Even Demons Need To Love
Jesse McCree had screwed up big time. His drunken mind had thought it would be the best idea to summon a demon. He had picked up random things from around his house, drawn a pentagram on the floor in hot pink sharpie and chanted words in Latin that he'd found on the internet.
There was a flash of grey, and then everything except the pentagram was gone. Later, Jesse found that he had summoned a demon, it was just invisible.
After a few hours, he decided to have a shower and go to bed. But, when he entered the bathroom, there was a message on the mirror written in blood that said something in a language Jesse didn't know.
He cleaned it off as if it were just a smudge of dirt, had a shower, and went to sleep.
Waking up, he was surprised to see a hot pink pentagram on the floor by his bed, and the memories of the night before flooded back to him.
Throwing his bedsheets aside, Jesse climbed out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.
Questions made their way into his head as he poured himself a coffee.
"How did I actually make that work? How do I get the demon outta here? Would anyone believe me if I told 'em?"
He distanced himself from the thoughts as he drunk his coffee.
After putting the empty mug in the sink, he went back into the bathroom to freshen up.
When he opened the door, Jesse instantly noticed the blood on the mirror.
He quickly came to the conclusion that it was definitely not an odd dream, and that he had, in fact, summoned a demon.
"I'm screwed," he thought.
Jesse walked over to the mirror and inspected the blood.
More words he didn't understand.
He ran off to his bedroom, grabbed his phone, ran back and took a picture of the message.
The man put aside what he had gone into the bathroom to do in the first place and set to deciphering the message.
After hours upon hours, he had finally figured out what it meant. He was disappointed to see that it was nothing more than the words, "I am".
This happened again and again.
Jesse would wake up, have breakfast and spend hours deciphering messages almost every day until he came across a coherent sentence.
"I am very lonely. Please talk to me."
Jesse let out a groan of frustration as he walked into the bathroom, expecting another message.
The mirror was spotless.
"Okay, uh, if yer in here, I'm here ta talk like ya asked," he said, hoping the demon would reply in some way.
Seemingly out of nowhere, blood trickled down the mirror until a single word was formed.
"You... you can speak English? An' ya jus' let me suffer tryin' ta work out what those damn messages meant?" Jesse exclaimed.
The blood disappeared from the mirror and even more took its place. After a few minutes, a single sentence was visible.
"Sorry. It was rather amusing."
Jesse sighed and responded with, "It... It's fine, I guess. Isn't there, ya know, a better way for ya to, uh, communicate with me?
"Actually, don't answer that. I'll be back in jus' a moment"
He walked into his bedroom and searched his drawers until he found a notepad and pen.
Items in hand, he made his way back to the bathroom and placed them on the side of the sink.
There was no response.
"If you, uh, wanna talk, ya can jus' use that. You don't have to kill a chicken or, uh, whatever you do to get blood every time ya wanna write somethin'," Jesse said.
He was met with utter silence.
"Alright, see ya then."
Over the course of a few weeks, Jesse had actually gotten to know the demon.
His name was Hanzo, he was Japanese and he went to hell for killing his brother.
Whenever he wanted Jesse's attention, Hanzo would push a cup off a table or break something. The powerful demon was somewhat similar to a cat.
"Hanzo, you can clearly touch stuff an' move stuff about, so why don't ya just tap my shoulder or somethin' when ya wanna talk?" Jesse asked after seeing a book float in the air for a few seconds before falling quickly to the floor.
"You are surprised every time. It is enterta-"
"Holy fuck! Hanzo, what the- what the shit?" Jesse shouted, startled by the sudden voice.
"If you can talk, why didn't ya say anythin' earlier?" he asked.
"Like I said before, you are surprised every time I break something to get your attention and your reaction to a floating notepad still amuses me," Hanzo replied.
"Asshole," Jesse stated.
"...That is fair," said Hanzo.
Jesse was silent for a moment before he asked, "Since you can talk an' move stuff, does that mean you aren't jus' some invisible spirit?"
"I am currently invisible, and I could be a spirit. It depends on what you consider to be a spirit," Hanzo replied.
"Currently invisible? So, you can be visible? I'll be able to see ya? I can have a proper conversation with ya?" Jesse asked, not bothering to try and conceal his excitement.
"You are correct," Hanzo said, his calmness starkly contrasting with Jesse's elation.
The southerner pushed himself off his couch and eagerly said, "Well, what's takin' ya so long? Show me what ya look like, I won't judge ya!"
In response to Jesse's fervent wishes, there was a brief flash of red light- wait, no, that's fire- and a lot of smoke.
The fire quickly dissipated and the smoke slowly cleared to reveal Hanzo standing tall in front of Jesse.
He was intimidating, but not fearsome. He was intimidatingly beautiful.
Silky raven hair cascaded over his shoulders, complementing his light grey skin. Under his eyes were grey markings that somewhat resembled wings, giving the demon a graceful air.
Long, stark white horns rested atop his head.
Silver eyes met Jesse's and he quickly realised that Hanzo wasn't wearing a shirt, fully exposing his intricate tattoo.
One simple thought made its way into Jesse's mind.
"...Shit, he's hot."
"Thank you," Hanzo said.
"Wait, did I say that out loud?" Jesse asked, heat rising to his face.
"No, but I can read your mind when you show very strong emotions. Allow me to take a guess at what you are feel-"
"No, that, uh, won't be necessary!" Jesse interrupted, "I think we, uh, have some things to discuss."
There were only three things Jesse McCree was proud to say he had done.
He'd tamed a wild horse, he'd left his life of crime in the past and he'd forced a demon to wear a baby pink t-shirt decorated with small red hearts.
"I look ridiculous," Hanzo said.
"It looks real nice on ya, darlin'," Jesse replied.
Hanzo folded his arms and turned away from the other man.
"Han, don't be like that," Jesse said, stepping closer to Hanzo, "Wait, are you blushin'?"
"O-of course not! I am merely having some sort of... allergic reaction to this shirt!" Hanzo responded defensively.
The southerner got even closer to Hanzo, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and resting his chin on the shorter man's shoulder.
"Then, I'm sure ya don't mind if I do this, since you clearly ain't flustered," Jesse flirted.
"Your head is dangerously close to my horns," Hanzo pointed out.
Jesse pulled away instantly and almost fell over his own feet in his haste.
He had learned that Hanzo's horns were not only sharp, but they were incredibly sensitive. If Jesse so much as touched them, Hanzo would react very... oddly. He didn't seem like he was in pain, but he screamed obscenities in Japanese and threatened Jesse's life the first time he came into contact with the demon's horns, so he wouldn't dare attempt it again.
"Ya know what? I agree with ya. You would look way better without the shirt," Jesse smirked.
"Shut up, fool. I am capable of ending your life with little effort, and you are flirting with me," Hanzo remarked.
"Darlin', most humans could kill me with little effort," Jesse replied.
"I believe that says more about you than it does about other humans," Hanzo said.
Jesse chucked and tried to move closer to Hanzo again, only to be thrown against the wall with tremendous force.
All Hanzo said was, simply, "Do not."
After a few weeks, Jesse had finally made Hanzo wear clothes other than the loose black pants that could hardly be considered pants, what with all the rips and holes in them.
Now, one of Jesse's friends was visiting him. Without telling him.
"Jesse, someone is knocking on your door," said Hanzo, looking into Jesse's bedroom.
The southerner closed his laptop, stood up, and made his way to the front door of his apartment.
He didn't bother trying to make himself look decent. If someone knew him well enough to just knock on his door at four o'clock in the afternoon without making an arrangement, they could deal with him looking like a mess.
Jesse pulled open the door to reveal his best friend, Lena.
"And where have you been in the past three weeks?" she said before Jesse could even think of saying 'Hello'.
"Well, I-"
"And who's your friend over there?" she said, waving to Hanzo over Jesse's shoulder.
The taller man moved aside to let Lena in and closed the door behind her.
"That's Hanzo," Jesse replied, silently hoping she didn't notice the horns. Or that he was grey. Basically, he hoped she was partially blind.
"Are you a cosplayer, luv?" Lena asked Hanzo.
"A wha-"
"Yes, he is. A cosplayer. Hanzo is a cosplayer. Yes. That," Jesse said, answering for Hanzo.
Lena turned her attention back to Jesse, asked him about where he'd been and told him awful jokes.
Meanwhile, Hanzo tried to focus on his book but he couldn't while Lena was right behind him, talking to his Jesse as if it were the most fun thing in the world.
Wait... His Jesse? Where did that come from?
Hanzo didn't know much about what was going on, but he did know that he wanted Lena to leave.
Both Jesse and Lena were experiencing one strong emotion. Happiness. Hanzo took advantage of that and looked into Lena's mind.
"Maybe I should ask if can touch Hanzo's horns. Oh, wait, no, that might be rude. This coffee smells really nice. I wonder if-"
Hanzo backed out of her mind, extremely angry. She wasn't even thinking about Jesse when she was talking to him, yet she was still happy. Perhaps she was just glad to be in his company?
The demon pushed those thoughts out of his mind when he sensed that Jesse was no longer feeling enough of one emotion for him to look inside his friend's mind.
He wasn't as happy as he previously was.
Lena must've done something.
Hanzo closed his book and stood up, walking around the couch he was previously sat on and past the table Lena and Jesse were sat at on his way to the kitchen.
When he walked past Lena, he swiped a finger over the nape of her neck, causing her to shriek and tense up, spilling a small bit of boiling coffee over the rim and onto Jesse's hand.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what had just happened, but Jesse was far from a genius and stayed oblivious to what had just happened.
Hanzo hadn't simply touched Lena's neck, though. He had lit a small flame on the top of his finger and put that against Lena's skin. He was careful not to hurt her, he wasn't that bad. It was like an intense heat for a moment, then it was gone.
The demon smirked as he walked into the kitchen and listened through the door to what was happening.
"S-sorry, luv!"
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"Did you feel that?"
"Feel what?"
"It was really warm against the back of my neck for a moment. No, not really warm. It was like the sun just attacked me momentarily."
"Are you... Okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine now-"
"No, I mean... Maybe you should go home an' rest, ya don't seem much like yerself."
"Yeah... Well, it was nice seein' you again! See ya!"
Hanzo quickly opened a cupboard as Jesse walked into the kitchen.
"What're ya doin' in here, Han?" Jesse asked.
"I am getting food," Hanzo replied.
"I thought you said you didn't need ta eat an' that eatin' food was gross," Jesse said suspiciously.
"Yes, well, I enjoyed it when I was a human," the demon responded.
"Wait... Darlin', did you do somethin' to Lena's neck?" the southerner asked.
"No, why would I have done something to her neck? I would gain nothing from it," Hanzo replied nervously.
Jesse thought for a moment before saying, "She spilled her coffee right when you walked past, Han."
Hanzo closed the cupboard and tried to walk out of the kitchen but he was stopped by Jesse grabbing his arm.
"Hanzo, are you jealous?" he asked.
The demon knew he was being serious. Jesse never called him Hanzo, it was either a ridiculous pet name or 'Han'.
He turned around to face Jesse and nodded so briefly that the taller man almost missed it.
"Hanzo..." Jesse enveloped Hanzo in a hug, which was the opposite of what the demon thought he would do.
The demon hugged back, desperate to be close to Jesse. He didn't know when or why he started feeling this way, but he didn't care.
Jesse started to play with Hanzo's hair. He would've protested, but he couldn't find it in him to be bothered. He also didn't react when Jesse's hand brushed against one of his horns.
"Darlin', ya know that me and Lena are gay, right?" Jesse said, breaking the silence.
Hanzo simply grunted in response.
Jesse pulled away from the hug and said to Hanzo, "Han, it's October twenty-ninth."
"So?" Hanzo responded.
"In two days, it's Halloween," Jesse stated.
"If I dressed up, we could go out an' people would jus' think yer wearin' a costume."
"...Go out?"
"Y-yeah, like, a date."
"I would like that."
"What actually happens if I touch yer horns?" Jesse asked.
Hanzo replied with, "I would rather not say."
"Can I...?" Jesse asked, lifting his hand slightly.
Hanzo reluctantly nodded, and Jesse ran his fingers across one of Hanzo's horns.
Hanzo let out a purr, much to his own distaste.
Jesse found it hilarious.
"H-Han, darlin', oh my god!"
"Shut up."
A/N - Oops sorry for late update
Also I don't like this chap much??
I write 1,000 words so I wouldn't give up and now it's at 2,400
Thank you all so much!
I can't be bothered reading through this so tell me if you see any typos thanks
One last thing - if I made a McHanzo book (actual book), would you guys read it?
It'd probably be a college au cause I had an idea for one that was way too long for a oneshot
As always, leave your criticism in the comments. Cheers!
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