CHAPTER 10: Accident

When he left her with Rayyan because of Danish, he didn't get any sight of Noah coming towards them. And how come Noah and Rayyan were on each other's neck, in just half an hour? That wasn't making any sense. And most importantly when he went near Huria, he heard Noah apologising to her and then he left without even glancing at Ibrahim. He surely was hiding something. Just by seeing Huria and Noah together got him boiled up in anger. He tried to remain calm and was waiting for Huria to tell him everything but she didn't. Really?

After dropping Rayyan at medical room. He jogged back to find Huria but she wasn't there. He asked Ainah, she said that Huria was in hurry and rushed to the library. What would she be doing in library. She was making him mad. He wanted to know everything and no one was telling him.

He heard some slow voices from physics lab. Firstly, he tried to eavesdrop. But when he heard Huria's voice taking his name. He barge into the room and there he saw Noah. Ibrahim clutched the door knob tightly to control himself but ended up yelling at her for being with him again. That was the biggest mistake, he had ever done in his entire life. He saw Hurt in her eyes which aches his heart. Her smile was nowhere to be seen. Those eyes were meant to sparkle every time, which were sad. That heart was meant to pump because of happiness but that's pumping with hurt. He hurt her.

She left him there in the physics lab. Did he really messed it up? Did she really hate him? He should had controlled himself a little. Why did he yell at her? He probably had gone insane that time. Would she believe, if he tell her that he didn't intend to do that, and what if she would not?

"WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO NOW?" He groaned in frustration, running a hand through his hair, he sighed heavily. He shook his head repeatedly  in disbelief for the thing he had done. He was regretting every single word he spoke to her.

"Okay, now I really need to take classes to calm my anger down. But that guy a useless one 'Noah' thought that he could win my girl's heart. Seriously? No Pretty boy, you can't snatch my diamond from me. I can't let you do this so easily. Just wait and watch, how will I turn the tables." He was planning and plotting against Noah and was talking to himself. Ibrahim was never like that before but time changes people.

He exited Uni in rage and was ready to kill anyone who would dare to come in his way. He need to clear this all, before she hates him fully. He was driving back home, his mind was totally swirling with the thoughts of Huria and Noah. What if they get together and she will leave him? This was so messed up. He thought, he think call Danish for help. He was finding Danish's number and couldn't able to concentrate on the road. Finally he found out. On the second ring he picked up.

"Assalam o alikum! Danish, i need your help dude. Meet me soon at the cafe near our University, that is few distance away." He said in hurry.

"Walikum Asalam, tell me the address and why are you using your phone while driving? Are you mad?" Danish was scolding him.

"So, I will text you the address. My mind is so messed up bro. I need your help. It's about hu--," he was so lost in thoughts. He couldn't see the truck was coming towards him. He tried to turn left and balance the car but it swirled around and finally hit the trunk of a tree. His head hit the steering wheel and something warm trickled down his face, he wanted to brush it away but he couldn't move. His head was pounding, everything was spinning and he thought he was dying. He apologised to Huria in his mind and prayed for his own soul to rest in peace. Then he slipped into oblivion.



He rubbed his forehead to ease the headache which was increasing by every passing second. Everything had messed up in his life. He didn't know what to do. He received a call from Ibrahim and on the second ring he picked it.

"Assalam o alikum! Danish, I need your help meet me soon at the cafe near our University, that is few distance away from Uni." Ibrahim said in hurry. What on Earth had gotten into him?

"Walikum Asalam, tell me the address and why are you using your phone while driving? Are you mad?" Danish scolded him.

"So, I will text you the address. My mind is so messed up bro. I need your help. It's about hu--," Ibrahim was cut off and Danish could hear the screeching of wheels. He could hear Ibrahim cursing under his breath then all thing went silent.

"Ibrahim? Ibrahim? Are you Okay?" He panicked, there was no answer from the other side.

"Ibrahim? Are you there? You Okay buddy? Please answer me!" He said, waiting for a reply which he couldn't get.

Danish didn't know whether Ibrahim was okay or not. What if something big happened to him. He traced the location, and ran towards his car. He drove off to the place where Ibrahim was.

When he reached there, what he saw was unbelievable. Ibrahim got in a serious accident. His car hit the trunk of a tree. Smoke was coming out of the car. He ran towards it and saw Ibrahim's head was on a steering wheel and blood was dripping from his side head. He quickly called an ambulance.

He was really trying to calm himself. Seeing his dear brother in accident wasn't a pleasurable sight to see. Ambulance came in fifteen minutes, they carefully placed Ibrahim on a stretcher. There was blood on his leg too. Danish did not want to think about any worse injury Ibrahim could had gotten. He just hoped his friend would be okay.

He was waiting for the doctor to come. The doctors informed him earlier that Ibrahim had lost alot of blood. So they started the operation. He thought he should call Huria but what if Ibrahim wouldn't want to see her.


He didn't want lose his friend. He loved him so much as a brother. 'Allah! Please don't let anything happen to him.' He swore, he would kill him by his own hands if he survived.

After about an hour doctor came out. He rose to his feet. "Doctor, is he Okay? Is there any serious injury? He would be fine right?" Danish bombarded him with questions. His forehead creased.

"He is out of danger now, but there is something I would like to tell you, his knee got severely injured. As something hit his knee with ful force. He would have some problem in walking till a month. I have given him painkillers, it will ease the pain."

" can i meet him?" Danish asked hopefully.

Doctor shook his head in negative.
"He needs rest, son. You can meet him after an hour." Doctor said and adjusted his coat.

"Please doctor, I'll make you sure that I won't disturb him." He pleaded.

"Okay, But don't disturb him he needs rest. Call me when he wakes up." Danish  nodded at him gratefully.

He went in, taking slow and quiet steps towards him. He wanted to murder him this instant. He sat on a chair near bed. There a white thick bandage around his head, and on arm not to forget about his knee because it kind of gave him an awful look. He cleared his throat, trying to wake him up although he promised doctor, he wouldn't disturb 'patient' but he couldn't keep his promise.



He didn't know what was happening but his whole body aches. His head was throbbing. Everything Hurt. Everything hurt and he couldn't move. His leg hurts alot.

He tried to open my eyes, but eyes being sensitive enough for the day light squeezed shut.

'Where am I?' Was the first question came in his head.

His senses flicked on as he could hear an annoying beeping sound in the distance, slowly becoming louder. The sharp smell of disinfectant burned his nose.

What had happened?

Memories suddenly flooded back to him, and his eyes flung open. He quickly closed his eyes becuase of the sun rays in room, he tried to adjust his eyes to the light. He blinked several times to open his eyes.

"Ow, it hurts." He exclaimed, getting up from the bed but sharp pain came from his knee and head, and he fell backwards again into the soft pillow. He could sense someone's presence there in the room but didn't open his eyes to acknowledge anyone. After a good two minutes he decided to look who came.

"What were you actually thinking of?!" The most familiar voice asked him in calming tune. He turned his neck to his side, to have better access of his friend's face who was fuming in anger.

"What are you talking about?" In low voice he spoke.


"Low your voice bro, my head is aching." He said, touching the bandage around his head. He tried to ignore Danish who was digging holes by sending death glares. He looked around to take in his surroundings.

He was in a square room, the walls painted in white. A large window was on his right, showing the trees dancing in the heavy wind outside. Two chairs on my right. He could see the bag of liquid suspended in the air, with a tube leading downwards until it attached to his hand.

"Care to answer my questions?" After a second Danish spoke again.

"No! I was not trying to commit suicide. I was talking to you and couldn't see the truck coming and it's a normal accident. Chill. I'm okay. No need to worry." He explained calmly.

"It's a normal accident. Right. IT'S. A. NORMAL. ACCIDENT. IBRAHIM IT'S NOT A NORMAL ACCIDENT." Danish again yelled at him throwing his hands in air to express his feelings.

"Could you please low your voice? I am not deaf." He snapped at Danish. His head hurts. Couldn't Danish see?

"You hurt yourself Ibrahim. Your knee... your knee got badly injured and it will take a month for you to walk properly. Do you still think it's normal?" Danish asked in disbelief.

"But atleast I'm alive, breathing. And can move my arms. I'm thankful. And most importantly I have matters to discuss with you." Ibrahim said thoughtfully.

"Okay, Fine! And what matters are you talking about?" Danish knitted his brow in confusion.

"About Huria." The word Huria was rolling out of his tongue with difficulty. He saw Danish nodding his head, signaling to continue.

"I saw her with Noah today, not once but twice. I don't know, I think she is hiding something from me, and...and I yelled at her for being with Noah second time. I saw hurt, disappointment and disgust in her eyes. I made everything worse than it could ever be. I messed it all. Dani, help me. I-I think I like her. I don't know, what is happening to me bro but everything is right in front of my eyes. I can't let her go. I feel the need to protect her. To let her know that I'm here always with her, no matter what." He sighed heavily and ran a hand on his face in frustration.

"You are in a great mess, dude." Danish said pitifully.

"So what do you think now? What will you do?" Danish asked him clueless.

"This is what I wanted to ask you." Ibrahim irritatedly said, suddenly an idea popped up in his mind.

"I have an idea." He evilly smirk at him and wiggle his brows as if he won an award.

"And what's that?" Danish curiously asked.

"First you have to call her, tell her about the accident and--," Danish interrupted in the middle of Ibrahim's plan.

"You can't use her like this."  He shook his head in denial.

"I'm not using her, mind it." Ibrahim said sternly.

"So what are you trying to do? Emotional blackmail? You want her to fall in your trap? You can't do this. I won't let you do this." Danish firmly said.

"You didn't let me finish, now you are assuming things on your own. Let me finish what I have started. No interruption." Ibrahim emphasised on the last word, so Danish could shut his mouth and nodded in agreement.

"So, where was I? Yeah. I was telling you to call her and tell her about my accident. I hope so she will make it up here, forget all the things I had done in the morning. I will ask her whether she wants to be my friend or not. If she say 'yes' then I will tell her that friendships are based on loyalty and honesty not on being secretive. And if she says 'No' which I barely think she will. I will make that clear to her that I won't trouble her anymore. And there would be nothing left between us. Nothing." He finished and sucked in a deep breathe.

"Don't be too harsh on her. Do you actually think this will work? What if this would mess the already created mess?" Danish asked while scratching his chin.

"Honestly, I don't know. Let's take a risk." He said and passed a tight lipped smile.

"Ohh No! I forgot to tell the doctor that you woke up. He will be mad at me." Danish cursed under his breathe.

"Since when you started to care for anyone?" He raised a questioning brow at him, making him chuckle.

"Since when you are on this bed." Danish shrugged.

"Now I have to go and call the doctor and inform your Huria about your accident. You involve me in this so easily. I will take my revenge. Fit this in your head." Danish smirked and went out without glancing back at him.

He should workout on his anger, as soon as he leave this place. He was thinking to buy a punching bag to let all his anger out. The clicking sound of door made him snap out my trance. He looked up to see a doctor named as Dr. Mahra, came in. She was really beautiful in her early thirties. Fair complexion, big eyes, hair tied in a bun, well dressed. She really know how to carry herself gracefully in that sickening hospital.

"Done staring?" Here come her confident voice made him to look into her eyes, dark shade of black.

"Umm, Sorry?" He raised a brow at her. She shrugged his question and took out notepad.

"So Mr. Ibrahim, how are you feeling?" She asked softly looking at him then again started writing something on the notepad.

"I have an injured knee, few stitches on head and a terrible headache. Otherwise I'm Grand." He smirked at her. She was glaring at him.

"Can't you be serious for a moment. You think it's a joke? Are you not in your senses?" She sternly said, now it was his turn to be stunned. He couldn't think of better comeback so he let it go.

"Being serious is not in my nature." He said with lopsided smile.

"Mr. Ibrahim, I'm giving you some painkillers, take them after meal regularly so that it will ease your pain and fasten your recovery. You won't be out from here, till a week. So make yourself comfortable." She smiled at him, a very forced smile and injected him.

"And yeah consult psychiatrist for your mental state." She smirked at him and left him wide eyed.

Wasn't she really bold, he shook his head and was feeling dizzy all of sudden.

"Why I'm feeling dizzy? Oh! Yeah, I remember she injected me before going. Arrogant woman! Unlike my Huria, pure like a flower, innocent angel." He dozed off thinking about Huria.



Huria was thinking about the whole day while walking on an empty road. Cold wind comforted her, as december was coming to an end, she tightened her hold on her long coat and shivered a little. Thought of Ibrahim gave her goosebumps. Little did she know what had been written in her fate. She was moving with the waves of water in her life, facing differnt problems. No one was here to give her the right opinion, except Allah. She couldn't trust anyone except her own self and her creator.

Looking at the beauty above her she was awestruck. The sky held above her head was peacefully looking at the person beneath it. The birds chirping and flying freely on it, sun was proudly shining. Wishing to be free like a bird, flying in the air with open arms, hugging all the air to her. That is what she was wishing that moment. She was tired of facing all problems alone, wherever she run, problems will become her best friend. Never leave her alone.

She was missing all the fun, she had with her family. The happy days, happy moments. All of that can't it come again? Couldn't she see them again? Couldn't she tease them and show them her mood swings? A lone tear trailed down her cheek and she rubbed it off angrily. She was thinking a lot which made her depressed. She wanted to hug her mother and father, to cry on their shoulders. To sniff her dad's scent like a wood. She wished to see him.


After taking one hour nap, she was feeling a little relieved. She checked her phone and was confused to receive two missed calls from an unknown number and a message too. She opened a message and was shocked to see.

*Huria, it's me Danish. Ibrahim's friend. Sorry for taking your number from Ainah. I did this because it's an emergency. Call me as soon as you read my message. ~D*

'What the hell! What is going on? Is Ainah alright. OMG! What if she is not. I should call him now.' She Dialed his number in panic, she was praying in head to everything be alright. On the second ring he picked up.

"Assalam o alikum! Huria?" He greeted her in calm voice.

"Walikum asalam! Danish, is everything alright? Is Ainah Okay? Please tell me." With panic in her voice, she was blabbering.

"Ainah is alright. But--" he trailed off.

"But what?" She asked, her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Ibrahim got in an accident." He whispered in a low voice, but she heard it. She thought that she heard it wrong. It couldn't happen.

"What?" She half yelled. She couldn't belive what she heard. It should be wrong.

"Ibrahim got an accident. His knee is injured so his head. He is in hospital right now, unconscious." He spoke and wait for her reply, but she was frozen at the spot. How could it be possible. It couldn't right? Ibrahim was fine, when she left him. He was fine.

"Hello? Huria, You there?" He snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Y-yeah I am. Where are you?" She asked after gathering her courage.

"In the hospital, obviously." He rolled his eyes at her question.

"Okay! I'm coming." With that she hung up.

She took a cab, her mind was not at all in the right state. When she reached there, that old white buildings reminded her of her late parents. She hurriedly went in and asked receptionist about a patient met a car accident happened an hour ago. She told her to turn right then left there was Room no. 206.

She was battling in her head, what would she say if he would be awake. What if he refuse to talk to her. So many 'ifs' was roaming around her mind. She couldn't refrain the negative thoughts occupying her mind. With a heavy heart she moved forward to where Danish was pacing back and forth.

"Hey!" She called him, trying to act calm but failed miserably. Her voice was betraying her confidence.

"Hi" He awkwardly waved his hand.

" he Okay? Can I-I meet him?" She asked him with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, yeah! You can meet him. He is awake I guess. I'm not confirm." He passed her a slight smile and she nodded at him.

With reluctant steps she turned to open the door, slowly twisting the knob she peeked inside and saw him sleeping peacefully. The sight infront of her was heart wrenching. His forehead was covered with a thick bandage, tube passing through his hand, transparent bag was hanging above him. He was sleeping peacefully, she made her way towards him and seated on the nearby chair. She thought of holding his hand but then stopped. She couldn't touch a man. She seated on a chair near his bed.

"I'm Sorry, for leaving you without any reason. I was so messed up. I'm sorry. How did this happen? Can't you drive more carefully. I know, I hurt you but that doesn't mean you hurt yourself. Get well soon I-Ibrahim, please for the sake of our friendship." She whispered, her voice trembled on taking his name. A lone tear slipped down her cheek and she rubbed it off.

She rose to her feet and was about to go, when the screeching of chair woke him up. His eyes snapped open and she was staring at him with wide eyes.

"You came?" He questioned bewildered.

"Yeah!" Was her simple. "So, how are you?" She asked with a sardonic smile.

"I'm good after seeing you." He winked at her, making her sigh in annoyance. How could he joke at this time.

"Umm, I want to say something." She murmured, before she could continue he spoke.

"Yeah, yeah I know you need some time and want to be alone, you can't be my friend. We will treat each other as a stranger. We can't talk and I am not allowed to contact you anymore. Is that what you wanted to say? So here I completed it for you." He said coldly  and she rolled her eyes seeing his outburst.

"No, Ibrahim I wanted to say--," he cut off her again and said.

"Before you say anything, first listen to me. I'm really sorry for my behaviour in the lab. I didn't mean to hurt you by my words. It was my anger which I couldn't control. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please accept this apology. I can't see you with anyone else. I thought that you were going to break our friendship and was going with Noah. It burned me inside. It--" He coughs because of continously speaking. She gave him water which he great fully took and thanked her.

"Now will you please shut your mouth and let me speak?" She asked seriously and he nodded at her innocently.

"I wanted to say Sorry, because I left you there without clearing your doubts. I was being selfish and wanted to clear my mind first. I wanted some time alone before I speak to anyone and say something I would regret later. I was messed up. I am sorry. And your apology is accepted for yelling at me." She smirked at him which made him chuckle.

"Can you do me a favour please?" He asked her, more like requesting her. She nodded.

"At the end of this week we have to submit our chemistry assignment and at this condition, I can't do that. So, can you please ask her to extend the date?" He asked her, and she nodded at him.

"Anything else?" She asked him, never looking into his deep forest eyes. She knew that if she did, she will lost all her senses and couldn't control herself.

"Umm--are we still friends?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah!" She giggled.

"Okay then, see you at Uni?" She raised her brows.

"Are you making fun of me? I can't come to Uni, you know." He made a pout, in which he looks so cute. She smiled at him.

"Take care! I'll come to see you tomorrow. Get well soon." She smiled at him, which he returned.

She didn't ask him, how that accident happen. Why wasn't he driving carefully. Did it hurt too much. When would he be discharged and come to Uni. 'What will I do at Uni without him?' Her subconscious said. She rolled her eyes at her stupid mind. She was talking to herself and was walking towards the exit. Someone called her name she turned to look who it was, and there was standing Danish, hands in pocket, hair ruffled and eye bags prominent. He must had not got his sleep. He came forward and stand by few distance away from her.

"What did he say?" He asked, his voice was low. If this area was not silent, she couldn't had heard what he said.

"Say about what?" She replied him with a question.

"I know everything, about what happened today at Uni. I know he did wrong, but what's done can't change. So did you? break y-your friendship with him?" He asked nervously and she knew that Danish was really worried about his friend's heart.

"Go and ask your friend." She smirked and walked out, without listening his reply.

Grandmother's advice surely affected her, her mind was not at all messed up, when she was talking to him. Ibrahim issue solved. Now Ainah's issue, that why wasn't she in the University. Why she left all of a sudden? Something was fishy. She was thinking of calling her, but stopped in a mid way thinking that it's already night she might be asleep. So she thought she will meet her at college and ask what's the matter with her.


Assalam o Alikum, Everyone. How are you all? I know I took a long time again to update, sorry. So, do you like the chapter?
In Sha Allah! From the next chapter you'll see Ibrahim and huria's scenes more.

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