Apex Predator

A knock at my door startled me, and completely ruined what I was doing.

It was noon on a Saturday, and I hadn't invited anyone over so it struck me as weird. I finished the rest of my milkshake on the way to the door and tried to shake my vexation.

When I opened it I was unprepared, as usual, for Steven to be standing there. Normally Steven didn't show up unannounced, but with Pearl and Spinel with him, I immediately felt uneasy.

"You look scared." Steven ran his fingers through his hair, tussling it carelessly as he studied me.

"Well, we did show up without messaging," Spinel allowed cheerfully. "Just wait until she sees what we have planned for her."

"She's a human, Pink. Can she even come with us?" Pearl adjusted her silken dress. "I don't know if the Diamonds will like this."

Steven gave her a nasty side eye. "The Diamonds are all under me. And I happen to not care what they like."

"W-where are we going? Shopping again?" I interjected. I was wearing one of my favorite outfits today, so I felt confident enough to be seen in public. It was a creamy sweater dress with little pink gems sewn in various places. After the yoga incident with Steven, I was starting to realize how interconnected we all were now. I liked the way he dressed me, so I'd started doing it on my off days as well.

"Oh, Connie. Sweet, innocent, stupid Connie. I'm not taking you shopping. I'm taking you home." He called me stupid like it was a compliment, but it still slightly irritated me.

"So we're going to your house?" I turned to grab my purse but froze when he laughed.

"We're taking you to Homeworld." He motioned for me to follow them and I did, glad I'd at least grabbed my phone out of habit.

"So... where exactly is Homeworld? Is it far?" I tried in his car.

They all exchanged humorous glances before turning back to me.

"No. And yes." Pearl answered as she pulled down the mirror to examine herself.

"Have you ever been to the moon by chance?" Steven asked casually.

I blinked. What a ridiculous question. "Most humans have never even been to space. Much less the moon."

"Well, you know where it is though, right?" Steven gave me a cryptic look as we pulled into his garage.

"No shit." It had slipped out of my mouth before I even realized I was going to say it. I never would have responded to something like that before EU, but it came as naturally as Hindi.

"Nice sarcasm, didn't think you had it in you. Well, we're going past the moon. Around 69 light years past." He paused as the other girls slipped out to readjust their outfits and met my eyes in the rear view mirror. "Get out of my car."

My attention was immediately brought to a ladder being pulled down on the far left. "Don't we need a spaceship for this?"

Steven sighed in annoyance. "You two, go clean off the warp. Apparently Connie and I need to have a talk before Homeworld is an option."

They crossed their arms and tipped their hands so they made a diamond shape. "Yes, Pink Diamond." They clambered up giggling as Steven turned to me.

I had to be bold again. I forced myself to move toward the obvious mountain of irritation and tilted my head innocently. "Is there something the matter?"

"Stop asking questions," He demanded sharply. "Observe, but never speak unless you're spoken to. You are to stay at my right side at all times. If you are spoken to by a Diamond, you look to me first for permission. Do I make myself clear?" His eyes were unsympathetic and cruel as I grappled with the rules. Why were the rules changing?

"Okay..." My eyes dropped in disappointment, and he made a nearly inaudible groan of frustration before he elaborated.

"Homeworld is dangerous for a human."

Recognition sparked in my chest and I nearly slumped with relief. These were rules for Homeworld, not forever!

His hand raised to stroke my cheek. I couldn't help my soft purr but it must have excited him, his fingers delicately tipped my chin up so we were gazing at each other. I don't remember getting so close but were two inches apart. At this point I have to crane my neck. "And later, if you have pleased me, I will please you."

"I hope to make you proud." I had hoped he might start to explore and he did, his hand trailed over my lips covetously and then to my waist where his eyes followed the natural curves of my body.

There was the touch again. That touch that gave me exciting feelings I couldn't seem to get enough of. He hummed when I leaned into his touch and cupped the other side. "I sense you'd like that. I sense a lot of things that you'd like me to do to you."

So much blood rushed to my face that I almost fainted. I tried to pull away but he held my face in place firmly. I'd been doing what he taught me over the phone almost every night before bed. As hard as I tried to imagine Hazel, it always devolved into Steven doing such things to me. But they were just silly little fantasies. "Why did you make me a Crystal Gem?"

"For fun." He pulled away and started for the ladder. "Connie, come on. We're burning daylight."

I stumbled after him in a complete daze, barely even recognizing his strong hands tugging me onto a blue platform.

"Don't hold your breath."

"What? I–," It activated and suddenly the world around me shifted wildly. I could feel that we were moving, but I knew we were moving much faster. I was dangling in midair and floating up, past Spinel and Pearls heads as they confidently stayed in place. Steven grabbed the back of my dress just before I flew out of reach. Now that I was looking up I could see stars and the moon flying past me.

My entire life I'd been reading fantasy books about space adventures and odyssey's and aching to go there. It was beautiful and full and empty, everything and nothing like I was expecting. It felt like I was frozen in a single moment in time. I looked down at Steven and he gave me an odd smile and pointed to his own face. I'd shed a few tears and patted them off carefully, making sure not to smudge my makeup.

In a matter of seconds a planet appeared in front of me and I realized we were going to crash land. I cried out in panic but then it was over.

I dropped, my weight suddenly being pulled down by gravity again, directly into Stevens arms. "Welcome home."

I gasped as the world around us finally caught my attention. Pillars of marble and stone rose up from all around us, everything was pristine and regal and huge. This didn't seem like a home, it seemed more like a palace. He sat me down so I could take everything in even though my mind was barely processing things. I had to crane my neck up to see the murals and paintings on the walls, the elegant chandeliers and unearthly lights floating in midair.

And the thrones. Even with tipping my head as far back as it would go, from this distance I still could not see where they ended and where the wall appeared from behind it. A smaller throne caught my attention, sitting proudly in the middle of the three and pink.

"What...?" I stopped myself from asking questions and took a deep breath to ground myself. Pearl and Spinel were laughing at me quietly but when Steven gave them both a glare they simpered and stood tall.

"Come." He walked off and Pearl and Spinel followed, forcing me to as well.

"Pink's back! He's back!" Dozens of gems I couldn't see whispered. The walls here were golden and reflective. I could see the warped image of myself as we passed through. Out of habit, I looked higher and saw faces.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my shocked squeak. They looked down at me with friendly expressions, but it didn't soothe me at all.

"And he brought a pet!"

I blushed, still not sure how to feel about that. Steven glanced back at me and smirked.

"Pet... I like that," He mused seriously.

Pearl nodded. "That is a very wise title of choice, Pink Diamond."

I played with the hem of my dress silently, tucking my head down in embarrassment. The truth was, I kind of liked it. It was twisted and weird but it made my stomach go in knots. I glanced at the back of his head, wondering what a pets duties would even be.

They stopped abruptly at a large door. When Pearl stepped forward to mess with a futuristic pad, my heart leapt with awe. The door swished open and I followed them inside.

"At ease, you two... you three." Steven turned to me, his eyes glinting with excitement. "Pearl, come with Connie and I. She needs to be fitted."

"Pink! Can I?" Spinel excitedly gestured to the door.

"You may go play with your Spinel friends."

She squealed and ran up for a hug, but before she could pull away he gave her a kiss. "Don't forget your manners, Spinel."

"Yes, my Diamond." She ran off to the door. "See you fuckers later!"

He exhaled heavily. "She's going to get bubbled with a mouth like that."


"He prefers Pink on Homeworld but you couldn't have possibly known that," Pearl corrected me but Steven shook his head slowly.

"No... I like when she refers to my human side. But you still will refer to me as Pink." He nodded toward another section of the room and Pearl and I followed, her looking upset.

I observed Pearls sadness a bit more, imagining what I'd said to her a week ago was running through her mind. Human bonding experiences had been a stretch on what I truly thought, which was that he seemed very much not human in most ways besides physical, but it clearly had made her think hard. I felt a little guilty about it.

But everything was going as planned.

A quick glance at my phone showed me almost 30 missed messages. Shit, I'd forgotten I was supposed to meet with Peridot tonight! "Steven, I hate to ask because I'm having such a lovely time, but when will we return home?"

"After I spend some time fitting you," He said with random flirtatiousness.

"F-Fitting me? For what?" My eyes went a bit wide and he cocked his head with satisfaction.

"For the talent show of course, and for your palace clothes. Can't have you walking around in human garb."

"What about you?"

"I can wear whatever I like, but today is a rare day where I prefer not to wear my Diamondwear." At every turn with this hybrid I felt a bit my sanity wither away into–

Dresses. Gowns. Tuxedos and suits. Tops and skirts and everything in between. This was a closet, but it should've been a bedroom and it was even bigger than a bedroom needed to be. "It's like a closet for royalty," I whispered.

"It is."

Something scurried over my foot and I yelped in alarm, lifting it up in terror until I noticed a little... rock... creature? holding on for dear life. "Oh!" Another Homeworld thing. I carefully picked it up and held it in my hand. "You're actually kind of cute!" I complimented with a huge smile. "I like your little clothes."

It made a tiny sound and started climbing up my arm. I giggled and chased it with my hand, for a moment catching Steven watching me with a broad smile. I paused and he immediately turned away, coughing into his hand. "Quit messing around. We need her fitted for meeting the Diamonds."

It dropped to the floor immediately and suddenly they started crawling out of everywhere. From under the floor to little compartments in the wall they hopped on me and started tugging at my clothes. "W-wait–," They were crawling up my thighs now and over my stomach. They eventually got my dress over my head, revealing the horrifying truth for Steven and Pearl to see.

He tipped his head curiously. "You aren't wearing a bra." An eyebrow raised. "Or underwear."

My lips curled in and I let my hair obscure my face and breasts. "That would be correct."

Pearl tugged my hair back at a single nod from Steven and I was forced to look at him head on. "It would be wiser you don't try to hide," She whispered. "You don't want to see him upset."

Every area his sight touched tingled. I pressed my thighs together and tried to focus on my breathing. In for four, out for eight. "Fix your posture," He demanded sharply.

Pearl pressed a hand to the middle of my  back and I straightened out. "Interesting." He approached me and circled, taking in every detail of my body. His finger trailed over my shoulders and moved to trace over my waist and hips. Then with no warning as if he'd done it a trillion times, he cupped both of my breasts in his hands. He pinched a nipple and I squeaked as my body burst into flames. "She's a 32, 28, 33. Round it up for hips." He removed his hands and stepped back like he'd simply patted my head and not essentially groped me.

"Yes, Pink Diamond." The pebbles climbed up the outfits, chirping and gibbering at each other with a few words in English as well every once in a while.

His eyes were fiercely locked on mine as he leaned against the vanity with his brows furrowed. "Pearl, go tell the Diamonds I want to see them within the next 20 minutes. Behave to my liking, and make sure Spinel will be present to and within my liking as well. That will be all." He clapped twice and she walked off, head held high with purpose. "And you," He pointed to me. "You come here."

I hesitated a moment too long.


The second I was within reaching distance he spun and sat me on the vanity. My fingers curled into his shirt and he chuckled. "You humans are so intriguing in your every waking moment. I've been waiting to do this again for-fucking-ever." He pressed his lips to mine and I inhaled sharply, bashfully pulling away to slump against his chest in shock.

"I've never kissed a boy like... that."

"I'm not a boy." He brought my face up again and not knowing what to do, I let him lead. Arousal flooded through me when he brushed his tongue against my lip. I leaned in further, realizing this was something I could take advantage of for the plan. Yes, for the plan! That was the reason I let him kiss me. His hand gripped my thighs and spread them further, him pressing against me to reveal...


He sensed my shyness and pulled away a little, his eyes turning that glowy pink again. He didn't seem at all affected by the kiss past the very obvious erection. I couldn't help myself, I peeked down.

"Are you staring at my cock, Connie?" He rumbled with a thick authority that said I had to answer him and answer him correctly.

Kill me. Kill me now. Because there was no way to react to that that didn't involve me passing out, squealing in embarrassed admission or exploding. I took an ignorant risk, I lied. "No." Yes. Yes I was. And like some kind of freak, my mouth was watering.

He let out a murthy chuckle. "Don't lie to me. I don't take well to liars."

My eyes were still stuck, my mind speeding through thoughts. All I could mumble was, "It looks so big. Are they...?"

He choked on a laugh but it was no use, it burst out of him and he held my shoulders back to smile down at me. He brushed a wayward strand out of my face. "Again: not a little boy. I'm a grown ass man, not even a fully human one."

"I can see that." His laughter made me smile. It was so genuine he almost sounded sweet as it echoed around us. But then he calmed down abruptly and his face dropped. He seemed to be frozen staring at me for a moment, soon after his hand went to his chest. His eyes lifted to the mirror behind me and he recoiled slightly at what happened next: before my very eyes, his cheeks turned scarlet. "Huh."

Holy shit. "Are you feeling okay, Steven?"

He frowned and reached up to his face. "I dunno. My healing abilities usually don't let dizziness become an issue."

Did he not know what blushing was? "You're just blushing. It goes away." I ran my fingers over his cheek and he growled with irritation, pulling from my touch and turning away.

"Pebbles. Dress her immediately or I'll crack every one of you." He stormed out and I hopped down, turning to look in the mirror.

As they started pulling on a sexy pink blazer and matching skirt I saw the same thing on my face, a deep blush.

He was quiet and crabby the rest of the trip. He didn't want to see the Diamonds anymore, and we'd almost made it out, but stumbled into three beings sitting in the thrones as what looked like another Bismuth stood before them.

"Pink!" The blue one cried out.

He clenched his fists but turned to her. "Hello, Azura. What's this?" He gestured to the Bismuth who immediately crossed her arms into that diamond thing.

"We're hiring a Bismuth to erect a statue," The yellow one replied dryly. "But it seems they have an issue with finding the correct materials."

Steven lifted a brow and walked over, snapping his fingers over his shoulder. We walked to the pink seat seemingly assigned to him. He turned and sat, resting his chin on his fist. Pearl and Spinel stood on either side of him, perfectly rigid. I was going to stand beside Pearl, but Steven patted his right leg and I sat. No use in irritating him at a time like this, especially not when he was handling business. He pulled me further on and I fought the urge to grin like a complete fool at the worst time possible.

It was dead silent as he stared the Bismuth down and my butt grew warm as he began to glow. "What materials are you missing that you cannot follow a direct order from your Diamonds?"

The Bismuth swallowed. "W-we need more marble, my Diamond."

"And who told you to make it out of marble?" He scoffed.

"White– Blanche did, my Diamond."

I felt him turn to look up at White. "Is this true, Blanche?"

She shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, Pink."

"You do not pass orders like that without checking in for the material needed. Another slip up like that and I'll poof you with my bare hands." He threatened with such seriousness he really did sound like a king. He would do it, I had no doubts even if that sounded like a brutal punishment. "And you, Bismuth. Make it out of stone, not marble."

"Of course, my Diamond."

He patted my bottom and I stood, clasping my hands in front of me as he approached the Bismuth. "And, for the record–,"

He disappeared into thin air, a streak of pink barely in my vision that disappeared almost immediately with himself reappearing immediately after that. He was holding a large chunk of uncultured marble in his hand. He shoved it towards the Bismuths chest and they grabbed it, trying to protect their gem with their freehand. "We have plenty of marble on Zeda-11-Alpha. You're lucky I didn't crack your gem, you're lucky you expected that to happen for your idiocy."

"Thank you for your graciousness, my Diamond." They saluted and turned to walk out of the room quickly.

He returned to his seat, sighing heavily as I sat. "No. Up." He bounced his leg and I stood. When he didn't get up I turned around but he pointed to an area in front of him. "Front and center."

So I stood before them, trying to look presentable even though I felt underdressed and overwhelmed.

"You've brought a human to Homeworld!" Azura exclaimed. "Oh, she's adorable, Pink!"

"A human? So she's the full version of what you are? How interesting," Amber commented as she crossed her legs thoughtfully.

Blanche leaned forward to squint at me. "She's awful small. Couldn't you have brought a more... impressive specimen?"

I felt the shift in energy before the self consciousness even swept over me. Pearl and Spinels eyes widened and they lowered their heads, motioning for me to do the same.

"Say that again." Steven gripped the arms of the chair, waiting for her to dare.

Blanche pursed her lips nervously. "I just meant she's very hard to see is all."

"And you thought that was an appropriate comment?" He asked condescendingly.

"No. Yes." She stumbled over her words trying to find the one he would want to hear but it was no use. "I-I just—!"

He stood, his back to them as he started for the warp pad. "Amber, you know what I want. Do it, or you will suffer Blanches punishment in her place. I have better things to do than waste my power on a rock."

"Yes, Pink Diamond." She lifted a finger and her hand pulsed with electricity. She pointed it at Blanche and winced in pain. "Don't fight it. It will be over faster." It shot out and the room awashed with a pink smog that made me feel jittery and faint. The air was charged, and their gems all started glowing brightly.

Blanche made a strangled cry as the current became much stronger, and with a burst of air her Diamond clattered to the floor. Now she was nowhere to be found.

"I'm starving," Steven announced as the fog dissipated.

"P-pink! Before you go, may I request our Pearls back?" Azura pleaded.

He glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not in a very giving mood now."

They looked sad and I felt sorry for them. It made sense: if Steven had a Pearl, they should also be assigned one as well. He walked away and I sighed in disappointment, causing him to look my way quizzically. When he saw my expression, his softened a bit and he rolled his eyes. "Oh for fucks sake." He nodded up at them. "Fine."

As we warped away the two Diamonds looked after us in shock, seemingly looking at me.

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