CHAPTER 5: Shopping and party

Hello, I am back !!
I hope you all like this. Desiccated this chapter to ioye_Ayesha


They were going for shopping. Ainah drove very fast, in fifteen minutes they were near a mall. They hoped out of the car enthusiastically. Ainah was so happy. Basically Huria was happy too, but not as mush as Ainah was. They walked hand in hand. They were acting like a 5 year old girls, who are excited to buy a new dress.

The interior of shopping mall was usually attractively decorated and the air was cool. They just entered in a mall and Ainah being a shopaholic screamed near her ear.

"Ohh My God! Hur, look at that gown. It's soooo beautiful. I want to buy it." Ainah said wide eyed. Huria felt like her ear would explode any second. Ainah's voice was like a loud speaker sometimes, which breaks ear drum. When Huria looked at that dress, which Ainah was pointing at, it was honestly drool worthy, but she thought it might be expensive, so she stopped drooling and moved forward.

"Ainah, don't waste your time looking at those expensive dresses. I know they are drool worthy, but I and you ain't gonna buy it. Okay?" She said and walked to other side dragging Ainah, like a mom ordering her children.

"Yeah, Okay!" She sighed.

They had spent already an hour there, just rejecting each and every dress. Some because of cost and some because of length, shape and so on.

"Hur, do you seriously wanna buy a dress or not?" Ainah asked irritatedly.

"Yeah! Obviously, why not?" Huria was confused at Ainah's irritation.

"Because we had spent an hour hour, just rejecting every dress." She groaned.

"I-I don't know what dress would suit me. I'm confused." She passed a tight lip smile and sighed.

"Not a big deal. I'll help you out. I'll ask you some questions about your likes and dislikes. Answer me, Okay?" Ainah said and Huria being an obedient student of her friend nodded.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Purple, grey, red and black too." Huria answered.

"Do you want to wear anarkli or a gown?" Ainah asked.

"Umm...gown, I guess."

"Problem solved!" She screamed happily, and squeezed Huria's hand. "Let's go! I'll choose a dress for you first. After that I'll chose mine."

"Okay!" She agreed. She was unaware of Ainah's taste but though trusted her to chose the best.

"Hur, look at this dress. It's pretty cool." She mouthed "wanna try?"

It was a red sleeveless gown. Embroidered bodice and floor touch.

"I don't wear sleeveless dress Ainah." She said seriously.

"I know but you can attach sleeves."

"Ohh yeah, but..." Huria said scrutinising the dress which was hanged infront of her.

"Okay! Let's see another one. I know you dont like it." Ainah said while hanging that dress back.

"See this... its really pretty though. But will sort of lose on your petite figure." Ainah mocked and Huria glared.  She could see that Ainah is trying really hard to stop laughing.

"Ainah I have seen almost six dresses. All are pretty but some are expensive and some are loose and some I don't like." Huria groaned which made Ainah giggle as she was enjoying Huria's misery.

"It's Okay, we'll find a perfect dress soon for your slim figure, babes." Ainah winked at Huria.

"But, seriously though. I think I should go home and sleep, I don't want bags under my eyes. I'm tired. My feet are killing so much." Huria pouted to make her friend's heart soft, so she would let her go but Ainah was obnoxious.

"Aww poor you, I don't care. You have to buy a dress, whether you are tired or not. You ain't going home now. Ok lets get this work quick. I will chose two dresses for you then you decide which one you want to wear. Is that clear?" She said in serious tone.

"OK BOSS!" Huria said playfully.

Ainah was looking at every dress then on huria's figure, that will it fit on her or not. Ainah did this for at least another half hour.

"OH MY GOD! HUR, look at this dress. I think, this will look perfect on you." She said wide eyed and yelled making Huria jump at her level of voice. This girl will never learn how to speak in public places.

Huria's jaw dropped at seeing the beautiful dress hanged infront of her. It was black floor length dress with net sleeves and boat neck and had several frills. It was elegantly designed.

"Ainah, th-this is so beautiful." She said stunned and was staring at every curve of it.

"Okay! Now stop staring at this dress. You don't want to rip it through your eyes. Do you?" She said grabbing that dress with one hand and holding Huria's wrist with other dragging her to the counter. Ainah left her and went to chose her dress.

She took out her dad's credit card and handed over to the women who was looking beautiful in her late forties. That lady gave her a heart warming smile and took the card.

"Visit more often dear. I am really glad that you bought this dress. This is made for angeks like you." Lady said, her eyes were showing a glimpse of sincerity and love.

"Thank you aunty. By the way whats the price of this dress?"

"Its costly dear, I gave you the discount. Have a nice day. Enjoy wherever you are going. Bless you!" She said and patted her head.

"Thank you! Aunty. I owe you!  JazakAllah for your wishes. Hope you have a great day ahead." Huria said giving her a half hug.

Ainah came with two dresses. One was floor length royal blue boat neck dress, along with beautiful crystal beads waist belt. The other wasn't that much cool, for my liking, may be it was for her. It was dark purple v-neck floor length dress which was fitted by waist.

"So, Which one should I buy?" Ainah asked raising her brows.

"Umm...This royal blue." Huria suggestively said, she was just looking at that dress and in a blink of an eye Ainah was on her hugging, like her life depends on Huria.

"Your choice is not bad. I like that dress too. I mean I love that. But purple was not bad either. But I love royal blue. You know blue is my favourite colour. Once upon a time i ordered blue cupcakes on my birthday. It has its own charm."

Ainah was continously blabbering. Huria wanted to sleep and that girl in front of her wasn't letting her.

"Lets go! There are still acessories left." Huria dragged her out of that shop.

They spend another half hour doing shopping. After that they were sitting at food court munching on their food as hungry animals. Till the time few notifications popped up on Huria's phone.

"Who is it?" Ainah curiously asked with her mouth full.

"I don't know." Huria shrugged it and was keenly looking at phone. She read notifications 10 times and was bewildered.

*Ibrahim yousuf has sent you a friend request*

*Ibrahim yousuf has messaged you* (ignore or accept)

"Ibrahim messaged me." Huria said disbelieving that he message her and how did he even find her?

"Did Ibrahim messaged you? I mean how did he get your number?" Ainah asked.

"On Facebook."

"He got your number from facebook?" Ainah choked on her food.

"I mean he message me on Facebook." Huria replied, still eyeing her phone.

"What did he message?" Ainah asked calmly.

"Am I coming to party or not." She stated.

Huria typed a simple 'yes' and closed her phone, giving whole attention to Ainah.


"Nothing." Ainah shrugged but was still smiling. Huria Let it go.

She just wanted to take a nap. She was too tired. She didn't know how would she look fresh in the party.

Ainah dropped her, they hugged each other. Ainah told her that she would pick huria at 10 sharp and right now the time is 7, so almost three hours left and Huria could take her beauty nap.

She quickly locked the door and went upstairs for the shower. She took a long shower which relieved her tiring muscles. Her bed was looking so inviting. She jumped on a bed which bounced, and she snuggled her nose between the pillows. In a matter of seconds her eyes felt heavy and she was asleep.


Her eyes lightly opened by a continous beeping of her phone. She groaned and without seeing the caller ID, she swiped the answer option. She didn't even dare to open her full eyes to see who it was.

"Who is this?" Huria asked frustrated in a sleepy voice. Because whosoever was on the phone would be calling their death.

"Aren't you ready yet?" A girl of a very familiar voice screamed. Huria opened her eyes to see who was this.


She quickly saw the time it's eight thirty PM. She had an hour only. She was supposed to be ready at that time but as luck was not with her. Huria could hear colourful words from her phone.

"Hello! You sleepy head. I am coming over to your place." Ainah said, before Huria could say anything she hung up.

She hated being late anywhere. She quickly took a shower. After that she had 45 minutes left. Her muscles were getting tensed and she panicked at the lack of time. She tried to calm down a bit, she was so nervous she began hyperventilating.

"Breathe Hur! Breathe Hur!" She calmed herself.

She dried her hair and later straightened them to dead straight, her hair are wavy so it gave her a different look when she straight them. She didn't even unpack her dress yet.

Meanwhile doorbell rung. She rushed downstairs to let her in.
Ainah started blabbering when she got in. Her makeup was all done and the dress was in her hand and one other bag too.

"You sleepy head, you have only half hour and you haven't even unpacked your bag." Ainah scoffed, seeing an untouched bag.

"I'll be ready in 10 mins Okay. Just wait and keep quite." She said running towards dressing table.

Ainah being an obedient girl did what she was told, whereas Huria applied concealer to hide her dark circle. She gave her eyes a smoky touch, she applied eyeliner and mascara, her eyes were looking beautiful. She painted her lips in a red colour. She made a messy bun, leaving few strands on her face and she was done.

She didn't like her lips too red so she just gave her pink lips a little darker shade.

She took her dress from bed and rushed to the bathroom. Her back zip stuck and she called Ainah for help, but Ainah was busy in her own bubble of peace and tranquillity. Huria went out to check it out. Indeed she was lost in her own world listening God knows what. She snatched mobile from her hand and scolded her for being reckless and told her to zip her dress.

"Ohh My God! you are looking beautiful." Ainah squealed.

"Thank you! You are not looking bad yourself. You looking more pretty than me." She said honestly.

Her royal blue dress elegantly flew till end, hugged her waist with crystal beads, a boat neck which Perfectly fit her. Her hair was done in soft curls. Everything goes perfect with her pale skin.

Whereas Huria was wearing a black floor length dress which was fitted by her waist. The most beautiful darkest shade of black with net sleeves of the same black colour making her skin visible which makes it all the more glamorous, boat neck making it look not too conservative and not too over for her taste.

She glanced at her appearance and was satisfied to see a grown up woman, who is able to lift up her shoulders, carrying a weight which the world gives.

"Ainah shall we go?" She asked nervously. She didn't know why she was nervous, besides it's just a normal party. She should calm and recite some dua.

"Don't get nervous. We are looking drop dead gorgeous so, no need to worry. We'll rock the floor babes." Ainah winked at me making her chuckle at the statement 'we will rock the floor.'

"Okay!" Huria replied and took her clutch.

She took a red scarf to wrap around her head. As winters were coming and she didn't want to spoil her mood by getting cold and chattering her teeth would be the last thing she would do.

Danish had already texted Ainah the address of Ibrahim's house. Ainah for the first was driving slowly. Huria could easily make out that Ainah is tensed. So to break the ice she turned on the radio.

A cool breeze touched her face, sending chills to her spine. She shivered a little and made her way to the front door.

All of a sudden they heard a voice from back. "Excuse me, ladies," someone said in a husky voice. Ainah turned back to see who it was, and it was none other than---Danish.

"Danish?" Ainah asked disbelievingly and gasped in surprise because they both were wearing same colour. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing his muscular forearms, and pair of black jeans.

Both were wearing same colour like a couple. Danish was looking at Ainah wide eyed. "Gorgeous" Danish said his jaw was still slightly dropped. He was lost in his dreamworld because his mouth was still ajar after five minutes.

"You too looking good." Ainah said with a blush rising up her neck making its way to her cheeks.

Huria cleared her throat, signaling them that she was standing there too. They both were acting like Romeo and Julie. She saw Ainah blushing hard. This girl blush a lot these days.

"Umm...Sorry, come inside please!" Danish said sheepishly.

The house was really big. It was painted in grey and off white. the focal point is a huge fireplace containing a cast iron wood-burner and logs. It has leaded-light windows at one end and patios doors at the other. Their decor is mainly cream, grey and a little brown. Couple of Persian rugs in rich blue/grey/brown colours, long curtains in cream. Dark brown leather sofas, coffee table in centre. In left there was a counter of drinks and in right there were some people talking and sharing laughs. Portraits were on the wall.

She was just admiring the house. Then she saw him. He was talking to some boys and there was a drink in his hand, taking small sips he was smiling. His smile was so beautiful.

He was looking flawless wearing black jeans with white button up shirt which was unbuttoned at the top revealing his collarbone. His hair was done in spikes. His hair was looking so soft that she wished she could ruffle it. A handsome face. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. His body was well built. The complexion of his skin going well with his forest-like eyes. His dressing style was perfect. He looked down for a moment, pouring himself a drink and bringing it to his lips and gulping it down. His pale skin made him devilishly hansome. He was looking like a model. A real model.

She was just checking him out, From head to toe. She saw him already looking at her and she squirmed under his gaze. He caught her checking him out, he smirked and walked towards her. She became nervous and her hands were getting sweaty. He gave her one of his charming smile. He came nearer and whispered just for her to hear.

"I am glad that you came." He said, his eyes were sparkling with utmost shine. She smiled at him.

His forest green eyes were so attractive. There were flecks of brown in his iris. His eyes were green. That kind of green which  brings life back to their branches. That churning, passionate green that the ocean turns during a storm. That colour of the forest after it rains. That green colour that brings hope and life no matter what has happened. And looking into those eyes, she could see it and he knew that she could.

Shaking her head, she scolded herself mentally. 'Get yourself together, Hur. It's practically not a correct time to get lost in those magical eyes who do wonders to others.'

He was looking at her as she was his queen, soul mate, life. He wasn't seeing her with bad intentions. He knew he should lower his gaze, but he couldn't deny what Allah has created. A beautiful creature on this universe. He praised her by saying, "You are looking pretty as always."

She blushed at his compliment. She was trying hard to hide her blush. She hoped he didn't see that.

"Thank you, you are not looking bad yourself." She replied and smiled back.

He chuckled slightly and gently asked. "Want something to drink?" He is such a gentle man.

Sure! Why not.

"Yeah sure," She said, her throat was really dry. She wanted some water to gulp it down.

"Wait here, I'll be right back!"
He said and went quickly.

She was standing awkwardly looking for Ainah but she was nowhere to be seen. Huria told her not to leave her alone in this party but she left with God knows whom.

She felt someone's gaze on her. She turned back to see who it was, squinting her eyes to get a proper view but she couldn't see as he was a bit far from her. She could tell from his posture that he held an aura of dominance around him. He was leaning against the counter, but was keenly watching her. He made his way towards her with a drink in his hand, his body structure was looking familiar.

'Who the hell is he? And why is he coming towards me? He is a trouble. Allah save me please!' she mentally prayed.

His steps were confident and powerful, looking like he was the ruler of this world. The way his foot was slamming a ground send shivers down her spine. When he came near her, her breath hitched. He was staring at her like a predator watching his prey. He was looking like as he was on hunt.

She gasped in horror. This couldn't happen. He couldn't be here. Why the odds weren't in her favour? She couldn't believe that he was there.


*A cliff hanger* don't kill me guys. Who is that guy, any guesses? :P xD


With lods of  love

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