Piglet: "How do you spell 'love'?"
Pooh: "You don't spell it...you feel it." -winnie-the-pooh
The hot crispy dosai and coconut chutney served along with piping hot coffee, made the tension in the air loosen a little.
Avi and Aashi was silent making Vinny a bit nervous. Madhav was taking care of Amaya in the living room, while they had their breakfast.
Vinny eyed Aashi from the corner of her eyes, who was busy eating her dosai.
Aashi has every rights to be mad at her brother, Vinny agreed, but the silent treatment Avi was getting from his sister made her guilty.
It was all because of her, that they had to get married in a hurry in the first place..it wasn't Avi's fault.
Vinny scrunched her nose trying to think about a topic that would bring an interest in both brother and sister and they could talk.
' Where did you stay last night?' Vinny asked finally. It was a simple question but she got the attention of both the siblings in a second.
' We stayed in a hotel near airport.
Madhav has a medical conference to attend today. That's here in Kochi. So we made a plan to visit you guys too.
I am still mad at my brother, but it is so nice to meet you..
What should I call you?? Vadhina( sister in law) or just Vihani?
I guess we are of same age? '
Aashi smiled warmly.
Vinny sighed in relief thinking Aashi is not angry with her.
' You can call me Vinny...'
'Okay... then that's fixed...but I have a doubt. How did you end up with my stupid brother? He is so boring that his long time girlfriend gave up on him. I thought he would be a bachelor forever..' Aashi said as she finished her coffee.
' it's a long story Aashi...and the circumstances played a big part ' Vinny scoffed a little.
' Tell me everything in detail...' Aashi stood up holding her empty plate and mug.
' Okay...if you promise to tell everything about Mihika..' Vinny winked at Avi.
'Deal..' Aashi smiled brightly and Avi rolled his eyes.
' Hey both of you...I am still here in the room..' he looked at both of them who were smiling at each other.
' That doesn't matter Bhai. I already like her... She is interesting...unlike you. By the way I am still a little bit mad at you..this is part your punishment' she stuck her tongue out and Vinny laughed.
' I need to change Aamy's s diaper and feed her. We could catch up while doing that and Madhav could have his breakfast..' Aashi called out as she walked towards the kitchen.
' Both of you are so much in sink that I am getting a vibe like you were meant to be best friends..'
Vinny nodded in response.
' Can't agree with more...' Vinny chimed in.
Avi chuckled in response. Aashi wasn't talking to him properly but she liked Vinny. He was happy about that. Aashi was his only family and she always had problems with Mihika in the past. So when she accepted Vinny right away, it was a positive sign that she approved his choice, even if it wasn't a real marriage, somewhere in his heart, he felt it real, as real as any relationship could be.
Madhav and Avi left after their breakfast leaving their wives home .
The day passed quickly as Vinny and Aashi bonded over their common factor..Avi.
Aamy was sleeping soundly in her stroller while the grown ups had their lunch.
Vinny hadn't this much fun with someone for such a long time. They talked a lot about their childhood.
Aashi told her about her happy memories with her family, making Vinny jelous at time to time.
As Avi had mentioned before, they belonged to a normal middle class family, but they had a lot more loving memories with their parents than Vinny.
' There's nothing special about Bhai though. He was always this boring , studious kid in the class. The only thing he was good at other than studies, was acting.
He used to act in plays in school.
There were a lot of pictures from his little Sree Krishna role from third grade to his last play in high school.
It must be there, still in our home..' Aashi said thoughtfully as she scooped a spoon full of butter scotch ice cream into her bowl from the tub.
' I would love to see them...' Vinny popped a chocolate into her mouth and sighed in contentment as the sweet delicacy melted into her mouth.
' You love chocolates? You ate so many by now...' Aashi eyed her with a hint of smile on her lips.
' Don't know...I wasn't this obsessed before. May be hormones are playing with my taste buds these days and your brother won't let me eat them whenever I want.
He actually counts the chocolates before he leaves in the morning... Can you believe it..?' Vinny rolled her eyes as she licked the wrapper.
' He care about you..a lot actually.' Aashi smiled fondly at her.
' Bhai is not that good with relationships you know... He is not that expressive about his feelings... you probably know that by now since you know each other for a long time..'
' Is that so? I don't know much about him..' Vinny thought to herself but Avi was open with her, he did not held back himself from telling about his past.
She had seen his vulnerable side quite a bit actually. May be Aashi was right.
They shared something more special, than Vinny realised herself.
' Mihika used to complain about that actually. He was this courteous nice boyfriend but Mihika really didn't get to know his heart.
I didn't like Mihika either. She just wanted to show off Bhai and his success. I don't know why he put up with her for such a long time.' Aashi narrowed her gaze in disbelief.
' long time? What do you mean by that?' Vinny's brow knitted in confusion.
' Didn't Bhai tell anything??
They were high school sweethearts...not really, but they were classmates...but they started dating when they were in college. Wait...I think I have got a picture of Mihika in my phone.'
Aashi fished out her phone from Aamy's diaper bag and scrolled through her gallery until she found the picture she was looking for.
' That is them on their farewell party.'
Vinny looked at the picture with full attention.
It was a beautiful picture of Avi and Mihika. He looked every bit handsome in his white shirt and grey trousers with a grey tie.
Mihika was looking gorgeous too, in a black saree.
She was smiling brightly at the camera draping her arms across his torso. Avi looked a bit distracted or maybe uncomfortable , his hand just rested on her shoulder lightly.
But Mihika's arms around him didn't go well with Vinny. She was burning inside, a shameless feeling to pull Mihika's hand away from Avi overwhelmed her.
Vinny almost scratched on the screen when Aashi took her phone back.
' Jealous much ?' Aashi teased as she stood up collecting the empty bowls Infront of them.
' Jealous? Me? Not at all... ' Vinny scratched her forehead thinking why was she is feeling that way suddenly.
' Don't worry about Mihika... That was long ago.. and Bhai is himself with you. He is not playing the courteous nice guy around you and he smiles at you ... genuinely.. that says something. He wasn't like that with Mihika...take my word for it '
Vinny brightened up immediately, despite of her confusion about her feelings, she breathed a sigh of relief.
' What is wrong with me ' Vinny muttered over and over in her head as they went along with their chores.
When Avi and Madhav came back that evening , Vinny was still in denial that she actually got Jealous of Mihika.
As usual, Avi started his lecturing about her chocolate obsession but instead of getting annoyed , Vinny was pondering over Aashi's words.
' Does he really like me more than Mihika? Why am I getting jealous over a girl whom I never knew in person...' suddenly her emotions were all over the place and Vinny shrugged off him in midway and walked upstairs...towards her room , all the thoughts jumbling over each other.
' Where are you going? ' Aashi asked from behind.
' To my room...I will get a quick shower..' Vinny bit her tongue so hard her eyes almost welled up in pain. How could she be this stupid.
'Why are you taking a shower there?' not in your bedroom.
Vinny turned to face Aashi , racking her brain to come up with something that would cover her tongue slip.
' I keep my wardrobe there. Since Avi's cupboard is full, I keep my things there for easy access...' she made up a story trying to make it plausible.
' Did Bhai say that ? He told you to keep your things upstairs?' Aashi raised her eyebrows and her hands akimbo.
' Yeah and it's okay...no big deal..' Vinny said hoping that Aashi would let it pass. She kicked herself for not thinking about all this beforehand..how could she, when she was preoccupied with other thoughts.
' It's a big deal Vinny....!!!Bhai...' she hollered .
Avi came out from his bedroom, supposedly their bedroom, his eyes moved to and fro between his sister and Vinny.
' When did you become such a bully Bhai? ' she turned towards Avi who was totally clueless about the whole scenario.
' Bully? Me? What are you saying?'
' Did you tell Vinny to keep her things upstairs, not in your bedroom. She's pregnant for god's sake and you are making her walk up and down. I thought you loved her bhai ' Aashi crossed her arms Infront of her chest.
Ready for a fight with her exasperated Bhai, who was making sense of the situation from the bits and pieces of information that he got.
' She is okay with it I guess...Why are you getting mad at me Ashuma?'
' Because I thought you really cared about her, loved her but you disappointed me ..' she fumed.
' Why are you going to paranoid about thus... ofcourse I love her... what are you saying...' he blurted out and realized what he said as she caught a wide eyed Vinny looking at him, her expression stunned.
' Then act like one loving husband and help me ' Aashi moved toward his room, beckoning him to follow.
In next one hour Aashi rearranged his wardrobe and Avi helped her dutifully leaving Vinny as a mere spectator.
' I am going to move the rest to the upstairs Bhai. Your essentials are here. Rest of the things you can get from upstairs..'
' Oh... Come on...we have enough space here...why are you making me to go upstairs to change Aashuma?' he pleaded.
' She is the pregnant one here..not you. And you have to save some space for the baby too. Don't be so dramatic Bhai..' Aashi chuckled enjoying her brother's distress.
Vinny enjoyed watching them bickering with an amused grin on her lips. It was fun to see how Aashi could make him do whatever she says, it just showed that how much Avi loved his sister.
Vinny missed her brother badly at that moment that her eyes welled up , she blinked back the tears before it spilled and wet her cheeks.
' Vinny...go and shower now. My brother is not going to bully you anymore...'
' I wasn't bullying her... You can't blame a guy who just moved his stuff for her..you both should be thanking me for being so considerate..'
'We would have...if you have done this without me getting involved. Seriously Bhai.. Madhav is much better than you..' Aashi smiled proubickeri, don't know how he is enduring you..' Avi spared a glance heavenward and Aashi glared at him.
As they proceeded with their bickering session further, Vinny made her way to the washroom. Finally they were talking, at least something good came out of it. Vinny sighed herself.
It was a day dream worthy washroom, comparing to the one she was using till now, since this was the one attached to the master bedroom, it was kind of obvious but still Vinny smiled broadly.
' Not bad Mr. Oh so considerate guy'
White marbled floor, ornate mirror, good faucets...soak in tub and a shower stall.. Vinny took her own time for a lavish shower. She silently thanked Aashi for her generous help , which made this happen.
Avi was fiddling with his phone when Vinny stepped out of the washroom clad in her gray too big t shirt and in black leggings.
' I am missing those too short shorts of yours..' Avi glanced her way taking his eyes off from the phone and grinned.
' I can't fit in them anymore..' Vinny said gloomily as she unwrapped the towel from her hair and began working at brushing through her hair with fingers.
' Wait...that means you pretended that you didn't notice my odd clothing styles that day. Why???'
' Because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.' he replied fixing his eyes back to the phone.
' That changed now?'
' Yeah , we are quite comfortable with each other now... don't you think?' he quipped.
'Oh!! As comfortable as you were with Mihika ?' her eyebrows raised in unison and Avi raised his eyes from the phone.
' From where did Mihika come to this topic' his tone in genuine confusion.
' She had been there always...I just get to know about her today. Now tell me...Who is you close with? Mihika or Me?'
Avi's face broke into a broad grin, his chocolate brown eyes filled with an amusement as he stood up and walked towards her. He gently put his hand on her shoulder and drew her closer.
' I am really close with you Vinny in fact , more than anyone has ever been with me in a long time. Mihika was never that close , we were just friends, she wanted more than that but I didn't. So rest assured..' he smiled.
'Really ?' she smiled slightly.
' Yeah... really. But is that jealousy that I am seeing in your eyes?' he smirked.
' I was just asking. Why should I be jealous of her. I am not' she stated as a matter of fact.
'If you say so...' he smiled heartily annoying her.
Vinny moved away from his side and studied herself in the mirror.
' Am I jealous? Why ' she wanted to kick herself.
' Till Aashi leaves, we are going to share this room then..I guess' he said breaking her trail of thoughts.
' Yes...I think so. It won't be easy to go upstairs anymore' she replied.
'Aashi is right, I should have done this before. It's not good that you go up and down. You should have used this room. It didn't occur to me before..' Avi said sheepishly.
' It didn't occur to me either. We both sucks!' she conceded.
' Yes. Specifically you... You should take care of yourself more. You are really reckless, clueless and stupid..' he replied without missing a beat.
' Why should I? You are always there to take care of me and I love that '
Vinny fell silent for a moment , she could feel the heat growing in her cheeks.
' Why am I like this? Suddenly? ' she hurried outside.. leaving Avi behind to deal with a millions of thoughts and emotions that rushed to him in a second.
'What is happening to us?' he asked himself.
New cover by omahazeeya ♥️
Thanks dear @omahazeeya💖💖💖
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