The Dragon On The Desk
Contrary to popular belief, news does not travel quickly. None of the members of the Deadlock Gang knew about the dragon on the desk - none except Jesse McCree.
The dragon wasn't small, but he wasn't large either. Small enough to be held yet large enough to be dangerous.
He was a pale shade of blue from under-chin to belly-bottom, a pure sapphire blue all over the rest. The dragon had appeared one day in Jesse's room, and had not left since. He licked his front right paw and blew soft smoke rings out of his nostrils.
To the dragon's left was a pile of unfinished paperwork, to his right was an empty bottle of some exotic brand of alcohol. Jesse, sitting across the room from the small yet cluttered desk the dragon had been living on for the past week, occasionally looked up from the gun he was polishing to smile at the dragon and make a ticking sound of affection.
"Good doughnuts?" he asked. An empty miniature doughnuts box lay on the carpet. The dragon rolled his eyes and continued licking sugar from beneath his silver claws.
"Good doughnuts," he said, and went back to polishing his gun.
Idly, Jesse brushed messy hair away from his face with the back of a calloused hand. The dragon stared intently at his graceful yet rugged movement, folded his paws, sighed deeply and closed his eyes.
The smoke rings came at longer intervals now.
Outside, the higher-ups in the gang continued arguing about something or other - the dragon couldn't care less. So it was to be another of those days. They came all too frequently. This was no place to be a dragon, no place to be undercover. There were new dangers every day now.
On Tuesday, the leader of the gang had almost discovered the dragon whilst checking on Jesse's paperwork.
On Wednesday, Jesse had almost shot him whilst cleaning some rust off of his gun.
Thursday was quiet. Not any less dangerous, merely quiet.
Dragons in love had to walk carefully these days - perils were plentiful and sanctuaries few.
The dragon opened his eyes and once again stared intently at the human man. There sat his problem. Lovely, there he sat. The dragon knew his responsibility. The only refuge lay within. The dragon curled in on himself and let himself slip away.
The desk was now empty of anything but paperwork and empty bottles of exotic alcohol.
"Father, what am I to do?" asked Hanzo, the young man who had been sitting on the desk with Jesse only moments before.
"I have made matters so much worse. You should have selected better, Father... I do not know enough, I am not powerful enough. I have made this terrible for us. They are more limited than you let me understand, Father. And I..."
He looked up helplessly.
He spoke softly.
"I love him, the man in the place in which I came into their hideout. I love the man, and I did not pursue my mission. I love him, and my inaction made matters worse. My love for him completely destroyed our plan to extract information from them."
An old, wise man walked slowly towards Hanzo, from the corner of the luxurious room he had appeared in. He spoke slowly, and with a great air of importance.
"There is desperation in your voice, Hanzo."
"It is because I am desperate. I can't help myself. Help me to rectify, Father. I have fallen in love with him - with the movement of his limbs, the sound of his voice, the gleam of his eyes - did I say the way his limbs move? The things he thinks and says are wonderful, he is truly a wonderment. What am I to do?" Hanzo replied, filter failing him as he blurted out all of his emotions.
"You were sent to their hideout to gain information we can use to blackmail them. You instead chose to indulge yourself, and by doing so you have made things worse for us. Why else do our funds continue to shrink, if not on account of your negligence?"
Hanzo lowered his head in shame.
"I am ashamed, Father. But I tell you again, I can't help myself. He fills me, the sight of him fills my every waking moment. I try to sleep but he haunts my dreams."
Hanzo's father heaved a sigh much like the sigh the dragon had heaved in Jesse's room.
"How does he bind you to him?"
"By not binding me at all. He is simply there, and I cannot bear to be away from him. Help me, Father."
"Time grows short, Hanzo, and we are becoming more desperate. You must return. Return, and fight your love with the blood of the dragon which possesses you. Give him up. Give this up, Hanzo."
"It is impossible. I will fail."
"Remember who you are, my son. Remember what you are. Remember the power you have. Now, does this man know what you are?"
Hanzo was silent. Jesse knew he was a real, living dragon but not who he was. His father couldn't know that.
"No. He thinks I am an artificial lifeform. A plaything made by humans for amusement."
"A cunningly made toy, indeed. Intended to amuse."
His father's tone was frosty.
"Well, go to him then. Amuse him, Hanzo. But this must not go on very much longer, do you understand?"
Hanzo sighed and let himself slip away back to his dragon form, back to Jesse's room.
His father looked inside himself to see if there was any hope.
It was too dark.
There were no answers.
The dragon materialised with a pale blue glow that spanned the entirety of the desk. Jesse had finished polishing his gun and was now reading a tattered book about the history of dragons.
Noticing the glow, Jesse turned to look at the reappearing dragon. His eyes shone.
Hanzo had never seen Jesse look at him like that before - cunning, clever and cuddly of course, but never with eyes that held every single star in the sky.
"Wondered where you'd gone. Thought you'd up 'n' left," Jesse said casually, "Want a grape?"
The dragon cocked his head and opened his mouth.
Jesse folded the corner of his page and placed the book on the small coffee table residing just next to the sofa he was lounging on, instead picking up a small bowl of grapes.
"Alright, you'd better catch this. I ain't getting up, I'm too comfy here." He pulled a grape off the stalk, closed one eye, took aim, and threw the grape like a dart across the room to the desk. The dragon extended his long jaw on his serpentine neck and expertly snatched the fruit out of the air.
"Amazing!" exclaimed Jesse, smiling at the agility of the performance. He beckoned for the dragon to come to him, the creature happily obliging. He took one leap off of the desk and gracefully glided the length of the room, landing weightlessly on Jesse's lap. The young cowboy smiled adoringly at the dragon, knowing there was something more to him but not exactly what.
The beast curled up into a ball, rested his head on his scaled paws and dozed off, completely forgetting the interaction he'd had with his father only minutes ago.
Waking up, he felt weak. He shouldn't've felt weak. He never felt weak. He also felt... larger than he should. His powers felt drained and his scales felt awfully smooth. The realisation dawned upon Hanzo that he was no longer in his dragon form, and he quickly made up his mind that he had to escape as fast as he could.
He stood up - or at least tried to. He couldn't move, he was too weak. He simply lay back down to ponder what had actually happened, not realising he was lying on top of someone who was very much awake. In his weak state, Hanzo slipped out of consciousness.
A few thoughts had occurred to him in the brief moment before he lost consciousness: he must've lost the ability to remain in his dragon form, along with the rest of his powers; his father must've had something to do with it, since he let Hanzo off rather easily even after making such a huge mistake; and he was completely and utterly screwed.
A man was lying on Jesse's chest, breathless but he was still alive. He turned his body so that he could clearly see his face. Jesse was surprised, recoiling slightly in shock. This stranger was a man of anybody's dreams. He had smooth flawless skin, which was like a sheet of well done cloth. His thick locks of hair were the colour of a perfect midnight. He had a high-bridged nose and his sharp, slightly pouted lips were incredibly captivating. Thick yet well-tamed eyebrows framed his closed eyes in a perfect arch, drawing attention away from the stranger's impossibly thick eyelashes. Jesse wanted to wake him, but he didn't.
He waited.
It took a few hours for the man to wake up, energy restored and senses alert. His supernatural powers may have been gone but the skills he had gained from years of rigorous training remained. By then, Jesse had fallen asleep, television quietly playing the latest instalment of a popular soap opera. Hanzo quickly remembered where he was and what he was and hastened to make his escape.
It seemed like his luck had ran out. Just as he was approaching the window left temptingly open, a familiar voice said tiredly, "Hope you don't mind me asking, but who the hell are you and why the hell are you here?"
Hanzo froze. Thoughts ran through his mind, rapidly.
Why am I leaving? Where would I have to go? My powers have been taken from me, likely by Father, there is no chance he would accept me if I tried to go back. Why not stay? Why not explain to Jesse what has happened? He would either accept me and let me stay here, or kill me. Either would work well for me, considering my situation.
"There... are some things you might want to know. Things you should know. Please, allow me to explain."
There sat the exiled dragon, starved of social interaction from anyone other than his father, desperately trying to convince a sleepy cowboy that he truly was the dragon on the desk.
The phrase that made Jesse believe the strange man was, "I would like another grape."
The cowboy recognised his dragon - the way he moved was familiarly graceful, his eyes recognisably remarkable.
'His dragon.'
Jesse liked how that sounded.
So did his dragon.
A/N - I decided to come back to this, for whatever reason. This chapter was entirely self-indulgent, I live for dragon-Hanzo. I'll make a sequel to this if you guys want, show you what happened after etc.
Anyways, leave ideas of what type of things you'd like to see in future chapters. You never know, I might just use some of the ideas!
Thanks for reading! I appreciate every comment I get, so feel free to leave something for me to read! It could be anything, really. You could insult my writing and I'd appreciate it.
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