"Nothing To See Here But.."
At 7:06am in the morning...
Brooks's P. O. V
Brooks: *already awake* ...
A-kun: Sike, there's no predictable startup for the chapter boisss.
Woo, finally I got to watch the new TV show where some Inklings were playing competitive Turf War and it was very intense. It is gone to 7 whole matches. That's some entertainment right there. But, I was imagining what if our squad was in the Turf War. It would be nerve-wracking there. Especially when we lose. But I got up and went to the living room and see what's happening there...
Brooks:*looks at the couch if there's anyone there* ...
And look who it is... It's Nikki sitting down watching a fashion show?
Brooks:Good morning Nikki! *waves*
Nikki:*looks at Brooks* Hey! Good morning too! *smiles*
Seems she's into her show. I gotta see Cross boi...
Brooks:*looks at the kitchen* ...
And i was not surprised really, it was Cross boi. As usual. Cooking for the group. Seems he's watching his phone while cooking.. That's not safe at all..
Brooks:Cross boi!
Cross:Oh, hey bro! Good morning to ya!
Brooks:What are you watching?
Cross:Oh, some tutorial..
Brooks:I'll guess, cooking?
Cross:Yes. And how did you got that right?
Brooks:You were cooking. It doesn't really take a profreshional to figure that out. And by the way, what are you trying to cook?
Cross:It's named "Soup with Salmon and Shrimp"...
Brooks:Sounds interesting.. Good luck. And also, don't watch a tutorial while the stove is on.
Cross:Oh shoot, i forgot. *turn off the stove* Thanks bro.
Brooks:Anything to help. Well, later then. *walks back to the living room*
I started to walk back to the living room and saw Nikki now, playing the console... That was fast.
Brooks:*looks at Nikki* What you playing?
Nikki:The RPG thing you guys were playing.
Brooks:Is it our save?
Nikki:Nope! I have my own.
Brooks:Cool. *then hears something*
Huh? Seems like... My phone?
Brooks:*grabs his phone in his pocket* ... *looks at the notification*
A message. From "Unknown Number".... This seems like Agent 3...
•Unknown Number•
Agent 7. You on?
Yeah mate. What do you want now?
Go to Cap't. The mission is today..
Oh, cool! I can't wait. Just get me dressed up...
Okay. We have Callie and Marie here also. Don't make them waiting....
Brooks:(You know what, i'll just change this "Unknown Number" name to Agent 3. So i know who i'm talking to.) *starts to change the name*
•Agent 3•
There we go. Now, what i'm gonna dress up for the mission.
Brooks:*walks to his room* ...
Inside the room...
Brooks:*looks at his clothes* ...
I wonder... What attire should i use for this one. I imagine it will be very intense. Might as well wear the.... "This"...
Brooks:*grabs the clothes* ...
A dressing up timeskip later...
Brooks:*looks at the mirror* ... (I don't look that bad..)
I wore today a white shirt and wore a black jacket with secret pockets that suits use. And i wore black pants... I used my Hero Shoes Replica. And i wore Nikki's beanie she gave me in Christmas Eve. But i think Agent 3 will gonna tell me i'm gonna wear the hero headset. But i'll just tell her i'll just use a earpiece...
Brooks:*goes out of his room* ... *sees Cross*
Cross:Hey! You going out?
Brooks:Yeah, i was called again by Agent 3.
Cross:Don't go yet! You didn't eat breakfast yet. I finished the food i'm trying to cook. Try it!
Brooks:Okay. *sits down on the dining chair*
Brooks:That was good Cross!
Cross:Thanks dude! And i nailed it first try.
Brooks:Well, sorry. I need to go. Some visitors are waiting. *stands up from the chair*
Cross:Okay, see ya! Don't die while at it.
Brooks:Pfft. Not in a million years. *walks to the front door*
As i walking towards the door, Nikki and Glen looked at me...
Nikki:*looks at Brooks* Where are you going?
Brooks:Meeting Cap't..
Nikki:Oh! Meeting the Squid Sisters again?
Nikki:You better come back home with autographs.
Brooks:I'll try. I'm in a mercenary group. Not in a concert. But i'll try. *open the door* See ya later..
Glen:Bye! *waves bye*
As i was outside. I wore my mask which was a "glow in the dark" type of mask. It was cool to look at when in the darkness...
Brooks:*walking to the Plaza* ...
This is the mission day. I better not mess up to look good in Cap't and the other's eyes. But why the hell should i be worried? I've been fighting in Turf War alot now. But instead of Inklings, Octolings. A better target than them.
At de Plaza...
Brooks:(I can't wait. I'm excited to do this mission...) ...
At the manhole....
Brooks:Here we go... *goes inside the manhole*
I went inside the manhole and came out of the manhole without the sucky problems that come with it.
Brooks:*goes out of the manhole* ...
I was greeted again by Cap't and Agent 3.
Agent 3:Welcome back Agent 7.
Brooks:Just freaking forget the "7" stuff. I would like to be called with my normal name... My name is Brooks.
Agent 3:But this is a platoon. Not a causal setting.
Brooks:*sighs* I don't care. I call these two what their name is. Not their Agent number. *pointing at the Squid Sisters*
Callie:Well, i'm Agent 1.
Marie:I'm Agent 2.
Brooks:I would just to call you with your true names. I'll only call you "Agent" when we are in a mission. Because the enemy will know what your name is. And besides, i don't think someone is eavesdropping on us right now.
C. Cuttlefish:Alright, alright, stop the chattering. Come here Brooks. I'll get you informed on the mission you'll do today.
Brooks:Okay, Cap't. *walks up to Cuttlefish*
C. Cuttlefish:Sit down Brooks.
Brooks:Okay. *sits down next to Cap't*
C. Cuttlefish:Here's the summary...
Alright. I see, seems i'm in a good mission today. And it's solo too. So basically, some reports near Coral City there's some weird transactions found by Agent 3. And i was asked to go there. And also a side mission, if i see a purple truck, i'm assuming that's for the Octolings, they said i need to hack it for info on their next steps. And if i can, i can also bring the truck home to be used in a infiltration on a Octoling base if needed. Seems easy enough. I can do it. I've been through more rough missions than this, trust me.
Brooks:Okay. Seems easy enough.
Agent 3:Are you sure? You're awfully confident. Don't let that jinx you.
Brooks:I've been through more tough missions. I can do this.
Callie:Hope you succeed in it!
Brooks:*nods* Thanks, and by the way Cap't.
C. Cuttlefish:Yes, Agent?
Brooks:Do i have a transportation on the location?
Marie:*sarcastic tone* We could give you fare for the transportation.
Brooks:*gives Marie the "really?" look* ...
C. Cuttlefish:Well, sorry for to drop this on you, but you really have no choice to use public transportation.
Brooks:Aww, that sucks.
Callie:Sorry for that.
Brooks:It's all good. I'll just call Cross for transportation.
C. Cuttlefish:That's good. Well, time to go Agent.
Brooks:Okay, i'll go now.
Marie:Hey, wait!
Brooks:*looks at Marie* Huh?
Marie:Me and Callie will connect to your earpiece you have there in your ear.
Brooks:Oh, yeah. Wait, how did you see it?
Marie:Heh, just quick eyes, that's all.
Brooks:Well, can't argue. Later guys. *goes in the manhole*
At the Plaza...
Brooks:*walks to the bus station, while also calling Brooks* ...
C'mon Cross. Don't let that RPG game suck your life out of you. You have so much to live for. Oh! Here we go.
Cross:*picks up the phone* Hey bro, what's up?
Brooks:Um. I'm going in a mission right now.
Cross:Oh, cool! What do you want me for?
Cross:Oh, i'll use my car for you to escape?
Brooks:Yes. Sorry for the bother though.
Cross:No worries, i have a lot of money left to repair the car.
Cross:Do you want to cut the expenses?
Brooks:Sure! I have alot of money as well.
Cross:If you say so. It will be expensive.
Brooks:I don't care.
Cross:Okay, what time?
Brooks:I'll send a SOS signal through my earpiece. Then you'll come 0.50 miles away from me. Away from the danger.
Cross:Can i intervene if things go south?
Brooks:Later bro. *hangs up*
Here we go... Time for a mission. Hope i won't mess up.
Brooks:*sees a bus* ...
Then the bus stops. And let's me in. Here we go. To be completely honest, i'm pretty nervous. But then.
Brooks:*sits down on the bus seat* ... *hears a chatter in the earpiece*
Huh? Who is this? This has to be Agent 1 or 2 or Cross.
Agent 1:Huh? You hear me?
Brooks:*whispers* Yes.
Agent 1:Why are you whispering?
Brooks:*still whispering* There's Inklings here. Don't you have respect?
Agent 1:Sorry then.
Agent 2:I'll send the location of the last reported position of those Octos. It's your phone. Just wait for a bit to deliver.
1 minute later....
Brooks:Oh, i have it now,
Agent 2:Okay. It's there. You'll know when you need to get down the bus.
Brooks:That's pretty far.
A-kun:Sorry For Interruption From The Story. I'll Have Something To Say To You Guys. In The Mission Chapters OR In The Mission PERIOD, I'll Change Callie, Marie And Brooks Name To The Respectably Agent Numbers. Sorry For The Notice, Back To The Story.
Agent 2:Oh, don't complain. You'll be fine.
Agent 7:Geez. Here we go. I'll take a short nap.
Agent 2:Don't!
Agent 7:It's 2 hours away.
Agent:Fine. I'll wake you up then.
1 hour and 38 minutes of napping later..
Agent 2:Wake up, Agent.
Agent 7:*slowly wakes up* H-huh? Are we here yet 2?
Agent 2:You're near there. I have to get you awake to stretch your body in the bus.
Agent 7:Thanks for being a good alarm clock. *finally wakes up*
Agent 2:*sighs* I'm not a alarm clock.
At the bus stop...
Agent 7:*goes out of the bus* ...
Agent 2:There's the right turn to the spot.It's a parking lot. Seems they are in the 2nd floor. It's a risky spot to attack there. Or infiltrate.
Agent 7:I'll find a another route.
10 minutes of analysis of the area later...
Agent 2:Alright, 7, you can go up the building, at the top floor of the parking lot, then surprise them by coming from above.
Agent 7:Okay, but for good measures... *puts a Ink Mine on the exit of the parking lot*
Agent 2:You don't have much time. Get to your spot quickly.
Agent 7:*activates SOS to Cross* ... (Here we go.. Let's double wammy this.)
Cross's P. O. V
Here we go! I got the SOS signal. Time to go.
Cross:Guys! Sorry, i'm leaving for a bit. Emergency.
Nikki:Come back soon!
Cross:Okay! *goes out of the apartment*
As i was running to the Plaza, i already called the Agent to bring my car. And would you look at that. I have the location of Brooks. And, 2 hours away? Oh, that's just the normal route. I see a shortcut! It cuts the ride to one hour. Thank squidgods that was a option.
At the bus station...
Cross:Thanks man!
F. A. O Agent:I already gassed it. As always.
Cross:Thanks! See ya later!
F. A. O Agent:*nods* ... *runs away*
Cross:*goes into the car* ... (Now, time to put the location of Brooks to the car's GPS...)
Here... There we go! Time to drive now. Remember Cross, 0.50 miles away from Brooks.
Cross:*starts driving* ...
Brooks P. O. V
Agent 7:I'm here. Should i just sneak to the truck?
Agent 2:You could also take out the Octolings silently.
Agent 7:I'll hack, then start to splat them.
Agent 2:Aggressively?
Agent 7:Probably, maybe, i dunno.
Agent 2:Whatever you do, don't start attention. It will be more harder to get out of there if you compromise yourself.
Agent 7:Why are you saying that just now?
I'm at the 4th floor... I can already hear the chattering of the Octos. This is gonna be good.... I wonder if it's with the missing Zapfish. I wish so.
Agent 7:(Here we go..) ...
I'm at the 3rd floor. Closer to them.
Agent 7:*sees the truck*...
I see it now! Sneaky, Brooks...
Agent 7:*sneaks into the truck* ... (Huh, it's left open. That's even more easier then.)
Before i left, Marie gave me a virus USB that can go through firewalls and extract all info inside the computer. And it can be used multiple times... How more convenient is that?
Agent 7:*plugs the USB into the computer* ... (While that's doing it's thing, let's take out the Octo scums.)
Agent 2:Don't mess up.
Agent 7:*smirks* Nah. I don't plan to. *hops down the truck*
Ready for a fun time Octos? I do.
Agent 7:*shooting the Octos* ...
Octoling 1:GAH! *shoots back*
Agent 2:Well, where did the sneaky tactic go huh? *mocking tone*
Agent 7:I do not have time for mockery right now. *while dodging*
This is hard.. But then...
Octoling 2:Here's backup!!!
Then 5 heavily armed Octolings started to come in all directions. As much i would like to kill them all, i can't win a 1v7. I'll just get the USB and get out of there.
A-kun:Heh, Remember The "En++ttryyyyy #11290" Chapter? Yep. This Part Links To That Update. Remember Readers, I Don't Put Out Something Without Using It Later... Anyways, Back To The Fight.
Agent 7:*goes in the truck* ... *quickly pulls out the USB* (And it's also finished! I got what i wanted.)
But i can't escape without killing. So...
Agent 7:*splats a Octoling* ... (Should i eliminate them all? Nah, let them be. That "DJ" is my main target.)
I jumped out of the parking lot from the second floor. And i tell you, it wasn't a great landing.
Agent 7:*falls the ground* ... (Ow! That hurt. Good thing i can still run.) (A-kun:Real Good Logic There Isn't It?)
I tapped again the SOS signal that tells Cross to come now to assist me.
Cross P. O. V
I got another SOS signal. Let's get out of this car!
Cross:*goes out of the car* ... *locks the doors* *then runs to the location of Brooks*
Inklings are running.. Yep. He started a panic. Well, isn't he dumb? That's literally "Rule 20" in "Key Parts Of Missions".
Cross:*sighs* ... *sees the Octolings chasing him*
Alright i see them... My weapon by the way is Octobrush. Kind of a bad choice, but i practiced with it. And, it's bit of a mocking reason too. I wanted to splat them with the "Octo"brush. But anyway, i brushed my way to the Octolings and i splatted one heavily armored Octoling. Seems he got attention as well from backup Octos.
Cross:*keeps attacking the Octos* ...
Okay. i got 3 Octo's attentions. The rest, i'll let Brooks deal with the others.
Cross:Hi guys! How ya doin? *starts to splat them one by one*
Brooks P. O. V
Okay, i saw Cross earlier getting few Octolings attentions towards him. Now, i can deal with this two myself.
Agent 7:*stops* ... *throws a Seeker*
I splatted the one unarmored Octo. So, it was me and the "backup" Octoling. Which, talked.
Octoling:I'm gonna kill you here now! You're "Entry #11290"!
Then i stood there confused AF. What? What entry?
Agent 7:Wha? What entry?
Octoling:Shut up you scum! *starts to rev the Splatling.*
Oh, carp. I forgot he has that. But i'll try something...
Agent 7:*swims the ink trying to refill* ... (Come on. I need more ink for a Seeker.)
But i was late. The octoling starts to fire the Splatling. Which i tell you. I felt the Splatling was modified or something. It lasted longer than i should have. It supposed to be 2.4 seconds. But dang, it felt more longer.
Agent 7:*goes out of the ink* ... *then throws a Seeker*
Wait for it...
Octoling:*gets hit by the Seeker* Hah! Not gonna work!
Agent 7:(Ohhhhh crap...) ... *gets nervous*
Knew it. I knew that black heavy armor wasn't for show or intimidation. They really want to get me huh. But then.
Agent 7:Okay, i'm done. *turns into the Kraken*
Octoling:He has that? Ahhhhh! *runs away from Brooks*
C'mere! You won't get away!
Agent 7:*splats the Octoling* ... (Woo, i'm done. Let's find Cross.)
I ran towards the parking lot to check if Cross was there, and if the truck is not moved...
Cross P. O. V
I splatted two, one more. But then..
Cross:*hears a explosion* ??? *confused*
I stopped and looked to the direction where i heard the explosion...
Cross:*looks at the direction of the explosion* ... (What?)
There was a truck there laying down on it's side, and it on fire. What happend with that?
Brooks P. O. V
Agent 7:*sees Cross while running* ... *then sees the destroyed truck*
Ugh. Dang, i didn't got the truck. But it was a option anyway so i can't be too mad.
Agent 7:Cross! Let's go back! *signals him*
Cross:*splat the last Octoling* Yeah!
Agent 7:Where's the car? Quick, before the authorities come here.
Cross:Follow me! *runs to the location of the car*
At the car's location...
Agent 7:Woo, finally. That wasn't as hard as i thought.
Cross:Until the backup came in. *goes in the car*
Agent 7:Yep, i got stressful from there. *goes in the car as well*
Cross:Brooks, you broke a rule in the "Key Parts Of Missions" book.
Agent 7:You still remember that? That was so long ago. What rule number was it?
Cross:Rule 20. You're still a bad agent.
Agent 7:Whatever. I got the USB. *shows the USB to Cross* This is what i wanted anyway.
Cross:Well, time to go home then. *starts driving back to Inkopolis Plaza*
At the Plaza...
Cross:*stops the car* Here. Go now.
Brooks:Okay. *goes out of the car*
I waited there for Cross to call the agent that was to take care of the car. And after that i asked Cross to follow me to the manhole. But refused. He said he has a another RPG game to finish. One of these days, i'll freaking report him...
At the manhole...
Brooks:The USB still here? *reaching in his pockets* Ah! Here. *grabs the USB* *goes inside the manhole*
Outside of the manhole...
Brooks:Hey guys! *out of the manhole*
C. Cuttlefish:Ah, you're back Agent.
Marie:I lost signal with your earpiece. I thought you failed.
Brooks:Very funny Marie. Very funny. That was easy.
Callie:Told you Marie! I won the bet! Now you owe me.
Marie:I never said i agreed to that!
While those two were arguing about a bet, i gave the USB to commander.
C. Cuttlefish:Good thing you didn't lost your skills.
Brooks:I have no reason to.
C. Cuttlefish:*smirks* You still have the confidence.
Brooks:*smiles* I don't plan to lose to the creatures who almost killed me.
C. Cuttlefish:Anyway, it's getting late. You should go home.
Brooks:*salutes Cap't* Sir yes sir!
C. Cuttlefish:Dismissed. *salutes back*
Brooks:Okay. *goes to the manhole*
And before i went home i remembered something.
Flashback... (A-kun:Been A While Since I Did This.)
Nikki:You better come back home with autographs.
End Flashback...
Brooks:Hey, you two.
Then Callie and Marie looked at me.
Callie:What is it Brooks?
Brooks:Well, you see, my group member was a really big fan of your songs or whatever. She said that i need to get autographs from you. *scratching his head*
Marie:Well, sure. Just wait there.
After 2 minutes of waiting, they came back with autographs, one for Nikki, and for some reason, for me.
Brooks:Thanks! *smiling*
I was smiling. But the mask was hiding it.
Brooks:Well, see ya then! *goes into the manhole*
Outside of the manhole...
Brooks:Time to go home... *starts to walk home*
At the apartment door...
Brooks:*opens the door* ... I'm home.
Then Cross and Nikki were playing a.... 1v1 game? Huh, ain't that interesting.
Brooks:Don't mind me. And oh, Nikki.
Nikki:What is it Brooks?
She seemed super happy today...
Brooks:I asked for "their" autographs.
Nikki:You did?! *stands up from the couch*
Brooks:Yep, there. *gives the autographs to Nikki*
Nikki:Yay! One from Callie and one from Marie! Thanks Brooks! *grabs the autographs*
Brooks:No prob. Well, i'll get dressed. CROSS! What for dinner tonight? *starts walking to his room*
Cross:Look at the kitchen ya bimbo! *shouts back*
Well. That was a great day. Everything went well on the mission. If it weren't for Cross, i probably would have failed that mission. Seriously, 5 heavily armed octos, that was stressful if i had to take them out on my own. But, i finished it, so that's where it counts... I wonder what's for dinner though. I'm so hungry.
A-kun:And Here It Is! One Of The Many Chapters In The "Story Arc". This Took Many Hours, Days To Thought Out The Narrative. It Wasn't A Great Time. But I Finished It So... Yeah. SEE YA NEXT CHAPTER BOI!
Word Count:3500 Words (That's-A Lot!)
How Bout We YEET This Crap Out?
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