If there was ever a chance of me learning even one magic trick.. Anyone could bet their wooly sweaters I would probably learn how to make people disappear.

Sitting there in the cafeteria, my face resting between my hands I continued to move my gaze from Marley to Jeff to Connor.

Apparently Diandra had left. Moved over to her aunt who lived somewhere in Seattle. Apparently Diandra had never been a werewolf.

It was as if her leaving had opened up this large canal of information about her that had been else-wise buried behind her home walls.

I for one was still feeling incredibly guilty about how things had turned out for her, despite the fact that her dad had regained his senses and made a point to apologize for blaming me for his daughters faults.

Maybe that was why I refused to be a part of the conversation the group was currently having.

A sigh left my lips as my eyes drifted towards a laughing Alex. It seemed like he barely cared how much of a downfall he had caused in Diandra's life. Although, he looked healthier and happier than he had since I could even remember.

I suppose Diandra had been just as toxic as he had been to her that day, through out their relationship.

As if sensing my eyes on him, his gaze moved on mine and he stilled. His grin now turning into a smirk he wiggled his eyebrows in a mischievous manner only he could pull off and I almost let out a giggle at the sight.

That was, until an arm slipped around my shoulder and a stiff growl sounded from beside me.

I turned, surprised, towards the source of the sound and rolled my eyes when they found Roman's hardened features.

"That pup needs to know you're spoken for"

Rome growled lowly as he continued to glare at an indifferent Alex.

Probably hearing roman, Alex rolled his eyes and turned back to the girl in his arms as he continued to whisper into her ears, to which she let out a loud obnoxious giggle.

It was my turn to roll eyes.

"I think Bryce made a mistake leaving Roman in charge of your safety Thi. He's turned into an even more of an uptight moron" Marley chided in suddenly, giggling as she leaned into Keith's embrace.

"Control your woman" Rome spat at Keith gruffly before he continued to glare at Alex.

I rolled my eyes again, ignoring Roman's protective hold on my shoulder. "Does anyone know why Matthew is not in school today?"

"Oh he's supposed to pat-"

"His mom got a new pet puppy and he's in charge today!" Roman cut Jeff off in the middle of his sentence. Getting up he pulled me with him. "Let's go, we're getting late for Arts class"

I barely had time to think things through as I caught hold of my backpack before tumbling behind Rome as he made his way out of the cafeteria. I could hear Marley grumbling behind us, rushing just as we were, to getting out of the cafeteria.

We had only just crossed the cafeteria door when the bell rang, alerting us that we were in fact going to be very late for the following arts class if we didn't put a step on it.

"Mr. Naight! I see you've finally given us the honor of having yourself in our presence?! Since you informed me earlier today that you were finished. Would you mind showing us your assignment? I see Miss. Anderson is well secured in your arms?"

Roman smirked as he continued to manuver me towards the center of the class, the wrapped up canvas resting between his arm and torso.

The class watched us with slightly wide amused eyes as Roman and I rounded around Ms. Sveen's table and stood in front of them. It would be a lie if I said that having Roman stand beside me acting like - well like he usually does was not awkward at all because it was, it always was. I almost laughed at the picture we were probably portraying, him being the big bad wolf, and I, innocent little Red Riding Hood. Little, being mentioned literally, Roman stood an almost good foot taller than I, my head barely reaching his neck.

Well at least he is better than Bryce... I barely reach his shoulders.

"The class is waiting Mr. Naight. Miss. Anderson?"


My head shot upwards, tilting just right inorder to look at Roman. Our eyes met and his smirk widened.

Oh lord... He isn't going to help... fook my life.

"Thank you... Ms.Sveen, our project is already done and ready. If you could only give me a second or two to unwrap it?" I mumbled, fidgetting a little under a couple of Diandra's well wishers' scrutinizing gazes.

It just so happened, that the school had suddeny found itself dividing between people who blamed Alex and I for Diandra's misery and people who blamed her. Well, then there were also people who just did not give a rodent's buthole about Diandra, and those who played Switzerland.

Personally, being under all those watchful eyes all I wanted to do was fly off to Switzerland and get lost somewhere in the streets.

Ms.Sveen nodded softly and I quickly got to task at gently but quickly unwrapping the covers off of the canvas. The brown paper tore off and my breath hitched in my throat. The collective number of gasps around the room seemed silent to me as I continued to watch dumbfounded at myself in the plain brown t-shirt I had worn on a very boring Thursday afternoon, the first week of Roman and I's bonding week.

Now, looking at myself etched on the beautiful canvas with a softness only Roman's paintings seemed to possess shocked me even more than the rest of the people in attendance because he had picked this painting out of all the other ones,one's I had actually posed for.I was actually aware of.

"Wonderful job Rome! You have captured Theia beautifully!" Ms. Sveen chirped up excitedly as she shifted on the borrowed chair, at the back of the class.

"I suppose I have" Rome agreed a tone of indifferent arrogance. I rolled my eyes at him as I moved towards my seat, pulling on his shirt a little as I began.

If I didn't know Rome any better I would have called him a jerk. But knowing him allowed me to see through things... I saw through Rome. He didn't like people. They were an acquired taste. It had taken me some time, but I had accepted this and I suppose now I was fine with it.

"So... I've got bills"


I turned towards a blank faced Rome, my attention broken from staring at the wonderful masterpiece Lionel had also manages to complete.

"I gotta pay. So I'm gon work work work e'reday"

Oh lord no!

Roman turned to look at me expectantly, a sudden smirk playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes letting a grin of my own form on the corners of my lip.

"I got mouth. I gotta feed. So I'm gonn make sure everybody eats!" I belted out as lowly as I could. Instantly an even bigger grin lit up on his face and he leaned in closer.

"Very good little Theia. Looks like I have taught you well!"

I let out a very un-lady like scoff as I grasped my pencil and raised my gaze to the rest of the class.

Immediately a curious gaze or two caught my eye and I stiffened. The girls were staring again.

Upon the time of Rome and I's friendship I had found various students almost staring balantly. A lot more and even been so curious enough to approach me and ask me how If they had been right. If they had actually seen Rome smile.

As if sensing my sudden knowledge of them staring, the girls quickly averted their gazes and turned to face the front.

"Hey listen, I have to be at the council meeting today afternoon okay? So I'll come by to play guard by six." Roman murmured, pulling my sketchpad towards him. I frowned as he flipped the pages until it landed on the drawing of Adam and Belle. He traced this finger along the edge of the page as he seemed to hesitate for a second before he finally spoke.

"Maybe we could watch whatever it is... That you drew here. The - The Beauty and the Beast?"

I was about to reply when the bell for next period sounded around the class room. Immediately everyone around us began to place their supplies into their backpack and move out.

"Sure Rome.We can watch the cartoon" I giggled as I turned to pick my bag before beginning to shove everything into it.

"WHAT!" Rome suddenly exclaimed loudly, "CARTOON?"

"Oh yes! Disney's Classic too!" I smirked, getting up and already moving towards the door. "Don't worry Rome! We will have lots of fun watching it!"

"We're not watching it Thi!" Rome huffed behind me as I walked out of the classroom. The halls were less crowded than the usual normal days.

I couldn't help but turn to give Rome a mischievous smile, "Oh yes we are"


It turned out that out last two classes were free since surprisingly both our Math and Gym teachers seemed to be caught up with some personal commitments, and well, that was how I currently found myself sitting under a large tree with the group.

I watched warmly as Marley leaned into Keith's embrace. Internally I couldn't help but desperately shove down an aching longing for Bryce.

"Anyone up for Insidious Chapter 3?" Jeff suddenly spoke up, pushing his nerd glasses snuggly into position as he continued to scroll through his phone.

A shudder ran down my spine as I recalled the horrifying trailer and I immediately prepared to shake my head. There was no way in Neptune's throne that was I going to go watch that disaster.

"A disaster to your sleep you mean?" Connor chuckled as he lowered himself down beside me.


I face-palmed myself. "Said that out loud didn't I?"

Connor chuckled. "Always do"

"Just so you know, we're taking you. I already booked us the tickets. Non-refundable." Jeff grinned, making a final tap on his iPhone screen before slipping his cellphone into his front pocket.

"Oh this is going to be fun!"Marley giggled as Keith landed another one of his kisses on her forehead.

I scowled at each and every one of them as I slipped out my phone from my pocket and quickly tapped on create new messages.

Just then a ping sounded and I smiled as I read the senders name.

Guess what?
Dad's taking us on a family vacation to Hawaii! Isn't that amazing?
Angelo doesn't want to go though. He has been sour ever since his return. Can you do me a favor Thi? Message him please. Maybe he might listen to you?
Anyways, how are you? How's things with your Alpha male going? All good, I hope!


I couldn't help but smile as I typed back a quick reply and pressed on send just as my ringtone began blurring around the slightly moderately populated school grounds.


I stilled. My vision already becoming blurry.

"I love you" I breathed into my phone. I clutched my iPhone harder against my ear as I heard Bryce let out a shaky breath from the other side of the line.

I knew it was affecting him too. The distance.

"I miss you" I mumbled into the line again. Letting his deep breaths be answer enough. "I hope you're okay"

"I love you Theia" Bryce's deep voice sounded solemn and for a second I nodded, completely forgetting that he could not see me.

"I miss you" I repeated. Leaning to place my head against my knees. It was hard enough to control not crying in front of my friends, it was horrible crying because you couldn't stay away from your boyfriend for a few hours. How pathetic was I?

"I'll be there by Friday, love" Bryce mumbled back.

I sighed. Was it pathetic that a week seemed time too long? Damn it I was becoming clingy! I shook my head to rid it of some of the emotions before finally replying, "Take care of yourself, will you?"

"I will..." Bryce stopped for a second before he continued. "I don't want even a hair out of place on you when I get back Theia."

A soft giggle left my lips and I rolled my eyes, a quick glance towards the group had me blushing bright red. Each and everyone of them were making smooching faces, well, everyone except Marley, she, for the first time was actually blushing her face off. It was then did I notice the darkened mark on the crook of her neck. I made a mental note on asking her about that later as I quickly turned to my phone again.

"Yes sir" I muttered back, a large smile etching my lips as I managed to get enough sarcasm in that reply.

"I'm serious Theia. I don't want even a single hair on your head out of place!" I smirked at the low warning in his tone.

"Or what?" I grinned as I leaned into the phone more, the teasing remarks from behind me getting louder by the passing minute.

A shiver ran down my arms as I heard Bryce chuckle on the other side of the line. "I don't think your friends would like to know Thi"

"Right on, mate!" Jeff mumbled out as he leaned back into the tree and closed his eyes.

The rest of the guys and I's eyes held wide as we waited for Bryce's reply. Lord knows Jeff knew nothing of whom I was talking to, and what his position was, both in my life and in everyone else' present.

"Tell your friends I said hey" Bryce chuckled and I let out a breath I was holding. Lately he had been getting a little too territorial and violent with people. I felt a little weight shift that he was not quick to temper at Jeff's little mumble.

"Bryce said Hi" I grinned at everyone, I was sure everyone saw the blush that was my now fanning my cheeks. Thankfully they seems to avoid that as they all yelled out a 'hey' of some sorts.

Bryce chuckled again from his side of the line.

"I love you" I mumbled slowly, turning away to face the vast expanse of a green. Rosenberg high school really did have a great amount of land to name its own.

"You know I love you too, don't you?"

I sighed. "I know"

"Is Rome taking enough care of you?"

A giggle left my lips and I snuggled closer to my cashmere sweater. "Oh yes. He is great! In fact we're going to watch Beauty and the Beast tonight!"

My smile widened as a deep laughter seemed to rumble from the phone.
"I'm sure he will have fun"

"I'm sure he will!"

"I love you. You know that right?"

I smiled. "You've told me that three times in this phone call. And you say it all the time. Well.... Most of the time. So yes, I know. I love you too"

"Will you two just keep repeating that? You love each other! We all know that! Now, Move on little kiddies!" Roman's sounded to me and I quickly looked up to stare at him with wide eyes. My blush now burning my face.

"Shut up, cousin" Bryce growled playfully. "I have to go now love, but I'm going to call you tonight okay? Be safe, be good and I'll see you in three days."

The heaviness in my chest was back. I was acting like a little kid again, craving Bryce here with me. This needed to stop before I embarrassed myself.

"Okay. I miss you lots."I whispers back, trying to sound as broken as I suddenly felt. Why did it feel like I was about to lose Bryce?

As if he had caught the slight croak in my voice Bryce growled. However this time, it was not playfully. This time he was serious. "Don't make me pack everything up and show up there by midnight"

My breath caught in my throat and I almost chocked on what my saliva. "N-no. You have work there. Sort that out, okay? I'm fine. Promise."

I could hear as Bryce sighed and moved about where ever he was. "Okay. I'll call you tonight alright?"

"Umhum" I sighed as I closed my eyes. Trying to let go of the panic that was fighting me within my chest.

"I love you"

My lips quirked up. "I love you"

The phone stayed still against my ear even when Bryce had disconnected the call. I couldn't help but keep it near and be still in my position. It felt like time wasn't moving.

And somehow... Suddenly... I didn't really want it to. Or if it did... I wanted Bryce here with me.




"You sure? I could always skip the council meeting?" Rome asked me for the fifth time as we sat in his car, in my driveway.

I shook my head as I leaned in to give him a hug before moving out of the car. Turning back I leaned against the car window "It's fine Rome, I'll see you later tonight okay?"

"Okay" Rome sent me one of his rare smiles and mine fluttered into a full blown one as well. His rare smiles always made me feel better, they were beautiful. I suppose it was always a wonder to see the 'always angry' ones blow out in full smiles. The always angry ones were the ones who owned smiles that could blow the world. Or were they the 'always saddest' ones?

My smile still on I walked towards the door and upon reaching it slipped the key into the lock and pushed it open.

The smell of freshly baked cookies scented the entire house and I could almost hear my stomach beginning to grumble.

"I'll bring your cookies and warm chocolate up in a few dear!" I heard Agnus call out just as I began to drag myself upstairs and towards my room.

"Thank you Agy!" I yelled back, my mouth already salivating for the moment to come when I could simply devour my cookies.


I smiled as the familiar scent of my room hit my nostrils in full force as I opened the door and walked in. Gardenia and Rain.

"I need to bathe" I mumbled to myself in an almost tired voice before flinging my bag on the study tables seat and marching towards my bathroom. Clothes and shoes still on.


Freshly showered and sweat free I moved into my bedroom with full blown smiles. I had given myself a good amount of a lecture speech in the bathroom and now, accepting that Bryce would be back in three days seemed easier.

I noticed that there were some changes in my room as I walked in. One, a tray lay on a vacant spot on my study table, a still warm cup of chocolate and freshly baked cookies beautifully on full display.

The other, however, was the wide open windows. The rapidly cooling air almost breezily making their way into the room.

Almost immediately spotting the castle I moved towards the window and leaned against it.

I looked at the mist as it surrounded the neighboring mountains and trees, almost enveloping the castle as if it were its cashmere jacket. My gaze moved towards the floor I was once supposed to be in, I almost immediately caught it.

It was slightly on the more older part of the castle and even though my wing and I had a lot of distance between us, I knew there was no claiming otherwise. That part of the castle really was magnificent. Even from a distance.

Then in the next minute, my whole world came crumbling down.

A gasp ripped out of my lips as my hands moved to clutch my head. Bits of the object that had just a second ago slammed and broken against it still sunken into my skin.

I could feel a wet warmth dripping onto my forehead and down my cheeks. The pungent smell of iron and blood now holding my full attention.

My axis turned as I continued watching my white tank top soaking slowly in red.

'I'm bleeding' I thought numbly as I tried to clutch harder to my head. 'Bryce will save me'

Taking a short breath in I tried to turn to face my assaulter. Maybe if I could turn around... Maybe if I could just see who would do such a thing...

Between all the pain and periodic blankness I gasped as I saw my assaulter. Everything stood stagnant. Every feature. But what I knew I would never forget... Were the sharp green eyes.

"Now you'll know never to shatter someone's love. Goodbye Theia"

My assaulter smirked and leaned into me. I glanced down as my assaulters hand spread flat on my chest, before, with a quick ease... I felt myself tipping back. Out of the window.

I was falling. My eyes closed as the darkness over took me, my eyes opened again numbly...


Darkness evaded my senses again.

"I love you. You know that right?"


I smiled as I opened my eyes... Bryce's face flashed across my eyes again... The first time I saw him... In his room, his beast...

Roman... Matt... Marley...

My eyes closed and I sighed. I was getting tired now... Was it okay to be to numb to worry about death? Bryce would save me...

Casey's platinum blonde hair swam across my eyes and I looked as Angelo's piercing grey eyes looked back into mine...

My eyes opened again, I was still falling. The air rushed against me as gravity did its work.

"You belong to me, huh?"

I felt a tear slip down my temple as I remembered that night.

"What do you think?"

It was as if I was realizing for the first time how this was going to end... Bryce could not save me... He was in London... I was falling. I was dying. I was never to see my family again, my friends, Bryce... Everything I had dreamt of... A could have been...

"I love you Theia... I'll be there in three days"

"I love you too Bryce" it was barely a whisper but it sounded like a yell to me... I was about to die. I didn't want to... But no one could save me... My vision began to blur but this time I couldn't bring myself to mind...

I knew I was closer to the ground now... Any minute now...

Darkness enveloped me again and I fell into it. I was only just wrapping my arms around the darkness when I fell against something hard.

That something began to speak but I could barely hear what, beyond the dark haziness. As if for the final time the dark haze clears and I manage to open my eyes, my withering gaze links on panicked brown ones...

I let out a whimpering labored breath, the darkness was finally coming to embrace me forever... This was it...


My eyes traced the brown orbs above me. I could only whisper his name before the last bits of life was sucked out of me.

And it was in that moment that I knew...Death felt like a fall.

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