Suspense... (Part 2)

"No One Can Lose.. If They Have The Determination To Not Give Up."


Brooks P. O. V

To recap, from last chapter, wait. Can i do this?

A-kun: Hell Nah! Get Out Of Here!

Technical Difficulties...

Me and Nikki and Glen are training, Cross called me, got here, got the details of dem mission and now we're here! Trying.. To take back the weapon facility of F. A. O. This is not gonna be a cake walk... I really wish it was... 

At the helicopter...

Brooks: Are we there yet?

Cross: I heard it's very far from the main headquarters. So be quiet will you?

Brooks: Gee, i was only asking. *pulls out his phone*

Luna's P. O. V

Luna: *inside of a Chinook* ... 

Most of the the personnel that the C. E. O sent were mostly solders and agents from the agency. They said there's gonna be no vehicles until the weapon facility is back to the F. A. O's hands. 

Solder #1: Ms. Luna, what's the gameplan?

Luna: I don't know yet. I'll get orders from the C. E. O.

I am lying. I'm supposed to get orders from Cross and Brooks. But i doubt they'll say anything. Cross even said.


Cross: So i can go freely and attack on my own pace.

End Flashback...

Solder #1: Okay then. Hope we take this place back.

Solder #2: Isn't the "human" Agents joined this mission?

Luna: Yeah. What's the deal with it?

Solder #2: Hope they don't screw us over.

Luna: I'm sure they won't.

Solder #2: Then after this, the C. E. O. will just only recognize those 2 and never the normal Inklings that die in battle.

Luna: Then try to do better than them. It's the only option.

Solder #2: How though? 

Luna: Well. *smirks* I have a idea.

Solder #1: Can we hear it?

Luna: Okay. Now, here's the deal...


Brooks P. O. V

We arrived at the said weapon facility. The pilot did a x-ray scan of the facility and gave us a look at the screenshot on the pointer. 

Brooks: Now. The heck should we do? *confused ASF*

Cross: There's a lot of ink turrets inside the facility. They're making us go in. Since we have the picture, we could take out the Octos who operates those turrets. Then let the infantry go wild. 

Brooks: What weapon did you brought again? You freaking hid it on the back... *then sees the weapon*

So. A Charger. A simple Splatterscope. How does even he get the weapon right for the gameplan? He's probably getting lucky or trying to be a prediction "masta" like me. 

Brooks: What in the odds you have the weapon for the gameplan... I'm so done.

Cross: Huh. I guess it's just a coincidence.  

Brooks: I guess my plan is just help the infantry with Ms. Luna.

Cross: Yeah, you have that unfair "custom" weapon. You'll have no problem taking the Octos out.

Brooks: Guess so. I do have a uncanny feeling that something bad gonna happen. You know, like a trump card or something.

Cross: We'll never find out until we get in there.

Pilot: Where do you want to land?

Cross: Do you have a "hookshot"?

Pilot: Huh? Um, sorry i don't think we have that. 

Cross: Dang it, i was thinking i'm gonna zipline to the roof of the facility and just go from the top.

Brooks: Welp. Da heck you gonna do then? 

Cross: Could you at least get near to the building for me to jump to the roof?

Pilot: It would be a very risky thing to do. The Octos might also go up to the roof as well.

Cross: Well, let's try it anyway. *smirks* 

Brooks: Oohhh... Playing risky eh? Okay, i'll cover you then. *grabs his weapon from the seat*

Cross: Thanks bruh. *picks up his Charger*

Pilot: Please be cautious. The turrets might shoot upwards to try to get you also.

Brooks: Yeah. 

Cross: *smiles* If they try, Brooks might as well put out some Seekers to get the operators of the turrets. 

Brooks: That's not a bad idea.

Pilot: Okay, here goes nothing. *goes next to the roof*

Cross: *jumps on the roof* ...

Brooks: Gottem! 

Pilot: Okay, i'm out! *pulls away from the building*

Then... I heard revving. Oh god no!

Brooks: CROSS! Move now!

Cross: *runs to the roof exit* ... *gives the thumbs up to Brooks*

While i saw the turret blasting the roof, Cross was already at the roof exit. Perfectly protected. I hope. 

Brooks: *worried* ...

I should get down as well... 

Pilot: The infantry is here! 

Brooks: Huh? *looks out*

There's multiple Chinooks transport helicopters closing in on the facility. Seems i'm gonna back them up.

Brooks: *grabs a rope* ... *ties it in a hole on the helicopter* 

Pilot: Good luck out there! 

Brooks: *throws the rope onto the ground* Don't worry, it's not just me and Cross. Well. Gotta blast! *jumps down onto the rope* 

As i started to rope down, the ropes of the Chinooks are also deployed, so the solders are also dropping down. And as i look at the facility, it's a big-ass maze. Seems like this battle is gonna be bloody.

Brooks: *lands on the ground* ...

Luna's P. O. V

I'm finally down on the ground. I told the solders that do not rush into the facility since it's a big place.

Luna: Guys! Just stay here for a bit! *shouts* *then looks to see Brooks*

Brooks? Nice! I can get some help from him.

Luna: *goes to Brooks* Brooks! What's the plan?

Brooks: *looks at Luna* Oh, it's a big place. We should take this thing slowly than most of our assaults missions.

Luna: Yeah. But i doubt the solders will listen to me.

Brooks: Ehm. It's not my problem. But i guess i can help you coordinate the attack. 

Luna: Thanks.

Brooks: Plus, you should know how to put out your authority to make them listen.

Luna: That's true... But i don't know how though.

Brooks: Just be yourself. I'm sure they'll listen. I mean, if they don't listen to you, they might die. I can make sure that's their fault. Not yours.

Luna: Thanks. You're not so bad at being a leader. 

Brooks: *scratches his head* Nah, it's cool. 

Brooks P. O. V

Brooks: *looks down on the ground* ...

Damn. I miss those days. Where i was so nervous of just saying a command. But... I got the hang of it. I really wish i'm back on those days. Wait, nah. I take that back. I hate responsibility now. I almost died because of it... Or my naive-ness. Nope, both of them. Why am i rambling about this? Da hack?

A-kun: Lookie Here, I Need More Words Okai? Pls Cooperate Weth Me.

Brooks: *examines the picture* ...

A-kun: This Took Me A While. So.. Pls Appreciate It. (Actually Don't. I Made This In Paint... Jesus. Can You Guys Suggest A Program To Make This Kind Of Maps? I Would Appreciate The Suggestions.)

Brooks: Okay. I guess i'll attack the vehicle area.  

Luna: Alright, but where do we go?

Brooks: If you want to, you could go to the this place... *points to the Storage/Parts area*

Luna: Okay.. What's the benefit though? The space is small..

Brooks: It is. But if you look hard enough, you might see some "prototype" weapons... I don't know. I'm practically guessing now. 

Luna: Okay. I'll take the route. I'll get someone from a platoon to command the others. 

Brooks: You better choose wisely though. We don't wanna have casualties. 

Luna: Okay. I'll be going now. 

Brooks: Later. And here. *gives the screenshot to Luna* 

Luna: *takes the picture* Huh?

Brooks: I don't need it anymore. I can memorize it. Later. *runs away* 

Cross's P. O. V

Cross: *goes down the ladder* ...

I'm at the 2nd biggest part of the factory... Though it's a massive area. And i think this is area for weapons? So... I'm having a bad time... Who knows what weapons the Octos have. 

Cross: *opens the door slowly* ...

Huh. I'm at a walkway... 

Good... But i have to wait for Brooks and Luna to get in this place. But now since they knew i'm on the roof, they might send some Octos to check if i'm dead or just to dispatch me if i'm alive.

Cross: *now regretting his decision* ...

Oh god. How am i gonna do with this? I don't think they'll just send one Octo... They at least gonna send a atleast a squad to try to kill me... Dammit... 

Brooks P. O. V

Inside the "Vehicle Area"...

Brooks: Wow...

This place is has so much toys that can be used right now. 

Brooks: *sees a minigun* ...

A minigun of some sort? Why is it just laying there? Wait a sec... I'll just connect this minigun into my ink tank...

Brooks: *goes behind of a vehicle* ...

???: Stand right there... *points his gun to Brooks*

Brooks: Why should i? *looks at the person pointing the gun*

???: A human?... So the pictures were right... I can't wait to brainwash you.

Brooks: *rushes to the person* Sorry. I don't have time for that. *throws a Seeker*

???: *runs away from the Seeker* ...

Brooks: *appears behind ???* I may not look like it. But i'm really fast with my feet. Unlike yours. *splats ??? with his "custom" Splattershot Pro*

That was lame... And here i thought that guy was good fighter... 

???'s P. O. V

???: *looking at Brooks on the CCTV* I can't believe it...

???: What happend? 

???: That human eliminated him with just one move.

???: Then we'll just send more Octos at him. See what he would do.

???: Alright.

Back to Brooks...

Brooks P. O. V

Brooks: I better get this minigun. This is gonna be a big use. 

Wait... Am i strong enough to carry this? This is not the Splatling. This is way different. 

Brooks: *connects his ink tube to the minigun* ...

So it is compatible with the ink tank. So makes it usable. But i doubt this thing gonna do much... I think i'll just use it here... 


Luna's P. O. V

At the "Parts Area"...

Luna: Alright. You 6, follow me. You.

F. A. O Agent: Hm? 

Luna: Lead the other solders to the vehicle area. 

F. A. O Agent: Sure. All right! You heard Luna. *goes to the "Vehicle Area"*

They went to leave. And me and my platoon i'm commanding which consists of 4 solders with me. 

Luna: *opens the door to the "Parts Area"* ... *looks around*

Nope.... There's no cool things that we can use. Most of them are junk... I guess his guess was wrong. But that's no problem...

Luna: *opens the door to the "Weapon Area"* ... *sees a turret in front of her* 


Luna: *closes the door slowly* ... *nervous AF*

 Solder #1: Ms. Luna, what's happening? What's beyond that door?

Luna: There's a Octoling turret. It seems they used the weapons of the factory to their advantage.

Solder #2: I can use my Splatterscope.

Luna: Oh! Okay. But i saw the Octo operating it. It was wearing armor. So... It would kinda work, but i don't think it will be enough. A full charge can't a kill a armored Octo. 

Solder #1: We could use the I.B. 

A-kun: For Anyone Confused, Read "Untold"... :D Okie Back To The Story.

Luna: Good idea. Do anyone have it?

Solder #3: Here. *holds the I. B*

Luna: Good! Okay, let's um... Throw it on all of us. We'll take that turret of ourselves. *opens the door slowly* 

Wait for it.... Wait for it...

Luna: Now.

Solder #3: *throws the I. B to all 4* ...

Luna: *opens the door all the way* ... *moving towards the turret*

Solder #1: *goes up at the turret's seat* ... *stabs the Octoling*

The invisibility disappeared off of us 4. And we got the Octoling out of the turret seat. We just have to wait to swap the violet ink color to our color. Which was blue. So we have to protect him while he's doing his thing.

Meanwhile at Cross.

Cross's P. O. V

Tch. They're coming. I don't have I. B.... I can't walk past them i have to fight back.

Cross: *still thinking about his next move* ... *then hears something*


Cross: *losing his footing* ... *now nervous AF*

What's happening? The ground is shaking? Is there an explosion? Sounds like it. Okay, let's not panic. Keep my balance. And while this is happening... This is the perfect time.

Cross: *kicks the door down* ... *then shoots at the Octolings on the walkway*

1... 2... And.... 3 and 4... 

Cross: *runs on the walkway* ... *looks around* 

Oh God! I just remembered that there were turrets. I'm so stupid. Anyways, i'll just have to dodge the shots... Easier said than done though....

Cross: *hears the turrets revving up* ...

Damn it... Great decision... 

Cross: *dodges the bullets easily* ... *then sees a another color* 

Blue? What? Is that Luna's group firing too? My color is white right now. I'm also prone to get splatted by my own allies!

Cross: *jumps down the walkway* ... *tries to throw a Disruptor*

There! It hit one of the turrets. It's offline for a few seconds. 

Cross: Luna! Get the operating one!

Luna: Alright! *shoots the operator on the working turret*

Cross: My turn. *shoot the Charger to the operator of the non-working turret*

Luna: Good one.

Cross: That was so simple to do... Anyways, i think we've cleared this area. You'll take the "Weapon- Making Facility"... It's the main part. Get your solders there. I'll regroup with Brooks.

Luna: Okay. I'll get to it now. Alright! Follow me! *commands her solders* *goes to the "Main Area"

Solder #1, 2 & 3: Ma'am! *follows Luna*

A-kun: Recap.

But meanwhile at Brooks...

Brooks P. O. V

Yeah!!!! Gottem Y'all! But uh... I think i made a big ass mess... I exploded a mini ink tank that almost destroyed all the backup Octos.. And also made the ground shake for some reason... But i got them all. To be honest, this minigun isn't that helpful. I got some Octos with it but still, didn't did what i expect of such high caliber weapon. 

Brooks: *grabs his "custom" weapon* ...

Time to get to the "Weapon Area"... See what's happening over there.

At the "Weapon Area"...

Brooks: *opens the door* ...

Huh. As i expected. Already took over... But then..

Cross: Hey! Brooks! Get over here!

Brooks: Okai. And please don't scream next time. *runs towards Cross*

Cross: Okay. We'll go to this weird room which is identified as the "Control Room"... 

Brooks: Seems they're making us go in the door. You know i can't trust that crap. Do you have a another plan?

Cross: Seems we have no choice. *looks around*

Brooks: And what's up with Luna?

Cross: Great way to kill the mood Brooks... *facepalms*

Brooks: What's wrong with asking?

Cross: They're trying to take back the "Weapon-Making Facility"...

Brooks: Aight. Kick down the door tactic?

Cross: That is not a "tactic".

Brooks: We'll breach from the outside. Is that a viable plan?

Cross: Maybe. But nah. That's way too time-consuming...

Brooks: Screw it. *goes to the door* 

Cross: *sighs* Right... *charges his Charger* 

Brooks: *takes out a Seeker* ... *then kicks down the door*

As soon as i kicked the life out of the door, i immediately threw my Seeker in there. Expecting a good outcome...

Brooks: *hears something* ...

Wait, i heard a "splat" sound. That's seems to be a good sign. Time to attack.

Brooks: *goes in the room* ... *then sees a laser pointing in his head*

Oh... I'm screwed...

Brooks: *ducks down avoiding the Charger hit* ...


Cross: *goes in quickly and points to ???*

???: Interesting... 

Brooks: What interesting? You're done. Your last Octo backup is getting taken care of. 

Cross: Give it up. 

???: I'll do it if i was weak... But i'm not. *shows his armor*

Brooks: Ooh....

Cross: *silent* ...

Armor... For real? God dangit. Well, i expected a good fight in this mission i'm gonna get it this time. Alright! I'm pumped!

???: Come. And face oblivion. *taunts Cross and Brooks* 

Battle Start.

Brooks: *throws a Seeker* Cross! *then runs towards him*

Cross: *passes a Disruptor to Brooks* ... *then charges his Charger*

Brooks: *catches the Disruptor* ... *then throws him straight at ???*

???: *gets slowed down by the Disruptor* ...

A-kun: You Know What This Feels Like? Cross And Brooks Just Did Like A... Alley-Oop Or Something.. 

Alright.. Killed The Mood.. Now Back To The Battle.

???: *gets hit by the Brooks's Seeker* ...

His not budging. This is what i came for. 

Brooks: *shoots him while running towards him* ...

Cross: *shoots the full-charger shot at ???* ...

???: Useless! *hits Brooks* 


Full Memeing Time Right Here Right Now Isn't It... I Guess The Old Me Is Back For This Chapter. BACK!

Brooks: *goes flying to the computer* ... *in severe pain*

Ouch. That punch is powerful. Dang. 

Brooks: *gets up* ... *shoots all over the place*

I'm doing this to give me some room to get some ink back. And he seems unfazed by the Disruptor i threw at him.

Brooks: *turns into the Kraken* ...

Cross: *uses the Sting Ray* ...

There's no way he'll live... Well, if he's just standing there tanking the damage.

Brooks: *tries to splat ???* ...

Wait, where did he go?

???: *grabs his Inkbrush* ... *then throws a Splat Bomb at Cross*

Cross's P. O. V

Great time to throw that. Dang it.

Cross: *forced to move* ... *avoids the Splat Bomb*

Kelp, that's a waste of a special. But i guess i'll just help Brooks..

Brooks P. O. V

Brooks: *hits ???* ... *and breaks ???'s armor* 

???: *jumps away from Brooks and Cross* ... *startled* *jumps back to his chair*

Brooks: *turns back to human form* ...

???: This is the first time this armor is destroyed. You'll pay! 

Brooks: *jumps at ???* ... *gets blasted to the wall near Cross*

Cross: Brooks! *goes at Brooks*

Brooks: Ug... I'm good. *wipes off some blood on his mouth*

???: This is not the end humans. I'll make you remember this day you defiled me! *jumps to the helicopter*

Seems the wall is blown to pieces... 

Brooks: *gets up* ...

Cross: *tries to snipe ???* ...

Brooks: Get him!

Cross: *fires the Charger* ...

No! It didn't hit. I guess he got his getaway. He's sure lucky. But we got the facility back into Agency's hands. That's atleast "Mission Complete".

Cross: Bro, you good?

Brooks: Again, i'm good. Don't worry about me. It's just uh.. Stomach pain.. Yeah...

Cross: I'll get you to a medical team. Can you still walk?

Brooks: Yeah. *gets to his knees holding his stomach* 

Cross: No, you're not. Do you want me to carry you?

Brooks: Whatever it takes i guess...

Cross: *puts Brooks in his back* Okay. You say this yourself. We're going now. *starts finding Luna's group*


Luna's P. O. V

Solder #2: YEAH!!!!!

Luna: *smiles* ...

We finally dispatched all of the Octolings in here. Good gracious that was stressful... We had to plow through different new prototypes like Sprinklers that never ends... Or a Splashdown that has 2x more radius that the original. Good thing we got it done.

???: Luna! 

Luna: *looks at the direction of the voice* ...

It's Cross. And Brooks on his back. Is he injured?

Luna: *runs at Cross* What happend to Brooks?

Cross: He uh, got blasted to a wall. His stomach is in serious pain he says.

Luna: Okay. *grabs a med-kit* 

Brooks: *makes a confused face* You brought that with you?

Luna: Yeah, what's wrong with it?

Brooks: I thought you're gonna call some solder to give you a med-kit. You always bring that with you?

Luna: It's just for this mission. In case someone is injured.

Brooks: Well that extra 3lbs paid off. *looks up at the ceiling*

Luna: *giggles* Guess so.

Meanwhile at Inkopolis Plaza...

Nikki's P. O. V

Nikki: We're finally going home Glen!

Glen: That was so long... *makes a tired face*

Nikki: Sorry if i made you battle so much. Do you forgive me?

Glen: It's okay... Just, don't do that again.

???: Hey. 

Nikki: Huh? *looks at the person calling them*

???: Remember me? If you do, i challenge you in a team battle tomorrow.

Nikki: Oh... It's you again.....


A-kun: Hehe... This Is The First Time I Am Happy To Get This Chapter Out. I Finally Relinquished My Passion For Writing! I'm Making Sure This Passion Won't Go Away For The Next Week Or So! Thank You For Reading And I'll See You All Next Chapter! Bye!

Word Count: 3560 Words...

Tyler1's Popularity Is Only Based Now On His Breakdowns On Streams... And People Watch His Streams Sometimes Just For That. Feel Bad About The Guy. Or Should I Say, The Things In His Room Getting Abused.

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