Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny.
                                     C. S. Lewis

     Vihani was away from home again.
She had stopped thinking Visakhapatnam as her home long ago. So this change in location can't be considered as a time away from home...not really.... She had forgotten what it's to feel like missing her home. She missed her Bhai, except that there was nothing for her in her hometown.
So she settled into the new city with ease and a newfound confidence.

It didn't took Avi more than two weeks to keep his word, that her privacy will be back somewhat. They had moved from Visakhapatnam to Kochi in a matter of weeks.

Arjun and Avi owned a property in Kochi and that had became their home for the time being.
For making things easier, their new branch of Curry tree was about to open in Kochi and Chennai. So it made an easier cover up for their sudden relocation.

Finally things were settling down for her, she was less anxious these days and medias attention has changed from them after their wedding.

Vihani has been married for two  months now and she was slowly getting accustomed to her new changes.
She was slightly worried about living with a stranger in an unknown city. But that turned out to be the easiest part actually.

Avi kept himself immersed in work all the time that she barely got to see him for the past two weeks, they were in their new home.

Their property was close to the bustling city and a waterfront villa.
It was a beautiful place, with great views from their balcony.

Avinesh confirmed that it was their first investment in real estate , but both Avinesh and Arjun  loved this property, they kept it as their getaway place.
           It's a simple white concrete building with modern home interior.
Just outside of the front gate, there is a boulder with the name of the house upon it, written Curry tree.

A combination of simplicity and understated luxury shaped the home.
Landscape design was done in such a way that it kind of felt like a sanctuary , close to the nature and greenery. Vihani loved the privacy and space the house allowed that she was feeling a peacefulness here.

The ground floor consists of a living room, dining room, a  kitchen with utility space, and Avi's bedroom with an attached deck area. Vihani had the entire first floor to herself with two bedrooms and a study and balcony. They maintained and followed  their seperate routine and sometimes she actually forgot that Avinesh lived there too.

Vihani was having morning sickness for sometime now and it exhausted her a lot. Her nausea feeling kept her away from the breakfast on time now.
She preferred to have a late breakfast nowadays and by that time Avinesh leaves for work and Vihani enjoyed the quiet days without any interruption.

They had a maid to take care of their meals and a driver, if Vihani wanted to go out somewhere, which she barely did. Except for the doctor's appointment, she stayed home most of the time. She planned to explore the city slowly in the upcoming weeks and she was excited about that.

Vihani was happy that Avinesh kept himself out of her way and took care of her in a subtle way but sometimes, she felt lonely.

She wished that at least they shared a friendliness with each other so that she could have a conversation with him at time to time. The loneliness was disquieting some days that she really wanted to talk to someone.

She knew that Avinesh has the friendly side to him, she had seen the glimpses of that side sometimes. But nowadays, it felt like he has restrained himself from her and Vihani wasn't sure she liked it a lot. She missed him, even though she won't admit it to anyone, like today. Her thoughts were wandering around him while she was looking at the sunny weather outside from the balcony.

      Vihani was having a cup of lemon tea, she has read somewhere that it helps to control the morning sickness. Right now she wasn't sure whether it's true or not. The taste wasn't that welcoming and she afraid that she might throw up.

' Is that any good?'
Vihani was so immersed in her thought that the soft voice , which came from her right side, made her to take a quick turn and  splash the tea on the floor.

Avinesh was standing next to her, studying the content in her cup. He was wearing a black t shirt and  sweatpants and was at ease. His jet black hair was tussled by the wind and he looked great.

' I don't think it is any good. You are literally throwing it away..' Avinesh chuckled and she grinned sheepishly.

She did not know that he was home today.

' Why are you still here?' she cocked her eyebrows, bit unsure what else to ask.

'Come on Vihani. You can't make me work on a Sunday. It's my first off day in a month. ' he shrugged in response.

'Oh!' she muttered. It's a Sunday!!!

She was missing his company, but now he was beside her, Vihani wasn't sure what to do. She thought about asking something about his business then she didn't like the topic particularly, nothing else came to her mind either.

She was wearing an oversized grey t shirt that her too short shorts were barely visible. In his fully dressed form, she somehow felt underdressed and that made her uncomfortable.

She made a mental note to keep a check on her weird clothing styles even though Avinesh seemed barely affected with her attire.

' How are you doing Vihani?' her thoughts were broken by his voice.
She turned towards him, who was leaning towards the rail, eyes distant.
His posture was a bit tensed may be. She could not tell but the playfulness was missing from his voice.

'I am doing well Avinesh, thanks to you' she raised her tea cup in mocking cheers manner and smiled.

He didn't smiled back rather maintained a grim expression.

' You might have felt that I am ignoring you, but I was very busy , it was crazy there. With all the new changes , and new branches opening , it was a lot of work. ' he shrugged again like he was reasoning his behaviour and she found it rather daunting.

It had occurred to him, that Vihani must have felt that he was ignoring her, which was a bit true. But he didn't want to keep her away all the time, in a new city, he felt lonely sometimes and he was sure Vihani felt the same.

'That is alright. I understand how difficult it must have been for you.
I am really doing well. Don't worry about me ' she smiled reassuringly and sipped her tea muttering a yuck under her breath.
Avinesh felt a wave of releif as she replied.
It amazed him that she was being very understanding about his situation.

'Why are you torturing yourself with the tea by the way?'

The amusement in his voice was clear and Vihani scratched her forehead.

'It is for the morning sickness'

'Oh' he nodded understandingly.

'When is your next appointment with the doctor?'

'Tomorrow morning. Why?'

He was silent for a moment , like he was weighing his options and that gave her an uneasy feeling.

' Okay I am coming with you tomorrow' he replied casually, like it's very normal to accompany his pregnant wife to doctor which was not the case here.

'You don't have to. I am alright to go alone. Besides you are busy..'

'I am not' he cut her in mid sentence and she bit her cheek in reflex.

He looked so adamant about accompanying her, she gulped down the urge to reject him again.
'Ok. As you wish. My appointment is at 10. Let's leave by 9.30? '

' Yeah sure '

And just like that they had a plan for the next day.


        ' Your blood  reports are normal but there's a bit complication in your scan report'
Vihani was drowning in her own thoughts and this line caught her attention.
She was still feeling uncomfortable in the undesired presence of her so called husband.
She had hoped that he would cancel on her till he himself drived her to hospital.
Why  was he showing this sudden interest, was beyond her.
He was acting like her silent guardian since they reached the hospital, Srishti women's clinic.
It's light green and white painted walls with pristine lawns made a good impression on her.
By the time she had her blood examination and scanning, Vihani was exhausted.

But as they sat in the doctor's cabin, after a prolonged wait for the reports, both of them felt drained.

Dr. Sritha Srinivas, her gynecologist,  was a pleasant looking woman in her early fifties.  She was studying Vihani's reports and smiled at Avi who was wondering why he joined her in the first place.
He wanted to support her on her decisions and he was genuinely interested in checking out the hospital facilities , that she had chosen herself, which was great by the way.
But he felt out of place the whole time and awkward.

'What complications doctor?' Vihani was asking, and Avi felt he missed something while he was busy thinking this and that.

' Mrs. Rao, your blood results are normal but your scan report shows that you have a low lying placenta.
Don't panic, it's common nowadays and it will be alright.
For the time being, take things easy.
Take proper rest and avoid intercourse. '

'Uh?' Avi was still processing the details of medical terms , which was beyond his knowledge , and he let out a sigh unknowingly.

'Mr. Rao, I mean avoid sex for the time being...'
The doctor emphasized the words making sure he got it properly.

Avi nodded in response as Vihani stifled a laugh looking at his  bewildered state and he glared at her.

'Is everything okay ?' doctor intruded their awkward interaction.

'Yeah doctor. I am okay with it, but not sure about him though.' she said suggestively and doctor smiled too.

'I am really ok with it doctor. I am not like those guys who pester their wives for it . I am very understanding..' his words came to an abrupt end as he realised that he was blabbering about their non existent sex life.
And this time , Vihani laughed heartily.

'Easy Mr. Rao , I got you. See, take care of your wife. Let her take more rest and take the medicines on time. Get your diet chart too and I will see you in a week. '
Doctor's smiling face made Avi sulk in his chair. He couldn't believe that he just made a fool out of himself.

Avi pretended that he was indifferent about the whole thing, but he was so  embarrassed even to look at her.
He could feel Vihani stealing glances at him, so he completely avoided her till they was seated in his car.

Vihani looked at his perplexed face, then she couldn't hold it anymore, she laughed.
She laughed so hard till her eyes watered.
Avi was taken a back for a moment but then he too joined her.
After laughing for their hearts content, she sat back and took a deep breath.

'Sorry Avinesh,  but it was hilarious...' she smiled again.

'I know...it was awkward' he replied , meeting her smile with one of his own.

'You should have seen your face. You were blushing like a teenager... aw...so cute...haha' she started laughing again.

This time, Avi sat there, looking at her, losing himself in her beautiful smile.

'Since you are giving me the real pretty smile of yours, I don't mind being a laughing stock' he grinned and slowly Vinny looked at him too. It has been so long she had laughed this much, genuinely, without faking it at all. She was grateful to him for that and smiled again.

' Friends, Avinesh??' She held out her hand towards him.

'It's Avi for you ' he took her hand in his and give it a light squeeze.

'Yeah Avi, and it's Vinny for you' she replied as she shook his hand.

'Like Winnie the Pooh?'

'hey... that's different. But still it suits me' she chimed in. 

As they laughed and left the car parking area, Vinny started replaying their conversation.

She had a feeling that this was not the first time they had such a conversation, but she couldn't place it anywhere in her memories either.
But she was happy that she made a friend by now and a cute one at that.
This journey is going to be an adventurous one, she was sure now.

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