Amanda was extremely happy to see Matthew and the others when they showed up at her place, giving them all hugs, except for John that is, who brushed aside her attempt. Due to the weather, they were the first guests she had had for an entire week. This time she didn't open the sarcophagus wrapped like a mummy.
' . . . I love my rabbits,' Amanda said, 'don't get me wrong, but they're not very good when it comes to making conversation.' She gestured for them to sit down.
Taking a seat on a couch draped with the carpet Amanda had used at her performance, Chloe said, 'First, we just want to say that your magic show was incredible.'
'Quite,' said Matthew. He stared at all the rabbits in their cages, picking out the one that had evaded capture on stage. 'Absolutely amazing.'
'You're too kind,' said Amanda.
Slink sat down on the floor and said, 'Do you know what? I've been racking my brain for days now, trying to figure out how you made the stage disappear. I'm still clueless. I built that stage solidly. A tornado would have had a hard time making it vanish.'
There was a look on Slink's face that made Matthew somewhat suspicious.
'Well don't ask her how she did it,' John said miserably, 'because she won't tell you. All she will say is, "with much practice."'
'Oh, John,' Amanda said in disappointing tone, looking at him with sad eyes. She was putting it on. 'If you didn't like the assistant's dress, you should've just said. I could have made it more sparkly if you just asked.'
John stormed out that very second.
'Speaking of your vanishing act at the end,' said Chloe, trying to stop giggling. 'Did Apricot's sheets come with you?'
'They did,' replied Amanda. 'I was going to take them back to her, but I didn't want to ruin them in all the rain.'
'We'll take them to her,' said Slink.
'Fine by me,' said Amanda, strolling over to a cabinet next to the table with all the science equipment. She opened it, revealing a pile of clothes, a small safe and which were clearly Apricot's sheets all wrapped up in one, like a ball, and tied at the top with a piece of string.
Flinging the ball at Norman, who wasn't at all prepared to catch it and which hit him squarely in the face, Amanda said, 'Do you think you could tell Apricot I'm sorry about the delay. What are you staring at, Matthew?'
Matthew was eyeing the small safe inside the cabinet with much interest. 'Is that a Stone's safe?'
'Why, yes it is,' said Amanda. 'It used to be my mom's. How did you know that? Do you know about safes or something?'
Matthew nodded. 'My father and grandmother were locksmiths who specialized in cracking safes.'
Amanda lit up. 'That's so funny.'
'Why? Because your mother picked locks for her escaping acts?' said Matthew.
'That,' said Amanda, 'and because she – before becoming a magician – was a professional locksmith too, first working for a company here in Spring Heights making padlocks in their factory and then becoming a locksmith for them.'
What a truly funny coincidence, Matthew thought.
'Really?' said Jennifer, looking very surprised. 'We didn't know that.'
Nodding, Amanda said, 'When she became a magician she started out using locks that were made at the factory, as she knew how to pick them with ease. It was only a few years into her career when she started to make her own locks.' She walked over to a shelf, picked up a rusty padlock and showed it to the others. 'This was the last lock from the factory my mother used.
'Can I have a look?' said Matthew. He was always curious about everything to do with locks.
When she threw the padlock to Matthew, who did a better job at catching than Norman, he knew straightaway what company had made it. It was the same company his father used to work for before joining his grandmother to start his own business.
'My dad used to work for CommanderSecure. Not here in Spring Heights but where he lived when he was younger,' he said. He looked up at Amanda, who was smiling at the news.
'Spooky,' said Amanda.
'What a small world, hey?' said Norman.
'It sure is,' said Slink.
Looking back down at the lock, Matthew repeated, 'It sure is.' Fond memories of his father came rushing to him. They didn't make him sad as he was expecting but proud and happy.
A few moments of silence went by before Chloe asked Amanda, 'So, do you keep all the secrets to your magic tricks in there, in the safe?'
'I would if I could open it,' replied Amanda. 'That thing hasn't seen the light of day since before my mom died. I've tried to open it but with no luck. I've tried all different combinations, my birthday, her birthday, but nothing.'
Chloe, Jennifer, Norman and Slink looked at Matthew.
'I'm guessing if you've been trying to open it, there's something inside?' asked Matthew.
'That's right,' said Amanda. 'Although the thing is pretty heavy, I've shaken it and there's clearly something in there.'
'Do you want me to have a go?' Matthew asked. 'I'm pretty good at cracking safes. My dad and grandmother taught me.'
Amanda was crestfallen. 'I don't know. A few years ago I would have said yes. Now, I'm not so sure.'
Her response shocked Matthew and the others.
'What do you mean?' said Norman. 'There could be money in there.'
'You know she didn't leave me anything,' said Amanda. 'I told you that. She was broke when she died. Owed so much to the banks.'
'It could be a letter from your mom,' said Chloe. 'A picture, a keepsake . . . something of hers.'
'There could be. And that's what I've been hoping for, something that would mean a real lot to me. But what if there isn't anything like that in there. What if it's just a stinking old paperclip or something. I'd be devastated. Honestly, I think it would be best if I didn't know.'
That was hard for Matthew to grasp. If it was his safe, he would open it in a heartbeat. 'Well if you ever change your mind . . .'
Amanda smiled. 'Thanks.'
When Matthew and the others joined John outside twenty minutes later, he welcomed them with a scowl. 'Where have you been? You guys were in there for ages.'
'We were talking to Amanda,' said Jennifer.
'You knew I was out here waiting,' said John, 'you couldn't have sped things up a bit? I had to endure Singing Sally for an entire five minutes.'
'Singing Sally?' said Matthew.
'Crazy old lady who goes up to people in the streets and just starts singing to them,' replied Norman.
'She's pretty good, though,' Chloe added.
'I'll give you that,' said John, 'but it's very annoying. Did you get the sheets?'
Norman lifted up the ball of sheets. 'Yep.'
'And what's in there?' John had pointed to a garbage bag Slink was carrying.
'Rabbit droppings,' answered Slink.
'Rabbit whats-its?'
'Fertilizer for the vegetable garden.'
John shook his head. 'Apart from the unveiling of Blue Blizzard, this has been a very forgettable night.'
The night, however, was not over.
They were halfway to Apricot's, passing underneath an expressway and skirting a basketball court, when it all began. Matthew had never seen him before but knew straight away who he was. The boy's face was severe as if it had been carved from stone. He was standing big and mean. A frayed flat cap was perched at an angle on his head with long dark greasy hair oozing from it.
His companions, clearly twins and which Matthew hadn't had the pleasure of meeting either, were less frightening but that didn't mean much. Their surprisingly minuscule ears protruding from their enormous heads steamed, and their eyes stared viciously all around. They looked like brutes, their faces bruised and bloodied as if they had just been in a fight.
'Well, well, well,' said the boy with severe face. He was grinning maliciously. 'What a pleasant surprise running into you, Slink, and your frie–' his eyes had moved from Slink to the others and then stopped on Matthew '–hello there. New to this wonderful city?'
Matthew didn't answer.
'Helllloooooo?' The boy waved his hand at Matthew. 'Cat got your tongue?'
'Yes, he's new,' Slink said.
'Well then. Let me introduce myself. My name is Terry and I'm the leader of the Mongraw Gang. I hope your friends have told you all about me . . . because they wouldn't be friends if they haven't.'
'They have,' Matthew said nervously.
'Good,' said Terry. The grin vanished from his face. He then said in an emotionless tone, 'Now, Slink and I have some things to take care of so if the rest of you don't want to end up like him, I seriously suggest leaving now.' His grin came back. 'I'm just kidding,' he laughed, 'we're not letting any of you leave.'
The twins grunted their approval, whipping out metal pipes from behind their backs.
'You should never have ratted me out to the cops,' said Terry.
'I didn't,' Slink said firmly.
'LIAR!!!' Terry shouted, his voice vibrating, spit flying out of his mouth.
'Nobody would be stupid enough to do that,' said Norman.
'Shut your mouth . . . Chancellor,' said Terry. 'We saw him.'
'You were mistaken,' said Jennifer.
'Enough!' said Terry.
Petrified out of his mind, Matthew looked at the others, hoping beyond hope for some sort of sign on their faces they were going to get out of this. There was nothing. He looked back at Terry and the twins. They were so close. Too close to make a run for it.
'All right guys,' whispered Chloe. 'I think we're about to fight now.'
'I've never fought anyone in my life before,' replied Matthew, scared.
'Just close your eyes and swing your arms around,' said John. 'All right, you lot. Behind me.' He then suddenly jumped forward, landing in the most unusual fighting stance and gave out the most pathetic war cry.
Terry and the twins laughed.
Matthew gulped. This was it.
But then. 'So, when did the Mongraw Gang and the Westies start working together?' Matthew didn't know why he said that of all things, but delaying what was about to happen to them was the only thing he could think of.
'What did you say?' said Terry, the twins looking at each other.
'I said,' Matthew quivered, 'when did the Mongraw Gang and the Westies start working together?'
Terry shook his head. 'Of all the things to say to try to weasel your way out of what we're about to do to you. You could have begged me. You could have tried to bribe me.'
Terry was playing dumb, thought Matthew. 'It's just . . . we saw Sarah take Leech into her territory.' Terry's mouth opened up into a grin and the twins looked at each other again. 'So, it's true?'
Terry's grin widened.
'Why would the Mongraw Gang want to work with the Westies?' asked Slink. 'You hate each –'
There was a loud bang.
A car had backfired at the end of the street behind Terry, who, along with the twins, had spun round to see what it was. When the three of them turned back round, Matthew and the others were already running away at full speed.
'They're coming after us,' shouted Matthew, looking over his shoulders. He was expecting it, but it still shook him to the core to see Terry and the twins bound after them.
'They're going to catch us,' John screamed.
Norman ripped off his eyepatch as it was flapping all over the place. 'We need to do something. And fast.'
'I know what to do,' proclaimed Slink, and he tossed the garbage bag of rabbit droppings over his shoulder, hoping to hit any of the three targets. The bag fell way short.
'Was that it?' said John. 'That was your best idea to get us out of this mess?'
'Of course not.'
'Then what?'
'To the roofs.'
'What?' choked Matthew.
'Good idea, Slink,' said Chloe, a look of understanding on her face. 'The Grants'.'
'Oh right . . . brilliant,' said Jennifer. 'We'll surely lose them.'
The Grants were very rich clients of theirs and they owned a row of thirty large connected townhouses close by. Matthew had never been but had been told.
'Matthew, if . . . if,' panted John, starting to explain. He looked as if he was about to pass out, 'if you don't know your way around up on the roofs –'
'JUST STOP ALREADY,' Matthew heard Terry yell, as he and the others turned down another street, passing a dance club that had a long line of people waiting to get in. 'YOU'RE NOT GOING TO ESCAPE SO JUST ACCEPT THE INEVITABLE AND TAKE WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO TO YOU!!!'
'WE'RE GOING TO BASH YOUR BRAINS IN!!!' yelled one of the twins, in a deep raspy voice.
'YEAH . . . BASH YOUR BRAINS,' the other twin bellowed. 'GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT!!!'
'WE'RE GOING TO RIP OUT YOUR HEARTS AND EAT THEM!!!' the first twin yelled.
Not particularly interested in having any of that happen to them, Matthew and the others picked up their pace. But further on down the street, their situation got doubly worse.
'Uh, oh,' squeaked Slink. He pointed up ahead and to three girls who were strolling out of a parking garage, car stereos and rims in their hands. 'It's the Trolls.'
'The who?' huffed Matthew, looking at the girls, who had just noticed him and the others.
'More of Terry's minions,' said Chloe. 'When the Mongraw Gang wants to punish girls, for whatever reason, the Trolls are the ones who usually carry it out.'
'Just to let you know,' said Norman, 'they will hit boys as well.'
There was no other way but to pass them, but thankfully the Trolls didn't seem to recognize them straightaway. Also, when the Trolls eventually saw Terry, they didn't seem to figure out he was chasing them. That soon changed.
Like soldiers, the three girls dropped their stolen goods and briskly joined the pursuit.
'I really don't like being chased by the Mongraw Gang,' breathed Matthew. He wished he was in Blue Blizzard, zooming away from them. No, he wished he was in their car, speeding out of the city.
'Wait til you're beaten up by them,' said John. 'You'll probably hate that even more.'
That was the perfect motivation and in no time at all they were at the Grants' row of houses, racing up a fire escape, the clanging of their shoes hitting metal echoing loudly. Halfway up the fire escape, their echoes were joined by more echoes.
When he stepped onto the roof, Matthew, needing to get his breath back, stopped. He bent over, put his hands on his knees and surveyed the terrain. An obstacle course, almost like a crazy golf course, was the only thing that could have described the place. There were chimneys of all sizes and shapes sticking out, steep bulges and dips, metal walkways zigzagging everywhere, water tanks and air vents with spinning fans.
Matthew had only looked down for a brief second. 'Hello?' he said softly. The others had disappeared. 'Guys . . . where'd you go? Guys? Guys?'
John's head popped up yards away from a walkway.
'Hey, there's no time to dilly dally,' he whispered. 'Come on.'
With relief, Matthew nodded. He leapt onto the walkway and jumped down beside John.
'I SEE YOU!!!' said a voice.
Matthew saw Terry, his eyes bulging, standing at the very top of the fire escape where he had just been.
'Let's get outta here shall we,' said John. 'Stay right behind me this time.'
Matthew didn't stray from John more than two feet as they hurried swiftly around three tall chimneys, traversed a railing as if they were tightrope walkers and slid on their backsides down some sort of channel. The others were waiting for them next to a pigeon coup.
'Where in the heck were you two?' breathed an angry Jennifer, over the sounds of frightened pigeons. 'We were worried sick.'
'It was my fault,' said Matthew. 'I stopped for a second to catch my breath and I lost you guys.'
'Yeah,' said John, 'and I went back for him . . . unlike some people.'
'Oh,' said Jennifer, blushing with guilt. Chloe, Norman and Slink looked ashamed too.
Terry didn't sound as close now and Matthew felt less scared, slightly relieved and somewhat proud of himself.
'FIND THEM!!!' Matthew heard Terry shout. He also heard the twins grunting.
'I think it's time to go,' said Slink.
Although the others knew every inch of the roofs, Matthew was still amazed at how they made easy work of them. Five minutes of negotiating many more obstacles, including jumping over a twelve-foot drop, walking over a sunroof and climbing up a pipe, they made it to the roof at the opposite end.
'Ha, ha,' smiled John, looking back. 'Escaped Terry and five of his cronies . . . check.' He made a motion in the air as if he was ticking off a list. 'Now, let's get down to the ground and get back home.' He leapt onto the ledge. 'HOLY HORSE FEATHERS!!!'
'What's wrong?'
'The fire escape is gone,' he replied.
With everyone else, Matthew rushed over to the ledge and looked down. John was right. There was no fire escape as there should have been.
'Where's it gone?' croaked Norman.
'Who cares,' snapped John. 'It's gone.'
'Maybe the Grants are going to put a new one in,' said Chloe. 'The old one was pretty dangerous. I do remember Jennifer and I said something to them about it the last time we were here.'
'Oh, well done,' John said in a sarcastic tone, glaring at them.
Chloe glared back and growled, 'Stop it! There's no point casting blame. What's done is done.'
'What do we do?' said Jennifer. 'We're trapped.'
Heads turned to Slink.
'What?' Slink replied, shocked at the attention.
'It's up to you now, Slink,' said Norman. 'We need some of that smarts to help us get to the ground.'
'Yeah,' said John. 'Maybe make us some sort of flying, gliding contraption or something. I know . . . we could make the wings using Apricot's sheets.'
'Seriously, John?' said Chloe.
'What?' said John.
'From now on, if anyone has any ideas or plans of how to get off this roof that are unrealistic,' said Chloe, 'keep them to yourself.'
'Instead of making wings with the sheets,' said Matthew, 'we can make a rope with them.'
'You're welcome,' said John.
'Pardon?' said Norman.
'Using Apricot's sheets was my idea,' replied John.
Norman shook his head in disgust.
'TERRY, I SEE THEM!!!' One of the twins was standing on top of a chimney four roofs away. 'STRAIGHT AHEAD!!!'
'Let's hurry up and make that rope,' said Jennifer, snatching the ball of sheets from Norman.
'That plan won't work,' said Slink, leaning over the roof. 'We don't have enough sheets to even get us halfway down. Also, by the time we make the rope, Terry would surely be here. We've got five minutes max.'
'Then what do we do?' said Jennifer.
'I'm thinking, I'm thinking,' said Slink.
'NOT THAT WAY,' shouted the twin on the chimney, 'YOU CAN'T GET THROUGH. GO TO THE RIGHT!!!'
Matthew's heart skipped a beat, but the solution to their problem came to him with a glance. In one of the corners of the roof was a telephone pole with rungs. It was connected by telephone wire to another pole on a building across the street. That building had a fire escape.
'There,' Matthew said, 'We can use the sheets to zip-line off of here.'
Terry's voice pounded Matthew's ears. 'CAN YOU MAGGOTS HEAR ME? I'M GOING TO WRING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR NECKS.' Matthew was sure they were only two roofs away now.
'That's good enough for me,' said Slink, responding to Matthew's idea.
'Me too,' said the others.
At the telephone pole, Jennifer handed a sheet to everyone. She then tied the rest back up into a ball and dropped it down to the sidewalk below.
'So, how do we do this?' asked John as they began to make their way up the telephone pole one after the other, Norman leading the way.
'Just fold the sheet until it's really thick,' replied Slink, bringing up the rear, 'the thicker the better. Then, sling it over the wire, get a really good grip and push off.'
When Norman reached the top, he folded up his sheet. 'Right, see you guys on the other side.' He tossed his sheet over the wire and just did it. He gave no pause to settle himself or anything. He just pushed off.
Matthew watched as Norman rocketed down the telephone wire. Before he knew it, Norman had crossed over the street, over the ledge of the other roof and had smashed, drawing gasps of horror, face first into the telephone pole. He was all right, though, giving the okay after getting a secure hold of the pole.
'I recommend sticking out your legs,' said Slink, 'so that doesn't happen to you.'
'You think?' said John.
Being next, Jennifer climbed up to the top. With Slink's suggestion,her highflying escape was less painful to watch.
'Oh, no,' said Chloe when she was about to cross herself. Terry had just emerged onto the second to last roof from a mass of television antennas. 'We need to speed this up, guys.'
'Get a move on, then,' snapped John, beating Matthew to the punch.
'Oh, right, yeah,' said Chloe, and she pushed off.
After John, it was Matthew's turn. He had never done anything like this in his life before. He took a deep breath and gripped his sheet tightly. And as he took off, he caught a glimpse of Terry. Terry had caught up.
It was over like that, and when Matthew stumbled into the pole, he grabbed it and turned his head around. Terry was already climbing up the pole toward Slink. 'Hurry up, Slink,' he shouted, joining the others also madly encouraging him on.
Their loud urging suddenly turned silent as Slink dropped his sheet after failing to sling it over the telephone wire. Fortunately, it got hooked on a rung and he grabbed hold of it again. He tried once more, this time succeeding.
His blunder, however, had given Terry the time he needed to strike.
'Got you,' Terry had grabbed Slink's shoe.
Slink was having none of it, though, and kicked Terry squarely in the face with his other shoe. Terry immediately let go, sending Slink zipping through the air, and fell to the ground with a thump. Matthew barely got out of the way before Slink reached the other side seconds later.
'We did it,' said Chloe, once Matthew and Slink had climbed down the pole.
Giving one another a hug, John replied, 'We sure did.'
'Nice kick, by the way, Slink,' said Matthew, his heart beating fast.
'Thanks,' said Slink. 'I got him really good too . . . I heard a crunch.'
'YOU SIX ARE DEAD.' Terry, the twins and the Trolls were glaring and seething at them from the other roof. 'Did you hear me?' said Terry, blood trickling down from his nose. Slink must have broken it. 'You six are dead . . . DEAD!!!'
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