You will
Forever be
My always...💕

              ' You should check that video Vinny... He was blushing...' Samriddhi was grinning...and Vinny could feel the smile in her voice.

' I didn't get to see the video yet...send me the video if possible?' A blushing Avi is a sight that she never wanted to miss. So she made sure she get it from Samriddhi as soon as possible.

' Yeah sure Vinny'

' When are you coming to see us... You can come when Bhai is not around too..you are always welcome'
It wasn't official yet but Vinny was so sure that her Bhai had his eyes glued on Samriddhi. His unannounced visits has increased for the past few months was enough for her to trust her instinct on that.

' Oh.. yeah sure, Varun is planning to come on this weekend... I would love to see my munchkin. How's Avni doing?'

Vinny smiled knowingly that Samriddhi was equally whipped with Varun. It was good to know that her Bhai won't be  lonely  anymore.

' Avni and her dada are cuddling here..'

Vinny stepped into the living room from the patio, pushing her wet hair into the shoulder and tucking a few strands of hair behind her ears. Her powder blue maternity frock bounced around her knees as she walked.

' Avi is not working? Work from home?'
Vinny smiled before replying. It's amusing to see how Avi was spending all his time with Avni.

' No, he says he is on paternity leave' Vinny chuckled listening an ' awww that's so sweet ' from Samriddhi.

' That interview, you were talking about, is the only work that he had done for the past two weeks. Don't know weather Arjun would kick him out of the company '

' Oh... don't worry! They are expecting too...they will understand' Samriddhi said hesitantly.

'Bhai is giving you all updates I see..' Vinny suppressed a bubbling laugher.
' It's totally okay by the way ...send me the video please?'

' Yeah, I am sending you right away. And watch the last four or five minutes, the very important part ' 

With that they hung up the call. Vinny  reclined on the couch , waiting for the message to pop up, meanwhile listening for any notions that Avni needed her, which she couldn't detect at all. Avni was being a nice kid so far, she slept most of the day like any newborn and she seemed to like it when Avi talked to her..like she recognised his voice. It was fun to watch them together and Vinny's favourite part of the day nowadays.  Avni was just adorable with her black eyes and dimpled pink cheeks and her black curly hair.

It has been two weeks since they brought Avni home. Their precious little daughter. Just thinking about her baby, made her smile. It was mesmerising, how a tiny little human could bring so much joy into their lives.

Her phone chimed and vibrated in her hand breaking her reverie.
It was Samriddhi's message as she expected. Vinny started watching the video she had sent.
This interview was given to a local news channel on their business news program. Only a portion of the interview was shown in the news and the channel had published the entire interview on their YouTube channel.
Vinny skipped it to the last five minutes, which Samriddhi had mentioned before.

' Tell me about your personal life Mr. Rao. We all knew that you are married to the only daughter of Krishna Reddy, Vihani Reddy. How's your married life going?'
The interviewer was a man in his mid forties, with an oval face and plump features. His hair was bit grey and thin , he looked like a person with great interest and knowledge in his field, who knows how to do his work well.
Avi was looking dashing too, in his white shirt and navy blue trousers. He smiled to the question and rubbed his nonexistent beard like he was giving the question a serious thought.

' Our married life is really good. It feels really nice to go back home now. Vihani is someone who makes home a happy place to return. I feel so lucky to have her.' His voice was so calm , face so bright, radiating pure happiness that Vinny smiled heedlessly.

' There were rumours that you both are not together anymore. Is their any truth in that? ' the interviewer leaned a bit forward , trying to read Avi's expression.

' As you said, it was just a rumour, nothing else. We just brought our little daughter home a day ago. I am literally living my happiest days right now. We are not parting our ways, we are too much in love to do that '
Avi grinned and the interviewer congratulated him.

' There's a saying that some marriages are passionate and some are companionate. I think you fits in the first category. ' the interviewer said pleasantly.

Avi blushed, like Samriddhi was saying. He looked so cute with a tinge of blush that Vinny wanted to pinch his cheeks.

' I think it a balance of both ' he replied finally and that was the last question and the closing credits appeared shortly.

Vinny got up and walked towards their bedroom, taking a screenshot of his blushing face on the screen.
She found him on their bed , curling up beside Avni who was fast asleep.

' Ohho Avi, at least get up from the bed once in a while , you are a lazy bum.'
she tapped his shoulder lightly, sitting next to him , looking at Avni who was bundled up in a pink blanket.

' I am on paternity leave. I could be a slugabed everyday. Look at my kiddo. How could someone leave her when she is looking so cute even when she's sleeping' he replied in a hushed tone looking at Avni.

Her tiny fingers curled around his finger, her rosebud lips stretched into a small smile , which filled his heart with immense joy. So delicate and so cute in a way only babies could be. Avi loved to spend his whole day with Avni that Vinny got annoyed.
He has go back to work eventually and the time he got now is so precious that Avi wanted to keep it this way.

' She is so cute Vinny...how could someone be this cute?' he touched Avni's little forehead lightly.

' Can't you see Avi , Avni looks like her mom. Her mom is cute too ' she wiggled her eyebrows.

' Haha...why does it sound like a complaint though? Like you are not getting my full attention anymore? '
Vinny huffed and rolled her eyes.

' Just admit that I am cute too. It's a simple sentence' she gave him a pointed look in annoyance.

' Arey...you are gorgeous. Don't worry I am still obsessed with you' he struggled to keep his laughter in control, so that he won't end up waking up Avni.

Vinny slapped on his shoulder.
' Very funny. I don't need your validation. I know that I am cute, smart and gorgeous. Now get up , I have something to show you.' she ordered as she stood up.

' Yes ma'am' he got up and followed her to the couch , so that they could keep an eye on their sleeping baby.

' I saw the interview Avi. Watch that last part, you were blushing.. haha' she laughed replaying the last part for him and doing a little happy dance by moving her hands in the air.

' I am not blushing. It is just the lighting in the room ' he scoffed.

' Tell that to someone else Avi. You are blushing there, girls in the comment section are swooning over it ' she rolled her eyes.

' Then let me see the comments at least' he groaned as she snatched her phone from his hands.

' No need. It's just them saying how cute you are looking, like I don't know that already. ' she shrugged as she replayed the last question again.

' Look at him , how could he ask such a question when we also don't know the answer' she mumbled herself, her expression thoughtful and confused at the same time, with a frown making creases on her forehead.

' Ah. See..he has no idea that we are yet to explore that part of our relationship? We are companionate , I am sure about it. Passionate? We need to explore more don't you think.'

He bumped her shoulder playfully , Vinny raised her eyebrows and glared at him.

' As you said, it's a perfect balance of both. Such a wicked humour sense you have..' she replied flatly aware of what he was implying.

' But I meant what I said. We should move forward in our relationship.' he pushed a few wet strands , behind her ear, his fingers lightly brushed her cheeks, sending heat waves on her cheeks.

' Look, who is blushing now? ' Avi laughed and Vinny slapped his hand away.

' I am not blushing okay? I have something serious to ask. Don't distract me.' she fanned her cheeks with her hands.

' Yeah yeah, at least you admitted that you were distracted for a moment' he shook his head, suppressing another laughter and turned his head towards her fully.

' Samriddhi was saying that Varun told her, that you vowed to not to have another baby on that day at the hospital. Is that true?' Vinny narrowed her eyes as she clasped her fingers in anticipation.

Avi took his eyes from her face, his face suddenly serious and thoughtful.

' Avi... answer me.' She turned his face towards her impatiently.

Avi nodded in affirmation after a moment.

' So that's true then. Why did you say that? Were you that scared?' She gently stroked his arm trying to get a clear answer from him.

' Don't remind me of that day Vinny. I felt so helpless and useless at the same time. I felt like that I went back to a time where I couldn't support mom. It was so difficult. The only good thing about that day was that I got to see our kiddo and you were safe. I don't think I could handle such a situation again' he sighed and bowed his head.

Vinny understood where he's coming from. It's difficult for Avi to deal with something where he feels incapable of protect someone he love.
Her labor had lasted more than fourteen hours, exhausting her to death. Avi felt the same too. He was emotionally exhausted by the time Avni was born.
Vinny understood him completely, it's a subject they need to talk and decide more carefully. So she decided to take it lightly.

' Oh! It's nice to know that you love me soooo much. But we definitely need to talk about it more.' she smiled  patting his shoulder in assurance.

Avni  snorted in her sleep making both of them laugh.

' See.. Avni is not that happy with your decision either.' vinny giggled.

' Maybe. I just need some time to think . It didn't occur to me that your opinion is  equally important' he smiled sheepishly.

' Don't worry about it. Let us cross the bridge when we come to it. ' she smiled reassuringly as she looped her arm through his, leaned her head on his shoulder.

' Well... it looks like it is you who need some reassurance right now? What happened Vinny?' he settled properly on the couch so that they could sit comfortably.

Vinny nibbled her lower lip, closed her eyes and took a deep breath before pouring her thoughts out.

' Did you think that we will last, when you married me Avi? Tell me honestly okay? Because I never thought we would end up like this, inseparable. Actually I thought I am insane to marry you making a deal with it. What were you thinking while you married me ?' she raised her head from his shoulder to look at him for a moment , then leaned back to his shoulder.

' I am not looking. Tell me now'

He chuckled seeing her childish way to  make him talk.
' I always wanted us to last, you know. I was worried about you finding out how I convinced your dad. Except that I was pretty happy and excited to get married to you. Secretly I wished this would last and maybe,  we will be together forever. I really really liked the girl I met on a new year eve, so much so that when I met her again I was so happy even in that odd situation, I really hoped it would work out somehow'

' Really?' Vinny's mouth was agape, eyes wide.
Avi shook with laughter.

' Why? You thought that I won't try my best to keep you Vinny? Who wouldn't want to have someone like you in their lives ?'
He pinched her cheek and she pouted.

' I tried to stay away from you in the beginning, I kept myself out of your way and kept myself busy all the time, but then I thought why am I torturing myself by trying to avoid you?'

'I wanted to be with you when we are together, even if it was for a short time, you are just irresistible to stay away you know. You are like a little sunshine and a little hurricane who could just make my world a better place just by existing in it. I never ever want to lose you..' his voice was really soft and soothing with full of love.

Vinny felt the honesty in his words in her heart, she could feel her eyes welling up.
Her life was a total disaster and chaos when they met and they have come so far. Her heart filled with gratitude, she didn't mind the spilled tears when she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

' Forever is not an easy thing Avi, it needs our constant effort and love and everything in us, but with you I think it is possible. ' she smiled through her tears.

' Since I got such a long confession, I have something to ask you too. '
She dried her cheeks with the back of her hands and smiled brightly.

' Will you marry me Avi? For real? I know we are legally married but I feel like I missed the blessings. I want all those beautiful, meaningful rituals in our wedding too. I feel like I missed out it on our first wedding because I was thinking it's absurd and meaningless ' she shrugged a little, then gave him another puppy face.

' You mean you want to get married with all the rituals again? Everyone will think  that we are crazy' he rubbed his forehead in confusion.

' Aashi will be here, next month. I don't want a big celebration or anything. Just the people we love. Aashi would be happy. Bhai would think that I really lost all my screws but Samriddhi will manage him. That's it. No fuss, just happy vibes only. ' she winked and gave him a pleading look.

' So you really want this.. right?' Avi was still unsure about Vinny's new idea but she was right, their marriage was based on a deal not on love and trust. It will be a new start for them.

' Oho Avi , I am dead serious about it. Now answer me.
Will you marry me? ' she furrowed her eyebrows.

' Ofcourse I will. I always take my chances you know' his eyes crinkled.

' Then we are all set ' she bumped his shoulder playfully.

' Avni is going to be the lucky kid , who got to attend her parents wedding twice..' Vinny rubbed her palms together, thinking about how they are going to tell her about their crazy journey minus Rishi.

' Yeah..and we will have to explain about our crazy plan to get married twice when she gets old '  he replied as they got up from the couch and walked towards the bed.

' Yeah..sure. Avi don't you think Avni's name is little difficult one? We can't shorten her name. If we shorten, it will either be Vinny or Avi. ' Vinny tilted her head a little looking at her sleeping daughter.

' Yeah. She will be called kiddo forever then. That suits her well, she is cute like a button ' Avi said lying down next to his kiddo and Vinny snorted.

' There you go again Avi. Lazy bum ' she was annoyed by the way he was always with Avni.

' If you are that jealous, join us here. Kiddo n her dada would love it ' he said rolling over to the other side, making space for her.

' Yeah.. let us laze around as a family then..' Vinny laughed a little lying down next to them and their kiddo smiled happily in her dream.


           Hello there,
So here we are...at the end of Maybe forever. It was a pleasure to write this book and I am so grateful for each and everyone who read the book.
Thanks for all the love you showered. Thanks for joining the journey of Vinny and Avi. Thanks for loving them as much as I loved them.
Hope you enjoyed the story too.
Keep reading, keep loving.
Thank you once again 💕💕💕💕


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