Showtime... (Part 1)
"There is no need for consensus. You only need yourself and your will to survive."
A-kun: OKAY! Before we start the Chapter, I have a NOTE to give you all. The Zapfish stolen in the last chapter in: "We're Different" was not the 'Big One'. It's this.
Shall we finally start? Okay, let's go.
Brooks's P. O. V
Brooks: *wakes up* ...
I woke up pretty great. As well I slept pretty well last night. Even though the thing that happened yesterday still kinda haunts me.
Brooks: Good morning world! *gets up from bed*
I looked at the clock, it was 8:00 AM. Pretty early if I say so myself.
Brooks: Not bad! But I gotta get my face washed first. *goes into his bathroom*
After his morning shower...
Brooks: *goes out of his bathroom* Okay. I'm good, I've washed, what time is it? Ah, 8:30. The news channel is still on. Let me get the TV on... *tries to find the remote*
I tried to find it, and once more, and one more until I got pretty impatient. Where did I put it? Thinking about it, I hadn't really used the TV much. Welp, my problem for this morning.
Brooks: There we go!
Yay, I got it. It was in the weapon case. I don't remember putting it in there, hmm, someone has been in my room? No, maybe I'm just a forgetful guy. Goes either way i guess.
Brooks:*turns on the TV* ...
Reporter: Yesterday in Inkopolis Plaza was a crazy one, some sort of robbery of the Zapfish or should I say the "Little" Zapfish was done yesterday by unknown Inklings as of now but the Police will try to find or find witnesses to help further the investigation.
Brooks: *sighs* As I expected... Oh, we need to take it back quickly.
Reporter: And to our next program, it's sh-
I turned off the Television and stood up from my bed. Time for breakfast.
In the living room...
I opened the door. Expecting Cross right there to cook some kind of breakfast like we always do. But he was not there. He was sitting on the couch.
Brooks: Cross? Why aren't you cooking?
Cross looked at me with the "Really?" look.
Cross: Dude. Gimme a freaking break. And there's someone cooking for me for this day only.
Brooks: Oh, sorry. Who is it then?
Cross: Look. *points to the kitchen*
Brooks: *looks at the kitchen* ...
Then the person who was cooking instead of Cross was... Glen? Wait, well I guess that's cool and all. Atleast she learned something more than battling, unlike Nikki.
Brooks: Hey, Glen!
Then Glen looked at me with a glee in her face.
Glen: How are you doing Brooks? Good morning! *smiles*
Brooks: Pretty good! *smiles back* What are you cooking Glen?
Glen: Uhm... Just fish right now. As I looked in the pantry, I didn't saw enough stuff to make a good meal so maybe later we buy some groceries?
Brooks: That's breakfast?
Then Nikki comes to the living room. And apparently heard the situation.
Nikki: Sadly, yes. *comes out of nowhere* Today is actually is the day where we go to the Splatfest.
Brooks: Where in the hell did you come from? You kinda scared me a bit there.
Nikki: Don't worry about it. It's gonna start at midnight but I decided to all go there early so we can try the things that square has to offer! *smiles*
Brooks: Oh cool! I never went or played in a "Splatfest" atmosphere before, so i wish it wouldn't be a cancerous day.
Glen: It will be a lot of fun. Even if we lose.
Brooks:But for me there's more joy in winning.
Glen:And the food is finished! *turns off the stove*
Brooks:Nikki, where is Andrew boi?
Nikki:Uh, still back there. Taking a shower.
Brooks:Okay, then let's eat! C'mere Cross!
Cross:*stands up from the couch* Alright. *walks to the dining table*
Brooks:*sits down on a chair* Nikki, since i think you're the most knowledgeable in this kind of battle so carry me please?
Nikki:Yeah sure noob.
Brooks:SIKE! I'm just gonna dominate them all.
Glen:Don't get too confident Brooks. After all it's your first time.
Brooks:Yeah i pretty much know that. I think me saying that might give a sign we might lose the splatfest and i don't want that. But i will try my hardest. Isn't that right Cross?
Cross:*while eating* Hmm? *swallows food* Ehhh, I don't know. But don't let me save your life. Shake up your strategy.
Brooks:Hmmm.. Maybe, but i will try use Seekers more.
Nikki:We need to eat quick. So we can get ready alright?
Brooks:Okay. *continues eating*
Cross P. O. V
I went into my room, since i already i took a shower, i just went to my clothes with i wore a red tribal shirt and wore and black and gold jacket. And wore just plain old black shorts and i wore gold socks that i got back at F. A. O not too long ago, and wore yellow shoes. (A-kun:Be Warned, Alot Of "Wore" Has Been Said. Good God.)
Cross:Another day of work. *sighs* I wish tomorrow is gonna be a rest day.
And i went to get my mask. But this time i used the strap-like mask with a skull in the center of the mask. That's the only cool mask i can get. I'm being edgy okay?
Brooks P. O. V
Okay, i weared my new cool green and black striped shirt and i wore a white with this like reindeer-like thing in the jacket so i weared it even though is not Christmas by a long shot. But i don't care so i wear what i wanna wear. I just weared uh, black socks and black shoes. Nothing too glamorous or anything. I'm satisfied.
Brooks:*goes out of his bedroom* Cross? Are ya ready?
Cross:*muffled voice* Uh.. Coming.. Right now! *leaves the bedroom*
Brooks:Dude. You look like a competitive splatfest player. It's our first one.
Cross:That why there's a saying of "Dressed To The Occasion".
Brooks:And me, freaking dressed in Christmas joy.
Cross:It's all good. You'll see Inklings wear that same jacket anyway.
Brooks:*looks at Cross's mask* Oh crap! I forgot my mask hold on a sec. *goes in his room*
Okay, where the hell is the mask? Oh! Here it is. I decided to wear a while with a blue skull in the middle. Okay. Now i look like a DJ.
Brooks:*goes in his bedroom* Alright. Cross. Tell Nikks and the others if they are ready.
Cross:M'kay. *goes to Nikki's bedroom door* Nikki?! Are y'all ready there?
Nikki:*muffled voice* Yeah! Just a sec!
Cross:Okay, we'll wait for ya at the living room.
Looking at Cross, he signaled me to sit in the living room so we can wait for those 3.
Brooks:*sits down* .. Hmmm.
As for now, i'm worrying who's gonna be left out and whose are gonna go in first. But i hear alot of good competitive groups will join for a so-called "Prize". I don't know exactly what it is right now, but there's one solution. Win the whole thing. Besides, Nikki and the others does not wanna lose. More than anyone in the world.
Brooks:*zoned out* ...
Then Nikki shouted at me so loud that it had snapped out my zoning out.
Brooks:!! Uh, sorry Nikks.
Nikki:What were you thinking? *confused*
Brooks:Uh... Nothing too much. It's good.
Nikki:Alright, if you say so.
Then i went to my room once more because Nikki and Cross told me multiple time while i was sitting in the living room that i should pack stuff. Not too much, not too little because those two said it might take a bit to finish the splatfest and after that, Nikki said that the winners will wait for the prize in the Square. Well, if it's anything more than just coins, i'm in.
Brooks*leaves the bedroom, but with a backpack* Uhhh... Are you all good?
Then all 4 looked at me with like, impatience? Wot? That wasn't long. Well, for me i think.
Nikki:We need to get there so we can battle early.
Brooks:Okay. *goes with the crew*
Timeskip to the bus station.... (A-kun:The Starting Part Was So Long. Let's Not Waste Precious Time Writing The Part In The Walking. You Know The Deal Right? Okay.)
Nikki's P. O. V
We were there, kinda tired because my back was supposed be brought with just the important stuff, but for some reason it was heavy that i was panting we were at the waiting station for the bus.
Brooks:*looks at Nikki* ... Nikki? You ight? *worried*
Which she responded with.
Nikki:Yeah.. What does it look like?
Brooks:Wow, i'm not asking for a sassy answer miss. I'm just worried, chill out.
Nikki:*giggles* You don't need to worry, it's just my bag really heavy. *smiles*
Brooks:Well should we swap bags? You know too well that we are staying overnight right?
Nikki:Okay then. *gives bag to Brooks* I trust with that thing. Don't even try doing anything fishy with it.
Brooks:You had the fish guts to say that. Well, don't do anything with my bag then. Deal? *gives his bag to Nikki*
Nikki:Alright. *receives Brooks bag*
Brooks:*receives Nikki's bag* Dang. It's actually quite heavy. Alright i can work with this.
The bag was pink. Of course. It has to be pink.
Brooks:*wears the bag* ... *not ashamed wearing the bag*
Then i heard a snap sound coming from behind and looked. And saw Cross with a phone picturing me. Oh boi he's gonna get it later. Let's keep it cool for now alright.
Cross:*shows picture to Glen and Andrew* Look at him! *laughs loudly*
Brooks:*in a death tone* Do you want to get messed up?
Cross:Ehm... *cowers* Sorry, i guess?
Brooks:Then delete it. I don't wanna see that everywhere. I just gave Nikki a "helping hand". Nothing else.
Cross:A*finally deletes the photo. Or did he?*
Brooks: Hey look, the bus is finally here. *points to the bus* Cross, what time is it right now?
Cross: *looks at his phone* 10:50 AM. We are running late.
Nikki: Let's go crew! *stands up*
We all went in the bus and we were gone straight to Inkopolis Square. And before i forget, we were the only passengers in the bus. So, that was cool. Atleast.
Timeskip to Inkopolis Square...
Brooks: *tries to wake up Glen* Psst... Wake up Glen. We are here now.
Glen kinda moved near my face... Okay... Not good. One more time.
Brooks: Glen. *shakes Glen softly* Wake up.
Then finally Glen wakes up and kinda got surprised that her face was near mine. So...
Glen: *blushes* Uhm. Sorry, Brooks.
I honestly, don't really feel anything by it. One could say I'm a stone.
Brooks: It's alright. Let's go now Glen. *smiles* *stands up from seat*
Cross: Uh, Brooks why you were kinda slow?
Brooks: I helped Glen to wake up. She was sleeping.
Nikki said to me that we gone there early to go some things that we can't really do at the Plaza. So... We were waiting for the Splatfest to come. But it was a pretty good experience. We tried that really cool mode that was called "Salmon Run". And the boss for some reason was a stone? I think? And we tried the new release weapon brand called the "Kensa"? And they were new subs and specials so we had to buy some to try out. And lastly, we tried their Turf War. And I can tell you, it was freaking more fun. The people there we just more energetic and happy in the battles. And it was good warm-up for us to have before the main event.
Then the Splatfest came...
Timeskip to Midnight....
Brooks: *leaves bus* *laughs slightly* How did we did all of that and still be pretty prepared?
Nikki: We slept really early yesterday right?
Brooks: You have a point. But I am pretty tired.
Then we came into the Square and saw the bright lights throughout the whole place with a big center stage under the Turf War lobby. In the front which they were two Inkling and a... Octoling?! Who allowed that?! But I didn't wanna point that out but I stuck that memory into my mind.
Glen: *astonished* Wow... This seems like back in the Plaza...
Nikki: I know right? It so beautiful!
Me and Cross we just speechless because it's the first time we saw anything like this. Gee, i might just say this life in this "Inkling Era" is just more better back then. Not it's like i experienced anything at the "Human Extinction Era".
Nikki: Alright! Brooks and Cross.
We were snapped of our staring at the beauty of the Square and put me and Cross's attention to Nikki.
Nikki: In this Splatfest, there is a thing called "themes".
We were confused but we kinda got it when we thought of it.
Brooks: I see, so those 2 up there, *points to the center stage* are representing a team?
Nikki: Yeah! Wow, you got it pretty quickly.
Brooks: Hehe. But what is the theme right now?
Nikki: Thunderstorm or Rainstorm.
Cross: Sounds pretty weird. I thought water is the greatest enemy of Inklings?
Nikki: I know. And it is a pretty weird theme for them to choose.
Brooks: So it's choice which one is the less dangerous.
Andrew: Both options suck by the way.
Brooks: So leader, what's our representing team tonight?
Nikki: Team Thunderstorm!
Brooks: Wait, what? Really?
Me and everyone else we confused about her choice of team but i didn't really cared because we are gonna win anyway.
Brooks: Well then, leader, let's go. *walks to the Square*
We all went to the Square and Nikki told us where was the team voting station to participate in the Splatfest. But we were interrupted by those persons at the center stage telling something to the crowd.
Pearl's P. O. V
I screamed at the crowd..
Pearl: WHAT'S UP Y'ALL?! *shouts towards the crowd*
The crowd screamed back as I expected. Here we go. Another whole night of singing. It's not really gonna tire me out easily. I wish.
Marina: Are you ready to battle everyone?
The crowd screams back again.
Then we gone through the Splatfest stages and continue singing. Nothing too unusual.
Brooks's P. O. V
We picked our team after those two said something to the crowd and after we picked our team, we got a some kind a shirt. It's a "Splatfest Tee". And I can't take it off because it would be confusing whose joining who. But the shirt had pretty colors so I didn't mind that I cannot take this off. And after that, we went into the lobby to go battle it out but with huge, VERY huge problem.
Brooks: Oh, god...
Nikki: *looks at Brooks* What is it Brooks?
Brooks: Who's gonna be the one left out?
Nikki: *realizes* Oh...
Brooks: I completely forgot about that.
Now this is a bad situation. Who's even gonna volunteer to be out for several matches for the team? How do I tackle this? But the obvious choice is that "I" will just let them fight without me. But I'm a human. I'm in a more bad situation. Because it's more likely that my "Other" teammates will know I'm a human. That's why I want to stick with the crew. Who's gonna do it? Nikki? Andrew? Glen? I'm going crazy. It's not gonna work out.
Nikki: I know. I'm gonna leave.
Brooks: !!! *surprised* What? You're gonna be the volunteer?
Nikki: Yeah, plus I think if your sticking with your friend will make you better because you trust him.
Brooks: Oh... Thanks. Nikki...
Nikki: It's all go-
Brooks: *hugs Nikki*
Nikki: *startled* ...
Brooks: Don't worry. We are gonna win this. I'm not gonna let you down.
Nikki: *blushing* E-ehm, okay. I think we better go. (What's with Brooks?)
Brooks: *stops hugging* Okay. Sorry about that Nikki. I got pretty carried away. *laughs a little* But let's go. It's starting...
Nikki:Okay.. *leaves*
Then Nikki leaves and leaves us with Me, Cross, Glen and Andrew. Which is... Pretty still good team if I say so myself.
Ow... That freaking speaker was too loud for our fragile freaking ears. Tone it down. It's not a freaking rave outside.
Fast-forward a little bit...
Then we showed up in... "Ancho-V Games"? That's a map where I'm pretty knowledgeable of. I played that map back in the Plaza but I think it would have new "Quirks"/"Mechanics" that would at least spice it up.
Brooks: *shows up at the stage* Wow... It's also nighttime here too...
Glen: Yeah! That's a perk in the Splatfest itself.
Andrew: Alright, let's all focus. We don't wanna lose our first match right?
All 3: Yeah!
3... 2... 1... GO!!!
We all jumped off the spawn point and I first analyzed the weapons we are using. So...
Cross: Slosher Machine.
Glen: Kensa Luna Blaster.
Andrew: Jet Squelcher.
Me:" Custom" Splattershot Pro.
A-kun: Due to the different kits across games, Andrew, Glen, and Cross's will be following the Splatoon 2 kit. Don't worry about it though. I'll make it work.
Welp, as I expected. We don't have a good support taking out Inklings at the back. But Cross will be our support until the next match. I'll tell Glen to change to a Charger so we have good depth in our weapon composition. But I know from her first time out of the hospital that she really liked the Luna Blaster(s). So I don't really blame on her.
Brooks: Hmm... *thinking*
I had an idea. Since I told everyone earlier that I would use more Seekers. So I'll do just that. I'll try atleast to hide too. So I can have easy kills...
Brooks: *throws a Seeker to the middle* ...
Waiting... No kill.
Brooks: *shoots* *splats someone*
Brooks: *hides in the ink* ...
Alright... Time to find my teammates.
Brooks: *shows up from the ink* *gets surprised*
Gah! Someone is in front of me!
Brooks: *throws a "Panic" Seeker* !!!
Phew.... Got'em.. So. Two splats. I need more.
Brooks: *runs at the middle* ...
I saw Glen dueling a guy who has a Kensa weapon too. It's the... Sloshing Machine? Yeah, it is. Cross would love that coloration of the weapon too. But I went to Glen and assisted her to kill that guy.
Brooks: Hey, Glen! *shoots at the enemy*
Glen: Huh?
Then I killed the guy. 3. Let's go!
Brooks: Okay. I'm going! *leaves Glen*
Glen's P. O. V
Then after Brooks called and leaves then I looked at my match-up. Then it's gone. He's dead? Wow. I didn't even notice it. Well, let's find a another fight I guess. Well, I need also to cover turf too.
Brooks's P. O. V
I went to find Cross or Andrew so I can assist them as well. But I couldn't find them and saw a guy shooting at me so I'll take him on as well.
Brooks: *shoots at the enemy* ... *silent*
There. Splat. 4. It's going well huh...
Brooks: *paints the area* (Let's wish the others are atleast doing something that helps the team not themselves.)
Cross's P. O. V
We were running and gunning. The ground. So we can easily win, and I think Brooks, due to his kill oriented style of weapon, I suppose he's killing everyone right now. And I don't think he's gonna need help from me or anyone really. So we'll help by painting the floor.
Brooks's P. O. V
Well, that was very close... I thought we dominated that. Gee, well at least our first "W" is here. And more to come... Then... Huh? There's a rank? And um. Power as well? What? Okay then... Let's Uh... Get going through the ranks I guess...
Brooks:*leaves the lobby room* Okay.. Let's get back in there.
All 3:All Right!
After dozens and dozens of battles later...
A-kun: Just Pretend That Is Team "Thunderstorm". Googling is hard.
We started once more to get the one more rank. But we saw in the lobby in were 4 very, very serious people that when i was staring at them one of them spoke to me and our group.
Jesse: What are you looking at?
Huh.Talking smack huh? Alright. Let him talk more.
Brooks: *silent*
Jesse: Who do you think you are? *walks up to Brooks*
And even before he can do anything to me, the speaker said that we need to get ready now.
Brooks: What's the problem with that guy? He's really trying to pick a fight with me?
Then we spawned to our spawn point.
Brooks: Well. It's "Showtime"...
A-kun: Editing this for the Watty's. I do hope you'll like it in it's *edited* form.
Word Count: 3500 Words (Jesus..)
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