The silence of the night seemed eerie against Bryce's sharp intake of breath. I almost regretted asking him the question. But it was done. And I had asked. So now all I could do was wait for his reply.
It seemed like hours before his shocked eyes darted from mine to something behind me. Or maybe it was nothing in particular. I couldn't tell. He moved away, not looking at me anymore as if deep in thought, before getting out of bed and stopping to stand beside the window, staring into the night... In the direction of the beautifully lit castle. His castle.
"You caught that, didn't you?"
I sighed. Oh boy had I. "Yes"
He turned towards me. His expression grave. "My eyes... they're different..."
I rolled my eyes. "I can tell. A-are you not human?"
Bryce's eyes widened a fraction, and I could only hold my breath waiting for him to say Yes. Yes Theia, I'm an alien. I almost braced myself for that... Almost planned out how I would react. But all that came was a pearl of hysterical laughter.
Bryce watched me, his eyes twinkling as he continued to laugh, breathing deeply in between laugh spurts. He finally stopped when I began to glare at him. He laughed so much it almost seemed fake.
"I assure you Theia, I'm human. Not a God sent angel,"
Strangely, where I should have been feeling relieved I felt a tinge of irritation. Maybe it wasn't surprising at all because I was far from blind, and my senses hadn't run highway. I was painfully aware of the walls built up behind his laughter. Bryce had lied.
And that hurt.
I bit back a "liar" and quite convincingly-well to my standards anyway-smiled and replied with a soft "Okay."
I'd find out the truth. No more lies. Bryce would have to learn.
As if content with my response Bryce beamed and marched towards me, pulling me against his chest and just like always, the only thing I managed to do was cling to his shirt so that I wouldn't fall to the floor like mush.
"I like you! A lot!"
I stilled. Had I said that? Oh crap Theia!
I moved back, panic stricken as I watched a wide eyed Bryce stare at me. I swallowed hard but looked away.
You're officially an idiot.
"I-er- I'll just" I stepped back to move away.
Need space to recover... Recover lost sanity and a mouth filter.
"No" I froze as Bryce growled, and immediately pulled me back against his chest. "I like you too. A lot."
As if Bryce had read my mind, he pulled back to look at me and repeated, softly, "I like you a lot."
I smiled and hooking my arms around his neck pulled him down, smashing his lips with mine for a peck before breaking the kiss. I giggled at his slight pout. "Good, You better!"
Now all I have to do is find out what you're hiding Bryce...
Flipping the page of the book that lay open on my lap, I leaned into the trunk of the fairly large tree and bit onto an apple.
The day was a dull one, and unlike the others I absolutely loved this weather. Maybe that was why I was currently leaning against fairly large maple tree, away from the rest of the bustling students.
I sighed and snapped the book shut. I couldn't concentrate anyway.
All that kept floating around my head was Bryce's golden eyes.
I let out a low growl. What is he hiding?
"And what are you doing here all alone?"
I almost jumped on my spot at the sudden sound of intrusion. Looking up I saw Matthew gazing at me amusedly.
'Maybe I could do with a little bit of company' I thought as I patted the ground Beside me and he immediately sunk down beside me. Our arms touching as we both looked onwards.
Maybe Matt could help me out...
"I've been thinking..."
That got his attention. Matthew turned toward me, he seemed to have caught onto my sullen tone, his expression worried.
"Is everything okay?" Matthew asked, his finger tilting my chin so that I would look at him.
Was it?
I shook my head. "Not quite."
"What happened?"
I looked at him, making eye contact I kept it. His warm reddish brown eyes twinkled as he looked at me. Not breaking eye contact I managed to answer, " I think Bryce is not normal, as in... Not human"
Just then a warm spark shot through his eyes and I almost bit back a gasp as I moved in closer to look at his eyes. He turned away almost immediately. Matthew too?
"I can't quite help you there Thi. But all I ask is to keep an open mind about Bryce. Don't run" Matthew mumbled, looking back to gaze at me. Warm brown eyes. Normal.
With a small smile my way he quickly got up and brushed the leaves off his jeans, looking back he extended a hand towards me and I still being confused, took it.
We walked towards the school in silence when I was suddenly pulled against a warm chest. I knew who it was so I just leaned in and held onto Roman with my dear life.
"I see you're happy to see me," he chuckled, rubbing the pad of his thumb against my cheeks before smiling a little and moving back.
I rolled my eyes. "You wish. Where were you half the day anyway?"
"I know you want me," Roman winked, but continued when I glared, " I'm going to Rome for a week, dad called, a little business transaction. I just came to say goodbyes and if you wanted me to get you something"
I giggled. "Just get your ass back."
Rome mock gasped as he moved away in shock, "You only want my ass back!? Did you hear that Matthew? Our little Theia seems to have a thing for my ass!"
Matthew chucked as he moved away slightly, as if scared I would smack him. Smart move.
"I think Thi has herself a little ass fetish,"
I gasped. "I don't!" I exclaimed, looking at the two laughing boys. I narrowed my eyes. I would get them someday.
Finally when their loud laughters seemed to cease I pulled Rome in for a hug again, his arms almost instantly slipping around me as I held him. "Get back soon. I won't miss you at all"
He sighed against me, his arms tightening on his hold. "I'll be back soon. I'll miss you too Thi"
I smiled as he moved back and turned towards the door. Only stopping when he opened it, he turned back and gave me a small wave. I waved back smiling.
"Well then... he's gone. Now no one will protect your coffees from me! Mwahahhaa!" Matthew laughed maniacally as his arms slid around my shoulder and turned us towards the cafeteria.
I almost groaned. I'd build a damn fort before letting him steal my coffee.
Leo and I had a fight today, I think it was because his older brother hits on me. Tell me how to fix this! I want Leo not Cole! -AVerySadCasey
I almost banged my head against the desk as I read the message. I clearly didn't understand why Cole would not just give up, Cass wanted Leo! Leo was hot-okay they both were hot but Leo held much more substance! Plus, what the hell happened to bro code!?
March over to his house. Stand outside his window. Sing to him. -I'mPatheticAtThis;Theia
Almost instantly my phone pinged and I stared at the reply.
Which song? -ImpatientCasey
Wait.. What? She serious?-song...er...
Arms-Christina Perri? -Theia
It doesn't fit, he runs I don't -CaseyCatastrophe
How about 'Never Let Me Go by The Click Five' -OptimisticTheia
Omg that's a good one! I'm off to his! Guitar and the whole shabang! Wish me luck! -Casey
All the best babe. Rock your man's world ;) -Thi
A smile touching my lips I placed my phone on my bed and made my way out of my room. I found that the bruise on my thigh hurt a lot less after I woke up today and that helped a lot with walking around school, it also helped a lot with marching to and from the kitchen. Not being able I grab snacks, now that could have been be a problem.
The skies glowed purple outside as the setting sun finally settled against the mountains in the west. It seems unreal to see the sky this shade of purple but I smiled at the beauty of it. Seeing the note from mum that I had already read a while ago I picked it up and dropped it into the bin. Mum and dad would be late, one of mum's usual surprise dates. I could feel a blush touch my cheeks as I went over a particular line from the note.
P.S. Bryce is welcome while we are away. Use protection!
"Ugh... mom!" I groaned out loud, shaking my head as I tried to rid of the images that popped into my head. She was crazy!
I mean, I did want to—do it with Bryce—but it just seemed too fast. I wanted to wait.
Just then a shrill cry ran out around the cold evening air, and I froze, my head whipping towards the woods immediately. The cry rang around again, somehow I couldn't help but rush to the door and sliding it open run towards the woods. The scream seemed to be coming from in there.
Another scream sounded through the woods as I whipped my head around in every direction trying to gauge which direction it was coming from... It sounded like a boy, merely a teenager from the sound of his scream. Whoever he was, he sounded like he was in really bad pain!
Another scream. Right.
"Hello? Where are you? I can help you!" I called out, moving towards the right, I cursed not bringing a torch with me, it really was darker in the woods than out. I cursed myself for even coming. This was what those heroines did it every scary movie.
I stopped when I realized the screaming had stopped. I frowned than gasped, had something happened to the kid?
"Where are you? I want to help you!? Kid?!"
"Crap!" I muttered, reaching for my pockets, maybe I should call the police?
I almost smacked myself upside the face when I realized I had left my phone at home. Stupid!
Just then a twig broke somewhere and I stilled, my heart suddenly beating frantically. There were wolves in the woods...
Looking around I tried to gauge which direction I had walked from when another twig broke and a small warning growl sounded through the air.
I stood frozen, my eyes wide as two red eyes shined through the darkness from between two trees. I turned to look for an escape, and another growl erupted around me.
The cold night air seemed to sting around my warm face, it was only then did I realize that I was crying. The silent but absolute fact sinking in with every weeping second, I was probably going to die tonight..
It moved towards me, walking into the moonlight it's fur shon grey and teeth white as it growled once again, stalking it's way to me, its each stance calculated like the predator it was, his eyes cautious, treating me like the prey I was.
I cried harder.
I sniffled. I couldn't die... I didn't want to! I wouldn't...I wouldn't
So, Building up the remaining courage I had I ran. I ran like my life depended on it. Because it did. I ran like this was the last day of my life. Because it could be.
I almost faltered when a deep growl emitted from behind me and I heard the wolf running towards me, towards its kill.
The paths seemed little to non-existent to my eyes because of the ever increasing darkness in the woods, the growing night didn't seem to help.
The Wolf behind me howled as if in the rush of a hunt, I almost broke down knowing that I was the one acting as the prey... And very soon the wolf's whole pack would be joining their brother on the hunt, running after me.
I almost sighed when An idea popped into my head but just when I thought I saw a shimmer of hope, the large tree that looked climbable, I tripped.
The rocks scrapped against my hand as I tried to save myself from the impact of the fall, but I knew... I had lost.
A growl sounded from
Behind me and a tear fell down my cheek, this was it.
I looked up towards my last hope but almost bit back a Scream when I saw a large light brown wolf standing in front of me, it's snout just inches from my face.
This is it...
A tear escaped to my cheek once again and the wolf whimpered. I frowned. Why wasn't it killing me yet?
It moved closer and I almost yelped, moving away immediately. It whimpered again and lowered its head, what it did next caught me by surprise, it slumped down on the ground in front of me.
I could only stare as it lifted its head and looked at me. It's warm brown eyes seemed so familiar I couldn't help be so the craziest thing ever, I reached out and placed my hand on its head, patting it, surprisingly, it seemed to purr in reply. Wolves purred?
Why is it being so docile?
I looked into its eyes again when just then a warm spark shot across its eye and I gasped. I knew who it's eyes reminded me of...
"Matthew" I whispered...
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