Chapter 23

I don’t know which thing I should hope for the bottle to land on. What if he gets ‘kiss’? Would that be good? Or bad? I’ve been trying to start over with him, not because I regret our relationship, but because it would be weird to say ‘hey I’m from another universe, and we were dating there’. He spins it again and gets ‘everyone asks one question’. 

“Why don’t you go first Sophie? I’m not sure what to ask.” Dex says. 

“Ok. I was wondering, what happened to your Grady in your old universe?” 

“Oh, um, when the Neverseen kidnapped me, he blamed himself, and after blaming himself for Jolie’s death for years, the guilt broke him. And by the time I figured out I could heal minds, it was too late for him.” I say. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, I plead with myself. I take a deep breath then look at Biana. “What’s your question?” 

“Oh, um, were you a part of the Black Swan?” She asks. 

“I was.” 

“Did they send you on missions?” 

“That’s another question.” 

“Alright. Did they ever send you on missions?” Tam asks. 

“Only annoyingly small ones.” 

“Do you have any pets?” Linh asks. 

“Well, I had Iggy in my old universe, but I guess he’s Sophie’s now.” 

“He can be ours.” Sophie says. 

“How did you travel through the multiverse?” Wylie asks. 

“I… don’t actually know. You were the one to figure it out.” I say, pointing to Dex. 

“Ok, have you ever dated anyone in here, but like, in your old universe?” Stina asks. 

“Hey, you’re not supposed to talk!” Marella says. 

“It’s fine, it was just for her question.”  Sophie says. “It’s fine as long as you stay quiet for the rest of the game.” Stina glares. 

“Have you?” Marella asks. 

“Um… yeah. I’ve been trying to keep it… quiet because I thought it would be weird for me to just… show up and announce that we were dating.” I say, looking anywhere but at Dex. 

“What’s your record for longest healing center stay?” Maruca asks. 

“I once had to stay there for 4 weeks.” 

“Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of the whole school?” Marella asks. 

“Uh… yeah. It wasn’t my fault though! Somebody had slipped me some prank elixir, and my hair turned bright blue and started glowing in the middle of orientation. I thought my hair was on fire, so I totally freaked out.” 

“Did you have a cognate in your old universe?” Fitz asks. 

“Yeah. We were cognates, but I guess you’re with Sophie here.” I say. 

“Maybe you’ll find someone else.” He says. 

“Maybe.” What I didn’t mention is that towards the end of my time there, we had neglected our trust exercises, and eventually the cognate relationship crumbled. 

“Well, apparently nobody else wanted to know, but who were you dating in your old universe?” Dex asks. The question is like a blow to my stomach. I thought I explained that I was trying not to share that? How do I say that it was him? Biana and Sophie share a look. I bury my face in my hands. 

“Ok, I’ll tell you. But please don’t get weirded out. I’m really trying to be your friend.” I say, looking into my lap. 

“Nobody will be weirded out if you say it was them.” Dex says, making me look up. Why did he have to look so cute when he said that? 

“Um, it was… you.” I say staring into his eyes. I can see the shock go across his face. “I, uh… need to use the restroom.” I say, hurrying out the door. Why did he ask that question? I find the bathroom, and close the door. I don’t try to stop the flashback from happening. It was after the Neverseen had ambushed Fitz and I, after Alvar’s trial. Their shade, Umber, had put weird shadows in my shoulder and ankle. I open my eyes, and I’m in the healing center. 

“Lori! You’re awake!” Dex says, wrapping his arms around me. “I was so worried…” 

“She’s awake?” Elwin says, rushing over to me. “Drink this.” 

“What happened? Did they get Wylie?” I ask. 

“No. He escaped a little after you passed out.” Dex says. That’s when I notice his arm is in a sling. 

“What happened to you? Are you ok?” 

“I’m lucky compared to what they did to you.” He says. 

“How’s Fitz?” 

“Alive. And you should know you’re lucky to have Dex here.” Elwin says. “He was going crazy here, and I think he almost had a breakdown when Bullhorn laid down next to you. He was here the whole time I was working on you.” 

“How long was that?” I ask. 

“Uh, something around… 13 hours now.” 

“It was that bad?” 

“Yeah… drink this.” 

“You’re lucky you and Fitz survived that.” Dex says. I try to sit up, but immediately regret it. My shoulder hurts more than anything I’ve ever experienced. 

“Careful! If you wanted to sit up, you should have said so! Someone could have helped you!” Elwin says. Dex takes the cue, and helps to prop me up on some pillows in a way that doesn’t put any weight on my shoulder. “Tam, can you come to check that you got it all now?” 

“Wait, Tam?” I ask. 

“Yeah. Umber was using weird shadows called shadowflux to hurt you guys. It’s kind of like quintessence, but with darkness instead of light.” 

“Huh. A sixth element?” 

“I guess. And I already told you, I got it all.” 

“Just check again.” Elwin insists. Tam closes his eyes, and reaches out his hand for a minute, then puts it down again. 

“Nope. Nothing.” He says. 

“You should be glad you weren’t conscious when he was actually pulling that stuff out of you and Fitz. It was super weird. Then you guys started screaming…” 

“Hey, I’ll be ok. Why am I awake and Fitz isn’t?” 

“I would have actually preferred to keep you sedated but-” 

“NO SEDATIVES.” I cut Elwin off. 

“Exactly. So I have to give you twice the amount of elixirs, and you have to do everything I say. Deal?” 

“Deal.” Just then, someone knocks on the door. 

“Mom!” I say. 


“I won’t.” I say. She sighs. 

“You know very well that you won’t be able to keep that promise.” 

“I can try.” 

“How about you don’t worry me until you leave this healing center?” 

“Deal. I think I can go the rest of the day without worrying you.” 

“About that…” Elwin starts. 

“What?” I don’t like the way everyone's staring at me. 

“Well… letting you light leap could set back your recovery, so you’re sort of… stuck here.” 

“WHAT?!” Something stirs inside me. A monster. Like the mental beasts I face when I use my seeker ability. It’s sharpening its claws. I… can’t sense it. How will I know when it’s coming? How will I evade it? 

“Lori? Lori!” Someone’s shouting. I have to get back to the real world, fast. I close my eyes, open them and I’m covered in a cold sweat, looking up at everyone. Elwin’s about to pour something in my mouth. 

“I’m awake, I’m awake!” I half say, half shout before the liquid can reach my mouth. 

“What was that?” Edaline asks. 

“There was a monster… I couldn’t sense it… and it almost…” I gasp out in between giant breaths. 

“Hey, you’re ok now.” She says, hugging me. 

“So we can’t give you any big, shocking news.” Elwin says. 

“I suppose not. But I still have to stay here?” 

“Yup. It’ll be a big Foxfire slumber party!” 

“And I’ll be here with you, most of the time.” Edaline says. 

“Me too.” Dex offers. 

“You absolutely will not. Your mother would kill you.” Edaline says. 

“But I should be here with her! She’s my girlfriend!” 

“How about I make you a deal? Fifteen minutes guaranteed alone with her before everyone else comes around after school, I’ll even wait outside with the rest of your friends as long as you two behave. And you can come down here for the second half of lunch if you bring Biana Wednesdays through Fridays.” 

“You seem to have thought out visiting hours very well.” 

“I have.” 

“Why can I only come with Biana twice a week?” 

“Well, Biana is her best friend, so she gets to see her, and the rest of your little group rotates. Tam and Linh get Mondays, Marella and Jensi get Tuesdays. Team Valliant meetings are also going to be before school whenever you need it.” 

“When did you plan all this out?” 

“After you were all accepted back into Foxfire.” 

“That was… a while ago.” 

“Yes. Lori had been doing a decent job of not seriously damaging herself, until now, that is.” 

“Hey, this wasn’t my fault.” I say. 

“I never said it was. Dex, do we have a deal?” 

“Fine. But what about the weekends?” 

“Those are free game for anyone who wants to visit her. If you don’t have anything else going on, you can feel free to stay here with her from dawn to dusk. But everyone else can too.” 

“Ok, fine.” Does he know just how amazing he is? I gently pull him in for a kiss, and… go back to the present. Someone knocks on the bathroom door. 

“Lori?” It’s Sophie. I look in the mirror. Apparently at some point, I had started crying. 

“Come in.” I say, wiping my tears. 

“You didn’t have to say that to him.” 

“It’s fine. He would have found out eventually anyways.” 

“Maybe, but you shouldn’t have had to tell him like that.” 

“The thing is-” 


“Little late for that.” Biana says, becoming visible a few feet away. 

“What do you think you’re doing here?” 

“She’s my friend too.” 

“It’s fine. You can stay.” I say. 

“Ok. LINH MAKE SURE NOBODY'S LISTENING!” Sophie shouts. “Sorry to interrupt you like that, but you deserve some privacy. And I’m not sure I trust some people not to listen in.” I slowly sit on the floor, and Sophie and Biana sit down next to me. 

“In my old universe, he was the one who built the machine that got me here. He was actually planning on coming with me. But the Neverseen found us, and… he didn’t make it. I was so upset, I couldn’t even ask if there was a version of him here, which I know that there is now. And that’s why I was almost crying when I saw him that day during study hall. But I still miss my Dex. The one I went through everything with. And I don’t know if I’m supposed to like him again, or… what should I do?” It feels good to get it all off my chest, but now I’m more confused than ever. 

“First, you’re not supposed to feel anything. This is a new situation, so nobody can say anything about how you’re supposed to react.” Sophie says. 

“As for what you should do, I would recommend going to talk to him soon. It will just get weirder if you let it sit. But you should do whatever’s comfortable for you.” Biana adds. 

“Thanks guys. I’ll talk to him in a few minutes.” 

“Do you want one of us to stay with you?” Sophie asks. I consider it for a minute then reply. 

“I think I can do it on my own.” 

“Ok, but we’re here if you need us.” Biana says. 

“What did I do to get friends like you?” I say. 

“I guess you’re just lucky.” Sophie says, wrapping an arm around me in a hug. Biana joins, and we all just stay there for a second. 

“Ok, I think I’m ready.” 

“You sure?” Biana asks. 

“Well, as much as I’ll ever be.” Biana goes to get Dex, and tells him that I wanted to talk with him alone. He comes through the door, looking super red. Biana and Sophie leave the room, and me and Dex are alone. 

“Um, I wanted to say sorry. For pushing the issue like that. I guess I should have realized you didn’t want me to know.” Dex apologies. 

“It’s fine.” I sniff. “I was just hoping you would find out… not like that.” 

“Um, yeah.” We’re quiet for a minute, then he blurts, “do you like me still?” The question takes me by surprise. 

“I… uh…” 

“Oh, I’m sorry that seems like a terrible thing to say! Forget I said anything.” 

“No… you’re… fine. I just… haven’t really decided yet.” 

“Oh. Well, can we still be friends?” 

“Yeah. Of course.” I say, managing a smile. He smiles back at me, and we go back into the room, where Sophie is doing her best to stop Marella from listening to our conversation. 

You still want to stay? She transmits. 


Tell me what happened later? 


“I guess we play the next game?” Biana says. 

“Right. So the next game is truth or dare. It’s pretty simple. Someone asks you truth or dare, and you choose. If you say truth, then they ask you a question, and you have to answer honestly. If they say dare, they give you a dare, and you have to do it. I guess if you really don’t want to, then you can remove an article of clothing.” Sophie explains. 

“Doesn't removing an article of clothing seem like a weird punishment for not doing something?” Biana points out. 

“I guess it does. That’s just what most humans do. So, if you don’t want to do it, you just have to have a good reason. I’ll go first. Maruca, truth or dare?” 


“I dare you to… eat a spoonful of mustard.” She says, pulling a bottle out of her bag. Where did she get a bottle of mustard? The elves already have the best tasting food ever, so they don’t need condiments. 

“What’s mustard?” Fitz asks. 

“You don’t want to know.” Maruca says after eating her spoonful. 

“Well, now you get to ask someone.” Sophie says. 

“Ok. Marella. Truth or dare?” 

“After that? Truth.” Marella says. 

“Do you ever wish you hadn’t manifested?” 

“Sometimes. It’s a really controversial ability, and a lot of people look down on me for it, but it’s also a part of who I am now. And it’s definitely been helpful.” Marella says after a brief pause. “Ok, Stina. Truth or dare?” 

“I don’t trust you anymore. Truth.” 

“Aw, I can’t tell you to shut up again. How about… who do you like?” 

“Uh, nobody.” 

“You have to tell the truth.” 

“I am.” 

“I don’t believe you.” 

“How do I prove that I’m telling the truth? I’m the only empath here.” Sophie looks down. 

“I’ll read your mind.” I offer. 

“Yeah. Let’s do that!” Marella says. 

“Um, I don’t know all the rules of telepathy, but I don’t think you can do that.” Stina says. 

“”You're right. I can’t. But she won’t leave you alone if you don’t give me permission.” I say, pointing at Marella. 

“I most definitely will not.” Marella agrees. 

“Ugh. Fine. You can enter my mind.” Stina says. I reach out my consciousness, and  enter her mind. 

This is not the way I wanted tonight to go. She thinks. 

I didn’t picture having to go into your mind either. Not everything always works out the way you want it to. 

You think I don’t know that by now? You showed up here, and already had me ruled out as a friend. How am I supposed to respond to that? 

Sorry about that. Even in my old universe, we weren’t exactly best of friends. 

“Ugh,what’s taking so long?” Marella asks. 

Who do you like, Stina? 


I can tell you’re lying. So who is it? 

Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I like Wylie. 

Ok. Just say that out loud, and I’ll tell Marella that it’s true. 

Are you kidding? He’s right next to me. 

You’re the one who chose truth. 

At Marella’s mercy, I would end up silenced again if I chose Dare. 

Probably true. But you know she’s probably about a second away from having Sophie or Fitz start listening in. Or maybe they already are. 

“I like… Wylie.” Stina says, looking anywhere but at him. After a moment of everyone taking the information in, Stina decides to ask Fitz. “Truth or dare?” 


“What do I dare him to do? I don’t have a bottle of yellow human sauce.” 

“Anything you want.” Sophie says. 

“Ooh, how about, I dare you to…go to your closet and change into all teal clothes.” 

“Ugh, do I have to?” He asks. 

“Yup, those are the rules.” I say. He stands up and leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with his clothes matching his trademark eyes. 

“This is humiliating.” He says. Probably because he had to step into Biana’s closet to find a teal skirt, since he didn’t have any pants. 

“That’s the point, Fitzy.” Stina says. 

“Ugh. Sophie, truth or dare?” 

“Oh, uh, dare?” She says. 

“I dare you to…” He’s still thinking when Biana gets up and whispers something in his ear. He smiles and gives the dare. “I dare you to let Biana give you a makeover.” 

“Now that’s evil.” She says, but lets Biana start on her hair anyways. “Biana , truth or dare?” 


“I truth you to stop doing my hair.” 

“Not how this game works.” 

“I don’t like this game anymore.” 

“Just give me a question.” 

“Fine. Who do you like?” 

“Oh, erm, I like Keefe.” Nobody looks too surprised. “Lori, truth or dare?” 

“Uh, dare.” 

“I dare you to…” 

“Please don’t say you have another bottle of mustard.” 

“Ha, no. But I do have a can of raw tuna for you to eat.” 


“Complain and I’ll make you act like a cat while you do.” 

“Ugh, fine.” I open the can of fish, and empty it into my mouth. I’m not one to complain, and I love a tuna salad, but raw? No thanks. “My turn. Linh, truth or dare?” 


“What’s the most embarrassing thing Tam has done?”  

“Hey, why are you bringing me into this?” Tam cries. 

“Because that’s what I want to know from her.” 

“Well there was this one time….” Linh begins. 

“I swear, if you tell them about that kid at Exilium…” 

“No, I’m not telling that story. So, he had stayed up super late the night before, because he thought that our parents had sent out a bounty hunter for me or something. And he was up like half the night making sure the place we were staying was super secure. Then he overslept, and when he realized that we were about to be late for Exilium, he leaped there without the uniform on!” The entire group bursts out laughing, and Tam sits in the corner, fuming. 

“IT WAS ONE TIME!” He hollars. 

“Ok, now I get to ask, right?” Linh says after everyone calmed down. 


“Ok, Tammy. Truth or dare?” 

“Dare.” He says. 

“Ok, I dare you to… sit next to your crush.” Tam turns red and vanishes into the shadows. He moves around a little, and I think he sits down, but he’s still invisible, so it’s hard to tell. A second later, he becomes visible again in the middle of the circle. 

“I did it.” 

“No, you have to be visible.” Biana says. 

“Ok, fine.” Tam says, going over to… his spot. Which is next to Biana. 

“Oh, I… erm…. Sorry, I don’t really think of you that way.” Biana says. 

“It’s ok. I’m used to it by now.” Linh looks at him with a look that says ‘I’m sorry’ before he asks Dex, “Truth or dare?” He looks at me and I think he’s trying to ask if he can choose truth. I nod, and hope that Tam doesn’t ask what we talked about. 


“What was the hardest gadget you’ve ever made?” 

“Probably the one that gets us into the council’s files. The security on those is ridiculous.” 

“Not the answer I was expecting, but ok.” 

“Wylie, truth or dare?” 

“I choose… dare.” 

“I dare you to drink a mystery Slurps and Burps elixir.” 

“Darn it. I should’ve chosen truth.” He says, walking over to the stash Sophie has left over from would you rather. He drinks one, and his ears get the points that only ancients have, and his whole face turns bright red, and not from blushing, though I’m sure he’s doing that too. “When do I get to take this off?” 

“Um… in the morning.” Sophie says. 

“Come on!” 

“My decision is final. And I’m the only one with the elixir that undoes it.” 

“Anyone else getting tired?” Stiana asks. Most of the group murmurs that they are, so we all lay in our sleeping bags, and try to fall asleep. Well, most of tonight was fun. I think as I drift off to sleep. 

So, I thought I should add a warning here. After this chapter, things get s lot darker, and a bunch of bad stuff happens. I try my best to still add humor and happy times, but on general, it will get scarier. You have been warned.

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