Colombian men and women

... Don't get the wrong ideas guys, I like being Colombian, though I'm more proud of being British then Colombian honestly... but I don't hate being Colombian...

Okay, back to the main topic. I know that not all Colombian men are bad... just sadly the majority are... only about a very small number of men are good, like my father who is Colombian, but he's a good man.

The rest... are not good for long or short term relationships. For one night stands, yes, but for an actual relationship... no...

This is because we live in a very macho culture, where women are expected to look their best and be the perfect housewife while men are expected to be breadwinners.

Sadly, because of this, its very common for men to be abusive and cheaters to the point where my family friend's youngest step sister, who is from Colombia, but moved to the U.K. to get away from her family's problems, told me to "never date a Colombian man" cuz experiences I wouldn't say cuz of privacy and the fact it's too horrible to outright say it.

Of course, women are no exception as they are a few gold diggers and other stuff who only used a foreigner, especially rich ones, to get out of the slums, so the only way to spot those type of women if they keep asking you a lot of expensive stuffs, like any other typical gold diggers. So, beware my rich readers.

Though, because a majority of men are very bad in Colombia, many women either choose to stay single for the rest of their lives or find a foreign gentleman who will give them stability and treat them right, with the most popular choice being either a American or European man.

Because of this, even the nicest Colombian man you met would turn out to be a cheater, like when I found out one of them who is a family friend's step brother, have cheated on three girls.

This took me by surprise as he was pretty nice guy... so now... I hated his guts and I will never trust him even with my life!

Like I said, there are very few nice guys from Colombia, but Colombian guys are... like a lottery tickets, except instead of your money, it's your health and safety.

You know they're bad where even most women of their own race would never want to be with them, so mixed race pairings are quite common, especially large age gaps where a lot of women are willing to date much older men, around 15 age gap at least. Though, I can't say the same thing with men being 10-years younger then women as a majority wouldn't date a younger man.

It's quite common for women to be living in the moment, not giving a shit about the future while trying to forget about the past. Of course, cuz I was born and raised in Britain for all of my life... I'm very different from a typical Colombian woman.

While the women there are expected to learn how to cook at a young age, have kids and get married around their early twenties... I didn't know how to cook till I'm 16... I didn't want any kids cuz I see them as a burden till I met my bf... and I want to get married around my late twenties.

Majority of women there are very feminine in both appearance and personality as they see no point to be masculine, where they always try to look their best, wear make up and some even willing to use plastic surgery just to look perfect... while I'm very tomboyish, never wear any make up in my entire life and hates the idea of going under the knife cuz it's sound very painful and I don't see any good reason to do it unless for medical reasons.

Women there are expected to be submissive and let their man do the decision-making while I can be mostly submissive, but I'm willing to voice my opinion, even if my bf will strongly disagree with me, as well as I want to make my own decisions without giving a damn.

A lot of women there are very outgoing, confident and willing to go to large crowds to dance... while I'm a introvert, not very confident (Though more with the fact of me having Autism and see myself as very dumb then my looks, I do get insecure of how I look, but not as much) and I hate crowded places and parties cuz it makes me feel overwhelmed, as well as I'm not only not a big dancing fan, but I also prefer doing it when I'm alone then in public cuz I don't like people watching me dance.

A lot of Colombians are very proud and prideful of their country that if you insult it, you'll be considered a hijo de puta (Son of a bitch in Spanish) and everybody will hate you. While I strongly prefer the UK over Colombia cuz I'm a city girl and I find Colombia too hot for my tasting.

Of course, even though I am a massive tomboy and a introvert who avoids parties like the end of the world, I been called pretty a lot of times, mostly by girls and my boyfriend.

It's also common when the women get easily jealous and clingy towards their man, though for a good reason since the men in their country are often cheaters, so it's only natural for them to feel scared and paranoid of the idea about a random woman trying to steal their man or their man are losing interest in them and decide to go after others, and I'm no expectation, though I tried to keep it under control and put a lot of faith in my boyfriend.

There are naturally beautiful Colombian women out there, but like every countries, not everybody is attractive of course. There are average looking people or... well... less so just like any other countries out there.

In fact, plastic surgery is very popular in Colombia, heck it's a possibility that even a few of my family members might have plastic surgery, which I wouldn't be surprise, but I'm not 100% sure.

Before you ask, yes it's a very image-cultured society where everybody, even men, have to look their best to the point where some will use plastic surgery to get their results. Sadly Anorexia is quite common cuz of how much social pressure there are on young people, even as kids where their parents tell them to be skinny, heck even my parents sometimes complained how chubby I am, though mostly how lazy I am.

Thankfully, I didn't get Anorexia, but there are many girls and boys in Colombia that does...

Though, it's quite possible you'll be too awestruck by how good-looking some Colombian women or men are that you might be too blind to see how horrible they are. So, ladies and gentlemen, don't be fooled, especially you kiddies out there.

It's even worse when it comes to family and responsibilities, where its common for fathers to run away from their responsibility while the mother would either stay single, or find another lover to help them; it's more common with the latter since I see most of my Colombian friends to have step-parents or their parents dating someone else then them being single, from my POV. 

Luckily, there are expectations to that rule, like my dad who stayed with my mum when she was pregnant. Though, they both wanted a child, so I guess it doesn't really count in a way... but still something.

If there's very ironic thing about my culture, it's when it comes to family values. While majority of women are grow up to be family-oriented and dream of having a happy family with their future husband... majority of men, not so much... they were told to fuck as much women as possible in order to be a man or told they can do anything they want with women. Again, another reason why a lot of women go after foreigners. THAT is the ironic part of the fact generally Colombian women are family-oriented while most men are not and just want to fuck some "bitches" without any flying fuck.

So yeah... moral of the story; be more cautious with Colombian, especially men no matter how good looking they are when it comes to the dating world.

And when you go to Colombia, it's everybody for themselves and be safe, but also please be polite and friendly as that's part of the social norms, and if you have Colombian friends who is hosting a party, don't be surprised to see a ton of people who you never met before. But, just because you have to be polite and friendly, doesn't mean you should trust them 24/6... be careful of who you trust, even in the dating world.

Like I said, I don't hate Colombians at all. In fact, everybody in my family is Colombia and I love my family. It's a good country for holidays and such thanks to being sunny most of the time, as well as the people are quite polite and friendly, though I'm strongly recommended to learn to speak Spanish cuz very, VERY few people there speak English, so Spanish is the best option to avoid awkwardness and misunderstandings.

But, it's still doesn't change the fact it's a little dangerous, especially if you're rich, so keep your eyes open and be careful, any readers out there who's planning on going to Colombia.

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