Venti Chai Latte

Every day, Jesse McCree walked into the small coffee shop just around the block from where he lived. Then, he would have a conversation with his good friend Genji Shimada over a chai tea latte.
One day, as he was walking in, Jesse knew something was different almost immediately. Genji wasn't there by the door to greet him like he normally was. Instead, behind the counter by the door where Genji normally stood was a man with raven hair tied in a bun, serving a customer. Jesse noticed a flash of green near a table at the back of the shop and walked over to Genji.
"Oh! Is it already past twelve o'clock? Sorry, sorry, I completely lost track of time," Genji said when he noticed his friend approaching.
"Don't worry yerself none," he replied amiably.
"As you would say, 'it's high noon somewhere in the world'," said the smaller man through a smirk.
"Ha, y'ain't wrong there," Jesse responded, a smile spreading across his face.
Genji opened his mouth to criticise his use of the word 'y'ain't', but stopped when it looked like Jesse had more to say.
"I am a little upset ya didn't tell me there was a cute guy workin' here, though," Jesse said.
Genji was thoroughly confused.
"What do you mean by that? The only people working here that you don't know are my friend Hana and my brother... Oh," replied Genji.
"Wait, you're tellin' me that tall drink of water on a hot summer's day is yer brother?" Jesse exclaimed a little too loudly, startling the people sitting near them.
Genji sighed before saying, "Yes, although I would hardly consider him... Whatever it is you described him as."
"...Can I have his number?" Jesse asked hopefully.
"What?" Genji responded.
"I asked if I could have his number."
"No! What would you even say to him? 'Hey, I don't know you but your brother gave me your number so here I am'?"
"Doesn't sound too bad."
"If you want his number, get it yourself."
"How do ya think I'll manage that?"
"Jesse, you flirt with anything that moves."
"Yeah, but..."
"Just... Go talk to him, or something."
"What about?"
"I dunno, try complimenting his tattoo."
On closer inspection, Jesse noticed that Genji's brother did indeed have a blue tattoo of what looked like dragons, partly obscured by his black t-shirt.
"Got it."
Jesse sauntered over to Genji's brother - well, that's what he tried to do. His attempt at a casual saunter ended up looking more like a drunken limp.
Grateful the man didn't notice, Jesse tapped on the counter to divert his attention from the co-worker he was talking to.
Stealing a glance at the man's name tag, Jesse discovered that his name was Hanzo.
"Can I help you?" asked Hanzo, startled out of his conversation.
"Just wanted ta mention that yer tattoo is real nice," Jesse said, in a way that he only hoped could be considered suave.
"Ah- thank you," Hanzo replied, temporarily caught off guard by the sudden compliment.
They both stood there for a few seconds, neither saying a word, both acutely aware of how awkward things had quickly become.
Jesse wondered if it was appropriate to move to a small county in England and start a new life.
"...I'm gonna go over there now," Jesse said before retreating to the back of the shop where Genji was waiting.
Before the younger man could ask how it went, Jesse blurted out, "Genji, I messed up. It was so awkward, and if looks could kill, that girl he was talkin' to would be in prison for that goddamn brutal murder."
Of course, he was familiar with Satya. She was rather rude, and Jesse still couldn't pronounce her name properly so he simply never said it.
"What did you say to him?" Genji inquired.
"I jus' told him his tattoo looks real nice," Jesse said.
Genji sighed, "Really? Nothing else? I've seen you flirt with plastic bags more successfully than that, Jesse."
"Alright Genji, I'm gonna need yer help," Jesse stated.
"What do you expect me to do?" Genji asked.
"He's your brother."
"Tell me somethin' about him! What does he like? Does he have any pets?"
"He likes dragons and he has two lizards, scarily large."
"Wait, how do I even talk to him?"
"Sit down for a minute. I'm not good with things like this, but I'll be back shortly."
Jesse sat down as instructed and waited for Genji to return.
When he did, he was being followed by a brunette slightly shorter than him.
"Jesse, this is Hana. Hana, this is Jesse," said Genji, "help him as best you can."
Hana sat down in the chair opposite Jesse and said, "Alright, I've played enough visual novels to know where this is going. So, order a coffee. When he asks your name, say something smooth, like: Jesse whatever-your-last-name-is, but maybe soon I'll be Jesse Shimada. Add a wink if you can, always helps. Then-"
"Gimme a minute, that's a lot to take in," Jesse interrupted.
"We don't have time for that, Jesse. Hanzo's shift ends in," Genji checked his watch, "7 minutes."
"Okay, alright, then what?" Jesse asked.
"When he calls your name for the coffee, go get it and say: 'You know what would go well with this coffee? Your number.' It worked in Tsundere Café 6, so it'll probably work in real life," Hana explained.
"I think I got all of that," Jesse said.
"What are you waiting for? Go get him!" Hana encouraged.
Jesse walked over to Hanzo again, this time trying to walk like a normal human being. He gladly noticed that Satya had left to serve other customers.
"Can I help you?" Hanzo asked in the same tone as earlier.
"I'll have a Venti Chai Latte, nonfat please, if ya don't mind," Jesse said, leaning against the counter slightly.
"What is your name?" asked Hanzo, more than willing to forget their awkward first encounter.
"Jesse McCree, but who knows? Maybe soon I'll be Jesse Shimada," stated the taller man, not bothering concealing his smirk.
"...Your drink will be ready soon," Hanzo replied demurely, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
As Jesse walked back to Genji and Hana, Hanzo picked up a cup with one thought on his mind.
"How does he know my last name?"
He glanced over at where Jesse had walked back to, only to be met by a shit-eating grin from Genji.
Genji knew what was going on.
Genji was helping Jesse.
As he sat down at the table, Hana began to talk.
"Oh my god, that definitely worked! Did you see his face? He was so flustered! Oh, he's looking this way- Jesse, are you even listening?" Hana rambled.
Jesse, of course, was not listening. He looked at the man who had spared him a glance, only to find that he was glaring at his brother.
Hanzo turned away.
After taking another customer's order, he called out, "Chai Tea Latte for Jesse."
"That's my cue," Jesse said before he walked over to Hanzo.
"I'm gonna die if this goes wrong," he thought.
Jesse collected the coffee and said, "Thank ya kindly, but d'ya know what'd go nicely with this?"
"What?" Hanzo replied.
"Your number," Jesse said, not forgetting the wink.
Hanzo did nothing more than smile to himself as Jesse paid and awkwardly made his way back to Genji and Hana.
"I think I messed up again," Jesse stated, sitting back down.
"Why, what happened?" Hana asked.
"He said nothin' when I said the thing about his number," replied Jesse, mood soured.
Hana let out a small laugh before pointing at Jesse's cup, "Look what's written on your cup! Did you even look at it?"
Jesse looked at his cup and read:

~Hanzo x

"Oh shit. Oh shit, Hana! Genji, look at this!" Jesse exclaimed.
"You did it! Be good to him, or I'll kill you. I am not a man of empty threats," Genji joked. Was he joking? Jesse wasn't sure. He just nodded and looked back at Hanzo, to see that the other man was already looking his way.
Hanzo smiled, and Jesse felt as if the brightness of that smile could rival the brightness of the sun.

A/N - omg I'm so sorry updates have been slow
new chapter soonish
gonna be pretty long
so yeah
also ty guys so so so much for 3k reads ily all!!
anyways which one of u is @/mythic.handsoap_shitmada on instagram
I know ur reading this
also also, I've started on the college au book!! First chap will be released about the same time as the next chap of this.
As always, leave your criticism in the comments. Cheers!

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