Bonus Chapter 1
(Theia's Arrival)

Watching Miami city from an areal view was, in great opinion, the best way to view Miami city at night.

Each light, each and every illuminating traffic. Everything had an art about it.

But watching Miami from the most luxurious penthouse balcony, in the most luxurious hotel, that I owned, myself, seemed like a normal thing now.

After all, It seemed all too often that I found myself doing this.

A helpless scoff left my lips as I shook my head.

I blamed the impatience and the frailing hope that appeared to be diminishing day by day.

I cursed the day I had vowed against wanting it. Ever needing it.

I don't want a mate, father!

I was a fucking fool.

My grip flexed around the balcony railing and I closed my eyes as a brisk of cool air hit me square against my face. It seemed sad, I didn't feel anything but a tickle.

My body was warmer than that.

Nine years down and I was now twenty-four, there was no running, it seemed bleak I would ever find my soul mate now.

Just at the thought of never being complete dawned in, the boiling temper I always managed to keep at bay began to make its rare appearance.

Squeezing my eyes I let in a deep breath as I let myself go farther to my beast.

The city's hustle and bustle cleared, sounded louder as I stayed like that, closed eyes just hearing the many conversations. They made me feel surrounded. Like I wasn't alone.

My eyes opened and I looked down at the glistening, sparkling scenery that I knew was the city.

A crying woman, clutching her stomach crossed the street as she tried to hide her tears from everyone around her. Like she didn't want them to notice.

My tense muscles softened when I realized she was pregnant. She held two sets of heartbeat.

I felt for the woman.

My eyes then moved to the man who passed her while crossing the street.

He had noticed.

Somewhere, the romantic in me, the romantic that believed every one of the tales and notions my mother would try to subtly teach me about, that she would learn about from all those stacks of romance novels she had; told me that there was a potential. The man and the woman.

But then when the realist in me knocked on the doors of my brain I scoffed and shaking my head in disgust turned towards the balcony door.

The golden eyes shone back at me in the reflection of the glass door. By habit, I found myself straightening my tie before I let my lips release a sigh.

I walked back in.

"Had enough of the sightseeing Alexander?" Alastair asked, his tone blatantly displaying his amusement. My jaw tightened as I sat down in front of him and poured myself a peck.

Alastair Kinnaird. Popularly known, in the more human world, as the owner and CEO of Kinnaird Shipping, majorly based in Scotland but branching worldwide, was anything but a fleeting business associate.

Alastair Kinnaird was also a fellow Royal. Known, in my world as Alastair Kinnard, Royal King of Were Scotland.

"Shut it, Kinnaird" I muttered as I took a sip of the bourbon. Feeling the liquid warming my inside.

Alastair chuckled as he leaned further into the white sofa, the amusement he felt watching me clearly transforming his sharp features.

Alastair Kinnaird didn't spare his good humor to a lot of people.

His people knew him to be fair and just... But never friendly enough to delude friendship with.

His temper was also as widely famous as his highly successful business and his Royal position.

Not that I cared.

I didn't give a fuck.

We both knew who would win if we ever decided to fight.

I was larger than him.

I was stronger than him.

And my beast and I, we were always one. I always had my beast out. Partially. Always.

That. Made me stronger.

"How long will you run away from everything Wilhem? Ruling North America, soon you'll have the greater parts of UK too. How long will you keep running from your duty? From your power?"

My fingers clutched to the glass I was holding, so much so that I was sure my knuckles were now the fairest shade of white.

"I don't want grandfather's throne! I don't want UK's throne. I'm content with what I have right now!-"

"But you're not!" Alastair butted in and I stilled. "All these companies, all these hotels, resorts, restaurants! What for? I admit as royals we need and have a good helping monetary figures in order to manage our kingdom but working this much? You're following the path your Uncle is doing. Only he is doing so after his wife died, and you are doing so because you're downright bonkers. You're definitely not content"

Blank-faced I took another gulp of the bourbon, eyeing the bottle wearily.

I'd need the whole damn bottle tonight.

"It's not that simple Alastair" I sighed, pouring out another glass full when I realized the previous fill was now gone.

"The NDAs have been signed and delivered, It was a good idea, Alexander, making the human rulers sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. It's about time they realize we are just a powerful force to tackle with as their weapons are. Peace is better than a war. Say, when are you returning to Castle Dovlore?"

I silently thanked Alastair for changing the subject, sending a brief smile his way, "I'm flying off first thing in the morning. The humans seemed more than happy to sign the NDAs. As long as we kept ourselves hidden to a certain means is necessary."

Alastair scoffed at the last bit of my comment and leaned forward, bracing his hand on his legs. He poured himself another glass.

"Fancy I'll pay you a visit sometime this year."

A chuckle rumbled out of my vest and I placed my feet on the coffee table. Easing into my coach further. All formal pretense, forgotten. "The Canadian Royals are set to visit soon, for the ridiculous discussion that King Boiston is stupidly outraging about. 'Dangerous' Rogues."

Alastair immediately cringed, his form tensing with just the thought of the two least liked people in the same discussion.

"I have no intention of attending that nonsense of a gathering. But do let all the Royals know how ridiculous I think of the notion. 'Dangerous' Rogues are barely a topic to debate about. And as for Derek, well let us just put it to the point that I have no wish to make any acquaintances with him after last year"

My eyes flickered to Alastair's and I nodded in understanding. "It wasn't your fault Amber didn't tell you about being Derek's mate before you two... I'm sure Derek understands"

The loud chard of breaking glass sounded around the now silent room and I watched as blood spilled down onto the coffee table with the broken pieces of glass as Alastair finally let the destroyed glass go.

"If mates are capable of the debauchery Amber personally is, I'm rather happy I haven't found mine. Women are trouble, Alexander. Trouble."

A minute of silence took the room before I spoke again.

"Reckon your mother was too?"

Immediately Alastair was up with his hand around my throat. His startling darker shade of golden eyes glaring back at me, showing me that he had lost himself to his wolf completely.

I, on the other hand, watched him with a calm expression.

"Exactly the reason why you shouldn't scorn every woman."

Alastair's eyes blazed with cold fury and his grip on my throat tightened.

I bit back the tense need of ripping his hand off and forced myself to remain calm.

Alastair was a good friend. And an even better ally.

I watched patiently as the fury in Alastair's eyes died and grudgingly he moved back into his seat. "A lesson very cleverly taught, Alexander"

Sending him a small smile I tipped my still intact glass, up.

"All in good faith, mate, All in good faith"


"Your tea sir"

Hearing the soft slightly scared voice I put my current hotel expansion file down and tilted my head up to look at the flight attendant.

A smart looking tray in her hand.

A sigh left my lips.

Removing the file I motioned her to place the tray in front of me.

Human. A deep whisper settled in my mind. I nodded inwardly at my beast's assessment. The girl was indeed human.

That explained the fear.

"Thank you-" I looked at her badge, then looked up at her and smiled "-Rosalie"

The girl quietly nodded, a noticeable amount of fear slipping out of her features. Her posture eased and I smiled to myself.

"Is there anything else you would like sir?"

I smiled. "No thank you. You may leave"

With another nod, Rosalie made an exit.

Looking down at the neatly trimmed and cut pieces of the turkey sandwich I carefully picked one and brought it to my lips, biting into it.

My mind reflected back to my conversation with Alastair last night, about why I worked so much.

This was why I worked so much.

The better life.

Traveling in a private jet. That would help me avoid the company I secretly sought but knew that once obtained, I would run from.

In luxury. In peace. With Ease.

You work to not think about it... You work to not think about her... Whoever she is.

I grimaced at the slow mocking whisper.

Three hours before I'd finally reach Piedmont.


"Master Wilhem" Earl greeted as I stepped out of the black Audi and stepped towards the entrance of my castle.

There was something different in the air today.

I could barely keep myself bound.

It felt like the very air was charged.

Immediately two young men rushed to the trunk of the car and I continued to make my way into the castle.

The luggage would be taken and placed into my bedchamber, even sorted into my closet, it was an untold assurance.

I knew.

"What's new Earl?"

"Master Romanov has continued to create havoc, this time raiding the kitchens of tomatoes!"

A chuckle left my lips as I thought of the brooding cousin of mine. Next in line for his own throne.

Heaven knew why he had decided to spend the last three years with me instead of his father, my uncle.

"It's all in the Name of art, Earl. Please continue"

"Of course master. Five families have moved to Piedmont in the span of these four days, twenty-two people. Three of these families are Weres"

I felt myself peak at that information.

"So the house that is visible from my wing, is now... Occupied?"

"It...Yes, your majesty."

I nodded briskly.

I had always had a soft spot for that house. Somehow the red-bricked home had always appealed to me. Especially during the months of winter.

Beautiful red against the glistening whites of the snow.

"Anything else, Earl?"

"Nothing of great need, your majesty"

I nodded. My palm resting on the banister.

"If that is so, which is splendid, I would like to rest now. I have a raging headache"

Hangover. Serves you right!

"I'll make Agnus send in some soup for you, later on, your majesty. Might make you feel better"

Reluctantly, finally giving in to the Bulls that were now attacking at my head I gave in and nodded.

Before without a look to see Earl's response speeded up the stairs and towards my wing.

My bedroom.

It didn't take a minute before I had reached and entered my room, closing the large door behind me as I walked into my sanctuary.

I turned to eye my bed just as a heavy gust of wind swept into the room and hit me flush against my face.

The thin white linen of my shirt thin enough to let the tingles of chill in.

My mind, however, wasn't on the fact that I could suddenly feel the chill but the scent that carried in with the air.

Sweet. Feminine. Decadent.

My eyesight becoming more advanced, the certain swirls of heat around the room fluttering in front of my gaze I sped towards the continuous balcony.

My eyes fixed on the red house and I stilled.

A girl.

My eyes zeroed in on the girl and I felt my body stiffen when her eyes met mine.

Each and every single hair on be back of my neck standing up in apparent alertness.

Mate... My beast whispered as if confirming my thoughts.

My own mind, however, was going a turmoil.

Mate! Mate!? Mate!??? No... No... What now! What now?

The girl looked back, as if to someone and my whole body froze.

Before I knew it, I had speeded back into my room.


For the rest of the day no time was spent resting, it seemed like my slight headache over the excessive indulgence in bourbon had also receded as soon as I had seen my mate.


My mate.

My fingers tingled whenever the word echoed from my lips.

I needed to touch her.

And for the hundredth time that day I found myself spying at her.

Her and the pup, Alex.

My anger flared.

I didn't like the way the pup was staring at her when he thought she wasn't looking.

It was too bad really.

Even if she wasn't looking.

I was.

And the pup was going to have hell coming if he made a move.

A small smile made its way on my lips when I noticed my mate sitting beside the window.

I watched mesmerized as she moved all of her brown locks to one side and tilted her neck to the same side, a sign of easing sore muscles.

She seemed to be talking to Alex.

Thanking him.

My smile, however slowly vanished when the pup asked for a kiss.

And then... The pup began moving closer as if to kiss her.

A sharp pain run through my chest when I didn't see her moving away.


My beast snarled in outrage and I snarled openly too.


Everything in the whole world turned red and I let myself go to my beast.

A loud growl ripping from my chest as I braced myself the balcony.

Immediately the pup stilled, his eyes on me and I snarled, speeding through the corridors and jumping off of the balcony in my mad haze.

I fūcking needed a run.

A very long run.

It seemed like hours before my temper deflated.

I couldn't believe it.

She made no move to look away from Alex.

She had made no move...

I would have had to watch my mate being kissed...

She made no move.

Glancing up from the forest floors I could see her window.

And just as I had been doing for the last twenty minutes I debated.

My feral side won.

The slight itch in my nail beds informed me for the now claws that were now taking place of my normal nails and I quickly gripped at the house walls.

Every second that the distance shortened the sweet smell of my mate increased. Strangely it calmed the anger in me.

I stilled when I reached her window. Contemplating on whether it would be a good idea to sneak in or not.

I shook my head. I wasn't exactly behaving like a Royal, contemplating sneaking up my mate's room.

What if I scared the girl?

I sighed. The scene from earlier playing in my head.

I needed to be close to her. I needed to claim her.

That Alex pup needed to be punished.

Suddenly my mind seemed made. Sliding the window open I slipped in, standing just in the shadows, behind the light curtains that now flowed in the breeze.

The sound of a door click open alerted me of her arrival into the room a second too late before my whole body caught on fire.

Each and every nerve alert. Tingling.

Her scent was driving me crazy.

She barely seemed to notice me as she walked out of the bathroom in her shorts and tank, and hurriedly strode out of the room.

The tingles left with her.

And the ache in my chest increased.

I frowned.


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