Platonic parents pt. 2
Today had been a shitty day. I woke up only to a note from dad saying he and Techno had to leave for a last-minute trip. I also forgot to set my alarm so I missed the bus to school and got there late. My only friend Tubbo was also sick so I had been alone all day. And since I was in a rush this morning I of course forgot my homework at home and had to skip lunch to re-do all of it. Luckily it was only for one class. And as if it couldn't get worse I now had history class with the one teacher that for some reason hated me. Finally when we get to go home I walked to my locker only to see Wilbur's eyes stare right at me. I had a photo of him and me from last year's science fair here. Techno and dad couldn't come but Wilbur did. He had stayed up all night helping me and Tubbo with our project. I looked around for a bit to see if anyone was paying attention to me. As usual nobody was.
"Hi Wilbur. I'm done for today" I said as I grabbed my stuff and then left.
When I got outside however I saw that it was raining again. I don't know why it hit so hard but I teared up before I walked back inside to the bathroom stalls where I sat down on the toilet and pulled up my phone to watch some old videos of Wilbur. The first one was from last year when he had bought me a new PC for my birthday
"Okay Tommy you can open your eyes now!" Wilbur said as he filmed himself with me in the background.
"I miss you Wilby" I said.
"No, no don't say that! I'm gonna send this to Niki!" Wilbur said after I had asked if he was gonna surprise drown me.
"It's been tough here without you"
"Yeah I told you to trust me!" Wilbur said as I had opened my eyes on the video and seen the PC
"I don't think it's gonna be like it used to be"
"Oh c'mon I'm not that bad! You just have no trust in me!!"
I just smiled and felt tears fall down as I laughed a little.
"I uh...I met one of your old pals last week. He seemed nice. Told me to call him if I ever needed anything"
"Yeah yeah you fucking gremlin child. Anyway did you like the PC?"
"I really miss you Wilbur" I sobbed.
"HA! Love you too prick! Anyways Niki as you can see Tommy really liked the PC. He's a big boy and needs a cool PC. Gotta go and not drown him now. Bye!" Wilbur said before the video ended.
I stared at the frozen picture of Wilbur for a moment before I sucked in a breath as I scrolled through my contacts. I stopped at dad's name and pressed called. Signal after signal went by until I reached voicemail. So I just hung up and continued to scroll. I didn't wanna be alone. Not right now. I stopped at my newest contact and stared at the name. Could I really call him? Or would it be weird? I guess it's worth a shot. I hit call and a few signals went by until I heard him pick up.
"Hello?" Puffy's voice answered.
I looked at the screen confused for a moment since this was Sam's number.
"Uhm...hello" I said.
"Hi this is Puffy. I'm Sam's roommate. He's in the shower but I can leave him a message"
"Uh h-hi Puffy. It's Tommy....Tommy Watson" I said starting to regret calling.
Maybe he just wanted to be nice and not actually wanting me to call him.
"Oh hi Tommy! How's it going?" Puffy asked cheerfully.
"Uhm...It's uh..." I said struggling to get the words out.
"Tommy? Is everything alright? You're not out in the rain again I hope" Puffy said strictly.
" I'm uh...I've had a really bad day and...and I didn't know who to call....I'm sorry this was a mista..." I said as my voice cracked
"Alright Tommy where are you?" She asked.
" insert collage name" I said
"Okay I'll be there in short. Look for Sam's car" She said and hung up.
I put down and just stared at my screen. Did...did that just happen?
I was standing outside school under the roof when I saw the black Audi pull up at my school. Since I knew it was Sam's car I hurried over and before I even reached the car Puffy had opened the door. I hoped in and shivered a bit.
"How long did you stand out there?" Puffy asked worriedly.
"Not that long, like five minutes" I answered.
Puffy gave me a disbelieving look as she turned up the seat heat and I sighed relieved as the warmth traveled through my clothes to my cold body.
"I swear to god Tommy you're gonna get sick if you keep staying out in the cold like this" Puffy said seriously.
"Sorry" I mumbled.
Puffy shot me a sympathetic look as she took a deep breath.
"So wanna tell me about your shit day?"
"Not really" I answered.
"Alright. Wanna go to mine and Sam's place and help out with dinner?"
"I don't wanna intrude" I said.
"Oh trust me. We need an extra mouth. I'm making pasta. There's gonna be a lot of extra food"
I got out of the shower and got dressed before I went to the living room. Weird. Puffy was here a few minutes ago. I just shrugged my shoulders as she probably just needed to run an errand. So instead I just grabbed my phone and headed to the kitchen. It was my time to cook so should probably get started with that. But just as I opened the fridge I heard the front door open.
"Oh you're back!" I shout as I walk towards the hall. "Hey Puffy are you okay with pas....oh hey Tommy" I said as I saw the smaller blond boy by my roommate's side.
"Hi Sam" He smiles weakly and I raise an eyebrow.
"Tommy's gonna help me make dinner"Puffy said and I looked at her confused.
Puffy hated cooking which is why we took turns on it. And I definitely remember her 'making' pizza yesterday.
"Oh is that right?" I asked suspiciously.
"Yep!" She said.
"If it's too much trouble I can just..." Tommy says.
"No, no Tommy. Puffy could really use a hand in the kitchen. She once put gingerbread on fire" I said.
"That was one time!!" Puffy defended. "Tommy why don't you go to the kitchen and text your dad where you are while I lecture Mr. Awesome. It's the second room on your right" Puffy said and Tommy nodded and went past me.
I looked behind me then I turned back to Puffy and waited for her to explain.
"He called you earlier. Said he had a bad day. Sam he sounded really upset" Puffy whispered.
I nodded understanding.
"You're still gonna have to cook an extra day. I'm not doing it two days in a row after this"
"I knooow" Puffy complained as she headed towards the kitchen.
I smirked and then my eyes landed on the backpack by the door. It looked kinda full. Wonder if the kid's got homework.
"Hey Tommy!" I yelled as I went to the kitchen where Puffy was handing Tommy stuff from the cabinets.
"Yeah?" He asked nervously.
"You got any homework?" I asked glancing back at the backpack.
"Uhm...just some history. I got some extra because my history teacher hates me" He answered.
"If you need any help, we'd be happy to help after dinner" I said
"No, no it's totally fine. I can't ask more of you guys"
"Oh it's no trouble. Puffy's a substitute teacher and I'm great at googling stuff" I said.
"Not for college kids. But yeah. We could help you out. Three minds are better than one tired one" Puffy said'
"Thanks. I uh...I really appreciate it" Tommy smiled.
"And while we cook maybe Sam could tell you about his job at the prison" Puffy said.
"You work at a prison?" Tommy asked surprised.
"In a video game. I work on some online servers as different types of staff" I explained
"Still pog" Tommy said and shrugged his shoulders
Making this into a story so no pt. 3
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