You can't bring
Up my past
To break me
That's what made me.
'So this is it? There's no more papers to sign? Vinny asked their lawyer raising her eyes from the bunch of legal papers in the table.
' No Mrs. Rao, we are done with the papers..' the lawyer, Narayan murti, in his mid fifties smiled at her warmly. His plump features relaxed into a slight smile as he collected all the papers on the table and put them back into the file near him.
Vinny leaned her throbbing back towards the black leather chair and try to sit comfortably.
Avi gave her a worried look which she shrugged off.
' So our pre nuptials are nullified. We don't have to worry about it anymore... right?' Avi wanted to confirm that this legal papers are not going to affect them anymore.
' Yes Avi... It's over. There's nothing to worry about it and I really hope there won't be any need of legal papers in between you two. You are perfect together. ' his voice was monotonous, but he was smiling heartily. Vinny and Avi beamed with pleasure at his remark.
They had signed the papers with his lawyer before their marriage, now he had called his lawyer to Kochi to nullify the same.
Both of them were too much in love that even thinking about staying apart for few hours was difficult for them...so a permanent separation wasn't anywhere in their thoughts.
Avi wanted to get rid of their stupid pre nuptials as soon as possible , for him it felt like a sin to keep such a stupid agreement when they loved each other so much.
So he had pestered his lawyer to come and clear their papers as soon as possible.
They had set up the meeting at his lawyer's friend's firm in Kochi , since Varun was still around and they didn't want to disclose anything to him.
Vinny wanted to keep it as a secret forever. It was better that way when everything was going well for everyone.
They came out of the firm with bright smile on their faces. It was early afternoon and Vinny was hungry. So they decided to have an early lunch at their own restaurant.
They had her favourite Hyderabadi biryani for lunch. Vinny wanted to try all the desserts available that day, but Avi didn't let her eat everything saying her blood sugar levels are on borderline.
Frowning and scowling Vinny settled with phirni, a bowl full of chilled nutty sweet dish was enough to fill her sugar cravings for some time.
' This is so delicious Avi. Can I have one more...please please please...' she pouted and winked and tried to work her charm on him who gave her icy glance and ordered for another serving.
' You won't eat anymore chocolate today. Promise me...then this bowl is all yours..' his hand rested on the new bowl and Vinny gave him a murderous glare then promised that she won't touch chocolate for the rest of the day.
' promise... promise....!! God!! This guy drives me crazy and he is so annoying, I really really wish and pray that you get pregnant someday so that I could make you suffer... ' Vinny muttered as she stuffed her mouth with phirni and Avi choked on his juice.
' I don't think even god can help you on this. It's just impossible..' he retorted with a laugher.
Vinny gave him another glare and wiped her mouth with a frown.
' Fair enough... But I have great faith in science. Someday men will be able to get pregnant and I will teach you a lesson then...'
She cocked her head to see his expression.
' My god Vinny... Eat your phirni...it might cool your brain a little... It's really overworking now...' Avi couldn't held back his smile, only Vinny could come up with something like that...he shook his head in releif when Vinny diverted her concentration back to her sweet delight with a sparkle of merriment in her eyes.
Rest of her phirni vanished in seconds , she wanted to eat one more but Avi didn't let her this time. So she marched towards the washroom without waiting for him.
' Hello ma'am , you look more pretty in person than in pictures. You and your husband makes a lovely couple...' Vinny turned around to see a widely grinning girl in a loose olive green t shirt and jeans.
They were standing ladies restroom and it took Vinny a few seconds to comprehend that a total stranger was talking to her.
' Did I shock you? I am sorry... I just wanted to say hi. ' the girl stuttered, she shifted uncomfortably in her spot , seeing a flabbergasted Vinny.
' Oh... that's alright... Thank you' Vinny replied politely, still bit confused and uncomfortable.
The girl immediately brightened up and smiled gleefully.
' You were looking lovely in those pics but you look way more prettier in person.. the restaurant and food.. everything is amazing. We were sitting right next to your table and I told my friends too.... by the way I am Shikha and sorry to disturb you again...'
The girl was so excited and happy that a little smile made its way to Vinny's lips too.
' That is so sweet of you Shikha. I hope you have a great time here... See you..'
Vinny waved her hand a little and smiled at the girl warmly before leaving the rest room.
Vinny was still a little concerned and confused when Avi caught her hand and walked towards their office room.
' Are you alright Vinny? You look a bit shocked or something ? Or your back is hurting again ? Shall we go to hospital?' he asked immediately after they entered the office room , his tone urgent face filled with concern.
' Don't freak out Avi...I am not in labour and my back is not hurting that much... it's just that I met a girl in the washroom. She recognised me right away. ' she said absently.
' That's because the restaurant opening was all over the media for the past few weeks...the opening and the events here in the evenings... There was a pic of us too. Are you worried about that?' he held her hands in his and took a close look at her.
Vinny bit her lip nervously. She never liked the attention from anyone, she has been recognised by someone today after a long time, even it was a pleasant meeting, she felt so unsure about it.
' Not worried actually. It was a bit surprising, I didn't know that people could recognise me...I wasn't careful may be...but the girl was sweet. ' Vinny smiled sadly.
' People are recognising you... that's because it was a recent event Vinny.. they will forget eventually and we will be moving back to Visakhapatnam gradually... don't worry about it...' he looked at her briefly.
She was listening to him, looking right into his eyes and absorbing whatever he was saying. So he continued trying to reassure her.
'And one more thing, I wanted to tell you this for a while now, hear me out okay?
We can't run away from who we are Vinny. We have to face it sooner or later but trust me, that doesn't change what kind of person you are. You are not like your dad, not like any privileged spoiled kid. You are your own person, authentic and original one. There's no one else like you Vinny and you have to trust yourself on this. People may recognise you or judge you but that doesn't define who you are..all we can do is just accept as it is. You will be alright' he smiled reassuringly.
' I know it's not easy for you...I understand but give it some thought... okay' he squeezed her hand lightly.
Vinny knew that he was right. She can't run and hide whenever she was recognised as his wife or her dad's daughter. She had been doing that for a long time , may be it's time she embraced her identity and stop feeling bad about it...but it is going to take her some time to get used to it.
' By the way what did she tell you... your fan?' Avi mocked her and she gave him a pointed look.
'She told me that I look prettier in person and we make a cute couple...' she grinned , her cheeks turning into a tinge of pink contrast to her dark green top.
' Yeah she is right. I totally agree with your fan.. she has good taste...you are pretty and we are perfect together' Avi leaned in and kissed her on her forehead which made Vinny all warm and fuzzy inside and her cheeks turned into a dark shade of pink.
' Ms. Tomato... should I drop you at home? ' he chuckled looking at her perplexed state.
' Yes please...' Vinny gave him a silly smile , one which could easily give the impression that she was still confused and happy at the same time.
They met Shikha and her friends in the parking lot too. The girl gang waved at them and they smiled back.
Vinny was silent till they reached home. Avi had to go back since he was meeting their lawyer along with Varun at their office. Varun and Samriddhi was doing well and they were sure that something is brewing up between them.
Vinny changed into one of her comfy clothes , after chatting with Lakshmi for some time Vinny went to Avi's study, which was her favourite place. She picked a paperback book from his table.
' New book? When did he get this one'
Vinny studied the blue cover page.
' The things you can see only when you slow down how to be calm in a busy world 'she read the name of the book.
It was written by a famous Korean zen Buddhist haemin sunim.
' Interesting Avi. What do you see when you slow down...?' she asked herself as she turned pages randomly, and she came across a line which Avi had underlined with blue ink.
' The best revenge is love ' it read. Vinny took the book in her hand and parked herself on the couch and read it again.
She wasn't sure why he had underlined that quote... Maybe Avi found it amusing , Vinny found it meaningful.
She wasn't going to take her revenge on anyone, but there was hate in her heart towards her dad who never cared for her and towards Rishi, who had destroyed her. Maybe it was Avi's way to tell her to let go of her hate and insecurities...he was telling the same a while ago too.
She took a deep breath , thinking about all the time she had hated someone and in return how much she had been hurt by the same.
She won't be able to stop hating anyone right away but she could try at least. She felt the weight on her chest, some muffled heartache slowly lifting from there and a slow smile spread on her lips involuntarily.
Vinny started reading the book, it was simply written with full of wisdom, it kind of gave her a new way to look on her life...Avi has a great choice in books..she thought herself.
Vinny was startingto doze off with the book in her hand when the phone started ringing.
It took a moment for her to realise that it was their landline, which nobody used actually.
She got up from the couch and sauntered towards the phone rubbing her eyes.
' Hello...who is this?' she yawned , her voice groggy, still half asleep.
' Is this Vihani Reddy or should I say Mrs. Vihani Rao? ' the gruff voice she heard from the other side, send shock waves through her body. Her sleepiness was gone in a second and her head spin.
' Rishi?' her voice trembled and she shut her eyes praying that she was wrong.
' That's sweet Vihani...you still remember my voice' he let out a long whistle enjoying the moment.
' Why are you calling me? What do you want? How did you get this number?'
She shot questions like arrows, trying to get a grip on herself.
' Easy Vihani easy. Getting the landline number wasn't a big deal Vihani..and we know each other for a long time , I could call you whenever I want... because I never stopped loving you Vihani..' the last words made her flinch and nausea swept over her.
' You are talking nonsense Rishi. I don't want to talk to you. We don't have nothing to talk about... listen...we are over, long ago, you have no rights to call me and I am not obliged to listen whatever nonsense you are spewing...' slowly the anger was building up inside her. She could feel her pulse shooting up.
' Oh...we are not over Vinny, you are carrying my baby without your loser husband's knowledge. I think we have a lot to talk and sort out..' he told her through gritted teeth.
' Vinny became quiet for a second...
How did he know? Vinny's breath caught in her chest.
' That's none of your concern Rishi. Leave me alone..' Vinny shivered in anger, she wanted to throw the phone and pretend like he never called.
' It's my damn business, you and I need to talk. Not like this.. I want to see you in person. ' he said in finality.
' I don't want to see you...' she almost screamed into the phone.
' Don't shout. Check the news pages.. You are quite famous here Vihani. When I told this gossip column people that I have some news about Vihani Reddy to share, they were readily available, it surprised me a bit. Don't worry I didn't tell them the entire story of ours...just hinted a little. Now it's your turn to decide what to do with this news.
A scandal right now could affect your husband's and your brother's nobility..and yours too. So is their business. Think about it Vihani...all you have to do is to come and see me.. I will call you to tell where to find me. Have a great evening..' he smiled into the phone and hung up the call.
Vinny stared at the phone for a moment before placing it on the table.
She got her phone from the couch and checked the news and it was there.
Rishi was right.
The news was there, along her and Avi's picture from the opening ceremony.
' All is not well in paradise' it read, cliche line.
It stated some bullshit about they are getting a divorce soon and reason was that the presence of a third person in between them.
It also stated that Avi married her only for the money knowing that Vihani Reddy was in a relationship with someone else.
She read the entire article in a go. It was garbage, baseless things but it was one of the trending news on online media.
What is happening? What will happen if Rishi told them about her baby too?
That will affect Avi in a really bad way. She shuddered at that thought. Her eyes welled up and she felt helpless.
She covered her face in her trembling hands and cried.
Her whole body shook in the silent sob when someone held her close and she felt the strength of his arms in her bones.
She recognised the familiar cologne near her.
' Avi..? ' she raised her face to see him who was looking at her closely.
' I know Vinny. Rishi is back... right?'
Vinny nodded and another fresh set of tears spilled through her eyes.
He held her tightly and ran his palm over her back.
' It's going to be alright. We are going to get through this Vinny...I promise..' he kept saying that in her ears until she felt better and steady on her feets.
The night was long and they had to figure out how they are going to deal with her past.
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