on a ground, there was a stone and it hit me. I know I'm looking cool dad with this bruise." She said calmly. She didn't want to get caught so she smiled.
Dad came and hugged her so tight, she winced. His scent comforted her. And she got relaxed in his embrace. They went inside.
"Dad, were you going anywhere when I came?" She asked looking in his eyes, while sitting on couch.
"Yeah, to find you." Was his simple reply. 'I'm such an embarrassment. I made my dad worried.' She thought.
"Did I make you worried? I'm sorry. I don't know, how I always get in trouble. I think I'm a trouble itself." She whined.
"You are not a trouble. You will never be. Dady loves you and all of us do. Dady is always here for you." Dad softly said and kissed her forehead.
"Dad I love you. I love you so much." She said and laid on dad's chest, inhaling his scent. Tears made it sea way down her cheeks.
"Ohhh honey! Ssshh. It's Okay. Please stop crying. I love you soo much you know right. Please just stop crying. You making my shirt wet." He statrred to laugh on her.
"What's so funny?" She asked between tears. Her red nose made him chuckle.
"Nothing!" Still trying to control his laughter he said. "You look cute with this red nose." Dad pinched her nose which made her giggle. She hugged him tightly and slept in his embrace.
Her lips were healed and bruise started to fade. Rayyan didn't show up till a month, but still fear had captured her body, mind and soul. He said he will come back. She didn't want that to happen. She was having nightmares of Rayyan beating her and making her his slave.
She went with her dad and brother to a mall. She wanted to buy a new dress and mom was busy in her work. As she is dady's princess, she went with him. She was there with her dad. She bought a dark blue button up shirt and jeans with black pumps. Hamza brought Mac n cheese for her and dad. He himself brought a burger, on which he was munching like a dinosaur.
They went out of the mall. Dad said that he will bring the car there, leaving her with Hamza he went. She saw a van coming towards them. She got panicked. She saw Rayyan in the van. He came out with a smirk on his face. He came towards me and grabbed my arm.
"Rayyan, be in your limits. Leave her. Right now!" Hamza yelled.
"Stay away kiddo." He said and pushed Hamza so hard that he fell on a ground.
"Rayyan, please leave my hand." She tried to stay calm but her voice was betraying her. She was on the urge to breakdown. She was panicking, what if he took her, and make her his slave. He will beat her, use her and what not. She was assuming worst possibilities.
She tried to lose his grip. But his hand was coiled around her small wrist and his grip was tightening by each passing second. Hamza was yelling at him. Meanwhile, her dad came, she saw him. He smelled trouble, so instead of screaming he took a wise step. He trapped Rayyan from behind and hit him on his head. Rayyan fell unconsciously on a ground. And dad called police and an ambulance for him.
He scared her to the extent. She was too much scared that her whole body was sweating and trembling like a leaf. She was feeling dizzy, dad came to her side to hold her, but black dots appeared in front of her eyes and everything turns into an oblivion.
She woke up in hospital. Drip was attached on her left hand. Dad was sitting holding his head in his hands, looking tired. His hair was a mess.
"Dad!" She whispered. He couldn't hear her voice. "Dad!" She again said but this time a bit higher.
He looked towards her. His eyes were showing Concern and guilt. There were lines on his forehead, bags under his eyes and pale face. He was really tired.
"Honey! Are you okay? Do you want anything." He said hurriedly.
"I am fine dady. I want to tell you something."
"Wait! I'll call your mother. She is really worried. I'll tell her to come here." He said and went out. He came back and dragged a chair to sit infront of her, holding her hand, he encouraged her to say.
"Dad! Just listen to me carefully. I want to talk to you about something. It's important." She said and started fidgeting.
"I am all ears." He said leaning closer to hear her clearly.
"Dad, R-Rayyan came to our house when you and Hamza weren't at home, he told me that he wanted me to be his f-forever, but I refuse. And he threatened me not to tell you or anybody else. Otherwise h-he will make sure to make my and yours life hell. And the day when I came late. It w-was him who punched me, which caused my lips to bleed. He threatened me that day again that not to tell you, Hamza or anyone else about that incident. He said that he will mske you all suffer. Dad I'm sorry. I was scared too much. I couldn't muster courage to tell you. Daddy, I m sorry. Dad please forgive me." She finished and started to sob.
Dad came and hugged her. She sobbed in his chest. "Honey, just try to forget what happened in past. I'll make you sure, that psycho won't follow you again. We have filed a case against him. Calm down! Okay? I forgive you that you hide it all from me. Just relax. You are my brave girl. I will be there for you till my last Breath. No matter what, Don't worry. I am here." Dad said soothing words and rubbed her back. He kissed her temple. She kissed her dad's hand.
After that incident. Rayyan vanished and she didn't see him anywhere. Her life was going perfect. That monster didn't create any trouble. He might had died in a dungeon, that's what she thought.
In present:
She saw him, her past. She couldn't believe her eyes. He was here after all those years.
"Rayyan?" She asked totally confused. She thought may be he was his twin and not him.
Confusion was all in her head. How could it be, her heart was beating so fast that anyone could hear it. Why was he even there? Was he stalking her? How did he know she was there.
He was her brother's best friend and their neighbour too. He was elder than Hamza and her. He was sweet before but after what happened he became a devil.
"So, you remember me. Princess. Ah, how I missed those delicate features and nervous expression of yours when you see me i.e the love of your life." He said deeply looking in her eyes with his old evil smirk permanently sketched on his face.
"Why you here?" She nervously asked. She wanted someone to rescue her.
"I told you, I will come back, princess. So here I am. Only for you!" He smirked at her.
"You--" She was cut off by Ibrahim.
"Here your drink. Sorry I am late. Danish wanted a coke and he couldn't find it, so I helped him." He handed her the drink and turned towards Rayyan. He hugged him.
"Rayyan, nice to see you here. Thanks for coming. Huria meet Rayyan and Rayyan meet Huria, my friend." He cheerfully introduced them to each other. He didn't know that fate was being cruel to her and that was her past who had become her present again. Refreshing old memories again.
He Knew him. They knew each other. Where she should go now. Her face was flushed. There was no way she could hid from him. She was trapped. She wanted her dad right now.
'Baba you said that you will protect me, where are you. I need you. This monster came again in my life. God please save me.' She prayed in her head.
"Huria, you looking pale. Is everything Okay?" Ainah asked Huria, concerned.
She hugged her and said that she was missing her family.
Until next
Take care!
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