Evil League Of Mutants
The turtles and Lizzie were fighting crab mutants in a indoor garden but got beaten up
Raph: Okay that did not go as planned
Lizzie: there was a plan?
Raph: yes!
Donnie: Maybe not the result you wanted but the result I expected
Raph: We're getting our butts kicked on an everything level
Donnie: We've gotta do something to help. They are scaring everyone out of the bio dome and you know what a fan I am of experiential learning!
Lizzie: I didn't know that because you never brought that up before
Donnie: well now I have!
Raph: Come on Raph think of something useful!
Leo: I'm sorry did you just see that out loud?
The mutant crabs ambushed the five of them
Donnie: Duck!
Mikey: more like crab-
Lizzie pushed mikey out of the way
Ben: Step one of our plan disrupt the school field trip!
Carl: Step two strike a pose we are nailing this production!
Lizzie: your really not
Ben: Come here my little turtle! Let me pinch your cheeks!
Mikey: How dare you take something as sweet as cheek pinching and make it menacing?!
Lizzie: to be fair cheek pinching does start to hurt after awhile if you think about it
Mikey: oh yeah that's true
Ben launched crab claws at them but Leo caught them in the portal
Leo: Oh yeah-!
The portal opened again and the claws hit Leo in the face
Lizzie: Leo!
Leo: I-I'm good...
Lizzie glared at Ben and Carl
Lizzie: you did not just do that to my boyfriend!
Donnie: technically leo was the one who messed up with the portals-
Lizzie: not now Donnie!
She summoned a lot of electricity in her scythe
Lizzie: lights out crab men!
There was to much electricity for Lizzie to control and she accidentally electrocuted her self and the turtles
Lizzie: *cough* I thought that would work...
She passed out and the turtles were taken down to
Carl: It's five against two and you don't stand a cha-
A purple portal open underneath the crabs and they fell through it
Lizzie: Uh Leo?
Leo: that was not me!
The turtles and Lizzie go back to the lair exhausted
Lizzie: good new is I didn't die from the electricity
Leo: and the bad news?
Lizzie: I'm in a lot of pain...
She laid down on the couch
Raph: this is what I'm talking about! We can't keep failing only to luck out at the last second I know no one wants to hear it but we need-
Mikey: Don't you dare say the T word
Raph: Training
Leo: What's training gonna do for us? What we need is better mystic weapons. Does anyone want to trade?
Lizzie: sorry Leo I'm keep my scythe
Raph: Mystic weapons or not we need to get better at everything when I look in this room I see nothing but potential who's ready to tap down that potential? You being the best of the best?
Leo: who's going to train us? Who's going to be our sensei?
Mikey: what about you Liz?
Lizzie: I did train myself for awhile but after everything we've been through I think it's clear I have a lot more to learn
Mikey: what about your mom?
Lizzie: Ha! She would ground me for life if I told only told her what we did today
Donnie: what about your dad?
Lizzie: he's to busy working in his junk yard come to think of it I haven't seen him in awhile...
Raph: then there's only one more person I can think of
The five of them went to splinter for training
Splinter: glad you kids are back for some formal training! Its not going to be easy I will break you down to your core like a snowball and then I will build you back stronger like a snowman now let us begin!
All: Yeah!
Splinter just turned on a lou jitsu movie
Splinter: First we will watch Lou Jitsu In one fish two fish red fish and dead fish followed by-
Leo: Are you serious? This isn't training
Splinter: This is absolutely training! You are not ready for more than this. Lesson one WWLJD what should Lou Jitsu do?
Lizzie: let me think he wouldn't sit here all day watching his own movies and actually go out and fight
Leo: nice one
Lizzie and Leo high fived
Leo: also how is thinking like Lou Jitsu gonna help us?
Splinter: Lou Jitsu cares about you in many ways than you ever know
Mikey: What?
Donnie: This is the first and only time I will ever say this but Leo and Lizzie are right
Lizzie: hey I've been right before! I know more about mystic stuff then you do
Donnie: not the point
Leo: Plus we know all these fights by heart
Splinter: Well excuse me I suppose you know the fight in little jacob's ladder?
Raph: Do people even use ladders anymore Isn't there an app for that?
Lizzie: why would lou jitsu fight with a ladder and not a actual weapon?
Splinter: maybe he did not have a weapon! Have you ever thought about that?
Mikey: We need more! We're ready for the floaty wings to come off!
Leo: We need real training not whatever this is
Donnie: Yeah what are the odds that we ever fight in a fish market or ladder factory?
Leo: Lame
Lizzie: sorry splinter but I don't think this will help us with training
Splinter: well look at you fancy pants kids think you know everything well let me tell you about who knew everything they don't they should listen to their fathers who know everything
Lizzie: well my father is barley in my life!
Splinter: Oh... lizzie I'm sorry
Lizzie: ...it's fine
Leo: and what do you know about training anyway? You're just a rat. We need a tiger
Raph: We're out of here
The turtles and Lizzie started leaving
Raph: Which you already know cause you know everything
Lizzie: can you predict the future to?
Splinter: No you will go nowhere! You are all grounded!
All: what?!
Lizzie: your not my dad and i don't even live here!
Splinter: fine! Red orange blue purple give me your weapons you don't deserve them
The turtles gave splinter there weapons and left the lair with Lizzie
Meanwhile all the mutants the turtles and Lizzie fought so far landed in a dark room
Repo: what the? One of you mutants know what's going on here? I got a birthday cake that needs repossessing
Hypno: Which one of you brought me here. Who do I have to cut in half and then not put back together?
Meat sweats: All I see is fresh meat for me to batter fry!
Draxum: Silence meat sweats. I am the one who brought you here. I look around this room I see nothing but potential. Who thinks it's about time we-
Warren stone moved a chair closer to the table and sat down
Warren stone: please continue
Draxum: we join together today for one simple menacing-
Todd turned on the lights and was holding lemonade
Todd: Lemonade! I hate to brag but it has been called both life changing and dream making. Who wants some?
Everyone except draxum raised there hand
Draxum: What's going on here? Who is this?
Huginn: That would be Todd sir. Trust me he's as bad as they come. He takes care of dogs and one of our enemies is a cat
Draxum: I told you to get me the baddest meanest most skill crushing mutants and you bring me that guy? Everyone at this table shares a common enemy I brought you all here because the turtles are my creations and Elizabeth Miller-
Repo: wait Elizabeth Miller? That's my kid!
Draxum: you don't want me to destroy her?
Repo: nah go ahead one less thing for me to deal with
Draxum: good they are ruining my plans for yokai kind to reclaim our place on the surface! With your help we can take them out and you can be free and finally become everything I so badly want you to be! Now who's with me?
Repo: I'm in if it means I never have to see my daughter again
Warren stone: Excuse me I warren stone former anchorman and their official greatest foe have a few questions before this ghoulish gang-
Draxum: I'm sorry. Who are you again?
huggin: I have no idea
Warren stone used his new gauntlet to create an energy blast to destroy the door and the mutants clapped
Draxum: Impressive
Meat sweats: Small query how do you know so much about all of us and why do you keep saying you created the turtles?
Repo: also why is my kid so important to you? Cause I can easily hand her over to you
Draxum: Elizabeth is a descendent of very powerful mystic warriors along with her being have human her DNA could be very powerful to use in my creations and as for the turtles-
Munnin: We'll take it from here boss
Everyone sang this song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Draxum: Now for some unnecessary but highly destructive violence my evil league of mutants!
Back with the turtles and Lizzie they were traveling across rooftops but weren't having fun
Raph: Cowa bummer I can't believe he grounded us
Mikey: I can't believe you guys snuck out and me and Lizzie had to come just to keep and eye on you
Donnie: Don't worry I've taken care of everything dad will never know
Lizzie: what did you do?
Donnie: I put dummies that look like us on the skate ramp
Lizzie: that might actually work
The five of them saw the foot clan robbing a store
Raph: This Is our chance to get our train on! But lizzie is the only one with a weapon!
Leo: If we can't beat crab menwith weapons how would we beat these guys without them?
Mikey: I can't put a smile on this crumb sandwich what hope do we have?
Donnie: Why can't something just fly out of the sky and solve all of our problems?
A flyer in them in there faces and they read what it said
Raph: What's this?
Mikey: Magicsaurus?
Donnie: First robot dinosaur magician?
Leo: One show only
Raph: Tonight in...
All: New Jersey?
Raph: Free pizza? This is the kind of mindless entertainment we need to forget how Splinter grounded us
Lizzie: we haven't had a relaxing day in awhile anyway
The five of them go to a fish and ladder market and there was a sign that said 'welcome to New Jersey
Leo: Are you sure we're in the right place?
Raph: The flyer said it was in New Jersey. Welcome to New Jersey turtles and Elizabeth
Donnie: That's oddly specific
Lizzie: how did whoever wrote this new who we are?
The turtles and Lizzie go inside but it's empty
Leo: Okay...
Lizzie: this is weird right?
Leo: kind of
Mikey: We're sure showing pops haha! Sneaking out chilling out in a fun totally not scary-
The doors and windows closed making it completely dark
Mikey: pitch black warehouse...
Lizzie: don't worry guys I can see in the dark
Suddenly lights turned on and the five of them draxum
Draxum: well well well we meet again you all entered but none of you will exit. Welcome to your worst nightmare
Raph: baron draxum?!
Lizzie took out her scythe
Lizzie: I should've known this was a trap!
Leo: Wait a second this guy is warrior scientist and a magician? Talk about triple threat
Lizzie: we already have a mutant who calls himself a magician we don't need another one
Draxum: Silence! The magic was a trick! This is a trap!
Lizzie: I just said that!
The curtains open to reveal all of the evil league of mutants and Lizzie saw her dad
Lizzie: dad what are you doing here?! Draxum is evil!
Repo: sorry Lizzie. It's just business
Lizzie: what?
Leo: wait a minute that guy is your dad?! Should we tell him we're dating?
Lizzie: I-I don't think-
Repo: all I have to do is just hand you over to draxum
Leo: whoa that's dark even for a dad joke!
Warren stone: Breaking news your toast!
Meat Sweats: Liver toast!
Hypno: As an actual magician I'm offended by this charade
Repo: I'm about to repo your lives
Lizzie: but dad-!
Repo: no buts sweetheart
Leo: This is why you never go to New Jersey! Liz your dad clearly had a bad experience there!
Draxum: One last chance children If you join me I can teach you how to maximize your potential be all you can be. Elizabeth I have seen what you are capable off from our last fight. What's your answer?
Lizzie: ...You threw my boyfriend off a roof!!
She pointed at Leo
Repo: the blue one is your boyfriend?!
Leo: hahaha... well this is awkward
Draxum: So that's a not joining me then fine you rejected me for the last time so now your story ends
Donnie: wait a minute is that Todd?!
Everyone saw Todd with the mutants
Todd: Hey how do you like my new friends? They are so serious!
Draxum: Enough! Now the story ends! Attack!
All: uh oh...
The turtles and lizzie got completely beat up outside
Mikey: Do you think Splinter's going be mad that we didn't listen to him?
Leo: Dad was right and we were so mean to him
Lizzie: at least your dad isn't trying to hand you over to draxum...
Leo: we'll talk about that later
Mikey: It was a pleasure serving with you guys
Donnie smelled fish
Donnie: Do you smell that?
Leo: It is Raph's facing impossible odds skink?
Donnie: No it's-
Raph: pointed to ladders
Raph: Ladders! It's the fish market ladder factory we never knew we always wanted!
Leo: WWJD! What would Lou Jitsu do!
Donnie: Splinter's training really did have a purpose
MIkey: I guess dad was right
Raph: Let's make him proud!
Leo: Liz I know you can't fight your dad so you can fight meat sweats-
Lizzie: thanks Leo but I just discovered something about family
Meat sweats: Time to make turtle and cat soup!
The turtles grabbed ladders and Lizzie took out her weapon
All: Cowabunga!!
The turtles started fight the mutants with ladders and Lizzie started fight Repo
Repo: give up kid you can't fight your own dad!
Lizzie: your right... I can't
She kicked Repo in the stomach and he hit the wall
Repo: what the heck?!
Lizzie: a dad isn't willing to just hand over there own kid to someone a dad doesn't ignore there kid for years and a dad definitely doesn't help there kid's greatest enemy! I know who my dad is and it's not you! Also my mom has been there for me since the day I was born and I never needed you for anything!
Repo: your going to regret this... don't you want to know why Draxum kidnapped you in the first place?
Lizzie: what-?
Repo tripped Lizzie took her scythe and pointed it at her
Repo: that's right kid I know a few things you don't
Repo was about to attack Lizzie with her own weapon but Leo kicked it out of his hands
Leo: back off and leave my girlfriend alone! By the way your a really bad dad!
Lizzie: thanks Leo
Repo: your really annoying you know that?!
Lizzie picked up her scythe and summoned electricity
Lizzie: I'll handle this Leo
She kissed him on the cheek and attacked repo
Leo: ouch you might want to get some ice for that!
The turtles and Lizzie finished the fight together as a team
Raph: Now that your minions are done let's tango you sheep looking-
Draxum: Where did you learn to fight like that?
Raph: Oh only from the greatest action film star in history
Turtles: Lou Jitsu!
Lizzie: I taught myself but I want answers draxum! Why did you kidnap me in the first place?!
Draxum: you are a descendent of very powerful mystic warriors along with you being have human your DNA could be very powerful to use in my creations
Lizzie: ...wait what was that first part?
Leo: no way...
Draxum: now how could you morons possibly know Lou Jitsu?
Mikey: His movies! Are you a fan too?
Draxum: no! I knew lou jitsu! He was the greatest warrior in the Battle Nexus! His human DNA combined with my ooze gave you life!
Raph: say what?! We have lou jitsu DNA?!
Lizzie: and that I'm a descendent of powerful mystic warriors?!
Mikey: You mean...?
Leo: Cowa... boy am I speechless...
Donnie: Of course It all makes sense. cool...
Draxum: Yes! This is what I've been trying to tell you. You're destined for so much more!
Raph: lou jitsu is our dad!
Lizzie: oh my god... i'm a mystic warrior!! This is awesome!! That explains why I have so much electricity powers!!
Leo: that's so cool liz!!
Mikey: Leo you kinda look like Lou Jitsu!
Leo: I always knew I felt famous!
Raph: do I look like lou jitsu?!
Mikey: I totally see the resemblance!
Donnie: Our connection of Lou Jitsu is not only emotional it's biological! Along with Lizzie's relation to those mystic warriors!
Draxum: Enough! If you four cannot see the true mech of your potential then I have no further use to you
Suddenly draxum fell into a portal
Raph: wait we still have so many questions! LEO!
Leo: I swear to pizza supreme in the sky that wasn't me. I don't even have my sword
Lizzie: you know what? I don't even care! I have to tell my mom everything! Oh... Including the stuff about my dad- I mean Repo...
Leo: you going to be ok Liz?
Lizzie: yeah I just need to get home
She went back to the hidden city
Lizzie got back home late
Alexa: where have you been?! I've been so worried! I called you multiple times and I-!
Lizzie just hugged her mom while crying
Lizzie: t-there's something I have to tell you...
Alexa hugged back
Alexa: alright I'm listening
The End
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