Just pretend//Vikklan part 2
Don't you love school? Hahah, I hate it now lmao. Sorry CrystalHeartRing the long wait, I got this pretty long and it is almost done with a part 3.
Ship: Vikklan
Side ship/s: A hint of Minizerk
Warnings: Mild swearing
Words: 5507
Lachlan's POV
I open my eyes quietly to see in a room that isn't mine with its window leaking out sunlight. I hum to myself as I see that the person who owns the room isn't with me. I sit up from the bed slowly and yawn a bit. Questioning on where Vik is since I'm assuming, he woke up first and isn't present with me. I stretch a bit until I hear the door swing open.
I look up to see its Vik, and he's holding a tray with food. I raised an eyebrow at him as he looks at me as well. "Oh, I see that you're awake." He smiles a bit. I nod as he steps in the room and closes the door with his foot. "Yeah..." I yawn again. "And what do you have there?" I ask, referring to the tray he's still holding. "You mean the tray? I... um, it's breakfast, for you." He blushed a bit once he said that. I blush as well as he comes over and sits down on the bed.
He places the tray down on my lap and my face reddens a bit more. "I made you some eggs and toast with butter on it..." he trails off with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face. "I-I... well, thanks Vikky..." I say as I looked down surprised. "It's just a thanks for helping me, and it also helps make it look like we're dating." He explains to me as I nod and take a small bite of the eggs. I perk up at the taste.
"This taste great, you've been practicing or something?" I tell him all the sudden. He seems completely surprised, but a smile appeared on his face. "Well, uh, yeah. I've been cooking a bit for the past month or so, but I can only do very few things." He says, slightly blushing. He's glad though that I like it. "It's... nice." I quietly say to him. He nods his head and lays down with a sigh. I raise an eyebrow at him and give him a patient smile. "I'm guessing your going to tell me something that you think I'll be weirded out of?" I tell him.
He became quiet for a bit before laughing in embarrassment. "You really do know me, don't you?" He smiles, looking up at me. "Of course. I'm one of your best friends, and as your 'boyfriend' I have to know a lot about you." I state, eating a bit more after smiling at him. His cheeks went red and after a while he started to giggle. I don't know why, but I just realized on how adorable his laughs really are. Every time I heard him laugh it would be the light of my day. I know I shouldn't really think things like that. We are just close friends who has each other's back, but I know I can't lie that Vik is an amazing person.
"Thanks, Lachy..." He mumbled quietly. "For what?" I ask, thinking its just him being thankful that I'm helping him. "For everything." He answers, kind of catching me off guard. "I know that you're my best friend and that we'll help each other." He sighs and continues, "I just don't know how you put up with me and my problems." Now /that/ really caught me off guard, but I know what he means. I knew very well what he means, and it is the reason why our friendship is also so close.
When I first met him, he was hesitant with everything and was always just so quiet. He didn't trust people quite easily, and back then he barely trusted the Sidemen. I remembered when I was in a call with Josh and I asked him if Vik was always like that. It took him some time to give an answer. He wasn't completely sure either, but Vik would often stay in his room and barely do anything with them. He wouldn't say much and was sometimes be unresponsive or change the subject when he got asked why.
It took me a few months to find out he had high anxiety. We were about to record together until he started getting a panic attack. We immediately stopped the set up, and I asked him what was wrong. He seemed so scared to answer me, but we both knew he won't be able to hold it in any longer. I promised that I wouldn't hurt him or anything in that sort. He hesitated at first but spilled almost immediately after that. He said that he was really pressured as a kid, he couldn't say much and just did what was told to him. When he came out as bisexual his family disliked him a lot for that. That's why ever since he moved in with the Sidemen, he wanted to keep it to himself as well as still having the habit of being quiet—Unless recording— and just doing what is told to do so.
I reassured him after he told me. I told him I fully supported the fact that he is bisexual, and that I'll do my best to get him to open and talk more. He like the idea and so on everything got so much better. In the next couple of weeks, he would talk a lot more and be much more responsive. He told me on how the rest of the Sidemen were shock on how he started giving responses and comments to them. He started smiling and laughing more. After a month or so I suggested that it's best to come out to them, seeing the progress he's had with them. Sure, he was afraid, but after a bit of convincing and reassurance he eventually agreed.
The outcome was great. All the other Sidemen supported him for who he is and were so proud that he opened to them. A few even confessed that their sexuality weren't hetero either. He had said that he would want to thank me for convincing him to do so, and that's how I was one of the first people that the Sidemen fully trusted outside of their group. Meaning, I was always welcome to go over to their place and hang out with them. It also really did grow the bond of Vik and I's friendship stronger.
It didn't take much longer for Vik to tell his other friends. He was relieved and glad to how about everyone was okay with him being bisexual. Though, the greatest day of him coming out when his parents visited him. He was scared at first, terrified even, but the Sidemen were there to protect him if anything got out of hand. Honestly, if I was one of the people living with him, I wouldn't have even let them look at their son. Although, it really wasn't something bad. It was rather amazing.
Vik's mother first spoke on how sorry everyone was in the family for not accepting who he liked and for all those pressuring things they've done to him. They've realized their mistakes after another one of his brothers came out as wanting to be trans. Nothing really was wrong about liking someone else or wanting to identify other than what they were born as, since it doesn't affect anything too badly. They guess it was just the mindset as not being common. In that same day Vik called me up on Discord and happily told the great news. He had the widest grin I've ever seen from him, and it made my heart flutter at seeing him so happy. Ever since then him and his family made up and became closer than ever.
"Well," I sighed as I placed my spoon down as I started listing some stuff about him that could argue about his doubtfulness. "Let's see here... You are smart about almost everything. You are super fun to be with. You care a lot about your friends and family. You love your fans to death. You are very passionate about your job. Talented in playing piano which anyone can find soothing. You are great in—" "Alright, alright! I get it!" Vik stops me, giggling. I smile at him, "All I'm just saying is that you are a fantastic and wonderful person Vikky. Plus, you had my back numerous times now. It would be great to give back the favor." I say in a matter-of-factly.
He hums as he closes his eyes and nods his head. "We'll be going to Nando's around the afternoon, Simon planned it." He says quietly, enough for me to hear. I hum as I finish my breakfast, expecting that this would have happened. "Alright, what time?" I say, almost bluntly. I know Vik is still slightly surprised that I'm going with this but has gotten used to me going with the flow. "Around 11 or 12." He answers me. While I finish my drink, I open my phone to see it's 10:23 in the morning." I place the tray down, so that it's off me and stand up. Vik looks at me with a questioning look.
"We should get ready then" I say as I open one of my suitcases.
"Vik! Lachlan! C'mon! We're going to Nando's!" I hear Simon yell from downstairs. I close my phone and put it inside my pocket. I then see Vik finally done fixing himself. He wore a grey hoodie, black jeans and a pair of black converses. Nando's isn't a very fancy place, so we can look somewhat casual, but I must admit that he looks great. I wore a red checkered flannel with the sleeves buttoned up above my elbows, black pants and red converses. I have to say that I look decent myself.
"Time to go Vik." I tell him. He turns to me and I see him blush a bit as he looks at me, but he quickly turns his head away and nods. "Y-Yeah, time to go." He mumbles as I raise my eyebrow at him. He opens the door and looks at me, expecting me to follow him. I just nod at him and he makes a small nod back at me before leaving the room. He seemed quick to leave. Not to mention that blush I saw on his face as I had a thought. Vik looks cute when he blushes, I won't deny that fact. I'm pretty sure I have the rights to think that.... I think.
I shake my head as I leave the room and go downstairs to see Vik, JJ, Simon and Josh already all there waiting. "Finally, now let's go. We're meeting up with the rest of the boys." JJ says as he takes out the car keys. I look at him with an unsure look and Josh starts laughing as he sees my expression. "Don't worry man, Josh's the one driving. I don't trust myself either." He laughs as he passes the keys to Josh. I had a quiet sigh of relief. "No offense JJ, but after what happened before, I am a bit scared." They all laugh, and JJ doesn't seem to be mad. "None taken Lachlan." He says as he goes first into the garage and shouts out "Shotgun" making Simon whine as he had to sit with the 'love birds'. All of us knowing it's a joke while everyone except JJ knows we are 'dating', as JJ just thought it was banter.
The rest of us follow him as Vik walks beside me and whispers below his breath. "Thanks again." I smile at him as a squeeze his shoulder. "How many times do you have to thank me? I already said you're welcome and its fine, we'll pull through this together." I tell him. He looks at me with a soft smile and nods his head. I hum as I let go of his shoulder and bring him to the car.
Josh and JJ in front as well as Simon already in one side of the middle. Vik went in first making him in the center as I follow him, taking the other side. As Josh starts up the car, I see Simon pull out his phone and earphones and JJ mumbling about taking a nap. I hum as I look outside of the window and watch as we drive past houses, trees, cars and people. Taking in the scenery that has never ceased me to be amazed. It always was beautiful every time I come over.
After a few minutes a feel something leaning on my shoulder. I look back to see that Vik has dozed off and had his head laid on my shoulder. I blushed deeply as I thought of what to do. I didn't want to wake him up as he seems a bit tired. I sigh as I wrap my arm around him and let him sleep on me. My face went redder as he further snuggled unto me. He seems to be comfortable just leaning on me and having my arm around him. He is so cute looking like this, how in the world is he so cute. It should be illegal. I know I shouldn't be thinking things like that, but him just snuggled up against my body makes him look adorable.
I hear a slight squeal and look up to see Simon grinning at me as he takes one of his earphones. "That's fucking adorable." Simon says as he looks at Vik leaning against me and back at me. "Oh, uh... thanks." I tell him, my face red from all of this. I look over to see JJ asleep as well, so he wouldn't know about this. My eyes advert to the driver's mirror, since I'm behind Josh's seat, and see Josh's eyes looking back at me and giving a half-hearted smile, trying to reassure me. It does a bit as I look back down at Vik. Him just looking so peaceful that it makes me smile. "He is adorable." I quietly say as I stare down at my best friend.
I lay my head onto my seat and sigh in content. My eyes getting heavy as I let out a yawn. Before I closed my eyes, I saw a light flash from a phone, Simon's I'm pretty sure. I'll tell Vik about Simon taking a picture when we get there. He'll nag and whine at him for sure which will be funny. He'll make him delete that photo one way or another out of embarrassment and to keep our 'secret'. I'll keep that in mind as I drifted off to a nap.
"Lachlannnn. Vikkkkk. Wake upppp." I hear someone call Vik's and I's names, stretching the last letters of both. My eyes slowly open as I feel a soft placement under my face. I tiredly look down to see that I've been leaning against Vik as well as he was still leaning on me. My eyes widen and my face burns red as I lift my head up. I see Simon grinning at me and Vik, who is still asleep. "You two are just the cutest, aren't cha?" He chuckles. I play it off smoothly as I laugh, "We are? Must be Vik really. He is the real cute one here." He looks at me amused; nevertheless, he grinned at me and nodded. "I think Vik would say otherwise." He tells me.
I hum and nod my head as internally start thinking. What does he mean by 'Vik would say otherwise'? The words seem to intrigue my mind as I decided to wake Vik up already as he didn't do so previously. "Vikky, wake up baby..." I softly say as I shake his shoulder gently. My face turning a light shade of red as I blurted out 'baby' in the end. I didn't mean to really say that, I guess its just the acting getting to me. I sigh as I'm taken out of my thoughts when Vik finally flutters his eyes open. He rubs his eyes and yawns, looking like a tired child. Now this is the part where I prove my point to Simon of Vik being cuter.
"Afternoon cutie." I say softly intending that sentence. Vik looks up at me, face tinted red before a smile formed on his face. "Afternoon to you too, hot stuff." He shots back slyly. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was being real with me. Either way, my face burned red of him saying it, but I laughed it off anyways. Vik soon gets off me and stretches. He must have gotten used to being close to me already as he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but I can see a slight smile on his face.
I grin as I open the door in my side and step out and Vik following me. We finally catch up to the others as they were talking to the rest of the Sidemen who showed up, Harry, Ethan and Tobi. JJ spots at first and chuckles. "You two took your time; I was going to check if you guys were making out or something." He says. Both me and Vik blushed red, but Josh thankfully changed the subject. "Well c'mon now. The food is waiting." He says as he locks the car making a 'beep' sound before leading the way to the restaurant. We follow him, Simon striking up conversation with him, Ethan looking through his phone, JJ and Harry talking about football as Tobi stays beside me and Vik.
Tobi looks at us and it gives me a wave of uneasiness. His eyes tell that he knows, but the panic was gone once a smile came upon his face. "Josh told me your situation, don't worry, my lips are sealed." He says quietly, enough for both of us to hear. "Thank you, Tobi." I tell him, much in gratitude. He just nods his head with a smile before catching up with the others. I hear Vik sigh in relief and say, "Thank god that Tobi is such a nice person, anyone can go up to him and he'll help." He says, a soft smile on his face. I don't know why, but once he said that my blood started to boil a bit. A tinge of jealously that pinched my heart. "Yeah, he's a real nice guy." I say, biting the inside of my cheek after. I don't know why that made me a little mad, but it made me think Vik liked Tobi for a l second there and I didn't like that.
We all entered the place and were able to find a place to seat for all of us. I'm in one of the corners and Vik is beside me. Followed by him is Tobi then Ethan. Josh is in front of me then after him were Simon, JJ and Harry. All of them were chatting except for me and Vik. I can tell he's nervous. His hands were fidgeting, and his eyes were asking for some sort of reassurance. Since I can't squeeze his shoulder without anyone seeing it and I didn't want to raise any bit of suspicion, I took my hand under the table and grab one of his. I squeeze it lightly and Vik looks at me. I give him a light smile, quietly telling him that it will be okay. A grin slowly formed on his face as he kept his hand in mine and he found safety in my touch and presence.
We ordered our food, and Simon made eye contact with us after. He made a little nod, and we knew what he meant. "Alright guys, there is a big announcement for this evening as you all know." He says, which made everyone quiet to let him continue. "And that is two of us here in this table are in a relationship!" Simon exclaimed and everyone's faces started to light up—Tobi's and Josh's faces trying to keep it natural as they already know— "Is it you and Josh?" Harry said out loud, a slight smirk on his face. Simon and Josh started to blush as the blonde one between the two shook his head. "N-No, it isn't me and Josh." He said a small stutter from the start.
A wide grin came back on his face though as he finally said it, "It's actually Vik and Lachlan!" Everyone else looked at us with looks of surprise, but none of them were in a bad way. We both just nodded as we smiled at them. Waves of "Congratulations!" "That's awesome." And compliments on how adorable we are as a 'couple'. "Vikklan is real boys!" Ethan says loudly, stretching his arms as if he won a race. "Damn, how come I haven't noticed? How long have you guys been together?" JJ looks at us, seeming to be in disbelief that he hasn't picked it up since this morning. "A month or so." Vik answers, his thumb rubbing my knuckles as he tries his best to be casual and relaxed.
"For that long? You guys are good at hiding secrets then." Tobi comments, a half-lie and half-truth. He isn't wrong though. "Do you have any cute nicknames for Vik, Lachlan?" Simon asks, getting into the topic of our 'relationship'. I stiffened a bit at that question, not knowing how to answer. "I, uh..." I trail off, needing to answer, but nothing that can trigger Vik. I felt him slightly squeeze my hand. My eyes look at him for a second to see his kind smile, a silent way to say that I can answer whatever I want. That relieved me as I though of something simple, but not too obvious. Sure, I've called him star before, but that was always platonic, and everyone knows that already.
"Little diamond," I tell them. "Not just because of his Minecraft skin, but because of how rare and precious my Vikky is. How a diamond can sparkle like a star and that breaking a diamond would almost be impossible (Fun fact: Diamonds can only be broken by another diamond.), to say that Vikky is a strong person and will always light up my day." I answer them fully. Everyone's eyes were wide in amusement and surprise on how well I explained it, even myself. Vik's eyes were the widest, and his face was redder than the past times we've been pretending. Everyone started to awe and smile at my response. "That was adorable. I was full on expecting you to say Star or something." Josh comments, being in the genuine side.
I made a small laugh. "That's pretty much the first thing anyone can have in mind, but I love my little diamond deeply to give him a different nickname." I tell them. I see the blush still evident in Vik's face, but his smile was wider. "Oh my gosh, can you guys just kiss already? You will kill me if you guys don't." Harry practically begs. "Right here, in public?" Vik asks, eyes wide. "Yeah, right now. We need to see Vikklan kiss finally. Plus, we're pretty much hidden to most of the tables." JJ smirks at us, and he wasn't wrong. We are sitting in a place where only two tables were in our view, one of them being empty while the other is a group of girls chatting along and not really paying much attention to us.
"I-I guess it wouldn't hurt..." Vik says a bit quietly as he then faces me with a beet red face. I looked into his eyes and that look on his face was a genuine approval of kissing me. Maybe it was out of curiosity on how my lips felt on his, and honestly, I wanted to know too. He leaned in for a bit and with that movement I almost dived in to kiss him.
It was a shock at first for the both of us. But he didn't complain or pull away, and I didn't either. I couldn't tell anymore if this was out of curiosity, want or to fulfill the act of dating each other. I was enjoying it, I'm not lying. He was surprisingly a good kisser, since he's been practically single his whole life and this being only a fake relationship. It lasted for a few more seconds than a pretend or normal kiss should have. Both of our faces were flushed red, and all the other's faces were in utter shock. It was priceless on what just happened in front of them, but they all pretty much asked for it.
"I am so sending this." Simon says as he holds out his phone's screen to show a picture of me and Vik kissing. Vik was the first to react, "D-Delete that Simon!" he tells him. Simon smirks and shook his head in refusal, a few of the sidemen giggling. I smirk as I got an idea. Vik was going to kill Simon if I told him that he also took a picture when he was sleeping on me, and I did tell him. Vik stood up from his place and glared daggers right at Simon. Everyone knew that Simon was pretty much dead as he had the look of regret, but still having a goofy expression on his face.
Vik grabbed his dining towel and walked behind Simon. He then wrapped it around his necked from the front and pulled it until he was against his chair. Simon started laughing and a bit of panic. "Delete them!" He orders with a mischievous smirk, holding the towel tight enough to hold him in place, but not to legitimately kill him. "Ack! F-Fine, fine! I'll delete them, just let go of me!" Simon jokingly begs as he opens his phone to start deleting the pictures. When Simon deleted them both, Vik let him go as he was satisfied.
He them went back to his chair as all of us laughed to what happened. "Dang, Vik is small, but he can and will be able to kill you." Tobi chuckles as he glances at Vik. "Why yes, this 5'7 feet tall guy will be able to whoop your ass." Vik responses sarcastically still having the smirk on his face. We all laughed at that as we finally got our food after a few more minutes.
The rest of the time were talking, having fun and laughs. But the person who I really adored seeing laugh and smile would be Vik. It was relieving on how Vik was less tense, and it was just plain out adorable hearing him giggle. When Vik stood up and excused himself to the bathroom Ethan smirked at me as I finished my food. "Were you just eye-candying Vik?" He asks. I blush a bit as a genuine small smile came on my face. "Maybe. Just a little bit." I answer him.
"So, Lachlan," Simon says as he takes a sip of his water. "What is it about Vik that made you fall for him?" he chuckled; it was a natural question. I could list a few things, but I had so many things to say about him. Maybe some things he still won't believe himself. "I've already told Vik himself a lot of reason why I love him, but if you insist, I wouldn't mind." I sigh contently as a lean by my chair.
"Well, where do I even start?" I mumble quietly to myself. I'm asking on how to start my list. "Well it there has to be his shortness, it's freaking adorable and seeing him blush and whine when you pick him up just really makes it a bonus." I say, remembering when I would pick him up from behind and he would whine about it, just like yesterday from the airport. "Another thing would be his kindness and consideration. You may not see it all the time, maybe not even sometimes, but I promise you that there is a large amount of it in his heart." I remark, going back to this morning when he made me breakfast, and I know it was also because of his kind heart and not just to pay me back. "I also love his intelligent and hardworking personality. The first part is self-explanatory, but that boy would work and grind his videos just for his fans, and of course money since it's his job, but if you watch any of his latest vlogs, the time and effort in them is almost unbelieving." I also state. It's true because its so visible in his videos and I've seen him work, it's amazing that he could make almost daily videos. He takes his job from the mind and heart with great passion.
I then smile as I think about it more. "You can't deny that his brown eyes are warm and are like chocolate—Blended perfectly to pop out and almost everyone can see the sweet and warm look in them." I say as I play with my glass of water, blushing a bit. "Even his skin and hair are soft. I could use his hair like a pillow and wrap my arms around him to be able to feel his smooth skin and draw shapes on them." I make a low laugh, the memory of a few times of me laying my head on his hair and almost slept twice one time, but then again, we only had those moments a few times. Though, me and Vik would have a lot of moments of quietness and during those times I got the habit of drawing imaginary shapes on his arms, legs, sometimes his back by the trace of my fingers. It would be another way to calm Vik down and my way to release stress at times. "And to just really sum it up, I love Vik with all my heart, and even if we do break up, as long that he is happy, we'll still be best friends."
"That's really romantic, oh my gosh." Tobi chuckles as he looks at me, surprised he was able to say all of that with no fear and hesitation. "And look who heard that as well." Josh grins as his eyes advert behind me. He raises an eyebrow as he turns around and his face turns a brilliant shade of red. Vik was there with a red face as well, and he just came back from the bathroom. "O-Oh, Vik... You're back." I slightly stutter as he nodded his head and sat back down beside me, face still flushed. "How much did you hear?" Ethan ask him, still laughing a bit. "J-Just the last part..." Vik mumbles, playing with his fingers. "It was really... sweet." He slightly smiles as he glances up at me. I blush a bit more at that smile of his. He seems genuinely flustered and moved by what I said. And that makes me smile as well.
The rest of the night was smooth I could say. I few questions, a lot of talking and jokes, and a few sets of gushing over me and Vik being together. While they were talking, I zoned out and started to think to myself. /Vik... one of my dearest friends and someone who I will always love. /
But is it a friend way anymore?
He's an adorable boy, and very smart. A sweet and kind person. Someone who loves doing his job and works hard for it.
Those are somethings I always thought of him. Ever since from the start.
But these couple of days... the time spent of acting instead of playing lots of video games... I really like them, I want to have more days of these, but I want them to happen for real and not play pretend.
But do I really love him?
"Lachy, hey!" Vik calls out my name, snapping a finger on my face. I hum in confusion as I get back to reality seeing Vik's slightly irritated face, but it still held humor. "Finally, your back! Now c'mon and say if it's a yes or no that I can by far beat Josh in a game of Stick n' Stones in Black Ops 2 even after so many years!" Vik quickly says, playfully glaring at Josh who just grins, looking at me expectantly. I look back at him and grin, "Sorry Joshua, but I have to say that Vik would kick your ass in that game, even if he hasn't slept in a day." I say, chuckling when Vik lightly hits me when he hears the end. "Hey! Hey! That was a compliment!" I laugh. "Yeah sure it is, dork." He rolls his eyes in a playful manner before giggling. His features making my heart melt to just seeing him. I adverted my eyes somewhere else as I finally had a conclusion:
I do love him...
And that is it so far! School is an ass nowdays for being smart and all, but I'll start doing my memes again!
Also big shout out to NovaGames18 for the amazing fanart of Vikklan//Fireflies, I am so happy you liked it! I am truely touched!(Possible picture will be added in after the artist shlws me the link to it :D)
Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you guys later!
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