Spooks.... (Halloween Special :D)
A-kun: Hey y'all! This Chapter is not Canon to the "MAIN" storyline but its own BIG Chapter. Happy Halloween to every Reader reading this. :D
NOTE: This is basically "Showtime" but with the "Trick Vs Treat" teams. Okay. I think that's it. On another note, this is only the Splatfest.
"While We Sleep, They Run About In Our Dreams.."
Brooks's P. O. V
It was Halloween.
I guess in Inkopolis Square?
Sorry if I didn't knew earlier. I don't really check the date of today or any day for that matter. So I'll always forget the day it is like everytime. I have to like... To ask.
But the Splatfest is Trick or Treat. Nikki told me that and she chose to join in Treat. Of course. We want candy!
At the Square...
Brooks: Hey, Nikki!
Nikki: What now?
We already gone to the voting section to choose the side in this Splatfest and we are starting to get in to the lobby to go Turf War with a mindset to just win. We can lose, but not too much. Because that will suck for me and Cross first Splatfest.
Brooks: Did you remember what I said back then?
Then Nikki got confused.
Nikki: Hm? You said what?
Brooks: Oh my god, did you not remember?
Nikki: Um, no.
Oh my goodness. Okay fine. I'll just remind her.
Brooks: Who's gonna be the one to volunteer to go out on their own?
Nikki: Oh... Okay... So, what do we do then?
Brooks: Can I volunteer?
I wasn't hesitant to be the odd one out.
Nikki: You sure?
Brooks: Yeah. So you can have fun.
Nikki: Well... Fine... It's your choice. You'll know that your identity would get compromised right?
Brooks: Yep. But I always wear a mask. So it won't really matter. And would you really think I would just let my identity be compromised?
Nikki: Um... I don't know, do you?
Brooks: *sighs* Okay. See you then.
Nikki: Okay then. We'll see you later then. *starts walking away*
Brooks: Wait, Nikki!
Nikki: *stops walking* What?
Brooks: Time check?
Nikki: *looks at her phone* It's 7:23pm.
Brooks: Okay. Let's get this W then.
Nikki: I'm going now. Good luck.
Brooks: Likewise.
Nikki: Right. *waves bye as she walks away*
Well... Okay... I'm alone right now. I'm hungry. Let me get some thing to eat before we can get in to battle. Welp, Crusty Sean's Food Truck it is!
Brooks: *walking into the food truck* ...
At the food truck...
Brooks: *walks up to Crusty Sean* ...
I walked up to him and.... Seemed.. Off.. I don't know what is going on but I still tried to take a order.
Brooks: Evening, Crusty Sean! Can I have a Galactic Seanwich?
Then he didn't respond. Okay. One more.
Brooks: Crusty Sean?
Then he finished whatever he is doing.
Crusty Sean: *looks at Brooks* Oh! Sorry. I was cooking more stuff to sell.. Sorry. What was the order again?
Oh, so that's what he's doing.
Brooks: A Galactic Seanwich.
Crusty Sean: Okay. One coming up. Any drinks included?
Brooks: Um, nope.
Crusty Sean: Here! *gives food to Brooks*
Brooks: Here's some coins... *pays Crusty Sean 200 coins*
A-kun:Look. I Know, I Know. You Need FOOD TICKETS Not COINS But I Have To. I Can't Just Say "Some Inkling Earlier Gave Me A Weird Ticket That Is For Crusty Sean's Food Truck..." That's Too Weird To Put In There. Jeez. So While The Story Mode Part Of The Book Is At Bay, Just Live For This For This Chapter.
Crusty Sean: Thanks! *receives the coins* Have a good night battling it out!
Brooks: Have a good night to you too Sean. *walks away*
Hm. That took roughly 2 minutes to buy this thing. So... Those 4 are probably finished in their first match so... I gotta eat quickly so we can get to battling...
Brooks: *looks at his food* ...
This looks good. I'll just demolish this before I fight in Ranked.
Brooks: *takes his first bite of Galactic Seanwich* ...
Aw man, that was so good! So what would I do? Take more bites! Seems logical..
Brooks: *takes more bites*...
Well the food is very good, I have to eat quickly so I don't miss out of the battles. I can't waste anymore time...
Brooks: *eating the food while walking to the lobby door* ...
I was like.. Halfway there of eating the food while I started walking to the lobby. But the food was too salty... Dang, I wish I had actually bought a freaking drink....
Brooks: *arrives at the lobby door* ...
Okay, lemme sit down for a sec...
Brooks: *sits down* ... *still eating*
A little bit more chomping down on this... And... Good!
Brooks: *feeling heavy* !?!?
Ummmm, I'm feeling kinda heavy. THAT WAS ONE SEANWICH. What?!
Brooks: Welp. We're going in.... *walks into the lobby room*
I waited. Waited. And... Finally got a match to battle on.... The map is..... Moray Towers? Okay. That's a good map. Atleast... I wish my team doesn't suck on this one... I'm only saying that because if i do horribly, these guys got my back. Well they don't even know me one bit so why even bother?
Brooks: *shows up at the spawn circle* ... (Oh boy.. We're ready...)
The weapons are.... I dunno. I didn't even bother to check. I'll check it later...
I jumped off going straight to the middle. And my uh, weapon is... N'ZAP 89'. It's good weapon for kills and turf alike. Might as well go tryhard with the first weapon...
Brooks: *encounters an enemy* ... (Here we go... Autobomb!)
I threw the Autobomb and it scared the enemy away from me and that gave me a chance to get out of there and focus first in inking the floor.
And second of all, how the hell the inkling got there so quick I hadn't even got the middle yet. What? Okay? Cool, I guess?
Brooks: *swims to the middle part* ...
Well, I arrived there now. And it was covered in enemy ink which was violet. They were Team Trick. And we were orange. It's pretty obvious.
Brooks: Well, this is gonna be a good one...
I started to paint the area then my special has came. The Tenta Missiles. I used it as soon i got it so if I died, I won't work for it again.
Brooks: *uses the special* ...
I targeted it to 2 Inklings. Not bad. Doubt if I can get a kill via that special.
Did I get both of them? WHAT?! Okay? I guess? Lucky day baby.
Brooks: Woah. Okay. Let's focus on something else.
I kept cleaning up the middle and making sure we aren't getting sabotaged by inklings by using the ink rails set up. I was constantly changing it to our color so we wouldn't get bombed..
Brooks: *focused again...* ...
And when I was running around, I saw a laser pointer pointed at my head. Uh, oh.
Brooks: *hides in the ink and runs away from the laser* ...
Woah... Another lucky moment isn't it? This is not gonna last long so please, my aim get better right now.
And it's nearing the one minute mark. Ok, here we go. We should make a push to their base.
Brooks: *looks at the map* ...
I saw a teammate signaling, "Booyah!". From what I learned at the H.Q, It's supposed to have different meaning. For different situations... Like "Come Here!" Or just a friendly thing to saying when the battle starts.
I didn't saw a lot of sense at the last part though. I thought this is a battlefield and everyone wants to win? Right?
Brooks: *super-jumps to the inkling who signaled* ...
As soon as I got there. It was a female inkling who used the new "Kensa" collection weapons. It looked like a Splattershot. Wait, it is the Splattershot. Just you know, black and white with a small thing at the back of the weapon.
I'm not into branding, so I don't care.
Brooks: *starts pushing* ...
I started pushing and I got my special. Again. So, I used it again. But this time, I got one inkling this time.
Nope. Didn't killed him. Or her. Knew my luck is gonna run out. But I shook it off because we are winning. No matter how much I splat or I use my special if it ends up losing, I would be disgusted by it.
Brooks: (A little bit more... I'll win my first match..) *focused* ...
Here we go. The one minute mark... Let's go...
The music gets faster, frantic, and gives nervousness especially if you're losing. Not for my case.
Brooks:(Okay. This is so easy. I'm almost getting to their spawn.)
No kidding. Me and my teammate were so close to their spawn circle. So that means we're playing the 2v4 type of game. Okay, that doesn't make sense.
30 seconds left... Might as well go back to my spawn circle.
Brooks: *super-jumps back to his spawn circle* ...
I wonder what is happening to those 4 right now...
Meanwhile at Nikki and ze "Others"...
Nikki's P. O. V
Nikki: Yeah! Another win!
Andrew: 3 in a row!
Cross: *sigh* ...
Glen: Let's play more!
Back to Brooks...
Brooks: *sigh* ...
That's A WRAP!!!!!!!
And we won. Of course. It wasn't even close... Another match we go.
After Brooks's match.
Brooks: *exhausted* Oh my... Squid Jesus....
I'm so tired... I played 5 matches now and I got no losses. And with the same weapon. And there's one match, the one I just played, was so tiring because my team was bad. Not for my standards, it was a bad period. I need to take a break for squid's sake...
30 minutes later...
Brooks: *refreshed* Woo... Done.
I got to take freshwater, go to the bathroom. And I'm ready to go at it more!
Brooks: *enters the lobby* ...
Another timeskip because I can... Sponsored by!... Red Bull! It actually doesn't give ya wings. Sorry. Cold hard, truth here.
Brooks: Yes!
A-kun: The Same Pic I Used Few Chapters Ago..... Too Lazy To Find A Picture Of Trick Or Treat Pic Like This.
Damn. We finally got here. A lot more wins needed for the last Splatfest title. But first, lemme take a break. Again.
Brooks: *walks out from the lobby room* *sighs*...
Wow. Okay. That took too long, to be honest. Just for the second to last title to the "King" title. But I need a break because if tired as hell.
Brooks: *thinking* ...
Hmm.... I'll just sit down in a chair. So I can catch my breath. But dang. I finally lost one match. Not one, two! That sucks. Okay. Let's not lose more.
Brooks: *starts walking to the nearest chair he can find* ...
Here we go... Finally, I can take my well-deserved rest. But still so much to do.
Brooks: *sits down to a chair* *uses his earphones* ...
Though I know that the music from those two idols are so loud they can be rave-like type of atmosphere i didn't care anyway. I plugged my earphones into my phone and just listened to my own music.
The music I would sit down and relax with. What time is it?
Brooks: *checks the time* ...
Woah. 10:30 PM? Three hours? Wow. A lot of grinding for the titles. I wouldn't personally do it like that but wow... I went overboard did i?
Brooks: Hmm... *thinking while turning the volume up of his phone*
Might as well take another rest for thirty minutes... Wouldn't hurt. I deserve it anyway.
30 minutes later.....
Brooks:*stands up from his chair* Welp. Here we go again. Probably another time skip...
A-kun: Okay, that's Brooks's only 4th wall break for the month.
At the lobby door...
Brooks:*sighs* Why... I think one more hour, it would be enough... I bet those 4 are already got the rank already...
From Nikki's perspective...
Nikki: Yeah! We finally got it!
Cross: *sighs* Finally...
Andrew: How did we even get to this point... *facepalm*
Glen:*sighs of sadness* I'm so tired...... But finally, we got it.
Back at Brooks...
Brooks: *already in the lobby room* ...
Another fight... Another loss... Probably.
1 and a half hours later...
Brooks: *so tired he might actually die* ...
Finally... I got it. I want to sleep like... 15 hours right now... I can't even function properly now... I'm so tired...
Brooks: *goes out of the lobby room* ... *hella tired*
Then for some reason, The 4, were waiting for me outside the lobby. They were sitting on the side chairs and when I walked up to them I was almost losing consciousness... I might collapse.
Brooks: *starting to faint* ...
Nikki: Brooks?
Brooks: *collapses* ...
Nikki: Woah! *catches Brooks*
Cross:*runs to Nikki* Woah! Let's get him to the hospital!
Nikki: But there are no hospitals nearby! *panicked*
The next day.....
Brooks: *wakes up* ... H-m?
Where am I? White ceiling?... Wait, am I in a hospital? Oh god. What happened?! Geez. I overworked myself, didn't I? Wait! Did my identity got compromised?! That's not good!
Brooks: Huh...?
Then I saw Nikki's face.
Brooks: Uh... Where am I?
Nikki: In our hotel room Brooks...
Oh, thank god... I was so scared there for a minute...
Brooks: Thank god, this wasn't a hospital...
Nikki: Yep...
Brooks: Where the others at?
Nikki: They went to the Square to pick up the Super Sea Snails...
Brooks: *confused* Wait, what are those?
Nikki: Oh don't question too much... You still need rest, Brooks... And I'll explain later... And they also picked up your Snails...
Brooks: Okay... Can I sleep more?
Nikki: That's okay. I'm here...
Brooks:*sighs* ... *starts sleeping*
And... That's very much it... I can't give you a summary because I'm still tired... So... Happy Halloween every Inkling! Or humans! Okay... That's all... I'll go back to sleep.
A-kun: HA! I got it before the Christmas cheer comes up in a few hours from now... Welp. Gotta blast!
Word Count: 2394 Words.
Edited in: 11:45 PM
Uh... Memes. But...
D A N K E D!!!
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