Black Eagles/Edelgard Route (SPOILERS)

So... the secret route... to join Edelgard's force... so... let's start on how to obtain it, which is honestly easy.

First, you just need to get a C+ support with Edelgard and then, talk to her on February Moon. Just make sure to do all your activities before talking to her because it would be the end of the day before you know it.

That's pretty much it honestly. So, how do I feel about this secret route... to be honest... it's underwhelming, I mean it has some badass moments, but because it's only have 18 chapters (Including the first 12 chapters) instead of the usual 22 chapters is... much shorter.

Not only that, but it did made me very conflicted about Edelgard as a protagonist instead of the usual. I will explain it in a spoiler manner, so you have been warned.


The reason I just finished it today is because I was too scared of having to kill my Golden Deer and Blue lions units from my previous let's plays, especially Dimitri and Claude. Thankfully, I spared Claude... wish I can say the same thing about Dimitri who got killed by Edelgard.

(Ps, the final map with Rhea is a pain in the ass! No wonder Edelgard wants to kill her!)

Now, onto the characters! Edelgard... Edelgard... Edelgard... oooh... where do I even start with her. Mmmm... how about she made me... conflicted about her...? Very so...

On one hand, she is very headstrong, intelligent and leader-inspired young woman who will not stop at nothing to achieve her goals, which is pretty noble as she wants to create a system where people, regardless if they have a crest or any wealth, will be able to achieve something for themselves, which is very honourable and I admired that goal. She also some dorky moments that is pretty cute and times I feel sympathies towards her.

Except you realised she's willing to cause a fucking war, causing many casualties and innocent lives dying, the fact she murdered Dimitri both in Golden Deer (By her soldiers) and her own route (Makes sense, but still!). She even willing to sacrifice her own men to achieve it. She can be a stick in the mud and insensitive at times where she was very blunt with Byleth about the death of Jeralt, their father for fuck's sake. Even Sothis called her arrogant!

I am aware she did cry for Dimitri's death (... Sort of...), but still the fact remains you killed him and you didn't even attempt to explain your reasoning. Sure, he fucking hates you and possibly call you a liar, but at least TRY to explain why you're doing this war! Geez, there are moments I'm just annoyed with her stubborn nature that I feel like we should have been dead long ago.

I tried to not too biased, but it's very difficult to do when she did all those things. I did manage to complete her supports and I do feel sorry for her as well as understanding her reasons, but it's not an excuse to drag innocent lives into your personal war against the church! You could have possibly hire an assassin or do it yourself with Hubert's help.

But whatever, let's go over the other units.

- Hubert: Edelgard's very loyal retainer who is rather dark and sadistic to the point he is willing to cause bloodshed for Edelgard. I married him in this route only because he's only in Edelgard's Route and I wouldn't be able to complete his support, so there's that. He is an awesome dark Mage and warlock though (I only had one dark seal, okay!?).

- Caspar: He is very energetic and bombastic guy who went through puberty from a awkward short teen to a bloody hunk with a pretty cool hairstyle. He is reckless and doesn't think before he act, but later years, he matured a little bit as he now realised the consequences of his actions, so he become less reckless, but still so. He is also an awesome grappler! Seriously, that dude crits so much! I'm planning on marrying him on my Church Route.

- Fernindad: Honestly... at first, I loved him and thought he was quite a NOBLE guy, I mean, any girl loves a NOBLE-hearted guy! Okay, I'll stop, but seriously, originally going to marry him or Hubert until he decides to insult Dimitri and how he didn't deserve to be king while I'm just sitting here like "... Hubert it is, then,". He is a pretty good cavalier and crits quite a bit, though.

- Petra: She reminds me of Starfire in the way she talks and the fact she is from a foreign land that is different from everyone else, like Dedue. The way she tries to speak English is honestly adorable and charming in a quirky way. She was a very good assassin and dodges... a lot!

- Linhardt: He's... mmm... I honestly don't have strong feelings about him. I can relate to him being only working on things I like and being a sleepyhead, but other then that... I don't find him too interesting. I don't hate him, I just like him the least out of the group, though he's a very good healer with the access of powerful wind magic.

- Bernadetta: Oh! You're precious cinnamon roll! I love you! She is so cute and eccentric that it's honestly endearing that she often close herself off into her room and a complete shut in! There are moments I relate to her like freaking out over social events, not wanting to dance, wanting to be a hermit! Yeah, she's my favourite and a really good archer despite not using her crest a lot... I regret not recruiting her into my blue lions team right now.

- Dorothea: She is honestly my 2nd favourite female Black Eagles member (First is Bernie) because of her complex personality where she is flirty, but has a heart and wants to have a good future since she knows she's not going to be young and beautiful forever, so she tries to find someone to settle down with. She was a okay Mage, but become a very good Dancer and useful for making a Unit move twice.


I suppose, even though it's a bit disappointing and only has one cutscene (Which is badass), I think it would be a good second playthrough since it's short and all.

The story focuses on Edelgard's motives, more info about those who slither in the dark and what would happen if you sided with Edelgard.

That's all I could say honestly about this route because this is honestly my least favourite route, but still recommend playing it to get the full picture of the story.

I hope you guys enjoy it and if you did, have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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