CHAPTER 3: Nightmare
A month later:
She didn't know whether she was seeing a beautiful dream or it was reality. It was serene that how Allah had really granted her happiness. She had two friends who cared for her and loved her. She was afraid that she will lose her friends and her happiness but then she thought, why worry over things which are to be handled by Allah (SWT). She was strong, happy, and moreover had patience. She trust and has full faith on his creator, Allah. She have become a girl which no one had thought she would become.
She was thinking, it is wrong to stare at na-mahram as she did, she couldn't take her eyes off him. She would try her best to lower her gaze next time. She didn't want to commit sin and make Allah angry.
She was thinking too much for her liking, her head started to ache. She'd knew she would pass out if she didn't stop thinking and calm her nerves.
She saw Ainah searching her here and there, as She is her only friend. She waved her hand towards Ainah, signalling her to come there.
"Hey Ainah, what's up?" She asked trying her best to cover the fact that her head was throbbing, she put on a fake smile but Ainah was smart enough to figure that out.
"You are looking so down. What's the matter. Are you Okay? Did someone hurt you? Did someone say anything to you? Tell me his or her name, I will teach them a good lesson. You don't need to worry." Ainah asked, worry was over her face.
"No one hurt me, and no one said anything to me. I am perfect and healthy standing in front of you. Just a little headache, going home." Her headache was increasing by every passing second, she wanted a good nap nothing else.
"Are you sure Hur, you don't look like you can go home by yourself. You can't even talk properly." Ainah said concerned. "Come! I'll take you home." Ainah grabbed her arm dragging her to car. Not waiting for her reply.
"No! I can go by myself." Huria said trying to free her hand from her grip but it wasn't easy, as she didn't had enough energy to argue she let it be.
She sat on a passenger seat and Ainah was driving slowly, so that Huria will be at ease. She massaged her forehead trying to decrease the ache but all in vain.
"Hur, Is it aching so much? I can stay with you, if you want." Ainah asked sounding worried.
"Ah! No, not at all. See I am perfectly fine right now." She said with a half smile trying to change the topic.
"Wait, am I missing out something?" She asked trying to think what she forgot.
"I guess nothing. Relax, don't take stress. It will worsen your headache." Ainah suggested trying to remove those frown lines from her head.
"Oh yeah I remember, you and Danish were about to meet after Uni. Did you cancelled it because of me? Don't tell me you did." She frowned. She wouldn't want Ainah to sarifice anything for her although she didn't want Ainah to meet Danish alone but she couldn't do anything to stop her. Ainah would think as she is jealous of her and what else.
"Calm down. I have messaged Danish that I'll meet him after dropping you safely and he agreed. We haven't cancelled our meeting, so just relax." She said enthusiastically.
"Thank God!" She sighed in relief.
Till then her house came in front and she bid her bye and did friendly hug.
After getting in safely, she ran upstairs and called fatima. They talked about half an hour. She hung up and went for a hot bath.
She was feeling very tired. She hugged her pillow and soon sleep engulfed her.
"Hahaha Baba don't tickle me. Mama please stop him." Huria giggled. She grasped her dad's arm and asked him can they go to the park. She almost pleaded.
"Yeah honey! We can go. Come you all, my fighters." Dad usually address them like that when he is in one of his so charming mood.
"Dady you are my super hero, my saviour. I love you so much!" She kissed him on hic cheeks.
"I love you too!" Dad kissed her back and put an arm around her securely.
They went to park."Fighters, Let's play hide and seek. It's our time. Let your mother prepare lunch for us." Baba said with wide grin spread across his face.
"Isn't it unfair Shehzad?" Mama asked and pouted. Papa kissed her cheek which made her giggle and we all covered our eyes.
"Have fun." Mama said softly while making lunch for us.
"Honey, you turn first. Find us all. Count till fifteen." Dad told huria with a mischievous grin.
"Yes Dady," she said cheerfully.
She covered her eyes and started counting.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, BABA RAFIA, HAMZA LAST 5 NUM THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO HIDE." She yelled in a playful mode.
"Eleeven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and the last one is fifteen. I am coming." She said enthusiastically.
She looked everywhere. Behind the tree, under a bench, in the bushes But couldn't find them.
"Where are you all?" She got worried and scared at the moment.
"Mama where are you?" She screamed. She couldn't find any of them, mom was making lunch and then she was not there.
"DADY!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Tears welled up in her eyes and started to cascade down her cheeks.
"Plzzz don't pull this type of prank on me. Come out!" She cried.
"Dady, Mama, Rafia, hamza, fatima. where, are you all?" She was terrified. Her voice cracked at the end and she started to sob.
Suddenly she heard a soft whimper and she moved towards that sound and she saw fatima bloodied. "Api, I love you!" Fatima whispered, her breathing was shallow. "Fatima, what happened to you?" She asked fatima but she wasn't responding.
"Fatima, wake up!" She shooke her body but all in vain.
"Dad, mom fatima is not opening her eyes. Where are you all?" She was trembling and her eyes were looking for her parents.
"Huria," she heard a familiar masculine voice. She turned around and was startled to see her dad covered in blood. Blood was dripping from her forehead.
"Dady, what happened?" She cried and hugged him.
"You have to live without us huria, Allah is calling us. We have to go." He caressed her head and wiped her tears.
"Dady you can't leave me like this. You love me. You can't leave me alone." She choked, she couldn't form proper words her vision was blurry.
The scene infront of her made her numb. She wanted to carwl into a ball and cry.
"Dady, you can't leave me." Her voice was a whisper.
"Wake up!" Tears were freely flowing on her already flushed cheeks.
"Dady, mommy, for Allah's sake wake up you all." She shook their limp body. There was a lump in her throat her throat was dry. She couldn't speak, her voice was low. She closed her eyes and let the tears flow freely.
She felt a hand on her right cheek. "You have to be strong. For us, for yourself. You have a long way to go. You have to live. Don't cry! It is hurting me. I love you, Honey!" His voice was barely audible, he stopped speaking. His hand dropped from her cheek. She was taken aback. She was shocked, her eyes wide opened.
"Da-dady please don't leave me. Dady, open your eyes! Say something. Dady-" She was screaming, sobbing her throat ached.
"Dady!" She screamed, her screams filled her ears as she sobbed. Her cries filled with sorrow, grief, loneliness, nothingness.
She woke up gasping. Her ears were still ringing from the screams in her nightmare. She couldn't breathe. She gasped for air and then took a deep breathe but choked instead. She was drenched in sweat. Her night dress was soaked.
Then she remembered what happened in her nightmare. What she saw, tears began to prick in her eyes. She wanted to scream out loud to let out everything.
Why? Why they left her? She was left alone. She knew these nightmares will become a part of her life. She wanted this to end forever. She wanted to die and be with her parents.
Have you ever felt alone? No one to love you. No one to ask you anything. Had this ever happened to you that you want this misery to end and you want someone to love you unconditionally? And accept all your flaws.
That was happening with her. She was living a miserable life. No one was here to care for her, to ask her whether she was okay or not. To tell her that she is needed. To help her up when she falls.
She gathered her wits for what was yet to come. Her stomach growled, and she wasn't in a mood to make anything at that time. She gulped a glass of water which was like a heaven to her sore throat.
She had nothing to do. So, she thought of seeing her family's picture which they had taken when they were going for a dinner. It was a ethereal. In that picture hamza was hugging her from back and the rest made an Awe face. She remembered that she didn't pray regularly after her parents death. So she did ablution and prayed for a while, she asked forgiveness from Allah and asked to give her guidance.
All of a sudden Ibrahim came to her mind. She was astonished that she was thinking about him. He is a nice guy, respectful, honest and loyal. He looked like a practising Muslim. He is handsome, his dusty brown hair actually look good in sunlight, his forest green eyes are so captivating that anyone could lost in it. His well built body, Long height. A dream man for girls, but she respected him.
She should keep distance from him. It would be better for her, because living with a heartbreak is like hell. So she would try to keep her heart to herself safe.
"What if you would be here dady, I would definitely have earned a slap from you for talking about any guy. Dad, mom your daughter is becoming stronger you know? Keep praying for me from there. I don't want to show my weakness in front of anyone. People nowadays are not good. Hafsa, Hamza I am happy here without you both you know? I am enjoying so freaking much. I am living in Aunty's house. Everything is mine here. I don't have to share anything. All is mine! I can do anything without any interruption." With tears in her eyes she said.
"Enough Hur! Enough shedding of tears. Do you have any work except for mourning?" She scolded herself and chuckled. This was the only thing left to get insane fully; talking to yourself.
It was thirty past seven. She had almost half hour left for Uni. She opened her wardrobe, the only dress which caught her eye was a peach knee length loose shirt having black strips on it and black jeans with black scarf having peach embroidery which would give a decent look.
She took a shower and dried her hair. She went to my dressing table, took out a concealer to hide her puffiness and dark circles. She applied mascara and a thin eyeliner so that her eyes look bigger than usual. She put on a light shade of gloss.
She was satisfied by her appearance. The refelection in a mirror was of a girl, who was strong and will be strong forever. Whatever the situation will come.
Images flashed across her mind in wild brush strokes, and she tried her best to slid the disturbing thoughts away.
She did her breakfast and pulled her bag from the sofa, and went out. She waited for a bus that came after three minutes. The first thing she had to do was to find a job and from her fiest salary a car, she wss tired of waiting for a bus everyday.
When, she entered in Uni, Ainah was fast enough to flew her arms around her. She was taken aback by her sudden reaction.
"How are you feeling?" Ainah asked, she held huria's arm and was grinning ear to ear.
"Better than yesterday." She said and continued eyeing Ainah keenly. "What's with this change?" She asked raising her brows in a questioning way.
"Umm... yeah know me well--I-I'm always like this. Nothing changed." Ainah said fidgeting with her fingers. She was trying to assure Huria that everything was okay.
"Spill! I am all ears." Huria Demanded her to speak.
"Da...Danish said h-he likes me." Ainah stuttered with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"And?" She asked.
"I didn't answer yet. He said that I can take my time. He thinks that I'm different from other girls and he didn't want me as his girlfriend but as a-" Ainah stopped speaking and a blush crept on her cheeks.
"As a?" She intrude.
"As a life partner. I couldn't say anything. I was so shocked. I couldn't digest anything at that time. He invited me to his house to meet his parents in weekend." Ainah said while keeping her gaze to ground.
"So you'll meet his parents?" She asked, her eyes wide open.
"Apparently yes!" Ainah said nervously and continued blabbering. "I seriously have no idea what to wear. I want to look good and decent." Ainah bitting her lower lip.
She hugged Ainah tightly squeezing the life out of her and whispered "It will be Okay!"
"I am soo happy for you." Huria said cheerfully.
She could see someone coming, from the corner of her eyes. She turned around to see Ibrahim and one other boy, who is looking handsome might be his friend coming towards them. She saw Ainah blushing. What is with her?
"Ainah! Why the hell are you blushing?" She asked bewildered.
She knew Ibrahim was Ainah's crush but that didn't mean that she would blush whenever she see him. She likes Danish now. She should focus on him.
"Stupid! Danish is coming." Ainah said shyly.
"Ohh! So, that is Danish." She said trying to cover her embarrassment.
You are totally insane Hur. What the hell were you thinking. She scolded herself.
"Hello girls. How are you?" Danish said clearing his throat and that smirk was plastered on his face and he was continuously staring at Ainah.
"Hi Danish, Meet my friend Huria. Huria this is Danish. I guess you both never met. So this is your first meeting." Ainah said chided.
She was fidgeting, she could feel Ibrahim's strong yet piercing gaze on her. He was dressed in jeans and a white button up shirt that he has rolled up to his forearms. His muscles bulging out of his shirt. He looked amazingly attractive. God forbid!
"Umm hey!" Huria greeted waving her hand awkwardly.
"Ainah and Huria, this my best friend Ibrahim. I think that you both have met. So we four know each other now I guess." Danish said continously looking at her.
"Yeah! I met Ibrahim." She said trying to lower her gaze.
"So Ainah, are you coming tonight?" Danish asked her and she nodded which made to smile.
She looked at Ibrahim and saw him already staring at her. "Why are you staring at me? Is there anything on my face?" She asked in discomfort.
"Yeah, your beautiful eyes." He cheekily said, Huria didn't want to get affected by it so she didn't say anything, but deep down she was happy.
Dedicate this chapter to LekshmySatheesh
Till next
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