Ch.2 Family troubles
Friday night in New York City. Everyday's jobs were done from hours ago and now, all of them are out in the city, ready to get rid of- for a while- the busy routine and clear up their busy minds. Unfortunately, that kind of entertainment is another part of routine. It may help to clear up your mind but that entertainment is artificial, mechanical, fake. Tonight, more people than usual are out of their small apartments. There's so much noise out there, in every street, every small bar or restaurant. It's because of the weather which that night is peachy and a bit cold which breezes each naked arm. The sky above the city is clear and- something rare- full of small and bright stars.The noise, though, doesn't come only from the streets; it comes from a small neighborhood of New York too. Certainly, loud rock music is coming from a typical American house, its garage actually. Inside it, a band is playing that kind of music with passion and no care in world. It is true that they can't even listen to their own thoughts.
Haley Evans, a 15 year-old girl with blond hair and brown highlights here and there and freckles on her pale white skin, plays on her purple electric guitar with passion as her lake blue eyes are closed in pleasure. The lead singer and also leader of the band, Angle sings the song with passion and not even caring about other people that pass out from the garage slightly annoyed with all that noise. Like they aren't noise themselves.This band, actually, is doing a practice for a performance they will give in some time in the near future on a talent show. The kids are focused on their music that they don't even see a figure passing in front of the garage, turning right, getting inside an alley between two apartments and hide into the shadows. Only a pair of blue eyes in a icy shade are being watched that look straight to the garage and the band with boredom shining on them.
"They're too noisy" the figure thinks annoyingly with the loud sound coming out from two sound boxes.
Meanwhile, inside the house, Cole Chi Evans- 16 years-old with messy black hair, orange eyes and Japanese features- comes out from the kitchen, trying to keep up his balance and not throw down the two bowls full of chips from both hands. The band's music from the garage causes to the whole house to vibrate badly and Cole must walk against that vibration to the living room where his younger sister, Megan, and friend, Davy, are in waiting for him. The annoyed expression on his face reveals his true feelings that both sister and friend notice fast. Cole lets the two bowls on a small table in front of the large leather couch and sits on the furniture, rather furious than happy of seeing his favorite movie- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1- that has just started on the TV opposite the three children. The only problem is the sound. It's covered by the loud rock music of Haley's band does. Davy covers his ears as a move of not affording to listen that kind of music that loud. Megan does the same move only with her eyes closed and her body slowly sinking into her seat.
"For the love of Starlord ! It's Friday woman!" Dave yells annoyed seeing that his technique doesn't work.
After pulling off her hands from her ears, Megan turns to her older brother with a face that shows her tricky targets as a cocky smirk creeps up to her lips and sticks there. "Wanna do something tricky tonight?" she asks trickily. Cole raises a curious eyebrow and waits for his younger sibling to tell him her plan. One thing's sure: it'll solve their current problem.
"Turn off the system."
Now, it is time for Cole to smirk trickily. He then stands up and walks towards the stairs that lead to the garage- and his annoying cousin of course. Knowing the place well, the first thing he does when he enters the garage is to walk towards the plug and takes out all the cables at once. Unexpected silence for the band members surrounds the room and all the kids look around trying to find what happened anyway. Haley turns back, to the plug, and to her surprise, she finds it with no cables on it. Her blue eyes transfer to her cousin who has all of them at one hand and looks at her with a very satisfied expression. Haley's eyes narrow into venomous slits fast and she walks extremely fast towards to Cole's side, angered as ever. She knows that this reminds her her crush, Raph, but all she cares to do know is to punch his stupid face hard. Cole lets the cables to fall down and walks out of the garage with smooth moves, like he's dancing under a rhythm that nobody can't listen to.
Haley kicks the plug with all of her power and yells, "COLE!!!" The next moment, she sprints to the stairs a without caring about her friends who stare at her with question before going behind her.
Haley storms into the house and walks fast to the direction of the living room, the fire of anger burning inside her chest. She passes from the couch and grabs the TV remote from the small table and with one press of a button, the TV powers off.
"HEY!! Have you lost your mind?!"
" That's for turning off the power to the grudge you jerk!" Haley shouts as 2 of the band members, Angle and Mika come into the room totally curious. Candy, another member, doesn't follow her friends and walks out of the garage because she has to get home early while Phoebe, the last member and Haley's couisn, is still in the grudge rocking out to Queen.And no, this happens for real.Cole folds his arms, not caring about what he did.
"You where playing your music too loud" Cole says bluntly.
"Well sorry we have to practice for a talent show!" Haley says, frustrated with her cousin. Why did he even thought of that?! Okay, Cole's maybe be clever but... stupidness is one of the usual characteristics of boys. But Cole always got good grades in school.
"What's the point in practicing when Ms.Bell is just gonna let anyone who audition be in the talent show regardless?!" Cole snarks.
"Because we like to bring our A game!" Haley argues, not even understanding why she keeps talking with him. A small punch on his stomach will nicely make his mouth to shut.
Megan watches the whole querel with an evil smirk being crossed on her lips. Angle looks at Davy.
"You know what ?! this is my house!" Haley shouts at him.
"I live here too Hales! I was trying to watch my movie but your music gave me an headache!" Cole retorts.
"No one cares about that stupid movie" Haley retorts back while her eyes narrow again into slits.
"Your music is crappy anyway!" Cole says while another tricky look creeps up; he has an idea.
"Look I'll turn back on movie so I can enjoy it." Cole says calmly, something strange for Haley.
"How about turning back on the power in the grudge too since you started this?" Haley snares her eyes still narrowed
"It was Megan's idea!" Cole shouts with one hand showing Megan who know has an angelistic smile.
Oh don't you Dare blame this on your little sister!" Haley retorts rolling her blue eyes skywars.
"No he's right, it was my idea" Megan says with a cute and totally innocent voice.
"Megan..." Haley says in disappointment.
One thing about little Megan, she loves to cause trouble. She's literal like Drake and Josh's evil little sister who's also named Megan.
"Turn the power back on Cole." Haley orders, glaring at her Gothic cousin who is only an year older than her.
"Nope I don't think I will, Hales." Cole replies smoothly.Haley growls.
"You know what I hope they'll never make a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie!" Haley shouts.
"I hope Jack Black's career sinks!" Cole shouts back with more anger.
Haley gasps; "Take that back right now!"
"If Jack Black is a terrible actor then Zoe Saldana is underrated!"
"Zoe Saldana was the best actress in Infinity war and you know it!"
"I didn't see that movie!" Haley gasps again.
"You're impossible!"
"You're selfish!"
Shina Jades and her boyfriend Milo, cousin of Haley and Cole. because of the of the argument they had come out from their room curious as ever. But they both know that the two teens destroyed their Friday night once again.
"Hey,hey what's going on in here? Jades says but neither Haley nor Cole answer to her; in fact, both ignore her. "Come on talk to me." she tries again as she places an comforting had on Cole and Haley's shoulder.
"He turned off my music!" Haley explodes
"And she turned off my movie!" Cole complains.
"Ah I see it... Megan's idea." Jades said looking at Megan, a slight smirk comes to her lips.
"Nice!" Milo chuckles giving Megan a high five. Cole allows himself to smile .
"Really Milo?!" Haley shouts at him, giving him a death glare.
Aunt Harley rushes into the room to see what all of that yelling is about while she takes a deep breath. She was getting too old for this .
"What in the world is going on here? Cole! Haley! Are you two seriously having an argument when your friends are here?" she then asks, giving them "the look".
"Aunt Harley I was trying to play music and Cole turned it off!" Haley says still angered.
"Don't forget she turned off my movie!" Cole mutters not bothering to look at her.
"Or it was Megan's idea" Angle adds out of nowhere.
"Oh for the love the god, Megan! For once in your little life can you behave!" Aunt Harley yells at Megan and the little girl scowls before turning her attention to Hale's friends.
"Alight Angle, Mika and Davy go home." Aunt Harley orders to the three said children while her look is still on Megan.
"But Aunt Harley-!"
"No buts!" she cuts Haley's phrase, "Having friends over is a privilege if you can't behave yourselves then both of your friends can't stay here."
Haley's friends groan and leave the room. Davy still looks outside talking to his mother.
"Well time to get back to M@M love feast, you in babe?" Milo asks Jades. Jades him a playful smirk. "Get a room" Megan mutters disgusted. Aunt Harley smacks him on the head for being inappropriate again and gives Jades a "Don't you think about it look"for the hundredth time since they been together.
"Jades, Milo, Megan leave, I need to talk to theses two" Aunt Harley then says, trying to hold back her anger.Megan leaves the room with the dog.
"Come on baby" Milo encourages. "I'll be in a minute" Jades said a she hides behind the door.
"Aunt Harley-" Cole and Haley start to complain.
"Don't "Aunt Harley" to me, this is the 5th argument his week" Aunt Harley snaps with the angriest look she ever had imprinted on her face.
"He started it!"
"She started it!"
"Enough! Children, you're family but you act like you're enemies. You're family you shouldn't be fighting about things that are not important" Aunt Harley says calmer this time causing them both to lower they're heads in shame.
"Now apologize to each other and be okay." she orders, waiting for the two teens to say these two simple words; "I'm sorry."
Haley murmurs to Cole a "I'm sorry, dude"and walks out of the room feeling embarrassed as ever. She gets her guitar from the hall where she left it and climbs the stairs to the upper part of the house and to her personal room; her bedroom. She knows that aunt Harley was right. After her dad... was kidnapped by the foot, they stood by her side like a real family does and they never let her down. She might be at times selfish but she promised herself not to disappoint her only family that is left. She enters her room with a sigh.
Those mysterious icy blue orbs still look at the garage which is now empty. They watched everything that happened in there. Now, the figure listens to the loud yells coming out from the house. Those eyes roll upwards.I knew that these two cousins are trouble. (side font)The figure climbs up to the roof on her left and stands on the edge of it. Now, the city lights show not only these mysterious eyes, but it shows the whole person. The "person" appears to be a girl on his teens, 15 years-old that doesn't seem to be so normal teenager. Velvet red hair half of them painted into a deep blue in an ombre hairstyle, long and straight, wave back due to the wind the roof has. Some of her tresses touch softly her face, set into a pale white color-like Snow White's skin- as these icy blue orbs stare the Evans house, lost in her thoughts.Her foot covered by an over-to-knee red boot with laces knees on the edge of the roof as her leg dressed into a black ripped jeans tries to balance her upper body set into a red top, black jacket with hood and a necklace writing on a name with calligraphic letters on it.
Rowan. Her hands, with many golden bracelets, hold up a phone- the Huawei P20 Pro- and her fingers touch softly the large black screen.
The next minute, that screen lights up and shows an name; "Blue". (side font) The girl slides her finger on the screen to her right and places the device near her right ear.
"Say it, Blue." Rowan Fox says smoothly.
"You found them?" Leonardo asks from the other line.Rowan rolls her eyes.
"Εσύ τι λες?" she asks sarcastically to her second mother language, Greek, knowing that Leo won't understand anything.
"Eh? Please don't speak Greek when we talk." Leo says annoyed, "You found them anyway?"
"Of course I did."
"And?""I just watch the house. It's pretty nice."
Leo scoffs. "The point is to talk to Cole and Haley, not just observing their house."
"Oh, stop it. I know that."
"Then? Why don't you go in?" Rowan frowns with her boyfriend's question as she keeps looking at the Evans' house.
"Because I know that both of 'em won't help." she replies.
Even if she knows that the Evans cousins are her only solution to her problem of who will help her to find the lost golden medallion- which is story, as hard she tried to search on the internet with Donnie's help, is unknown- since the turtles can't help her at all, she doesn't want these two around. She doesn't know them, she doesn't trust them. And like she saw and heard some minutes ago, these two can cause trouble to everybody, not only to themselves. Rowan hated the idea from the first moment she heard it from both Leo and Donnie but... she can't go against the boy she loves wills. And she has no other choice. Leo sighs from the other line.
"They will. Cole and Haley can be helpful. They're so good on solo missions. Don't forget that Haley's dad is-
"The best on finding artifacts." she cuts, "But there are many ways for you to come with me."
"We've talked about this, Rowny. I can't risk to reveal our identity to people."
"It's just a disguise for Lord's shake! It won't hurt anybody!"
"I'm telling you, I can't risk it."
"You're rejecting me?"
"For this kind of thing, yes I do." Rowan pouts.
"I hate you, Blue."
"I love you too, Rowny."Leo hangs up, leaving Rowan staring at her phone with a deep frown. She doesn't want to go to that house. Her vampire abilities predicted that this "meet and greet" won't go so well.
Why? She has no idea.
Inside Haley's slightly messy room, Haley sits on her bed playing her guitar, clothes scattered around the room and bed. Her eyes darts on a photo when she was younger with her dad as she is the holding her purple guitar while her Dad was in the photo with her. They were both so happy. "When will I'll ever save you dad ?" she wonders.Suddenly Rowan jumps down in front of her, sticking a landing. Haley stares at her wide eye. With everyone trying to kidnap her and Cole, her about to scream is understandable reaction and plus she never meet Rowan. Seeing this, Rowan quickly places her hands on Hale's mouth.
"Don't scream I need your help." Rowan harshly whispers so Haley's aunt and cousins wouldn't hear them. scream of Haley's through Rowan's hand causes the redhead to be more annoyed.
"Stop screaming through my hand." she whispers.
"Mpphhhpp!" Haley screams through her hand.
"Stop screaming though my hand."
"MPHHHPP!" "Stop screaming through my hand."
"Stop it !" Rowan warns, having enough.This causes Haley to pause before screaming again through her hand again.
"Oh for crying out loud !" Rowan shouts.
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