Bryce was just about to reply when a ringtone sounded from his pant pocket and he immediately reached for it. Grasping it and giving it a look Bryce turned towards me with a soft smile and I nodded, smiling back. It was probably important.

I stood there in the middle of the room, as the sound of the door close behind me echoed from the wall, looking nowhere in particular but my mind seemed to be on overdrive. For one the feeling of appreciation wouldn't leave, I seemed to be extremely thankful for how things had settled in so far. How smoothly things had gone, God knew how bad it could have been. How bad I could have reacted had I not had prior suspicions and a love for Jacob Black, professor Lupin, and Adam. But I was not going to tell Bryce that. Who knew what he would kill in his jealous frenzy.

My gaze drifted towards the open window and I found myself walking towards it slowly, the day outside did seem like a damp one, the clouds hung heavily in grey hues. I couldn't help but smile. This was my perfect kind of weather. If only it rained too though. That would be great.

As if hearing my unvoiced wish, the sky started crying down on the world. The freshly wet smell of the soil floating around the air reached my nostrils and I smiled as I closed my eyes and leaned against the edge of the window.

"Hey" an arm slid around my waist as the warm whisper touched the skin of my neck. I shuddered and leaned against the familiar solid chest.

"Hey" I replied, smiling as Bryce leaned in closer and pressed his lips on the crook of my neck.

"So, where were we?"

I turned around with a wide grin displayed across my face. Well, this was a first. Bryce willing offering to give me answers to my questions, unbelievable.

"I asked what the moon had anything to do with us" I chirped, putting my arms around his neck and pulling his huge form down as I swung from it. His arms around my waist tightened as he leaned in and kissed my chin.

"You're adorable. I had meant something else but we could do this too" he murmured against my neck.

"Great! Let's begin then!" I announced, moving out of his embrace and placing myself nicely on the huge bed, my back leaning against the dark mahogany headboard.

Bryce frowned as I moved out of his hold but quickly followed after, settling himself on the bed beside me.

I turned towards him excitedly and he groaned when he noticed the expectant look in my eye but continued.

"Before I begin, you must understand some things, okay?" Bryce began, and then turned to look at me. I nodded in understanding, feeling slightly nervous about all this. Bryce continued. "You might have noticed... Seeing as you have both seen Matthew and I in our... beast forms that we are different. There is a concrete theory behind it, you see there are... Two types of Wolves. Matthew happens to be a Werewolf. Whereas I, a Lycanthrope. Lycans and Weres differ in a sense that we Lycans are royal. We royals are stronger, in every sense. And being Lycans allows us to stand, more like... People, unlike Werewolves. Understandable so far?"

Once again I nodded meekly, he was getting closer to the mate thing, I knew it. Why did I suddenly didn't want to hear it? Why was a suddenly so scared?

"Now we all, both Lycans and Normal wolves are affected by the moon. Although we can change at will, our powers and strength increases during the full moon nights. And... Well... Since the full moon affects us all, it also affects our-Fuck! It makes us want to mark our mates okay?, it'll make me want to mate with you. And that's bad because I fight every second to control myself from taking you. I'll go crazy Theia, almost obsessive. And if I don't get you during the full moon this month, or any month, I will kill anything and everything who stands in my way." I sat gaping at a pissed off Bryce as he glared at the dark silk bed covers.

Well shit... A tiny voice choked out and I gulped nervously. Shuffling around with the pillow at hand.

"Say something" Bryce demanded, sounding exhausted. He turned to take my hands but I quickly retrieved it towards me, avoiding his eye as I moved away slightly. His eyes shot up to mine. I looked up and my gaze faltered at the hurt in his eyes.

"Bryce I-" I almost moved back in to touch him but before I could Bryce was gone. All that was left of his presence was the lingering smell of his musky, mysteriously delicious smelling cologne and the swift cold air that whipped across my face as he left.

"Way to go Theia. You just hurt him!"

I closed my eyes and tried to shut down the my guilty conscious. I had just fidgeted away from Bryce. My soulmate. The look in his eyes kept swimming around mine and I groaned as I sunk down against the mattress, a frustrated groan leaving my lips as I did so.

"Trouble in Paradise deary?"

My head snapped towards a smiling Meryl standing by the door. Her comforting eyes bucking me closer into sharing my problems with her. I yielded.

Let it out... That's it Thi! Just let it flow...

"Yes" I finally sobbed out after looking at the off white colored ceiling for some time. All the while Meryl waiting patiently for my reply as she settled herself on a comfortable spot in the edge of the bed.

Everything seemed so overwhelming and it was all starting to catch up to me. I grimaced when a thin cold finger swept the tear off of my cheeks and leaned back once again, as if waiting for me to deliver another outburst or two.

I didn't.

Finally realizing I was not going to continue she finally spoke up. "Scared because Everything just seems to overwhelming? And the anxiety to lose your virginity to Bryce seems scary? Terrified and guilty because you hurt Bryce a lot?"

I sobbed harder and nodded.

A comforting smile replaced itself across the thin line that had formed after Meryl had entered the room and once again, she wiped the tears off my face.

"Breathe dove, we are just like you folks... Just a little different. You have nothing to be worried about there. As for your virginity... You're mated to the alpha king dear, he must claim you... Or Someone else will. And that someone else wouldn't truly love you. Never as much as Bryce. Now moving on the topic of hurting Bryce. I admit. He's extremely hurt and embarrassed. But go talk to him Dear because he needs you. He needs your acceptance, your love.By the night of the last full moon, if you both don't mate he will give in to his beast. It will take him days to get back. He might even hurt himself. Think about it Theia."

I sighed as a solemn looking Meryl moved out of the room after placing a ghost of a kiss on my forehead and a pat on my knee.

What am I going to do?

The sound of the drops of rain trickling down the window pane wafted around the room in an almost soothing manner and I took a deep breath to calm myself before moving my gaze back on the ceiling.

What am I going to do?

Almost instantly another voice piqued up the reply.

Find him...

My breath hitched in my throat, my eyes widened. I landed a palm across my forehead as the frightful impact of things crossed my mind and stuck itself there. I was Eighteen, lawfully an adult, I was in love, Bryce was my soul mate, this was concrete, and we had to make love. What was I scared of?

The unknown...

I sighed and pressed my head further into the pillow, my eyes now shut tightly.

It was true, I was scared. I couldn't deny that.

Another soft sigh escaped my lips and I concentrated on the soothing sounds of the rain instead.

The calm never came. Instead, another bit of thought that had been floating around my head etched itself in my brain in big bold letters.

Take a chance.

A light bulb lit up and I shot up in bed, my tear stained blotchy face stinging from the heat. I could almost feel a headache coming up as I made me way out of the bedroom. I needed to find him.

Corridors after corridors I tried to memorize the directions I was taking, this time determined not to end up getting lost, but I couldn't find Bryce anywhere.

Finally, exhausted I hunched over, my hands grasping onto my knees as I tried to catch my breath from all the rushing and running. It was no good. I would never find him in this cursed castle.

I stopped panting when I heard a distant footfall and within determining which it direction it was coming from I made a mad dash towards freedom. And hopefully, Bryce.

Dressed in a classic baby blue knee length dress with slightly puffed up sleeves the sightly middle aged woman seemed to have been dusting what seemed like a row of portraits. I rushed forward, almost desperately.

"Excuse me!"

The lady's head turned towards me in a surprised manner but she smiled warmly when she noticed me better. A small smile lit up on my lips, she could help me.

"Yes dear" she asked, her dusting finally at a pause, she looked at me with warm concern.

"Have you seen Bryce? Please can you lead me to him!"

The woman's expression softened further until a sad tone seeped in. She shook her head. "I'm afraid Master Wilhem left dear. Jumped of the fourth floor balcony he did-" She stopped when she noticed my horrified expression and quickly reprimanded her words,"-oh don't worry dear! Master does that a lot he does! He will be back before nightfall. You are to stay the night?"

He left...

A thousand thoughts kept swarming around my head as I shook my head distractedly and without asking for directions turned around and started walking away. No idea where I was headed.

He lef-"OW!!"

Gravity was winning, my butt was going to meet its fate, I was going to fall flat on my arse. I hadn't even managed to see which wall I had collided with headfirst when a strong warm pair of arms slid around me, quickly pulling me against the same concrete hard chest the person saved my backside from its could have been gruesome demise. I frowned as the person still held me, his nose now buried in my free brown locks.

"I heard." The man spoke up, loosening his grip on my waist as he let his hands fall to his sides and moved away. I knew the voice immediately.

"Romanov" I sang giggling, remembering the name Meryl had acknowledged him as.

His eyes furrowed irritatingly, his lips thinning until it looked like he had none. "Don't call me that. It makes me sound old!"

I snorted. "It makes you sound sexy you nutter."

Roman rolled his eyes and leaned forward to grasp onto my hand before he turned and started moving forward across the hallway.

"I heard about the what happened"

I frowned. "Heard what?"

Roman continued leading us both towards a location I was still to find out about. "About the Lionel incident. If Bryce hadn't broken his bones over and over again, I would have given him a piece of my mind too."

I gasped. "HE DID WHAT?"

Rome chuckled and stopped, turning towards a door he turned it open and ushered me in.

"Don't worry. We Lycans and Were's have a speedy healing qualities. It took him four hours,at least, to fully recover though, after all, he was a newly shifted."

I glanced at him, stopping my wide eyed inspection of the library halfway. "So, You're a Lycan aren't you? Like you walk on two instead of four?"

Roman smiled, his brown eyes now shining golden. "That would be correct love"

I nodded, returning my attention back to the millions of books that happened to sit cozily on millions of shelves. Each shelve reaching from the ceiling two stories up to the floor. Stairs and ladders ready to aid in finding one of the many worlds hidden beneath the worn old pages. My insides tingled as I looked around. And in a quick second I determined that the library was my favorite part of the castle. No doubt.


My shoulders slumped suddenly as the thought of Bryce flashed across my mind. Where could he be?


"So weren't you suppose to come next week?" I asked Roman, trying to break the tensed silence that had settled around us as I leaned against my bed's headboard.

After convincing Roman to drive me over as he barely had any jet-lag, I had finally told him everything that had happened earlier that day and he had told me how Bryce had returned back to the castle after I had slept and beaten Lionel to the brick of death. I found that extremely wrong and managed to make a note to being extra nice to Lionel. The guy deserved it.

"Yes I was, but the National Beta meeting ended earlier than we expected and here I am" Roman motioned to himself happily as he shrunk beside me.

Smiling, I was just about to pull a sass on him when I noticed a look of irritation pass his look and he quickly got out of bed, turning towards me almost apologetically. "I need to get to the castle Thi, Beta duties. I'll see you soon okay?"

I smiled and nodded, waddling over the bed on my knees, I moved towards Roman to give him a good hug before yelling out a laters as he ran and jumped out of window in a graceful motion, as if it was no work at all.

Once Roman was gone, the silence of the room now caught up to me and I slumped back against the headboard. Explaining things to Rome had made it easier, I knew now what I wanted... It was easier to accept. To process. Bryce was the one. And the next time we met, I would apologize and tell him. Yes.


A frosty gust of wind broke past the curtains and hit my naked feet with full force rasping out a shocking gasp from me as I shot up in bed.


One of the first things I realized was that I had over-napped my nap and it was now turning dark. I hated complete darkness. So as quickly as I could I reached for the switch and turned the string lights on.

That was when I took notice of the presence that stood beside the window. Still, tall and in the shadows.

I gulped down nervously and turned towards the door but before I could even contemplate on an escape plan the figure had moved out of the shadows and into the light. His face pulled up in a blank manner, his eyes looking as if it were desperately trying to get the spark it usually had.

I frowned.

"Bryce?" I asked, getting out of the bed and moving towards him. He took a step forward and my palm touched his chest. Almost as an assurance that it was actually him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, slipping my arms around his waist as I buried my face against his chest. I heard a sigh before he lowered himself and his arms wrapped around my waist. Picking me up in his arms he moved towards the bed, and placed me there.

I smiled at the same expressionless looking Bryce who only leaned in and placed a small kiss on my forehead before turning around and moving towards the window. I frowned.


He stopped, his arm on the open window frame. "You might want to go to sleep Theia. I'm returning back to the castle. Some work to do. Goodnight"

I could only stare at the empty space Bryce had just been occupying.

What the hell had just happened?

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