The Talk About Answers and the Crucial Memories

Dean sighed as he sat down next to Leslie, "Have you talked to her?"

Leslie shook her head, softly, "I don't know what to say. She thinks that I accused Kenny of raping me. She thinks that I lied about the whole damn thing because that stupid asshole put it in her head."

Leslie ran a hand through her hair. She knew this was going to happen, which was why she told everyone to not let Riley visit Kenny in jail. It was the worst idea that they could have possibly had and it only led to more problems than before. She was trusting in no one, but Seth, which meant that she was probably keeping a lot bottled in.

She could only tell Seth so much before it became too much for her. She couldn't tell Seth everything. Leslie knew that Riley had a lot of things going through her head, things that even Seth didn't know about. Riley always had a certain person to tell something different to. If it had to do with drama and boys, Riley would talk to Leslie. If it was something more serious, she would go to Carter or to Phil.

"You have to find a way to have her remember it." He told her, "If you're too scared to tell her or have her not believe you, then get something. Maybe doctor's papers or show her the scar on your thigh."

She sighed, "I know I have to tell her, but telling her will bring back to many memories for me. It's been awhile since I've dealt with the nightmares and I want to keep it that way."

"I know I have to make sacrifices though, so I'll have to go down memory lane with her." She added.

"Don't think about it too much, Les. She'll understand everything once you start opening up to her, and she begins to trust you." He told her. Leslie looked over at him.

"How come you aren't trying to win her trust?" She asked, "I thought you wanted her to start talking to you, and not talk to Seth as much. You can't really have that if she doesn't trust you."

He shrugged. He didn't know why he hasn't tried much to gain Riley's trust. He wanted her to trust him, but at the same time he didn't. He knew that once she trust him, she would want answers. He didn't know if he wanted to give her answers. He could give her anything that she wanted, but not answers.

"I don't know if I want her trust." He said, "Her trust comes with wanting answers and I don't know if I want to give answers."

"Answers about what?" She asked.

Dean sighed, "Sooner or later she is going to start remembering parts of our relationship. You know better than anyone that our relationship wasn't always good. I just don't want to give her answers if she remembers something bad about our relationship."

She rolled her eyes, "Dean, honestly, she was so in love with you before she lost her memory and that was after all the bad things that happened in your relationship. Trust me, if she was in love with you after all that then these memories won't mean anything. After she remembers everything, she'll go back to loving you after all the mistakes that you both made."

"God, if I were to have had you as my therapist, I would have never stopped going to therapy." He told her.

"I know you were completely joking, but maybe you should start going again." She said, "I may be good at listening to your problems, but I won't know what to do if your depression gets worse. I honestly think you should start seeing a therapist about it."

Dean sighed, "You're right, but if I do end up going back to therapy then maybe you should think about signing up as well."

"Why me?" She asked.

He gave her a look, "Are you kidding me? You have terrible nightmares and every once in a while you start having breakdowns. I think a therapist can't help you with that. I mean it's obviously not going to go away, but it'll help."

"It'll be like alcoholics anonymous." He told her with a small laugh.

She rolled her eyes, "How would I know what that's like? I'm nineteen."

"Good thing because those meetings suck."

"Once again, wouldn't know, Mr. Alcoholic." She said with a small smile.

"Not an alcoholic." He pointed out. She rolled her eyes as she motioned to the empty beer cans in front of him.

"That says otherwise." She said.

"Do you always have to bring me down?" He asked.

"I'm your friend, that's my job."

"Stop, please.."

Riley looked up from her phone. Her eyes immediately landing on Leslie. She had been sitting there for the past twenty minutes while on her phone. Leslie was asleep, so it made perfect sense to sit in the room to get some peace and quiet...or so she thought.

"Don't touch me, I'll do anything please..."

Riley got up from her chair and started walking towards her friend. She was moving around violently and there was small tears slipping from her eyes.

"Leslie." Riley called, softly.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

"Leslie, wake up. You're just having a nightmare." Riley put her hand on Leslie's shoulder, trying to shake her awake.

"Don't touch me, Kenny, get away from me!"

Riley backed away from Leslie as she was hit with a flashback.

"I-I'm so so sorry." Riley sobbed out, pulling Leslie into a hug. Leslie immediately hugged her back.

Dean and Roman watched as the two girls held each other tightly as they both sobbed loudly. Riley had never felt so bad for something in her entire life. Roman had yelled some sense into her, and she realized how wrong she was to basically beat Leslie up. Roman had made sure that Riley understood, that what she did was extremely wrong.

"Les, I love you so much, I don't know what came over me." Riley cried. Leslie nodded.

"I love you too, Riley." Leslie mumbled, "I have something to tell you.."

Riley pulled away from Leslie, wanting to hear what Leslie had to tell her. Leslie felt as if her experience was weighing down on her, and it was, so she had to tell someone. It would get the weight off of her shoulders, and she would not be as worried.

"She actually has something to tell both of you." Dean said, helping her out. Roman was really confused to what Leslie had to say, because Dean already knew.

Leslie grabbed Riley's hand and led her to the two beds. Riley took a seat next to Dean while Leslie took a seat next to Roman. The two pairs sat on opposite beds so they were facing each other.

"This is going to be really hard to explain, but I suddenly stop with the story, then Dean will take over." Leslie said, softly. Her hand was on the hem of Roman's shirt, ready to pull it up an inch to show the wound, "I think it'll be easier if I show you first, then I'll tell you the story."

Leslie pulled the shirt up, slightly to reveal the wound that went across her right thigh. Riley gasped in shock as soon as she saw the wound.

"Is that a stab wound?" Roman asked, staring at the wound in shock. Riley's eyes filled with tears as she kept staring at the large wound.

"L-Leslie what happened to you?" Riley asked, softly. Leslie closed her eyes, tightly. She wasn't prepared to get mentally slapped by these memories again, but she had to do this.

"The day that Kenny called you, apologizing and everything..there was a party at Carter's." Leslie started, softly. It was hard to hear her, but with everyone being dead silent, it was easy to hear her as if she was whispering, "I don't know what was put into my drink that night, but all I know is that I started to feel way too dizzy to be just drunk. I went upstairs and ended up, going to lay down in Carter's room. I was okay for a while, but then someone came into the room..."

Leslie didn't want to continue because this is the part where Riley was going to get mad at her again. She didn't want that to happen. She looked up at Dean with a 'help me' look.

"Kenny walked into the room, he was sober." Dean said, trying to help Leslie out. Riley's eyebrows rose in surprise. She had not expected Kenny's name to come out of his mouth.

Leslie took control of the story because this is where it got bad, "I asked him what he was doing in Carter's room and he told me that he came looking for me. He was telling me that I was stupid for trying to get involved in his relationship with you. I didn't know what to say so I just let him continue calling me names. I didn't understand why he was so upset but then he told me that you didn't want to get back together with him, so he was blaming it all on me. It took a while but I finally stood up for myself and I told him that you wouldn't want to be with a cheating asshole like him."

Riley wanted to interrupt Leslie so bad, but she could see that this was all leading to something, and she wanted to know what.

"I guess that it set something off in him because the next thing I knew, he was pressing himself on top of me." Tears started to stream out of Leslie's eyes. She was looking directly at Riley because she didn't want to get into another fight with Riley because of this, "Riley, he forced himself on me. I know it's hard for me to tell you this, just as hard as it is for you to be listening to all of this. H-He r-raped me, Riley."

Nothing was said for a long time as Riley started crying. The story wasn't done, it was far from done, but she wanted to tell Riley little by little. She wanted to give Riley time to take it all in.

"H-How did you get the knife wounds?" Riley asked, quietly. Roman sat next to Leslie, not really knowing what to say. Riley forgave Kenny almost two weeks ago, and it was upsetting him that he was just finding this out now.

"H-He didn't pull a knife on me until the second time." Leslie said, softly, "I was walking to Spanish - the day that he returned from visiting you, and the hallways were empty because I was beyond late to class. I was grabbed and pushed against the wall - the one of that really dark hallway that leads to the courtyard. He was pissed because I had told Carter about what happened. Carter found me, with my dress all torn up. How was I not suppose to tell him?"

"The first thing that he said to me was if I screamed, that he would come after you. Riley, I was so scared, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." Leslie cried. Dean saw that Roman wasn't making an effort to even lay a comforting hand on Leslie, so he took Leslie's hand in his. She was having a really hard time, and he was just trying to be supportive, "All I did was struggle, and I didn't even see that he had a knife. I kicked him in the balls, so hard that I hurt my knee. It didn't do only angered him. The next thing, I felt was the tip of a knife digging into my thigh. He dragged it across my thigh."

Riley was trying to hold her sobs in by covering her mouth with her hand. She didn't know how she was feeling. She was feeling hurt, sadness, confusion, everything. She just didn't have a certain feeling that she was feeling.

Leslie sniffled, loudly, "I have never screamed so loud in my life. It hurt so much, but no one could hear me. He was covering my mouth with his hand. Now that I think about, I don't know what the hell was going through my head that day. I bit Kenny's hand to try and get him off of me but instead he just-he just pressed the knife right under my belly button and cut me again. I didn't know what to do. I have never, ever felt so vulnerable in my life. He cut me a couple more times, just for his pure, sick enjoyment."

"He wouldn't do that!" Riley finally yelled, "Kenny wouldn't do that! I've known him all my life, and I know for a fact that he wouldn't do something like that."

"Do you think I would lie about something like this?" Leslie questioned as more tears slipped down her face, "I would never, ever make up some fake rape story, and blame someone. No matter how much I dislike someone, I would never make up a story about someone like that!"

"I laid there for half an hour, Riley, half an hour in my own blood. I screamed for help, but you know that there aren't any classrooms near that hallway. I finally got the strength to get to the other side of the hallway, and get my phone." Leslie said, "The EMT told Carter that if I would have lied there for a while longer, that I probably would have lost so much blood that I would've passed out."

"This just doesn't make any sense.." Riley mumbled, running a hand through her hair.

"He told me that you're next, Riley, and I swear to god if you aren't going to believe me, and don't watch yourself when you're that kid, then you are certainly going to be next." Leslie muttered. Riley let out a shaky breath before looking up at her best friend.

"I believe's just really hard to think that he would do something like that." Riley said, softly. Leslie nodded in agreement.

"I knew there was something off about him, but I didn't know he would do something like this." Leslie said, playing with her fingers.

Riley gasped, loudly as she looked at her friend. She remembered what happened to Leslie. She didn't know what to say. She was scared, extremely scared.

Leslie was still asleep, whimpering causing Riley to freak out more. Kenny lied to her. He said that Leslie accused him of rape, but it was obvious that she didn't. She now understood that Kenny actually did hurt her best friend.

Riley fell to the floor with a loud crash as she tripped over the small steel chair.

The door suddenly opened, causing her breathing to quicken. Tears were spilling out of her eyes as she watched her best friend struggle in her sleep.

"Let go, Kenny! Let go of me!"

Dean didn't know what he just walked into, but as soon as he saw Leslie struggling in her sleep, he immediately knew that she was having a nightmare.

"Leslie." Dean walked over to the bed. His eyes didn't once move to Riley, who was curled up on the floor.

Dean shook Leslie, trying to pull her out of her sleep.

"Don't touch me...please."

Leslie unconsciously flinched away from Dean's hand.

"Les, sweetheart, wake up." Dean said, calmly, "You're dreaming, Les."


Dean immediately took a hold of her body and pulled her into his arms, "Wake up, Les."

He rocked her, softly, trying to calm down her struggling. Leslie whimpered, pushing against Dean's chest.

"It's just Dean, Les, it's just me." He muttered.

He had never seen Leslie when she was having a nightmare. Roman had always talked about how she would struggle for the longest time before finally waking up. It hurt Dean to see his friend in so much pain. She had no way of dealing with the pain. She couldn't talk to anyone about it because she felt like no one would understand what she was going through.

Riley stared at Dean as he rubbed Leslie's back. She had clearly remembered that she thought that they were a thing when she had first saw them together. The way that they were both there for each other to lean on and the fact that they were at round each other when ever you other needed.

Deep, deep down inside she felt a small amount of jealousy. Why would she be jealous though? She was jealous that Leslie had full interactions with Dean every second of the day, while she couldn't even have a conversation with him. She wished that Dean would interact with her in the carefree way that he interacted with Leslie.

Dean grabbed his sweatshirt and slipped her arms into it before zipping it up.

Riley had not stopped crying. By now, it was all just tears, but even that was causing Dean's heart to break.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" Dean asked, looking at her. She didn't nod or anything, so Dean just grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. He was lucky that they had gotten the actual room this time instead of the bunks.

As soon as he laid down next to her, she clung onto him with her legs wrapped around his waist. It was as she was afraid that he was going to leave, and Kenny was going to come and get her.

Dean didn't have a problem with her being all over him because she was upset. She needed comfort, and if this is how she wanted comfort then he was not going to complain.

"He's gone, Riley, he can't hurt you anymore." He told her as he rubbed her back, gently. Riley let out a soft sigh into his shoulder.

"I like when you call me 'baby'." She said, softly. It was hard to understand her, but he did.

Dean smiled, softly. He was glad that she was talking. Now, he knew that she hadn't gone into complete shock, and just stopped talking.

He kissed her hair, "Go to sleep, baby."

Riley sighed, shakily at the memory. She wanted to believe that Kenny had only hurt Leslie, but she had an odd feeling at the bottom of her stomach. She had the right to have that feeling.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked Leslie, softly. Leslie looked at him as tears poured out of her eyes.

"I'm's normal." She mumbled.

"It's not normal, Leslie." He told her, rubbing her back, "These nightmares put too much stress on you and on the baby."

Leslie sighed, shakily as she gave him a watery smile, "Thanks for caring, but I'm not the one who needs you right now."

Leslie's eyes traveled to her best friend. Riley was staring at the wall, her head placed on top of her knees. Se could easily tell that she was scared and she had a lot going through her head.

Dean glanced over at her, "She needs me, I know she does, but so do you."

"Dean, I'm fine. Go talk to her." Leslie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Dean sent her a small smile, "I promised you that I would be by your side when Roman wasn't and I'm not breaking that promise. I know that she wants to talk to me, but there's a high chance that she wants to talk to you as well."


Twenty minutes later, Dean was laying on the bed with Leslie curled up on his left side and Riley on his right side. Leslie had a strong grip on his arm as she was sleeping somewhat peacefully. Riley was staring at Dean and he was staring right back at her.

"If I knew that Leslie was this traumatized from what Kenny did to her then I wouldn't have believed Kenny." Riley told him, softly, "I still can't believe that Kenny would hurt Leslie like that."

Dean sighed, softly, "It's okay. We didn't try to tell you that he lie to you, so you had every right to believe him. We didn't try to stop you from believing him or anything."

"Are you and Leslie a thing?" She asked, randomly. Dean wanted to laugh, but he felt Leslie stir a little in her sleep.
"No, definitely not." He told her, "Leslie just isn't at her greatest point right now and neither am I, so we're just being really good friends by supporting each other. Roman would kill me if that ever happened."

"He hasn't been around as much, I think that's why Leslie's becoming so attached to you." She said.

"Yeah well, being the world champion comes with a lot of traveling so there's a down." He said, "Leslie just needs a friend."

She looked up at him, "Why can't she talk to me about any of this? I feel like she's always so distant from me -- you both are. I understand that you guys don't want to give anything away, but that doesn't mean we can't talk and hang out."

He sighed, "I know you want that, we want to talk to you about things going on, but it's difficult. We both have have a tendency of opening our mouths and saying something when we shouldn't. If you honestly really want to talk to us then we can't talk about the past, we have to talk about what's going on in the moment."

She laid her head on his chest with a sigh, "I just found out my boyfriend raped my best friend and I hate it. I don't want to talk about the past anymore. I want to talk about the future and what's going on in the moment."

"What could have been so crucial that I would have forgotten about the past six months?" She asked, rhetorically.

Dean wanted to open his mouth and tell her that there was a lot of crucial things that she wasn't remembering, but he didn't. He wanted her to remember their relationship, but at the same time he didn't. Their relationship didn't just have upsides, there was probably a lot more downsides than anything. He wanted her to remember the good parts of their relationship. He didn't want her to remember all the hurt that he put her through.

He knew that remembering their relationship meant, remembering all the hurt and hatred that she had for him.

"Trust me, Ri, there's nothing too crucial."

He wanted to start over entirely. Start something new with her.

He wanted to make her fall in love again, and maybe this time, he'll fall in love with her.

Well, let's all thank Leslie for helping Riley realize that Kenny is an asshole. Now, she obviously hasn't remembered what Kenny did to her, but remembering what he did to Leslie was enough to make Riley hate his guts.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Ps. Spring break starts next week which means I should be updating a lot more during that week and and a half 😊

Love you guys,
DianaUnstableAmbrose ❤ 💋

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