You are strong
Enough to face
It all, even if it
Doesn't feel
Like it right

              What should you feel when your past decide to pay you an unwanted visit and reopen the wounds , that somehow began to heal and you thought you are finally getting around to live a life you loved? and this past  came back to shake you up and tear you down?. It will give you panic at first then slowly it will turn into  an unfathomable anger. This was happening with Vinny now.

Vinny felt the panic sweeping over her, a temporary paralyzing fear , at first.

t took some time and Avi's presence, who held her tightly for a long time , her fear went down and it was replaced by anger.

She could feel the bubbling anger within her, her fear was toppling into full blown rage and which wasn't going to help her either.

' It's your battle Vinny, do you know why men like Rishi comes back?' Avi was asking her, in his soothing voice.
Vinny shook her head, she had no idea why Rishi wanted to come back to her life. He hadn't contacted her after that night. Not even after her marriage...then why now?
Her mind was clouded with questions.

'When they knew that you are doing well without them, it hurts their ego, it hurts them to understand that you have moved on, living in a better place and they don't own you anymore , they try to get back to you.
Do you want him to do that to you Vinny?' Avi continued after a pause.

   ' You are so special Vinny , someone who feels like a breath of fresh air, do you want him to hurt you again by manipulating you? '
He had asked her, with a lot of concern in his eyes which had pulled her out of her angry self slowly.

Vinny wanted this to end, she wanted Rishi out of their lives and she had told Avi the same.

' We have to resolve this issue once and for all Vinny and I want you to do it. I will be there, with you at any second you want me to but this is your chance to say what you want.'

' Show him that he can't do anything to bring you down. You could do it Vinny, the girl I know is that brave. Strong enough to stand for herself. You just need my support and you know that I will be there for you always... ' he had squeezed her reassuringly.
Vinny had looked at him, at his earnest eyes.
Slowly it dawned to her, how much potential Avi sees in her. Vinny was troubled by her past but Avi was so sure about her.

Avi wanted her to deal with Rishi, to be independent, strong enough to solve her problems because she was strong...he believed so and she trusted him. So it was decided that Vinny was going to meet Rishi the next morning itself.

               * * * * * * * * * * *

               Vinny was waiting for Rishi for the past ten minutes. Avi had picked the place because he knew the owner in person and Avi could keep an eye on Vinny all the time they are meeting eachother.
Sky grill was a rooftop bar and restaurant at the outskirts of the city, which comes alive by evening, but morning view was beautiful too.

It was past eight in the morning, there was still  coolness in the air , a gentle wind which played with her untied hair reluctantly. Sun was shining, giving her a warm hug with its golden rays, glittering the golden work on her beige top.

The restaurant was almost empty except for a couple sitting at the end of the row.

Avi could see her through the glass  window  from inside the office, and Vinny  knew it and that was reassuring.
Vinny sipped her coffee lazily thinking about all the things that happened in her life after she met Rishi.
Instead of getting annoyed or mad, she found herself surprisingly calm.
So when Rishi walked in , glancing the entire area , Vinny was ready to face him, more than ever before.

Rishi sat down without waiting for an invitation,  facing her, his chiseled features were unreadable and hard. His large figure shadowed her face , but she wasn't intimidated this time.
He was wearing a grey t shirt and tattered jeans and looked like he came straight out of bed to meet her.

His piercing gaze prickled her skin but she kept her eyes on him, without dropping it for even for a second.

' You are doing well Vihani. You look different...' his voice croaked, annoyed with her total appearance.
Vinny grinned a little knowiñg how much her smile would annoy him.

' I will take that as a compliment Rishi. Yes I am doing really well... but I can't say the same for you..' she took another sip of her coffee and leaned forward placing her hands on the table.

' Why did  you want to meet Rishi? What do  you want?' she asked coolly.
Rishi shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

' Don't act Vihani. You know really well what we have to talk about?' he said impatiently.

' I know that but I want to hear from you..tell me?' she said flatly.

' Vihani...we need to talk about our baby. You should come back to me. ' his tone was urgent, posture stiff and uneasy.

' Our baby? Are you kidding me Rishi?' Vinny smiled wryly.

' Don't play that dumb card on me Vihani...you know it's my baby you are carrying. I have your medical report in my hand which proves that you were pregnant before getting married , do you want me to show the reports ?' his voice raised.
Vinny crossed her hands over her chest and took a calming deep breath.

' Lower your voice Rishi. I don't want any proof for my pregnancy but listen to me. No matter what you say I will never go back to you...never.
There's nothing between you and me Rishi. It had ended long ago...and you have nothing to do with my baby. '

' Oh so you are not worried that I could destroy you and your husband by this news. You are such a cunning witch Vihani, you got married to that loser , who couldn't figure out that his wife is carrying someone else's baby. It would be fun to tamper your marriage and family along with his business. ' Rishi smiled wickedly. He seemed so confident about his statement that her blood boiled.

' See... you are not here because you want me or my baby back...!! you can't tolerate that I am doing well...it hurts your ego. You want to make sure that you still have an effect on me and my life.  You want to keep an ownership tag on me, like someone you can use and manipulate  whenever you want to boost your self worth.
Sorry to disappoint you Rishi. You don't scare me anymore. I was for a long time and it took me everything in me to get up and runaway from you. I am not going back...not ever. '
Vinny's voice shook a little in the end, but her tone was so firm that she saw him visibly flinch and that put her more at ease.

' Do you think it's that easy Vihani?
I could go to media...or I could go to your husband....will you be okay with that? ' he cocked his head as he rubbed his stubbled chin and narrowed his eyes on her.

' You can go to Avi , he knows everything about you and the baby. ' Vinny leaned back in the chair, thinking how Avi had came up with the plan to get married to her.

' How could he do that?' he almost screeched at her pulling her back to the present.

' Someone like you won't understand. So leave it Rishi. Just know that going to Avi with this won't change anything between us but I can't assure you that you would be alive after meeting him, he is that mad at you..' she scoffed.

Rishi looked at her like he does not know her at all. She used to get intimidated easily by his presence, she used to agree with him in whatever he say, she used to get scared by him. But this girl, who was sitting opposite to him was someone else altogether.
She kept her chin up, she radiated confidence and she glowed.
Rishi didn't recognize this Vihani and that was so infuriating.
He wanted to do something to bring back the old Vihani , who obeyed him. He wanted to erase the smile on her face and see the fear in her eyes which used to satisfy him.

' I will file a complaint against you. I need my baby back. I could go to court .... let us fight for the custody...' he said through gritted teeth.

Vinny drew a long deep breath eying him disdainfully.

' Okay if that's what you want...go and file a complaint against me. I will file one against you too. For raping me. Then we will be even. And you know what??? we will fight till we get the custody of my baby. You won't be able do anything about it. ' she challenged him.

' Rape? I didn't rape you bitch. Mind what you are saying...' his eyes twitched in alarm.

' It was a rape Rishi. You fucking raped me that day!!!!!!,
I have all my medical records with me too. I was scared to report you...but not anymore. Go ahead with your complaint , I will move mine too. Let us see who wins!!!! '   She slammed her hands on the table furiously, Vinny felt her pulse shooting up on her veins, she closed her eyes for a second and took a  deep breath before looking at a perplexed Rishi.

' Don't try to play and manipulate me Rishi. Try that with someone else... actually no, don't try with anyone else. Get some help, you need it. '
Vinny felt her anger dissolving into a mellow feeling of concern.

Rishi didn't say a word for a long time. He kept her eyes downward like he suddenly saw something very fascinating there that he couldn't take his eyes off.

' Let me conclude this for you Rishi,
I am not going back to you ever, you have no rights on me or my baby.
Our lawyer will meet you here as soon as I leave.
I won't be filing a complaint against you in return you won't have any rights on my baby.  I have signed the necessary documents, and I am sure you will do the same. '
You don't want a baby Rishi but me and Avi , we are counting days. We won't be meeting ever Rishi...we have no reason to. '  She waited a moment for any kind of protest which didn't come.

'Thank you for everything... because of you I met Avi and I have a family now.
You know what Rishi... I know what it feels like to be loved by someone completely now... I never felt that way when I was with you...I was rather lonely. So thank you for everything. '
She got up from her chair, grabbed her purse from the table.

Rishi didn't met her eyes...he sat there looking like a lost soul.
Vinny walked a few steps then stopped on her tracks and turned towards Rishi one last time.

' Find yourself again Rishi, the guy I fell in love wasn't like you at all...but that goodness is still there... somewhere. I believe so. Goodbye..' she walked towards the exit without looking back again. It was a complete end of her past and she was satisfied with it.

Avi met her in the lobby downstairs, she walked right into his arms as her legs wobbled and gave away.

' It's over Vinny and you did really well....' she leaned into his chest and silent tears flew down her cheeks.

'Are you alright?'
Vinny nodded in response regaining herself a bit .

' Should we head back to home then?'
He asked her patting her back gently.

' yeah Avi... but I have something to ask you...' she raised her head and looked at him expectantly.

' What sweetheart..' he got a shy smile in response and she bit her lip to stop her smile.

' since we are already here anyway...can I have their  chocolate mint milk shake...? Pleeeeeese??? She made a puppy face.

' You won't change ever right...?
Yes let's treat you with that then.... Let's go' he replied with a chuckle.

' Yeah I won't change ever...' she winked adorably and smiled at him gleefully.

' Chocolate mint milk shake it is then...why does it sound so weird!!! Anyway... let us get that from their juice counter..' he grabbed her hand lead her the way.

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