"Theia! Theia get up I'm going to school!"
What the hell?!
I swatted the hands shaking me vigorously, away, before moving up in a sitting position, my eyes still scrunched up and trying to make off all the light suddenly being bombarding on me.
"Turn off the bloody lights please" I moaned, making a covering of my palm and placing it just above my eyebrows, trying to shield the light away.
"Theia, I can't do that! That's the sun! Im going to school! Where Bryce might probably be, want to wish your best friend all the best or something for going to the wolf's turf?"
My eyes immediately shot open and I jumped backwards. "Don't do it!"
"She must go to school Theia"
I turned to face Judy. Her face pulled up into a bright comforting smile.
"I need to cut off chances of you being with me Thi. By being present in school I will strengthen the fact that I was indeed sick yesterday and not with you"
I sighed and nodded staring at both of the women as one sent me a soft smile before walking out of the room and the other picked up her backpack and padded her way to the door.
"Be safe. Do not turn on your cellphone. Or they will locate you. I hope your GPS isn't turned on"
"Don't worry it isn't. Thank you Ley. This means so much to me, you know that, don't you?"
She nodded and smiled at me sadly. "After what you went through, you deserve a bit of a break"
I smiled and moved back into bed when she closed the door behind her. I had barely been able to sleep at all last night, and now that sleep was visiting me, I really wasn't going to let it just go.
"Theia it's for you"
I turned from my math assignment towards Mrs. Smith and glanced at the cellphone she was extending towards me.
"Marley?" I asked softly.
She smiled and nodded sadly. I gulped down the sudden bile that had just invaded my mouth. This was nerve wrecking.
As quickly as I could I took the phone from Mrs. Smith and placed it against my ears.
"Theia! Bryce is going crazy!" Marley whispered, sounding a mixture between panicked and excited.
My heart beat faster.
"Yes!! He's going crazy! He just walked into class today! And then glared at me for a good minute before storming out!"
My eyes widened and I gulped down nervously again.
"He knows" I whispered, my heart beating at a rate I didn't think was capable or normal.
"Nah. It's nearly one, we didn't have any arts class today, he would have been there if he knew. That happened in the morning. Matthew says he didn't leave your room at all last night. That he paroled around your yard. Keith's worried he is going to hurt someone, or worst, himself and Rome, yeah... It's better not to even mention him. He is that bad." Marley giggled, the excitement in her voice seeped through the cellphone and towards me but I shook my head, the ache in my heart seemed worse than it had been yesterday.
"I just don't want him to get hurt or hurt anyone because of me Ley. I don't know why he can't just go to that women he was so lovey over, I'm gone now aren't i? He's free now isn't he? Why is he being so selfish!"
A tear slipped down my cheeks and onto the page of the book as I waited for Marley to reply. My breath hitched in my throat when I heard him.
"Who are you talking to?!"
I froze. His voice sounded like home. But than how he was behaving yesterday and that... It made me cry even more.
"My mother! Who are you? 'Private calls minister!'"
A low growl emitted from somewhere around Marley's side. "Why do I have a feeling you're lying Marley?!"
"Why would I be lying! You're the one who hurt Theia so much she had to get away! Don't make this my fault somehow! It's obvious it was you who did something wrong! She's gone! You won't get her back! Now go sulk over what an amazing girl you have lost!"
I flinched when what sounded like a fist against a wall reached my ears. What was going on there?
"You will learn to respect your king!"
I heard Marley scoff. "You're no king of mine, I haven't mated with Keith and you can't demand me to respect you when you least deserve it till then! Good day, King!" Marley sneered as sounds of footfalls sounded. I held my breath as I waited for her to start speaking again.
"That cheating scumbag pisses me off so bad! I'm going to the last class and then I'll meet you at home okay?"
Still numb over what just happened, I nodded then realized that she couldn't see me, sighing I muttered back a weak reply, "Okay. I'll see you here"
"What was it?" Mrs. Smith asked when she saw the look on my face.
I looked at her, my eyes wide with fear. I didn't want to see Bryce so soon. I just didn't.
"I think he knows" I whispered, regarding her with wide eyes. "I think he knows and Marley told him off. I heard"
A proud look produced itself on Mrs. Smiths face and she grinned down at me as I handed her cellphone back to her, murmuring a soft thank you with it.
"I'm glad she did. I was hoping for it too. Hopefully I can give him a piece of my mind too!"
"Dangerous?" Mrs. Smith asked, her lips pulled up in a smirk. "Oh honey, so is a women scorned!"
I smiled. I suppose she was right...
Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned...
"Oh my god!" Marley exclaimed as soon as she set foot into the house, her excited eyes found mine and she immediately laughed out excitedly as she rushed her way to me.
"Oh my god you won't believe what happened!"
I stared at her. A tiny smile of my own forming because of her bright ones. "What happened?"
My mouth hung open. "What! Why?"
Marley slightly grimaced at that. "Well... She finally gave in to pressure. She had your scent all over her yesterday. She supposedly refused to say if she had seen you. But today, after Bryce directly questioned her in front of all of us she finally gave in and started to giggle over how pathetic you looked when she collided with you, all red eyed, crying like crazy, blotchy faced, the true ugly self you are-" I grimaced and slumped in my seat. Ley caught my expression and moved towards me, engulfing me into a hug. "Hey that's what she said! It's not true at all! She also said she was happy that you looked so broken and lost, it made her week. That that's what you got for trying to steal her boyfriend. So Alex ripped the locket she had given him and handed it over to her, said how just because his mate had died didn't mean that he would ruin his life tolerating what a b!tch she is! He stormed out. But not before looking at Bryce straight in the eye and saying 'I hope you know how lucky you were to get her'. You should have seen Bryce. He looked completely broken. I kind of felt bad for him"
I couldn't do anything but stare at her while she recited the whole thing word by word. The inevitable feeling of a warm sense of sadness and appreciation towards Alex for speaking for me like that creeped into my mind and I promised myself to thank him at a later date.
Marley reached forward and wiped a loose tear that I didn't even know had fallen, away.
"It's okay. Don't cry. It'll be fine okay?" I nodded and moved in closer to give her a small hug.
"Do you have enough clothes?"
"Why" I asked, suddenly curious.
"Mrs. Anderson called today, she suggested you stay here a couple of days until everything is settled a bit, your dad is thinking of sending you back to California."
I looked down at my palms.
Did I have to run away like this? Without facing him? Was it even right to just leave without even hearing his side of the story?
What side? The side where he treated you so awkwardly, and then flirted with someone else in front of you. He doesn't respect you. Surely to have a mate in ones life is a necessity, but to love them a choice... No. I shook my head. I was going way over my head.
I was not going to go back without facing him. I would not tolerate him being with someone else while wanting to have me for himself. I would leave. But not without giving him a proper goodbye. I would leave. But on my terms.
Right now though... I needed to keep a distance. I needed to sort this out. I needed to plan everything.
I looked up at Marley and nodded. "I have enough clothing, and enough cash to buy more. I think dads right. I'm not going to tolerate being a third wheel. I will leave. But not to California. Well maybe until I end school.
She looked at me sadly. "I understand. I don't want you to go. But I know you have to. I understand."
I smiled at her softly and closed file shut. Grabbing onto my stuff with one hand I grasped onto her arm with another.
"Let's go watch that Notebook movie again. I'm ready to face the hotness known as Ryan Gosling. I promise I will pay attention tonight" I chirped, giggling slightly as I pulled her upstairs.
It was completely unfair of me to push my pain onto my best friend, the least I could do was try not to become a zombie that I felt like, and do some girly things with her.
Yes, I suppose it was time to start collecting memories. Maybe I should collect pictures?
I felt like shit.
I was sure my top was wet from all the tears I had cried for the past two hours and six minutes and then thinking about it.
"Pass my some more tissues please" I sobbed, not even trying to hold it in anymore because Marley was as bad as I was if not worse.
"Oh god I had forgotten how bad that movie was! It stabbed me in my heart Thi!" Marley hiccuped as she passed me the tissue box and taking out some for herself proceeded to wipe off the freshly fallen tears.
"It's safe to say I'm never watching it again. But Ley... That's how love is supposed to be... I wish... " I couldn't continue because I fell into another fit of sobs.
"Okay get up!" Marley suddenly ordered as she got up from her position on the floor and extended her arms towards me.
"We're dancing to the first Kpop song that's going to come on MTV Asia." She declared determinedly, pulling me up on my feet and switching the TV on again, only this time, switching it to MTV Asia.
"Ohhh myyy God Ley staaaap!!! Ahahah" I squealed as she suddenly started twirling me around when 'Fantastic Baby by BigBang' came on.
By the end of the song we were both panting from dancing like we were professional hip hop dancers and completely mucking around her room. I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath as Marley crawled her way towards me.
"You should go shower woman, you stink" she giggled as she fell flat on her back beside me, positioning herself just as I did, with my arms and legs wide apart, Like a star.
I rolled my eyes but giggled when I replied, "Talking about yourself Ley?"
Ley only laughed more.
A smile seemed to have permanently etched itself on my lips as I got up to sit on the floor. I looked at Ley. "I think you're right man, I do smell"
"Make a move than soldier!" Marley mock saluted me, still lying on the floor on, her back. That only made us fall into another fit of laughter.
Pulling my cotton short shorts on over my underwear I slipped on a white cotton tank. My gaze found my reflection on the mirror and I stopped slightly, my brown eyes large and red rimmed. My cheeks flushed but my nose, lips and chin a very rosy shade of red. I sighed.
That movie did a good number on me. I thought, shaking my head as I ran a comb through my hair, once, twice. That Bryce did a good number on you too Theia.
I stiffened but ignored the small voice in the back of my head. It wasn't helping.
Placing the hair brush down on the vanity, my gaze landed on the clear doorway to the balcony. I smiled as I thought of fresh air and the smell of wet soil as it felt like a rain was approaching.
Maybe a tiny stroll outside on the balcony would do me good?
I moved towards the door. Still smiling, I slid open the door and moved out, resting my palm against the railing. It was a dark night, I suppose it was because of the impending rain. Thankfully though, the night seemed quiet enough to close my eyes and breathe in a few breaths of peace.
My breath hitched as a memory bubbled up and Bryce's face popped up, his hand on mine, holding me to the swing. The first time we met.
Desperate to get that image away I immediately snapped my eyes open. A single drop of tear slid down my cheek almost instantly.
"Sometimes it lasts in love, Sometimes it hurts instead" I whispered, but laughed midway as a few more strands of tears made their way down. I was being ridiculous, standing there singing a line from Adele's song. Utterly ridiculous.
I closed my eyes and breathed one last breath of the night air, the smell of wet soil and the woods lingering in it, and turned towards the door.
I froze. And immediately spun around. Searching the wood clearings.
I thought I saw... I shook my head. But stopped again when two bright yellow orbs glowered at me from the darkness.
I stood frozen as the dark orbs moved closer. Another tear slipped down my cheeks.
Don't cry dammit! Don't cry!
The two yellow orbs moved closer and I almost held my breath as I realized that I was actually shaking with fright.
Not now...
Please not now! I'm not ready!
The two yellow orbs came closer yet, and then became three, then four, and then a dozen.
I almost fainted of relief. Fireflies...
A small smile split up on my face just as a gust of chilly wind hit my cheeks sending my open hair in disarray. Still smiling I quickly tucked my hair behind my ears and turned around to quickly move into the room, sliding the door shut behind me.
"What were you, smoking?" Ley asked as I padded my way towards her, my palms closed, holding a few fireflies I had managed to catch as I was coming in, safely between my palms.
"Here" I giggled, standing in front of her I pulled my palms away slowly, three fireflies carefully settled on my fingers.
Marley's eyes widened as she watched the tiny torches moving around my palm and she almost reached her palm against mine when a huge loud crash sounded from the balcony door. The fireflies, scared, fled.
Marley let out a loud scream as she looked towards the door, I stared at her wide eyed, scared to look back as her gaze snapped between what was behind me, and Me.
"Come here Theia!"
I froze instantly, my eyes widening, a rush of chills ran down my spine.
You know I would give everything to keep you with me, don't you love?
"N-no" I stuttered back, I needed to get my courage. I needed to face him. I was not going to be a third wheel!
I flinched as Bryce growled loudly and the sound of glass breaking reached my ears again. I turned quickly on impulse, this needed to stop, but stopped when I caught sight of him.
Gone was my Bryce. This was his beast. His Lycan. He stood just outside the balcony door, shattered glasses surrounding the once secure door. His canines barred for me to watch as he moved forward slightly, his dark hairy arms outstretched as if to receive me into a hug. His only recently bleeding fists now healing.
I heard Marley whimper behind me as I unconsciously took a step towards Bryce. I gasped when I realized what I was about to do and stilled.
"Move back" Marley whispered and I nodded, taking a step back. But it didn't last long, because before I knew it Bryce had stormed over to me and flung me over his shoulder, his dark fur brushing against my skin.
"Bryce let me go!" I almost screamed, landing a few punches on his back. He only growled louder as he proceeded towards the balcony door.
I lifted myself up a little and looked at the startled, scared Smith family as they all looked at me with tears in their eyes.
Marley wiped a tear away and mouthed"I'm sorry" I only shook mine and sent back a " No, I'm sorry"
As Bryce brushed past the broken door, glasses dug past his bulky form, red immediately following its trail. I almost reached out to touch the would when Bryce moved towards the railing, the night hair hitting me against the bare of my legs and arms. I shivered.
"Bryce! Let go! I don't want to go with you!" I smacked his back again, harder this time.
"Shut up if you want everyone around us to survive Theia, or I swear to god I will slaughter each and every one of them!!"
I held my breath as Bryce climbed on the railing and will me still in his arms, jumped into the night, off of the first floor.
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