Prom (Aiden x Axel)

[ Prom ]
(Aiden x Axel)

Aiden covered his eyes as Lukas patted him on the back. "It's okay Aiden," the blonde was saying as they sat at the table. "Everything's gonna work out in the end!"

"Easy for you to say!" Aiden muffled voice shot back, still covering his eyes with his left arm. "You've asked Petra a few weeks ago and now we barely have a day to ask people out for prom!"

Lukas thumped the brunette on the head with his book. "It wasn't easy, alright?" he laughed, gesturing to the huge bruise on his own arm. "All I had to do was arm wrestle her and I swear I nearly broke my wrist!"

"But afterwards," Aiden looked over at his friend, "After she beat you, she just smirked and said yes. That's easy!"

Lukas shrugged. "She's a tough girl. But who are you asking out? Jess?" he suggested, making Aiden's stomach flip. Lukas obviously didn't know yet.

"Uh.." Aiden's eyes strayed over to the table opposite theirs, where Axel Roth (note: some of you OGs might know where I got this name from 😏) was sitting.

Lukas followed Aiden's eyes and his blue eyes widened when he realised who Aiden was staring at. "No way," he whispered, a hint of a smile starting to form. "You like-!"

"Shhh!" Aiden quickly covered Lukas's mouth, a faint blush starting to form. "What if he heard us?" he demanded as Lukas gestured to his hand frantically, before pretending to faint.

Aiden sighed, "Lukas you're so dramatic." he said as the blue eyed blonde flicked open an eye and grinned.

"Why, thank you. But now," he sat up and propped his head up with his arm. "Tell me how are you gonna get Axel to take you to prom."

Aiden bit his lip, twiddling his thumbs. "Uh.. a bunch of flowers?" he asked hopefully as Lukas shook his head.

"Too old fashioned."


"Seriously Aiden," Lukas looked at him incredulously, "This isn't Valentine's Day. Think with that empty noggin you have." he tapped Aiden's head.

"Ugh," Aiden slammed his head on the table, making the people around them stare, including Axel.

"Sorry! He's just stressing out." Lukas pointed to Aiden, who kept on hitting his head as people nodded and went back to their conversations.

"Okay, Aiden," Lukas grabbed his arms, making the lime eyed boy look at him sadly. "Why do you like Axel?" he whispered.

Aiden glanced over to the boy, who was laughing at something his friend Olivia had said. "Well," Aiden began, "He... helped me a lot. In my history project. And math. And english."

"He basically helped you a lot." Lukas interrupted, making Aiden nod.

"And... he's cute. The way he laughs. And his jokes." Aiden sighed dreamily.

"And I swear I can just sit in front of him all day and listen to him talk and talk..." Lukas waved a hand over Aiden's eyes, trying to break his daydream.

"Okay... do you want me to help you or are you going to stare at him until lunch is over?" Lukas asked, snapping his fingers as Aiden shook out of his thoughts. "Oh right, please Lukie can you help me?" Aiden pleaded, using their old childhood names.

Lukas rolled his eyes. "Alright alright, Aiden... jeez. Don't give me those puppy dog eyes." he shoved Aiden away with a laugh as he smiled at his friend gratefully.

"So... how do we get Axel to like you?"


Aiden looked at Lukas nervously, tugging at the ends of his hoodie. "You can do this!" the blonde grinned and safely hid away just as Axel walked along the hallway. Just like how they had planned.

"You can do this Aiden," Aiden told himself, wiping his sweaty palms and taking a deep breath. The two boys had decided to just go with the plan.

Aiden walked towards Axel, and purposely bumped into the bigger boy, making him drop his things. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Axel!" Aiden gasped, acting like a pro. After all, he didn't get a A on Drama for nothing.

"Who- oh, it's you Aiden." the boy reached for a textbook Aiden was holding.

I told Lukas this was too cliche. Aiden thought as Axel looked at him curiously, wondering why didn't he let go of the book. "Aiden?" Axel asked, looking right at him.

"O-oh! Right, I'm sorry, I was just daydreaming," Aiden laughed nervously as Axel picked up a few pens he had dropped. "Just like during lunch, huh?" Axel smiled, taking his math textbook from Aiden's hands.

"W-what?" Aiden stammered, feeling his face flush as Axel laughed, the same way he always did whenever someone made a joke. "You're funny, Aiden." Axel smiled, holding out a hand.

"Thanks for your help."

With that, Axel rested his hand on Aiden's shoulder and left, walking away. "Good job Romeo," Lukas's voice said beside Aiden, who was frozen with shock and surprise. "It'll be ages until your Juliet notices you."

Aiden sighed with happiness, holding one of Axel's notebooks he had hid in his bag. "He touched my shoulder." he sighed dreamily as Lukas shook his head. "Aiden. You have less than twenty four hours to get a date. Focus."

"You know what Lukas," Aiden smiled, still staring at the spot where Axel was, "I'm just gonna go without a date.. maybe something good will happen out of that.." he giggled, making the blue eyed boy feel his forehead worriedly.

"Aiden you've gone nuts." Lukas informed him. "But if you say so."


Aiden looked at Lukas and whistled, "Man, you look fancy."

"Oh shut up. Thankfully this is only for one night." Lukas tugged at his bow tie. "I wish we can just wear jeans. But have you seen the girls?"

"I'm not interested in girls." Aiden interrupted.

"I mean, they're wearing ball gowns! BALL GOWNS, Aiden! And they're singing songs like princesses."

"Thank god I don't date girls." Aiden muttered as Lukas walked towards Petra. "Yeah yeah, go find your true love," the blonde smirked, holding Petra's hand as they walked off to comment on the decorations and food. Typical.

Aiden sighed, feeling uncomfortable in his suit and most of all, feeling a little lonely without Lukas by his side. He looked like a loser, standing in a corner as couples walked in through the door. He couldn't see Axel anywhere, unfortunately.


Aiden jumped. Speaking of the devil. Axel was standing near the fruit punch, his arms in his pockets as he held a phone. "H-hey, Axel. I didn't see you there!" Aiden immediately started to stammer.

Axel managed a smile and slipped his phone into his pocket. "I saw that you were talking to Lukas so I didn't interrupt."

"Oh.. that's nice of you?" Aiden replied, wanting to kick himself for sounding stupid. Axel laughed, a genuine happy laugh.

"Anyway," Aiden cleared his throat, "Where's your date?"

Axel frowned, "Didn't come. She said she had better things to do. But it doesn't matter... to be honest, I don't really.. like her. She's too bossy. But let's keep that between ourselves." he added with a small smile.

Aiden laughed, for the first time, feeling relaxed with Axel's presence. "Oh well, this prom dance isn't fun when you don't have a partner."

Aiden blushed, looking at the ground. Should he ask Axel now? Should he not? Ugh, he was so conflicted! Screw it, he was gonna go for it.

Aiden looked at Axel, who was still surveying the crowd, searching for something. Sadness lingered in his eyes as he stared at the laughing crowd. Aiden had to cheer him up.

"Uh.. Axel?" Aiden began, turning to the dark haired boy. "I-I just wanna ask you..." he trailed off as Axel glanced at him, waiting.

"Would you be my date for prom?" Aiden managed to say, despite the loud music thumping overhead and the laughing crowd. A moment of surprise flickered across Axel's face. Before he blinked.

"I-it's okay if you don't want to-!" Aiden stammered quickly, holding up his hands as Axel raised an eyebrow, before finally smiling.

"I was about to ask you, Aiden."

Axel held out a hand, as Aiden stared at him. "B-but I thought you didn't like-"

"I'm bisexual." Axel admitted, a twinkle in his eyes as Aiden nearly fainted. "So I don't mind being your date. And... I always thought you were cute when you got all flirty and shy."

"O-okay.." Aiden stammered, this time from happiness as Axel led him to the dance floor while holding his hand.



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