I groaned as the harsh morning sun danced over my face, toying with me, coaxing me to get out of bed and close the drapes I so desperately wanted to pull together. But my bed was inviting, and the want to stay cuddled against my various amounts of comfy pillows outweighed the need to close the blinds. So I stayed in bed, and grumbled out a million very colorful profanities, hurling each one to this current morning.

To be defined as a morning person, was nothing I'd be accountable for.

"Honey! Get up! You have to go to school, remember?" mom yelled, knocking on the door twice before the sound of her footsteps faded.

Suddenly all sleep forgotten I shot up in bed and stared ahead wide eyed.

It was Monday.

I had school.

It was the middle of the year and I had a new school...


"I hate this," I grumbled out to the empty air as I moved into the bathroom,my morning voice sounding as gritty as an amateur trying their hands at a violin. Horrendous.

Picking up my toothbrush I quickly brushed, after which my crying bladder decided to make its agony known, and well was that.

It seemed like minutes later when I found myself walking out of the bathroom freshly bathed, brushed and peed, happily I padded my way lazily into my bedroom.

A cold gust of wind hit my wet skin and I shivered.

Strange, I don't remember opening the window from when I closed it last night...

"Maybe mum did?" I assured myself as I ignored the now open window and walked into the closet, picked out my newly purchased underwear, a white sweater and baby blue skinny jeans. An outfit that would go well with my well worn out white sneakers.

Once all dressed up and ready I made a check for my iPod, phone and books before walking towards the window and glancing at the castle once again.

I just couldn't stop looking at it. The tales I spun as I watched and analyzed each and every window, the tiny glimpses of halls and the grounds, usually consisted of beasts and pirates, of lords and ladies... of Belle in her yellow gown, gliding along the ball room, her beast only but at arms length... Yep, the tales I spun while watching the castle were truly beyond what would even be considered possible. And with every tale I spun, I couldn't help but wonder. How would it be like to live there?

With a final glance and a faint smile lurking on my lips I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

I had come to appreciate my new home the past weekend. The brick house was actually very homey once I managed to get used to it, making sure that the hallways to this house turned right and not left if I wanted to go downstairs, and that there were now four bedrooms and not three. But despite all facts, I still liked this house mainly because of the views. In fact, I personally believed it was very cleverly designed to have all the views to die in every room possible, for since one side of the house actually sat on the edge of a cliff or mountain or something and faced the countryside and the castle, while the other faced the distant city.

My gaze stopping at a small note I quickly picked it up and began reading. It seemed that my mom and dad were already gone, I suppose I had stared at the castle a little too long.

Gone to work. Blueberry pancakes in the fridge. Eat before you leave. We are not kidding! Alex will give you a ride to school (Thank the sweet boy after the ride Thi) See you by 7!


Mom and dad.

I spared my wrist watch a quick glance before picking up two granola bars and moving towards the front door. I was possibly late. Not a good sign for the new girl.

The pancakes would have to wait for later.

"About time she walked out!"

Looking up as I closed the front door and turned around, I saw Blonde seated in a black Range Rover with a brown haired boy with glasses in the passenger seat. I smiled at the two boys awkwardly, I hadn't seen much of Blonde all weekend. My attention moved back to the nice looking boy riding shotgun.

Hmm. Maybe that's Matthew.

"I'm sorry for being late," I murmured apologetically as I opened the back door and got in. Usually, as much as I was not a morning person, I still managed to get to school an hour early and have myself a good library session. Needless to say, my attendance record was pretty spotless so far.

"It's okay. We like to make banging late entries anyway. I'm Matthew by the way, you're pretty! Alex here wasn't lying," the brown haired boy looked back and smiled at me, extending his arm.

I took it and gave it a shy shake. The heat on my cheeks making sure Matthew saw exactly how surprised I was by the compliment.

Apparently blonde thought I was pretty.

A sudden cough rang around the vehicle as Blonde quite violently shoved his arm into Matthews side and then glanced at me from the review mirror, his cheeks slightly flushed.

Ohh... so he's shy.

"Oh so Blonde thinks I'm pretty, aye? Well good, I'm glad our thoughts are so similar. Although, thank you Matthew, that's very sweet of you. How is Rosenberg High School though?" I chirped brightly as I smirked at Blonde before turning towards a smiling Matthew.

"The house of Wolves," Alex replied, still smirking, turning to look at me before moving his attention on the road. The fear of a car accident began flashing in my mind.

" You didn't exactly answer my question," I responded, cocking an eyebrow up at Alex before turning towards Matthew, "But wolves are my favorite animals."

Matthew turned back and looked at me, a grin set on his face. "How so?"

I shrugged. "They are beautiful."

"We are here," Alex declared suddenly.

Turning into the parking lot he found a parking space and drove in. Parking the car into a good enough spot, I got out of the car first and turned to say my thanks when two arms linked themselves to mine and I yelped as the two boys began walking towards the school.

"What are you guys doing?" I whisper yelled as a dozen stares presented themselves to us.

"Helping you around." Matthew chuckled, pulling me closer as he tightened his hold on my arm.

Blushing beet red I shifted my gaze towards Blonde, who was looking at me with a very amused smile.

"What?" I demanded, frowning slightly.

Was there something on my face?

"You look like a tomato." he chuckled, causing Matthew to let out a loud laugh.

I huffed as I felt my blush deepen. The nagging feeling of knowing that the attention of the whole student population who were currently standing outside was on the three of us, myself in particular, was extremely awkward.

The glares being thrown my way were also something that didn't go unnoticed and I shuddered because I knew that if it could, the glares would definitely shrivel me up to a pulp.

However the analyzing gazes from the guys weren't exactly down key either as Matthew soon pointed out, "Awkward how the boys are looking at us, we've never experienced this sort of look before," which caused a low growl to be heard from Blonde. "They're looking at Theia, Matt. They really should look away I hate being stared at... and my fists are itching for a brawl."

"Hey Matt, who's the new girl? Cousin or something?" A pretty buff blonde dude asked as we entered the hallways.

"Whose? Yours? Good to know at least one of the girls here at Rosenberg is your cousin, Jared." Matthew chuckled and pulled me away, leaving the guy gawking behind us.

Turning towards Matthew I giggled, "That was really good!"

"Hey guys, erm... I need to be somewhere. See you during lunch." Blonde suddenly spoke up and unlinking his arm from mine, walked away.

"Where's he off to?" I questioned Matt, who continued to lead me towards the office. Come to think of it, he was actually very cute.

"Probably gone off to meet Diandra" Matthew shrugged.

"Who's Diandra?"

"Alex's girlfriend of two years, didn't you know?" Matthew asked, turning towards me incredulously.

I frowned.

Blonde tried to kiss me.

Blonde tried to kiss me but has a girlfriend.

Blonde tried to kiss me but has a girlfriend and never told me.

Well, shit.

It hurt a bit that someone would do that, and suddenly the fact that I had initially found him attractive made me cringe at myself.

What an idiot Theia.

"You okay?" Mathew nudged me, as we turned towards the hall that lead to the Office.

I glanced at him and smiled slightly. "Dandy"

Rosenberg High, was incredibly large. Not as large as my previous school, but large nonetheless. It's facilities looked newer by age and although I didn't appreciate the the slight cream and blue combination, it seemed to fit perfectly well around the halls.

"Good Morning, how may I help you Matthew and the lovely lady you have clenched, beside you?"

I smiled at the lady at the counter, ignoring her slight emphasis on word 'clenched'. She seemed nice enough with a pretty navy blue suit on, her gracefully graying hair rolled up in a bun, and those twinkling eyes that assured a good sense of humor. A badge rested itself upon her breast.

Marilyn Jeffery.

"Good morning, I;m Theia, I'm new here," I mumbled sweetly, not at all trying to move out of Matthews grip even though Marilyn kept on glancing at it, smiling to herself.

"Oh yes dear! Here is your schedule, and your locker number and pin. Also, we were informed by your previous Principal that you were one of the top students and an avid reader. Hence here is a library pass, to make you feel more at home. It will enable you to use and issue out just about any of the library books available, even the reference, if you need it that is, and you will have your own little space."

Shocked for a minute I quickly regained myself and beamed as I took the the papers and card from her. "Thank you ma'am. It means a lot! Have a nice day."

Still beaming that Mrs. Ambrosia had actually made a note of calling my current school and helping me get a library all access pass, I had only just turned to leave when Marilyn called out "I'm glad you're finally found a girl Matthew, she seems like a keeper! Just keep her glued to you like you are doing right now and everything will be fine."

Matthew stilled. I stilled. Marilyn let out a slow giggle.

I turned towards Matt, who now looked like he would rather the floor open up and swallow him alive. This made me giggle.

"Thanks Mrs.J" He babbled, before pulling me behind him as he quickly fled the area.

I couldn't breathe.

"Let's find my locker" I let out in huffs, still trying to catch my breath at currently being rushed out of the reception area.



"We have Math now" Matthew declared as he scanned through my schedule while I on the other hand stood in front of my locker placing all my books, spare pens, pencils,tapes, paint brushes and paint into it.

Once done I picked out the books and things I would need for math and closed the locker shut.

"Well let's go then" I declared, hooking my arm with Matts.

The occasional jealous glares I had thought to be receiving only for Alex actually was equally being handed my way for Matthew too. Apparently his cute geek slash angry young man look appealed to the ladies at Rosenberg High. I could see why though. He was actually very handsome.

As we walked into class the loud and obnoxious whispers floating around the classroom instantly came to a halt, making me deliver a quick scan through the crowd.

Smiling girls, check.

Oblivious boys, check.

Glaring girls, check.

Oblivious boys, check.

Slightly alarmed looking Blonde sitting beside another blonde haired girl, check.

Ignoring my urge to land a swift slap on Blondes face for even attempting to cheat on his girlfriend, I made my way to the only vacant desk just in front of Alex and as gracefully as I could, placed my butt on the seat.

I knew it wasn't worth it. Good looking guys were hardly ever faithful and I was never one to end up in these type of dramas. As long as I didn't let myself get into such that situation again, I was fine with ignoring Blonde.

Matthew however grinned a little at the counted amount of glaring boys and made his way over to the seat beside mine before plopping down on it.

"H-Hey Matthew! Is she the new girl?" A new voice spoke up from behind me and I turned around to glance at a timid looking girl sitting just behind Blonde's girlfriend Diandra.

The girl smiled at me shyly, her lips crinkling slightly as she did. She looked about my height, which wasn't much, only 5'3, her soft red hair glowed slightly as she tilted her head nervously.

I smiled back, and waved in greeting, not missing the eye roll Diandra sent my way as she pulled onto Blondes arm more. Blonde however looked at me as if apologizing for his act but I shrugged it off without handing him a reaction to work with.

Serves him good. That attempted cheat!

"I'm Theia Anderson, it's nice to meet you"

"H-hi I'm Marley! Theia as in goddess of light, right?"

I giggled but nodded. Apparently I had also wondered why my mother and father had decided to name me Theia, since it was a Greek name and we were anything but Greek. The curiosity lead me to do a bit of a research, as any twelve year old might do once a sudden topic of interest may spark and it was then that I found the meaning of my name. Later learning about how dad's fascination with Greek mythology during the days of mums pregnancy had gotten the best of him and well... That was that and I was thus named Theia.

"Yep, that" I giggled, still nodding to a now giggling Marley. I had a feeling she and I were going to be great friends!

"Good Morning Class, How are you all this fine Monday morning?" A voice boomed out and I turned towards the white board to see a quite handsome looking man, wearing glasses standing in front and smiling at us students with a strange sarcastic humor.

His eyes did a small sweep around the room until It landed on mine and I barely held off my head as a sign of approval flashed in his eyes and he smiled rather nicely at me.

"If my sources are correct we have a new student here? Theia Anderson? I'm Mr. Phelps. Could you please stand up and tell us a little about yourself?"

My eyes widened and I turned to look at Matthew frantically. The last thing I needed right now was to make a complete fool out of myself! It wasn't hard to see I had trouble speaking infront of large crowds without mucking up.

When Matt refused to offer me anything except a sad smile that barely yelled out a "I'm sorry", I slowly got up and instantly felt my feet give away. This was bad.

Breathe Thi! Breathe! Imagine them wearing coconut shells and leaves, doing the hula!

"Hi, my name is Theia Anderson and I have just recently moved here with my family from Los Angeles, California. And Er... that's all?"

Phew! That was good!

Mr.Phelps nodded approvingly and I gladly slumped back into my seat. Avoiding the glares from every girl glaring, Marley excluded.

"Well Miss.Anderson I hope you enjoy studying here at Rosenberg High. Now class let's start with AP Calculus."

"Bring it on baby! This is a piece of candy!" Matthew whispered as he held his pen with much more vigor.

So I was right! He is a nerd!

Thank you god, I have found my people!

"Let's do this!" I whispered back and passed a grin towards Matt.

Maybe this new school wouldn't be as bad as I thought...




Dipping my toe into the miniature man-made stream I sighed happily as I felt the water flow right past my toe.

So cool!

I had barely the time to check out my backyard the past weekend, being as I helped mum and dad decorate the house and all, and then the shopping wasn't easy as well. So naturally, I thought to remedy that after school.

The day had gone through as smoothly as it could. I had gained myself two friends; Marley and Matthew and although I wouldn't mind calling Blonde a friend, even after his kissing stunt, Diandra seemed to think it fit to keep her boyfriend at least 5 feet away from me.

Not that I minded that or anything, the last thing I was looking for was drama. And Diandra spelt out drama with a capital D, being the queen B and all.

After math class, Marley and I had discovered that we had the rest of the classes together and ended up being teamed as desk mates in arts class. Our project being, we had to paint each other. Which was awesome our our part.

From what I had seen, I personally think Marley seems to have a crush on Matt. I mean, not that that's not possible, he is pretty handsome and smart too. I definitely see myself playing Cupid when it comes to both of them though.

Mathew on the other hand shared every class with Marley and I except Arts and that was pretty sad since I had a feeling he could pull of amazing arts skills.

The day had ended pretty quickly and before I knew it school was over and I was boarding the bus. I made a 'note to self' to beg mum and dad to let me buy my Audi. I had been saving up for it forever and just turning eighteen a few weeks ago I deserved a car. Besides, after the kiss incident I refused to travel in Alex's vehicle. That would be wrong.

Shrugging the thoughts away I made a sweep across rest of the backyard I noticed a swimming pool near the tiny patio, which lead to a bench area that was surrounded by rose bushes and vines. I stared in wonder at its beauty. With the pink and white roses in full bloom it looked like a scene just out of a romance novel.

Mental note to spend time reading here, check.

After five minutes of staring at the beauty I finally managed to tear my eyes off of the pretty bench area and continued to look around the backyard. There were roses bushes planted firmly along the fence but that ended with the fence as our backyard seemed to lead straight into the woods.

Strange. Why not fence the whole yard?

All of a sudden my eyes landed on the large apple tree on the far corner of the yard which was currently pretty plain looking, with neither fruits or flowers in blossom, but what had caught my attention was the swing that was attached to one of the strong thicker branches.

As a child, I loved swings and would make dad take me to the parks every afternoon just for that reason. Now, to have my very own swing seemed like the best thing that could happen and although it was fairly pretty plain it would do perfectly.

Sighing contently as I ran my hand along the strong rope I finally gave in and sat on the bench, dragging the swing back a meter I let go and let the swing soar me high above the ground.

It was the best feeling I had felt all day. I felt free. Like the birds, and it felt so elevating I couldn't help but let out a low giggle.

Smiling gently I continued swinging and leaning slightly on a rope, I let my eyes close.


"It's getting dark," a deep voice spoke up from behind me as I felt my swing come to a sudden stop.

Clearly caught off guard I gasped with the sudden stop and a stranger being in my yard.

My eyes shot open and instantly saw that the stranger was right, it was growing dark.

Damn it Thi!

My mind was everywhere, the deep voice was very... alluring, the person also had a very distinctive British accent, so trying to put a dangerous face to the voice was nearly impossible.

Shut up Theia! What if it's a killer! What if... Oh my god i can feel it breathe behind me! Oh my god! Shit Theia! Do something! Run!

Okay! One... Two! ... Thr-

"Ahhh!" My sudden scream echoed around me as the stranger pulled me back onto the swing, mid-way from my escape. His seemingly large hand currently clasped around mine, with mine still gripping tightly around the ropes.

I was stuck.

What does he want? Does he want to kill me? Why does he want to kill me! I am too young! Damn it I haven't even finished the book I was reading! What about mum and dad! Oh why is life so cruel!

"A-are you going to kill me?" I whispered, not wanting to let my voice waver if I spoke up, I was too proud to show my future killer how scared I actually was.

If I were to die, I would die brave.

The stranger let out a chuckle, and my eyes widened as I felt a warm feeling run through my belly.

I wonder how he looks like.

"No, I am not going to kill you. "

Despite the warm tingles bubbling inside my belly, I stiffened.

Feeling calm enough I let out a deep breath, a big one for good measure.

Turn around... slowly.

Finally mustering up enough courage, I turned to face the stranger.

I died. Literally.

I died. Went straight to paradise and came back.

Standing behind me, was a living Greek god. Adonis.

Standing behind me, was the sole epitome of perfection. The type of man who deserved to be in movies or on magazines.

His deep baritone voice fit perfectly to his face. Everything from his clear blue eyes to his beautiful chin cleft to his strong aristocratic jaw to his dark wavy hair spelt out power and dominance.

When he realized I had been staring too long his lips pulled up in a ghost of a smile and my wide eyes found another thing to marvel on... This man's smile was officially to die for.

How could someone so beautiful be bad?- what the hell are you doing you stupid girl! He could kill you! He is trespassing on private property! He could be a loot!

Suddenly seeing sense I shook my head and looked away.

He couldn't want anything good, could he?

I sighed. There was no escaping him, the man was built like hulk.

"What do you want?"

"A name," the man responded, his voice a bit on the huskier side.

I frowned. "Whose?"

He smiled, his cleft becoming more prominent. "Yours."


"You ask too many questions amore mio"

I stiffened. "A name for a name?"

I really did want to put a name to his beautiful face. Okay, I had officially lost my mind.

The man smiled. "You may call me Bryce."

Bryce huh? This will need some getting used to. Wait, you probably won't ever meet this man again. No getting used to anything.

"Now your turn." he added, moving to stand in front of me, while I still sat on the swing. His palm returned to be placed on Mine as he switched his position.

"T-Theia." I mumbled, suddenly to shy to match eyes with him, I turned my gaze towards my lap.

"It's an honor to finally meet you Theia. Ti ho aspetatto per tanto tempo. " Bryce's deep voice spoke softly, making me glance at him in disbelief.

Finally met me?

Still holding onto my hand he slipped my hand off of the rope and slowly brought it to his lip. His warm soft lips pressed gently against the back of my palm, a little while longer than normal as if holding a sent promise that this would not be the last time his lips would grace my skin.

I shivered at the thought of his lips gracing my skin.

Stupid Thi, he is a Greek god. And you, an English milkmaid. Chill out, you're weaving worthless romances.

"I have to leave now." he announced all of a sudden, letting go of my hand he stepped back, His stance stiff and his facial expression a little distant.

I nodded and instantly stood up. Half disappointed he had to leave and partially overjoyed.Why couldn't I just feel one thing?

You're never going to see this beautiful face again Thi, of course you would be sad. Hell, even grandma Lidia would be disappointed at the thought of never seeing this beautiful face again.

"You're tiny," the stranger chuckled, pulling me a little closer. My head barely reached his shoulders. Well, almost. Damn him for being so tall!

"Or maybe you are just too tall." I retorted lamely, folding my arms in front of me.

Bryce grinned. "Touché. Now, close your eyes."

My eyes did the contrary. They widened.

"Why?" I demanded, stepping back for a bit, causing Bryce's eyes to narrow at me... His anger apparent. Although he quickly shook It off and a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

Damn that smile!

"Just close your eyes. I promise I won't bite... yet." he assured me, and finally sighing in defeat I closed my eyes slowly.

The sound of shoes crunching onto leaves drifted to my ears and before I knew it a voice whispered against my ear. "Until we meet again my love."

A sudden rush of wind hit against my face as if slightly urging me to open my eyes. As if informing that he was gone.

So, I did.

And he was.

Bryce was gone.

His words seemed to echo around me, even though it was only but a soft whisper against my ear. And in that moment I knew, this was not the last of Bryce. He and I would meet again.

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