Chp. 6: Accident

My cheeks brightened at Mark's singing. The way he looked at me it just...made me smile. I glanced at Matt who stared back at me back. A suspicious look spread across his face. "Um..." I mumbled. Looking away from Matt staring down at the floor. As soon as the video ended, bob and wade left but Mark and I stayed with Matt and Amanda. Mark and I sat on the floor while Matt and Amanda sat on the couch behind us. Silence filled the air. "Why don't we do something?" I asked without thinking. The faces on my new friends glowed like a flashlight in a dark room. "Sure!" Amanda said super perky. She left the room and came back with a camera. "Again?" I said under my breath. I guess she heard me because she nodded and rolled her eyes as she smiled. Setting up the device she pressed the recording button and started talking. "Hey guys my name is Amanda and as you might of seen Matthias's sister has come over to hang out! So what we're going to do is play a game...again." She laughed as Matt put his arm around Amanda. My brother was in love. I could tell. I just wish...I could feel what he was feeling. I mean, don't get me wrong in high school and college tons of boys asked me on dates. But I said no because I wanted to wait for the perfect guy. But something felt strange. I felt like the perfect guy was near couldn't be....Mark. Could it? "Alright! So we are going to be playing the seven. Second. Challenge!" She said excited. My ears perked up to the new game. "Cool." I said. Mark agreed and so did Matthias. Amanda got put her phone and pulled up the app. "Okay, Mark. You have to...jump up and down while singing a song that was created and sung by you." Mark rolled his eyes and got up. He started to jump. His pitch was off since he jumped so high. "Something here seems foul." He said in a minor tone. "You bring the fur...I'll bring the fight. Hey foxy come get a bite. Cuz I'm surviving five nights." Matt and I laughed at the same exact time, our laughs sounding exactly the same. Amanda and Mark looked at us in awe. "Cool..." Mark mumbled. Suddenly, there was a ding! That went off. It was Amanda's phone the seven seconds were over and we had to decide wether Mark nailed it or failed it. Matt spoke first. "Nailed." Then Amanda "Nailed." Then it was my turn. "Um...failed." Marks face fell as I laughed it off. "I'm kidding. Nailed it." Mark clapped his hands and started dancing all around.

(Time skip)

It was final. The score:
Matt: 10
Of course we're tied. How else would this great day end. Hehehe (I'm dead inside). Amanda read her phone at the challenge we only had seven seconds to complete. "Reanact twilight." She read aloud looking at me and Mark. My legs almost gave out when she finished. Mark quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me close, the camera recording everything. I looked into his eyes with a worried face. "You're okay (y/n), you'll be alright." He whispered before he acted out a scene. " are my moon. And you shall regain the strength to rise again." I looked at him super confused. "Um...Mark? That's not how it goes." Mark pulled me even closer. We were now just inches apart from our noses and he began to breath calmly. "That's how I remember it." He said aloud. Amanda saw what was going on with me and Mark so she swiftly walked up behind me without me noticing and bumped her hip toward me, making me fall on top of Mark. He chuckled ad I stumbled up on embarrassment and shock. I cupped my hands over my mouth. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Mark. I guess I just fell and..." I thought of what happened then realized how I got into this situation. I glared at Amanda, my cheeks flushed pink. "I ship it." She whispered so only I could here. I didnt know what to do, so instead of talking to Mark like I planned to, I ran outside of Matt's apartment. Tears rushed down my face as I tried to rethink everything. I didn't here much but I did hear Mark shouting my name. "(Y/N)!!!!(Y/N) , WAIT!!" He cried. Where did it all go so crazy? I thought over and over again.

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