A Supernatural Christmas Carol

I woke up the next morning, my arm still hurt a bit but I got up at my usual time but this time I saw everyone was already, that's when I looked at the clock it said that it was 10:16 AM.

"Shit, I overslept. Boss, can you do a favor for me and make some Pork Noodles?" I asked he looked up at me from what he was doing.

"I don't think we have any of the ingredients to make Pork Noodles at the moment."

I sigh, "Great. Dammit, I just woke up and now I have to make a store run. Do we need anything else?" I asked and Dean shook his head.

"Fine let me get some clean clothes on and then I get going. Oh, Dean, I'm taking Baby"


I came out dressed like this (picture above)

"Alright guys, since it'll be past breakfast time when I get back. I'll just get the stuff for Pork Noodles so Takkun won't be too upset." I started towards the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Riki.

"What's the hold-up Yanase?" I asked him and he replied, "It'll be a bit hard to carry groceries with one hand, so I'll go with you."

"Whatever you say, let's go" I opened the door to the motel and went to Baby and turned the radio and the song that came on was I Wanna Hippopotamus For Christmas

~Play the song I Wanna Hippopotamus For Christmas by Gayla Peevey~

When we got to the store Riki turned to me with a 'really?' look on his face, I looked back at him. Slowly turning up the music and then started the car a driving away.

I got out of the Impala and went into the store and bought the ingredients for Pork Noodles and a Pie for Dean.

When we heard some people talking about a haunted place... So I did the only thing that came to mind. "Riki, when we get done with paying let's go talk to some people. I heard enough and it sounds like a case to me....but I don't think..... anyway... let's go pay."

As we were paying I heard the same people "do you really think they'll do it?" One of them asked. We had our backs turned.

"7.25" I handed the cashier money as he said how much the items were. After we paid I went out to the car and drove off with Riki in tow.

As we got to the bunker I took out all the groceries and tried to grab the key with both my hands full with the bags. "Riki, a little help please?" I asked and he grabbed the key, then unlocking the door.

"Okay we're back," I said walking into the small room full of men. "Okay Boss, it's past my breakfast eating hours so... I just got stuff from the store... WAKE ME THE HELL UP NEXT TIME!" I yelled at him from the kitchen.

"Also me and Yanase here found a possible case " all eyes are on me and Riki as I say that.

"Okay, so all the attention is on us, while me and Riki were at the store we heard some kids talking about a haunted place." Riki continued on the thought "Just from a good guess this 'haunted place' has to be a famous hang-out spot for teens for some kids to talk about it where someone could hear about it."

I sighed and shook my head. "Okay you guys got this one, it's Christmas Eve. One day before a holy day. Not gonna go on this one." Takuto raised an eyebrow at me "Oh? And who's saying you have a choice?"

My gaze turned slightly to look at the blonde who made the snide remark. "I am, got anything else to say tsun tsun?" I asked

Sam let out a short sigh "AnnMarie, they went on one hunt, we need you there." I just shook my head again "Sammy, I said no. At most, I'll take them to school." I said as I packed a duffle bag with hunting things and my gun.

I sighed as looked back at Sam and Dean "Sexy, you and Dean could stay here and do some research on this haunted place, Pie Boy... Remind me to finally get my own car." I smiled as I grabbed the keys to Baby.

"I heard Bobby, fixed up your Chevy Truck." Dean stopped me. "Cool, I'll go bother him. Then come back around to drop off Baby"

I left with the Black Foxes following behind me, including Boss.

As soon as we get out to the car, Hiro came up to me "So you have a car?"

"Truck, and yes. First stop, Bobby's place. Next stop your torture- sorry I mean training" I smiled as I got in the car and Riki walked to the passenger's seat. I laughed "Sorry only the pretty ones sit up front, Boss you get front seat.

When I started the car it was the beginning of another Christmas song


~Play the song Little Drummer Boy by Pentatonix~

I drove up to Bobby's house. I looked at the Black Foxes, "stay here, I'll be right back Boss and Riki make sure no one leaves Baby. Got it?" I asked, both of them nodded.

Getting out of Baby and walking up to Bobby's house, I knocked on the door. It took a minute for Bobby to get to the door.

"Where have you been, AnnMarie?" Bobby asked giving me a hug "Well I haven't been dead so that's a good thing. I retired from hunting at 18 and went to Japan and became a thief. Some time later, Sam and Dean came to a bar that I was staying at and I came home. Dean just told me that you fixed up my truck, can I go out back and get it?"

Bobby let me go and nodded, "Yeah when we see each other again though, you're gonna have to tell me what happened while I was gone."

"Okay," Bobby got to the back door with me following behind him, "There you are, AnnMarie. All ready to go."

I smiled at Bobby, "It's good to see again Bobby." I hugged him. "So I'm going to train some new recruits to hunting. So I'll have one of them take Baby back to Dean and then I'm going to take them to a field to train them. If you would like you could come along to watch."

He shook his head 'no.' "I should stay here just in case Sam or Dean decide to give me a call. I would like to though."

"I understand, should you change your mind. I'll be out at the field" I got in my truck and started it up. I drove out next to the Impala. "Boss, follow me to the motel, then I'll take you guys in my truck to where your training is going to begin."

I drove in front of the Impala and drove off to the motel.

I parked, looking out of the window, I saw the Impala driving up next to me.We got to the motel, I got out of my truck, walking over to the Impala where Boss threw me the keys. I went into the motel "Hey Sammy, hey Sexy. I went over and got my truck. Here's the keys" I placed the keys on the table next to Sam.

"I'll be back in an hour.. Give or take a few minutes" Dean looked up from the computer where he was at.

"Be back here at 2:40, so that means you have 1 hour with them" Sam joined in the conversation "I understand why he wants here by then, AnnMarie we don't want you hurt."

My eyes look at Sam, "Oh when did I become so important to you two?" I asked "When we met you, AnnMarie. You're like a sister to not only me, but Sam as well"

I narrowed my eyes at them, "Do not ever tell me that again. Do, and I kill both of you vamp style. Got it? You are not my family, never have been, and never will be."

Walking out of the motel and seeing all of them in my truck already. I got in the drivers seat and drove out to an empty field without saying anything.

Upon arriving at said field I stepped out of the car and went to the back of the truck where I suppose they put the bag.

'They didn't..' I thought to myself, I walked over and got in the front seat of my truck, "Everybody get out and hand me the bag whoever has it." I commanded

All of them got out of the truck and I saw that Kenshi had the bag "Kenny, can I have the bag?" I asked

He handed me the bag "What's got you so worked up, AnnMarie?" He asked, "Don't question it." I responded

I jumped right into the first lesson as everybody was out of the truck "

"Okay, the first thing you're going to learn is how to take out a vamp. If you ever encounter a vamp, chances are most likely we're on a hunt for a nest or something like that. Kenshi, what is the sharpest object you can think of?" I asked him after beginning to explain how to take care of a vampire.

"A knife" he answered, "Okay that would work, yes you could bring a knife. If there's a wire that happened to be laying around that would also work. Given the two hints I gave you guys, how do you take out a vampire? Takuto?"

"You think I should know?" Takuto asked sarcastically "Yes I do think you should know, Hiro, can you tell me how to kill a vampire. Let's pretend that I don't know and that you're teaching me this stuff"

Hiro spoke up "How you kill a vampire is you decapitate it" I nodded, "Good job" I praised Hiro "The next thing you're going to learn is...." The lesson continued.

When the lesson came to a close, everyone got in the truck and we went to the motel where Sam, Dean, and Bobby were talking. Everyone heard us come in "What's all the commotion?" I asked

"Turns out that 'haunted place' you and the other guy heard. It's all the way out in Victorville, California." (that's where I live!~) "Alright, cool. Let's go."

"What?" Everyone asked with confused faces "I know the area better than most likely any of you and-" I got cut off by Bobby

"If you know the area so well why don't you go check it out, we'll be fine here."

"Bobby, we can call hunters that are actually in the area to do the job" Sam interjected right after I had said something "AnnMarie, you're going. End of discussion."

"No, not end of discussion. I should be able to have a say in what I do. And I say we call in other hunters." Bobby stepped up "Do you really want to step up to me and say that little girl?"

"Well, I'm not going to repeat myself. So no"

Bobby told me to 'watch my tone' I looked to him briefly.

"Exactly what happened last time, and then what happened to me? The worst thieves to ever possibly exist kidnap me and the end of my story starts with a bunch of wannabe's. You want me to go check it out just because I'm the only one in the group who knows the area? Fine, I'm not coming back, though. When I get done with the case I'll make sure to drop by your family's restaurant Kenny, tell your mom, you said 'hi'"

I left the motel, everybody sat there in silence by my outburst and I wasn't going back, I got in my truck and started driving away from the motel


I was halfway to California. I looked at the time 8:48PM "Okay time to call it in" I said to myself. "I'll go to sleep and just wake up in a few hours"


It was around the time of 9:30PM when I did wake up 'ughh I said in a few hours, not one.' I complained in my head I looked in the mirror and saw my parents in the mirror. Quickly I grabbed my gun, turning around in my seat.

"Why are you here?"I asked in a low tone

"What you did back there wasn't alright, AnnMarie you are going to be given a chance. You have until tomorrow morning to save your actions" My dad, "three spirits are going to visit you-"

"And when they do, I'll be ready to take them out. A repeat of 'A Christmas Carol' is not about to happen" I interrupted my father.

"Not all of them will be dead, but if you keep that attitude up with us, you'll be dead before you even get the chance to meet them"

Sighing I laid back in my seat, "So I'm supposed to wait 'till I hear ringing. Fine with me then" I fell asleep quickly. I was tired and I knew I wouldn't get much sleep in the first place.


Not too long after I fell asleep, my radio blasted ears "Dammit!" I sat upright in my chair "It's A Christmas Carol! Not scare my so bad I knock someone's lights out!" I was about to check the mirror when I saw someone in the of my eye.

"Gabby? H- how are you here?" I asked surprised and a little sad

Gabby hadn't said a word. She grabbed my hand and led me out of my truck and we started flying.


It was silent as we flew and we landed and I saw me at my old middle school I was backed up against a wall with a boy kissing me.

lol70720 (This is the one I was talking about)

I silently watched as they kissed "Will you?" I said silently as I remember how he had asked me "Will you marry me?"

He got down one one "AnnMarie, I know this is a little sudden to start asking this but, this ring" he paused and pulled out a silver ring, "this ring is a promise ring, right after we both graduate high school... I want to marry you."

I looked down tears almost forming in my eyes "Let's just go, Gabby. I've seen enough here.." I turned around and walked away. Gabby caught up with me "You agreed to marry him. Now let's see what happened"

"Gabby, I don't want to see that... Please don't" I kept on walking and I ended up at a house I knew far too well. I looked in the window, I saw my truck parked out of sight. I went to my truck and I saw the love of my life. Watching me inside the house from in the car, where he was. Just a moment later he was in the arms of a vampire. They got inside the house where I was.

I found myself back at the window looking in. "Go on, cry out. It's not about to help your case, I just want to see the look when I kill you."

"AnnMarie!" He called out, I saw myself run out around a corner. "Xavier!" I yelled as I saw a knife stabbed through his stomach. My eyes widened as he fell to the floor, I ran to catch him.

"Be quiet... Xavier" I had started crying as he had enough strength to pull a ring out of his pocket. "Marry me, AnnMarie." He almost whispered, "With pleasure, Xavier." I got out, tears racing down my face. I had my hands pressed against his wound. He tried to lift himself up. "Don't move, Xavier. You'll be just fine. Okay? I'll make sure of it." I leaned down and kissed him passionately. "I love you, Xavier"

I nodded my head, smiling I didn't want him to see me sad. He reached for my hand I grabbed his hand.

~Present me~

"After that, you never truly loved anyone" Gabby looked to me. "I told you, I didn't want to see that..." I trailed off "I just proved to you that we can't have all we want. Were you not paying close enough attention."

"Oh, I was paying attention. I couldn't relive that moment again... Gabby I couldn't" I almost started crying again as I looked over to Gabby. "If you can't handle the past, go take a look at what's happening now" Gabby's voice lowered.

I was in my truck again. I sighed "Hahhh, the past is the past... Can't do nothing about it..." I got out of my truck

"That's true but you and I both know that something can be done about the future." What sounded like John Winchester's voice

I sighed and grabbed onto his jacket " So I'm guessing you're supposed to be my Christmas Present spirit, let's go see what's happening"


We arrived next to a little girl in bed asleep "Why are we here, John?" I asked him. He looked to me and said, "This is Riki's house and this is his ill sister, AnnMarie. I'm going to tell you straight. She won't be here if you don't clean up your act."

"I understand sir" I bowed my head "we have another stop to make and then I must go" he took my hand and led me to the motel. Death was waiting outside "Well only suitable for your name"

He took me to a yard where Sam, Dean and everyone else who knew me was standing around a burning body. "Where are you to be found in that group of people?" He asked.

"I'm the one they're cremating" I answered looking at him. "You know that will happen if you do not change your ways?" He asked me "I know, but for me, I already know this will happen whether I want it to or not."

"A lot sooner than you think, AnnMarie." I looked down for a moment "Is it possible for me to stay a bit longer if I redeem myself. I'm not one to go back on a commitment, so I tell you 'I promise' something. I will keep my end up on that promise."

He still looked at me. "And how shall I know if you're going to really keep your promise to me?"

"Well, if you do allow me to live longer, you can watch my first action as soon as I get out of this, tomorrow is Christmas and I enjoy that holiday, so I'll have to do something that makes this special? Please... I need to do be with them, I will change. I'm going to prove it to you."

I woke up in my truck I looked out my window, the sun was up, Christmas made it and I haven't missed it. I smiled and started my truck and drove off.


I reached a store that was closest to the motel where I assumed they were and bought things for everyone and put the presents in separate bags with wrapping tissue paper. I drove off to the motel.

I opened the door and everyone was around the table. "So I decided that you guys were right and that other hunter should take care of it. Since it's Christmas, I believe that family should spend some time together that is why after you guys see what I got you I told your family's to get on Skype and listen to something I set up for them since we can't really be there."


They all opened their presents and Dean enjoyed the pie I got him. I grabbed my laptop snd logged into Skype. I saw that only two people actually showed up wich was enough.

"Okay guys, I'm going to sing a few Christmas songs, I actually have one very special song that isn't a Christmas song, that is dedicated to the lovely young lady that looks like her brother, sweetheart. I have your brother in the same room as me." I smiled and looked at Riki.

"Riki, would you like to say anything?" He smiled and nodded "Hey, Ibuki Merry Christmas." He said smiling.

"Kenshi's Mom, your son happens to be here as well" I looked then at Kenshi "Kenny wanna say anything?" He blushed and shook his head 'no' I laughed.

"Okay, your son is being a shy nerd right now but he says Merry Christmas."

I picked up my guitar and started playing


~Play the song Fly by Maddie and Tae~

As soon as the song was finished I played the few songs I heard today.

"Merry Christmas everybody"


This chapter took me some time to finish because I had to think of ideas how to write parts and I have school to finish before I go on break for Christmas but there will be new chapters in my stories on here that are dedicated to Christmas. Last but not least, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas have lots of Christmas food and a Happy New Year.

3484 Words

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