Special Chapter

This chapter will have one added crossover and it starts with a very pink high school. Also, this chapter will have two songs instead of one

A few days later there's a ghost attacking a high school and me, Sam, Dean, and the Black Foxes are on our way to check it out. "So what's this school's name?" I ask; looking out the window.

"It's called Ouran Academy... Sounds fancy." Sam answered and my ears perked up. "Sammy that was my old high school. Yeah, it is, it's also full of stuck up rich kids."

"Thank you again, Hiro, for making me look like a normal high school student ." I thanked Hiro as we drove up to the pink building. Me and Hiro were to go inside and investigate while playing the roles of high school kids.


When we got to the front of the building I stepped out of the Impala and a lot of kids stared at the Impala.

"If you guys never saw a car like this you need to upgrade your knowledge in cars." I look to one side and see a pair of ginger twins and I look back at them and Hiro caught me staring

"Hey AnnMarie, I'm sure I look way better than them." Hiro says proudly making me look at him. "Piss off Hiro." I say with a slight irritation. I walk up to the twins with a smile on my face. "Hello, I'm AnnMarie, and this is my brother Hiro." They smiled back at me and then walked away. "Rude much?" I thought out loud as I grabbed Hiro's arm and started walking to the building. "That was rude of how they acted to you." Hiro looked down at me with a straight face.

"Yeah, but I just got to go along with it. Hey text Riki and I'll text Dean and see if he's already there." I told Hiro as I took out my phone and Dean

A: Hey boi

D: I'm not a boi, I'm a boy

A: Whatever you say girl

D: -sighs- what did you want

A: To see if you're there

D: Yeah, I'm walking to the gym right now. Hiro texting Riki?

A: Yeah he's asking the same thing

D: Okay see you soon

A: K, bye

I looked up from my phone when I almost ran into a tall blonde next to a guy with glasses

"Oh, excuse me. You wouldn't mind showing my little sister the way to her classroom, would you gentlemen? I really need to get to class." Hiro asked them when the blonde smiled and looked at me with his very violet eyes.

"We'd be more than happy to." The guy with the glasses smiles fakely and I noticed and I smile back and say: "thank you so much, it would be a huge help to me since me and my brother are brand new here."

"You're very welcome." Me and him both walk down the hallway upon getting in the building.

"It would appear that we have the same class together, I guess we'll be seeing at lot more of each other then." The guy with glasses commented

"I guess we will, mate." I used my Australian heavy accent to answer him.

"If I'm not wrong you're an American transfer student why did you sound a little bit Australian?" He questioned me and I responded:

"It's my home before I started living with my brother. That's why I sound like this, my brother doesn't keep his accent up like I do."


It was after classes and I learned a few names a boy who was actually a girl was named Haruhi, the twins I saw this morning were Hikaru and Kaoru, a little boy with a tall kid were Honey and Mori, Blondie and glasses were Tamaki and Kyoya.

I decided to text Riki when he almost ran into me.

"Hey, Riki find anything?" I asked

"Riki... That's a first. But no I didn't."

"Well don't get used to it but it's the end of the day. I found out that there's an after school host club. I'll stay and try to figure out something."

"You know where it is though?"

"Yeah, the room it's being held at used to be my quiet place. I also found out that they're having a dance tomorrow. We can pick stuff up from there."

"Okay, AnnMarie I can't exactly come to terms with you dancing with other men."

"Oh... Well, you could go in place as a random student. I'll be singing if it's possible. One condition I get to dress you up as the student."

"Okay then, I look forward to seeing your skills in disguise. Oh, trust me I can do a better job than Hiro if he a gave me a chance to show him."

"Challenge accepted." Hiro smirked behind me after hearing me and Riki's conversation, and I turned around with a smile on my face.

"You're on. Just tell Dean to pick me up later."


"So Tamaki, I heard you're the princely type. Will you allow me to sing a song for the host club and its customers?" I ask looking at Tamaki with a cute look.

"Why of course, this is a music room. Why not some music?" He said allowing me to play a song

"Thank you, Tamaki."

I looked around for a piano to paly the song I was going to sing. When I found it I started playing and soon after started to sing

~Play the song  100 Years by Five for Fighting~

As soon as I got done playing the song I look over to my side and see people with smiles on their faces and clapping 'Nothing suspicious at the moment'  I thought to myself as I quickly looked around the room.

I got down from the bench in front of the piano and went up to Tamaki and said: "So I heard that there will be a dance tomorrow night, may me and a good friend of mine be invited?"

"Of course maybe then we might get to hear your lovely voice again, princess?" He asked in a roundabout way and I answered with:

"It'd be my pleasure. Thank you." I curtsied and was about to walk out the door when Kyoya stopped me.

"AnnMarie, I've done research on you and one of the facts that came up was that you are a hunter, yet you don't seem like the type to deliberately kill animals. So what does that mean? AnnMarie?"

"You'll find out in due time Kyoya." I left the music room and went to the front of the school where Dean was already parked.

"I thought you wouldn't show and that I'd be having to walk." I said as I get inside the Impala and to my surprise, Sam and the others weren't there so I asked Dean:

"So where's Sam?"

"Back at the motel like the others, how was going back to school after forever?" He asked quickly glancing at me, then at the road ahead.

"It was cool, learn anything on the ghost we're hunting?"

"Yeah, her name was Gabriella-"

"Hold on a second... I know who we're after. Dean Gabriella was my first and only friend who didn't care who I was."

"Hmm well, you're gonna have to take her out. By what Sam found out she attacks on the last day of April, 1 every 10 years. Her target is mostly high schoolers."

"And I understand why..."


"AnnMarie! Come on, let's go play" I heard Gabriella call out to me and I smiled as I ran out to where she was to go play with her.

We played for a long time until it was almost sunset. "The sunset is a beautiful thing isn't it, AnnMarie?" She asked as she closed her eyes, smiling up at the sky. I saw two teenagers walking towards us.

"Gabby, go inside. Quickly." I stood up and shook her and her eyes opened quickly, as she got up and ran to where I was living at that time.

When we got inside the house my parents asked me why we were out of breath and what had happened. I told them and...

~End of flashback~

"So that's how it happened. My best friend died because of high school demons. Literally." I sighed and Riki, and the rest of you newbies, that's just a small glimpse of what were to happen if you decide to make friends."

"She's right. It may not go down that exact way but, no friends, no girlfriends, or anything." Sam told apart of my statement as Dean finished off:

"If you guys do develop feelings for a girl. Be prepared for the worst because one day it will happen."

"Now that we've got that out of the way, let's pack it in. Riki, would you mind going to the dance the host club I went to today with me?" I ask as I look toward Riki and he smirks and nods his head.

"Good see you tomorrow, Mr. Yanase." I smirked and walked to my bedroom.


It was the next morning and I got up to make coffee only this time I found Riki in the kitchen making something.

"That Miso soup Riki?" I asked looking into the pot

"Yeah, it's the only thing that can get my day started." He answered my question and I shook my head and grabbed the coffee pot.

"Whatever you say thief."

"Back at you hunter." I could hear the smirk in his voice "So Riki, being a thief you guys are put through cops on your asses all the time. Being a hunter you go through the same thing, along with things that can very much kill you."

"You also save a few people doing it." Dean walked into the kitchen apparently hearing my talk.


After school that day I got to the motel and got dressed in this (Picture below)

And walked outside of my room and saw Riki dressed in a nice suit and tie: "Well you clean up nice AnnMarie" Riki said to me and I looked at him and smirked

"You don't look too bad yourself Yanase." I said as I started towards the door to got to the school, I looked back briefly to ask: "You coming with?"


Me and Riki walked in the school and everybody was dressed nicely and I saw the host club lined up along the steps and Kyoya talking. When he was done talking I went up to him and asked if I could play my song

When I got to the front of the big ballroom I started to say: "Yes I'm gonna sing thanks to your wonderful Host Club King Tamaki Suoh. So I think before I start singing I think this song needs some explanation and after I sing I don't want you to come up to me saying all these things. So when you're a kid your parents tell you to enjoy your childhood. Or maybe not, but you all are teenagers or soon to be adults, try enjoying life. Your parents think that you maybe since you are a teenager you have lots of responsibilities... Well bull, you're still you and really your parents can't say anything about how you live your life. In short, you shouldn't try and grow up so fast that you miss everything your life has to offer you. Enough said.

~Play the song You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins~

While I was singing trying to keep everyone distracted Sam was out looking for the bones of this ghost while I saw Dean salting the doorway. He looked to me to direct their attention elsewhere when something broke through the window and pinned me high on the wall. It had me by the throat and made an appearance. I choked out "Dean!" 

Dean took out his gun and fired a few bullets towards the ceiling "Hey!" The ghost took the bait and went after him and knocked the gun out of his hand.  I was falling, it only took a second for the ghost to go after me again this time the ghost grabbed my arm and left a burn mark. The ghost released me and went up in flames. I fell and Riki caught me in time before I hit the ground.

"Nice catch theif" I coughed before I passed out cold in his arms. 

Next thing I know is that I'm laying in bed with Sam, Dean, and the Black Foxes all looking at me. 

"Nnn" I groaned pain, "Well I appreciate all the attention but so fascinating about me?"

"You might wanna check out your arm, AnnMarie." Kenshi pointed to my arm with the burn on it, that now has a bandage wrapped around it. "Hmm, oh well. I'll live."

I turned to look at Sam "Oh, Sammy you might wanna pick up the pace a bit more next time."

Dean handed me a beer and I took it, "at the end of a good day." I sighed to myself.

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