master your mind
Proven Strategies
that Empower You
to Achieve Anything
You Want in Life
with Stuart Tan
Reading this book and participating fully in all the
activities could positively change your life forever
Published by Adam Khoo Learning
Technologies Group Pte Ltd
10 Hoe Chiang Road
#01-01 Keppel Towers
Singapore 089315
Copyright © 2004 by Adam Khoo & Stuart Tan
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or
by any means, or stored in a database
or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.
First published 2004
Reprinted 2004, 2005
Cover, Design & Layout: Tan Mui Siang
Illustrations: Robin Tan
Copy Editor: Betty Khoo Kingsley
ISBN 981-05-0856-5
Printed in Singapore
Printed on total chlorine free,
environmentally friendly paper
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction x
About the Authors xiii
1 The Patterns of Excellence 1
2 The Ultimate Success Formula 21
3 How to Achieve Anything You Want 41
4 The Key to Absolute Power 65
5 The Incredible Power of Beliefs 85
6 The Secret of Peak Performance 123
7 Directing Your Brain for Optimum Results 159
8 Anchoring: the Keyboard to Your Emotions 207
9 The Transformation of Meaning 229
10 Values: Your Driving Force 253
11 Design Your Destiny 279
12 How to Replicate Someone’s Success Blueprint 325
Bibliography 348
Dedication from the Author Adam Khoo
Dedicated to my parents, my wonderful wife Sally & my
precious daughter, Kelly.
I truly wouldn’t be where I am today if not for the thousands of people
who have been there to love, guide, teach, support, motivate and inspire
me during this incredible journey I have been on.
To my parents Vince, Betty & Joanne who have given me unconditional
love and support throughout the years. To my wife Sally who has been my
pillar of inspiration and strength. To my partner, Patrick Cheo, who has
been sharing my vision and continually pushing me to the next level. To
my partner Stuart Tan for being the ultimate tag team partner and for
joining me on this amazing mission of empowering lives. To my fellow
trainers Gary Lee, Ramesh Muthusamy, Candice Koh and Carol Tham
who keep bringing our programs to a higher level through their passion
and dedication.
To the entire staff of Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group who have
tirelessly spend all their weekends and late nights working to build the
company at an incredible rate. Especially to Sant & Olivia Qiu, Max
Tung, Cindy Lim, Jamie Liu, Serene Wan, CK Chan, Natalie Lim & Carol
Lim. To Tan Mui Siang & Robin Tan for your passion & dedication in
making this book look Great. To Pauline Chua for your invaluable
marketing advice.
This book is also dedicated to the hundreds of coaches & Whoosh
members who have volunteered their time to continuously come back and
staff of the ‘Superkids™’, ‘I Am Gifted So Are You!™’ and ‘Patterns of
Excellence™’ programs. Special thanks to committee members & senior
coaches Andrew Wee, Mok Tuck Sung, AP Lim, Tiffany Page, Jeannie
Lim, Shane Kwek, Mardiana, Shiau Huey, Pete Tan, Cecilia Chow, Adam
Wong, Bernard Koh, Christine Kerk, Daniel Goh, Nance Peters, Rachel
Ong, Yi Chen, Keng Loy, Kelvin Ho, Darren Toh, Chiong Kong, Yew
Siang, Stella, Adwin, Charles Tng, Brenda Tung, Sherwin Tng, John Tan,
Christine Tan, Petrina Wang, Tee Huat, Don Yap, Shi Ming, Terence Lou,
Toh Yew Soon, Lim Xiang, Xiu Li, Joseph Sim, Peter Khoo, Shukor, Felix
Lim, James Leong CF, Alva, Tiong Boon, Shane Kwek, Alvin Wang,
Stacey Thoi, Choon Fah, Shannaz, Chih Chien, Gerald Lee, Theeban,
Patrick Goh, Jeff Tan, Rossana Chen, Alex Ang, Alex Chua, Lee Kin
Mun, Chee Hoe, Shamsudin, Kalai, Irene Low, Wilson Foo, Andrew
Chan, Charles Yuen, Ying Yan, Wai Keong… Couldn’t have done it
without you guys!
To all my principals, teachers & lecturers from Ping Yi secondary school,
Victoria Junior College and The National University of Singapore who
have played a tremendous part in shaping the person I am today, especially
to Prof. Wee Chow Hou, Mrs. Lee Phui Mun, Mrs. Ng Gek Tiang,
Dr. Kulwant Singh & Dr. May Lwin. To my mentors and trainers who
have helped me discover the true power within myself. To my first mentor,
Ernest Wong who taught me who I am. To Dr. Tad James, Dr. Richard
Bandler, John LaValle, Tony Buzan, Brad Sugars and Anthony Robbins
who helped me master NLP & the science of accelerated personal change.
To all the members of the Young Entrepreneurs Organization (Singapore
Chapter) for tremendous fellowship and support. Especially to Elim Chew,
Ricky Chew, Ong Tze Boon, Jeff Goh, Parvindar Singh, Jocelyn Chng,
Goh Bock Seng, Douglas Foo, Michael Moey, Sam Chia, Seah LC,
William Wong and Roger Khoo. To my old friends, Dr. Dennis Wee,
Tommie Goh, Gay Chee Cheong, Dr. Tony Tan & Mrs. Mary Tan, Steve
Boyley, Melvyn Koh, Dave Rogers, David Ong, Manoj Sharma, Morris
Allen, Jim Atchinson, Kenneth Lyen, Gary Tan, Kenneth Wong, Aaron
Ang & Clemen Chiang.
To the management and staff of AIA, John Hancock, Prudential, Great
Eastern Life, Lux Asia, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, NUS, NTU, Youth
Challenge, Marshall Cavendish, Pearsons & Dennis Wee Realty for your
invaluable support. Specially to Goh Nai Kiat & David Lim for all your
support & belief in the ‘Patterns of Excellence™’ program. Thanks to the
staff of Event Gurus especially my partner Zachary Low, colleagues Philip
Lim, Kevin Lim, Grace Neo & Veronica Tan for pulling off the greatest
events, especially ‘Empower Your Life, Design Your Destiny 2003’. And to
the staff of Adcom. Special thanks to Serene Quek, Cedric De Souza,
Dolly Lee, Ivy Lim, Ivy Ang, Conor O’ Sullivan & Afdoli Rahmat.
Thanks From the Co-Author Stuart Tan
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a bestselling author. Very
often, I think it’s no big deal. But in many cases, I feel that being a
bestselling author is a tribute to the people who have contributed to my
life, and is a testimony to their dedication and faith in me and my abilities.
In no particular order of merit, I’d like to acknowledge the following
people who have contributed deeply to my life.
To those I have forgotten to mention, you are somewhere in my
unconscious mind, not forgotten from my heart.
To my parents, who were the ones who continued to support my
initiatives, no matter how maverick they appeared to be, and for your
fantastic teaching and love, often at your expense, and for continuing to
share your knowledge and experience with my course participants. To my
brother, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you either. I love you all.
To Adam, the person whom I have known the better half of my life, for
having the inspiration to start this whole thing. We earned our success!
To Patrick, whom I’ll always remember digging trenches with during
Exercise Spade. Believe it or not, you make me feel less tired. We need to
clone you for the next generation of AKLTG staff.
To Candice and Carol, thank you for growing and learning. Your journey
doesn’t stop here! To Gary, for your innovation and dedication. To
Ramesh, for your unending quest for learning and experimentation. You
truly embody the Patterns of Excellence!
To the staff of AKLTG, thanks for your dedication and the long hours. I
love the work we do together, and you have as much respect from me as
I have for Patrick.
To my close friends, thanks for sharing the special connection, you are all
fantastic: Melvyn Koh, Manoj Sharma, Dr. Beh Chee Yang, James Leong
Chan Foo, Apelles Poh, Ian Poh, Yiow Chye Leong, Lillian Lim, Chris Ng
Wai Chung, Luke Diep, Ronald Tan and Randy Tan, Jerry Low, Sng Yih
and Lorraine Sim, Dr. Edgar Tham, Kae Fong, Willie Lian, Dr. Joel Lee,
Julia Lim, Lydia Low, Rajesh Pillai, Adrian Sim, Samie Tan, Tracy Ong
and Lynn Tan.
To the many Toastmasters who have contributed to my success in more
ways than one. You’ve been there to banter with me and provide me with
opportunities and insights to succeed in public speaking. Special thanks to
Clifford and Frances Ess, Jovin Hurry, Jeremy Eng, Ng Seng Chuan, Dayal
Khemlani, Michael Rodrigues, Dave Rogers, John Sih, Ler Wee Meng,
Richard Sng, Irene Wong, Lillian Lau, Gea Ban Peng, Ng Kwan Kiat,
members of the Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters Club, SRC Toastmasters
Club, Queenstown Toastmasters Club, Tanglin Community Toastmasters
Club, Fort Canning Toastmasters Club, NUS, NTU and NUS Alumni
Toastmasters Clubs, Skymedia Toastmasters Club, SIA Toastmasters Club,
and all those whom I have had the good fortune to compete against in
speech competitions.
Finally, to those who started it all. My gratitude goes out to Dr. Richard
Bandler, my teacher and a real kick-ass presenter. I promise I will be more
competent! Also, John and Kathleen LaValle, for your dynamism and care
for us during our training. To John Grinder and Robert Dilts for having
the courage and capacity to start NLP with Richard.
It is Imperative We Master Our Minds so We Can Design
Our Destiny in these Turbulent and Evolutionary Times
There was once a professor who wanted to go down a river, so he
approached a local boatman who agreed to row him downstream for a
small sum of money.
As they wound their way down the river, the professor decides to show
off his intelligence and high education so he started to test the simple
Taking up a stone he had picked up from the riverbank, the professor
arrogantly asks the boatman, ‘Have you ever studied Geology?’ The
boatman looks at him blankly and replies, ‘Eh..., no.’, hardly even
understanding what the word meant.
‘Then, I am afraid 25 percent of your life is gone!’ the professor loftily says.
The boatman feels really bad about his ignorance but continues to row on.
As they move further downstream, the river currents begin to get
stronger and stronger. The professor picks up a leaf floating on the river
and asks condescendingly, ‘Boatman, have you ever studied Botany?’
Confused the poor boatman again says, ‘No.’
The professor shakes his head and says, ‘Tsk tsk, then 50 percent of
your life is gone.’ He then signals him to carry on rowing. As they move
further downstream, the currents get even stronger, the water is moving
faster and the boat begins to sway violently.
Suddenly the professor sees a mountain range, points to it and asks,
‘Do you know anything about Geography?’ Feeling very inferior and
humiliated, the boatman again says ‘No.’
The professor snaps back. ‘I thought so. Then 75 percent of your life is
At this point, the river has become a raging torrent. The water is
moving so swiftly that the boatman loses control of the small boat.
Suddenly, the fragile craft smashes against a huge boulder, springs a leak
and begins to sink.
This time the boatman turns to the professor and asks, ‘Professor! Do
you know how to swim?’ The professor fearfully replies, ‘No!’
‘Then, I am afraid 100 percent of your life is gone!’ says the boatman
as he leaps off the boat and powers his way to safety on the shore.
Just like the river, we are living in times of rapid and evolutionary
changes. Is the river of life going to get faster and more unpredictable? You
bet! This is only just the beginning.
What took a decade to change now takes merely months. Think about
this: it took 50 years for cassette tapes to replace records. It then took less
than ten years for compact discs to replace cassette tapes. Soon after, it
took less than five years for Mini-Discs to appear on the scene. Today, less
than three years later, MP3s are looking to make everything else totally
Mega million-dollar businesses can become bankrupt because of
obsolescence overnight. At the same time, small companies can become
worldwide market leaders in just a few years. Similarly, a professional with
years of experience and a high market value can become economically
unviable within a short period of time. Why?
The new economy is so dynamic that 80 percent of what you learn in
school will become obsolete by the time you graduate. 30 percent of the
jobs, companies, products and services that are commonplace now never
existed a decade ago.
Who ever heard of a chief information officer, a website designer,
technopreneurs, internet service providers (ISPs) or net nannies in the
1990s? Similarly, 50 percent of the jobs that exist today will no longer
exist in their present form ten years from now.
In fact, the average person will probably go through four career
changes (not job changes) in their entire lifetime. Why? Simply because
the jobs they have and the companies they work for will not exist for very
‘The world must change and leaders are the ones who change it’
These seem like scary times, but they can also be awesome times with
unrealised opportunities for those who not only embrace the change but
lead the change! With change, comes incredible opportunity. Think
about it!
There are now a hundred times more millionaires and many more
billionaires as compared to decades past. And unlike the past when most
of them were in their fifties, today’s billionaires are in their thirties! Today,
with an innovative idea, you could become the owner of a billion dollar
company in less than ten years. Think of, E-Bay, Oracle or
Do you have what it takes to swim in the dynamic and ever changing
river of life? Will you crest the new age waves or get caught in the deadly
Will you be like the professor who thinks he knows everything but
drowns in the river of the real world? You and I both know that academic
success, knowledge and intelligence are no guarantees of success in the
new economy. In fact, they could mean very little.
Some of the movers and shakers of the new economy are school
dropouts who employ ‘professors’ to run their businesses. Bill Gates
(Microsoft), Larry Ellison (Oracle) & Richard Branson (Virgin group)
never finished school.
While education and academic qualifications are important, they are
not enough if you want to make it in these turbulent evolutionary times.
Those who are the most successful in the new economy are not necessarily
the ones with the highest IQ or the most letters behind their name. It is
those who exhibit certain patterns of excellence.
The patterns of excellence I refer to is the ability to take charge of your
mental resources and unleash your personal power! It is a set of beliefs,
attitudes and behaviors exhibited by individuals who consistently produce
exceptional results.
It is the ability to take charge of your life, be in control of your
emotional state and bring out the best of your personal potential. It is
about having the flexibility to constantly grow by learning, unlearning
and relearning. It is the ability to model and replicate excellence within a
very short period of time. It is being able to constantly respond in an
empowering way to the events swirling around you.
Those who lack ‘swimming’ skills (professors, professionals or just
plain ordinary people) will continue to be controlled by their external
environment and be ruled by the fear of change and unpredictability.
They will end up frustrated and powerless victims of this massive wave
of globalization, restructuring and change. Those who can ‘swim’ and ride
this wave will experience wealth, success and fulfillment beyond their
wildest imagination.
In this book, you will learn how to equip yourself with the mindset,
skills and behavioral patterns to do just this. You will be armed with the
patterns of excellence so you can master your mind and design your
destiny – whatever the external circumstances.
About the Authors
Adam Khoo
Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, a best-selling author and a peak
performance trainer. A self-made millionaire by the age of 26, Adam owns
four companies in the areas of advertising, event management, education
and training. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Adam Khoo Learning
Technologies Group Pte Ltd that runs seminars and training programs for
multi national corporations and individuals all over Asia. He is the best-selling author of three other books, ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!’, ‘How to
Multiply your Child’s Intelligence’ and ‘Clueless in Starting a Business.’
At the age of 29, Adam has trained over 50,000 professionals, managers,
executives, businessmen, educators and students in the accelerated
learning, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and peak performance
strategies. He is the co-developer of the famous ‘Patterns of
Excellence™’, ‘Superkids™’ & ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!™’ programs.
His phenomenal achievements are regularly featured in leading print and
broadcast media.
Stuart Tan
Mr. Stuart Tan, MBA (Western Michigan), BA (Hons), S.D.C.G., is the
Executive Director of the Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte
Ltd. He has been a trainer since 1994 and has focused on the development
of personal excellence, performance enhancement, leadership and
communication development, with his background in Management,
Psychology, Linguistics and Counseling. He was Asia’s youngest licensed
trainer of NLP in 1997. Stuart received his trainer’s license in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) from the founder, Dr. Richard Bandler,
in 1997.
As a celebrated Toastmaster in Singapore, Stuart has taken part in
and won many national level (Area/Division) speech competitions. He
also is the 1st runner-up of the Toastmasters International, District 51
(Pan South-East Asia) Impromptu Speech Contest, 2001, and Champion
of the Toastmasters International District 51 (Pan South-East Asia)
Evaluation Speech Contest, 2002. He is also a member of the Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), USA, the
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress (AAETS), and is
Certified in Acute Traumatic Stress Management.
irst, I would like to thank and congratulate you for
picking up this book. The fact that you are investing
your time to read it only means that no matter where
you are in your life you truly desire to achieve a lot more.
You have taken a most important first step: You have taken
action and are putting that desire on the road to manifesting it.
So, what kind of significant change do you want to create
in your life? Greatly increase your income? Be a much more
effective communicator? Grow as a person? Be the best in your
field? Create stronger relationships with the people you care
about? Whatever it is, know this:
You Have All the Resources You Need to Succeed
Most people set limits on how much they can achieve simply
because they believe they lack the resources needed for
successful outcomes. They believethat they just don’t have the
mental discipline, intelligence, luck, creativity, energy or talent
to live at a level they can only dream of.
‘If only I was more creative or innovative, I would be able to
take advantage of that opportunity.’ Heard that one before? Yes,
so many people believe that they have to wait for resources to
appear (a lottery win or share bonanza), in order for them to use
it to get what they want.
‘When I have more money, then I can think of starting my
own business.’ ‘When I am more mature, with a lot more
experience behind me, then I can take on that challenge.’
‘When I have more time, then I can start to plan my finances.’
‘When I find a better partner, then I can enjoy a happier
relationship.’ Heard all these before?
The truth is that you already possess all the resources
you need to get anything you want and produce any result
you desire in your life! That’s right! The resources I am
referring to are your in-born, in-built resources of Brain
and Body working together.
Our Brain and Body are the most powerful resources that
each and every one of us were born with on this planet. If used
and run effectively, your internal resources will enable you to get
any physical-external resource you require to help you achieve
any goal you desire.
Most people cite lack of MONEY as their number one
excuse for not taking advantage of opportunities and taking
action. Yet we all know that some of the most successful
corporate-household names in the world started with little or no
money. Take Honda and Sony Corporation’s founders, Soichiro
Honda and Akio Morita or even Apple’s founder Steve Jobs.
They started with nothing but their own ingenuity and
personal power to create winning, innovative products and
wealth followed naturally, which then allowed them to create
even greater wealth.
TIME is the next most common resource that people say
they lack. Yet we all work by the same clocks. All of us have
twenty-four hours a day within which we have to eat, sleep,
relax, recharge and work, smart or otherwise.
It is surely therefore our ability to plan, manage and control
how we use time that creates results, or lack of results. Again, it
comes back to how we control our own internal resources. Use
them effectively or squander them.
How about OTHER PEOPLE as a resource?
Here again, many people believethat they just don’t have
the right partners, customers, colleagues, family or bosses to
support their life or career goals. Again, if you have the internal
resources of knowing how to build rapport, influence and direct
the thoughts and behaviors of others positively, you WILL
attract the kind of people you need to help you succeed. So it is
truly how we manage our internal resources that make all the
We All Have Basically the Same Hardware
But do all of us have the same internal resources available to us?
Do we all have the same mental resources to be influential,
confident, creative, intelligent and so on? The answer is YES!
At first this may seem a bit hard to believe but if you study
the human brain and the science of neurology (and in recent
decades we have made quantum leaps in our understanding of
our Brain), you will learn that we all share the same basic
neurology or nervous system.
In other words, we all have got basically the same hardware.
If someone appears more superior to you in intellect or is a much
more effective communicator, it is not because they have a
better ‘bio-computer’. They just have better programs running in
their ‘bio-computer’ than you have (currently). It is these
programs or thought patterns that enable them to be more
motivated, more focused, more analytical, more powerful or to
be a better communicator.
When run in optimal mode your brain is truly capable of
producing any kind of positive and empowering thought or
behavioral pattern, and hence any result that you want.
Every one of us was born with almost the same basic
neurological makeup. We have approximately 1000 billion
neurons (nerve cells) in our brain, each capable of processing
information at a speed greater than a Pentium four personal
It has been calculated that if a super computer were to be
built to have anywhere near the storage capacity and processing
capability of the human brain, it would have to be the length of
fifty football fields and the height of the Statue of Liberty. And
yet, your mega brain is powered daily with less electricity than a
ten watt light bulb! How awesome. Think about the miracle
your brain is and what you can do with it.
Neuro-Connections: The Key to Our Thoughts
& Behavioral Patterns
If all of us have such powerful internal resources, why do so few
produce exceptional results? Why is it that only a handful in
every society or country are able to generate brilliant ideas, stay
focused and motivated, take consistent action and produce a
level of success we can only admire? The difference lies again in
the way we use our brain. Or waste it.
Your thoughts, behaviors, abilities and skills are determined
not by the number of brain cells you have, but rather by how
your neurons are connected together. All of us have different
neuro-connections and that is why we think and behave
If someone you know is extremely good in numbers, it is
because he has a lot richer neuro-connections in the area of
mathematical-logical thinking. At the same time this person
may not be very confident in the way he communicates, because
he may have poorer neural connections in this different area of
The same goes for our emotions and habits. If you are always
lazy and unmotivated , it is because your brain cells are wired in
such a way that you consistently fire off negative emotions like
People who are constantly focused and motivated have a
very different set of neural patterns wired up in their brain. The
kind of neuro-connections you have now is determined by how
your brain has been exposed and stimulated, even before you
were born.
Your neural patterns began developing twenty weeks from
the time of conception, in your mother’s womb. If you have a gift
for mathematics, it could be because your brain had been
exposed to a lot of mathematical stimuli by your mother or
the people around you. Then, after birth, in your growing-up
years, especially before the age of fourteen, behavioral traits like
patience or determination, impatience or stubbornness were also
installed in your brain through your exposure to role models
around you. That is how you got programmed to become the
person you are today.
The good news is that if you have insufficient or ineffective
neural connections in any area, you can create more useful
connections through stimulating your brain in the right way
and creating the right kind of mental patterns. You can also re-program limiting patterns such as phobias and bad habits.
In my ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!™’ training programs, I
teach students who have very bad memory to use an effective
memory strategy and rehearse it until it becomes a new pattern
in their brain. Within half an hour of stimulation, they find
themselves able to memorize a list of 50 words in sequence in
less than five minutes.
In our Patterns of Excellence™ program, we use a technique
called the Swish Pattern to help people change their old neural
patterns of constantly procrastinating into taking consistent
action. Remember that every habitual pattern is the result of the
way our neural connections are wired. When we learn how to re-program these neural patterns, we can change and create any
result we want.
Research into the brain has shown that in a lifetime, the
average person uses less than one percent of the total number of
possible neural connections that can be formed in their brains.
With 1000 billions neurons, each having the capability of
making thousands of neural connections with one another, the
total possible number of connections, if permutated, would be
far in excess of the number of atoms in the universe. In other
words, there is nothing the human brain cannot achieve, with
the right strategy and stimulation.
If We Can Replicate A Winner’s Mental Blueprint,
We Can Replicate their Success
If we can replicate the way a winner runs his brain, then we can
replicate the way they think and behave, and hence the results
they produce. If others can walk on stage and deliver a speech
with confidence, so can you.
If others are able to constantly direct their emotions to feel
motivated and confident, so can you! If others display highly
creative skills, you can do so too. Remember, they are able to do
so because they are running effective mental programs. With the
same neurology, you just have to unlock their secrets and run
your brain in exactly the same way.
Think about this for a while.
Are you afraid of public speaking? Some people get terrified
just by looking at a large audience in front of them. Their hands
turn cold, their legs shake uncontrollably, their face turns white
and they start to stutter when they open their mouths. This is
close to the psychiatric definition of a phobia and all of us have
these intense and uncontrollable fears of one thing or another.
Yet at the same time, why is it that another person, seeing
exactly the same audience can feel comfortable, relaxed,
confident – even eager to speak.
Such seemingly natural orators speak to an entire
auditorium as easily as if there was only one person in front of
them. They may even be able to entertain the audience, make
people loosen up and laugh, and they feel great about being up
there too.
Again, what is it that makes the confident speaker different
from the fearful one? They have the same mental resources
available to them. The difference lies in how they represent the
experience of the audience and the stage in their brains. You see,
the thought and behavioral patterns they run through their
neuro-connections are completely different. The first person’s
brain is wired up in such a way that seeing the audience
immediately triggers off a ‘fear’ program that shuts their entire
body down. This is expressed physically in sweaty palms and
brow, butterflies in the stomach.
Quite the opposite occurs when the confident speaker sees
the audience. His neural connections fires off a ‘relaxed and
confident’ pattern that allows him to perform at his best!
Unfortunately, most people have never learned how to
direct and re-program the limiting patterns they run. They are
not in charge of their brains. Instead, their brains take charge of
them. They let their brains go on ‘auto pilot’, running mediocre
programs that keep limiting their performance. As a result, they
will always feel that there are things they can never do, simply
because they believethat it is not within their control. Or ability.
Once you learn how to change a program in your brain, in
fact any program, it will ultimately change how your body
reacts. And you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
You too can do what you thought was impossible before, like
exercising consistently until you get to your ideal weight. Or
give a powerful speech and inspire a two-thousand strong
The science I have learned in order to do this, and which I
will share with you in the chapters of this book, is the science of
personal development known as Neuro-linguistic Programming
or NLP.
It is the technology of the mind that teaches you to use the
language of the mind (linguistic) in order to program and re-program your nervous system (neuro) to consistently achieve a
particular desirable result. NLP was first developed by Dr.
Richard Bandler & Dr. John Grinder in the 1970s.
How I Took Charge of My Life
I was 13 when I was first exposed to NLP’s mind-boggling ideas
and strategies. I was with a bunch of students of assorted ages,
boys and girls from various secondary schools, and we had been
sent to a residential motivational camp for teens.
Looking back I can say I was at a very low point in my young
life. I had just squeaked into one of the lower ranked secondary
schools in the country.
Earlier on, at the age of eight, I had been expelled from a
primary school for misbehavior: my poor academic results did
not help. I did so poorly for the Primary School Leaving
Examinations (PSLE), I was rejected by every one of the six
secondary schools my parents had chosen.
So I ended up in a government school called Ping Yi.
Initially, I was still academically very weak. I had passed only
four subjects out of eight and was placed near the bottom of the
school. Not only was I poor in my studies, but I was also
physically weak and mentally lethargic. I had very poor social
skills, I was bored, indifferent and soon became a ‘problem
student’. I joined the Scouts movement only to be thrown out
after six months for not being able to pass the ‘Scout standard’,
the most basic test needed to qualify to be a scout. Did I try? Not
at all.
Like all other troubled and troublesome teenagers, I was
addicted to arcade games and moronic TV programs. You could
say I stirred to some semblance of life (pushing levers/buttons)
in front of those violent games and sank into a stupor in front of
the goggle box.
So, it was that I, a bored, boring and thoroughly indifferent
teenager, was first exposed to Neuro Linguistic Programming
(NLP) ideas. So radical from anything I had ever been taught or
Somehow, something stirred in that sluggish brain I had so
underutilized for so long. The first and most fundamental
principle I learnt in NLP was that our beliefs act as the ‘on’ and
‘off’ switch to our brain’s potential.
When we believe we can do something, we virtually tap into
our brain’s resources. And we will summon all our internal
resources to find a way to support that belief. If we believe
that something is impossible, we don’t even try thinking of
a way. We shut out the possibility altogether!
This whole new way of thinking began to excite me, to
challenge me as nothing had ever done before.
Bing! Like a light bulb going off in my face, I realized that all
my negative beliefs were the first (possibly the only) thing that
was holding me back.
I used to believe that I was not as intelligent as other kids.
Being in a close-knit extended family with cousins in gifted
streams and in the best schools didn’t help! I used to believe that
I was born lazy, slow, unmotivated, maybe even stupid. That no
matter what I did, I would never excel in anything. I was not
gifted musically nor did I show any sporting prowess. I was just so
very average in those departments.
What I learnt from my many mentors inspired, stimulated
and challenged me. I decided to adopt a new belief that ‘if it was
possible for others, it would be possible for me. It was only a
question of strategy.’
That if I could model someone’s strategy and adopt it, then I
could achieve any goal. Suddenly, the 13 year-old that I was had
kindled in myself a burning desire to see if it was truly possible.
Wow, what could it do for me?
So I decided to test it out. I set three seemingly impossible
goals at the time. My first goal was to top my school within a
year. My second goal was to do well enough to qualify for the top
junior college in Singapore (reserved for only the top 5% of
students in the country). My third goal was to qualify for the
National University of Singapore and rank among its top
students. You can imagine that ambition, coming from someone
who was probably near the bottom 20% of students in the
country, seemed like a crazy fantasy.
Using the principle of modeling, I went out and started to
study the strategies that top students were using to get such
fantastic results. I operated from the framework that if I used my
brain in the same way, I would be able to replicate their success.
So, I modeled their patterns of excellence.
How did they take notes? How did they stay motivated? How
did they concentrate? How did they memorize so easily? How
did they grasp difficult concepts? How did they tackle tough
examination questions? I started to compile all these mental
success blueprints and then proceeded to install these strategies
within myself.
From Below Average to Gifted Student
I started thinking and doing exactly what they did. I took notes
the same way, asked the same kind of questions and approached
questions in the same manner. By constantly stimulating my
brain like they did theirs, I inevitably started creating the same
excellent results they had.
Within a year, from passing just two subjects, I scored 7As
and ranked among the top ten students in my school. In three
years, I topped the school with the lowest scoring aggregate and
I became the first and only student from my school to qualify for
the number one junior college in Singapore that year, Victoria
Junior College. I later went on to qualify for the National
University of Singapore (open to only the top 10% of students
in the country) and was ranked the top one percent of academic
achievers there within a year. Within six short years, I found
myself being ranked among the top one percent of students in
the country.
I Am Gifted, So Are You!
The phenomenal results I managed to create reinforced my
belief that with the right strategy (I call it the patterns of
excellence), anybody can mentally orientate himself or herself
to achieve success in any area.
I began teaching my ‘Genius strategy’ to other students,
many of them below average in their academic studies, some of
them even having learning disabilities. The results were amazing
and most encouraging. Many of those who used my strategy
experienced the same phenomenal improvements in their grades
as well.
While still an undergraduate I decided to write a book
compiling all these success blueprints for academic excellence.
The book, ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!’ was launched in 1998 and
became a national number one bestseller within 6 months.
If I Could Achieve this, then I Can
Achieve Anything!
As you all know success in school has very little to do with a
person’s ability to be successful in the real world of business.
So my next challenge was to be able to create success beyond
the classroom. I knew that if I applied the very same principles
of modeling and replicating patterns of excellence, then nothing
was impossible. My major career goals were to make my first
million by the age of 26, to start and build a million dollar
business and to become one of the best speakers in Asia. So
again I dedicated all my time and energy to study and model the
best speakers and entrepreneurs in the world.
I read over four hundred books. (Quite a feat for someone
who never read anything more challenging than Archie comics
until ideas of personal development germinated in my brain). I
read biographies of self-made millionaires and inventors, I read
books on wealth creation, psychology, linguistics and personal
I then started putting into practice what I learnt by taking
massive action. I started my first business (a mobile disco which
grew into event management) at the age of 15, and a second
business (training and consulting) at the age of 21 and started
property and equity investing at 22.
While studying hard for my exams (O levels, A levels,
University) I spent my free time making deals, running my
businesses and taking on as many speaking engagements as I
could find. Within two years after graduation from university, at
age 26, I had created a net worth of over $1.2 million, was
running two successful businesses and commanding up to $2,000
an hour in speaking fees.
I had spoken to over 50,000 teachers, students, professionals,
managers and CEOs in the area of accelerated learning and
personal excellence.
The Birth of Patterns of Excellence
As my business, wealth and reputation multiplied exponentially
over the next three years, my personal vision began to take
shape. I discovered what the true purpose of my life all was
I learned that what really drove me was not just the money
but the intense fulfillment of being able to see the people
around me realize and tap into their immense potential.
I realized that there were so many people out who, if
exposed to this science of personal mastery, would also
be able to create miracles in their own life.
It was at this time that my life path crossed with an ‘old’ (but
young like myself!) friend, Stuart Tan. Stuart happened to be
walking a very similar path to self-awareness… the rapport was
It was a meeting of like minds. Together we developed the
Patterns of Excellence Program, an eight-day intensive personal
development program that empowers people to develop Personal
& People Mastery.
The program became an overnight sensation. Within 12
months of launching the first class, we trained over 500 people
from the ages of 16 to 62. Results were extremely encouraging.
We had people who made over a quarter million in six months,
people who had lost over 18 pounds in three months,
undergraduates and post-graduates who had scored straight As.
Also people who had overcome lifelong phobias, people who
had overcome ingrained bad habits and addictions and people
who were able to re-ignite the passion and focus in their lives.
Stuart Tan – the Model of Excellent Communicators
Once an inept speaker and poor socializer who could not even
establish rapport with his schoolmates, Stuart tells of how he
discovered the strategies that changed his life and made him a
champion speaker of the region.
eeing me in action as a regional competitive speaker, personal
development trainer and counselor, one would assume that I was a
born communicator. I appear to be totally at ease whether I am on
stage speaking to an audience of thousands or mingling socially with a
group of high achievers.
But this was far from the case when I was much younger (I am 30). I was
an extremely withdrawn person, so much so that I even found it tough to
get along with the people around me.
As a teenager I was labeled a ‘nerd’ and felt alienated from most of my
peers. But the worst experience came when I was chosen to lead a team
of 40 student leaders in junior college. Because of my poor social skills I
felt uncomfortable communicating with everyone in my team.
I lacked the ability to bond and to establish working rapport. It seemed
that only a handful of students in the group really wished me to succeed.
I encountered either resistance or apathy, and eventually even those
students who supported me felt themselves drained by the experience.
The pain of being an outsider in my own territory became so intense that,
on several occasions when I put down by some of those under my charge
in hurtful ways, I considered quitting my position.
My self-esteem was at its lowest, and I remember that for a long time I
had difficulty sleeping and found it really tough to concentrate.
I may have had all the book knowledge but when it came to communicating
what I knew and had even prepared for, I was hopeless.
I still remember one particularly humiliating public speaking experience.
I was addressing a group of about 70 teachers whose average ages was
probably a gazillion years more than mine. That was daunting enough!
Although I had spent hours preparing and crafting every word and every
joke, none of the teachers appeared entertained or even engaged. Some
sniggered, more likely because I appeared to be the joke itself.
Soon, I saw some of them drift off to sleep while those still awake made
funny frowning faces while pointing towards me. I nearly became homicidal.
I finally left the stage after introducing the next speaker. I had such an
empty feeling inside of me.
Because of all these cumulative ego-puncturing experiences, I started to
believe that, for whatever reason, I just could not relate and communicate
with others. Not even normally, much less effectively!
Why did I feel so nervous and anxious in front of people? Why didn’t people
like me? Why was it so difficult to build rapport with them? Why was I not
able to express myself effectively? And why was it that other people had
so much more charisma and were able to build rapport and influence the
people around them so easily?
I felt all this pain and helplessness but did not have either the knowledge
or the skills to change myself. Never did I dream during those despondent
days that I would ever be in control of my emotions or communicate as
confidently and effectively as those people I admired.
I must add that my mum and dad were both educators (now retired) and
while they were very supportive, they could not help me build rapport with
my peers. That is not something any parent, however concerned or well
intentioned, can do.
The dramatic turnaround came when I was exposed to the awesome power
of NLP through a series of personal development programs and books.
My excitement and confidence grew as I learned that I had all the mental
resources available to me to be a dynamic communicator. The only thing
holding me back was that I did not know the right strategies I needed to
harness to get myself into action.
It was heady empowering stuff – learning that if it was possible for others
to become powerful communicators, then so could I. All I had to do was to
model and install their patterns of excellence.
How do they carry themselves? What gives them ease and confidence?
How do they use words and the right tone of voice to win over their
From that point onward I started dedicating all my spare time to modeling
the people around me who had exceptional interpersonal and speaking
skills. With NLP I found myself being able to take immediate control of my
emotional state. I was able to eliminate fear, anxiety and nervousness using
the mind conditioning techniques you will learn in the coming chapters.
Finally, I learnt how to put myself into a state of confidence and enthusiasm…
ready to take the stage again.
I started to put myself on the line by taking every possible opportunity to
get on stage and deliver presentations. I put myself into situations where I
was forced to communicate & lead others. The changes that I had to make
(to my persona) were drastic and quantum… I really stretched myself.
But the results… the applause… made it all worthwhile. As a result of
constantly installing and implementing all these strategies, I found myself
getting more and more effective on and off stage.
Soon I was given the opportunity to deliver a full-day seminar on ‘memory
skills’ to an audience of 115 students. I gave it everything I got. Putting
myself into a totally powerful state of mind I delivered my material with
pin-point accuracy and dynamism. The response was phenomenal. I got
a standing ovation and even had students come up to ask me for
autographs! I felt like a star and knew then what it was like to have
As these positive experiences started building up, so did my confidence
and faith in my ability to achieve anything, given the right strategies.
I earned my degree in psychology and linguistics and an MBA (Western
Michigan) while my NLP training culminated in my receiving my NLP
trainer’s license by Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-founder of NLP) in America
in 1997.
At 23, I had become the youngest Singaporean NLP trainer. When I
returned, I felt invincible and began to set a quantum goal of becoming the
public speaking champion of the Toastmasters movement, not just
nationally but in the region.
The first thing I did was to begin to model the most outstanding public
speakers. In my very first competition, I made it to third place. Then I made
it to second place in an evaluation speech contest at the national level. The
following year, I found myself wanting to win so badly. Again, I found myself
taking second place in an impromptu speech competition.
After becoming number two twice in a row, I was very determined to
win the next time round. It was an absolute must! So, taking all the lessons
I had learnt as feedback, I channeled them towards crafting my peak
winning performance.
I vividly remember deliberately taking charge of my emotional state
(so cool and calm), and in my mind’s eye I saw myself performing at peak.
I finally blazed my way home with the Championship trophy.
After five years of competitions, I had clinched the champion speaker award
for Toastmasters International District 51 (Pan South-East Asia) Evaluation
Speech Competition Year 2002.
It was exhilarating because, for the very first time, I was publicly acclaimed
as a top speaker, and in front of a huge audience too. It fortified my belief
in my speaking abilities.
And winning the top prize was not only personally so satisfying. Over
the past 10 years, as part of my natural progress in public speaking, I had
multiplied my income by over 1000%.
It is also immensely satisfying for me now to be in a position to help
so many people make positive changes in their lives. After receiving a
specialist diploma in counseling, I had spent my free time counseling all
kinds of people, from troubled teenagers to schizophrenics. Now, I add
to these lost souls, people of all ages, from all walks of life.
My early painful experiences and later enriching experiences combine
to reinforce my belief that if a someone like myself can reach such an
exceptional level of communication, then anybody can. If he or she is
given the right tools and strategies.
Stuart and I Share with You How We ‘Live Our Lives of
Possibilities’… so You Can Begin to Unlock the ‘Genius’
in Each One of You
We begin this book by narrating our personal experiences not to
impress you but to impress upon you that we started off just like
most other people.
We were not blessed with exceptional natural talents in any
particular area, be it the ability to learn, speak or lead others. We
were responsible for creating our own genius and success.
Everything you read here is not the result of us just cobbling
together a bundle of theories and principles that we had studied.
The life-changing Patterns of Excellence methodology we
present to you in the pages to come have been very much a part
of the way we live our lives of possibility. And the way the
thousands of people who have trained with us, and under us,
have experienced it.
It is this same soft technology that is now available to you.
Your key to unlock the talent and energy you already possess…
to create the life you want!
This book is designed for only one purpose, to act as an
instruction manual to your greatest resource and asset, your
brain and nervous system.
Give Your Best, And You Will Get the Best
My ability to discover and model some of the best strategies
available came from the many books I read, seminars I attended
and mentors that I have been fortunate enough to train under.
And yet, I know of so many people who read the same books,
attended the same seminars but who never went on to make a
single notable improvement in the quality of their lives.
I learned then that neither books nor seminars can make us
achieve our goals, not unless WE make it work. I believe that we
get as much out of anything as we put into it.
Most people wait for something external to change them,
but what they must realize is that they change themselves with
what they learn.
I remember watching the comedy ‘Bruce Almighty’ starring
Jim Carrey where God played by Morgan Freeman tells Bruce
(someone who feels victimized by God and prays for help), ‘If
you want to see a miracle in your life, then be that miracle.’
Because you have taken the step to read this book, I feel a
personal responsibility for your success. I encourage you not to
read this book like any other book you may have read. Rather,
take these words you read as a personal conversation between us.
This book and the ideas that follow cannot change your life.
You are the only one who CAN, by using the ideas I share in
these pages. I encourage you to fully participate in all the
activities and exercises that follow. This book has been written
in such a way that it places as much emphasis on the
experiential as on the intellect.
The first category of people have this resistant
attitude that ‘It won’t work’. ‘I have read
other self improvement books before and it hasn’t
worked on me’.
Then you have a second category of people who start
reading with the attitude of ‘let’s just see’.
These are the people who will read the book
passively, skipping all the exercises and adopting a
‘let’s see if there are any interesting ideas’ stance.
Unfortunately, while these readers may be
entertained while reading or even become aware of
some good ideas, they will not do anything about it.
Then you have a third category who read with the
attitude ‘let’s give it a try’. These people
will read the book and try out some of the exercises
that interest them. But that is just about all they do.
Do they get anything out of the book? Hardly.
Then you have the last and final category. The people
who read with the attitude of ‘I’m giving
this book my one hundred
percent’. They read the book, underline the key
concepts and constantly refer to what they have
learnt. They do the exercises diligently, and take
each idea into their lives and work on it. These are
the people who create a significant change in the
results they produce in their lives. So, before moving
on to the next chapter, I sincerely hope that you will
commit yourself to not just learning but mastering
these patterns of excellence.
For the upcoming chapters, I would like you to commit the time to
reflect and work on the exercises given. These exercises are aimed
at helping you put these principles into immediate action and reap
the results you deserve. So for your first exercise, I want you to grab
your pen and work on the questions below. When you are done, I
will see you in Chapter 2.
Chapter Assignment
What are five (or more) specific outcomes you want to achieve from
reading this book?
What are three major goals (be specific) you want to achieve in the
next two years?
What limiting beliefs, capabilities or habits are currently preventing
you from achieving your goals?
Chapter Summary
1 We all have the mental resources we need
to succeed. We merely lack the ability
to control and direct these resources.
2 With the necessary mental resources,
you will attract the necessary physical
3 We all have basically the same neurology
– 1000 billion neurons (hardware). What
sets people apart in terms of intelligence,
thought and behavioral patterns are the
neuro-connections that have been
conditioned from our environment.
4 If we can replicate a Winner’s mental
blueprint, we can duplicate his/her success.
‘Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people
into thinking they can’t lose’ – Bill Gates
kay, so we now know that we all have the same bio-hardware, the same mental resources and it’s just a
question of our installing the right programs…
Let’s start by walking in the footsteps of the winners, the
people who produce exceptional results… the people who have
learned to direct their resources in an optimal way. If we can
model the patterns of excellence they exhibit, then surely we
can duplicate the same outstanding results they have! Is it that
Well, one question I have always asked myself is this: Is
there a formula for success? Do all successful individuals follow
a pattern that enables them to get what they want?’
After studying hundreds of role models from books,
seminars and interviews, I discovered that although many
successful individuals, in all fields of endeavors, appear to make
very different decisions given similar situations and they also
use very different approaches and strategies, yet all of them have
something in common. And it is this. All of them take a series
of distinctive steps to get to what they want.
I call these series of steps the Ultimate Success Formula.
Again, it does not matter if you want to be a whiz inventor,
successful salesperson, inspiring teacher, pioneering entrepreneur,
topnotch lawyer or astronaut. The universal steps remain the same.
There are six major steps. Follow this success formula, and you
will be able to achieve anything you want. Miss any of these steps,
and your dreams will never become the reality that you deserve.
Step 1. Be Very Specific about Your Goal
The first step to getting what you want is to know exactly what
it is that you want. This sounds simple and obvious enough. Yet,
sadly, most people never seem to get what they want, simply
because they are not clear about what it is they want in the first
Most people say that they want to be successful in life, yet
ask them what they want to achieve and most would say, ‘I am
not really sure’ or they will give vague answers such as, ‘I want
to be happy’, ‘I want to have more money’, ‘I want a better job’,
‘I want to have less worries’.
Well, know this: unless you have a specific goal, there is
nothing tangible you can focus your time and energy on. This is
why most people find themselves going in all other directions,
ending up nowhere.
Unless you have a specific target, you cannot develop an
effective strategy to get there. The strategy required to make
$200,000 is completely different from the strategy needed to
make $20 million. The moment you clarify your goals, see them
in your mind-eye (it’s called creative visualization) you will start
to have focus in your life. It will then become crystal clear to you
what it is you must do to get there.
Biographies of the most successful and legendary people,
again in all pursuits, show time and again that their outstanding
achievements are rarely outcomes of chance. They did not have
success thrust onto them. Their phenomenal successes are the
results of clearly defined outcomes that they had predetermined,
and worked towards unwaveringly, often at a very early stage of
their life.
t the age of eight, Tiger Woodsset his goal of breaking every
record set in golf and to become the world’s number one
golfer. He accomplished this feat 13 years later at the age of
21. How? He spent those thirteen years focusing on his game in order
to take it to the level he needed in order to be the best.
At the age of 12, Steven Spielbergknew that what he wanted to do
was to tell stories to the world by making movies. It was this specific
goal that directed him to spend his time making home videos at the
age of 12 and exposing himself to movie sets at universal studios at
the age of 18. It was these years of focused effort that allowed him to
build the level of experience and skill he needed to make some of the
best movies around.
Did Bill Clintonhappen to be at the right place and at the right time
when the Democrats nominated him to run for the Presidency? No
way! It took years of focus and planning in one upward direction that
won him the most powerful position in the world.
Born the son of a poor widow in America’s poorest state, Bill Clinton
seemed to have had every handicap… yet young Bill had a clear vision
that it would be his mission in life to improve the lives of millions, by
leading his country one day. It was this clear vision that motivated
him to run for elections on student committees in every school he
attended. In fact, at one time, he was barred from running for any
more college committee positions because he was already heading far
too many! In Hillary Clinton’s best-selling book, ‘Living History’, she
recounts how he went around telling everyone that one day he would
be the President of the United States, when they were both still
studying in Yale university!
Very few successful experiences happen by chance… whether it
is winning a race or a position. Almost all happen by design. Yet,
the sad fact is that most people do not have a plan for their lives,
and end up falling into somebody else’s plan. It’s only when we
know what we want very specifically that we are then able to
focus all our talents and energy. Like a laser beam honing in on
its target. And in moving unwaveringly towards it, we develop
the resources necessary to make it happen. Wherever you are in
your life right now, you must begin to set specific goals on what
you want to achieve in the different areas of your life. In chapter
11 we will focus on how you can design the ultimate destiny for
Step 2. Develop a Strategy
Everything is possible. It is only a question of the strategy used.
The second step in the Ultimate Success Formula is to develop
a strategy that will move you towards your outcome. Again, the
more specific your goal is, the easier it is to develop an
appropriate strategy. You can have all the drive and energy, but
without the right strategy, you will never get what you want. By
the same token, every outcome is possible, given an effective
For example, imagine yourself as the small business owner of
a fruit shop that makes $10,000 in profits a month. Let’s say that
you decided to set a goal of increasing profits to $15,000 a
month. Would that be possible? Probably. You could work a lot
harder, raise prices, increase trading hours, sell on-line or create
a loyalty program.
What if you set a goal of making $3 million a month from
your fruit business? Would it be achievable? Most people would
say, ‘Of course not, there is no way you can make that kind of
money from a fruit business like that!’ True enough. Making $3
million a month from that fruit business is impossible, if the
owner continues to use the same business strategy. Yet, if he were
to completely change the way he now does his small localized
fruit business, would it be possible?
For instance, the strategy he could use would start by his
studying how to greatly expand his market: he would write a
dynamic business plan, raise capital through investments, invest
in R & D to develop a superior brand of fruit (for example,
Organic Certified food products are seeing phenomenal growth
everywhere as people become health conscious) and widen his
range of fruit (e.g. offer sun dried fruit without sulfur, candied
fruit using organic sugar, pureed fruit rolls for kids), support
reliable new suppliers, build a franchise system and then license
thousands of business owners around the world to sell his fruit.
Would it then be possible for him to earn $3 million a month?
Of course it would! With enough flexibility in our strategy, we
can achieve just about anything.
You still wonder how a local fruit shop can possibly expand
and go global? Impossible?
Well, how did a British housewife create some skin and hair care products
in her kitchen using fruits and vegetables and then pit herself against
billion-dollar, heavily advertised international cosmetic brands succeed
nationally and then globally? She developed the right strategy, which
included the right unique products. This person I am referring to is
Anita Roddickwho founded the multi-million dollar chain of Body Shops.
Unique Strategies, Unique Products and Services
What I have found time and again is that people who are able to
produce exceptional results (a rare breed admittedly, but
together we’ll change that!) use different strategiesfrom the
When I had the opportunity to work with the top 1% of
insurance agents (average yearly income of over $500,000), I
found that they did not just work harder than the 99% who
earned less than $50,000 a year. They used a completely
different approach in managing their time, generating leads,
converting sales and creating repeat businesses.
So, taking your cue from the winners, study their strategies.
If you want to be a millionaire, study the strategies of
millionaires. If you want to be a great leader, model the patterns
of great leaders.
Chapter 12 teaches you to craft a winning strategy by modeling
people who have already achieved what you want, or where you
want to get to.
Step 3. Take Consistent Action
The third step is to get yourself to take consistent action, using
the strategy you have crafted. This will move you, step by step,
towards your goal. Consistent action is what separates the
thinkers or dreamers from the doers.
Many highly educated people know what to do, they think
they know how to do it, but they never do anything about it.
That is why many of them end up as professionals and
consultants, working for successful entrepreneurs who had
mediocre grades in school. Fine, if that’s what they want in life,
there is nothing wrong as long as they are fulfilled.
But if you are not satisfied with your status quo, then DO
something about it.
Do you know someone who may be less talented and
intelligent than you are but is a lot more successful? Have you
ever asked yourself, ‘I know I am better than they are, but why
are they so much more successful?’ Well, you may be smarter, but
they take a lot more action and that is why they get a lot more
results! And one of the actions they take may well mean their
learning rapport/social building skills and teamwork skills, all
necessary tools for any kind of success.
So why do so many intelligent people fail to take consistent
action towards their goals?
Well, first understand that what drives our actions are the
emotional states that we experience. Emotions like fear, inertia,
anxiety and uncertainty paralyze us from taking action. On the
other hand emotions like enthusiasm, motivation and
confidence excite us and get us to make things happen.
The ability to direct and manage your states for peak
performance is what is called Personal Mastery.
Many people I know seem to brim over with great ideas and
they have the intelligence to be successful, but they lack the
personal mastery to direct their emotions into getting
themselves to take action.
They may have a great business idea, but their fear holds
them back. They may set inspiring new goals, but they lack the
motivation to do what it takes. They may even get themselves
to take action initially, but stop once they experience frustration
or anxiety.
In Chapters 6, 7 & 8, you will learn how to take charge of your
emotional states in order to consistently perform at your peak.
Step 4. Turn Failure into Feedback
When you follow your strategy and take consistent action, there
are only two possible things that can happen. The first possible
outcome is that you experience success by moving towards or
achieving your goal.
However, we know that we do not always achieve our goals.
We can take action and get what we don’t want. Many of us call
this failure! Does failure happen to everybody? Of course it does.
All of us will fail at one point of time or another. In fact, the
more action you take in life, the more likely you are to
experience failure. That is why people who experience a lot of
success also experience a lot more failure than everybody else
around them.
Three Ways People Deal with Failure
What separates people who enjoy success from the majority who
end up never getting what they want is how they respond to
failure. It is what they do about failure that makes a big difference.
There are three ways in which people respond to failure.
Pattern 1: Give Excuses, Lay Blame & Give Up
What do some people do when they don’t get what they want?
They will start giving themselves lots of excuses and blame
everything and everyone around them. They say things like, ‘It’s
not fair’, ‘I’m just not smart enough’, ‘It’s just too difficult’, ‘I’m
too young’ or ‘I’m too old’, ‘I just didn’t have the luck’, ‘the
depressed economy affected me’.
Feeling helpless and frustrated, this first group will stop
taking action and give up! They will resign themselves to their
goal being out of reach and live a life of mediocrity.
These are the people who will often say, ‘I’ve tried that
before and it didn’t work!’ Know anyone who consistently
exhibits this pattern? Have there been times when you have
done this as well?
Think and write down all the instances when you gave yourself excuses,
blamed others and gave up on your goal?
Give excuses,
lay blame & give up
Pattern 2: Keep Trying the Same Thing Over and Over Again
These are the people who have a lot more determination than
the first. When they don’t get their outcome, they will not quit.
They will get themselves to take action again. The motto of this
group is, ‘I failed because I did not try hard enough’ or ‘If I keep
trying, I will eventually succeed’. So they keep taking action,
putting in more time, energy and effort. No matter how many
times they fail, they just keep trying harder and harder.
Will they eventually achieve their goals? It depends. If they
set small, incremental goals, they may, with enough time and
effort eventually succeed. However, if they set big and
exceptional goals, like becoming the top in their field, they will
never be successful by just trying again and again. They may
experience a better result, but they won’t reach the goals they
desire. Why?
Because, although they keep taking action, they do not
change their strategy. If you keep using the same approach to
doing something, you are going to keep getting the same result.
I have seen so many professionals and businessmen repeat this
limiting pattern.
I know many businessmen who fail in their business only to
start again and do the same thing. They keep putting in ads that
don’t work, they hire ineffective people or they use the same
business model.
I have worked with salespeople who put in more time and
energy every month, without significantly increasing their sales.
Why? Again, they keep targeting the wrong customers, selling
the same products and making ineffective presentations. Pretty
soon, they start to get frustrated and disillusioned. Eventually,
they too will resign themselves to believing that they do not
have what it takes, and stop taking action.
Try again
I once worked with a real estate agent who had been in the
business for eight years. He worked hard, but he lacked the spirit
to aim for the top producer award (you had to close $900,000 in
sales a month to have a chance). When I asked him why he
didn’t aim for the top spot, he said that he had tried many times
in the past but the best he could achieve was only $500,000 a
month. He then said that he didn’t have the luck and capability
that agents who have won it had. I then asked him what strategy
he had used. He responded saying, ‘I’ve tried everything’, ‘I have
got eight years experience in this business, don’t tell me what to
do.’ I later found out that he kept going about his sales the same
way, thinking he had really tried everything.
To me, he actually had ‘one year’ of experience, but it was
eight years old!
Now, do you know of people who have fallen into such
repetitive patterns in their life? Have there been times when you
have fallen into this category?
Think and write down all the times when you kept trying something again
and again, but failed to change your strategy. Did you get frustrated over
your lack of progress and eventually quit?
Pattern 3: Get Feedback, Change Strategy and Take Action
Until You Succeed
So what is the pattern that all successful individuals exhibit?
When they don’t achieve their goals, they don’t think of it as
failure. Instead, they perceive it as feedback. Either feedback
that the strategy they used was ineffective or that they did not
take enough action. They then use this feedback to immediately
change their strategy and take action again.
If they still don’t succeed, they will get more feedback,
change their strategy and take action again. They keep repeating
this process until they get what they want. They do whatever it
takes.So, remember, every time you don’t get what you want, it
is life giving you feedback. It is this continuous feedback you
need to help you adjust your approach until you hit your target.
It is said that Thomas Edison took almost 10,000 attempts
before inventing the light bulb.When asked how he did it, he
said that he had to first find 9,999 strategies of how not to
invent the light bulb. He then used this feedback to change his
strategy until he got what he wanted.
Bill Clinton has not been called the Comeback Kid for
nothing.He had many monumental knock downs on the rocky
road to his two-term Presidency, but each time he learned, he re-strategized and went back fighting. His campaign staff and wife
narrate how, even late into the night, if there was one person
still awake and out there in the street, Clinton would zoom in
on this ‘potential voter’ and keep on talking. And now, finally,
he is being recognized as being one of the most brilliant and
most genuinely compassionate Presidents America has ever
had… just as he knew he would be.
There you have it! This is the formula for ultimate success!
These are four stepsto get anything that you want in your life.
Just know what you want specifically, develop a strategy, take
action, get feedbackand change your strategy until you succeed.
But wait! If achieving success is so easy, why doesn’t
everybody do this? I could teach this formula to a hundred
people, but not everyone will end up putting it into practice.
Why? I have found that there are two more major elements that
affect whether or not people will follow this formula. These are
our Beliefs and our Values.
Step 5. An Empowering Belief System
Our beliefs act as the ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch to our brain and our
inner resources. Without the right beliefs in place, none of the
other steps in the success formula matter.
Our beliefs determine what we want and what we do when
we don’t get what we want. If you have limiting beliefs like, ‘It’s
too difficult’, ‘I’m too young’, ‘It’s not possible’ or ‘I am not a
good speaker’, it is highly unlikely that you will set inspiring
goals in the first place. If you don’t have empowering beliefs, you
will not set goals for yourself. And nobody can set goals for you
Similarly, limiting beliefs about yourself and the situation
will make you ‘give up’ rather than change your strategy and
take action until you succeed.
If you believe that you don’t have what it takes to learn, the
capability or that ‘it is too difficult’, then you are more likely to
quit than change your strategy and take action until you
succeed. So an empowering set of beliefs is truly one of the keys
you need to seal in, to set the rest of the formula in motion.
Chapter 5 teaches you how to analyze your current set of beliefs
and discover if they have been empowering you or limiting you.
You will also learn how to develop a powerful belief system that
will drive you forward.
Step 6. Values: Our Driving Force
The second key that drives the Ultimate Success Formula is our
values or what we hold dear to us, and live by. Values are like
emotional hot buttons that drive our behavior. They are what
we value as important in our lives.
All of us regard values like ‘success’, ‘freedom’, ‘security’,
‘love’ and ‘happiness’ very differently. And it is the way we
internally rank these values that determine the kinds of choices
we make, and the actions we take.
Some people are driven towards reaching their goals because
of their need to feel secure. Others may be driven by a different
value, like freedom. ‘I want to earn enough to be free’ (free from
want, free to walk out of a boring job) is an often-heard goal.
The important thing is that whatever our values are, they
must be aligned with our goals. The main reason why most
people never feel driven towards their goals is because their
values are not aligned and their values may even be in conflict
with their goals.
I once had a student (a young mother) who could never feel consistently
motivated towards her goals of achieving her sales targets. It was later
that it dawned on her that her goals and values were in direct conflict.
She valued ‘family’ but as a professional, she also valued ‘success’. This
internal conflict drained a lot of her energy, and held her back. She wanted
to achieve her career goals but she felt guilty whenever the pursuit of her
goal prevented her from spending time with her family.
We will focus on the power of values in chapter 10 and how to
align them for maximum impact.
The Ultimate Success Formula… in Action
The Ultimate Success Formula is the most powerful series of
steps you can ever use to achieve whatever you want.
Individuals and corporations who follow this formula create
consistent success. Those that fail continuously are those that
fail to follow any one of the six major steps.
Beliefs Values
How Singapore’s ‘Bill Gates’
Used the Ultimate Success Formula
ave you heard of Creative Technologies? It is a billion dollar
company and the first Singapore company to be listed on NASDAQ.
The founder, Sim Wong Hoo, is one of the wealthiest men in this
country and is often referred to as Singapore’s ‘Bill Gates’. Did he use the
Ultimate Success Formula to create his success and wealth? You bet he did.
Like many successful entrepreneurs, Sim Wong Hoo comes from a very
poor family with many of life’s odds stacked against him. He was an
average student and graduated from a local polytechnic at the age of 19.
For most people with a Polytechnic diploma, making a living on $1500 a
month would have made them pretty satisfied. Not Sim. What made Sim
different was that he had a different set of beliefs and values.
He believed that he was not just one of the crowd, he fervently believed
that he was capable of a whole lot more. Coupled with his strong internal
values of family, success and contribution, he set himself a specific
outcome to build the world’s first computer that could talk, sing and play
music (besides just crunching numbers). He set this goal at the age of 17,
while still a student! In fact, a few years before (at the age of about 15),
he already set a goal of selling 100 million units of a ‘new technology’
that would revolutionize the world.
It was this pre-determined goal that got him to start developing all kinds
of strategies that no one else ever thought of. In 1981, he took massive
action and founded Creative Technologies with $6,000. A few years later,
he launched his brainchild, the Cubic CT, which was the world’s first
multimedia PC. Did he succeed? No! It was a complete failure and as a
result, the company lost a lot of money. Instead of seeing it as ‘failure’,
he took it as feedback that the market was just not ready for his product.
It was just too complex and costly. He had the technological flexibility to
develop another strategy, a new innovation. Again, he didn’t get the
result he wanted.
Once again, Sim used the feedback to change his strategy and take
action again. He kept changing his strategy over and over again until he
came out with the idea of a developing a low cost music card he called
the ‘Sound Blaster’. When the Sound Blaster was launched, it became an
overnight success. It became a best-selling PC card and the worldwide
industry’s standard for multimedia PCs. Today, more than 60% of all
multimedia PCs are based on Creative’s Sound Blaster Technology. In
1992, Creative Technologies became the first Singapore company to be
listed on NASDAQ, boosting Sim’s net worth to the billion-dollar league.
Today, Creative Technologies is a multimedia giant with 5,000 employees,
over 20,000 outlets in the United States and boasts an annual revenue
of $1.3 billion.
We tend to focus on how smart and fortunate winners are to
be in the right place and at the right time. We often admire
them like super human beings when they are really ordinary
people. What made them different was how they stuck
tenaciously, like superglue, to the Ultimate Success Formula.
Patterns of Excellence Program…
From Flop to Success
Our company (AKLTG)’s Patterns of Excellence program came
about as a result of following the Ultimate Success Formula.
When Stuart and I first came up with the idea of creating the
program, we did it because we had strong beliefs and values that
supported it. We set a specific outcome and that was, we would
run our first program with fifty people in November 2002. We
then developed an entire strategy of how we would market and
run the program.
The idea was to use newspaper advertisements to draw
people to a series of free previews. We would then give an
introductory presentation which would convince people to sign
up for this irresistible eight-day program – for $2,000.
Once the strategy was laid out, we went ahead and took
massive action. We placed the ad, booked the seminar room and
waited for the response. Over a hundred people turned up for the
first free preview. Stuart and I got up on stage and gave the best,
the most dynamic presentation of our lives.
When the show was over, we expected at least fifteen to
twenty people to sign up. Guess what happened? Almost
everybody got off their chairs and walked straight out the room.
Only one person signed up! We were far from our outcome of
fifty people! Talk about not achieving your goal.
At this point, most people would probably just resign
themselves to believing that it was a lousy idea, and quit.
(Remember pattern 1?) Or they may try it out one or two more
times, get the same lousy results, and decide to cut their losses
and quit (pattern 2).
What happened was this: several of my staff and friends who
had seen the flop came up and offered all kind of reasons for it
not working.
One said that it was the bad economy and that nobody
would pay $2000 for a training program at this time. Another
staff suggested that it was because I looked too young to be a
credible trainer. Yet another person blamed it on the room being
too cramped and hot.
Notice the common pattern of excuses and laying blame on
something or other that most people fall into?
I could have chosen to accept all these as valid reasons for
not getting our outcome, but I realized that as long as I kept
looking and making excuses I had no control over, it would not
be useful.
So using the third pattern in the Ultimate Success Formula,
Stuart and I went back and reflected on what went wrong with
our strategy.
Why didn’t people sign up? We started getting more
feedback by asking people who attended why they did not sign
up. The feedback was that ‘They did not feel any urgency to sign
up’, ‘They feared the program may not work for them, after a
$2,000 commitment’ and some ‘Felt that they did not have the
time to devote eight weekends in a row.’
Based on the feedback, we used our flexibility to make some
major changes to our sequence of presentation, the structure of
the program, the way we handled objections and the way we
made the closing pitch.
We structured the 8-day program into three separate
modules, offered a 100% money-back guarantee and offered a
‘tonight only’ discount. The following week, we held another
preview for another 100 people. Guess what? Over 13 people
signed up! It was good but still not good enough.
Back we went again, got more feedback and improved our
strategy. We asked, ‘What could we do differently so more
people would sign up?’, ‘How could we make attending the
program a necessity for people who wanted to achieve greater
The following week, we held another preview and 16 people
signed up on the spot. After refining our strategy yet again, we
had a record 22 people sign up on the spot after the preview.
Within three weeks, all 50 places were taken up for the first
Patterns of Excellence training. We had achieved our goal.
We then set a higher goal of hitting 80 per session within a
year. By the 7th batch of the program (eight months later), we
had an average of almost 80 people per session, growing to 100!
Again, I hear people say that I am really talented and
fortunate to keep developing such popular programs. They think
of me as some kind of a ‘genius’ who turns everything I touch
into gold. What they constantly fail to realize is that it all began
with a clear outcome and the constant use of the Ultimate
Success Formula to achieve it. Anybody who follows this recipe
consistently can achieve the same results – in their field.
Be Flexible – and You Will Control the Environment
You Are In
Does this formula apply in the area of personal relationships and
even parenting? You bet! Remember that one of the keys to the
Ultimate Success Formula is ‘flexibility’. Flexibility is the ability
to constantly change our strategy and do whatever it takes
(within ethical bounds, of course), to get the result we want.
Unfortunately, most people try two or three things and give up,
saying that ‘They have tried everything!’
When mum threw a bigger tantrum than her daughter!
There was once a parent who told me that she did not know how to
control her daughter’s tantrums. (Yes, in the early 1990s I was student,
trainer and counselor, among other things) Every time the child didn’t
get what she wanted, like a new toy, she would scream and yell until
mum gave in and let her have her way.
‘I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. I don’t know what
to do anymore’ I responded, ‘you have tried everything?’ ‘Yes!
Everything! Nothing can get her to stop her tantrums.’ ‘Well, how many
things have you tried exactly?’
After thinking for a long time, the mother said she had used only two
approaches. She was either very firm with her daughter or talked to her
very nicely, neither of which seemed to work.
Often people like this parent, lack flexibility of approach which is why
they end up stuck and helpless. I told her that she had to change her
communication strategy until she got her outcome, which was getting
her child to stop the tantrum pattern.
‘Well, what else can I do?’ She asked.
‘Next time she demands a new toy, throw a bigger tantrum before she
throws one!’ I said.
‘Are you serious?’ she asked wide-eyed.
‘Yes! Be flexible! Use this approach and see what happens!’
So, the very next time her daughter started to nag for a toy, her mum
suddenly burst into a rage – she screamed, cried out, banged her legs
and hands on the floor in the middle of the shop, in front of the
customers, (exactly the way her daughter behaved).
‘Stop asking me to buy you toys!’ ‘Why must you always get new toys?’
Guess what? The little girl was shocked into silence.
The mother repeated this strategy each time her little girl started her
whining until the daughter, fearful of her mum going berserk again,
simply stopped making any more demands.
So, you see, with the right amount of flexibility, you can
accomplish just about anything.
In fact, in any situation it is often the person with the most
flexibility of behaviour who will end up in control. This is why
kids tend to end up controlling their parents instead of the other
way around. As adults, we tend to be a lot less flexible and a lot
more predictable. Children, on the other hand, tend to be
flexible in their approaches and will do whatever it takes to get
what they want. The moment we become even more flexible
than our children, we start taking back control over the
situation and hence the outcome.
So, how can you use the Ultimate Success Formula to
achieve all that you desire in the different areas of your life? In
your career? In your relationships? In your finances? In your
health? We will show you how in each subsequent chapter as we
focus on each component of the formula.
Chapter Assignment
Ready for your chapter assignment? Good. Go grab your pen and
work on it right now.
Were there instances when you achieved your outcome by getting
feedback and changing your strategy? Write down at least three of
these instances.
In what specific areas of your life can you begin putting into practice
the Ultimate Success Formula to help you get what you want?
Chapter Summary
1 The Ultimate Success Formula
2 There are three ways people deal with failure
a Give excuses, blame others and give up
b Keep trying the same thing over & over again
Get frustrated and quit eventually
c Get feedback, use it to change their strategy
and take action again. Repeat this process until
they get what they want
3 Flexibility is the ability to constantly change
our strategy and do whatever it takes to get the
results we want
Beliefs Values
No man will change for the better until he sees the need for it
– Socrates
ow, we have said that people who succeed are those
who perceive failure as feedback. They then use this
feedback to change their strategy and take action once
again. They keep repeating this process over and over again
until they get what they want.
So, why is it that so few people are willing to keep changing
and taking action until they get what they want? Why do so
many people quit along the way? Worse still, why do some
people even procrastinate in initiating action? The reason is
that while everybody desires to succeed, only a few are truly
COMMITTED to their goals.
For most people, having more money, more freedom, more
security and more success is a desire. They think it would really
be great to have it. But they can live without it, if they had to.
As a result, they never take action as something more
important always comes up to fill up their time.
When a goal is nothing more than a feeble desire or a wish,
you will find yourself being held back by setbacks, frustration
and failures. People whose goals are nothing more than desires
will only do whatever is within their comfort zone to achieve it.
Beyond that, they will give themselves all kinds of excuses for
not doing it. As a result, they will never do whatever it takes to
get what they want.
5% of people are 95% of people
COMMITTED to succeed WISH, WANT, HOPE, LIKE to succeed
They make it a MUST Act within their comfort zone
Do whatever it takes Give lots of excuses
There was once a financial advisor who approached me for
advice. He had been in the business for five years and had
attended many seminars and read many books on sales and
success. Right from the start, he had set goals to achieve the
Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which represents the top
6% of advisors in the world. However, he couldn’t understand
why he could never get close to the mark, despite working ‘so
hard’. He asked me what he needed to do to get there. I sat him
down and gave him a whole list of action steps and strategies he
had to put in place to increase his sales.
I told him that he needed to make 20 cold calls a day, attend
two networking functions a week, invest in impressive looking
brochures, spend his nights targeting night shift workers (who
are a big untapped segment), spend his weekends presenting
seminars and organizing road-shows with side walk surveys. He
was also told to upgrade his product knowledge skills every
As I went along, I could tell that doing all these things were
going to stretch him well beyond his comfort zone. He was not
prepared to give up his weekends; he was not prepared to spend
some late nights prospecting nor was he willing to invest money
in brochures and upgrade his skills.
He started coming out with excuses like ‘I don’t have the
time’, ‘I don’t have the money’, ‘ I don’t like reading’, ‘I’ve never
done it before’, ‘It’s too much work’ and so on.
As we parted, I doubted that he would use even one of the
techniques I suggested, even though he knew that it was a
proven formula with many others I had worked with. This man
is typical of those who set goals but are not prepared to do
whatever it takes.
When a Goal Becomes a MUST… We Operate from a
Different Mind-Set
People who achieve their goals are those who are truly
committed to get what they want. To them, their goals are not a
mere wish or a weak desire. They are an absolute must.
When a goal becomes a must, we operate from a very
different frame of mind. When something becomes an absolute
must, we will do whatever it takes to get it (within ethical, legal
and moral boundaries, of course).
When something becomes a must, we will stretch well
beyond our comfort zone and keep changing our strategy as
many times as it takes to succeed.
Time and again, you will notice that people who succeed are
those who show this level of commitment. In fact, I believe that
failure, setbacks and frustrations are life’s ways of testing our
level of commitment. Most people fail this test by quitting when
they hit major obstacles. The few who succeed do so because
they do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles. I truly believe
that when something becomes a must for you, and you are
willing to do whatever it takes, you will always find a way!
‘You will never achieve anything in your life…
unless you make it a Must’ – Adam Khoo
When We Give Ourselves No Option
but to Succeed, We Will Always Find a Way!
It is truly amazing what we are capable of achieving if our life
depended upon it. Have you ever set a goal to lose weight
through constant exercise and dieting? Most people get excited
and motivated for a couple of days or even a couple of weeks but
pretty soon they give up and fail to get any results. ‘I just don’t
have the discipline!’ many people would say.
Let me ask you. If someone were to put a gun to the head of
a loved one and threatened to kill that person unless you lost
10kg in a reasonable period of time, do you think you will be
able to achieve it? I am sure you will.
We all have the resources and capabilities to achieve any goal,
it is just that we lack a compelling reason… a MUST to do it.
When something becomes a MUST, it taps into our unlimited
personal resources and this enables us to achieve virtually anything!
Take Your Cue from a Chinese General
There is a famous Chinese military story about a general who led an army
of his men into enemy territory with the mission to kill the invading army.
Unfortunately, his army was outnumbered four to one. On reaching the shores
of the enemy, the general ordered his men to burn all the boats they arrived
in. When asked why, he replied, ‘So the only way we will ever leave this island
is in victory’. By cutting off all possibilities of retreat, he put his men in a
situation where they had to do whatever it took to battle the enemy. Retreat
was not an option. His men fought as if their lives depended upon it and won!
Serene Khoo – Cancer Terminator!
erene Khoo, a Singapore wife and mother faced a personal battle
no less tougher than what the Chinese soldiers faced. She was
diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2000. At about the same
time, her husband was told that he had to have a heart operation to save
his life. “I knew that we both couldn’t go to hospital at the same time
because of our two young children.” So she made the decision that her
husband would have his operation while she would research natural
healing for her cure. In her mind, there was no other option.
Serene remembered a booklet she had been given back in 1998. The
title: ‘Cancer Is Not A Terminal Disease’. Taking her life literally into her
own hands, Serene’s first big ‘change’ was to ‘totally revamp my diet.
Next came a daily routine of exercising on the beach, coupled with a
healthy dose of sunlight, meditating and early to bed every night.’
Then, inspired by a meeting with a Mdm Chan who had been cured of
her cancer after participating in American healer Ray Kent’s fasting
camp in Malaysia, Serene decided that her next step would be to join
Kent’s 5-day fasting camp… to ‘detoxify my contaminated body’.
Her husband’s operation was a success… and so was her own quest for
self-healing. Today a vibrant Serene calls herself Cancer Terminator on
her calling card and imports, sells and promotes organic whole and fresh
foods (her own new cancer-fighting diet) And because Serene did not
undergo invasive surgery or toxic, debilitating chemo-radiation, she
never lost her breasts or her hair. Instead she’s brimming with energy
for her whole new way of life. Besides being active in her local Toast
Masters’ club, Serene performs in amateur local opera. And of course
she’s whole again for her family.
‘Dopey’ Sylvester Stallone
– Made his Dream of Stardom a Must
urely one of the best examples of the power of
commitment and how ‘doing whatever it takes will get you
what you want’ is the story of Sylvester Stallone.
At his peak, Stallone was one of the most popular and highly
paid stars in Hollywood, commanding a fee of US$20 million
per movie. Was he just born under a lucky star? Was he a
naturally talented actor? Was he at the right place at the right
time? Hardly. He was someone who seemed to have all the odds
stacked up against him.
His family was so poor that his mother had to give birth to
him on the doorsteps of a school. A blotched delivery by
students caused a facial nerve to be severed, leaving him
paralyzed on the right side of his face. As a result, Stallone had
to live the rest of his life with slurred speech. He even had to
deal with having a drooping lower lip and being made fun of
because of his name ‘Sylvester’ (associated with the Looney
Tunes cat). Despite all these limitations, young Stallone
dreamed of becoming an actor and inspiring millions of people
through his movies.
As you know many young people go through a phase of
wanting to be an actor, a star… the difference between
Stallone and the rest of youthful dreamers was that his
dream was not a merely wishful thinking. To Stallone, it
was an absolute must. He was truly committed to doing
whatever it took to make it happen.
First he enrolled in acting school and then started going for
auditions. Predictably, with his wooden acting, his dopey looks
and his slurred speech, Stallone was rejected for every part he
applied for. But he never gave up. Doggedly he just kept
changing his strategy and taking action.
The way he landed his first part is a fine example of how he
was willing to do whatever it took. When he was rejected after
yet another audition, he pulled up a chair in front of the
manager’s office and sat down, refusing to leave unless they gave
him a chance. After sitting there for hours, they were so moved
by how much he wanted a chance that they relented and gave
him a part. Although he appeared for a couple of minutes (as an
extra), it gave him that first breakthrough he was after.
Unfortunately, that experience was followed by yet another
string of unsuccessful attempts at getting another acting job. At
that point, his wife told him to give up his ‘stupid dream’ and get
a real job. His reply was, ‘If I get another job, I would lose the
only thing I have got going for me… my hunger.’ ‘By quitting
(my quest) and getting a job, I would be selling out on my
Stallone eventually wound up so broke and desperate that
he was forced to sell his dog for $50 in order to survive.
It was the saddest moment in his life because his dog was
the one friend he had got left.
At the lowest point in his life, he watched a boxing match
between then world heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali
and Chuck Wepner, an underdog that everyone thought would
be defeated within three rounds. What no one expected was
Wepners’ determination and tenacity. He lasted the total of
fifteen rounds with Ali, just refusing to go down.
Sly was so inspired by what he saw that he had visions in his
head about a movie that he was going to write. He started
writing profusely for 84 hours non-stop until he finished the
manuscript for ‘Rocky’. He was so excited by the script because
in his mind he knew that this was going to be the movie that
would change his life and his fortune.
But when he went round attempting to sell his script,
everyone felt that it was too predictable and that nobody would
be interested in watching a movie about boxing. But he didn’t
give up. He kept on going and going until one company made
him an offer of US$75,000 for the script and the rights to make
the movie. This should have made Sly overjoyed but his dream
was to be an actor and not a writer.
So, he told them that the condition of sale was that he be
cast as the lead actor. They objected saying, ‘You’re a writer!
you’re not an actor!’. ‘There is no way we will let you act!’ But
Sly stood his ground and refused to sell the script if he wasn’t the
lead actor. They then increased their offer to US$255,000 up to
US$1 million, but Sly kept insisting that he fitted the role of
‘Rocky’, and no one else. Although he was broke and hungry, he
refused to sell out his dream for a six-figure pay check. That was
his level of commitment!
Eventually, they reluctantly agreed, on the condition that
the movie be made on a shoe string budget of less than a million
dollars and Stallone would get only US$35,000 for the writing,
and acting. Sly would however, get a percentage of the profits, if
the movie made money. He agreed immediately.
The first thing Sly did when he got his money was to go in
search of the man who bought his dog to buy it back. When he
finally tracked down the man, he offered to buy his dog back for
US$100. The man declined his offer saying that he was not
interested. Sly upped his offer to US$500. Still the man refused.
Sly again upped his offer, this time to US$1000. The man still
would not budge saying, ‘No amount of money will ever
convince me to sell this dog.’
While most of us would give up at this point, Sly knew that
if he was committed to do whatever it takes, he would find a
way. Eventually, he did get his dog back. He paid the man a
whopping US$15,000 and also gave him a part in the movie as
part of the deal.
When Rocky was launched at the box office, it grossed over
US$171 million and was nominated for ten academy awards
(including best actor), eventually winning an Oscar for Best
Picture & Best Director. Sylvester instantly shot to fame as an
action star and lucrative offers came in for future blockbusters,
which were to eventuate in First Blood, Rambo and the Rocky
sequels. His eventual success came from the fact that to him,
becoming an actor was truly a must. He believed that when you
are committed enough, there is always a way!
Is Your Wish a ‘Must’ or a ‘Should’?
For most people, achieving success in anything is rarely a must.
They would like to lose weight, but it is not a must. They would
love to make more money, but they won’t die without it. They
wish they could take charge of their lives, but they could live
without it.
The moment something becomes a ‘should’ instead of a
‘must’, you will rarely achieve it. You will always find a way to
put it off or to quit the moment you meet resistance.
People like Sylvester Stallone, Steven Spielberg or Donald
Trump who achieve success are not born more focused, more
disciplined or more lucky than the average person. What makes
them different is that they make their goals a must for themselves.
They are not willing to accept anything less than the best.
So let me ask you a question.
Are your dreams and goals an absolute must or are they just
weak desires that you can live without? Have you been truly
committed to do whatever it takes in the past or have you quit
and given yourself excuses along the way?
Anything You Ever Achieved in the Past,
Was a Must.
If you have achieved nothing of ‘worth’ up till now, then nothing
has ever been a ‘must’ in your life.
Have you ever put off doing certain important things in your
life? I’m sure you have. However, have there been things you
have put off that you eventually got round to doing? Like
writing a report, filing your tax returns or signing up for an
exercise program. But one day, you finally finished that report,
filed your tax returns, and began that exercise program.
I want you to write down four goals or tasks that you kept putting off,
but eventually achieved.
Well, what made you get them done eventually? Was it because
things got to the stage where it became a ‘must’ for you? You had
to get that report done or risk losing a contract and being fired,
you had to file your tax returns or risk being fined and sent to
jail. You had to lose weight or risk a heart attack.
Think about it, all the times in your past when you finally
managed to do something really tough that you were proud of,
was it a must for you at the time? I’m sure it was.
Unfortunately, we end up doing only what is necessary to
survive and live a mundane life. Since living an exceptional life
is not a must, we never take enough action to do it.
Now, think of all the things you always wanted to do and
achieve but never managed to. Think of all the desires and
dreams that you’ve put off to a point that you have given up on
Be honest with yourself. Was it a must for you to have
achieved, or something that would have been ‘nice’ to have?
Was it achieving an ideal weight? Starting your own business?
Achieving a career performance target? Learning a foreign
language? Working in a foreign country? Aiming for an MBA?
Write down four goals or tasks you have consistently put off until now.
It should be very obvious that the reason you have not taken
action and done whatever it took was because these goals never
became a must for you. They were never a necessity that moved
all the way up your list of priorities to kick you into action.
The only way we will ever achieve our dreams and live an
exceptional quality of life is when we raise our ‘level of
It is Not What We Expect, But What We
are Willing to Acceptin Life That Matters
All of us have got dreams we aspire to attain in our lives. These
dreams come from people who inspire us. We may dream of
making $20,000 a month, owning a luxury car and living in a
million dollar mansion. At the same time, based on our beliefs,
we also have what I call a ‘Level of Acceptance’.
This ‘Level of Acceptance’ means that though you may
aspire to earn $20,000 a month, you are willing to accept
earning $3000 a month. Although you would love to live in a
million dollar house, you are quite willing to settle for a small
apartment. Although you would love to be at an ideal weight of
65kg, you are willing to live life at 75kg.
Our self-image is what determines our level of expectation
and level of acceptance in life.
Would you like to make a guess which level we would tend
most to gravitate towards? That’s right. We always get what we
are willing to accept.
You may set a goal to earn $20,000 but if you are willing to
accept earning $3000, then $3000 is what you are going to end
up getting. Why? Because the $3000 level of acceptance is what
we make a ‘must’ for ourselves.
We will not allow ourselves to earn below that level of what we
believe is our minimum. This is our tolerance level. The moment
we think we are going to go below our acceptance level, our
Level of Expectation
i.e. $20,000
Level of Acceptance
i.e. $3,000
mind hits panic mode and we will do whatever it takes to get
above that. Again, when we are committed to do whatever it
takes, we will get it.
People who make $20,000 a month do so because to them,
that is their level of acceptance. That is what they believe they
are worth. They will not accept anything less. They will never
accept $5000 or even $10,000 a month. They will do whatever
it takes to get the level they believe they deserve.
Donald Trump, the billionaire real estate mogul, cannot
accept being second to anyone. It is this ‘I must be number one’
that drives him to be the best, or at least the flashiest, the best-known in his field.
Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric (GE)
would not accept any of the companies under his charge to be
less than number one in their markets. This is why all three
hundred companies under GE have been market leaders for years.
Tiger Woodshas very often been heard to say, ‘Why go in to
play a tournament unless you are going to win?’ This is why he
has achieved the most number of wins in a season and is ranked
the world number one.
You Must Raise Your Acceptance Levels
Unless we raise our acceptance levels, we will never do what is
necessary to achieve our goals. So, for example if you want to
make more money, you have to raise your standards of what you
are willing to accept.
Now, consider what influences our level of acceptance? Why
is one person willing to accept a lifestyle based on $3000 a
month while another has set an acceptance level triple that
Well, the standards we have come generally from our family,
friends and our environment. The people whom we spend most
of our time with define the standards we measure ourselves
In fact, research has shown that people normally earn 10%
more or less of the 10 people they mix around most with.
I decided very early in life to be an exception… because I
wanted an exceptional life!
While most of my peers in the national university set their
minimum standards at $2,000 a month (that is what most fresh
graduates earn), I saw it as a must for myself to earn at least $10,000.
To me, it was a ‘must’ because, based on my material
aspirations at the time, $10,000 a month was what I believed to
be the minimum I needed to afford a sports car and an
apartment, with enough left over to invest for the future.
My high standards drove me to think and operate out of ‘the
box’. I knew I could not, on graduation, go the conventional
route of sending out resumes and applying for a job like
everybody else.
Why? Because who the hell will pay a kid fresh out of college
$10,000 a month! All through my junior college and undergrad
years I kept upgrading my skills through seminars, local and
overseas (which I funded myself), and books. I started several
businesses while still studying full-time to create the level of
value necessary for me to command that level of income. Pretty
soon, I was making the money which I demanded from myself!
I should add that by the time I was halfway through
university, I no longer needed my parents to finance my studies.
Are You Stuck in ‘No Man’s Land’?
I had a friend J who worked for an MNC and who earned a
pretty decent wage in a job most would envy. But, whenever we
met, he would always grumble about how fed up he was working
for someone else and how much he wanted to get out and live
his dreams.
‘I wish I had your freedom’ ‘I wish I could earn the money
you earn’. ‘Then do it! Take action!’ I encouraged him. His usual
response would be, ‘yeah, soon’ ‘when my kids get older’. But he
would do absolutely nothing about it and, whenever we met, he
would start grumbling again.
J is so typical of many people. They are not happy where they
are because they are performing way below their expectations
and their potential. And yet, it is not painful enough for them
to must do something about it. They are stuck between their
level of expectation and acceptance. As a result, they stay there
for the rest of their lives, feeling miserable.
Get ‘Dissatisfied’ and ‘Inspired’
In order for you to increase the quality of your results, setting
goals is not enough. Goals give us a direction to aim for but in
themselves they are not enough of a ‘must’ for us to reach the
finish line.
You have to raise your standards of what you are willing to
accept. And the way to raise your standards is to get ‘dissatisfied’
and ‘inspired’. I have found that the best way to get dissatisfied
is to read about or mix around with people who are a lot better
than you. People who have a lot higher standards than yourself.
When I made my first million at 26 (four years ago) and
continued to make $500,000 annually, I started becoming
satisfied. This was because I was comparing myself to my peers,
who were years behind me.
What I did not realize was that I had started to become
complacent and stopped growing. I didn’t feel challenged
anymore, I felt like I had lost my drive.
To challenge myself, I started setting higher goals. I felt
motivated to take action initially, but pretty soon I did not
have the drive to achieve these higher goals I set. I set goals
to write new books, create new businesses but found myself
procrastinating and eventually giving up. That’s when I realized
that I was willing to accept where I was. I could live with what
I had because I was way ahead of everyone else my age. I felt
satisfied and that was what was keeping me from achieving more.
Suddenly, I Felt Like a Small Fry on the Floor…!
Then I was invited to join the Young Entrepreneurs Organization
(YEO). It is a global organization that extends membership to
business owners who make over a million dollars in business
annually and are below 40.
Although I was the youngest YEO member and most others
members were nearly 10 years my senior, I suddenly did not feel
so satisfied anymore.
I had thought I was successful and wealthy… until I met
many members who had businesses 10 times the size of mine and
who had achieved so much more. They were making $10-20 million
dollars through selling shares in their publicly listed companies.
Suddenly, I felt like a small fry on the floor compared to
these people. And while I was inspired by them, being with
these top still-young entrepreneurs made me totally dissatisfied.
That was a defining moment. In that instant of discontent, I
raised my standards. I raised what I was willing to accept to new
Overnight I made it a must for me to expand my business
and increase my profits significantly; to put plans in place to go
global and to take my company public. After all, if these YEOs
had done it, then so could I.
As soon as I raised my acceptance level, my drive kicked in
and so did my personal sales and profits.
What is Your Level of Expectation and Acceptance?
Be very honest with yourself, what is your current level of
expectation and level of acceptance in the different areas of your
life? Invest the time to reflect and to write down your thoughts.
The exercises that follow are designed to help you raise your
personal standards so that your success becomes your absolute
1 Level of Expectation (Your Dreams & Goals)
Income level: What is your desired income?
Lifestyle: What lifestyle would you love to have? Describe it.
Health: What level of health do you want to be at?
What is your ideal weight?
Career: What do you wish to achieve in your career & business?
Relationships: What kind of relationship do you want to have
with friends & family?
2 Level of Acceptance: (What are you honestly willing to settle for?)
Income level: How much money have you been willing to settle for?
Lifestyle: What kind of lifestyle have you been comfortable with?
Health & Wellbeing: What level of fitness, weight and general health have
you been willing to live with?
Career: What have you been willing to settle for in your career & business?
Relationships: What kind & quality of relationships have you been willing
to accept?
Reflection: Is there a big difference between what you expect in your
life and what you are willing to truly accept? As you think about it, do
you begin to realize that the level at which you are living your life is the
result of the level of acceptance you have been setting for yourself?
Our Social Environment Defines Our Standards
In a previous section, we said that the beliefs we have about
what is acceptable for us come from the people we mix around
with. They tend to define our standards. Let’s see how true this
is. I want you to list the five people you spend most of your time
with. Next, list their estimated level of income.
Person Estimated Income
Do their income levels correspond closely to yours? The
same probably holds true for some of the other areas of your life;
like your career, lifestyle, health, relationships and so on.
Now, I am not suggesting you dump the friends who have
been there for you and whom you treasure. What I am suggesting
is that if we are to break out of our comfort zones and raise our
acceptance levels, we need to invest time with people who will
push us up and forward. Friends who will raise our standards,
people who will inspire us and get us dissatisfied with mediocrity.
Think about this.If you are a tennis player and keep playing
with people who are no better than you, would you improve?
Hardly. What if you started playing with people who are top at
the game? Sure, you may get yourself whipped many times, but
it will change your standard of play altogether. In just a few
months of constant play with the best players around and you
will be playing at a whole new level. The same holds true for
every other area of your life. You need to start investing time and
playing with the best on the field. That is how you will grow.
Raise Your Standards & Acceptance Levels
Are you ready to finally raise your standards? I want you to take
the time and write down the new standards you are going to set
for yourself.
What are you going to make a must?
Who are three people you are committed to spend time with
who will inspire you and make you dissatisfied with where you
are now?
1 Income level: How much money are you willing to settle for?
Name 3 people you will invest time with.
2 Lifestyle: What kind of lifestyle are you going to aim for?
(It does not necessarily have to be a flashy lifestyle. There are people
who actually aim for a simple, yet financially independant one).
Name 3 people you will invest time with.
3 Health: What is your desired weight? What level of health must you be at?
4 Career: What must you achieve in your career & business?
5 Relationships: What kind and quality of relationships must you have?
Put Yourself On the Line!
Now that you have listed down your new standards, here is a
strategy to use to ensure you will achieve it. The secret is to put
yourself on the line! In other words, put yourself in a situation
where you have absolutely no choice but to achieve it.
When our brain is given a choice to do something or to put
it off, we will always gravitate towards the easier path. But when
we have no choice but to do something, we will always find
a way!
Many successful individuals created the results they did
because they simply had no choice. They put everything they
had on the line.
At age 44, Leo Burnettstarted one of today’s largest advertising
companies in the world. He started his business in the middle of the
1935 depression. He borrowed against his life insurance policy,
mortgaged his home and threw in every last dollar he had. Talk about
putting yourself on the line. He knew that he had no choice but to
make it work. This ‘must’ drove him to build his tiny advertising agency
into a worldwide business, grossing hundreds of millions in sales
each year.
When Richard Branson(in pre Virgin Airlines days) was caught selling
records meant for export in London, he was arrested and charged with
fraud. He was given a few months to pay a fine or risk being thrown
in jail. Being almost broke, he knew that the only way he could make
enough money to stay out of jail was to rapidly expand his business;
which he did by opening more record stores. It turned out that
the need to keep himself out of jail was the urgent motivating force
he needed to build the Virgin business at lightning speed! It was
this commitment that led him to go on to build the Virgin empire,
which includes an airline company, and become one of Britain’s
wealthiest businessmen.
Start Putting Yourself On the Line Right Now!
So, how do you put yourself on the line? One way is to make a
public declaration of your goals. Better still, get other people
involved in the process of attaining your goals. Or make a small
financial commitment so that it will hurt not to do it, and your
brain will start taking you seriously.
When I tell people to do this, many chicken out and just do
not dare make this level of commitment. It is clear that if you
dare not commit yourself to it, then you were never serious about
your success in the first place. So, if you are really committed to
achieve something significant, put yourself on the line!
I Put Myself On the Line, Again and Again!
One of the reasons why I have the drive and motivation to
achieve so much is because I commit myself to people and put
myself on the line, constantly.
When I decided to write my first book (‘I Am Gifted, So
Are You’), I knew that there was a good chance I would
procrastinate and give up halfway. So, even before I started
writing, I went to meet all the top publishers in town and told
them that I would deliver a manuscript to them in 6 months.
I went round telling all my friends to look out for my books
in the bookstores in the coming months. The minute I committed
myselfpublicly, there was no way I could back out. My
reputation was on the line. It was an absolute must for me to
deliver! It was this must that drove me to complete my very first
book while still an undergraduate.
By the way, the only reason this book ever got written was
because I put myself on the line and made it an absolute must.
About a year ago, I set a goal to write a book on Mastering Your
Mind and Designing Your Destiny. I told myself that I would
finish writing the book within a year. As my schedule was
already very hectic, I told myself that whenever I had the time,
I would use it to write a chapter. Sure enough, I started putting
off writing as something more urgent always came up.
After a year, I had only completed one chapter out of twelve!
Then, one of my partners came to me and told me, ‘Adam the
reason you have not achieved this goal is because it is not a must
for you!’ Unless you make it a Must, you will never achieve it! I
knew he was right and that I had to put myself on the line. I had
to use this formula.
So I got my staff to print on all our program brochures that
this new book would be launched in the next 12 months. Sure
enough, I started to find the time to start writing and that is how
this book eventually came out.
So what can you do to put yourself on the line? For example,
if you wanted to lose weight but always made excuses for yourself
and put it off, what could you do to make it an absolute must?
You could give away all your dresses except one, and buy an
entire wardrobe three sizes smaller. You could make an
announcement to all your family members and friends.
You could go out and immediately pay a 6-month advance
for a gym membership. The idea is to put yourself in a situation
where it would be more painful to quit than to stay the course
and finally achieve your goal.
So are you ready to start making some commitments? Are
you ready to get serious and start putting some power behind
your dreams?
If so, I want you to write down five goals or tasks that you
have been constantly putting off. Next to each goal, write down
at least 2 ways you are going to put yourself on the line so that
you must achieve it. Do it now!
Goals I Must Achieve I will Make it a Must by…
Use ‘Must’ Language
Just by listening to the words people use, you can tell how truly
committed they are to achieve a certain result. You can tell if
there is any power and conviction behind what they say. And
you can tell straight away the people who will eventually
succeed and those who won’t.
For example, if someone says, ‘I would like to finish this
project by today’ and someone else says, ‘I must finish this
project by today.’ Who would you bet your money on?
The words we use represent the way we frame the thoughts
in our mind. If you observe and pay attention to the most
charismatic and influential leaders like (the late) Martin Luther
King, Lee Kuan Yew, Bill Clinton, they consistently use the
word ‘must’ in their speeches rather than ‘should’ or ‘could’.
Similarly, the words we use on ourselves will impact how we
represent something in our minds. When we use certain words
like ‘should’, ‘would like’ or ‘wish’, we hardly get a sense of
conviction or urgency. These words do not compel us to take
immediate action. The next time you are putting off doing
something or feel like giving up halfway, pay attention to the
words that are firing off in your mind. I bet you it would be a ‘I
could…’ or a ‘I wish…’
I want you to begin noticing that every time you take action,
it is because the word ‘must’ is firing off in your mind. Like when
your assignment, report or quote is due tomorrow morning and
you have not done a thing and it’s already midnight. I bet the
word ‘Oh Sh…t!…I must do it now!’ is firing off in your mind.
Or when you oversleep and say ‘Oh dear! I’m late! I must get
up!’ You see, words evoke different emotions within us. Instead
of allowing the ‘must’ to come when it is too late, you can
consciously begin controlling the words you use on yourself and
others to invoke a powerful response in their actions. So start
using ‘must’ and it will get you what you want.
One of the things that you must do in order to be ahead of
your game is to keep growing as a person. How do you achieve
massive growth in a short period of time… let’s find out in the
next chapter!
Chapter Summary
1 Most people’s goals are nothing but weak desires.
As a result, they will always find excuses to stay
within their comfort zone and put it off.
2 The only way we will achieve anything is if
we are committed to making it a must.
3 When we are committed to do whatever it takes,
we will always find a way.
4 We all have a level of expectation & a level of
acceptance. We tend to gravitate towards our level
of acceptance.
5 We must raise our level of acceptance by mixing
around with people who are better than us, be it at
tennis, at parenting or in their career. They inspire
us and make us dissatisfied.
6 You must put yourself on the line if you want to
achieve anything. Make a public declaration or put
yourself in a position where you have no choice but
to succeed.
7 The words you use affect your frame of mind and
the emotional states you experience. Using the
word ‘must’ fires off a greater sense of urgency
& motivation.
‘Everybody here has the ability to do absolutely anything I
do and much more beyond. Some of you will and some of you
won’t. For the ones who won’t, it will be because you get in
your own way, not because the world doesn’t allow you’
– Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
ow would you like to be in control of your life and the
results you create? To be in a position of power: to
change whatever is not working in your life? To be able
to change the people around you, the results you produce and
even how you feel?
Sounds too good to be true? Not at all. Yet most people
believe that power and control are limited to a fortunate few
who are either born into power, or acquire power through
exceptional talent, business acumen or lady luck. They believe
(and we’ll prove them wrong) that the rest of us are destined to
be buffeted by whatever winds of change swirl around us.
Economic slowdown, recession, company takeovers are the
common winds of change.
So, the masses find themselves helpless and dependent on
outside circumstances in their life.
They think, ‘It is only the boss who is in a position to decide
if my salary gets an increase this coming year’. ‘It is the policy of
the government on interest rates that will determine my
business’ sales’. Even those who own their business (who should
be in control) may actually believe their success is dependent
largely on the kind of staff they can get nowadays.
Heard this one before? ‘Sigh, if only I can get good and loyal
staff, my business will boom’.
Taking Absolute Responsibility Gives YOU
Absolute Power
The truth is that you do not have to have money or be in a top
position to take control over what happens. In fact, people at the
helm can also lose control… with much bigger consequences.
Look at the CEOs who watch helplessly as their company profits
nose-dive in a bear market. Or the US Army Generals when
they invaded Iraq and found that instead of being welcomed as
liberators (as they had been led to believe), they were regarded as
invaders. Were they, the high and mighty in control? Not at all!
So, big fish or small fry, everyone has the power to take
charge of, and change anything in their life, right now.
The secret is to take absolute responsibility for whatever
happens. That’s right! When you take full responsibility for
whatever happens, it means you acknowledge the fact that you
have created whatever happens.
If you created it, then you have the power to change it. So,
taking absolute responsibility for something puts you in a
position of absolute power.
Motto: The extent to which you take responsibility over
something is the extent to which you have control over it.
For example, if you take responsibility for your low pay, it
means you acknowledge the fact that it is your actions and
decisions that have resulted in your low pay. It could be that you
are not creating enough value to be paid more, or you have not
demonstrated your true value to your boss, or that you chose to
work in a company which does not recognize your true value.
Whatever issues you face you must take responsibility, you
have to put yourself on the road to doing something about it.
You can either find ways to create more value by going
beyond what is expected, make yourself more valuable by
upgrading your skills, ask for a pay raise or find another job that
will pay you what you are worth.
When you start taking any of these actions, your situation
will change… you will get paid more!
Giving Excuses and Blaming Others Takes
Power Away from You
However, the reality is that most people act in a way that puts
others in charge of their life.
When something doesn’t work in their life, they choose to
give excuses, blame others and complain. The problem with this
is that by doing so, you are putting others in control of your life.
You put yourself in the role of a victim.
If you blame the economy or your stupid boss for your low
pay or dead-end job, then you are allowing both factors to
control your life. As (you think) it is not your fault, you are
powerless to do anything about it. You can only hope that either
the economy improves or your boss changes.
This is the key reason why most people feel totally helpless,
with no control over what is happening to them.
They keep telling themselves, ‘The recession is to blame for
my financial problems’. ‘Because of my stupid company and
colleagues, I feel miserable everyday’. ‘My children are so lazy,
they drive me up the wall.’
‘I have no time to for myself, everyone keeps on hounding
me.’ ‘The customers give me such a hard time, they are so
unreasonable’. ‘My husband makes me mad…’ And so on, and so on.
‘Others must change or circumstances must change…
before things get better for me’… Now, is this really so?
People who believe themselves to be Victims say that the only
way for their life to change for the better is if other people get
better, and if the business or social environment improves.
‘If only I had more time’. ‘If only my husband could be more
understanding.’ ‘If only my boss would die!’ ‘If only my son could
be more motivated.’ ‘If only I could get better customers’ is the
litany of common excuses.
As long as you keep thinking that it is not your fault, and
that something else might change, you will continue to feel
helpless and powerless. By continuing to play the Victim, you
will be totally at the mercy of your environment. And, guess
Most of the time the outside world will not change… not
until you change first!
Yes, and when you start to change, it’s like taking blinkers
Why Do So Many People Choose to be Victims?
So why do so many people choose to play the role of Victim?
You read and hear about these people everyday. You read
about the poor guy who got retrenched after giving his best years
to his company. The wife who gets abused continuously by her
drunken husband, the poor businessman whose business became
a casualty of the recession. The poor couple who were swindled
out of their money.
I don’t mean to be cold and heartless but as long as these
people convince themselves that they are the victims of
circumstance, then they will never be able to take charge, learn
from their experience, move on and change their lives for the
Many of our friends fall into victim mode from time to time,
and I know that I have been guilty too. Yes, it’s so easy to lapse
into victim mode.
Do you have friends who keep on bitching about their
employer or colleague, spouse, society at large, or the government?
How about you?
Have you ever felt conned or taken advantage of? What did
you do? Most of the time, we keep complaining to our friends
and saying, ‘It’s not my fault!’ ‘That person was to blame!’
Why do we do this? Well, because it makes us feel good! By
playing the victim, we get lots of sympathy, don’t we? At the
same time, we want to feel assured that we were in the right and
justify our own actions.
Sometimes, complaining becomes therapeutic. After all the
complaining, we actually feel less emotional burden as we get it
off our chest.
Remember that while playing victim appears to have lots
of payoffs, the cost of doing so is high because as long as
we blame something or someone else, we rob ourselves of
the power to take charge, and change the situation.
When I talk about taking absolute responsibility for what
happens, I am not suggesting that you blame yourself. Taking
responsibility and blaming yourself is totally different. Some
people blame themselves for everything – and that is not a useful
When you blame yourself, you beat yourself up and feel
helpless and depressed once again. ‘It’s my fault that I’m so
stupid’, ‘I really screwed up again.’
This is not what taking responsibility is all about. Taking
responsibility means that you acknowledge the fact that the
choices you made in the past have contributed to your present
situation. So, instead of feeling bad, you put yourself in a state of
possibility as you put the choice back in your own hands.
So start taking responsibility for the results you have, for
how you feel and for the way you communicate.
If your children are lazy and rebellious, take responsibility
for the way you have been communicating with them. If your
staff are lazy and uncommitted, take responsibility for the fact
that you have not tapped into their passion.
If you have no time, take responsibility for the fact that you
have not managed it effectively. If you were retrenched, take
responsibility for the fact that you did not make yourself more
valuable. If you get angry and frustrated, take responsibility for
how you feel.
If your customers are unreasonable and your colleagues are
not cooperative, take responsibility for how you are
communicating with them. Then ask yourself, ‘What can I do
differently to turn things around?’
Take Absolute Responsibility for Your Results
‘Don’t wish that things were better, wish you were better’
- Jim Rohn
hen I wrote my first book, ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!’
I was really excited that a reputable company with a
prestigious name had agreed to publish it.
I believed that with their track record and experience, the
marketing and distribution of my book would be in good hands.
I believed that with the right marketing efforts, it would become
a best-seller within a few months.
What followed however was one disappointment after
There was very little effort made by the publisher to market
the book. They did not arrange for any book reviews, book
launches, talks or any form of publicity. Not only were my books
distributed behind schedule to the bookshops, they were only in
a selected few outlets. They were given inconspicuous shelf
space and there were no posters or standees to support the sale.
There was also no effort made to sell the book on-line
through Amazon or any of the other internet bookstores. Sure
enough, the books hardly left the shelf.
I was utterly disappointed and furious. I believed that I had
written a great book but was totally shortchanged by my
publisher. I kept going round blaming the stupid company for
the lousy sales of my book.
Whenever friends asked about my book, I would reply, ‘It’s
all their fault! If they had done their job, the book would be a
best seller by now.’
The worst of it was that when I complained to the company,
they said that they could not do anything because they had no
marketing budget and were only used to publishing dictionaries
and school assessment books.
Being a first-time author with no experience or power to
negotiate, I felt totally helpless. There was nothing I could do.
Or so I thought.
Then, I realized that I was well and truly playing the role of
victim here. (Yes, how easy it is for us to fall into this trap). As
long as I complained and blamed my publisher, I was not in a
position of power. And I was expending energy wastefully.
‘I realized that I too had fallen into the trap of playing
As long as I continued on this blame-others path, my book
would never sell. So I decided to take ownership and responsibility
for the success of the book. I knew that for things to change, I
had to change first.
With this fresh mindset, I asked myself, ‘What can I do to
take charge of the situation?’ How can I turn this around?’ I
decided that I would market and promote the book myself.
I decided to take out newspaper advertisements, arrange for
book talks all over the country and send press releases to
journalists to review the book.
Many authors who knew me said that I was crazy to do that
as it was not my job and responsibility.
What’s more, the newspaper ads would cost me about
$10,000. If the book does sell, it would be the publisher who
would stand to benefit the most. As the author I am only entitled
to royalties of 12% of nett receipts, just under $1.50 a book. It
would take forever for me to breakeven.
Despite this, I went ahead, placed the ads and started to go
round all the schools and bookshops to give talks to promote the
book. I did an average of five talks a week.
Within six months, ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!’ was ranked
the number one best selling humanities book at the largest chain
of bookstores. It sold out.
The second edition of ‘I Am Gifted…’ with a brand new
cover, massive re-write and new publisher, was launched and
over the next four years it went through fifteen re-prints,
becoming one of the most consistent best-sellers in the country.
Not only did I eventually make back my $10,000 through
book royalties, but I made millions of dollars through my
businesses, as the book boosted the popularity of the seminars I
was running!
This is the supreme power of taking ownership and
So, think what areas of your life are not working right now?
What results do you want to change? Stop waiting for the
environment to change. Instead ask yourself, ‘If I am responsible
for this, what can I do to change it?’
Take Responsibility for How YOU Feel
One of the key elements that drive our actions and results are
the emotional states we experience. When we feel excited and
motivated, we are more likely to take action that will lead to
great results. But when we are upset and depressed, we rarely
make good decisions or do anything productive.
Unfortunately, these are the common scenarios. ‘He made
me angry’ ‘My divorce is really depressingme’ ‘My kids are
driving me crazy’ ‘My work load and unappreciative boss is
driving me to a nervous breakdown’.
As long as we cast blame outside ourselves, our states will be
out of our control. This is why most people allow their emotions
to run their lives, with the result that they end up feeling
helpless and powerless.
Start Taking Responsibility for How You Feel! You will
then Have the Power to Put Yourself in the Most Empowering
Emotional States.
If you are upset, you are choosing to be upset. If you are
excited, you are choosing to be excited. Remember, no one can
affect how you feel unless you allow them to. The moment you
realize this, you can choose to feel differently.
Successful individuals choose to feel empowered and
positive even in the most dire of circumstances. That is how
they feel constantly motivated to improve their situation.
For example, if you get fired unfairly, you can choose to feel
depressed and wallow in self-pity. You can also choose to feel all
fired up to go out and make a success of yourself, to make your
ex-company regret their decision! In fact, some of the greatest
companies in the world were built by men who were motivated
to get back at their ex-companies for firing them.
The most famous example is what Lee Iacoccadid when Henry Ford II fired
him (a personality clash). He simply went and joined a rival motor company
(Chrysler), turned that ailing company around, and built it up to rival Ford.
Or look what Ivana Trumpdid when real estate magnet Donald Trump
dumped her for a younger woman. Instead of drowning her ‘loss’ with
alcohol, anti depressants and wrecking her health, she made herself even
more glamorous and publicly announced to other wronged wives, “Don’t
get mad, get even!” and proceeded to wrest a mega settlement from him.
In Chapter 6 (The Secret of Peak Performance) and chapter 9
(The Transformation of Meaning), we will explore in greater depth
how to take total control of our thoughts and our emotional
How to Become a Master Communicator!
The power to communicate is one of the most important tools
we have as human beings. In fact, your ability to achieve your
goals almost always depends on your ability to communicate and
influence other people. As a salesperson, your ability to
communicate your product benefits will determine whether you
get that sale.
As a business owner, your ability to motivate your staff,
attract new clients and investors is determined by your power as
a communicator.
To be an effective teacher or a parent, you must be able to
motivate, inspire, convince, build rapport and sell ideas to your
children or students.
So, do you want to become a master communicator, someone
who is always able to influence others in a powerful way? Again,
the key is to take responsibility for the way you communicate,
and the results you are getting from it. This way, we attain
absolute power over the effect of our communication.
Whenever we communicate with someone, do we always get
the response that we want?
When we attempt to motivate our staff, do they always
respond by getting motivated?
When we sell an idea to someone, do they always buy what
we say?
Does the meaning of our communication always get across
the way we want it too? You know that the answer to all of the
above is a flat No!
So what happens when we do not get the response that we
Again, we have two choices!
We can choose to blame the other person for not being
receptive, for being unreasonable, close minded, stupid, etc. But
you know what? By doing this, there is nothing more we can do
about it! We have shut the door on them.
Let’s hear what traditional communication theory says about
successful communication. It theorizes that when two people
communicate, both have an equal, i.e. 50% each way
responsibility, for the success of the communication.
In other words, say A is talking to B and attempting to sell
B an idea. A can do his best to communicate, but 50% of the
success of his communication lies with B.
If B has a closed mind and does not want to listen, the
communication can never be successful. So B is to be blamed for
the unsuccessful communication. Unfortunately, people who
buy this theory never become effective communicators. Why?
Because by accepting this theory, we will always be limited as
communicators. We will not always get the result we want! In
fact we will seldom get the results we want.
Does this happen to you? You motivate your staff to work
harder, but they don’t respond positively, so you give up! You try
to motivate your children to study harder, but it doesn’t work, so
you say, ‘What’s the point? They are just lazy.’ You do your best
to sell a product to a group of prospects, but they don’t buy, so
you say, ‘I guess they are just not interested in this product.’
50% 50%
Responsibility Responsibility
Take 100% Responsibility for the Success
of Your Communication
A study of the most influential and impactful communicators in
the world, revealed that what set them apart was that they
always took 100% responsibility for the success of their
communication. If they (A) communicated an idea to another
person (B), and B did not respond successfully, then they would
not blame B. They would take responsibility and accept that
their own communication was not effective. By doing this, they
have the power to change their communication, until they get
the desired response.
Such great communicators hold the belief that the meaning
of their communication was the response they got, regardless of
their intention.
For example, if they attempted to communicate their
sincerity, but the other person felt that they were insincere, they
would take responsibility that the meaning of their communication
was ‘insincerity’, even though they intended to be sincere. It
could be their tone of voice or body language that made them
seem ‘insincere’. They would then change their communication
strategy until they got the response they desired, i.e. being
100% 100%
Responsibility Responsibility
The Meaning of Your Communication is the
Response you Get!
Keep Changing your Communication until you
get the Desired Response!
We must understand that different people perceive the world
differently. Everybody has different internal filters. When you
tell a joke, a group of people may laugh while another group does
not think it is funny at all. It is not that the second group does
not have a sense of humour. It is just that they perceive humour
differently. As a great communicator, we must take responsibility
for it and change our communication (joke) until we get them
to laugh. So, taking responsibility and having extreme flexibility
is the key to being a master of influence.
Words, Tonality & Body Language
The other thing you must understand is that our communication
consists of three major elements. The words we use, our tone of
voice and our body language.
According to research, the total impact of our communication
consists of words (7%), tone of voice (38%) and body language
(55%). Body language is made up of our facial expression,
gestures, posture, breathing pattern, eye movement and muscle
Although what we say is extremely important, it is the least
impactful when compared to how we say it (tone of voice and
our body language).
Test this out (not for real, but in front of a mirror). You can
tell a client how great and exciting your company is but if your
tone of voice is dull, your face expressionless and your body is
sagging with fatigue, they won’t buy what you are saying.
I once had a teacher ask me in the most boring tone of voice
and with a deadpan face, ‘I wonder why I can never motivate my
+ + =
students no matter what I say?’ ‘I felt like telling him to listen to
his own voice and go look at his face in the mirror. But I just
couldn’t be so direct as to be rude.
The point is that when we communicate, we must pay
attention to not only our words, but more importantly to our
tone of voice and our body language. Very often when our children
don’t get motivated despite what we say, or when our clientsdon’t
buy what we sell, it could be because our non-verbal
communication is sabotaging us.
There are No Resistant Students,
Only Inflexible Teachers
In my training seminars, I get a good number of teachers and
lecturers who come wanting to learn to become more powerful
I usually tell them to adopt this belief: ‘There are no resistant
students, only inflexible teachers.’ Initially, a few will get
offended. But they eventually realize that by following this
principle, it puts the responsibility back on them and gets results.
Why? Because with responsibility comes the power to do
whatever it takes to build rapport with the students, until they
Once there was a teacher who asked me what to do with all
the attention deficit children in her class. I replied saying,
‘Attention deficit is an excuse given by boring teachers.’
I almost got thrown out of the room for that one! But the
point I later made was that in the classes that I conduct in schools,
every student, even those that had been labeled attention deficit
were extremely focused, attentive and participative. The reason?
Because I conducted my lessons with lots of fun and excitement!
I kept modifying my teaching style until I got the response I
wanted, attentive learning! When we label people ‘attention
deficit’ or ‘stupid’, it gives us an easy way out.
Remember how I used the Ultimate Success Formula to turn
the Patterns of Excellence program from its initial flop to filling
up every seat? Yes, it was all about taking responsibility for my
communication. When I first conducted the preview, I did my
very best to convince the audience that the program would be a
great investment and that it could change their life.
As you know, only one person signed up. There and then I
had a choice. I could have chosen to blame all of them for being
stupid people who did not care about their future. Instead I
chose to accept that my communication was not effective.
It could have been my choice of words, the tone of my voice
(like too slick?), or my body language was not right.
By taking responsibility, I had the power to change my
communication until I got the response I wanted: that it was for
them to realize how great the program was, and to sign up. I then
restructured my presentation to sell to them in a way that they
wanted to be sold!
You Always Have a Choice!
Some people always ask, ‘But what If it is really not my fault?
What if the situation is totally out of my hands?’ Well, I believe
that we always play a role in creating whatever is happening to
us, whether consciously or subconsciously.
We create our experiences either through our thoughts or
our actions. You can say something emphatically, but if you are
thinking something else, people can pick up the vibes that show
up in your body language.
People who are in control of their lives believe that they
create their world. If everything is going great, then they created
it, not anybody else. If things are not going well, then they
created it as well.
Some people tell me that they never get a good break. They
never get lucky enough to land a great opportunity. They are
never at the right place at the right time. Again, I believe that
you create your own luck. Or I prefer the word opportunity or
If you never find any good opportunities, it could be because
of your limiting beliefs and thoughts. If you keep believing that
there are no opportunities around, your mind will tend to delete
all the great opportunities, even if they are there right before you.
You see what you want to see. At the same time, if you keep
thinking negative thoughts, you will, like a magnet, keep
attracting everything that is negative to you!
So choose to create positive thoughts and empowering
beliefs, and the world around you will change!
Once at a seminar, a woman who had an ongoing abusive relationship
with her husband asked, ‘Are you saying that I asked to be beaten up?’
I replied, ‘No. I am not saying that. I am saying that you have a choice to
stay or to go. To put up with the abuse or to stand up for yourself. You
have to take responsibility for the fact that you are choosing to stay on
and allow the abuse to continue.’
So stop blaming and playing the role of victim. You can choose to stand up
for yourself, choose to leave or choose to stay. You can choose to feel bad
about yourself or choose to learn a lesson from this and feel empowered.
The moment she believed that she had all these choices, she started to
feel a sense of confidence and power she had never felt before.
In the end, she chose to give him an ultimatum, and then she left him.
Five years on, she is happy in a new marriage, with three wonderful
children. And she is also the owner of a successful business. ‘If not for
that experience, I never would have discovered the courage and power
within myself to achieve all that I have now’, she says.
Margaret, a professional make up artist in her thirties had a history of bad
relationships. Every time she met a new guy, things would be great for the
first few months or so. Then, they would start to borrow money from her,
play around and finally break her heart.
For some reason, Margaret attracted these types of men, over and over
again. She really envied her friends who had decent boyfriends, and
enjoyed stable relationships. She, like most people, attributed it to her
bad luck of falling for the wrong guy.
When she was asked how she could have chosen to create and repeat this
problem, she realized that she has been subconsciously attracting these
types of men. Through a number of therapy sessions, she found out that
she was unconsciously modeling herself after her long-suffering mum and
attracting men just like her dad, who was just like the men in her life.
She also discovered that the way she dressed and acted and the places
she hung around in, attracted the ‘irresponsible guy’. The moment she
took responsibility for creating the problem, she had the power to choose
to decide and behave differently. Within a few months, she found a
wonderful guy who eventually settled down with her.
For Things to Change, I Must Change First
If there is one single most important message I want to give you
in this chapter, it is this: ‘For things to change, we must first
change ourselves.’ When we take responsibility for what we get
and change ourselves, everything and everybody else will
change with us!
One time the managing director and owner of a chain of
boutiques attended my training program. He complained that all
his staff were unmotivated, uncommitted and incompetent. He
also complained that he kept getting clients who were prone to
bargaining and had little purchasing power. ‘For some reason,
the staff that we get are always lazy and useless, we never get the
hardworking, ambitious type’.
I sat down with the man and asked him to list down the
attributes of his ideal staff. He took about five minutes and came
up with an incredible list of the perfect staff.
The person had to be highly motivated, responsible, have
good work experience, strong track record, passionate… the list
went on. I took a look at the list and a look at the MD and
asked, ‘Would this ideal employee want to work for you?’
Initially he was taken aback by my comment, but pretty
soon, he was getting my point. I went on to say, ‘If you want to
attract the best employees, you have to be the best company (in
your field).’ ‘If you want to attract the perfect staff, you have to
be the perfect boss.’ For things to change, he had to change first.
He caught on. Over the next six months, he asked himself,
‘How do I make this company the best place to work for, such
that the best and brightest will want to join me?’
He started to put in a rigorous recruitment selection scheme,
an exciting profit sharing plan, new classy uniforms, a re-branding campaign for the company and created an honest and
open communication culture. And he also started giving more
autonomy to staff in decision making.
Sure enough, many of the old, unmotivated staff started
leaving because they could not take the pressure of the new
weekly feedback sessions and the performance-based pay scheme.
But then young, energetic and motivated people started coming
in and the whole business turned around. At the same time the
new image created by the company’s re-branding campaign, its
new culture and bright new and knowledgeable staff started
attracting higher spending customers who didn’t haggle.
Does this only apply to business? Of course not! This applies
to virtually anything in your life.
I once met a woman who could not find the right partner and she had been
looking for the last 20 years. She was in her late 30s and getting concerned
she would never find her ideal guy. When I asked her what she was looking
for, she started describing this perfect man who had to be rich, handsome,
humorous, sensitive and charming. Again I asked her very bluntly, ‘Would
this man with all these traits want to marry you?’ ‘Would this ideal guy be
attracted to someone like you?’ If you want to attract the perfect man, you
must first be that perfect woman to attract him!
There was a mother who complained to me that her son was
not motivated at all to learn Mandarin. He kept giving the
excuse that Mandarin was really difficult and that he did not
need to learn it. She kept trying to convince him that if he put
his mind to it, he could do it. She also kept trying to make him
see that Mandarin was an important language to learn.
‘I’ve tried everything. He just won’t listen and change his
mindset about learning Mandarin.’
I asked the mum, ‘Do you speak Mandarin at home?’ ‘No, my
husband and I can’t speak the language as we were both from
English speaking backgrounds,’ was her slightly surprised reply.
I then asked, ‘Have you thought of learning the language
yourself and speaking at home so your child will have more
exposure?’ ‘Oh, it’s just too difficult to learn. Anyway, we don’t
have to use it’, was her reply.
She had given the reason why her son was so resistant to
learning Mandarin. I explained to her that although she was
verbally telling her son that Mandarin was easy and important,
her actions communicated the total opposite, and she was
responsible for him not being motivated at all.
Fortunately, I convinced her. When she decided to put in
the effort to learn together with her son and use the language at
home, her son started to get motivated as well.
If you want to attract the best staff, be the best boss
If you want to have the best kids, be the best parent
If you want the perfect wife, then be that perfect husband
If you want the highest income, add the greatest value
If you want to attract the best customers, become the best company
Use ‘I Choose’ Often
The words we use daily are a reflection of how we
frame experiences in our mind. When you start to
use the word ‘I choose’ often, you start to perceive
your experiences with more control than you ever
thought possible.
Instead of saying… Say…
I am depressed I choose to feel depressed
They don’t understand me I choose to communicate in
way that makes them not
understand me
Company sales are down I choose to allow company
sales to be down
The staff are not motivated I choose to allow the staff
to be unmotivated
I keep getting lousy results I choose to get lousy results
They take advantage of me I choose to allow them
to take advantage
I have poor health I choose to have poor health
Although it may seem difficult at times to say that you choose
to create something, especially when it is negative, you
immediately put yourself in the position of being the cause. And
therefore the agent of change.
Yes, by exercising the choice of creating something, you
have the power to choose to change it. When you say ‘I am
depressed’, it implies that you are depressed by something and
there is nothing you can do about it. When you say ‘I choose to
feel depressed’, you acknowledge that you are creating your state
of depression. You are allowing something or someone to cause
you to create that state. See the difference?
Now, just by changing your physiology and your internal
representation, you can change how you feel in a moment!
That’s awesome power within your grasp.
I realize that by saying ‘I choose to allow the staff to be
unmotivated’ or ‘I choose to allow the company sales to be
down’, it may sound as though you do not care and are happy it
is happening. Remember that this not at all the intention. So
you may not want to communicate ‘I choose’ statements to
others. It may make you seem like a real a**h***. ‘I choose’
statements are purely how you would communicate to yourself
We explore the power of our beliefs in the next chapter.
Chapter Summary
1 Taking absolute responsibility gives us
the power to change our circumstances.
2 When we give excuses, blame others or
complain, we take the power out of our own
hands. We play the role of victim.
3 Many people play the victim game because
of the perceived payoffs. In the long term,
it costs us a lot more.
4 We must take responsibility for our results,
how we feel and the way we communicate.
5 The meaning of your communication is the
response you get, regardless of your intention.
Keep changing your communication until you
get the desired response.
6 We communicate through our words (7%),
tone of voice (38%) and our body
language (55%).
7 For things to change, we must change first
8 Use the word ‘I choose’ in your everyday
Beliefs can make ordinary people do awesome,
extraordinary things but holding on to limiting Beliefs
can also cripple the most talented
hy is it that some people are able to achieve so much
more out of their lives than others? Why are some
people able to produce such outstanding, even
extraordinary results… far exceeding what is commonly
Is it because they have a lot more talent, acumen,
capability? Do they have superior resources that other people
lack? You and I both know by now that this is not true at all.
Did the Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane, have
more aerodynamic and engineering expertise than all the
engineers and inventors of their time? No. They were simple
bicycle repairmen.
Did Mahatma Gandhicome from a powerful family that
enabled him to establish a power base to liberate India from the
British? No. He was just an ordinary man, a lawyer. And using
the law taught to him by his colonial masters certainly wouldn’t
have freed India. Instead, gentle Gandhi used the power of
peaceful assemblies, bringing tens of thousands to sit in peaceful
civil disobedience…until the British caved in.
Was Ho Chi Mina mighty general who trained the Viet
Cong to first drive out the French and then the Americans? No,
he was an intellectual and a journalist who didn’t even have the
heart to kill the pests who shared the many jails he was thrown
into as he fought for independence for his beloved Vietnam. Ho
made friends with the insects!
Neither Gandhi or Ho Chi Min had any measurable
resources to do what they did… and history is peppered with
many such outstanding individuals.
What set these men apart were the incredible beliefs they
had about the moral rightness of their cause. That gave them
extraordinary strength to fight on, against all odds, and win.
David against mighty Goliath.
Beliefs are what empower seemingly ordinary people to
achieve extraordinary things. At the same time, limiting beliefs
are what keep most people, despite all their resources, from
achieving what they really can.
Our beliefs are like the operating system to our brain. They
determine what we expect from ourselves and how much we get
out of ourselves. First of all, your beliefs define your expectations.
If you believe that you can become a millionaire, a CEO or
a President, then that is what you will expect from yourself. If
you believe that you will never have the capability to earn more
than $40,000 a year, then that is what you will expect from
If you believe that you can lead others, then you will expect
to attain nothing less than a management position. If you
believe that you are nothing more than a follower, then you will
not expect anything more than being just a front line employee.
At the same time, your beliefs will drive the actions you
take, and how much of your personal potential you will tap.
When you believe that something is possible, you will go all out
to make it happen. You will take massive action and have the
commitment to keep doing whatever it takes to achieve it. As a
result, you will tap a lot of your personal potential.
What kind of results do you think you will produce? Great
results! When you get great results, it will reinforce your
empowering beliefs even more! For example, if you have an
empowering belief that you can build a highly successful
business that will positively impact millions of lives, this belief
will drive you to take massive action.
You will start innovating new product lines, probably invest
in R & D to create entirely new products or processes. You will
develop a business plan, attract investors and launch your
marketing campaign. Sure you will have lots of obstacles along
the way, but your beliefs will drive you to turn any failure into
feedback and to change your strategy until you get the result you
want. Even if you don’t achieve the exact targets you set for
yourself, you are going to produce some great result.
However, if you believe that something is impossible, that it
cannot be done, will you take action? Not likely. Even if you did,
you would probably stop the moment you hit a problem. As a
result, you may have all the potential in the world, but you will
not tap into it. And sure enough, you will not get the results.
When this happens, it will further reinforce the belief that it just
can’t be done.
For example, if you don’t believe that you can ever build a
successful company, you won’t even attempt it. Even if you did
go into business, you will quit the moment something goes
wrong because you had limiting beliefs that ‘It is just too
difficult’ or ‘I don’t have what it takes’.
Beliefs: The Tap to Our Personal Potential
So you see, when we believe that something is possible, we will
inevitably summon all the resources we have to support that
belief. We will open the tap to our creativity, energy and
resources. Does this mean we will be able to produce the exact
result that we envisioned? Not all the time. But having a belief
of possibility will allow us to produce results far beyond what we
would have done if we had no belief to begin with.
At the same time, if you believe that something is beyond
your reach, you shut out the possibility of ever achieving it. You
shut the tap to your own personal potential.
Now, whether this or any other personal development book
you have read will change your life, depends on the beliefs you
finally choose to have, and act upon.
If, after reading this book, you choose to believe that you can
achieve any goal by applying all the strategies, I bet you are
going to set some pretty high goals for yourself. At the same
time, you will take massive action by applying all the ideas you
have gained. You will use the ultimate success formula, start
taking responsibility and do whatever it takes! As a result, you
are going to tap a whole lot more of your potential.
And, even if all your goals are not met immediately, you are
inevitably going to experience a major increase in your quality
of life. If you believe it will work for you, then it will! Believe me!
At the same time, if you choose to be a skeptic and say, ‘All
this seems pretty interesting, but I don’t think it will work for
me’, then chances are you will not have any expectations at all.
You will settle back into taking the same old actions. As a result,
you are going to tap no more of your potential that you have
before. Will you experience any results? Of course not! Again,
your belief that this stuff doesn’t work becomes a self-fulfilling
The fundamental reason I have been able to create so much
more results in my life as compared to so many of my peers, some
of whom are probably a lot smarter and more hardworking than
I, is simply because of the powerful beliefs I started to build
about myself when I was in my impressionable teenage years.
At that time I was exposed to many empowering role models
and it is from these super charged people that I learned that age
is no barrier to creating wealth and success.
I read about Anthony Robbins who became a motivational
trainer and millionaire by the age of 25. I read about Richard
Branson, the boss of Virgin, who started his first business at the
age of 15 and became a millionaire at the age of 23. I read about
Steve Jobs who started Apple Computers at 18.
At the same time, my journalist mum started getting
interested in the fledging ‘Human Potential Movement’. As a
result, she brought me to seminars by motivational speakers like
Dennis Waitley. I was probably the only schoolboy in that
My grandfather also bought me books by Dale Carnegie who
had inspired millions to become effective public speakers and
communicators in generations past. As a result of all this
exposure, I developed an unshakeable belief that I could start a
business, become a best-selling author and trainer before age 24!
Most of my peers were not fortunate enough to be exposed
to such empowering role models. So they had the usual limiting
beliefs such as; starting a business is difficult and risky, you need
to be at least 40 years old with lots of money and relevant work
experience and contacts to even consider starting a company.
As for writing a book, when I started writing the manuscript
to my first book I was 16 and my friends laughed saying, ‘Who
will ever read a book written by someone so young?’ In their
minds – and this goes for most other adults too – only very
smart, very experienced and highly qualified people write books.
Many of my peers continued to hold on to these limiting
beliefs as they embarked on their careers and in so doing, they
held themselves back from what they potentially could achieve.
Consequently they made average decisions that led to average
The Pygmalion Effect
Not only do our beliefs affect our performance and results, but
they also affect the people we interact with as well. As a teacher,
parent or boss, the beliefs you have about your students,
children and employees will affect how you treat them, how
they respond, and ultimately how they perform.
Have you ever heard of the Pygmalion effect? This
psychological phenomenon was first presented by Robert
Merton, a professor of Sociology at Columbia University in
1957. It is about how our expectations of other people can create
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The study involved a teacher who was instructed to teach a
new class of gifted students for the next school year. What she
did not know was that these students had been tested and found
to be of low IQ. Moreover, they had behavioral problems.
Sure enough, when she started teaching, the students started
misbehaving and did not learn or respond. But because she
believed they were high IQ students, she figured that they were
not the ones who had the problem, but she.
She started to take responsibility for their misbehavior and
disinterest in learning. Maybe her teaching style was too boring
and not stimulating enough to capture the attention of these
gifted, demanding children.
So she started to experiment and change the way she taught.
She started to encourage them, arouse their curiosity, challenge
them with games and activities and really nurtured them. The
more she treated them like gifted students, the more they
At the end of the school year, the academic grades of the
students jumped tremendously. And when retested, their IQs
measured a 20-30 point increase on average. She literally
created gifted students! (Think how many supposed slow
learners or ‘normal’ stream children are languishing simply
because of uninspiring teachers?)
In his work called ‘Social Theory and Social Structure’,
Merton said the phenomenon occurs when “a false definition of
the situation evokes a new behavior which makes the original
false conception come true.”
In other words, once an expectation is set, even if it isn't
accurate, we tend to act in ways that are consistent with
that expectation. Surprisingly often, the result is that the
expectation, as if by magic, comes true.
Your Beliefs Can Even Affect Your Bio Chemistry
So far we have talked about how our beliefs affect our perceptions,
decisions and hence our actions. However, your beliefs are so
powerful that they can literally affect your biochemistry.
Yes, your beliefs can affect the state of your energy levels and
your physical wellbeing. Have you heard of the placebo effect?
In the 1950s, doctors wanted to investigate if a patient’s
belief in a drug actually made a difference to whether or not the
drug was effective in bringing about a cure.
In one experiment, they gave patients pills which were
nothing more than sugar in capsules. They then told the
patients that the medicine would be effective in curing their flu
and headaches. To their surprise, the sugar pills brought about
almost the same level of relief as compared to the actual drugs!
The placebo studies showed that our beliefs can literally activate
the chemicals in our body to bring about a cure.
A later study showed that beliefs can even override the
effects of chemicals present in your body. In this experiment,
100 medical students were divided into two groups. The first
group was given a red pill and told that it was a stimulant. In
actual fact, the pill contained a barbiturate (a depressant).
The second group was given a blue pill and told that it was
a depressant. It actually contained a strong stimulant. The
results were startling.
In 50% of the students who took the pills, their bodies
reacted according to their beliefs about what the drugs would do.
Students who took the red pill reported that they felt extremely
alert and energetic, despite having actual depressive drugs in
their body. Students who took the blue pill reported feeling
drowsy even though they had actually taken a stimulant.
Why was this possible? A new branch of cognitive neuro-psychology called expectancy theory has found that every
thought, belief and desire can act as an agent of change in our
cells, tissues and organs.
In fact, do you know that every drug that is developed today
has to go through a double-blind placebo test before it is
approved by the American FDA (Federal drug Administration)?
The reason for this is that if even fake drugs can bring about a
cure (dependent on the patient’s belief), the only way to be sure
that a drug is medically effective is that it can produce a better
recovery rate than a placebo.
What is amazing is that in order for a drug to be proven
medically effective, it has to beat a placebo by just a few
percentage points.
Mr. Wright – the Man Who Should Have Died…
But for his Belief
n his book, ‘The Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing’, Dr. Ernest
Rossi reports on a ground breaking case which showed the effects of
beliefs in a drug and how that belief can positively or negatively
affect a person’s immune system. It was the case of Mr. Wrightwho
suffered from advanced cancer of the lymph nodes, called Lymphosarcoma.
He was at such an advanced stage of the cancer that he developed
resistance to all known treatments. He had huge tumor masses the size
of oranges in the neck, groin, chest and abdomen. His thoracic duct was
obstructed and between 1-2 liters of milky fluid had to be drawn out of
his chest every other day.
He was taking oxygen through a mask at regular intervals and was in
a terminal stage. In spite of all this, Mr. Wright had not given up hope,
although all his doctors had. The reason? A new drug that he had
expected to come along and cure him was finally ready for trial use.
The drug was called Krebiozen.
Initially, Mr. Wright was not able to qualify for the drug trials as patients
had to have a life expectancy of at least three to six months. Mr. Wright,
at that point of time, was given less than two weeks to live. However,
Mr. Wright believed so much that this drug would cure him that he kept
begging for the opportunity. Eventually, his physician, Dr. Philip West,
decided to go against the rules and give him the drug.
Injections were to be given three times weekly and Mr. Wright had
received his first dose on a Friday. When the doctor came back on
Monday, he expected to see the patient in his bed. Instead, the doctor
found him walking around the ward and chatting to everyone around him.
Immediately, the doctor checked on the other cancer patients who
had been given the drug. He saw no change or changes for the worse
in some.
Strangely, only Mr. Wright had shown brilliant improvement. On further
testing, the doctor found that his tumor masses had melted to half their
original size within a few days. The doctor continued giving him the
medication. Within ten days, Mr. Wright was discharged from hospital,
breathing normally and fully active.
This unbelievable situation began just at the beginning of the Krebiozen
drug trials. However, within 2 months, reports came out saying that all
of the testing clinics reported no results, that Krebiozen was probably
ineffective as a drug for cancer.
When Mr. Wright heard about these reports, he started to lose faith.
After two months of practically perfect health, he relapsed into his
original condition, and became very miserable. His cancer came back
and he was re-admitted into the hospital.
His doctor wanted to investigate if his initial cure was the result of the
‘placebo effect’. So, the doctor lied to him and said that he had now
heard that a new super refined, double strength formula was about to
arrive the next day. Immediately, upon hearing the news, Mr. Wright
regained his optimism and belief in a cure.
The next day, the doctor injected him with the new ‘double strengthened
formula’. In actual fact, he injected nothing but fresh water into him.
This time, the cure was even more dramatic than the first. The tumor
masses melted, the chest fluid vanished and he recovered fully and
was discharged again. He then remained symptom free for two
whole months.
At about this time, the American Medical Association (AMA) announced
in the press that ‘nationwide tests show that Krebiozen is a worthless
drug in the treatment of cancer.’ Within a few days of this report,
Mr. Wright was readmitted into the hospital. This time his belief and
faith were totally gone. In less than two days, he passed away. A sad
ending but one with a very powerful lesson.
When Belief Alone Can Cure Cancer
Doctors now know that the growth of some cancers can be
controlled by a person’s immune system. If you can improve the
immune system, you can cure the cancer. (Again it goes back to
taking responsibility, taking charge: because no doctor can
strengthen your immune system, only YOU can – with the right
thoughts, right foods, right moves).
So, starting with the belief in a cure, the cancer patient can
activate his/her immune system to mobilize the blood system
with such efficiency that toxic fluids and waste products, that
keep feeding the cancer, are flushed out.
Many similar cases have been reported in the area of
spontaneous recovery because of an empowering belief system.
Miracle Men
n 1981, Insurance boss Morris Goodmanwas piloting a plane when
it crashed. His injuries were extremely severe: his neck was broken
in two places (the first and second vertebrae), the nerves to his
diaphragm had been severed and his diaphragm itself was crushed so
badly that he lost his ability to swallow, to speak or to breathe without
a respirator. The rest of his nerves were damaged so badly that he
suffered a disfunctioning of the kidney and liver and was paralyzed
from the neck down.
His doctors gave him a 1 in 1000 chance of surviving. Even if he did
survive, they were convinced that he would never regain control over
his bodily functions and would have to remain in a wheel chair for the
rest of his life.
What saved Morris’s life was his belief and faith that he would find
a way to cure himself and walk out of the hospital with no mechanical
aid. His doctors and nurses tried to convince him that it was
impossible and that he was not being realistic about his injuries.
‘I didn’t care what medical science expected. I cared what I expected.
And that was to beat the odds and walk out of the hospital a normal
man.’ Morris said.
Through the use of creative visualization and intense physiotherapy,
Morris’s recovery baffled his doctors as he started gaining control
over his breathing & swallowing reflexes. He then started to gain
control over his limbs and the rest of his body. Within six months,
he had attained near full recovery and was able to walk out of the
hospital without the use of any mechanical aid.
To this day, Morris Goodman still goes around the life insurance
industry, giving inspirational talks about the power of beliefs on
performance. Many books and audio programs have been authored
on this person they term the ‘miracle man’.
Another Miracle Man, so dubbed by Newsweek International
(Australian Edition) in their cover story in 2003, is Australian vet
Dr Ian Gawler.
Gawler, who cured himself of final stage cancer (he had one leg
amputated below the kneecap), went on to help others with a 10-day
Cancer retreat program where ‘creative visualisation’ is one of the
techniques he teaches his cancer clients (many of whom cancer
specialists had given up on), with incredible success. Now in his fifties,
Gawler also recently climbed Mt Everest with his one good leg.
In Gawler’s retreat, the holistic and natural approach to cancer also
utilizes yoga and/or qi gong, both of which use breath control and
meditation (mind control) to heal and boost the immune system.
And last but not least, an organic vegetarian diet.
The Human Mind Cannot Tell the Difference
Between a Real and a Vividly Imagined Experience
One of the techniques that Morris Goodman and Dr. Ian Gawler
used to crystallize their beliefs and aid their spontaneous
recovery was through the use of creative visualization.
Goodman, for example, kept visualizing himself in the future,
fully recovered and walking around with no mechanical aid. He
kept visualizing himself having total control over his reflexes
and bodily movements.
But can seeing pictures in our mind actually affect our
physiological responses? Absolutely!
In fact, medical science has now shown that the human
mind cannot tell the difference between actual experience and
what is vividly imagined. Whether you physically see, hear,
touch or taste something or you vividly imagine it, the same
neurological impulses are activated within our nervous system.
Where is the Lemon?
Would you like to do an experiment? First I would you to read
the following passage, then follow the instructions and create
the visual images in your mind. Alternatively, you could get
someone to read it for you as you go through this visualization
exercise. Are you ready?
I want to you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in your
kitchen in front of your refrigerator. In your mind’s eye, see
yourself opening the door of the refrigerator. Inside you see a big,
yellow sour lemon.
Imagine yourself reaching out and holding the lemon in your
hand. Notice the weight, coldness and texture of the lemon.
Now, bring the lemon to your kitchen table and with a sharp
knife slice off a piece. See the lemon juice oozing out all over.
Now, take the piece of sour lemon and pop it into your mouth
and chew on it, feel the sour sensation on your tongue and
around your mouth, and your nostrils puckering as the tangy
scent is released. Now open your eyes.
Let me ask you this question. Do you have more saliva in
your mouth? Did you actually feel that sour sensation? If you
visualized vividly enough, I bet you even cringed your facial
muscles as you ‘chewed the lemon.’ The interesting thing is that
the lemon was merely in your own imagination. When you
visualized the sour fruit, your brain sent the same neurological
impulses to your salivary glands as if you had physically eaten it,
which produced more saliva to begin the digestive process.
This is Exactly How Some People Frighten Themselves to Death
When they start to imagine that they are being attacked or
are in grave danger, their brains fire off so much fear that their
heart beats faster, their blood pressure increases and they
eventually die of a heart attack.
In certain ancient cultures like the aboriginals of Australia
and the Haitians in the Caribbean, there is a strong belief in
black magic and Voodoo. Their witchdoctors can point an ‘evil
bone’ at a person, for some tribal misdemeanor and, within a few
weeks, that healthy person will actually start to sicken and die
from the ‘curse’.
Why? Because they convince themselves so utterly, just
through of their imagination, that they will die, their brains
actually send signals to their bodies to shut down their immune
system. Eventually, they succumb and die.
In Australia such ‘cursed’ aboriginals have been brought to
the hospitals but baffled doctors can’t find anything physically
wrong, yet the victim of the curse will wither away and die. Such
is the power of our beliefs.
Mental Rehearsal for Excellence… the Russian
Athletes ’Secret Weapon’
Many people have made use of the power of visualization to help
them to perform at their peak. This is especially so in the area of
competitive sports where this technique is known as ‘mental
For many years, the Russians had always won and dominated
the gymnastics event in the Olympic games. The Americans
trained just as hard and could not understand how the Russians
were always able to perform at near perfection. It was much later
that the Americans found out that the Russians had used sports
psychologists to teach their athletes to train mentally as well as
Besides physically practicing, the Russians’ secret was in
spending a few hours a day to visualize themselves doing the
perfect jumps, twists and landings. It was this that allowed them
to tune their performances to near perfection! Today, all top
athletes use the power of visualization to perform at their peak.
In his book, Tiger Woods talks about how he visualizes himself
hitting the perfect ball and watching it land, even before he
actually swings his club.
Mental Versus Physical Training
There was an experiment done on how mental training
compares with actual physical training. A group of men were
divided randomly into three basketball teams. They were asked
to shoot from the free throw line and their scores were recorded.
For the next three weeks, each team went through a different
training routine.
The first team physically trained for four hours. The second
team did not physically shoot any hoops but imagined
themselves shooting perfect shots for two hours a day. The third
team was the control group so they were asked not to train at all.
After three weeks, they were retested and their scores
recorded. The first team that trained physically scored an
average improvement of 30%. The second team that trained
mentally also scored an average improvement of 30%. The third
team showed no signs of improvement at all. The experiment
showed that mental training is amazingly as effective as actual
physical practice. If you were to combine both, your
performance would truly be astounding.
So how can you use the power of visualization to program
your mind to perform at its peak? You can use it in virtually any
area of your life. I have personally used this technique before I
give a lecture.
I have used visualization for speech-making, for play (golf)
and even to pass my driving test! – and believe me, it works
every time.
Before I go on stage, I would visualize myself going up, seeing
the audience in front of me and seeing myself delivering a power
packed talk. I would then see the audience responding and
giving me resounding applause. I keep playing these images in
my head over and over again. Eventually, by the time I actually
step up on stage, I feel totally relaxed and confident… because
it is as if I had done it so many times before.
I Used Visualization to Score ‘A’
for my Driving Test
I even used visualization to score an ‘A’ for my driving test,
which I passed on my first attempt. My success astounded
everyone, except me. The reason is this: because I happened to
be sitting for my driving test during the time I was in the Army,
I hardly had time to go for actual driving lessons.
My instructor expected me to fail as I had not been able to
clock sufficient hours on the road to be skillful enough to pass
the test.
What he didn’t realize was that I spent half an hour each
night visualizing myself in the car (while I was in camp, lying on
my bunk!), manipulating the gearshifts, and driving along the
test routes. I did this again and again until it became second
nature to my reflexes. Eventually I went for the test and scored
near perfect on my first attempt.
The Pilot Who Played Golf in His Jail Cell
Let me share with you another amazing story about the power of
visualization. There was an American pilot who had been shot down
and imprisoned for many years in North Korea during the Korean
war of the 1950s.
This man was a keen golfer and, during the long hours of imprisonment,
the only thing that kept him sane was visualizing himself playing
golf… and winning of course. He had all the time to ‘play’ 18 holes
over and over again. Well, when he was finally released and returned
home to America, one of the first things he did was to enter a golf
Guess what? He won easily, to the absolute amazement of everyone
except himself. They thought his win had to be a fluke? Surely he
was a rusty player… but no, he told everyone that he knew he would
win because he had been mentally playing, practicing the winning
shots, all those long years behind bars.
Before Reaching Your Outcome, First See the
Reaching in Your Mind.
Do want to experience another demonstration of how you can
visualize yourself to break through supposed physical
limitations? What I want you to do is to stand up and place your
feet shoulder-width apart. Throughout this experiment, you
must keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Now, I want you to warm up by stretching and loosening up
your waist muscles. Swing your body gently from side to side.
Great! Are you ready?
Now, point your finger forward and turn your body clockwise
as far as your body will allow you to turn. Once you reach the
maximum point, remember the spot you have reached and turn
back to neutral position.
Next, I want you to close your eyes and visualize yourself
turning your body clockwise and seeing in your mind’s eye that
your finger is able to move past the maximum point and go
another three feet further.
Once you have visualized this, open your eyes and physically
turn your finger and your body again. Did you go further this
Most people go a lot further and are amazed at how this short
visualization exercise got them to go beyond their ‘mental
limits’. Think of what other supposed limits you can move
beyond with enough belief and mental rehearsals.
Breaking the Beliefs of the World
In 1954, one such person broke such a mental barrier that was
set in long distance running. For hundreds of years, runners had
never been able to run one mile in less than four minutes. Many
had attempted this feat but had fallen short. As a result, it was
generally believed, and supposedly backed up as fact by the
medical community, that it was not possible for a human being
to run that fast!
Roger Bannister, a postgraduate student from Oxford
University set a goal to be the first to break this ‘impossible
record’. The fact was that he was nowhere near being the best
runner of his time. There were many other runners better than
he. But this didn’t deter Roger. Besides physical training, he
engaged in a lot of mental training. He kept visualizing himself
breaking the four-minute time barrier.
Then, on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister stunned the world
by running the mile in three minutes and 54 seconds. That was
not the most amazing thing. What was truly amazing was that,
within a year, 37 other runners had broken his record. Within
the next three years, over 300 runners had repeated the same
But why was it that for so long, nobody had even come close
to achieving it? The minute an ‘ordinary’ runner did it, then so
many others could. This surely proves that what holds many
people back in achieving their goals and fullest potential are not
their lack of capability, but their beliefs.
Your Beliefs Are Never Absolutely True!
If our beliefs have such a great impact on the quality of our lives
and even our physical well being, then we must begin to
examine if the beliefs we have are empowering us or limiting us.
And if our beliefs are limiting us, we must begin to change them!
At this time, many people would argue, ‘But what if the
beliefs I have are really true? What if I am really not good at
selling? What if it the economy is really down and going to stay
down? What if there are really no opportunities around? What if
it cannot be done? What if I don’t have what it takes?
What you must understand is that the beliefs you have are
never absolutely true. Beliefs are not proven facts. They are
nothing but perceptions, opinions, generalizations we make
about the world around us.
For every belief you hold, no matter how much you think it
is true, there is always somebody out there with a totally
opposite belief. And to them, their belief is as valid as yours is to
If you believe that math is tough, there is someone out there
who believes it is easy. If you believe that it is easy to make a
million dollars, there is someone out there who believes it is
impossible. If you believe that times are tough, there is always
somebody out there who believes it is a great time to make
So the question is not whether a belief is true or not. What
is more important is to ask yourself:
‘Does this belief empower me or does this belief limit me?’
‘Will this belief help me to get the best out of myself to
achieve my goals?’ Or, ‘Will this belief hold me back?’
For example, in chapter one we said that ‘All of us have the
same neurology. If it is possible for others (the winners), it is
possible for me’. This is an example of an empowering belief.
Is it absolutely true? I don’t know. What I do know is that
because I have chosen to believe this, it has empowered me to
achieve so much more than many of my peers who chose to
believe that ‘yes, it is possible for others, but it may NOT be
possible for me… because others have more skill, more money, more
experience, more talent or whatever excuse they can think of.
It is because of my powerful belief in myself that I had dared
to set seemingly impossible goals and achieve them – such as
topping my schools, writing books, starting companies, speaking
to thousands of people or turning around companies.
I have discovered that all successful individuals share the
belief that ‘everything happens for a reason’ and that ‘behind
every adversity lies is a blessing in disguise.’
Again, can we say for sure that this belief is absolutely true?
Of course not. But I have found that having this belief empowers
me to get up from every failure and overcome any adversity, and
gives me the strength to carry on.
As a result, I eventually reach my outcome and it proves my
belief to be true. At the same time if you choose to believe that
every adversity is just your bad luck, bad fate or a punishment
from god, then you will probably get depressed, quit and stop
taking action. As a result, the adversity really becomes
punishment, since you will never get what you want.
Whatever You Believe Becomes True for You!
Although beliefs are never absolutely true, it becomes totally
true for the person who believes in it! This is simply because
whatever you belief becomes your reality.
If you believe that you are stupid, then you will become
stupid. If you believe that you are intelligent, then that is what
you will experience. If you believe you are unlucky, then you will
be unlucky. If you believe that great opportunities come your
way, it will become true for you.
‘Whether or not you believe you can or you believe you can’t,
either way you are right!’ – Henry Ford
Why is this so? Because our beliefs are one of the key filters
that determine how we perceive the world around us. At any
point of time you do not experience reality, but you experience
your own perception of reality.
Our brains are always deleting and distorting what we see,
hear and feel. This is why two people can experience the same
event, yet both perceive it very differently. For example, if two
people had an argument, both parties will have very different
accounts of what had happened.
It is not so much that one or the other is lying, but both
parties delete and distort what they experienced, depending on
their personal beliefs.
Have you ever experienced a time when your parents believed
you were irresponsible. You could do a hundred things
responsibly, but they only remember the couple of times when
you were irresponsible. ‘Aha you’re doing it again!’ they say.
We do the same things to our friends, family members and
our colleagues. Once we make up our minds that a particular
person is mean, we will tend to focus on all the times our beliefs
are supported, and fail to notice all the occasions when that
person acted generous. Even if we do notice it, we will distort it
by saying that he must be up to something by being so nice!
Heard that one?
So, whatever we believe, becomes real for us. It becomes ‘our
If you (as a woman) believe that all men are unfaithful, you
will only remember and focus on all the times you saw and heard
about men being unfaithful. You will tend to mentally delete all
the instances when it did not support your belief. You will also
tend to distort what you see and hear to support your belief. If
your husband calls to say he suddenly has to work late, what
thoughts will fire off in your mind? You may start having
suspicions about him fooling around, since you believe all men
are unfaithful.
What is your likely reaction? You will probably question
him, check on his every move and start getting paranoid,
insecure and upset. As a result, the relationship may break
down, driving him to do what you feared the most… because a
nagging, suspicious wife is impossible to live with.
I have seen so many instances when a person’s belief
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whatever you believe
strongly about becomes a reality. This is because you take all the
actions that support that belief, thus encouraging the result.
Some people I know have a belief that there are no
opportunities to make money. They believe that going into
business would be a disastrous mistake. As a result, they focus on
all the news they read in the papers as well as what their friends
tell them about ‘So and so who lost money, went bankrupt and
failed in such and such venture’. This keeps reinforcing their
belief and will prevent them from taking up any opportunities
that come along.
At the same time, I also know many people who believe that
opportunities abound out there. Such optimists believe that it is
easy to make money. And you know what? They do make plenty
of money and find lots of great opportunities everywhere. Even
when all around them are problems, such people would be able
to see the silver lining in the dark clouds, and turn things around
to become an opportunity for them.
Here’s a good example. When the SARS epidemic hit badly, many people
started to believe that business would be bad and they would have to
struggle to survive. I have a friend whose pet business suffered. But,
instead of believing that the outbreak was a big problem, he focused
on how it could be an opportunity for him. He quickly used his strong
network of suppliers and sales agents to get into the mask and air
purifier business and he made a big fortune.
A Perceptual Blind Spot…
Has This Happened to You?
Have you ever experienced this? You are sitting in the living
room watching television when your spouse shouts, ‘Can you go
into the kitchen and get me the salt?’ ‘I don’t know where it is!’
you reply. She shouts back, ‘Go look for it! It is around
Reluctantly you get up and walk into the kitchen mumbling
to yourself, I don’t know where the salt is.’ ‘How can I find it?’
Sure enough, you go in look around and you don’t see the salt.
So you shout back, ‘I can’t find the salt’.
She says: ‘Look carefully, it is somewhere around’. You look
high and low and still don’t see the salt. Finally, your wife walks
into the kitchen and grabs the salt from right under your nose
and says, ‘What is this? Are you blind?’
Why does this happen? In psychology, it is called a schetoma
or a perceptual blind spot. It is one of the most common
examples of how a belief will delete what you perceive. If you
keep convincing yourself that you will not be able to find the
salt, your brain will internally delete the image of the salt even
though your eyes may physically pick it up.
Similarly, if you believe that there are no opportunities
around and that times are bad, then you will delete everything
that does not support your belief, and you will experience all
the lack.
What Some Famous & Intelligent People Believed
in So Strongly… We Now Know is Not True!
The tendency for most people is to fight hard to hold on to their
old, limiting beliefs because they believe it must be true! ‘But I
am sure that my beliefs are true! How can they be otherwise?’
they insist.
Let me ask you this question. Have you ever believed so
much in something in the past, which you now know to be the
exact opposite? I am sure you have. Even some of the most
intelligent people on this planet have held on strongly to beliefs
which have been conclusively proven to be false. Here are just a
few examples.
There is no
need for any
computer to
have more
than 250k
of RAM
Bill Gates, CEO
of Microsoft,
early 1980s
Heavier than
air flying
machines are
Lord Kelvin,
President of
Royal Society,
The mile
record of 4
minutes 12.75
seconds will
never be
Andrews, British
Olympic Coach,
Man will
never reach
the moon
of all future
Dr. Lee De
Forest, Inventor
of the Audion
tube & the
Father of Radio
The Earth is
the centre of
the universe
Great Egyptian
Astronomer, 2nd
won’t be able
to hold on to
any captive
audience after
6 months.
People will
soon get tired
staring at a
plywood box
every night
Darryl F.
Zanuck, Head of
20th Century
Fox Movies, 1946
There is no
likelihood that
man will tap
the power of
the atom
Milliken, Nobel
Prize Winner for
Physics, 1923
Nobody wants
to hear actors
Harry M.
Warner, Warner
Bros Pictures,
1927, when
silent movies
were the norm
The Creation of Your Beliefs
But how did we form the beliefs that we have today?
Most of them come from modeling the significant people
around us – like our parents, teachers and friends. We tend to
take on beliefs similar to those people who were most influential
in our lives. If our parents believe that they can never be rich,
you are likely to take on those beliefs yourself.
If you grow up in a family where nobody finished school,
then you would likely have a belief that education is difficult or
not important. Many of our beliefs also come from our past
Remember, that the beliefs you have are nothing but
perceptions and interpretations you make about these past
experiences. However, after a while, we forget they are merely
perceptions and begin to accept them as absolute truths. That is
when they become commands embedded in our brain, and begin
to determine how we live our life.
While some of the beliefs actually empower us, many of
them limit us at the same time. For example, beliefs like ‘I am
bad at Math’, ‘I am a slow learner’, ‘I cannot relate well with
others’, ‘I am lazy’ or ‘I am too young or too old’.
Evidence Evidence
Well, how did we form our beliefs in the first place? Beliefs
always begin as an idea that someone gives us or we give
ourselves. As we begin to experience more and more supporting
evidences of that idea, the idea solidifies to become a belief. And
once it becomes a belief, we no longer question it. It becomes
part of our internal operating system and drives our every
decision and behavior.
In his book Unlimited Power, Anthony Robbinsuses a table
as a metaphor for our beliefs. When we first have an idea of
something (for example, I am a slow learner), it is like having a
table top with no legs to support it. At this stage, the idea is
merely an opinion. It has not much power over us. Over time, if
we start to experience evidences that support this idea, it is like
adding legs to this tabletop. Soon, when enough of these legs
(evidences) are added, we will have a solid table (a strong
‘I Am Lousy At Math’…
How I Formed that Idea at Age 5
For many years, I used to believe that ‘I was lousy at math’. That
limiting belief prevented me from giving my very best in that
subject. Like all beliefs, mine began as a simple idea when I
struggled to understand multiplication tables as a young kid.
At the age of five, many of my cousins could easily rattle off
the multiplication tables up to twelve times table. For some
reason, I just could not understand what ‘multiply’ meant and so
found it really tough to memorize the tables. Every time I got it
wrong, my parents would get really disappointed and start
drilling me. As both were working weekdays, weekend outings
became multiplication table drills.
As a result, I started hating math and found it really painful.
I couldn’t understand why is it that other kids can multiply and
I can’t? From that day on, I began to form the idea that ‘I am
lousy at Math’.
Then one day in class, my teacher decided to test us all on
our multiplication tables. Naturally most of my friends could
rattle them off easily. When it came to my turn, I was asked to
give the answer to ‘5x3’. I just stared and yelled out ‘7’! The
whole class burst out laughing and called me ‘stupid’. This one
experience gave me my first supporting evidence that ‘I was
lousy at math’ and started to reinforce this idea into a belief.
Sure enough I became withdrawn in all future math classes.
I would daydream and not bother understanding what was going
on. I would not bother doing my homework. What was the
point? It was a ‘stupid subject’ and ‘I wouldn’t do well anyway.’
As a result, I got further and further behind the whole class.
Naturally, I kept failing my monthly math tests, further
reinforcing the belief that ‘I was lousy at math’. Once again, this
added another leg to my table.
What further reinforced my belief was what my mum said
when I kept failing math. She told me not to worry as she herself
failed math when she was a student. There was nothing I could
do as I probably inherited her genes. That solidified my belief
and stopped me from even trying to work out any problems, or
studying for Math. Once again, my brain started adding another
leg of evidence to my belief!
The minute I was confronted with a tough problem, I would
just quit. Whenever the teacher taught a concept that was
confusing, I wouldn’t bother to figure it out. I had math tuition
alright – but daydreamed through all the tuition sessions.
Sure enough, after sometime that belief that I was lousy at math
became absolutely real for me. I was firmly convinced that there
was no way I would ever understand maths, much less ever do
well in it.
multiplication Got answer
wrong in
Failed all
my math
tests My mother
said it’s her
How I Started Collapsing this Limiting Belief
So, if we know that beliefs are nothing but limiting
generalizations that hold us back, then how do we collapse
them? How do we collapse the belief tables that have formed
within our minds? The answer is to remove the legs that hold
the table up! In other words, we must challenge the evidences
that support the limiting belief. Once you remove the legs, the
belief will collapse!
So how do we go about challenging the evidences that hold
our beliefs together? This was exactly what I did…
My life changed the moment I realized that being lousy in
math was nothing but a limiting belief. It was only ‘a fact’ to me
because I chose to believe it! I chose to generalize every
experience into supporting this belief! I began to go back and
challenge all the ‘supporting evidence’ that kept reinforcing my
I realized that many of the evidence that support our beliefs
are nothing but our own interpretations of past experiences.
They could mean a million other things! Many of the supporting
evidence given by the people around us may also not even be
The fact that I could not understand multiplication did not
mean that I was lousy in math. It could simply mean that it was
never taught to me in a way that I could understand. It could
mean that I was not paying attention. The fact that I failed all
my math tests may just mean that I did not bother to study, or
that I used the wrong strategy.
I also started to find counter examples to the evidence that
I had lousy math genes. How? Well, I began to realize that many
of my school friends who were good in math had parents who
had little education and were hawkers and bus drivers. Once I
started questioning all these evidences, the legs of my table
started being removed and this limiting belief fell apart!
I then began to ask, ‘What would be a more empowering
belief to have?’ ‘What would be a powerful belief that would
drive me to do my best?’ I then came up with one ‘I am a math
From Math Dunce to Math Genius
– Starting with Just a New ‘Belief’
That new belief excited me. The trouble was that I had no
evidences or examples to support this new belief. So what did I
do? I began to create new evidences for myself.
In secondary one, I began to go back and start working on
math problems that I could handle at primary four (four grades
below). When I started to get the hang of it, I would then
proceed to primary five, slowly building up my foundation and
my confidence. When I started to solve problems, I began to
reinforce this new belief. Of course, I was still far behind many
of my classmates, but I was determined to catch up.
Pretty soon, after lots of extra hours of drilling during my
school holidays, I was able to handle all the math problems that
most of my friends were studying. As I started to understand the
concepts and was able to solve more and more problems, I had
more and more references to support my new belief.
Got answer wrong in class
Fail all my math tests
>>> Change meaning: I did
not study for it. I used the
wrong strategy.
Couldn’t understand
>>>Change meaning:
It was not taught to
me in a way which I
could understand.
My mother said
it’s her genes
>>> Counter
example: Friends
who did well
in math had
parents who didn’t
finish school.
What gave my new belief a super reinforcement was an
experience I had when I got into secondary three.
At that time, we were going to take a new subject that was
feared by everyone, Additional Math (A math). We were all
told that it was an extremely difficult math course and that
many people would fail it each year.
When my friends went into the new class, they were already
sabotaging their minds by buying this idea implanted by our
seniors. Now, for some reason, I was the only one who decided
to read up on the first chapter of this ‘super difficult subject’ the
night before.
Naturally, I didn’t understand everything I read, so I began
asking my seniors and got a pretty clear idea about what this
chapter on ‘linear functions’ was all about. The next day, as the
new math teacher started lecturing, the whole class got lost
somewhere in the middle of the abstract math. Because I had
read it up the night before, I was the only one who seemed to
know what the teacher was talking about.
Then the teacher asked for a volunteer to solve one of the
problems on the board. Everyone looked at each other and
started shaking their heads. I got up, went to the board and
wrote out the workings to the problem. Everyone, including the
teacher, was astonished. From all his past classes, no one could
ever solve the abstract math problem on the first day.
Because it was a brand new class and none of my new
classmates knew of my background, everyone looked at me like
I was some kind of genius. It felt really great and I started
enjoying this new identity of being a ‘math whiz’.
I started making a habit of reading ahead of the class, putting
in extra effort in all my assignments and tests. Pretty soon, with
all that hard work, I topped the whole class and went on to score
an A1 at the National O-level examinations.
That one major experience finally shattered all my old
limiting beliefs and solidified my new belief that ‘Maths is easy’,
and that ‘I am a math genius’. It was this belief that made me opt
to major in Math at Junior college. I diligently kept up with my
math studies and I scored straight As in Further Math and
College Math, two math courses that every student feared and
dubbed ‘really tough’. That is the awesome power of a belief
What Limiting Beliefs Do You Have?
So, think for a moment of all the beliefs that could have been
limiting your life all these years. What beliefs do you have that
could be preventing you from taking action and realizing your
full potential?
What are the beliefs you have about learning? About
relationships? About money? About your own identity and
capabilities? About your career or your business?
I want you to take all the time you need and list down all the
limiting beliefs that you have in the different areas of your life.
a Limiting Beliefs about My Identity & Capability
Do you believe in one or more of these?
I am too young? Too old? Not a good speaker? Lazy? Not smart enough?
Lack experience? Not qualified enough? Unlucky? Not cut out for business?
Lack the drive? What do you believe that you can never achieve?
b Limiting Beliefs about Money
Do you believe that:
Money is the root of all evil? Money is difficult to earn?
To become rich you must be greedy? Money will give you more problems?
c Limiting Beliefs about Relationships & People
Do you believe in one or more of these?
Marriages rarely have happy endings? All men are unfaithful?
All women are unreasonable? People generally cannot be trusted?
d Limiting Beliefs about My Career or Business
Do you believe that:
The market is too saturated? Business is tough? It’s hard to make money
in a recession? There are no opportunities out there? Something or
someone stops me from getting promoted? I cannot increase my profits?
I cannot expand my business?
Have you listed down all your limiting beliefs? I want you to
know that in order for you to change the quality of your life, you
must first change these limiting beliefs. The difference between
the exceptional, the average and the below average lie in the
beliefs they have about themselves, and the people around
them. Are you ready to begin eliminating these limiting beliefs
and install empowering ones instead? Great! There are five
major steps to changing your limiting beliefs.
How to Change AnyBelief
As you read through the following five steps, I want you to
participate actively in using the exercises to create the beliefs
changes that you desire. Out of the list of limiting beliefs you
have made, choose three major beliefs to work on first. Let’s get
1 Find Enough Reason to Change the Belief
The first step to changing a belief is to first find a strong enough
reason to change. Many of us do not change because we are in a
situation where although we are not satisfied with the results we
are getting, yet it is not painful enough for us to want to change.
So we have to create enough reasons for ourselves to change.
What is extremely powerful is to think of what this limiting
belief has cost us in our life and will continue to cost us in the
future. Remember that we are all driven by emotions and not by
logic. You can have all the logical reasons why you must change,
but you never will until you create the images in your mind and
feel strong enough emotions to want to change.
So, next to each of your limiting beliefs, I want you to think
and write down the price you have paid for holding on to these
How have these beliefs cost you in the past? For example, if
you have a belief that you ‘don’t have enough experience’, it
may have prevented you from taking on a challenging and
rewarding project, earning a promotion, taking advantage of a
business opportunity etc.
How will these beliefs continue to limit you in the future?
I also want you to think, ‘If I continue to hold on to these
beliefs, how would they limit me in the future? What would they
prevent me from achieving?’ Keep writing down all the reasons
why you must change each of these beliefs until you reach an
internal breaking point where you feel emotionally strong
enough to want to make that change.
So grab a pen, and start working on ONE of your major
limiting beliefs now!
1.1 Limiting Belief:
1.2 How this belief has cost me in the past?
What price have you paid for holding on to this limiting belief?
1.3 How could this belief cost you in the future?
What would it prevent you from achieving?
2 Challenge the ‘Evidences’ that Support the Belief
The next step is to begin analyzing each of your limiting beliefs
and begin challenging all the so-called evidences that support it.
Remember, we need to remove the legs that hold your belief up.
You will find eventually that these evidences are nothing but
generalizations and misinterpretations you have made about past
First, you must find the evidences that shore up your belief.
You can do so by asking the followings set of questions.
1) How did I first create this belief?
2) What makes me believe that this true?
Next, challenge the evidences by asking
1) ‘What else can this mean?’
2) ‘Is there a counter example?’
3) ‘How credible is this person giving me the belief?’
For example, I found out that my belief that ‘I was lousy in
math’ came from three evidences: my not be able to understand
multiplication sums, failing my math tests and my mum telling
me that it was in the genes. By analyzing these ‘evidences’, I
begin to change the meanings of these experiences.
My not understanding multiplication could simply mean
that I was not taught in a way which I could understand, instead
of meaning that I was slow. My failing my math test could mean
that I did not pay attention in class and did not study for it, and
not because I am inherently lousy at math.
And my mum was certainly not a credible source to affirm
that I have no aptitude for math just because she hated the
subject. I then found many counter examples where I had friends
whose parents were not at all academically bright, but they were
So, let’s start doing the same thing for your limiting belief.
Do the next part of this exercise now!
2.1 How did I first create this belief?
2.2 What are the evidences that support this limiting belief?
2.3 How can I challenge and break these evidences? What else could it
mean? Is there a counter example? How credible is this source?
3 Create a New Empowering Belief
Once you have shaken the foundations of the limiting belief,
you must then create a new empowering belief to replace the old
limiting one. What belief would be useful in empowering you to
take action?
For example, if the old belief was, ‘I am too young to start a
business’, the new belief can be ‘Youth means sharpness and
energy in business’ or ‘young people make better business people
because they are more flexible, more open to new ideas’.
If your limiting belief is, ‘I’m too old to start…’ look for all
the examples of those who changed careers at 40 or even 50 plus
and went onto become roaring successes. Or took up a daredevil
sport that even people half their age dare not attempt. And
install the new belief that ‘Maturity means sounder judgment,
more understanding, more wisdom.’ Write down your new
empowering belief now.
3.1 My New Empowering Belief:
4 Create New Evidences to Support this Belief
Once you have created a new belief, find new evidence to
support this new belief. ‘Were there times in the past when this
belief would have been true?’ For example, if you want to adopt
the belief that ‘I am a fast learner’, was there a time in the past
when you were very fast at learning a new skill?
‘Are there any examples you can see in other people?’ For
every belief you have, you can definitely find evidences to
support it. Look in books, go on the internet.
For example, when I wanted to install the belief that ‘very
young people can start a business and become successful’, I did
considerable research and found that quite a number of highly
successful entrepreneurs started out, with no money, at a very
young age.
If you cannot find any evidences at all, make it up! That’s
right. The mind cannot tell the difference between what is real
and what is clearly imagined. This was exactly what Roger
Banister did when he set out to break the world’s record in
distance running. Find and write down all the evidences you can
find that will support this new belief.
4.1 New Evidences to Support My New Belief
5 Future Pace and Associate All the Benefits of Having this
New Belief
Finally, I want you to take some time and use the power of
visualization to install this new empowering belief. I want you to
close your eyes and bring yourself into the future.
How would you behave differently with this new
empowering belief? What would you go for that you didn’t in the
past? What new decisions would you make differently? How
would you benefit from this new belief? Think about it a year
from now. Two years from now. Five years from now. Ten years
from now. Write down all the ways you will benefit from having
this new empowering belief.
5.1 By Adopting this New Belief, I will make the following new decisions
and take the following actions.
5.2 By Adopting this New Belief, I would Benefit in the following ways
So, anytime you want to change a limiting belief or assist
someone else in breaking free from their mental mindsets, refer
to these five major steps. Let’s move on to the secret of peak
Chapter Summary
1 Beliefs are what empower ordinary people to achieve
extraordinary things.
2 At the same time, limiting beliefs are what keep most
people, despite all their resources, from achieving what they
really can.
3 Our beliefs determine what we expect from ourselves and
how much we get out of ourselves.
4 Our beliefs affect our biochemistry and physical well-being.
5 The human mind cannot tell the difference between a real
experience and a vividly imagined one.
6 We can achieve peak performance through creative
7 Beliefs are never absolutely true. They are opinions and
generalizations we form about ourselves, and the world
around us.
8 Whatever we choose to believe becomes true for us.
9 We must adopt empowering beliefs and change those beliefs
that limit us.
10 Beliefs are first created from an idea that is reinforced by
11 There are five steps to changing any belief
a Find enough reasons to change the belief
bChallenge the evidences that support it
c Create a new empowering belief
d Find new evidences to support this new belief
e Future pace and associate all the benefits of having this
new belief
Action is the Driving Force that Produces Results
re the most successful people the ones with the most
knowledge, the most intelligence or the most
academically brilliant? Of course not. If this were true,
then everyone with a PhD or from MENSA would be a
multimillionaire. The irony is that many people who do
extremely well academically usually end up working for those
who were average performers in school.
Think about this. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey,
Steven Spielberg, Larry Ellison, Soichiro Honda and Richard
Branson all do not have a college degree. Yet they have built
billion dollar empires run by extremely well qualified managers
and professionals, many with Harvard MBAs. Why? Simply
because they were individuals who took massive action.
Action is the driving force that makes things happen. When
you take consistent action towards a specific outcome, you
definitely produce results. You either get the results you want
(success), or you get the results you don’t want (feedback).
By changing your strategy and consistently taking even more
action, you will eventually get the results that you want.
You see, knowledge, intelligence and capability are not
‘power’. They are only potential forms power. It is only when you
take action that these resources become powerful.
Success is defined by how much action you take and not just
by how much knowledge and capability you have. Knowledge
can be learnt and capability can be acquired. But action is the
one resource that you have to unleash within yourself.
‘Ignorant’ Henry Ford was Smart Enough to Hire People
Smarter than He!
Henry Ford, the inventor of the automobile, was very often labeled an
‘ignorant man’ as he did not have much formal schooling. He did not
know much about accounting, engineering or literature. Despite this,
Ford founded the Ford Motor Company, which today is a billion dollar
global business.
In actual fact, he did not have the necessary skills or talent to invent
anything. He was just a man who kept taking massive action backed by
an unshakeable belief that ‘nothing was impossible.’ His secret was this.
‘Hire people who are smarter than you and put them to work.’
That’s exactly what Ford did. He went out and hired the best brains
to work for him. He then tasked them to invent the Ford-T, the first
automobile. When these scientists and engineers said it was impossible,
he said, ‘Do whatever it takes, and you will find a way’, ‘Don’t give me a
problem, find a solution.’ Eventually, with all his pushing, the first model
T was introduced to the world in 1908.
The same thing still holds true today. Many intelligent, well-educated people I know with MBAs and PhDs never accomplish
much because, although they may have the intelligence and
knowledge, they don’t take sufficient consistent action.
On the other hand, there are many millionaires and business
owners I know who never went to university or dropped out of
college, and yet they have created phenomenal results, simply
because they kept taking action. Very often, it is because they
have nothing to lose… so they take lots of action to make up for it.
Yes, unfortunately, while book knowledge and tertiary
education can be extremely valuable assets, too much of it can
become a liability. I have found that when people have excess
knowledge, they spend all their time over analyzing and
thinking of WHY ‘it cannot be done’, so much so that it
paralyses them and they end up never taking action.
When you are highly academically qualified, you tend to be
more risk averse. So you tend to take less action. I am not saying
that knowledge and education are not important. They are
extremely powerful resources. But taking massive action is the
key to unleashing your personal power.
People who combine knowledge with massive action
become unstoppable in achieving any goal.
Emotion Drives Action
The most common reasons I hear are: ‘I lack motivation’, ‘I’m
too lazy’, ‘I don’t feel confident’ or ‘I am afraid that…’. Is this
true for you as well? If you are like most people, you would
probably be nodding your head.
If you think about it, ‘motivation’, ‘fear’, ‘confidence’, ‘inertia
– expressed as procrastination’, are nothing but emotional states
we experience.
You see, it is not primarily logic that drives our actions. It is
our emotions. Very often, we know that logically we should do
something, but we don’t do it because we don’t feel like doing it.
For example, you know that you should start exercising three
times a week, but you put it off because you feel lazy. As a
salesperson, you know you should make ten cold calls a day, but
you don’t do it because you don’t feel like being rejected. You
know that public speaking will help your career, but you don’t
get on stage and face the audience because you feel the fear.
At the same time, there are many things we do, knowing full
well that we shouldn’t! But we still do it. Why? Because we feel
like doing it. For example, you know that eating that extra piece
of delicious chocolate cake is bad for your weight/health but you
still do it because you feel greedy. You know that you shouldn’t
go back to sleep when the alarm rings, but you still lie in because
it feels so good.
It is truly our emotional ‘states’ that drive our actions and
behaviors all the time. How we feel truly determines what we do
and how we do it.
Emotional ‘states’ like ‘excitement’, ‘passion’, ‘confidence’,
‘happiness’, ‘exhilaration’ get us to take action and perform at
our peak.
At the same time, states like ‘fear’, ‘anxiety’, ‘stress’, ‘inertia’,
‘depression’, ‘tiredness’ hold us back.
Have you ever experienced a day when you managed to get
a lot of things done? When your ideas flowed, when you made
the best decisions and you were absolutely on form? I am sure
you have. Well on those ‘top of form’ days, you were in a series
of resourceful states.
Then again, have you had days when you couldn’t get
anything done? When you couldn’t do anything right? You said
and did the most stupid things? How could this happen? You
were the same person and had exactly the same resources
available to you. The difference was that you were not in a
resourceful state.
People who take consistent action and produce great results
do so because they experience many more resourceful states on
a daily basis. It is these empowering states that allow them to get
the best out of themselves. So what states do you experience on
a daily basis?
Do you find yourself in empowering states frequently or are
you usually in an un-resourceful state? I want to you grab a pen
and take the time to do this next exercise.
A Checklist of Your States
In the space below, I want you to list the 10 most common
emotional states you experience on a daily basis. Think about it.
From the time you wake up in the morning to the time you
sleep, what are the states you experience most frequently? Be
completely honest with yourself and do it now.
Top 10 Emotional States Experienced Daily
Example: How do you feel when you wake up? When you walk into the office?
When you meet your clients? In the middle of the day? When you arrive
home? When You are faced with a challenge? When you are faced with tough
deadlines? When things do not go your way?
Have you done the exercise? If you haven’t, please go back
and do it! It is extremely important. Now, assuming you have a
list of your top ten states, I want you to put a tick next to those
states which you find are extremely resourceful. What are the
states that get you to take action and perform at your peak? Do
this now.
Next, I want you to put a cross next to those states which
hold you back and stop you from taking action. Cross those
states that are un-resourceful for you. Do this now.
Look at your list again. Do you experience more empowering
states or more lousy states on a daily basis? This list is normally
an accurate reflection of how successful you are at producing the
results you want.
I have found that people who are extremely productive and
successful have a lot more empowering states than lousy states.
Below is a typical list from a high achieving individual. This is
not to say that they do not experience ‘inertia’, ‘fear’, or
‘depression’. It’s just that they experience it far less frequently
and when they do, they are able to get out of these lousy states
much more quickly. They don’t wallow in their unproductive
Top 10 Emotional States of a Successful Person
1 Motivation 2 Excitement 3 Passion
4 Energy 5 Confidence 6 Stress ✗
7 Anger ✗ 8 Worry ✗ 9 Happiness
10 Curiosity
On the other hand, take a look at the list of a typical
individual who is not as successful as he could be.
Top 10 Emotional States of a Typical Person
1 Frustrated ✗ 2 Fear ✗ 3 Laziness ✗
4 Procrastination✗ 5 Excitement 6 Anxiety ✗
7 Happiness 8 Tiredness and sleepiness ✗
9 Boredom ✗ 10 Depression ✗
Does this make sense? You may be the smartest and most
intelligent person in the world. But if you constantly experience
un-resourceful states like ‘fear’, ‘frustration, ‘inertia’ and
‘lethargy’, you simply cannot perform at your peak. This is what
happens to most people I see.
Are You in Control Over Your States?
Let me ask you another important question. Are you in absolute
control over the states that you experience from moment to
moment? When you got depressed, did you tell yourself, ‘I think
I will feel depressed now!’ and get into that state?
When you are in a state of confidence, did you direct
yourself to get into a confident state? Most people don’t
consciously direct their own states. Very often, they find
themselves just moving in and out of different states, and their
emotions affect how they feel and how they perform, without
them realising it.
For example, have you ever been in a positive state and then
suddenly, during the day you feel lousy for no apparent reason?
Or you feel extremely motivated at first but after a while, you
lose your motivation and fail to follow through?
You see, if we don’t consciously manage our states, our brain
will run on auto-pilot and shift us into different states. Worse
still, after a while many of these states become habitual patterns,
which we keep experiencing over and over again. Like every
time we get out of bed, even after seven hours of sleep, we feel
sleepy and lethargic.
Or the minute we step into the office and look at the work
piled up, we feel frustrated and overwhelmed. All these limiting
patterns have been programmed into our subconscious and
formed through our neuro-connections. That is why many
people feel that they are not in control over their emotions, and
their lives.
At the same time, many people allow their states to be
controlled by external events. For example, when they close a
sale, they feel motivated and confident to do more. When they
experience failure, they get so frustrated and depressed that they
When someone encourages them or when they attend a
motivational seminar, they get excited and motivated and take
action. When someone passes a negative comment, they get
upset. These people tend to operate from the ‘blame frame’ we
talked about in an earlier chapter. That is, when they feel lousy,
they blame something or someone else for getting them into
that lousy state. ‘He makes me so upset, I can’t get anything
done’ or ‘Because of what happened, I don’t feel confident
anymore’ or ‘My boss does not motivate me enough.’
Does this mean that successful individuals who experience
more empowering states do so because they experience more
positive events?
Do they have less problems? Do they have people who
encourage them all the time? Do they achieve their goals often
and never fail? We know that is not true! They may experience
the same lousy events in their environments, but they are able
to remain in powerful states like motivation and confidence that
continue to drive them to take more action until they get the
desired result!
How? They are able to take charge and consciously direct
their states from moment to moment. Unsuccessful people, on
the other hand, find themselves constantly at the mercy of their
(bad) habits and their environment.
So, you must start taking charge of your states and learn how
to get yourself constantly into resourceful states that allow you
to perform at your peak. The first thing you must understand is
We Create Our Own Emotional States
At any point of time, you create your own states! If you are
feeling confident, then you are creating that confidence within
yourself. If you are feeling depressed, you are creating your own
depression. When you are motivated, you are creating that state
of empowerment. No one or nothing can affect or change your
state unless you choose to allow yourself to get into that state.
Is this really true? Well, think about this. Why is it that two
people can encounter the exact same event, but feel totally
different about it? One person may feel fear at having to speak
in front of a large audience, while the other feels totally relaxed.
One person may feel totally motivated coming into the
office, while the other feels bored and tired. One person may feel
inspired and challenged when faced with an obstacle while
another person feels demoralized. So, you see, it is not what
happens on the outside that affects a person’s state, but what
happens on the inside.
So how do we create our states? During the times when we
feel totally motivated, how do create that? When we are
depressed, how do we create that depressed feeling?
How you feel at any moment in time is determined by two
things, 1) your Physiology and 2) your Internal Representation.
Your Physiology Affects Your State
The first thing that determines the state you are in is your
physiology. I define broadly physiology as the condition and use
of our physical body.
The condition of your body has a direct impact on how you
feel. Do you feel differently when your body is well rested and
physically vibrant? Of course.
When your muscles are relaxed and your cells are bursting
with energy, you are most likely in a peak state.
But if you have to get out of bed after a night of tossing and
turning with worry, or insufficient sleep, won’t you feel your
muscles aching and your joints stiff? And I bet you won’t be in a
very resourceful state at all. You will easily get into states like
tiredness, frustration and depression. This is why it is so
important your body is maintained in peak condition through
both proper diet and exercise.
Highly successful individuals from Presidents to pop stars are
consistently able to be in peak states because they keep
themselves in peak physical condition through a comprehensive
exercise regime.
US President George W. Bush runs an average of three miles
(within 8 minutes), four times a week, and also routinely cross-trains with swimming, free weights and an elliptical trainer. As
a result, his resting heart rate is 43 beats per minute, equivalent
to that of a professional athlete. In order to maintain her level
of energy both on and off stage, pop queen Madonna runs daily,
follows a strict routine of yoga and avoids all junk food.
When you engage in daily aerobic activities like swimming,
running, cycling or even jumping on the trampoline, you
oxygenate your body more readily. Oxygen and nutrients will be
carried to and nourish your cells more effectively, giving you a
lot more energy! With your physical body in a peak condition,
you will find yourself being in peak emotional states as well.
Know too that the way you use your physiology (Body)
equally affects your state. What do I mean by this?
Well, if you were to be in a depressed state, what would your
physiology be like? Your posture would probably be slouched.
Your eyes would be downward looking. Your breathing would be
slow and shallow. Your facial muscles would be drooping and
your tone of voice low and soft, even barely audible.
Now, what if you were in a state of total excitement? Your
physiology would be completely different, wouldn’t it? Your posture
and shoulders would be upright, your eyes would be wide open
and more focused, your breathing would be faster and deeper,
your facial muscles would be firm and your voice would be much
louder and you would speak in a higher pitch!
You see, every state we experience has a specific physiology
associated with it. In other words, in order for us to create
depression, we must shift our physiology into a depressed one.
When we feel excited, we automatically have to shift our
physiology into an excited format. It is just that we are so used
to doing it, we don’t realize that we can actually control it.
Can you feel depressed if you were to stay in an excited
physiology? Of course not! It is impossible because your brain
and body are neurologically linked. When you shift your
physiology, you automatically shift your mind and your state!
In the next section, we will explore how you can take
immediate control over your states through consciously
directing your physiology.
Your Internal Representation Affects Your State
The second thing that affects the state you are in is your internal
representation. Our internal representation is a fancy term
meaning How and What we think about.
It is how we internally represent what is going on around us
inside our mind. We may all experience the same external
event, but we represent it very differently in our minds.
Now, we all experience the external world through our five
senses. Right? We cannot consciously be aware of everything
that is happening around us because every second there are two
million bits of stimuli hitting our brain. In order for our brain to
cope, our minds filter all this information by deleting, distorting
and generalizing all this stimuli into an internal representation
of what is happening around us.
In other words, what we perceive is not reality but an
internal re-presentation of reality. This is why two people can
encounter the same event, but represent it and feel very
differently about it in their minds.
For example: Couple A on a European tour LOVED the
ambience of the old hotels, the high ceilings, the soft double
beds, even the rickety lift they thought charming.
Couple B, who COMPLAINED about everything, hated the
‘faded appearance’ of old hotels, they would have far preferred
the compactness and modernity of motel rooms with their twin
beds. See the same hotels and the difference in representations
or perceptions?
2 million bits of
information per second Beliefs
Some of the key filters that determine what we delete,
distort and generalize are our Beliefs, Values and Attitudes.
Because different people have different beliefs, values and
attitudes, they delete, distort and generalize things very
differently. As a result, all of us experience a very different
representation of the world.
Some people have powerful beliefs, values and attitudes that
allow them to constantly represent things in a way that puts
them in an empowering state while others constantly represent
things in a way that puts them in a lousy, ineffective state.
So What is Our Internal Representation Made Up Of?
How do we re-present things in our mind? We do so primarily by
seeing pictures (visual) and playing sounds (auditory). We also
tend to talk to ourselves through an internal voice (auditory
What we picture in our minds, the sounds we play and what
we say to ourselves ALL affect the states we get (ourselves) into.
Some people have a pattern of constantly representing
things in such a way that makes them feel depressed. Others do
the opposite.
For example, what happens when the alarm clock rings in
the morning? For some it automatically fires off an internal
voice that goes, ‘What time is it? Why must I wake up so early?
How much longer can I sleep? Give me five more minutes.’ They
then picture in their minds all the people and things they dislike
but will have to face during the day. What state do you think
this will trigger them into? Most probably a state of lethargy that
will get them to turn over and go back to sleep. And then be
really late for work… which will put them into a frantic state for
the entire day !
Have you ever wondered how some people can jump out of
bed feeling excited and energized every morning?
Well, for one thing, they run a very different program in
their minds. Their internal representation is completely different.
The moment the alarm rings, they start playing a voice that goes
‘Wow! It’s morning. Time to get up! There are so many things to
do!’ And this internal voice is probably in a loud, enthusiastic
tone. They then create pictures of all the exciting things they
will be doing that day and how good they would feel getting it
done. This gets them to instantly jump out of bed, all energized.
Does EverybodyExperience Failure, Rejection
and Obstacles?
Of course we all do… from Royalty to the trash collector. Just
think of the many knocks the British royal family have had from
the ridicule Prince Charles has had to endure and overcome, the
loneliness Princess Diana felt so acutely, to the pain and rejection
Queen Elizabeth experienced when Diana died and the public
criticized what they perceived to be her ‘coldness’.
Again, how you represent happenings, incidents, other
people’s behavior in your mind will affect the state that you create
for yourself.
For some people, the moment they experience a setback, they
will create all the worst pictures & sounds in their mind! They
will keep re-playing the internal movie of themselves failing and
even picture themselves screwing up all future attempts.
They will have an internal voice that goes, ‘Why does this
happen to me?’ ‘I always screw up!’ By representing the
experience this way, you put yourself in the worst possible state!
You will probably feel so frustrated, overwhelmed and scared that
you will stop taking action.
Most successful people I know choose to represent their
setbacks in a way that keeps them in an empowering state. When
they experience a set-back, instead of painting a gloom and doom
scenario, they picture all the possibilities of turning the situation
They picture their final, successful outcome and also say to
themselves, ‘What can I learn from this set-back? How can I turn
this around?’ So they constantly find themselves confident and
motivated to keep taking action until they succeed.
So which ‘mental program’ do you play daily? How do you
habitually re-present things in your mind? If you have been
playing a destructive program, then you must begin to change it
The moment you start consciously directing the pictures and
words in your head, you start getting control over your emotions
and actions!
You will learn exactly how to do this in the next chapter on
‘Directing your Brain for Optimum Results!’
How We Create Procrastination & Motivation
Have you ever experienced the state of procrastination? Stupid
question? All of us have, at one time or another! Procrastination
is the number one killer of success. It is the single most common
state that keeps people from taking action. It’s when you know
that you should do something, but keep putting it off.
Have you ever had to start on a project but kept doing
everything else that would delay you getting started? You
cleaned your desk, got a drink of water, checked your emails,
walked around and finally said, ‘I think I will do it tomorrow!’
Has there also been another time when you felt totally
motivated in getting started on a project? A time when you just
sat down and got it done immediately? Of course, the trouble is
that this situation rarely happens, and never when we need to
get something done.
Again, I want you to understand how you create these two
states using your physiology and your internal representation.
When you understand this, you will find yourself being able to
change, interrupt and change states when you need to.
When you were procrastinating, you were using your
physiology in a particular way. Your breathing was probably slow
and shallow. Your muscles were droopy, your eyes were looking
down and your facial muscles were probably flaccid.
How do you think you were creating your internal
representation? You were probably seeing pictures of yourself
having a tough time, being overwhelmed and getting frustrated.
You were probably saying to yourself, ‘Must I do this now? Can I
do it later?’ In the most bored and weary tone of voice. And that
is why you don’t feel like starting on it at all.
On the other hand, when you were in a motivated state and
just got things done, how did you create that?
Well, your physiology was probably completely different. You
were sitting differently, breathing differently and moving
differently. You were probably representing the task very
differently in your mind. You were seeing yourself getting results,
having fun and doing things effortlessly. You probably said to
yourself, ‘Do it now!’ ‘Let’s get it done!’ in a more excited, higher
pitched tone of voice.
Again, remember, we hardly manage our states consciously.
We never consciously decide to shift our physiology and control
our internal representations to control our states. Instead, we let
our minds run on autopilot and in so doing sit back and lose
control of our own states and consequently results. Let’s now
begin to learn…
How to Take Charge of Your Physiology
Directing your physiology is one of the most powerful ways of
managing your states.
In those times when you felt powerful, motivated and
confident, it was because the elements of your physiology were
in the right place.
When you were feeling off-color and unenthusiastic, your
physiology was not in an optimum mode.
In the last section, we said that every state has a specific
physiology associated to it. For you to get depressed, your
physical body must be configured in a certain way.
If we didn’t shift the elements of our body into a slack state,
our brain will not be able to access the state of depression. We
do it so often and subconsciously that many of us have become
experts at feeling down. Or even becoming really depressed,
haven’t we?
Now, it is very important for you to not just understand this
intellectually, but to fully participate in the activities so you can
experience first-hand how directing and shifting your physiology
can make such a great impact on your state of mind.
Exercise 1 Get into a State of Feeling Really Bored and Tired
What I want you to do is to get into a state of feeling really bored
and tired. Sit the way you would be sitting if you felt totally
bored and tired. Now, I know this may sound a little strange, but
I want you to really give it your best. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10
being extremely bored, I want you to imagine that you are at a 10!
Breathe the way you would if you felt totally bored. How
would you look? What would your facial expression be like?
Now, say to yourself what you would normally say if you were
totally bored and tired (say it in the exact same way!). Go ahead
and do this now.
How do you feel? Now, if you had really participated, you
would have felt a state change. You would have felt yourself
getting bored and tired. Now, what happened to your
physiology? What was your posture like? Where were your
shoulders? Where was your head position? What did you say to
yourself? How did you say it? How did you breathe? Now,
typically for most people, their physiology for bored and tired
would be what you see below.
This is your physiological recipe
for getting bored and tired! As you
can see, it takes a lot of effort to get
into a certain state. It’s just that you
have been doing it for so many years
you have become quite an expert at
slipping into this state.
Now, Snap Out of Boredom
by Changing Your Physiology
Well, what will happen if you were to take someone who is in a
lousy state like this and totally change his physiology? Not
changing just one or two elements, but changing everything!
Shoulders slouched forward
Voice Tone
Muscle tension
Facial expression Mouth closed and narrow. Muscles droopy
Relaxed. Tension in the neck
Low volume. Low pitch
Looking down, unfocused
Shallow and slow
Head hanging down
Voice Tone
Muscle tension
Facial expression Mouth closed, narrow, droopy
Relaxed, tension in neck
Low volume, low pitch, slow
Looking down, defocused
Shallow and slow
Back slouched
Mouth wider, tension in cheeks
Tension in hands & shoulders
Louder, faster, higher pitch
Looking up, eyes wide, focused
Faster and deeper
Body upright
Shoulders slouched, head down Shoulders back, head up Posture
If you were to massively change someone’s physiology, they
would immediately experience a change in state! You would
immediately feel more energized and expectant! I know this
sounds very simplistic, but this is how your body controls your
state of mind.
How People Usually Manage their States
The notion of changing your physical body to change your states
is nothing new. All the gurus who teach yoga, meditation, qi
gong and tai chi are masters at changing the physical body to
effect a complete change of state… from a stressed, tense state
to one of complete relaxation and ‘stillness’. All this is of course
taught consciously and the health benefits are enormous.
But many people, unfortunately, use external stimuli to
change their physical bodies and their states, which is generally
not at all good for them in the long term. For example, people
use junk food, coffee, drugs, alcohol or cigarettes, all of which
alter their biochemistry and change how they feel temporarily.
(Unfortunately the negative effects of such addictive foods and
drugs on their physical body is long term.)
Some people I know smoke to change their states, especially
to calm their nerves from stress and anxiety. Well, why does
smoking change your state? It is not so much the chemicals that
do the job. Rather, it is the fact that by inhaling, you are taking
deep slow breaths. And that is why you feel calmer and more
relaxed. Next time, save money, just puff deeply on a pen. I bet
you will get the same effects.
A strategy some people use to change their states, which is
rather useful and beneficial, is to exercise. I am sure you have
experienced a time when you felt frustrated, depressed or
stressed. When you went out for a run or a game of tennis, what
happened? You immediately forgot you were depressed! That is
because exercising massively changes your entire physiology: the
brain cannot access the depressed state any more.
But what happened when you stopped exercising? You
gradually got depressed again, didn’t you? However, this means
that you dohave the ability to shift completely out of negative
states in an instant, you just need to take control over it. And
you don’t need external devices to change your states, you can
do it by consciously taking charge of your physiology.
Exercise 2 Experiencing a Change in State
Now, I want you to experience how powerful a state change can
be. Get back into your bored and tired state by putting yourself
in a bored and tired physiology. The moment you feel that you’re
in this lousy state, I want you to clap your hands and change
your entire physiology! Get into the new physiology of energy
and excitement!
Test this out now!
Did you feel the state change? I am sure you did. This means
that anytime you need to get into a more resourceful state, you
can consciously change your physiology and your state will
change. The more you do this, the more natural it will become.
Now, unless you totally change your physiology, it is
impossible for you to change your state, In other words, if you
remain in a physiology of procrastination, it is not possible for
you to feel motivated! That is why I find it ironic when people
tell me that no matter what they do, they cannot seem to get
motivated. It is because they say it (unconsciously) with the
most bored physiology and tonality possible. First thing I say is,
‘Change your physiology! Move faster! Breathe faster! Speak
louder, faster and with more enthusiasm!’
Voice Tone
Muscle tension
Facial expression Mouth closed, narrow, droopy
Relaxed, tension in neck
Low volume, low pitch, slow
Looking down, defocused
Shallow and slow
Back slouched
Mouth wider, tension in cheeks
Tension in hands & shoulders
Louder, faster, higher pitch
Looking up, eyes wide, focused
Faster and deeper
Body upright
Shoulders slouched, head down Shoulders back, head up Posture
Exercise 3 Get into the State of Being Totally Depressed
Let’s do this really simple experiment. I want you to get into the
physiology of being totally depressed. How would you sit if you
were totally depressed? Breathe the way you would breathe.
Have a look of total depression on your face.
Now, without changing any part of your physiology, I want
you to try to feel happy. Remaining in a totally depressed
physiology, try to get into a happy state. Can you? No. It’s
impossible. This is so obvious that it sounds ridiculous. But in
reality, we complain of not being able to get motivated,
confident and relaxed when we keep putting our physiology in a
totally collapsed posture.
Please bear in mind that once you know how to manage your
states, it doesn’t mean that external events can never affect you.
It doesn’t mean that you will never get upset or lazy anymore! I
still have my fair share of lazy states that I get into. The only
difference is that now you can choose to be in control and begin
to shift yourself into a more resourceful state, as and when you
need to bring out the best out in yourself.
Direct Yourself into Peak States
for Peak Performance
One of the most powerful ways I have used this is in the area of
public speaking. As a motivational speaker, I am expected to be
in a peak state every time I step on stage. It is only when I am in
a peak state of confidence and power that I can get my seminars
across in the most dynamic way. And it is the only way I can
elicit those same powerful states from the participants.
The challenge is that I am on stage virtually every single
day. Many people have often asked me, ‘Where do you get your
energy? How do you get so confident and motivated all the time?’
The only reason I am able to constantly get myself into state
on stage is because I totally take charge of my entire physiology.
I can assure you that there have been many times when I was in
a totally different state just before I got on stage.
There have been many times when I felt nervous, worried
and even upset because of external events. But just before I get
on stage, I would get myself into a physiology of total confidence
and motivation! I would remember how I would stand, how I
would move, the tone of voice I would use, the expression on my
face and the tension in my muscles. I would then adopt that very
same physiology and wham! I would stride up there and perform
at my peak!
Multi-Tasking and Peak Physiology
The only way I managed to write all my five books, juggling
writing with a hectic work schedule, was through using this
technique as well. The biggest challenge about writing a book is
that after the first chapter, you inevitably lose the initial
excitement, get stuck with ideas and feel overwhelmed.
This is what causes most authors to procrastinate and
eventually give up. Either that or they take years to write a book.
It’s not that they lack the ideas or the time, they just have to
wait to get into a motivated and creative state before they can
write easily.
As for me, I couldn’t give myself the luxury of waiting for the
creative juices to start flowing naturally. If I did, this book would
never have been completed and published. I would never have
met my target of writing two books in one year, while running
three companies and being on stage speaking nearly everyday.
Whenever I scheduled the time to write a chapter, I would
put myself into a state of total motivation and creativity. I would
get into this state by mimicking the physiology I was in, in the
recent past, when I was in a peak state. The minute I got into
state, I would write non-stop for hours, and the words would just
flow. This was especially useful when I had to begin writing at
1 am after finishing a hectic training and work schedule during
the day.
Fake it Till You Make it!
Have you ever wanted to be absolutely confident in certain
situations when you were feeling unsure? Would it be
empowering for you to get into a state of being totally motivated
instead of feeling the usual lethargy?
Or how about changing your fear of going on stage to feeling
enthusiastic and relaxed when you have to face an audience?
How much would it change the results you are able to
produce in life? Well you can! All you have to do is to put
yourself in that physiology of excellence!
If you want to feel confident, all you have to do is to adopt
the total physiology of confidence. If you want to feel motivated,
adopt the physiology of motivation.
This is called the ‘Act as if…’ principle.If you want to feel
a certain state, act as if you were already in that state.
Remember that confidence, motivation and excitement are
nothing but emotional states that you have experienced in the
past. If you could access these states in a past situation, those
same resources are available to you now! All you have to do is to
model the exact same physiology you were in when you
experienced it previously.
Getting Yourself into a State of Confidence
Imagine that you are going to make a presentation, which you
have prepared for but, as usual, you don’t feel confident at all.
And it has been this lack of confidence that has affected your
performance in the past. How do you get yourself into a
confident state?
If you think about it, I am sure there has been a time in the
past when you felt totally confident. There was definitely a time
you were able to access a state of total confidence.
Think of the last time when you felt really confident doing
something you were good at.
Go back to that time and adopt the same physiology you
were in. Stand the way you were standing. Breathe the way you
were breathing. Have the same tension in your face, arms and
hands. Have the same focus in your eyes. Now, say to yourself
what you would normally say when you are feeling totally
confident. Use the exact same tone and volume!
If you had followed this exercise conscientiously, do you now
feel that confident state? I bet you do! As long as you have
accessed a particular state in the past, your mind and body can
re-create it by accessing the past resources. This is what is
known as modeling the physiology of excellence!
Steps to Modeling Your Physiology of Excellence
Whenever you need to feel particularly motivated, confident
and even happy, you don’t have to depend on something
external to put you in that state. As long as you have
experienced this resourceful state in the past, you can tap into it
nowby modeling the physiology you were in then!
There are six steps you must take to access any resourceful
state. Let’s say you have to take on a challenge and you want to
put yourself into an absolutely confident state in order to
perform at your peak.
By modeling the exact same physiology your body was in
previously, you will be able to feel the CONFIDENCE surging
through your Body, readying you to take on any Challenge!
In the next chapter, you will learn how to enhance the impact and
intensity of your state even further by directing your internal
representation at the same time.
Think of a time in
the past when you
felt totally Confident
Stand the way you
would stand if you felt
totally Confident
Breathe the way
you would breathe
if you felt totally
Have the facial expression,
focus in your eyes when
you felt totally Confident
Gesture the way you would
if you felt totally Confident
Say what you would
say to yourself if you felt
totally Confident.
(Use the same volume,
tone and pitch of voice)
How Sports People Use the Physiology
of Confidence to Win
This technique is especially powerful in the area of competitive
sports. At the highest level of competition, where sports people
beat each other by mere milliseconds, points or strokes, it is not
the level of capability that gives them the edge.
At that standard of competition, all of them have the
potential and capability of winning. What sets them apart on
competition day is the state in which their mind and body is in.
Aren’t there days when you can hit perfect golf shots or connect
with the tennis ball each time? On those days, you happened to
be in that peak state. But on some days, despite having the same
mental and physical capabilities, you kept missing the ball or
tripping over yourself.
How Agassi Regained His Confidence
At one time, Andre Agassiwas invincible on the tennis courts. The
world’s number one tennis player would be in a state of total focus and
confidence each time he faced his opponent. As a result, he performed
at a standard that gave him the winning edge. Then he started to go into
a slump. For some reason, he lost his focus and couldn’t get into the
right state. He kept missing the ball and making the wrong moves. He
consulted peak performance coach Anthony Robbins who explained to
Agassi that the reason he was not winning his games was because he
was not in the same resourceful states he was in, in the past.
Robbins got Agassi to watch videotapes of the matches in which he won
and Agassi started noticing that in those instances, his physiology was
different compared to the way he presently carried himself on the
courts. In the past, his posture was different, the focus in his eyes was
different, his breathing pattern was different and he moved differently.
So Robbins instructed him to watch and model the physiology he had in
the past. In the next few matches, Agassi would go in and consciously
adopt the exact same physiology he had in the past. He started getting
into his peak state and played the winning way he used to. As a result,
he won the US Open within six months & regained his ranking as the
world number one.
The Mind-Body Connection
What psychologists and medical practitioners now know is that
the mind and body are more neurologically linked than we ever
thought before. As a result, your internal representation and
physiology are in a cybernetic loop.
What this means is that when you change one, the other
would change as well. If you had an internal representation of
depression (you thought of something totally depressive), your
body would shift into a depressive physiology. This is pretty
obvious. At the same time, changing your physiology affects the
way your mind represents things internally.
For example, if you put yourself into a depressed physiology,
then I guarantee that you will start perceiving things in a ‘can’t
be done, too hard’ fashion. You may look at a particular
challenge, and feel totally overwhelmed by it.
But when you are in a physiology of power, you start to
perceive similar events very differently. Looking at the same
challenge, you will start to see it in a much more positive light.
You will start focusing on what is possible and start thinking
about solutions instead of putting obstacles in front of you.
Exercise 4 Think of a Challenge You are Faced With
I want you to think of a particular challenge or task that you are
faced with in your life, right now. A challenge which you feel
overwhelmed by, like you are not sure whether you can tackle it
or not. As you think about this challenge, notice the physiology
your body is in. Notice the state that you are experiencing at
this very moment.
Now, I want you to stand up and put yourself into a
physiology of Absolute Confidence.
How would your physiology be if you felt unstoppable?
Stand the way you would stand if you felt totally confident.
Breathe the way you would breathe and put an expression
of confidence on your face.
Put a look of focus, intensity, alertness into your eyes.
Now, while remaining in this physiology, I want you to think
of that same challenge or task, but this time staying in this
physiology of power.
As you think of the challenge now, do you perceive it
differently? Does it feel like you could take it on a lot more
easily? For most people, the answer would be yes! In a powerful
physiology, your brain starts to re-present the issue in a much
more empowering way, thus getting you into a more resourceful
state to take action.
Replicating Another Person’s Winning Physiology
Have you have ever been in a situation where you felt
overwhelmed? The challenge or task seemed so daunting? And
that feeling of being swamped, of being overcome by fear (of
failure) made you keep putting it off? I am sure you have
encountered such situations. But didn’t you eventually manage
to get the task completed?
Now, what was the difference? You were the same person,
with the same resources available to you. The difference was
that in one situation, you happened to be in a resourceful state
because of your physiology, and when you represented the task,
you felt more empowered to do it.
What do you think would happen if you were to model
another person’s physiology exactly? You will experience the
same state that person is experiencing. Why? Because when you
replicate another person’s exact body language, you are sending
the same neurological signals to your nervous system (as had
happened to him). And this would fire off the same neuro-physiological state in you.
What is truly amazing is that if you were to replicate that
person’s physiology exactly, you could even fire off the same
internal representation of that person in your brain. In other
words, if that person was thinking a particular thought, you
could experience those same thoughts as well! That is how
connected your brain and body truly is.
I know this is hard to believe, but I have seen this result many
times in the ‘Patterns of Excellence’ seminars that we conduct.
In these seminars, we get the participants to break up into
groups of three. One person A would think of something (let’s
say his child) and get into the state and physiology associated
with it.
Another person B would observe and copy person A’s exact
physiology. The third person C coaches B to make sure that he
is almost exact in replicating A’s body language. When they are
done, C then asks B what state he is in. In 100% of the time, B
would experience the same state that A was experiencing (for
example, a feeling of love).
In about 20% of the time, they even see the same pictures
that A sees, in their minds! I had a woman A imagine herself on
the beach feeling extremely relaxed. When her partner B
modeled her physiology, she (B) said that images of the sea and
sand kept firing off in her mind (B was not told what A was
thinking at all).
In other words, by modeling someone’s physiology exactly,
you not only tap into their states, you can even tap into the way
they are representing their experiences in their minds.
From a neuro-physical standpoint, the motor cortex that is
functionally similar in all our brains fires in the same manner.
What could result is our being able to fire off similar
neurological patterns, thereby resulting in such a phenomenon.
I encourage you to test this out with two of your friends. You
will be truly amazed at the results you experience.
How can you use this knowledge to help yourself to produce
exceptional results? Let’s find out…
Model Successful People’s Physiology
of Excellence
In the first chapter, we said that the fundamental principle is
that we all have the same neurology. That, if it is possible for
others, it is possible for you! It is only a question of strategy. In
other words, by modeling someone’s strategy, you can replicate
the results they produce.
Well, what do we model about a person specifically?
Remember that one of the key things that drive a person’s
behavior is the states that they experience.
People are successful primarily because they are in
resourceful states. People perform the way they do because of the
states they experience.
For example, if you want to model a powerful public speaker,
it would be best to model that person’s state. So you too will feel
the same level of confidence and power and will be able to
express yourself in an equally dynamic way.
If you want to model a very effective salesperson you know,
you have to model that person’s state of confidence and
charisma – both these winning states that enable him to wow
and persuade his clients.
The way to do this is to model their physiology! In other
words, if you model the physiology of a person who is excellent
in something, you would immediately tap into that person’s
powerful state. Not only that, but done effectively, you could
even tap into that person’s internal representation!
So how do you do this?
Well, first identify a person who is excellent in a particular
skill or behavior that you want to exhibit. For example, this
person could be a dynamic public speaker, salesperson, decision
maker or communicator.
Next, observe keenly, how this person speaks (their tone of
voice), how this person moves, their facial expression, the way
this person breathes, the focus of their eyes and their gestures.
What you then do is to imagine that you step into the body
of this person. Yes! You imagine that you become this person! So
the next time you have to go on stage to deliver a speech, you
model that person’s physiology exactly! You speak the way they
speak, move the way they move, adopt the same body postures
and gestures. If you do this you would access the same powerful
states that person experiences as well as produce the same
behavioral results!
Play Acting that Kids Do is Early Modeling
In fact, we used to do this when we were kids. We called this
play-acting. And this is how children learn to form their personal
behaviors, (for good or bad) by observing and unconsciously
modeling the adults around them.
When you were a kid, didn’t you pretend to be an action star
or a movie star? Did you ever imagine yourself to be Superman,
Wonder Woman, Rambo or James Bond?
You imagined that you were one or more of them and started
acting like them, using their ‘props’ (imaginary weapons), even
going so far as to dress like them?
What we don’t realize is that we were modeling patterns of
excellence (or otherwise!) in people whom we admired.
Unfortunately, we were told that it was childish and that we
were being silly. Hence one of the most natural powerful skills of
our early learning never continue to be developed and utilized in
adult life.
But today, using this technique allows me to hone and
accelerate my skills in virtually every area of my personal and
professional life.
The Three Speakers I Modeled Myself After…
Until I Became Them
I used to have a fear of public speaking and was below average in
my ability to build rapport with and communicate my ideas to
an audience.
Then I started to look out for and observe the most dynamic
speakers around. Out of the hundreds of speakers I watched, I
was most impressed by the charisma, dynamism and power that
speakers like Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler (the co-developer of NLP) and Brad Sugars (a young, millionaire
entrepreneur from Australia) exhibited when they were on
I watched their videos intently and attended their live
seminars. I spent hours observing the way they spoke, the way
they moved and how they carried themselves. Then, I decided
to test it out.
The next time I had the opportunity to give a speech, I
would imagine that I became these three great speakers and
started to model their exact physiology. I went on stage and
moved, gestured and spoke like them (interchanging styles,
depending on what I was saying).
You know what? I felt totally powerful, charismatic and
dynamic on stage! I totally tapped into their states of excellence.
In a very short period of time, I started to produce fantastic
results in the way I connected and communicated with the
This is how, by the age of 28, I became one of the most
sought after and highly paid speakers in the country.
Modeling Others’ Excellence
in Decision-Making and Rapport Building
I also modeled other people’s patterns of excellence in the area
of decision-making, sales and even personal relationships.
I have a friend whom I truly admire for his ability to build
instant rapport with people. He is very charismatic and
influential. And women just melt before his charm. The fact is,
he is not even particularly good looking but how he charms
everyone to like him instantly.
Being a basically shy person who is not very good at mixing
around and breaking the ice with people I meet for the first time,
I thought that what this friend had would be a very powerful
skill to possess in the area of business networking.
So here again, I started modeling the way he spoke, the way
he gestured, his mannerisms and the facial expressions he used.
Within a very short period of time, I started to feel an ease and
confidence networking with people I had met for the first time.
I started to experience my effectiveness as a person who can
easily build rapport with and create instant relationships with
new acquaintances.
Now, do bear in mind that there are certain skills and
competencies that may not be that easily replicated by just
modeling a person’s physiology and states.
In modeling someone else’s strategy, the modeling of
physiology and states is one of the most powerful in modeling
his/her performance and results. However, there are other
elements to be modeled, like that person’s beliefs and values
structure. At the same time, there is sometimes a need to model
that person’s core competencies, which go way beyond just
surface modeling of behavior.
For example, if you were to observe and model Tiger Woods
exact physiology and tap into his resourceful states, would it
mean that you would be able to play golf as good as the world’s
number one in a short period of time? Most probably not,
because being in the right state may not be enough to generate
the same level of performance that Woods has developed
through years of rigorous physical training.
You may be able to replicate his state of focus and
confidence, but replicating his precise golf skills will take many
more hours of intensive training. This is not to say that with
enough desire, focus and training hours, it is not possible to
acquire the appropriate skills.
However, by modeling Tiger Woods’ physiology and hence
states, do you think your level of playing will improve? Yes!
Why? Because if you play golf or any other sport, you will realize
that a big part of your performance depends on the state of mind
you are in.
You may have the capability to hit that ball straight or to
shoot that ball into the hole, but when you are not in the right
state, you will not be able to do it.
I figured that if I could consciously direct myself into a super
resourceful state, I would definitely begin to play better and get
a better score. I decided to test this out personally.
I used to manage an average score of 100, which is pretty
average for a non-regular golfer. Then I started to model Tiger
Woods’ physiology. I modeled the way he walked, the way he
addressed the ball, his gestures, his mannerisms and his swing (to
the best of my ability). As I got into his physiology, I could feel
myself being in a totally focused and confident state. Within
three months, I managed to reduce my golf score to 86!
Consciously Model Patterns of Excellence
Rather than Patterns of Mediocrity
Some people I train acknowledge that the power of modeling is
impressive. Yet, they feel uncomfortable about ‘copying’ someone
else’s style. They say, ‘I am not comfortable with this as I feel like
I am not being myself. I am trying to be someone else instead’.
As a result, they deprive themselves of the power of modeling
excellence and producing exceptional results in a short time.
Well, let me ask you a question.
Think about the behaviors and physiology that you exhibit
right now. Where did they come from? Were you born with your
gestures, mannerisms, tone of voice and behaviors? No. You
behave the way you do now because ever since you were a kid,
you had been unconsciously modeling the behaviors and
physiologies of the people around you.
Do you realize that the way you speak or react to things may
sometimes be similar to your parents or your close friends?
And, the mannerism or gestures you exhibit could have
come from people whom you admired (for whatever reason), and
unconsciously adopted as your own. So, you have already been
modeling your whole life, this is nothing new.
The problem is that in the past, you did not consciously
model people of excellence. As a result, you may have
unconsciously modeled a lot of ineffective behaviors and
negative states of the people around you. For example, if you are
a poor mixer or ineffective communicator, it is because you
(unconsciously) modeled poor speakers and communicators
when you were young.
If you are a poor decision maker and constantly find yourself
feeling anxious and lacking in confidence, it is because you have
unknowingly adopted the patterns from your friends or family.
Haven’t you ever behaved in a certain way and suddenly
realized, ‘Oh my gosh! I’ve become my mother or father!’
So, isn’t it time you start to consciously delete ineffective
models of the past and start modeling and adopting patterns of
people who exhibit excellence instead?
Another point to understand is that modeling is not just
about copying. It is about replicating and then improving on
what you have modeled, or modifying it to suit your personal
For example, if you were a woman and you were to model the
physiology of a male speaker exactly, it may not turn out that
well. You may have to modify elements of that person’s
physiology to suit your personality. Again, by modeling the best
patterns of those three great speakers I spoke about earlier, I now
exhibit patterns of all three in the way I speak. I have taken the
best patterns, combined them and adapted them to make them
my own. That is what modeling physiology is all about.
The science of modeling extends to other areas that we will
explore in future chapters.
Exercise 5 Think! Who Can You Model?
So, I want you to think. Who can you model in the different
areas of your life? Who are some effective role models that you
can begin to observe and model their physiology?
1 Communication
Who do know who is an excellent communicator? Someone who builds
rapport with people easily and is very charismatic and persuasive?
2 Decision Making
Think of someone who makes decisions confidently and effectively.
3 Your Career
Who is a person you can model who is excellent in your chosen profession
or business? An excellent teacher? An excellent salesperson? A great deal
maker? A terrific speaker?
4 Confidence
Who do you know exudes a lot of confidence and power and commands a lot
of respect?
5 Motivation
Who can you model in the area of motivation? Who is always bubbling with
enthusiasm, always energized, no matter how negative everyone else around is?
6 Attractiveness
Who do you find is able to exude lots of genuine charm and attracts
both sexes?
Once you have identified these models of excellence, test
the effectiveness of this technique by going through the
following steps:
STEP 1 Observe how this person moves, breathes, gestures,
behaves. Observe this person’s facial expressions,
postures & tone of voice.
STEP 2 Rehearse mentally. Imagine in your mind what it would
be like to be this person. How would you react to the
things around you? How would you move, breathe, act
and behave?
STEP 3 Physically do it. Imagine yourself being this model of
excellence and take on the physiology as you perform
the task or interact with other people.
While directing our physiology is a great leverage for shifting
our states, let’s now shift our attention to learning how to direct
the other factor that affects our states, our internal representation!
Chapter Summary
1 The emotional states we experience drive our
behavior & actions. Our actions in turn affect
the results we produce.
2 Successful individuals experience more
resourceful states on a day to day basis.
3 We create our own emotional states through
our physiology & our internal representation.
4 All of us re-present things very differently in
our mind. We need to consciously direct the
pictures and sounds we play in our mind in
order to take charge of our states.
5 Taking charge of our physiology is a key way
to managing our states.
6 We can tap into resourceful states at any
time by modeling our own past physiologies
or modeling people who exhibit excellence
in a particular area.
State Action Result
ou now know that the ‘state’ in which you are in at any
moment in time is determined by your physiology, and
your internal representation. You have also been taken
through a slew of strategies, each one designed to manage your
physiology in order to optimize your ‘state’.
Now we will focus on the other half of the equation, i.e. on
how you can take charge of your internal representation.
Remember that our internal representation is the way in
which we represent what is going on around us. It is a fancy
term meaning what we think about and how we think about
our ‘environment’.
All of us represent our external experiences very differently.
This is why two people may encounter the same experience, like
a tough challenge, but perceive it very differently in their
respective minds.
One person may represent it in a way that makes him feel
totally challenged and empowered. The other person may
represent it in a way that completely demoralizes him. When
we learn exactly how we represent things in our mind, we can
then start to direct it in a way that puts us in the most
resourceful and empowering states.
Recall that we represent our thoughts constantly through
pictures (visual), sounds (auditory) and feelings (kinesthetic),
all of which we generate internally in our minds. We also tend
to talk to ourselves through an internal voice (auditory digital).
There are two major elements that we must learn to direct,
WHAT we focus on and HOW we focus on it.
What We Focus On Affects Our State
At any given second, there are two million bits of information
bombarding us. While it is impossible to consciously be aware of
everything, our mind tends to filter all this stimuli and focus on
a few chunks of information at a time. Similarly, when we think
of something in the past or something in the future, we tend to
focus on certain aspects of the experience. And to us what we
choose to focus on becomes most real in our minds.
I remember going to a stage play some time ago which, because of a
technical failure, started an hour late. However, when the curtain finally
went up, it turned out to be one of the most entertaining and inspiring
performances I had ever experienced. Most people in the audience loved
the show & raved about it when the curtain fell.
However, my friend, sitting right next to me, felt that he had had a horrible
experience. I couldn’t understand why? He said, ‘Well, it started so late that
it spoilt the entire show! And to make things worse, the people around us
were laughing so loudly, it was so annoying!’ I had hardly noticed the
laughter, in fact to me it was part of the atmosphere. But my friend chose
to focus on everything about the show that was not working and to him
the experience was most disappointing.
Some people have a pattern of focusing on pictures, sounds
and feelings that put them into un-resourceful states while
others generate pictures, sounds and feelings them put them into
resourceful states.
How about you? What do you do when you meet with
failure? Some people keep playing mind pictures of themselves
screwing up. Some people even play it like a bad movie, over
and over again in their heads.
They keep seeing themselves making the bad decisions,
experiencing the consequences and they re-play all the negative
voices around them. They may play the sound of their boss
shouting at them. Then they run an internal dialogue that goes
like this: ‘How could I have been so stupid!’ ‘Why do I always
screw things up?’ or ‘Oh, sh…t! I’m dead.’
What kind of state do you think they will be generating? Not
a very resourceful one, I bet!
So, what kind of pictures and sounds should one play to
produce a resourceful state?
Well, this is what positive people do when they encounter
failure. They choose to represent the failure as feedback that will
lead them into finding a solution. Instead of re-playing scenes of
the event or project that flopped, they focus on what they can
learn from it, and how they will do it the next time… to get
good results.
They may even imagine themselves succeeding, using what
they have learnt from the past experience, and their success
would be accompanied by the sounds of people cheering or the
boss congratulating them.
They may play an internal dialogue that goes something like
this: ‘I’ll make it the next time for sure’, ‘I’ll prove that I can turn
things around’. Or they’ll say reflectively: ‘Now, what can I learn
from this experience’.
Obviously, such people will find themselves in more
resourceful states.
Our minds are never still or idle, throughout our waking
hours we play mental programs continuously. Now, start
becoming aware of the kind of mental program you usually run
when you are about to take on a challenging task.
For example, just before making an important presentation,
or writing a difficult report, what goes on in your mind?
Are you one of those who habitually focus on how difficult
it is going to be? Do you see yourself being overwhelmed and
stressed out. Do you mutter under your breath, ‘Oh no! How am
I ever going to do this?’ ‘What if I screw up?’ ‘It’s just too
difficult!’ You may even picture yourself screwing up or giving
up. As a result you get into a state of nervous anxiety.
But can you choose to represent the challenge very
differently in your mind? Of course! You could choose to focus
on how easy, fun and rewarding the challenge will be. Confident
people will picture themselves dealing with the task or project
effortlessly. They may even have an internal voice saying, ‘I am
finally getting this done! This is so rewarding!’ ‘I knew I could
do it.’
Now, given the same challenge, why do some people rise to
it while others feel apprehension? The interesting fact is that
most of us do not consciously decide what pictures, sounds and
feelings we are going to generate in our mind.
Our mind seems to be on auto-pilot and, within seconds of
being faced with a challenge, it will subconsciously, create re-presentations. And the kinds of representations created are
dependent on past conditioning.
Isn’t this scary? It appears that we do not have much control
over our mind! This is why most people feel that their emotions
control them.
If you want to have mastery over your mind and emotions,
then you must begin right away to control what you focus on!
Begin by paying full attention to the ‘program’ that is
running in your brain-mind. If you find that what you are
thinking of is not putting you in a resourceful state, then change
it! In short, consciously change WHAT you focus on! You may
keep slipping back, and each time you do, pull yourself up and
Of course, when you begin to consciously direct your mind,
ensure that you do not have a lot of external distractions. Find a
quiet corner, go for a walk by yourself. If you are sitting in the
middle of the lounge while the television is on full blast and
family members or friends are chattering away, you can’t even
begin to think straight – much less direct your mind to focus on
something specific.
Direct What You Focus On!
There are three major situations that all of us face every day. It
is during these times that we must begin to control what we
focus on. Again what we focus on means what we picture in our
minds, what sounds we play, what we say to ourselves and what
feelings we generate internally.
When you encounter something difficult that stands in your way of
success.For example, you get retrenched, your client cancels a contract,
your best employee quits, or your product fails and you get a complaint.
What You Must Focus On…
Focus on solutions, what you can do to overcome it
Focus on possibilities or new opportunities
When you encounter challenges that get in your way of success,
picture yourself using all the different strategies to overcome it.
You can also picture yourself with new opportunities that come
with the challenge. Some of the most empowering things you can
say to yourself (internal dialogue) are…
‘How can I find a solution?’ or
‘How can I turn this around?’ or
‘How could I use this as an opportunity?’
Avoid Focusing On…
The problem or the difficulty it is causing you
Many people get stuck and paralyzed by problems because they
keep picturing how difficult the problem is and how it is going to
affect them. As the limiting pictures and sounds spin round and
round in their head, they get more and more depressed and frustrated.
They tend to say to themselves…
‘Why am I so unlucky?’
‘Why does this always happen to me?’
‘This is so unfair?’
‘Why must this happen?’
Remember that what we focus on determines what states we
experience and ultimately what actions we take.
If Your Flight Gets Cancelled, Start an Airline
Have you heard of Virgin Atlantic? It took on the likes of airline
giant British Airways and won. Today Virgin Atlantic Airlines is
one of the most profitable airline companies in the world.
nd do you know the airline only got started because its founder,
Richard Branson, got stranded when he was on holiday and instead
of kicking his heels in helpless frustration like all the other holiday
makers, he lost no time in finding a solution that resulted in his creating
a billion dollar new business.
It all began when Richard and his wife were on Beef Island, one of the
islands in the Virgin Islands (no, that’s not how the airline got its name).
The couple were supposed to fly back to Puerto Rico but their flight was
cancelled, leaving the Bransons and several hundred other holiday makers
Instead of getting all frustrated and angry by focusing on the problem,
Branson started picturing solutions and possibilities. He asked himself a
very powerful question, ‘How can I find a solution, and even make money
out of this? Aha! Charter a plane to fly himself and his wife and all the
stranded passengers out. Branson lost no time in finding out that it would
cost him just $2000 to charter a plane. Picture the mental images that
must have raced through his head as he quickly divided the $2,000 price
by the number of seats in the aircraft.
Next, he got hold of black board and wrote ‘Virgin Airways: $39 Single
flight to Puerto Rico’. He walked around the airport and within minutes,
he had sold all the seats on board. Not only did Branson find a way to
get himself and his wife back to the capital city but he had found a way
to get other people to pay for their trip!
When they arrived at their destination, one passenger remarked, ‘Virgin
Airways isn’t too bad – smarten up the service a little and you will be in
business.’ It was in that moment that Virgin Atlantic Airlines was born…
the rest is aviation history!
When you don’t achieve your outcome. For example, failing to
close a sale, missing a profit target, losing a competition, or not getting
a promotion.
What You Must Focus On…
Focus on what you can learn from it
Focus on how you will be successful the next time
By doing this, you will continue to feel motivated and excited – and will
keep taking action until you succeed!
Avoid Focusing On…
The experience of failure and how bad you feel about it
Internal dialogues like these are most unproductive
‘Oh no!’
‘How can I let this happen?’
‘Oh sh…t! I’m dead.’
‘Why do I always fail?’
The danger in focusing on the negative is that you will get yourself into
such a miserable and self-pitying state that you give up trying.
The final major situation that you must learn to take control
of is…
When you are faced with a challenging task or project.For example,
writing a difficult report, giving a speech, starting a company, going for
an interview or selling a product. All of us face daunting tasks everyday.
It is when we tackle them head-on that we grow and start producing
results. And as we take on each successive challenge successfully, we will
start realizing our potential.
Again, how should you direct your mind to focus on such situations?
What You Must Focus On…
Focus on what it will be like to achieve it effortlessly
Focus on yourself having fun and getting the results
If you need to go up and give a speech, picture yourself doing a great job
and having fun doing it. See yourself getting the response you want.
What would it be like to hear the applause of the audience? Feel the
excitement and motivation in doing it. Say to yourself or ask empowering
questions like…
‘I can’t wait to do this! This is exciting!’
‘How can I be effective?
‘How can I have fun doing this?’
When you represent challenges to yourself this way, you put yourself
into the best state to accomplish it!
Avoid Focusing On…
How tough and painful it can be
How you may do something wrong or fail altogether
Many people, when faced with a challenge, will back away or
procrastinate. These are some of the common things we say to ourselves
that get us into an un-resourceful state.
‘Must I do this now?’
‘How can I ever get this done?’
‘Why must it be so difficult?’
‘What if I screw up?’ What if it does not work out?’
Directing How We Focus
It is not just WHAT we think about that determines how we
feel, but also HOW we think about it. Has there been a time
when you thought about something you were really motivated to
do, like going shopping? Yet, on another occasion, you thought
about the same thing and were less motivated to go. Why? Well,
we said that the pictures, sounds and feelings that we generate
in our mind determines the state that we are in. However, the
intensity of our state is determined by HOW we generate the
pictures, sounds and feelings. What do I mean? Well, think
about something which you are motivated to do, say going
shopping or maybe eating your favourite ice cream.
As you think about it, I want you to close your eyes and
make a picture of it. See yourself enjoying that tasty ice cream
cone. Notice what else you see around you in this experience.
What sounds do you hear that is associated with this picture?
You could perhaps hear the slurping sounds you make when you
are eating the ice cream. What would you normally say to
yourself as you think of this? For example, you may say to
yourself, ‘Mmmm, yummy’. I want you to notice how motivated
you are about doing this right now.
Next, I want you to make some changes to the picture you
are making of this experience. Take the picture in your mind and
make it twice as big. What happens to the intensity of the state?
Does the feeling of motivation increase? Now, make the
picture brighter and bring it closer to you. What happens to the
intensity of the motivation? If it is a still picture, make it into a
movie, where everything is moving.
Now, make whatever sounds you hear around you much
louder. Make the sounds close and stereo, so you hear it in both
ears. Do you feel a lot more motivated to eat that ice cream
cone? For most people, making these changes to the picture
(visual) and sound (auditory) elements of the experience will
significantly increase the intensity of their state.
At times when you felt extremely motivated or excited to do
something, it was because the pictures tended to be bigger,
closer, brighter and more dynamic. The sounds and internal
dialogue you generated were also probably louder and closer to you.
Now, the reason why you didn’t feel so motivated at another
time was because the pictures and sounds you made were smaller
and further away.
We normally do not consciously direct the way we make up
the pictures, sounds and feelings in our mind. This is why we
have little control over how we feel. By shifting these elements,
we can immediately shift the intensity of any state we experience.
These elements that we can shift are called our Submodalities.
Submodalities is a powerful concept that was developed by
Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-developer of NLP.
If you have ever watched a great movie, you will know that
what makes a movie truly outstanding is the director’s ability to
bring the audience through a series of intense emotional states
like excitement, fear, anticipation or romance. How does he
achieve this? He does it through manipulating the images and
sounds on the screen. The angles, speed, colour, focus,
brightness, volume, size and distance all affect the intensity of
the state that we experience.
In order to get us intensely excited, the director will make
the images move fast and increase the volume and tempo of the
music. To capture the intensity of the emotions, he will zoom up
close to the faces of the characters and may even place the
audience in a first person perspective (we call this an associated
Well, we do the same thing in our minds! For example, in
order to get highly motivated, our brain must generate the
pictures and sounds inside in a certain way. The trouble is that
most people have never learnt to consciously be the director of
their own mental movie. They allow their minds to run on
autopilot! As a result, they are not in control of what they feel
and how they feel it! Let’s see how you can become the director
of your own emotions by mastering…
Submodalities: The Keyboard to Your Brain
If you think of your brain as the most powerful computer on
earth, then your submodalities are like the keyboard to your
computer. Through making changes on this keyboard, you can
shift yourself into any state and at whatever intensity. There are
three major categories of submodalities; we call these your
visual, auditory and kinesthetic submodalities.
Let’s look at each of them now.
Disassociated or Associated?
Defocused Focused?
Dim Bright?
Far away Closeup?
Framed or Panoramic?
Location of the Image?
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound?
Mono or Stereo
Soft Loud?
Low pitch High pitch?
Slow Fast?
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound?
Mono or Stereo
Soft Loud?
Low pitch High pitch?
Slow Fast?
Where is the location of the Feeling?
What is the Shape?
What is the Size?
Still or Moving?
Direction of Movement?
Visual Submodalities
is how our brain codes pictures
Auditory Submodalities
is the way we code sounds and
Kinesthetic Submodalities
is the way we code internal feelings
The way we code any experience
affects the state and intensity of
that experience
Every time we think
of something (internal
the pictures, sounds
and feelings that
we experience
internally are always
coded in a certain way.
The way in which they
are coded are known
as submodalities.
For example, when we think of something that motivates us,
our visual submodalities are likely to be close, large, moving and
in color. Now, when we think of something we are not
motivated by, the pictures may be further away, smaller, in black
and white, and still.
This internal coding is not the same for everybody. So you
must discover what your brain does to create a particular state
in you.
Disassociation & Association
One of the ways we code pictures is either in an associated or
disassociated manner. I want you to close your eyes for a moment
and think of a happy occasion in the past. It could be when you
were with a loved one on the beach, a celebration, or the time
you won an award etc.
As you think of that experience, observe if the experience is
one where you are looking at yourself from a distance
(disassociated) or one where you are inside your own body
looking through your own eyes (associated).
I have noticed that about half the audience in my seminars
generate an associated experience while the other half have a
disassociated experience. Now, you know what kind of
experience YOU have depends on the way your brain has been
So is it better to code our experiences in an associated or
disassociated way? What difference does it make to our state?
Let’s experiment and find out. Think back to that happy
occasion for a moment.
If you were associated in that experience, I want you to
disassociate from it. Imagine yourself stepping out of your body and
pushing the image away so you see yourself and the people around
you from a distance. Notice how differently it makes you feel.
Now, if you were disassociated in that experience, I want you
to now get associated into it. Imagine yourself stepping into your
body and into the experience. So, you see the people and things
around you through your own eyes, and experience the sounds
all around you. Notice how different it makes you feel?
Well, what was the difference? If you are like most people,
you would have noticed that when you experience events
associated, the state is more intense! When you are
disassociated, the intensity of the state is much lower! The way
you code your experiences (associated or disassociated) can
make a difference to the states you are in and the results you
Formula for Being Depressed:
Associate to all
Disassociate from all
Negative Experiences Positive Experiences
Do you know someone who is always depressed? They may
have had bad experiences a long time ago, but they still get upset
by these long past incidents?
I had a female client who told me that her life was full of
misery. When she talked about her bad experiences, she started
crying and got very upset. I found out that she had a pattern of
associating into all her painful memories. So, even though these
incidents took place about five years ago, she still felt extremely
miserable whenever she thought about them.
When I asked her to relate happy experiences in her life, she
thought for a while but couldn’t feel anything. She said, ‘I don’t
feel for those (happy) experiences anymore.’ Guess why? She
had a pattern of disassociating from all her happy experiences,
and associating into her negative ones!
No wonder she felt depressed constantly. When I taught her
that she could consciously direct her mind to disassociate from
all her bad experiences and associate into all her happy
experiences, she began to take control over her emotions. The
change was quite rapid.
When she thought of her bad experiences and disassociated,
she started to feel the emotional intensity of the pain drop.
Then I got her to start thinking of all her happy experiences and
associating into them! Her face started glowing and she said she
felt a lot better about herself. Since then, she has consciously
been taking charge of the way her brain codes her experiences.
Do you know people who are the complete opposite? We call
them the happy-go-lucky ones. Such people could have had
some horrific experiences but they get over the bad patches very
fast. Soon they are into a positive state and have moved on in life.
At the same time these cheery people can think back to the
good things that happened to them, say five years ago, and feel
happy and excited, all over again.
Why do they feel so differently about their good and bad
experiences from the negative bunch? Again, it is because of the
way the cheery people’s brains have coded their memories. They
tend to immediately disassociate from negative events they
experience. Although they learn from their mistakes, they don’t
feel emotionally drained thinking about it.
At the same time, they tend to associate or plug into all their
happy positive experiences. So they keep feeling the positive
vibes of happy events, even after years have passed.
This is one of the most important qualities to have in order
to be a successful entrepreneur, chief executive, politician,
investor or salesperson. Why? Because in order to succeed and
create great wealth or success, you are bound to make lots of
mistakes and fail a couple of times. And you must be able to
quickly learn the lessons, let go of the bad feelings and get
excited to make the next move!
Now, just think: if by merely knowing how to shift one’s
submodality (association/disassociation) we can have such a
positive impact on our state, what if we begin to take control
and shift all the submodalities that make up our experiences?
Wow! Do you see the boundless possibilities of directing our
own minds?
How to Intensify Any State
Wouldn’t it be useful and empowering to be able to intensify
resourceful states like motivation, happiness, excitement,
confidence and power? Let’s find out just how you can do this by
simply shifting your submodalities.
First, I want you to think of a goal which you would like to
achieve, but are not yet highly motivated to attain. For example,
it could be starting your own company.
Next, I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in
the future, having achieved this goal. For example, you could see
yourself addressing your staff in your conference room, with you
at the head of the table.
As you hold this image in your mind, make a quick checklist
of the visual, auditory and kinesthetic submodalities of this
mental experience.
Is it associated or disassociated? Is it a still picture or a
movie? Is the picture large or small? Are there any sounds you
hear? Are they loud or soft? Is it mono or stereo? What would
you say to yourself if you have achieved your goal? Is it loud or
Take note of where this feeling of motivation is coming from
(location of feeling). Do you feel it in the chest, head or in the
What is the shape of the feeling? (all of us code feelings as
shapes)? Is this feeling light or heavy? Is there any movement?
Quickly, list down the submodalities of this goal in the checklist
below. Very importantly, ask yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, how
intense is the motivation you felt as you stood at the head of
table? For example, it could be a 5 out of a 10 initially.
Disassociated or Associated?
Still picture or a Movie?
Defocused Focused?
Dim Bright?
Black & white or Color?
Far away Closeup?
Framed or Panoramic?
Location of the Image?
What sounds do you hear?
Direction of Sound?
Mono or Stereo?
Soft Loud?
Low pitch High pitch?
Slow Fast?
What do you say to yourself?
Direction of Sound?
Mono or Stereo?
Soft Loud?
Low pitch High pitch?
Slow Fast?
Where is the Location?
What is the Shape?
What is the Size? SmallLarge?
Still or Moving?
Direction of Movement?
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10
As an example, your submodalities could be coded in the folllowiing way
Disassociated or Associated? Disassociated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
SmallLarge Medium
Defocused Focused? Defocused
Dim Bright? Dim
Black & white or Color? Color
Far away Closeup? Closeup
Framed or Panoramic? Framed
Location of the Image? Slightly off centre
What sounds do you hear? Roar of car engine
Direction of Sound? In front
Mono or Stereo Mono
Soft Loud? Medium
Low pitch High pitch? Average
Slow Fast? Medium
What do you say to yourself? ‘I’m the boss!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo Mono
Soft Loud? Medium
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch
Slow Fast? Medium
Where is the Location? In the chest
What is the Shape? Round
What is the Size? SmallLarge Size of a lemon
Still or Moving? Still
Direction of Movement? Nil
LightHeavy? Light
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 5
Isn’t it interesting to begin to discover how your brain is
coding the goals that you have in your mind? Now, I want you
to experiment with your mind by shifting the submodalities, one
at a time and notice how it changes the intensity of the
The objective of this exercise is to increase your level of
motivation to a 10! Why? So that thinking of this goal will drive
you to take action right now!
In general, shifting the submodalities from the left to the
rightof the checklist, will increase the intensity of the state. For
example, shifting from ‘black and white’ to ‘color’ or ‘dim’ to
‘bright’ generally increases the state. (There are exceptions,
however. For example, to get into a state of relaxation, shifting
from dim to bright may make you less relaxed. In this case, it
would be taking the opposite action.)
The other important thing to know is that for certain
submodalities, you can only switch it from one type to another.
For example, ‘disassociated’ OR ‘associated’ or ‘black and white
OR color’. These are called digital submodalities and are
indicated by the word ‘OR’.
The other submodalities are analog. In other words, they can
be increased or decreased along a range. Like ‘dim bright’.
Even if the picture is already bright, you can make the feeling
more intense by making it brighter! Also, ‘close far’. Even if
the image is close, you can still make it closer! These
submodalities are indicated by the ‘ ’ notation.
So, close your eyes, think of your goal, and change the
submodalities one by one. As you do it, notice how much it
increases the level of motivation. Start with the visual
submodalities, the auditory (including digital) and the kinesthetic.
For example, you can shift it as indicated below.
Disassociated or Associated? Disassociated Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie (remains the same)
SmallLarge? Medium Double the size
Defocused Focused? Defocused More Focused
Dim Bright? Dim Brighter
Black & white or Color? Black & white Color
Far away Closeup? Close Bring it closer
Framed or Panoramic? Framed Panoramic
Location of the Image? Off centre Centralize it
What sounds do you hear? Roar of car engine
Direction of Sound? In front All around
Mono or Stereo? Mono Stereo
Soft Loud? Medium Increase louder
Low pitch High pitch? Average
Slow Fast? Medium Make it faster
What do you say to yourself? ‘I’m the boss!’ ‘I’m the boss!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear All around
Mono or Stereo? Mono Stereo
Soft Loud? Medium Louder
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch (remains the same)
Slow Fast? Medium Faster
( ***Actually say it out loud to yourself!)
Where is the Location? In the chest (remains the same)
What is the Shape? Round (remains the same)
What is the Size? SmallLarge?Size of a lemon Size of a basketball
Still or Moving? Still Create movement
Direction of Movement? Nil Outwards
LightHeavy? Light Increase weight
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 59-10
Did the level of your motivation increase? How much did it
increase by? Most people who do this exercise will find
themselves feeling more and more motivated (up to a 10!) to
take action on this goal.
Have you ever wondered why most people set goals, get
excited for awhile but never get motivated enough to take
consistent action to achieve it? It is because every time they
think about the goal, their submodalities are coded in such a way
that they are not motivated enough to take action.
The mental image they create may be ‘far away’, ‘disassociated’,
‘still picture’ etc. As a result, they never create the level of
emotional intensity they need.
Why are there some people who get and stay motivated to
achieve their goals? We often think that they are just more
focused and disciplined. The real reason is that when they think
of their goal, their minds code it in such a way that their
motivation is highly intense. It is these strong emotions that
drives them every day and night.
If you are like most people, and this includes myself, who do
not get highly motivated naturally, then you must learn to re-direct your submodalities to create the internal motivation that
you need!
What other states would be useful for you to be able to intensify?
Confidence towards achieving a challenge.
Happy experiences
Successful experiences
Motivation towards achieving a goal
What you will begin to notice is that changing submodalities
is not something new. Like changing physiology, all of us already
do it although we are not aware of it. Again, the trouble is that
many of us do it unconsciously and in ways that may not be at
all useful.
For example, some people have a pattern of unconsciously
getting themselves very motivated to overeat by shifting their
Have you been guilty of this too? Have you ever thought of
eating ice cream when you know you should keep off the
At first, the motivation to eat is controllable. Then, slowly
as you think more and more about it, you start imagining
yourself eating it (associated and movie), then you make the
picture closer and bigger. Then you imagine the sweet, cool
feeling in your mouth (kinesthetic), you hear the stirring music
(sound) and say to yourself really loudly, ‘Mmmmm Yummy!’
You do this until the motivation of eating is so intense that you
cannot stand it anymore. You jump up and rush out to get the
It is this same level of motivation and compulsion that
highly successful people create towards achieving their personal
goals! Can you imagine if you could replicate this same
technique and use it on a goal you have, perhaps to start your
own business or get started on a challenging project?
Wouldn’t that be really powerful? Well, top achievers do
this naturally with their minds. Now, you too can learn to
consciously intensify your motivation to achieve a goal, any
De-intensifying a Negative Experience
At the same time, you may also want to shift your submodalities
of a bad experience so that it reduces the intensity of a negative
For example, you may want to de-intensify the fear or
anxiety of meeting people, or going on stage. You can also
reduce the intensity of being depressed over a negative event.
When you feel tempted to over-eat or eat something that you
know is bad for you, you can do the opposite and shift the
picture away, thereby disassociating from it.
Let’s do an experiment together.
Do you have an experience of failing or being depressed? Is
there an experience that still bothers you? What do some people
do to keep themselves locked into a negative state?
Well, they unknowingly use their submodalities to play the
negative experience over and over again in their heads, blowing
it all out of proportion (increasing the size of the picture or the
volume of the sounds), hearing the same nagging voice and
reinforcing the bad feelings associated with the experience.
Now, let’s find out how successful people deal with bad
experiences. Well, they consciously shift their submodalities to
reduce the intensity of the bad experience.
Now, as you think of a negative experience, take note of the
current submodalities you are going through, and the level of
intensity of your depression on a scale of 1 to 10.
Disassociated or Associated? Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
SmallLarge? Large
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Bright
Black & white or Color? Color
Far away Closeup? Closeup
Framed or Panoramic? Framed
Location of the Image? Slightly off center
What sounds do you hear? Person reprimanding you
Direction of Sound? In front
Mono or Stereo? Mono
Soft Loud? Loud
Low pitch High pitch? Average
Slow Fast? Medium
What do you say to yourself? ‘Oh no!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono
Soft Loud? Medium
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch
Slow Fast? Medium
Where is the Location? In the chest
What is the Shape? Square
What is the Size? SmallLarge? Very big
Still or Moving? Moving
Direction of Movement? Downwards
LightHeavy? Heavy
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 8
Now, I want you to shift the submodalitiesone at a time and
notice how it decreases the level of intensity of your state. In
general, shift the submodalities from the right to the leftof the
checklist. For example, for the visual submodalities, shift it from
associated to disassociated, freeze the movie into a still picture,
make the image half the size, defocus it and change it from
‘color’ to ‘black and white’.
Does the lousy feeling reduce significantly? It should. However,
some people could be wired differently, so it pays to test it out.
Next, work on the auditory submodalities. Take the sounds,
reduce the volume (loud to very soft), shift the direction of
sound from in front of you to the right of you. You could make
it extremely high pitched so it sounds squeaky and inaudible.
What is happening to your state right now?
Finally, shift the location of the feeling from the chest
downwards to the stomach. Make the shape from a ‘square’ to a
‘triangle’, reduce the size to a peanut etc. What happens now?
This process is illustrated below.
Disassociated or Associated? Associated Disassociated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie Still picture
SmallLarge? Large Small
Defocused Focused? Focused Defocused
Dim Bright? Bright Dim
Black & white or Color? Colour Black & white
Far away Closeup? Close Far away
Framed or Panoramic? Framed (remains the same)
Location of the Image? Centre Bottom rightcorner
What sounds do you hear? Person reprimanding you
Direction of Sound? In front From the right
Mono or Stereo? Mono (remains the same)
Soft Loud? Loud Soft
Low pitch High pitch? Average Very high pitch
Slow Fast? Medium Very slow
What do you say to yourself? ‘Oh no!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear Left ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono (remains the same)
Soft Loud? Medium Very soft
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch Very high pitch
Slow Fast? Medium Very slow
Where is the Location? In the chest Shift to stomach
What is the Shape? Square Triangle
What is the Size? Small Large? Very big Very small (peanut)
Still or Moving? Moving Still
Direction of Movement? Downwards (remains the same)
LightHeavy? Heavy Light
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 82
* Notice that there are certain submodalities that we did not shift
(i.e. it remains the same). For example, since the visual image is
already ‘Framed’, it is already in a less intense mode. There is no
point shifting it to become ‘Panoramic’ where it will make the
depression more intense.
Identifying Your Drivers!
As you go through the experience of being able to take control
of your mind and shift the intensity of your state, you will notice
that shifting some of the submodalities had no effect. Shifting
some had little effect and shifting some others made a huge
For some people, shifting the visual submodalities had the
biggest effect on the intensity. For others, shifting the visual
submodalities may have had no effect but shifting just the
kinesthetic submodalities made a huge impact!
Those submodalities which, when shifted, create the biggest
effect on your state are called your Drivers! For example, if by
changing from disassociated to associated caused your motivation
to jump from 2 to 8, then associated/disassociated is definitely a
driver for you! If changing the auditory submodality from soft to
loud, changed the intensity from 2 to 3, then it is not a good
driver for you!
I want you to go back and take note of which drivers worked
best for you! Drivers are extremely important. Once you know
what your drivers are, you can just shift those few drivers and
dramatically change the intensity of your state.
In short, in order to increase or reduce the intensity of any
state, you just have to shift two or three of your main drivers!
Let me tell you how powerful this has been for me. I noticed that my
drivers are associated/disassociated, near/far, volume of my internal voice
and size of the feeling. So when I am not that motivated to do something,
let’s say, write chapters of my new book, what do I do? I just shift my
driver submodalities until my motivation reaches a 10!
I think of myself writing my book and may notice that my level of motivation
is just a 4. Then I make the image associated, I bring the image very close,
I say to myself, ‘Go for it!’ and I double the size of the feeling in my chest.
In a few seconds, I feel really motivated to write and I start writing non-stop
for several hours.
Mapping Across:
Transferring Our Mental Blueprints
In the chapter on physiology, we said that every state we
experience has a specific physiology associated to it. Similarly,
our brain tends to code every state differently in our minds.
When we feel motivated about something, it is because our
submodalities are arranged in a certain way. When we think of
the opposite state, like procrastination, the submodalities will be
arranged very differently.
What happens if we take an event that we are procrastinating
about and change the submodalities into the submodalities of
motivation? We will immediately feel more motivated to do the
very thing we were procrastinating about.
This process is called mapping across. We are basically finding
the recipe or mental blueprint of our minds to feel motivated.
When we take our ‘motivation recipe’ and put it into another
experience, we will start feeling motivated about doing it.
There are five major steps to this process:
Step 1 Elicit the submodalities of Procrastination.
Step 2 Elicit the submodalities of Motivation.
Step 3 Notice the differences. These are called the Drivers.
Step 4 Take the submodalities of Motivation and put it into
the Procrastination experience.
Step 5 Test it out.
Step 1. Elicit the Submodalities of Procrastination
First, think of something which you need to do, but are not
motivated to begin doing. For example, it could be cleaning the
Close your eyes and make an image of what it would be like
to clean your house or finish a project. As you think of this
procrastination experience, make a checklist of the submodalities.
For example, your ‘mental recipe’ for procrastination could look
something like the sample checklist below. On the scale of 1 to
10, how motivated are you to clean your house? It could be a 2
out of a 10.
Disassociated or Associated? Disassociated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
Small Large? Small
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Dim
Black & white or Color? Black & white
Far away Closeup? Closeup
Framed or Panoramic? Framed
Location of the Image? Slightly off center
What sounds do you hear? Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil
Soft Loud? Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil
Slow Fast? Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Must I do this now?’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono
Soft Loud? Medium
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch (very bored tone)
Slow Fast? Slow
Where is the Location? In the limbs
What is the Shape? Square
What is the Size? Small Large? Big
Still or Moving? Moving
Direction of Movement? Downwards
Light Heavy? Heavy
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 2
Step 2. Elicit the Submodalities of Motivation
(e.g. Water Skiing)
Now, break your state and think of something you are highly
motivated to do. For example, it could be water skiing or
shopping for a new dress! Close your eyes and think of the
experience you are very motivated to do! On a scale of 1 to 10,
you are at a 9 or even 10! Make a checklist of the submodalities
of this motivated experience. An example is shown in the
checklist below.
Disassociated or Associated? Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
Small Large? Larger
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Brighter
Black & white or Color? Color
Far away Closeup? Closeup
Framed or Panoramic? Panoramic
Location of the Image? Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil
Soft Loud? Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil
Slow Fast? Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Go for it!!!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono
Soft Loud? Loud
Low pitch High pitch? High pitch (very excited tone)
Slow Fast? Fast
Where is the Location? In the chest
What is the Shape? Round
What is the Size? Small Large? Very big
Still or Moving? Moving
Direction of Movement? Upwards
Light Heavy? Light
Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 9
Step 3. Notice the Differences.
Now, take a look at the submodalities of the ‘procrastination
experience’ and compare it to the ‘motivation experience’.
Notice where the submodalities are different. In your mind, they
are what makes the difference in the way you code these two
experiences. Now, it is important to know that the coding
process is not the same for everybody. It is how your mind
distinguishes between something that motivates you and
something that does not. Please note that if you encounter
similar definitions e.g. both are described as ‘dim’, you should
check which of the two is brighter by comparison.
(Finish Project) (Water Skiing)
Disassociated or Associated? Disassociated Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie Movie
Small Large? Small Larger
Defocused Focused? Focused Focused
Dim Bright? Dim Brighter
Black & white or Color? Black & white Color
Far away Closeup? Closeup Even closer
Framed or Panoramic? Framed Panoramic
Location of the image? Slightly off center Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil Nil
Soft Loud? Nil Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil Nil
Slow Fast? Nil Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Must I do this now?’ ‘Go for it!!!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono Mono
Soft Loud? Medium Loud
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch High pitch
(bored tone) (excited tone)
Slow Fast? Slow Faster
Where is the Location? In the limbs In the chest
What is the Shape? Square Round
What is the Size? Big Very big
Still or Moving? Moving Moving
Direction of Movement? Downwards Upwards
Light Heavy? Heavy Light
Step 4. Take the Submodalities of Motivation
and Put it into the Procrastination Experience
Now, here is where it gets really interesting. I want you to go
back and think of that experience you were not motivated to do
(i.e. cleaning your house). Now as you think about finishing your
project, I want you to shift the submodalities of this boring
experience to the submodalities of motivation!
As you think about finishing your project, change the
experience from ‘disassociated’ to ‘associated.’ Do you feel more
motivated to finish your project? Does the level of intensity
increase from 2? Now, make the movie larger and brighter like in
the motivated experience. Now, change it from ‘black and white’
to color, shift the image to the center and make it panoramic,
like in the motivated experience. How motivated do you feel
Now, as you think about finishing your project, say to
yourself loudly, in a fast, very excited tone, ‘Go for it!’, the exact
same way as in the motivated experience. How motivated do you
feel now?
(Finish project)
(Finish project)
(Go skiing)
Finally, shift the kinesthetic submodalities. Take the feeling
in your limbs and shift it to your chest. Make the sensation
round, larger and lighter like the size of the motivation
experience. Then create the upwards movement in the same
way! How motivated do you feel now? For most people, their
motivation to finish their project should have jumped from a 2
all the way to a 9 or a 10 by now.
(Finish Project)
Disassociated or Associated? Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
Small Large? Larger
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Brighter
Black & white or Color? Color
Far away Closeup? Even closer
Framed or Panoramic? Panoramic
Location of the Image? Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil
Soft Loud? Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil
Slow Fast? Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Go for It!!!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Mono
Soft Loud? Loud
Low pitch High pitch? High pitch
(Excited tone)
Slow Fast? Faster
Where is the Location? In the chest
What is the Shape? Round
What is the Size? Very big
Still or Moving? Moving
Direction of Movement? Upwards
Light Heavy? Light
Step 5. Test it Out
Notice how motivated you become as you think of the experience
of finishing your project with your ‘motivation blueprint’.
Mapping Across Love to Disgust
Anytime you want to feel differently about a particular
experience, just shift the submodalities of that experience into
the submodality structure of what you want to feel instead. Can
you do the opposite; i.e. shift being motivated to do something
into being not motivated to do it? Of course. This will be useful
if you are always motivated to spend money or to overeat. So you
can think of spending money and shift the submodalities into
that of procrastination. So when you think of spending money,
you will procrastinate instead.
Another powerful application is to change how you feel
about foods which you love to eat, but are not particularly good
for you. Let’s see how this can work. Again, let’s go through the
five steps.
Step 1 Elicit the submodalities of a food you Love.
Step 2 Elicit the submodalities of a food you Hate.
Step 3 Notice the differences. These are called the Drivers.
Step 4 Take the submodalities of ‘Hate’ and put it into the
‘Love’ experience.
Step 5 Test it out.
Step 1. Elicit the Submodalities of a Food You Love
I want you to think of something which you love to eat (or
drink), but is bad for you. Something that sends you drooling
immediately! For example, grilled beef steak. Now, close your
eyes and imagine that you are enjoying a piece of beef steak.
Make a checklist of the submodalities of this food that you
absolutely love! An example is shown below. Note that for this
case, there is a lot more focus on the kinesthetic submodality
since it involves food. We also focus on different aspects such as
the taste, texture and smell. Take note of how much you feel
like eating it right now, on a scale of 1 to 10. It should be at a
9 or a 10.
Disassociated or Associated? Associated
Still picture or Movie? Movie
Small Large? Large
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Bright
Black & white or Color? Color (steak is juicy and dark)
Far away Closeup? Close
Framed or Panoramic? Panoramic
Location of the Image? Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil
Soft Loud? Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil
Slow Fast? Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Yummy!!!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Stereo
Soft Loud? Medium
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch
Slow Fast? Slow
What does it Taste like? Delicious & salty
What is the Texture? Tender, thick & juicy
What is the Smell like? Like Roast. Aromatic
What is the Temperature? Warm
Location of the Feeling? In the mouth
Step 2. Elicit the Submodalities of a Food You Hate
Now, think of a food which you absolutely hate. In fact, the more
disgusting it is to you, the better. Some people think of liver,
pig’s brains or kidney. I had one participant who loved all kinds
of food so I got him to think of eating fermented, decomposing
garbage. Just thinking about it made him feel like throwing up.
Now, imagine that in front of you is this food that you
absolutely hate. Then, imagine that you are eating it and notice
the smell and taste of it. I know this is really tough, but do
whatever it takes to get the result. Now, make a checklist of the
submodalities. An example is shown below.
Disassociated or Associated? Associated
Still picture or a Movie? Movie
Small Large? Large
Defocused Focused? Focused
Dim Bright? Bright
Black & white or Color? Black & white
Far away Closeup? Further away
Framed or Panoramic? Framed
Location of the Image? Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil
Soft Loud? Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil
Slow Fast? Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Yuck!!!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Stereo
Soft Loud? Loud
Low pitch High pitch? High pitch
Slow Fast? Fast
What does it Taste like? Raw & salty
What is the Texture? Slimy, gooey
What is the Smell like? Pungent
What is the Temperature? Cold & clammy
Location of the Feeling? On the tongue (feel like throwing up)
Step 3. Notice the Differences. These are Called ‘Drivers’
Disassociated or Associated? Associated Associated
Still picture or Movie? Movie Movie
Small Large? Large Large
Defocused Focused? Focused Focused
Dim Bright? Bright Bright
Black & white or Color? Colour Black & white
Far away Closeup? Close Further away
Framed or Panoramic? Panoramic Framed
Location of the Image? Center Center
What sounds do you hear? Nil Nil
Direction of Sound? Nil Nil
Mono or Stereo? Nil Nil
Soft Loud? Nil Nil
Low pitch High pitch? Nil Nil
Slow Fast? Nil Nil
What do you say to yourself? ‘Yummy!!!’ ‘Yuck!’
Direction of Sound? Right ear Right ear
Mono or Stereo? Stereo Stereo
Soft Loud? Medium Loud
Low pitch High pitch? Low pitch High pitch
Slow Fast? Slow Fast
What does it taste like? Delicious & salty Raw & salty
What is the texture? Tender, thick & juicy Slimy & gooey
What is the smell like? Like Roast. Aromatic Pungent
What is the Temperature? Warm Cold & clammy
Location of the feeling? In the mouth On the tongue
(feel like throwing up)
Step 4. Take the Submodalities of ‘Hate’ and Put it into the
‘Love’ Experience
Think of the food you love again and imagine eating it. Except,
use the ‘hate’ submodalities to structure the experience.
First, imagine yourself getting ready to eat the juicy piece of
steak. Take the image and change it to black and white. Now,
put a frame around the image and push it further away. Does the
intensity of the state decrease?
Now, imagine looking at the steak, and see it as the same
colour as the raw liver (brownish red). Smell it and notice that
it has a pungent smell. Now, put it in your mouth and chew it,
noticing that it is raw and salty; the texture is slimy and gooey;
and it tastes and feels exactly like liver. Then, say to yourself,
‘Yuck!’ in a loud, high pitched flat tone. Feel the sensation of
throwing up on your tongue as the raw steak-liver slides down
your throat.
At this point, just thinking of the steak should give you the
same disgusting state as the liver gave you. How do you now feel
about eating the steak?
Step 5. Test it Out
The purpose of this exercise is not to turn you off steak
permanently. It is to decrease and neutralize the craving
sensation for steak. So the next time you look at it, you will be
able to say no when you need to.
This technique has been extremely useful in helping many of
my participants gain control over their bad eating habits. In the
past, they had to discipline themselves not to eat, even as they
craved for high calorie foods. They felt so miserable that pretty
soon, they would quit the diet. However, by using this
technique, they changed the neurological associations that their
brains linked to these foods. So when they thought of the nice
juicy burger, they felt neutral or even put off. At the same time,
they conditioned their minds to love healthy foods. Many of
them have lost over 30lbs in six months without much effort
at all.
Now, let’s explore more powerful strategies using
The Distortion Technique:
How to Remove an Intense Negative Experience
Sometimes, when a negative experience is too intense and
upsetting, just reducing the submodalities may not be enough to
neutralize the experience. In these cases, you must use the
‘Distortion technique’.
This is one of the most powerful techniques used to
neutralize an intense negative experience. I want you to think of
a bad experience in the recent past. One which still makes you
upset when you think about it. For example, it could be a boss or
a client treating you in an unreasonable way. Can you think of
one? Great!
Now, I want you to close your eyes and play this lousy
experience as a movie in your mind. Play the movie until you
come to the end of the experience. Then, imagine pausing the
movie at the end. Notice, the intensity of the negative state you
may have at this time.
Now, I want you to play the movie in reverse, at three times
the normal speed. So, imagine you see everything moving in
reverse. You see people walking backwards, their words going
back into their mouths, sounds are also going in reverse.
When you reach the beginning of the movie, play it forward
at three times the normal speed so the pictures and sounds are
going super fast, and everything becomes really comical. Keep
playing the movie backwards and forwards at this fast speed.
As you do this, I want you to change your internal
representation of this memory by distorting the visual and
auditory submodalities. Imagine that the people in the
experience are growing Mickey Mouse’s ears and their noses are
growing longer and longer like Pinocchio.
You can also imagine your boss with a bra on his head and
his paunchy torso wrapped in a pink ballerina dress. Now, play
some funny music in the background so the people’s voices are
squeaky like the way a cartoon chipmunk speaks. Again, as you
do this, play the movie backwards and forwards rapidly, at least
five to eight times.
When you are finished, think of the lousy experience again.
How do you feel about it now? At this point, most people would
find it extremely difficult to access those miserable feelings.
In fact, most people would start laughing when they think
about it. What has happened? Well, by changing the way our
mind has represented that past experience, we have changed the
state you have associated with it. The same experience now
triggers off a neutral or humorous state instead.
So, here is a summary of the steps to the Distortion technique
1 Think of a bad experience that is bothering you.
2 Play it as a movie until you come to the end of the experience.
3 Play the movie backwards and forwards at three times the normal
speed. Distort the submodalities (sounds and pictures) so it looks
and sounds funny, even ridiculous.
4 Repeat this process 5-8 times.
5 Test. Think of that bad experience again. How does it feel it now?
The purpose of the distortion technique is not to deny that
you have a problem or mentally run away from one. The
purpose is to get yourself out of a lousy state and into a neutral
one where you can feel more empowered to make better
decisions. And then you will take action to deal with the
problem, thereby reaching your outcome.
An analogy I can give you is that of a jukebox. Our memories
are stored like compact discs (CDs) in our mind, some of our
CDs are of happy memories, while others are of sad ones.
Whenever someone hits a particular button, we start playing
that CD in our mind and get into a certain state.
For example, the moment you see your boss’s face, it triggers
your mind to play your mental CD of that bad memory. So, you
keep feeling more and more frustrated. What the distortion
technique does is this: by playing the movie fast backwards and
forwards and distorting the submodalities, you are in effect
taking the CD and scratching it over and over again.
If you do it enough times, the CD will never play the same
way again. That bad memory will never bother you again! You
can use this anytime a past event holds you back emotionally!
The Swish Pattern:
How to Change a Lifelong Habit Now
Do you have a limiting habit that you would like to change? It
is generally believed that changing a bad habit takes months or
even years. This is an extremely limiting belief. In fact, if you
think about it, change almost always happens in an instant.
When someone stops smoking, that change of behavior
happens in an instant. When someone stops biting their
fingernails that change also happens in an instant. What takes
an eternity is preparing for that change. Like some people may
take five years trying all kinds of ways to quit smoking until one
day they just stop, never to take it up again.
Why does it take so long? And what eventually led to the
change? There are three keys that must be present for someone
to make any kind of change…
1) This MUST change
All of us know logically that we should change our bad habits.
But we never do because it never became a MUST in our minds.
Only when changing becomes an absolute MUST, does the
change occur.
It must come to a point when it becomes extremely painful
for us not to change, in that moment our mind shifts changing
(the habit) into the number one priority.
I have a friend (many years older than I), who couldn’t quit the habit of
smoking for twenty years. Then one day his beloved 10-year-old daughter
came home from school crying hysterically. Her tears were too much for
him to bear and he asked her what had happened?
‘Dad, I don’t want you to die! Please don’t leave me! ‘Darling, don’t be
silly, who says I’m going to die?’ She cried, I learned in school that smokers
die because of cancer! I don’t want you to die!’. At that moment, the pain
of seeing his beloved daughter’s anguish and fear was so great that he
stopped smoking and never took it up again.
Or it could be rising to a challenge that causes the change.
Here is another true story. Percy said he quit smoking about 20+ plus
ago when his very young daughter threw him this challenge. He had been
trying, to no avail, to get her to stop sucking her thumb. When he, once
again, prevailed on her to stop, she turned round and said: “Dad, I’ll stop
sucking my thumb if you stop smoking.” It was a challenge he could not
turn down! He stopped smoking there and then!
The first thing you have to do in order to change any habit,
it to find a compelling reason to stop now! I want you to think
of a limiting habit you would like to change such as biting your
nails or watching too much TV. And I want you to write down,
in the space below, all the reasons why you MUST change!
I Must Change Because
2) Create an Alternative
If you think of all the times you changed a habit, it is always
because there was an alternative behavior that replaced the
habit. Stopping a behavior leaves a vacuum in our minds. Unless
we replace it with something else, the old habit will return. For
example, people who stop smoking will always find themselves
doing something else that meets the need that the smoking
provided. So they start eating or exercising or playing with kids
in order to relax and kill their boredom.
3) A New Pattern is Re-conditioned
Not only must the old bad habit be replaced with a new positive
behavior, the new behavior must be conditioned until it
becomes a new habit. It is generally believed that you must
perform a behavior consistently for 28 days until it becomes a
new pattern.
In other words, if you can get up early and go for a jog for 28
straight days, you will definitely create a new pattern. Why?
Because we need to create a new set of neuro-connections that
control that new pattern in our minds!
The good news is that with the Swish pattern you are going
to learn, you can create a new neurological pathway and install
any behavior within twenty minutes!
The Swish Pattern of Rapid Change
Are you ready to make some fast and lasting changes to your
habits? There are six major steps in the Swish pattern.
Step 1. Elicit the Negative Habit to be Changed
First, identify the bad habit which you would like to change. For
example, it could be feeling sleepy whenever you need to do
some homework, chewing fingernails, over eating, over sleeping,
binge drinking, smoking etc. Write down your bad habits now.
For the purpose of this example, let’s say we work on over
sleeping in the morning.
Step 2. Identify the TRIGGER that led to the Negative Pattern
Every behavior is triggered off by something we see, hear or feel
(or a combination). This is called the TRIGGER IMAGE. For
example, how does your brain know when to smoke? Normally,
it is because you feel stressed or bored (kinesthetic) or you see
others smoke (visual).
You must identify what is the TRIGGERthat sets off this
limiting behavior. In our example, the TRIGGERmight be
hearing and seeing the alarm clock that fires off the old behavior
of going back to sleep! Once you know what this TRIGGERis,
create a PICTURE in your mind that is associated with this
trigger. We will call this the TRIGGER IMAGE.
Step 3. Elicit the DESIRED STATE/BEHAVIOR that You Want
Instead. Create a DESIRED IMAGE.
The next step is to train your brain to move towards a new
positive state and behavior. This means that the same TRIGGER
will fire off a new pattern to replace the old habit. For example,
hearing the alarm clock go off (TRIGGER) will get you feeling
energized, and jumping out of bed (DESIRED STATE/
Now, create an image in your mind that is associated with
the new desired state/behaviour. For example, you can see
yourself in a totally energized state, jumping out of bed and
saying, ‘Get up Now, great day ahead!’. This is called the
DESIRED IMAGE.Note that the DESIRED IMAGEmust be one
where you are ASSOCIATEDinto the experience.
In order to install this new TRIGGER➤BEHAVIOR, we need
to literally condition this pattern in our brain so as to form a new
set of neuro-connections. This is done in step 4.
Step 4. Swish the TRIGGER IMAGE Away, and Swish the
DESIRED IMAGE Towards You at a HIGH SPEED with a
‘Whoosh’ Sound.
This is best done standing up. I want you to close your eyes and
see the TRIGGER IMAGEas a picture in front of you. Now,
imagine grabbing the image with both hands and throwing it
forcefully away from you! Make the sound ‘Whoosh’
Imagine the TRIGGER IMAGEmoving away at HIGH SPEED
and getting smaller and smaller until it becomes a tiny dot.
Then, see it become the DESIRED IMAGEcoming back at HIGH
SPEEDtowards you. It gets larger and larger until it reaches you,
then you grab it with both hands! Keep on making the sound
At this time, you must be ASSOCIATEDwith the DESIRED
IMAGE. So, get yourself into an energized state by adopting the
physiology and see yourself jumping out of bed! Say to yourself
what you would say if you felt totally energized (in a very
energized tone), ‘Get up Now, great day ahead!’
Step 5. Repeat this 10-15 times
Keep repeating this process with as much energy and speed as you
can muster. It gets easier with repetition. You will know it’s
habituated when you feel that this new pattern is a ‘normal’ feeling.
Step 6. Test by Future Pacing
The next thing is to test if it works. One way is by using a future
pace. See yourself going out into the future where you will be in
the trigger situation. For example, see yourself in bed and hear
the alarm ring. Then see yourself with the new state and
Again, the ultimate test is what happens the next day! When
done effectively, it will be the best model of change you will ever
After you do this, you might realize that this is not the only
thing you need to do to succeed in waking up effectively.
Everything you can sense in your working environment must be
used as triggers to get you to wake up, including your bed,
blanket and the presence of your body on the bed. Flexible
people have multiple triggers to get them into states of absolute
Let’s discover even more strategies about how to condition
your brain for success in the next chapter.
Chapter Summary
1 Our internal representation is the way in which we represent
what is going on around us. It is what we think about and how
we think about our ‘environment’.
2 We must control WHAT we think about by focusing on the
mental images and sounds that empower us towards solutions
and possibilities.
3 We can direct HOW we think about experiences using submodalities.
4 Submodalities are like the keyboard to our brain. Every state
has got a specific submodality structure associated to it.
5 We can use Submodalities to
Intensify a positive experience
Deintensify a negative experience
Change how we feel about an experience by ‘mapping across’
6 The Distortion Technique is used to neutralize a negative experience.
Think of a bad experience that is bothering you
Play it as a movie until you come to the end of the experience
Play the movie backwards and forwards at three times the
normal speed. Distort the submodalities (sounds and pictures)
so it looks and sounds funny, even ridiculous
Repeat this process 5-8 times
Test. Think of that bad experience again
How does it feel it now?
7 The Swish Pattern is used to change limiting habits
and install useful ones.
Elicit the Negative Habit to be Changed
Identify the TRIGGER that leads to the Negative Pattern
Elicit the DESIRED STATE/BEHAVIOR that you want instead
Swish the TRIGGER IMAGE away, and swish the DESIRED IMAGE
towards you at a HIGH SPEED with a ‘whoosh’ sound
Repeat this 10-15 times
Test by Future Pacing
Anchoring one’s mind to positive states is powerful stuff. It
has made fighting couples fall in love again… and cured phobias
like fear of snakes. Here’s what it can do for you.
ou now know that you create your own states and you
have the ability to access any of these states at will. But
do you have to go through the process of shifting your
physiology and your submodalities every time you need to get
into a particular state?
Is there a way you can fire off any state in an instant? The
answer is yes, and the process is called anchoring. An anchor is
a stimulus that immediately fires off a state in you. A stimulus is
anything you see, hear or feel.
Whenever you are in an intense associated state and an
anchor is applied repeatedly, the state will be neurologically
linked to the anchor. When this happens, all you have to do is
to apply the same anchor and you will immediately experience
the same state.
Anchoring was first discovered by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian
psychologist who called it ‘classical conditioning’. In his
experiment, Pavlov got a bunch of dogs into an intense state of
hunger by putting food in front of them. The dogs would salivate
ferociously. At this time, he would ring a bell, over and over
again. After a while the sound of the bell (the anchor) became
neurologically linked to the state of hunger. Then Pavlov
decided to ring the bell but didn’t put any food out. The
moment the bell rang, the dogs showed hunger pangs and began
Well, the process of anchoring doesn’t just happen to
animals. As human beings, we get anchored to different states
all the time. Some of these anchors put us into resourceful states.
Unfortunately most of them limit us by putting us into lousy
states! What are some of the states that your brain is anchored
to right now? There are basically three kinds of anchors: visual
anchors, auditory anchors and kinesthetic anchors.
Visual Anchors
What are some of the visual anchors that people have? Is there
a person’s face you see that immediately makes you feel lousy?
Like a nasty boss or an ex-girlfriend? Is there someone else who,
the minute you see him or her, puts you in a great state? You feel
We also tend to anchor intense emotional past experiences
to things that currently happen around us. For example, have
you ever sped along the expressway and suddenly a white car on
the road catches your attention. If you are a speed maniac, I bet
(e.g. Motivation)
(e.g. Snap Fingers)
that ‘white car’ would have fired off a state of fear, causing you
to quickly put on the brake.
Then there are some people who start feeling sleepy the
moment they flip open the pages of a thick book. It’s the sight of
the thick, heavy tome which they associate with boredom and
And are you one of those who instantly feel butterflies in
your stomach when you step in front of an audience? Or get a
panic attack when you approach the examination hall as a
Some people I know get it so bad they have to run to the
washroom when it happens.
Then there are others who are affected by particular times of
the day or night. Certain times, associated with bedtime or naps,
have become anchors for such people. Catching a glimpse of the
clock, seeing that it’s already 11pm or 12 midnight (their usual
bedtime) can put them into a sleepy state. We have to become
aware of which stimuli or anchors fire off lousy states in us and
as a consequence make us perform poorly.
Auditory Anchors
Another form of anchor/stimuli we experience are auditory
anchors. Auditory anchors are sounds that are neurologically
linked to a particular state. A good example is the sound of a
siren. Hearing it fires off a state of ‘fear’ in some people.
How about people’s voices? Are there some voices that make
you feel irritated instantly? I’ll bet you these are whining or
grating, abrasive and loud voices.
Is there a person’s voice that immediately makes you feel
loved and happy? All these are auditory anchors that have been
conditioned from past emotional experiences, good and bad.
One of the most powerful forms of auditory anchors is music.
And movies have done a great job of installing all kinds of music
anchors that put us in a whole range of states immediately
enhancing the pictures we are seeing.
Can you imagine floating in the middle of the ocean in the
pitch black of night? As you feel your body moving to the waves,
I want you to imagine playing the theme from Jaws. Does the
music fire off a state of fear? Does it trigger off images of a
menacing shark? The Great White.
I know a lot of people who, after watching Jaws, had phobias
of swimming in the ocean. They could not get the Jaws theme
and horrible pictures out of their head when they were in the
Were you one of those people? What the movie did was put
its audience into an intense state of horror and fear as they saw
people being ripped apart. In the background, they constantly
played the Jaws theme. After the movie, the music got linked to
the state of fear!
Now, have there been movies that have installed resourceful
anchors in us? Of course! To many people, the theme from
‘Chariots of fire’ still fires off a state of inspiration and
motivation. If you are a Rocky fan, I bet that the Rocky Theme
makes you similarly inspired and motivated!
Now, what I do and what you can do is to use these auditory
anchors to get into these powerful positive states when you need it.
Do you have a problem waking up in the morning? Does the
shrill ring of the alarm clock set off a lousy state that makes you
switch it off, and go back to sleep? For me the alarm going off
was the trigger to bury my head in the pillow. What I did to
reverse this negative state was to program my compact disc
player to play the Rocky theme, at full volume, at a time I
needed to get out of bed.
Guess what happened? Rocky instantly propelled me into an
inspired state! I flew out of bed and felt totally resourceful as I
got ready and went out to work. (To this day I still use the Rocky
theme as my ‘alarm clock’.)
When I was in the army, I used to get lousy timings for the
2.4 kilometer running test. A few minutes into the run and I
would feel really exhausted, out of breath and I would hear this
voice in my head saying ‘I’m tired, I’m really tired’.
In this poor performing state I would slow right down to a
walk. I knew then that the only way for me to get a second wind
to run would be to use the power of anchoring. What I used to
do the moment I felt tired was to play the rousing ‘Chariots of
fire’ music in my mind. This immediately fired off inspiring
images of long distance athletes and put me in a powerful state
that allowed me to run my best timings.
Did you watch Titanic the movie? I have friends who
watched it several times and still cried. It was interesting to see
the many people who got anchored to the Titanic theme. The
moment they hear it, they would get into this romantic state!
Some of my friends even shamelessly used that music to get their
girlfriends into a mushy state!
Kinesthetic Anchors
The third kind of anchors we have are kinesthetic anchors. It is
when someone touches you in a certain way or you move in a
certain way that fires off a particular state! Is there a way
someone touches you, or holds you that makes you feel really
Top sports athletes always have some kind of power move or
consistent ritual they do in order to get themselves into a peak
state. Michael Jordan sticks out his tongue, Tiger Woods pumps
his fist and other athletes slap their hands together. In the past,
every time they were in a power state, they kept making that
move until the action became anchored to that state.
The late legendary Elvis Presley sent millions of his fans –
especially females – into screams and shrieks as soon as he
swiveled his hips to his rock and roll music.
You don’t have to be a sports or movie star to have power
moves. You can install kinesthetic anchors that you can fire off
anytime you need to get into a powerful state – like before you
make a presentation, make a sales pitch, stand in front of an
audience, make a cold call or get started on a tough project.
Do you know someone who is in the uniformed services and
is really proud of it? Like the army, navy, air force or the police
force? Notice how putting on that uniform literally changes the
way the person feels.
I have noticed that when people put on their uniform,
especially if they are of a commander rank, their physiology
changes. They stand straighter, breathe differently and change
their facial muscles.
All this happens at a subconscious level. It instantly makes
that person feel more confident and more authoritative! If you
think about it, it is just a piece of clothing. But through
associating that uniform and its rank with power, that piece of
clothing has become a powerful anchor!
When I first started motivational speaking, I used a
particular blue suit and a red tie to get myself into a powerful and
confident state! And most women executives and professionals
know the power of ‘the power suit’ in giving them confidence
and poise, and triggering off respect in those they meet.
How Anchoring Affects Our Lives
Have you ever wondered why Nike pays sports stars millions of
dollars just to wear clothes with that famous swish logo? They do
it because they understand the power of anchoring. Last year,
Nike signed a US$100 million 5-year endorsement deal for Tiger
Woods to wear that Nike cap and apparel. Were they crazy? No!
They knew that when people saw Tiger Woods and felt that
intense state of motivation and inspiration, they would see the
Nike swish. When people watched Jordan and felt incredible,
they would see that Nike Swish. Sure enough, seeing the swish
gave people all the great feelings. The states of power,
motivation and confidence were anchored to the visual swish
That anchor gets people to pay hundreds of dollars for those
Jordan shoes and Nike golf cap and T-shirts. Why? Somehow
when they wear it, they feel great!
By using the power of anchoring their logo and products to
the great feelings generated by sports stars, Nike has become the
largest and most successful sports apparel company in the world.
When Nike first started paying millions of dollars to sports stars,
many of their competitors thought they were mad to waste so
much money but at the end of the day it is Nike who is laughing
all the way to the bank.
Don’t get manipulated… create your own powerful anchors!
If advertisers spend millions of dollars to constantly anchor
powerful states in you to their brands, isn’t it time you took
control and started creating powerful anchors for yourself? In a
short while, you are going to do just that.
By the way, do you know how people fall deeply in love with
someone? They get fantastic feelings of love anchored to that
person’s face and voice. As they go out with that person and
have a good time, they feel all these great feelings when they see
that person’s face and hear that person’s voice until eventually it
all gets anchored! So, every time you think of that person, you
feel wonderful!
Do you know why people often fall out of love after a while?
It is because the positive anchors eventually collapse and get
replaced with negative anchors.
When you are in a relationship, you are bound to have
misunderstandings and unhappy moments. The danger comes
when you see your partner’s face while you are feeling these
negative emotions. Or when your partner feels lousy and you
hug them in a certain way. After some time, those negative
feelings of hurt and anger get linked to that person’s face, voice
and touch.
Over time, just thinking of that person brings up all those
negative feelings. This is why many people, once so in love,
reach a stage when they cannot see each other without getting
upset and fighting. As a result, they eventually fall out of love
and break up!
So you must understand the power of anchoring for two
reasons. The first is to install powerful anchors so that you can
access resourceful states any time you need to perform at your
peak. The second is to understand how negative anchors can
limit you. This way, you can collapse them and stop them from
controlling you.
Four Steps to Creating a Powerful Anchor
You can create an anchor for virtually any resourceful state that
you want. You can create anchors for confidence, relaxation,
motivation and love. Once you decide on the state you want to
anchor, there are four major steps to follow.
Step 1. Get into an Intense, Fully Associated State
The first step is to get yourself into an intense, fully associated
state. How? By accessing a time in the past when you felt this
state. Adopt the same physiology you were in and use your
submodalities to intensify the state.
Let’s say you wanted to anchor the state of confidence. Well,
think of the last time when you felt totally confident.
Adopt the same physiology you were in at the time. Stand
the way you were standing, breathe the way you were breathing
and have the same facial expression you wore when you felt
totally confident.
See what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel.
Now, from a scale of 1 to 10, intensify your state to a 10 by
making the pictures bigger, brighter and associated. Make the
sounds louder and closer and say to yourself what you would say
if you felt totally confident.
Step 2. At the Peak of the State, Apply the Anchor
Once you sense that you are at the peak of the state (scale of
10), apply your anchor! The best kind of anchor to use would be
a combination of an auditory and kinesthetic anchor. For
example, you could clench your fists and shout, ‘Yes!’
Alternatively, you could clap your hands or snap your fingers.
Step 3. Break the State. Then, Repeat Steps 1 & 2 At Least
Five to Ten Times
Next, break your state by thinking of something else. Then,
repeat the process of getting into the supremely confident state,
intensifying it and, at the peak, apply the anchor again. Keep
doing this over and over again until the anchor is installed.
Normally, five to ten times should be sufficient.
Step 4. Test the Anchor
Finally, test the anchor. Again, get into a neutral state. This
time, apply the anchor by clenching your fist and shouting, ‘Yes!’
Do the emotions of confidence come back? If they do, that
means the anchor has been effectively installed.
The best way to test the anchor is in a real situation when
you are not feeling confident. Whenever you are in a situation
like this, fire off your anchor to get back into a resourceful state.
If you think about it, every time you got anchored to a
particular state, you went through these four steps.
Why did you get emotions of love anchored to the Titanic
Theme? When you watched the movie, its pictures and sound
put you in an intense state of romance. Then, at the climax of
the movie, they kept playing that same song (apply the anchor
at the peak). They did this throughout the whole movie until
the anchor was installed.
The test of how effectively the ‘romance’ anchor was
installed would come later, when you were in a neutral state.
And then, suddenly, you heard the song being played, and this
triggered off the same powerful feelings of love. So, the test
You may have also heard the expression, ‘They are playing
our song’, taken from a stage play. Couples in love, from all eras,
often say this with some excitement when they hear a particular
song being played. What these couples refer to is a song that was
playing (usually the current romantic hit song) when they were
falling in love. And hearing it played again brings back to the
couple, the same rush of romantic love. I am sure many of you
can relate to this.
Warning: Do not use this technique for intense fears and
phobias. A phobia is, of itself, a very powerful anchor and it will
override the resource anchor. The technique of using anchors to
get rid of phobias requires a different sequence of steps and we
will come to that later.
The Keys to Anchoring
Many people attempt to follow the four steps described above
but are still unsuccessful in installing an anchor. If this happens
to you, know that it is because you did not pay sufficient
attention to the four crucial keys to ensuring that the anchor is
effective. They are:
Key 1: Intensity
The first key is Intensity. Anchors can only be installed when
the state you experience is extremely intense. In fact, when a
state is intense enough, an anchor can be installed instantly
after one attempt. Being in a slightly motivated state, for
example, will not work.
Key 2: Timing
The second key is Timing. The anchor must be applied near the
peak of the intense state on the upward buildup so that when
you test the anchor, you will get a state that is on the uptrend. If
it is at the peak, it is possible that your anchor lasts into the
state’s downtrend, thereby reducing the anchor’s effectiveness.
You should hold on to the anchor for a second or two before
letting go.
Key 3: Uniqueness
The third key is Uniqueness. The anchor you choose must be
unique. Remember, it can be a visual anchor, auditory anchor or
a kinesthetic anchor. It can also be a combination of all three!
For example, your anchor could be seeing a particular picture,
saying something to yourself and snapping your fingers! But all
three must be applied simultaneously!
Key 4: Replication
The fourth key is Replication. You must apply the anchor a few
times in exactly the same way. For example, if your kinesthetic
anchor was touching a part of your shoulder, you must touch the
exact same part, with the same pressure. If the anchor was
something you said to yourself, you must repeat what you said in
exactly the same way.
Peak of State
Apply Anchor Here
Anchor Yourself for a Successful Outcome
Are you ready? I want you to choose five resourceful states that
you would like to access in different situations. For example, if
you often give public presentations and always feel nervous at
the thought of facing an audience, you may want to create an
anchor that fires off a confident state or, depending on your
audience, you may want to create a calm anchor so you can
deliver a smooth speech with quiet confidence. Or, when you
are feeling stressed, you may want to be able to trigger off a state
of relaxation.
Write down the FIVE resourceful states you want to anchor
and access when needed in the space below. Next to your states,
think and write down what anchors you want to use to fire off
these states. Remember that you can use visual anchors, auditory
anchors, kinesthetic anchors or a combination!
If you already have a state anchored to a particular kind of
music, such as Motivation state to Rocky movie, then you could
just utilize that anchor! Grab your pen and do it now.
Resourceful States Anchor
Once you know the resourceful states you want, use the four
steps to anchor yourself to each one of them. Choose a different
anchor for each of the different states you want to fire off.
Create New Powerful Anchors in Other People
Can you use the same technique to create anchors of Love,
Confidence, Motivation and Enthusiasm in other people? Of
course you can!
In my seminars, participants must walk over a 5-inch plank
about one and a half stories high. I had a student who lost his
confidence when he reached the top and saw the narrow plank.
So I got him to come back down in order to break the negative
I then got him to go back to a time in the past when he felt
totally relaxed and confident. As he accessed this resourceful
state, I got him to intensify the feelings. At the peak of the state,
I kept touching his shoulder in a certain way and saying, ‘Yes!’ I
kept repeating the process over and over again. After this, when
he again climbed all the way to the top, I was there to touch his
shoulder and say ‘yes!’ Immediately, his posture and facial
expression changed! He felt instantly calm and powerful and
could walk the plank confidently.
Anchoring… To Fall In Love Again!
Remember I told you about how couples fall out of love after a few
years? Well, Virginia Satir, a world-renowned family therapist was able
to get couples to fall deeply in love again after short sessions of therapy
with her.
What she simply did was to create new powerful anchors for the couples.
She would get the man and the woman to imagine going back to the first
time they fell in love. She would get them to imagine all the wonderful
times they had together.
As they felt all these great feelings of love, she got them to intensify
the experience and, at the peak, would get them to look at each other’s
face. She did this process over and over again. Pretty soon those great
feelings would come flooding back and the couples would fall deeply in
love again.
How to Collapse a Negative Anchor & Install an
Empowering One
Now that you have learnt how to install anchors for various
kinds of states, you must also learn how to collapse them.
Obviously, we would only want to collapse anchors that fire off
lousy states and limit us.
What limiting anchors do you have that hold you back? For
example, when you get into your office and the first thing you
see is an overflowing in-tray or a desk piled high with files, do
you immediately feel you want to do something to avoid
attending to all that paperwork?
Or perhaps you feel nervous when you have to pick up the
phone to make a cold call? Or apprehension when you see your
boss’s face, or when you have to walk into a crowded room and
you don’t know anybody?
Perhaps you get butterflies in your stomach just before you
make a presentation to a client?
All these are subconscious anchors that fire off lousy states
that prevent us from performing at our peak. I want you to take
a few minutes to write down whatever limiting anchors you
have. Also, write down at least 3 new powerful states you would
want to replace the collapsed anchor with.
My Limiting Anchors
Anchor Limiting State New State
Once you have identified these limiting anchors, you can use
the 7-step process of collapsing anchors.
Steps to Collapsing An Anchor
Step 1. Decide on the negative state to be collapsed
The first step is to decide on the negative state you want to get
rid off. For example, whenever you look at the phone in the
office, you feel nervous. If you are a salesperson this would be
extremely counter-productive.
Step 2. Decide on the Positive States Needed
The next step is to decide on all the powerful states needed to
collapse the negative state. You could use ‘confidence’, ‘fun’ and
‘motivation’ for example.
Step 3. Elicit the Different Positive States and Anchor Them
Next, put yourself into each of the positive states using your
physiology and submodalities. At the peak of each positive state,
anchor them one by one. By using one anchor for all the positive
states, you are literally stacking all the positive states so they
become very powerful.
For example, think of a time when you felt totally confident.
Put yourself in the same physiology and intensify the state by
changing your driver submodalities. At the peak of the state, you
could snap your fingers and say ‘Yes!’ (notice that this a
kinesthetic and auditory anchor). Repeat the same thing for
‘fun’ and ‘motivation’. So by snapping your fingers and saying,
‘Yes!’, you fire off all three positive states of ‘confidence’, ‘fun’
and ‘motivation’.
Step 4. Fire Off Both Positive & Negative Anchors
Simultaneously Until They Peak, and the Integration
is Complete
To collapse the anchor, we need to fire off both the positive and
negative anchors simultaneously. For example, we look at the
phone and snap our fingers. When both positive and negative
states are fired off together, the more powerful positive state will
collapse the negative one.
Step 5. Release the Negative Anchor
We then release the negative anchor by looking away from the
Step 6. Continue to Hold the Positive Anchor for 5 Seconds
and then Release
We continue to fire off the positive states by snapping our fingers
and saying ‘Yes!’ for 5 seconds.
Step 7. Test it Out
Finally, we can test it out. Now look at the phone afresh, this
time the old state of nervousness should no longer be felt. In
fact, by looking at the phone, the new resourceful states of ‘fun’,
‘motivation’ and ‘confidence’ should be fired off automatically.
Perhaps you don’t realize this but what Virginia Satir did to
help fighting couples fall in love again was a ‘collapse anchor’
process. Before the therapy, each time an estranged husband and
wife saw each other’s face (old anchor), feelings of anger and
disappointment would surface. Virginia, by using positive states
of ‘love’, ‘joy’, ‘happiness’ and ‘excitement’ as anchors, helped
the couples collapse the negative feelings they had of each other.
With the new anchors successfully installed, every time her
clients saw each other, the great feelings of love would come
rushing back!
Dealing with Phobias: The Ultimate Anchors
In traditional psychotherapy, it is believed that a phobia takes
years to cure. This is especially so with deep rooted phobias that
the person has suffered with for years. However, with the right
strategies, you can eliminate a lifelong phobia within 30
In our training programs, we have helped eliminate people’s
phobia of snakes, mice, heights, water and public speaking. You
see, a phobia is nothing more than a very big negative anchor.
Normally, a phobia is an intense fear linked to a particular
stimulus, like heights. A true phobia is one where the person
starts getting into an intense and uncontrollable state of fear and
they exhibit this fear by sweating and shaking and sometimes
bursting into tears.
As we mentioned before, it is difficult to eliminate a phobia
just by using the ‘collapsing anchors’ technique on its own.
Why? Because with a phobia, the negative anchor is so strong
that it will collapse the positive anchor.
For example, if you had a phobia of the stage and starting to
snap your fingers to fire off ‘confidence’, the state of fear will get
linked to your original positive anchor of snapping the fingers.
To eliminate phobias, you must use a combination of
techniques that incorporate submodalities, anchoring and the
distortion method. This is known as the Fast Phobia Cure, and
it has five major steps.
Step 1. Test the Phobia
First, put the person in contact with whatever is creating the
phobia in order to measure the strength of the phobia. For
example, if it is a fear of snakes, bring the snake to the person
and see how the person reacts. The reason for doing this is so
that when the person has been ‘cured’ of his/her phobia, you can
see the dramatic change that has taken place.
Now, take the stimulus away (i.e. the snake) so that the
person is far from it.
Step 2. Create a Series of Resourceful Anchors
In order to collapse the phobia, you need to create in that
person, a series of very powerful anchors. These resourceful
states could be ‘confidence’, ‘complete relaxation’ or ‘humour’.
Now, get that person into each of these states and, at the peak,
anchor the person by saying something positive and touching
them on the shoulders. For example, get the person into a very
confident state, and anchor it. Next, get the person into an
intense humorous state and anchor that as well. Use the same
anchor (touch on the shoulders), to stack all the three
resourceful states.
Step 3. Do a Double Disassociation
Now, because a phobia is usually very intense, just thinking of it
will trigger fear. It order to avoid this, we need to get the person
to do a double disassociation. In other words, he is disassociated
twice from the experience. This is how we do it.
‘Imagine that you are in a movie theatre, sitting right in front of
the big screen and you are watching a movie of yourself in the past.
Now, from your seat, imagine yourself stepping out of your body and
floating all the way up into the projection room.
‘From the projection room, I want you to feel that you are safe
from the fear. Now, on the screen, I want you to see a movie of the
time when you first had this fear (of snakes or whatever phobia you
have). Maybe it was the time when you first encountered a snake.’
As the person is seeing these past experiences, we keep firing
off the resourceful anchor (i.e. touching him on the shoulder) in
order to put that person in a powerful state.
Step 4. Change the Internal Representation of the
Past Experience
Remember that what causes the state of fear is the way the
person has represented the experience of the past. We need to
scramble the past experience by changing the submodalities of
the pictures, sounds and feelings. We need to represent it in a
way where it becomes fun and even humorous. This is where we
can use lots of reframing as well. We could say:
‘As you see the snake in front of you, imagine that the snake is
smiling at you. See the snake sticking out its tongue, this means it
wants to greet you and make friends. Imagine the snake saying, ‘I’m
scared. Please hold me. The reason I move around so much is because
I want to get to know you’. Imagine the snake having the voice of a
cute character.
As you see yourself holding the snake, imagine that it is a warm-blooded creature with texture you like to stroke, such as soft silk. As
you see yourself holding the snake, see and feel yourself having lots of
fun! What would you say or do in order to make this really fun?’
As you do this, keep firing off the anchor of ‘confidence’,
‘humor’ and ‘relaxation.
Step 5. Re-associate Back into the Experience
When you see the person feeling very good, very comfortable
as they use their imagination to change their internal
representations, get him or her to slowly associate back into
their body. You tell the person:
‘Imagine yourself drifting down from the projector booth into your
body in the cinema seat. How does that feel? Now, imagine yourself
being associated into the movie that you see on the screen. Become
fully associated into the experience as you play with the snake. Feel
the confidence and the fun.’
Once the person is able to stay in a positive state while
imagining the experience in a disassociated way, you know that
the phobia has been neutralized. You can then go on to test it for
Step 6. Test it!
Ask the person to come back from the experience. Now, take
the snake to the person slowly and, as you do this, keep firing off
the resourceful anchors as you had done earlier. If you have gone
through the process successfully, the person will find that the
phobia has been neutralized.
Remember anchoring is a process that all of us are subjected
to all the time. If we take conscious control of what we are
neurologically linked to, then we can be constantly anchored to
positive states. And it’s only in these positive states that we are
driven to reach our goals!
Do note that some steps will vary if you have a phobia that
is more specific, i.e. you have been bitten by a snake before. In
this instance, you will have to use a distortion technique.
Chapter Summary
1 Whenever you are in an intense associated state and an anchor
is applied repeatedly, the state will be neurologically linked to
the anchor.
2 There are visual anchors, auditory anchors & kinesthetic anchors.
3We can install an anchor by
Getting into an intense, associated state
Applying the anchor at the peak
Repeating this consistently
Testing to see if it works
4 In order for an anchor to be effective, there are 4 keys to observe
5 We can collapse negative anchors that limit us and install
empowering alternatives. There are seven steps.
Decide on the negative state to be collapsed
Decide on the positive states needed
Elicit the different positive states and anchor them
Fire off both positive & negative anchors simultaneously
until they peak, then release the negative anchor
Continue to hold the positive anchor for 5 seconds
and then release.
Test it out.
6 Phobias are nothing but strong anchors to fear.
We can eliminate them with six steps.
Test the phobia
Create a series of resourceful anchors
Do a double disassociation
Change the internal representation of the past experience
Re-associate back into the experience
Test it
‘The meaning I choose to give is the meaning I create’
- Adam Khoo
magine that the company you have worked so hard for in the
last 20 years decided that it was time to retrench you because
they can replace you with someone at half your salary. How
would you feel?
What meaning would you give to this experience?
Most people would feel angry, bitter and rejected. Because it
means that their source of income and security is gone, cut off.
They would feel betrayed. They would feel that they have
just wasted 20 years of their life. They would feel that they are
too old and no longer of value! The meaning they attach to this
experience would put them in a totally un-resourceful state.
So, what do you think will happen when they go for a new
job interview? Would they impress their prospective new
employer with their enthusiasm, passion, energy and drive? Not
likely. Chances are, they will unconsciously exhibit their low
self-esteem, even bitterness and jadedness. As a result, it will
take them a long time to find someone who wants to hire them.
And even if they eventually find another job, it may be a part-time job, or one of much lower status and pay.
Now, in this new job do you think they will give their all?
Most likely they would be thinking to themselves, ‘What’s the
point? I gave my best years to my former company and look
where it has gotten me?’ As a result, this person will reinforce
the meaning he has attached to the retrenchment; that it was
the worst thing that has ever happened to him.
Retrenchment: Dejection to One, Joy to Another!
At the same time, I have also seen many other people attach a
totally different meaning to the same experience of
retrenchment. To these people, retrenchment means that it is
the company’s great loss.
It means that they have the opportunity to start a new career
or business in a field they have a whole lot more passion for. It
means that they will finally be paid what they are worth! And
the ‘bonus’ is that they are getting a great pay-out which will be
the seed money to get them started in a business they always
wanted to be in, but never had a good reason to start. Not until
the ‘Retrenchment’ package was given to them.
Getting retrenched also means that they have much more
freedom and flexibility to plan ahead.
For those looking for a new employer, retrenchment means
that they can be glad they are leaving an ungrateful company to
move to one where they would be more appreciated, and whose
corporate culture would be more in sync with theirs.
By framing retrenchment in this way, these people attach a
whole different meaning to the same experience. They put
themselves into a totally resourceful state of possibility,
enthusiasm, motivation, passion and excitement.
They will be driven to go out and upgrade their skills, hunt
for new career opportunities, or even start their own business.
As a result of taking all these actions, do you think they will end
up in a situation that is better than where they were previously?
Of course! I have so many (older) friends who were forced to
start their own business after the 1987 recession and, because of
this, many of them are a lot wealthier, happier and have a
greater sense of freedom and purpose.
‘Getting laid off was the best thing that happened to me.’
– Shipping Tycoon
One of these enterprising people I know has just listed his
shipping company and is personally worth $28 million. He keeps
saying that the layoff was the best thing that ever happened to
him. Again, the meaning these people choose to give to their
experience was the meaning they created.
Why is it that the same experience can destroy one person
and empower another to a new level of success?
In the previous chapter ‘Directing Your Brain’, we said that
we represent (frame) things very differently in our minds. Some
people have a pattern of constantly framing experiences in such
a way that it dis-empowers them and puts them in un-resourceful states. Others constantly frame things in a way that
gets them empowered and extremely resourceful.
So which representation of The Experience is true? Is it a
blessing or a curse? Is it an opportunity or a problem? How you
choose to represent the experience becomes true for you.
Yes, we all have the free will to create our own model of the
world, whatever the external circumstances.
There is No Meaning in Life, Except the Meaning
We Choose to Give It.
What we must understand is that all meaning is context
dependant. In other words, there is no meaning in life except
the meaning we choose to give it.
When we look at things (an experience, an incident, an
event) from one perspective, it may seem totally bad. However,
when we change the way we look at the same thing (i.e. from a
different perspective), the meaning completely changes. It could
become totally powerful… for you.
You can also see that any experience in life carries with it
multiple meanings. Anything in life has the potential to be
either good/positive or bad/negative. It depends on your
perspective, the frame in which you are seeing it from.
The Rainbow in Every Dark Cloud
This is known as the law of polarity. For every north, there is
a south. For every outside, there is an inside, for every crisis,
there is an opportunity and for every heads, there is a tails.
For every concave, there is a convex. For everything that comes
to an end, something new begins.
The meaning we choose to attach to an experience is the
meaning we create. When we interpret an experience as
negative or bad, we will get into a miserable state, take lousy
actions (even inaction is a form of lousy action) and produce
negative results. At the same time, when we interpret an
experience as positive, we get into resourceful states, take
positive action, and eventually create positive results.
This can be summarized in a formula that goes
Event+Response=Outcome. I first came across this wonderful
formula in a seminar given by Jack Canfield (co-author of
Chicken Soup for the Soul). Many people believe that it is the
events around us that shape our outcomes. They believe that
people who are happier and more successful just happen to
experience better events in their lives.
E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)
You and I both know that this is totally untrue. It is not the
things that happen to us, but rather, how we choose to respond
to happenings and external circumstances that ultimately shape
our outcomes.
Retrenchment is one of the most commonplace experiences
faced by people, in the ups and downs of life. As we saw in the
true-life experiences narrated earlier, how a person chooses to
responds can either put him in an un-resourceful state, and
ultimately create a lousy outcome for him, or he can respond in
an empowering way and come out with a positive outcome.
‘The basic difference between an ordinary man and a
warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge
while an ordinary man takes everything either as
a blessing or a curse.’
– Don Juan in ‘Tales of Power’
As you well know, we cannot control every single thing that
happens to us, but we can control how we choose to respond
to it.
For example, if you go sailing, you cannot control where the
wind is going to blow. You can complain and blame the wind all
you want but it is not going to be of any use. However, you can
control how you maneuver the sails, and that will control the
outcome of your boat’s direction.
People who succeed and live fulfilling and enriching lives
don’t experience better events, they just represent things and
respond in a much more powerful way.
We have heard so many stories of people who were born with
all kinds of handicaps and despite all the odds stacked against
them, they managed to create a life most others can only dream
Oprah Winfrey – from Street Urchin to Talkshow Host
What would you say of a child who was born to a single 13-year-old
mother who was struggling to survive on the streets? What would you
say if I told you that this child became the victim of multiple physical
and sexual abuse before the age of thirteen herself? She later became
pregnant and gave birth to a still-born baby.
She often got into trouble with the law before the age of fifteen. You
wouldn’t bet too much hope on her future, would you? What if I told
you that this person was Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest and most
successful women in the United States? And she is a Black American
as well.
Despite all the handicaps and tragic abuses, Oprah chose to keep
responding in an empowering way that led to the outcomes that she
is experiencing today.
At the same time we know people who, despite being born
with all the money, advantages, resources and opportunities
chose to make nothing of themselves. In fact, many of them end
up destroying their lives.
Andrew Luster – from Cosmetics Heir
to Rapist-on-the-run
A recent example is Andrew Luster, 39-year-old heir to the Max
Factor cosmetics empire who became a convicted rapist on-the-run in
mid 2003.
Luster is the great-grandson of legendary Hollywood make-up mogul
Max Factor who established his empire in Hollywood in the 1920s. As
a result, he lived off a trust fund and real estate investments believed
to be worth about US$31 million. He grew up on exclusive Malibu
Beach in LA and never had to work. Instead of taking care of his
investments, he chose to spend most of his time as a ‘beach bum’
– surfing, fishing and partying.
Luster did go to college but dropped out. He then bought a beach
house near Santa Barbara and continued his life of travel and pleasure.
Warped Luster had videotaped himself having sex with women who
appeared to be either asleep or drugged. This led to his conviction
as a rapist of not one but several women whom he had drugged.
He is presumably languishing in jail, a tragic end to a life that began
with so much promise.
Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope
Heard of Terry Fox, Canadian marathon runner? Well, at 18, Terry
was diagnosed with cancer and had to have his right leg amputated.
Most people would see this as a tragedy and never, in their wildest
dreams, would they see themselves running. Not Terry Fox. This
courageous man decided that he would use this experience to raise
money for cancer research and make a difference to all cancer
sufferers. So, despite having only one leg, Terry started to run across
Canada to raise a million dollars.
Sadly, half way through his journey, Terry contracted another cancer,
this time in his lungs. He was forced to stop his run and died on June
28, 1981. However, because of the inspiration that his courage had
created, he raised over US$24 million for his cause. Today, over $330
million has been raised around the world through the Terry Fox
Marathon of Hope.
From Superman to Paraplegic…
and now an Inspiration to all
Now, think of Christopher Reeves. Many of us remember Reeves
as invincible Superman. He not only had super strength but super
powers, he could literally fly. More than that, Christopher Reeves had
the fantastic physique to make the role he played to super stardom,
magical and believable.
Then, in 1994, a tragic horse riding accident left Reeves paralyzed
from the neck down for life! Initially, the meaning he attached to the
accident was that his life was over and that he would be a burden to
Utterly depressed Reeves wanted his doctors to take him off life
support and allow him to die. It was his wife who asked him to give
himself (and his family) two years. At the end of the two years, if
he still felt the same way, they would find a way to let him go.
But as Reeves’ rehabilitation began, surrounded by his very loving and
supportive family and friends, he started to attach a totally different
meaning to his disability. He began to see that he (because of his
fame) could become an inspiration and symbol to all those who are
suffering from various disabilities, and who have lost hope.
The meaning he gave to his experience put him in a resourceful state.
As he continued to bear his massive disability stoically and improve,
bit by bit, he started to write what went to become a best-selling book
called ‘Nothing is Impossible’.
Though imprisoned in his body, Reeves gave hundreds of moving
speeches and inspiring seminars; he even directed a movie and won
an academy award. He is now living a life that is more fulfilling than
ever before. His schedule of appearances, speaking engagements,
and meetings are no less demanding than that of a CEO’s.
Millions around the world have been inspired by Reeves indomitable
spirit and he has raised millions through the Christopher Reeve
foundation. And because of his motivated lovable state, his family
continue to be there for him.
The Law of Polarity:
Anything that seems to be extremely Negative,
when framed from a different perspective,
becomes extremely Positive.
I can tell you from my own life experiences that the most
positive outcomes, which I am enjoying today, were the result of
the ‘worst’ experiences that happened to me in the past. What
made the difference was that I chose to respond in a way that
continued to empower me.
As a result of performing poorly for my Primary School
Examinations in 1986, I was rejected from all six secondary
schools that my parents had applied for. While many of my
friends were accepted into the top prestigious schools, I was sent
to a government school that nobody had heard of and, being
very new, it was ranked below most schools in the country.
At that time, it seemed like an extremely negative thing.
However, at hindsight, I would say that it was the best thing that
could have happened to me. It is one of the major contributions
to my success today! Why?
Well, if I had gone to a top school, then I may not have
ranked anywhere among the top students. As a result, I may
never have built up the powerful beliefs and self-esteem I have
At the same time, if I had always been a good student, I
wouldn’t have had such a remarkable story to tell in my first
book, ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!’ In the book, I narrated how I
rose from being close to the bottom of the country’s schools to
rank among its top students!
In fact, the reason I became well-known and popular as a
trainer was because of the remarkable turnaround I had made
from an under-achiever to gifted student. (I had a true-life ‘sexy’
story to tell which is also the main reason the media chose to
profile me, boosting my standing).
I can also tell you that the only reason that I am the owner
and CEO of the largest and most successful public training
company in Singapore is the direct result of another ‘bad
experience’ a couple of years ago.
How I Turned ‘Rejection’ into New Beginnings…
and Birthed a New Company
had been working for another motivational training
company ever since I was 15. Over time I had developed a
close relationship with the owner. Because of my loyalty and
the value I added as a trainer, he often promised that in time I
would get the chance to become a shareholder of his business.
However, 13 years later, when I mapped out big plans to
expand his education business and asked to purchase a stake in
it, I was turned down.
Initially, I was most disappointed and could have felt ‘used’
but soon I started telling myself that this (rejection) meant that
I could start to build my own company with a culture and
programs that I believed would be even better. That was how
Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group(AKLTG) was
Within two months, AKLTG had broken even and, within
12 months, the company had made over half a million dollars
net profit. Not only am I the CEO of a multi-million-dollar
training company, but I am now working with a group of
dynamic partners who are also my closest friends.
I am also making more money and happier than I would
have been if I had become a partner in a company someone else
had started, with his vision. (I can now also see how he would
have had to try and accommodate my ideas and vision which
would have meant a lot of compromises from both sides – not
the most ideal way to drive a company).
In all of our lives, there will always come a time when things
seem unfair, that no matter how hard we work for something, we
did not get what we believed we deserved. It may even be a
terrible tragedy.
Many people allow events such as these to destroy their self-esteem, their faith and belief about themselves and the essential
goodness of others.
They allow these events to cripple them forever from taking
action. But there are always others who use what appeared to be
negative events/happenings to grow stronger, wiser and more
Donald Trump Triumphed Over Business Tragedies that
Caused Others to Commit Suicide
Donald Trumpis one person who constantly frames things as tests
of his resilience and as lessons that make him smarter. Flamboyant
Donald Trump is probably one of America’s best known billionaires.
In the 1980s and early 1990s Trump made a fortune in real estate,
being heralded as one of the top real estate moguls, his personal
wealth was estimated at US$1 billion. At the height of his career, he
wrote two best-selling books ‘The Art of the Deal’ and ‘Surviving at
the Top’.
Then, in the late 1990s, a worldwide depression set in and property
prices started falling like a pack of cards. Overnight, billionaires whose
fortunes were tied to real estate and the stock market found their
fortunes wiped out. Donald Trump was not spared.
Within days, Trump’s personal fortune was gone and he was
US$900 million in debt. The banks moved in to make him a bankrupt.
Some of his friends who suffered the same tragedy convinced
themselves that they were financially finished and took their own lives.
When his ex-wife rang, he thought that she was calling to express
her sympathy. Instead, she gave him another blow by demanding
that he pay her whatever money he had left as a divorce settlement.
People whom he thought were his closest friends brushed him off in
his hour of need. Indomitable Trump didn’t regard this as being the
end, it only meant that he had the opportunity to get back to work
and turn things around. Although he had lost everything financially,
he still retained his billion-dollars experience, and business know-how.
Over the next six month, Trump negotiated one of the biggest deals in
business history and within three years, he made over US$3 billion. In
his latest book, ‘The Art of the Comeback’, Trump talks about how his
near brush with bankruptcy has made him wiser, stronger and more
focused than ever before. That, if not for that financial catastrophe, he
never would have found out who his true friends are, and would never
have gotten the focus to make US$3 billion in three years.
While most businessmen allowed the recession of 1990s to totally
destroy their personal fortunes and lives, Donald Trump used that
set-back to make him stronger and richer than ever before. Again,
it is not what happens to us, but the meaning we choose to give to it
that determines what we do and ultimately the outcome we produce.
Business Icon Lee Iacocca’s Success Began
with Getting Fired!
Another great example is Lee Iacocca, the former CEO of Chrysler.
After graduating with a Masters Degree in Engineering from Princeton
University, Lee was hired as an engineer at Ford Motor Company. For
the next 21 years, Lee’s superior management skills allowed him to
continuously introduce breakthrough programs and products at Ford,
helping the company to massively increase its sales & profits. Then,
because of a personality clash with Henry Ford II, Lee was fired from
his position.
How did Lee choose to respond? Instead of feeling sorry for himself,
he chose to respond in a way that empowered him. He told Ford,
‘I am going to build a company that will one day dwarf yours!’ It was
this conviction that drove Lee to take massive action.
Lee joined Chrysler which at that time was facing bankruptcy. With
his passion, energy and savvy managerial skills, Lee built Chrysler
up to become a highly profitable company that rivaled Ford as
market leader.
Lee Iacocca became a national celebrity and hailed as one of the
greatest CEOs of all time.
Reframing: The Art of Changing Meaning
So, how we represent (frame) our experiences determines how
we respond and the outcomes we achieve. Therefore we must
learn to constantly frame experiences ways that empower us, and
empower the people around us.
When you change the way you represent (frame) something,
you totally change the meaning and the emotions associated
with that experience. As a result, you change the decisions you
make and the actions you take.
You must learn how to create resourceful meanings out of
every experience. Successful leaders and entrepreneurs do this to
empower themselves and others to reach their goals.
The process of turning a negative experience into a positive
one is called reframing.
There are two ways you can do this, Content Reframing and
Context Reframing.
Content Reframing…
Content reframing is the process of changing a negative
experience into a positive one by changing the meaning of the
experience. Remember, every event has multiple meanings. The
meaning we choose to focus on is what becomes real for us.
The best way to do a content reframe is to ask the question,
‘What else can this mean?’ ‘How can this benefit or empower me
instead of depressing me?’
For example, if the recession hit when you were about to
start your business, you could content reframe it by saying,
‘Good! This means that business costs, like rental and salaries,
will be lower and allow us to break even faster’.
Or you could say, ‘Good! This means prospective clients will
be more open to listening to suppliers who offer better value for
money.’ There are multiple reasons why starting a business in a
recession will be a positive experience!
What if someone told you, ‘My son does not stop talking’
You could reframe this negative comment by saying ‘Good. That
means he must be full of ideas’. Or ‘This means he must be very
If the person you love leaves you for someone else, reframe
the loss by saying, ‘Good. This means that I can find someone
who truly loves me’ or ‘This means I can find someone who is
more caring, beautiful and loyal.’
Context Reframing…
Another way to reframe an experience is to do a context
reframe. A context reframe is the process of changing a negative
experience into a positive one by changing the context from
which it is perceived.
Have you ever had a negative experience only to look back
at it five years later and say, ‘That was a blessing in disguise?’ In
a different context (i.e. the future), the meaning of that
experience changed from bad to good.
In doing a context reframe, you must ask the question, ‘In a
different time or place, how would the meaning be beneficial?’
You see, everything that seems bad now, when put into a
different time or place, could appear beneficial.
Going back to the first example of starting a business in a
recession, you could use a context reframe by saying, ‘When the
economy picks up, the company will be positioned to do very
well as it has been tested and strengthened by the recession’.
You could do a context reframe on the boy who talks all the
time by saying, ‘When he grows up, he will make a good public
speaker’ (context of time). Or you could also say, ‘The fact that
he talks all the time will certainly earn him a place on the school
debating team’ (context of place). Are you getting the hang of it?
Now, imagine that you, or someone you know, are
experiencing the following scenarios. How would you reframe
each negative experience to empower that person or yourself?
Take some time and think of as many ways as you can to reframe
each experience. Grab your pen and do this now.
Reframe the following experiences
1 I come from a poor family
2 I have lost $50,000 in a bad business decision
3 I got the worst cohort of students
4 I do not have much education
5 The person I love has left me
6 I was (recently) retrenched after 20 years in the company
7 The local market for my products is getting unprofitable
8 I find this new subject very confusing
9 My boss keeps reprimanding me
10 After the pay cut, some staff decided to leave
Have you done the exercise? Great.
Let’s look at some possible ways you could have used reframing.
I come from a
poor family
I have lost
$50,000 in a bad
business decision
I got the worst
cohort of students
I do not have
much education
The person I love
has left me
I was recently
retrenched after
20 years
The local market for
my products is
getting unprofitable
I find this new subject
very confusing
My boss keeps
reprimanding me
After the pay cut,
some staff decided
to leave
This means that you will have the hunger to
succeed and become wealthy.
This means that when you make even more
money to invest, you will make the right
This means that you can create the greatest
level of value and improvement
This means that you will be able to put your
motivation skills to the test
This means that your true qualities of a
teacher will shine
This means that your creativity will not be
constrained by preconceived ideas.
This means that you can find someone
who is much better.
This means that you can use your retrenchment
benefits to start your own business. Or, you
can venture into a new exciting career you have
more passion for.
This means that you can explore new untapped
markets to sell your products.
This means that your mind is being stretched
and challenged to a new level.
This means that he has high expectations of you
He cares and bothers to communicate with you
This means that we will have only the most
dedicated and loyal staff.
Reframe Your Life Experiences
I want you to begin to think and reflect on some of the ‘worst’
experiences of your life and start to reframe each of these events.
Are you ready? In the space below, write down the 10 ‘worst’
experiences in your life and use either a Content or a Context
Past Experience Reframed Experience
How I Used Reframing to Turn Problems
into Opportunities
Some people misunderstand, thinking that reframing is a way of
making excuses for yourself or denying that you have a problem.
Like anything else, reframing is a skill that can be useful or
I choose to use reframing not to deny a problem. I use it to
constantly put myself and others into a resourceful state of
possibility so we will keep taking action until it leads to great
Let me share with you how I have used this tool to empower
myself in business and to turn problems into opportunities.
When I first started my training seminars, I had to spend about
$3000 in advertisements in order to attract 100 people to attend
my preview talks. Of the 100+ who came, about 25 would sign
up. That meant that my direct acquisition cost per customer was
$120 (i.e. $3000÷25).
When the recession got worse, only about 12 people on
average signed up. That meant that my acquisition cost rose to
$250 (i.e. $3000÷12). Instead of blaming the recession, I
reframed the experience by saying to my staff, ‘Good. This
means that we can begin to explore alternative marketing
strategies to increase sales’. So we began following up on those
who did not sign up. We made telephone calls, something we
had not done before.
The results were amazing, of the 88 people who did not sign
up at the preview, we found that at least 10 more would sign up
when we followed up with a phone call.
When the economy picked up, we found ourselves getting
back to 25 people signing up after the preview, plus another 10
more signing up through follow-ups, bringing our total sign-ups
to 35! We would never have increased our sign-up figures so
dramatically if we were not forced to explore the power of
follow-up marketing because of the recession.
Reframing Other People’s Experiences…
a Truly Powerful Tool
The ability to reframe the experiences of others is one of the
most powerful tools of influence I have come across. Remember,
at any point of time different people have different
representations of the events that are happening around them.
This is why different people respond in different ways and go on
to make very different decisions.
Some people may reject your ideas while some others may
accept them. Some of your staff may get motivated by the
recession while others may feel demoralized. Wouldn’t it be
powerful if you could alter the representations of the people
around you? You will then be able to align everybody’s frame of
mind to yours!
Powerful communicators know how to reframe any
experience into any meaning which they want to communicate.
The leader is always the one who sets the frame and defines the
meaning for others to follow. Exceptional politicians, CEOs,
brilliant salespeople and inspiring educators use this technique
unconsciously every day in order to shift people into different
frames of mind.
I have used reframing extensively in dealing with numerous
business and sales situations, especially when I encounter
resistance or rejections.
Reframing in Sales and Business
As someone who started running businesses and giving
motivational seminars at 16, you can bet that one of the biggest
challenges I faced was being so young.
People keep asking me how I overcame that limitation. My
answer is that I constantly reframed my youth and turned it into
an advantage!
Example: when schools had to choose between myself and
the usual experienced 30 to 40 year-old trainer, I would secure
the deal by telling the principal that because of my young age I
would be able relate better to the students and I had fresh new
ideas to motivate them to study! I would then add that being so
young I could become an inspirational role model for students.
At 21, I was also the youngest motivational trainer ever to
be hired by some of the world’s leading insurance corporations to
train their staff in seminars in Singapore, Hong Kong and China.
How did I persuade these companies that I could train and
motivate agents who were 10 to 30 years my senior? How did I
convince them that a kid with no corporate training or
insurance sales experience could motivate and train their
mature agents to increase their productivity?
Again, what set me apart was that I was a master reframer. I
kept reframing my young age until I had an unbeatable
advantage. I told them that because I was so young, the agents
would be even more inspired and pressured to become successful.
I said that because I had little corporate training experience, I
would deliver ‘out of the box’ ideas that they had never used
The other major challenge I faced in my businesses initially
was that I was constantly up against multinationals in tendering
and pitching for new accounts.
My competitors were much more established and had five
times more staff than I had. Yet, despite this, I (and my equally
youthful team), managed to beat them and secured some of the
biggest advertising and event management contracts.
How? Again, I reframed the fact that my company was small
and less established into a powerful advantage. I said that by
going with a smaller company, they will be much more valued as
a client. Their $3m budget would be nothing for a multi-national agency or company. But to us, they will be our biggest
and must valued customer. We will give them top priority and
Reframing to Motivate Employees
Clients are not the only ones you have to reframe to win and
keep. As a boss or a manager, you must constantly reframe the
experiences of your employees in order to motivate them to
become more productive.
At the height of the economic slowdown, when many of our
clients’ advertising budgets were slashed, many of my sales
executives were demoralized as they believed that it would be
much more difficult to secure new business.
I reframed the situation by saying, ‘It is actually easier for us
to secure new business when times are bad. This is when
companies would be more open to listen to ways we can use to
help stretch their dollar, and offer them better value for their
advertising dollar.’
What’s more, I tell my staff, during boom times, companies
will not entertain the idea of switching advertising agencies as
they have plenty of money to spend and will generally be happy
with their sales performance. It’s during lean times that
companies will start looking around for a new ad agency that
will help them stretch their reduced advertising budgets. This is
where we come in.
Why Being Rejected Motivates His Team Even More!
I have a friend who leads a team of highly motivated property agents.
‘What’s your secret?’ I asked one day. He told me that most sales
people procrastinate taking action and getting sales because they
fear rejection.
‘And your salespeople don’t?’ I asked. ‘Not at all! In fact, being
rejected motivates them even more.’ he replied.
‘How did you do it?’ His sage reply: ‘By reframing the meaning of
rejection!’ On average, they will be rejected 20 times before they
get that first sale. Each sale they make averages them about $4,000
in commissions.
Therefore, as it takes 20 rejections to earn $4000, each rejection
is worth $200! So I tell them: every time a client rejects you, it means
they are putting $200 into your pocket.’ What a great reframe!
Advertising: Reframing the Minds of Millions
What I love about advertising is that it is basically reframing on
a large scale. You are basically altering the perception and
changing the meaning that people attach to your company and
your product.
Have you heard of Hertz, the car rental company? They are
the market leader in car rentals in the US. Close behind is Avis
car rentals. When Avis wanted to create a powerful advertising
campaign, they asked the question, ‘How can we reframe the
fact that we are number two into a power benefit to our
So they created a campaign with the theme, ‘Avis – – – –
because we are Number 2, we try harder for you’. They reframed
their second place to mean that they would go the extra mile for
customers. It meant that they would make the extra effort to
please their customers and exceed expectations? The result?
Their sales and market share rose dramatically.
Another great example is what Pepsi did in their advertising
campaign against market leader Coke. Pepsi knew that they
were less established so they decided to reframe the fact that
they were new to an advantage. At the same time, they wanted
to reframe coke’s position as the original, older cola into a
disadvantage. That is how they came up with the line ‘Pepsi –
The choice of a new generation’. They then used hip music
artistes like Britney Spears and Robbie Williams to convey this
frame of mind.
How to Overcome Resistance
and Counter Objections
Reframing is also an extremely useful technique to use in dealing
with objections from people. I have used this most often in the
training I provide for thousands of professional salespeople each
Before reframing an objection, it is important to know that
you should never resist or defend an objection. You must first
show that you acknowledge that person’s opinion before using
any kind of reframe.
First, acknowledge the Person’s Resistance or Objection by
1) Yes, I agree that…
or 2) Yes, I can understand that…
or 3) Yes, I appreciate that…
Then, use the word ‘and’ or ‘at the same time’ to lead to your
Be careful not to use the word ‘but’. The word ‘but’ tends to
fire off immediate resistance from people, whereas ‘and’ is more
effective in moving people towards a new direction. So, deal
with an objection by saying, ‘Yes I agree that… (objection), at
the same time… (reframe)…
Two examples of Reframing when encountering objections
1 The client says, ‘I don’t need insurance now.’ You can respond by
saying, ‘Yes. I understand that you don’t need insurance now. And that is
why you need to buy it now because when you do need the benefits of a
policy, you may no longer be able to buy it.’
2The client says, your product is very expensive. You can respond by
saying, ‘Yes. I agree that my product is very expensive. And it is because
it is of the highest quality and that will save you money in the long term.’
How would you reframe the following objections?
Take the time to do this next exercise.
1 The product is very expensive
2 Your company has no track record
3 Our budget has been cut this year
4 I am too busy
5 I have no money to invest
6 I don’t have the money
7 Your seminar class sizes are very small
8 Your seminar class sizes are very large
9 You have no experience
As you can see, the art of reframing is one of the most
powerful language tools you can master. Use it to consciously
direct your internal representations and that of other people’s to
create resourceful states that will drive you to your outcome.
Let’s now turn the page and explore…
Chapter Summary
1 Every event has multiple meanings depending on
your frame of reference.
2 The meaning you choose to give is the meaning
you create.
3 The Law of Polarity: Anything that seems extremely
negative, when framed from another perspective,
can become extremely positive.
4 Reframing is changing a negative experience into
a positive one by changing the frame of reference
used to perceive it.
5 Content Reframing asks, ‘What else could this
mean?’ ‘How would this be beneficial?’
6 Context Reframing asks, ‘In a different time
or place, how would this be beneficial?’
Have you ever wondered what really drives you in your life?
Why do you do what you do? What drives your decisions and the
choices you make constantly?
e said in chapter 6 (The Secret to Peak Performance)
that your behavior is driven more by emotions than
by logic. What you do is based more on what you feel
like doing rather than what you think you should do. Logically,
you know that you should take action and follow through on
your goals but emotionally, you may be held back by feelings of
lethargy or even fear.
For example, logically, you know you should not smoke
because it is a waste of money and could kill you and your loved
ones who inhale your secondary smoke. Emotionally, you still
continue because of the emotions of relaxation or sense of
control it gives you.
More specifically, there are two kinds of emotions that drive
us constantly. They are positive emotions and negative emotions.
Whatever you are driven to do, you do because you want to
move towards positive emotions like happiness, security, power,
success and freedom. At the same time, you are moving away
from negative emotions like fear, depression, physical pain, loss
or insecurity.
Why We Behave Like Amoebas!
I remember studying about amoebas, those single-celled
organisms in science class. When you put food in front of the
amoeba, it starts moving towards it. When you place a hot
object next to it, it moves away from the heat source.
If you were to put food on one side and heat on the other, it
would drive the organism to move even faster in the direction of
the food and away from the heat. This sounds really obvious but
what you must realize is that you behave exactly the way the
amoeba behaves. You must know what is the ‘food’ and the
‘heat’ that drives you constantly.
Think about all decisions that people make constantly. Are they
really logically driven or emotionally driven? Why do people get
married? On the one hand people get married because they think
marriage would move them towards positive emotions like lasting
love and happiness, companionship and comfort.
At the same time, couples decide to marry because they
think it will move them away from negative emotions such as
loneliness, depression, and insecurity.
If this is the case, why are there people who swear never to
get married? It’s because they have attached very different
emotions to what getting married means. They stay single
because they think getting married will bring them loss of
freedom and happiness.
They avoid marriage because they may have seen some really
unhappy marriages (perhaps their own parents’ unhappy union),
and they believe that by remaining single they are moving away
from loss of freedom, boredom and from ugly quarrels and
Do all of us want the same kinds of positive emotions and
also want to avoid the same painful emotions? Yes! All of us
desire recognition, success, happiness, comfort, security and
At the same time, all of us will do what we can to avoid
embarrassment, rejection, boredom, physical pain and poverty.
However, in our minds, we place very different levels of
importance on these common emotions.
Prioritizing Our ‘Towards Values’
and Our ‘Away-From Values’
The way we value the positive emotions we desire to move
towards are called our ‘towards values’, so named because we
want to move towards them. For some people, love is more
highly valued than success. While for others, success is placed at
a higher priority than love.
The way we value painful emotions that we want to avoid
are called our ‘away-from values’.
Imagine there was a person (Jeff) who placed a very high
value on freedom and fun as his ‘towards values’. And you
compared him with (Sam) who placed a high value on security
and comfort as his ‘towards values’. Would they behave very
differently and make very different decisions? Of course they
would! Would they go on the same kind of vacation? I don’t
think so. Jeff might go mountain climbing while Sam may prefer
cultural tours that take him to museums and art galleries.
They would also buy very different cars, marry very different
women and probably be in very different careers. Jeff would
probably drive a sports car and could be an entrepreneur or a
salesperson. Sam would probably drive a Volvo and be a civil
servant. Therefore, the way we prioritize our towards and away-from values affects how our mind makes decisions and the way
we behave.
Freedom Security
Fun Comfort
Vacation Mountain climbing Sightseeing
Career Sales, business Civil servant
Car Sports car Volvo
Let’s look at how the way people rank their away-from values
can affect the decisions they make, and the actions they take.
Let’s say Sally ranks rejection much higher than loneliness as
her away-from values. What this means is that she finds it much
more painful to be rejected than it is to be alone.
Chances are, even if Sally met the man of her dreams, she
might not dare approach him for fear that she would get
rejected. Although she also fears that she would remain lonely
by not having a man, the pain of rejection far outweighs the
pain of loneliness. As a result, she won’t take action.
Quite the opposite is Christine who ranks loneliness as her
top away-from value, far higher than rejection. In short,
Christine fears the pain of loneliness much more than the pain
of rejection. Placed in the same situation, Christine would make
the first move and chance being rejected than do nothing and
end up alone and lonely for the rest of her life.
It is very important for you to know what your towards-values are (significant emotions that we move towards) and
what your away-from values are (significant emotions that we
move away from).
Understand How These Values Drive You…
You are now able to understand why you made certain decisions
in the past. You will begin to realize why you are experiencing
the life you are living now. And why you have or have not been
achieving the goals you have set.
For example, if you discover that freedom and fun are valued
a lot more than achievement, it would explain why you may not
be going very far in your career. But you have stronger
relationships with your buddies than someone very driven to
At the same time, once you know your values, you will be
able to tell if they will drive you towards the destiny you desire,
or they are in conflict with your goals.
We said earlier on that the trouble with most people is that
they do not know what they want specifically in life. Well, many
people who have clear goals may still not be driven towards their
goals because they may know what they want but they don’t
know why they want it. They don’t feel passionate enough to
move single-mindedly towards their goals. And they end up
vaguely frustrated instead.
Why Our Life is like a Space Shuttle
To use a metaphor, our life is like a space shuttle. When you set
a clear goal, you are setting the coordinates or the direction you
are moving towards. Like the Moon or Mars, for example. But
what propels your shuttle is the fuel.
Unless you have the fuel, your shuttle is never going to reach
your goal. The fuel I am talking about is your life values! The
positive as well as negative emotions you value most highly.
You have to find out what your hot buttons are. These
buttons when pushed will ignite that fire, that burning desire to
go for it… as it has in so many highly successful people
When I wanted to find out what drove the top 5% of
insurance agents in Singapore, I interviewed the top three
agents, asking them what gave them their energy and their
3 Top Performers – Each Driven by a Different Value
The first woman remarked that she is driven by the love of her
family. When she wakes up at 6 am every morning, she plans
her day, makes her calls and follows through on all of them. Her
family is in her thoughts, at the back of her mind. Not
distracting her but doing the opposite. She is motivated by
thinking of how, doing what she does is going to give them what
she never had before. Her value of family is therefore totally in
line with her goals of being successful in her career!
When I asked a second agent, a man, he said that what really
drives him is not family at all; rather it is the thrill or satisfaction
of beating the competition and being ranked number one. This
competitive agent clearly valued achievement and awards, these
were his towards values. At the same time his number one
painful emotion was coming in second. Can you now see why he
was so motivated, all of the time? Like the first agent, this man’s
values are very much in line with his professional goals.
The third agent was again totally different. She said that
every time she sold a life insurance policy, she felt wonderful
because she knew she had made one more family secure. At the
same time, she would get very worried for any client who was
not adequately insured.
She felt a personal responsibility to ensure that her clients
got adequate protection against mishaps. These twin forces
drove her to go on and on, in spite of really hard work and
rejection. Like the other two, her values of ‘concern and
contribution’ and ‘making a difference’ are also totally in line
with her goals!
When I worked with agents who were below average in
performance and could never achieve what they set themselves,
I found out it was because their values were totally in conflict
with their goals.
I had one agent whose goal was to be the top agent.
Unfortunately, his top ‘towards values’ were freedom and fun.
Sure enough, the desire to move towards ‘freedom’ and ‘fun’
overpowered his goal. To him, freedom and fun meant doing
what gave him short-term pleasure. So he ended up playing golf
and hanging around with friends instead of following through on
his goals.
At the same time, this agent’s top away-from value was
rejection! The fear of rejection made him procrastinate making
cold calls to prospects. He hated being told ‘No!’ Can you see
why he could never achieve what he wanted?
Back to our space shuttle metaphor, it is like the rocket is
aimed to go to the moon, but the fuel is propelling the shuttle in
the opposite direction!
Discovering Your ‘Towards Values’
So let’s find out what your towards values are. What are the
positive emotional states that guide your every decision and
action? You do so by asking yourself any one of these three
Question 1What is most important to me in life?
Personal Happiness? Family? Health? Love? Freedom?
Security? Fun? Fame? Recognition? Remember: you should be
discovering what values (emotional states) you hold dear and
not physical objects. If you say ‘my car’, then ask what does
your car give you? Is it Convenience? Power? Prestige? Write
these down as your towards values.
Question 2 What positive emotional states would I do the most to attain?
You could also ask yourself this question to elicit your values.
Question 3 Think of the last time you were very motivated to do
something. What positive emotional states were you
moving towards?
For example, suppose you were once very motivated to
enter a speech competition or a talent quest. Ask yourself,
‘What emotional states were you trying to attain?’ Was it
the satisfaction that comes with Fame? Accomplishment?
Personal growth or Satisfaction? Again, these would be an
indication of your values.
So, if you are ready, I want you to grab a pen and spend at
least 10 minutes to really reflect on these three questions. Write
down your top seven towards values below.
My Towards Values
Means Values and Ends Values
In eliciting your towards values, you must be aware of the
difference between ‘means values’ and ‘ends values’. Ends values
are emotional states we ultimately want; like happiness, love,
power and freedom. Means values are values that lead us to ends
values. A good example is money.
Money is definitely an emotional subject for most people and
it definitely drives them to take action. However, different
people are driven by money for different reasons. Money is a
means value because we want money for what we think money
will give us. It is a means to an end. Some people think that
money will bring them power, prestige and freedom. So power,
prestige and freedom are really the ends values they are after.
It is important to find out what you are really after. Some
people keep chasing money thinking that it would bring them
happiness and freedom. In the end, they may have all the money
they want but still feel restricted and unhappy.
Family is also a means values. If family is important to you
then ask, ‘What does family give you?’ Family could bring you
love, security, sense of pride, comfort, companionship,
fulfillment, purpose etc… Take some time to examine your
towards values again and see if it would be useful to find out
what your ends values really are. Do it now.
Money ➤
Ranking Your ‘Towards Values’
The next step in clarifying your towards values is to rank them
in order of importance. The way you rank them or value them
in your mind will determine how you evaluate decisions in your
life. For example, is health more important or money? Is freedom
more important or security? Is success more important or love?
The way to begin ranking your values is to ask yourself, ‘Of
all these values, if I could only have one, what would it be?’
For example, of all the values below, if you find that love is
most important to you, then Love would be ranked number one.
Look at the remaining values and ask the same question. ‘If I
could only have one value, what would it be?’ Repeat this
process until you have ranked your towards values from number
one to number seven.
Towards Values 1 Success 2 Happiness 3 Love
(Sample) 4 Freedom 5 Health 6 Security
7 Growth
My Towards Values (Ranked)
Remember that your towards values are only one side of the
coin. We are also driven to make certain decisions because our
brain wants us to avoid painful emotions.
For example, you work hard because you want to avoid
getting fired which leads you to poverty and humiliation. You
may procrastinate in making cold calls because you want to
avoid feeling ‘rejected’. So let’s find out what your ‘away-from
values’ are.
Eliciting Your ‘Away-From’ Values
The way to elicit your ‘away-from’ values is to ask your self either
one of two questions.
Question 1What negative emotional states would I do the most to
avoid? Is it Embarrassment? Loneliness? Rejection?
Depression? Loss? Physical pain? Frustration? Guilt?
Question 2 Think of the last time you were motivated to do something,
what negative emotional states were you avoiding?
For example, it could be the time when you worked very
hard on a project. What negative emotional states pushed
you to get it done? It could have been fear of being
reprimanded (humiliation, rejection) or fear of not doing
a good job (failure).
Grab your pen again and take ten minutes to do this. Write
down your ‘away-from’ values in the space below. Be totally
honest with yourself.
My Away-From Values
Ranking Your Away-From Values
Now, rank your ‘away-from’ values from one to seven. Ask
yourself, ‘Of all these values, which would I do the most to
avoid?’ If rejection is the one emotion that you fear the most,
then it will be your number one away-from value. Looking at the
remaining values, ask the same question until you have ranked
them all.
Away-From Values (Ranked)
Values Definition
Now, although two people may have the same values, they could
still decide and behave very differently because they may have
very different definitions of the same values.
Values mean different things to different people. Success
could mean something to one person and something completely
different to another. It depends on what we have associated
these emotions to in our nervous system. It is only when we find
out how we truly define our values that it becomes very clear
what our hot buttons are.
Is it possible that Madonna and Mother Theresa had the
same number one ‘towards value’ in life?
Quite Possibly. How could that be? They are totally different
personalities with such radically different beliefs? This is because
the way they define success is obviously very different.
For Madonna, success may mean touching millions of lives
with her music. Although the late Mother Theresa may have
valued success just as highly, her definition of success would
have meant feeding 10 million children. As such, they made
very different choices in their lives and produced very different
results. And are both just as successful? Yes! By their own
Two Boys: Very Different Personalities
but the Same Values!
In my work with children, I have always wondered why one student is so
motivated to study and become the top student while another just wants
to join gangs and beat up other kids. Could they have different values?
I began to understand why when I was having a session with two boys,
each a very different personality. Yet I found that both students had the
same top towards value of ‘Importance’. At the same time, they both had
a top away-from value of ‘rejection’. Well, then how could they behave
so differently?
I discovered that the first boy had learnt to associate studying to feeling
important. When he scored high grades, he received lots of praise and
rewards from the school and his parents. This desire to continue feeling
important drove him to excel in school. At the same time, his mind
associated not studying to rejection. He felt that if he allowed his grades
to slip, people would not admire him anymore and he would feel rejected.
As for the other boy, the associations he made to importance and
rejection were totally reversed. He felt important being the leader of
a gang with his friends looking up at him as the one who dares to defy
authority. He felt important every time he bullied the kids around him.
At the same time, this second boy associated the feeling of rejection to
studying. Why? Because he would fail and feel rejected by his teachers.
He was in a group culture where it was uncool to study and anyone who
was a ‘nerd’ would be rejected by the group.
So we have to start analyzing what our brains link our values
to. Since our minds will always make decisions to move us to our
towards values and away from our away-from values.
Define Your Towards and Away-From Values
Now, I want you to be totally honest with yourself and really
think about how you define the values that you have. Ask,
‘What must happen for me to feel __(Value)__?’ Define both
your towards values as well as your away-from values.
For example, let’s say that success is your top towards value.
What must happen for you to be successful? Be as specific as you
can! Must people tell you that you are successful? Must you earn
$100,000 a year? Must you drive a Ferrari?
Now, how about ‘happiness’? What must happen for you to
be happy? To some people, happiness is defined as, ‘Everything
must go the way I expect’. What’s your definition? Write down
your definition of your towards values now.
Towards Values Definition (What must happen)
Similarly, look at your away-from values. If rejection is what
you want to avoid the most, what must happen for you to feel
rejected? Do you feel rejected the moment someone does not
agree with your ideas? Is it when someone does not buy your
How about failure? What must happen for you to feel like a
failure? Do you feel like a failure when you don’t reach your
goals? Write down your definition of your away-from values. Do
it now!
Away-From Values Definition (What must happen)
Analyze Your Values… They Reveal the Inner You
Great! You should now have your towards and away-from values,
clearly ranked and defined. Here comes the most interesting
I want you to put your values side by side and in front of you,
and analyze them. Do your values explain why you have made
certain decisions in the past? Do they explain why you behave
consistently in a certain manner?
If you have achieved some of your goals, do your values
explain why? More importantly, if you have felt frustrated about
not achieving certain results or goals, do your values also explain
Do your values explain the decisions you made in your
professional life? Your family? Your health? Your personal
relationships? Take as much time as you need and write down
some of your self discoveries!
Do Your Values Sabotage Your Success?
More importantly, I want you to see if your values have
sabotaged your success up to now. Is the way you have ranked
your values or the way you have defined them caused you any
conflict? Are they misaligned with your goals? Do they help you
to achieve your ultimate dreams?
If there are certain areas in your life where you have
consistently not got the desired results, it can almost always be
traced back to a values conflict. Let me give you a few examples
I have come across.
The Ambitious Accountant Who Had Conflicting Values
I once worked with an accountant (let’s call him Alan) who had
big dreams and grand plans about setting up his own business. It
was a partnership. However, Alan just could not bring in much
business to his current partnership and felt frustrated with
When I analyzed Alan’s values, I found that his top towards
value was ‘success’ (definition: when I achieve my goals). That
explained why he wanted to do it so badly. Unfortunately, his
top away-from values were ‘rejection’ and ‘failure’. He felt
rejected whenever someone rejected his ideas or his services. He
also defined failure as ‘when I do not reach my goals’.
Do you see the big conflict here? It’s no wonder Alan could
not reach his goals. On the one hand, he wanted to succeed by
bringing in more business to achieve his sales targets. On the
other hand, he never took any action to solicit for business or
come up with creative ideas because he was so fearful of
rejection and failure. So he felt stuck and frustrated all the time.
Until Alan changes his values to align with his goals, he will
never get what he wants.
Conflict of Values in the Accountant
Towards Value Definition Away-From Value Definition
Success Reach my goal Rejection When people reject my ideas
Failure When I don’t reach my goals
Spiritual Growth and Money Do Not Mix?
Then there was a woman who came to my seminar and learned
that what was holding her back were her two top towards values,
that seemed to be in conflict. Her number one value was
spiritual growth. Her number two value was money. So, every
time she worked hard for money, she felt guilty because she felt
that making money would make her less spiritual. In the end,
she felt totally unfulfilled.
Love and Freedom Make for Conflict
Another guy discovered why his relationships never lasted for
very long. His top value was love (he felt love when he was in a
steady relationship). On the other hand, he had freedom as one
of his top two value (freedom to him meant not answering to
anyone and being free to do his own thing).
Whenever he was single, he would be driven to settle down
in a steady relationship (driven by the need to feel loved). The
moment he was in a steady relationship, he felt like he had no
freedom, so he would unconsciously sabotage his relationship
and become single again, earning his freedom. As a result, his
relationships would always break down within three months or
so. The way this guy set up these two top values just tore him
As you can see, it is not just how we rank our values that
determine whether they empower or limit us. More importantly,
it is how we have learnt to define these values.
Happiness Means Everything Going Her Way!
I had another woman in my seminar who appeared to be clearly unhappy
with her life. She constantly wore a frown and had a pattern of finding
problems with the people around her. When it came to the session on
values, she ranked happiness as a number one value.
You would think she wanted to be happy all the time. However, her
definition of happiness was ‘everything must go exactly the way I want’.
It is no wonder she felt and acted in such a miserable way. She never felt
happy! And that unhappiness prevented her from taking the action she
needed to build relationships with people and work towards her goals.
Do You Have Rejection As One of Your
Away-From Values?
Again, the way you define rejection could empower you or limit
you. I believe that most people would do anything to avoid
rejection. The difference is that people who take action towards
their goals tend to define rejection very differently.
If you feel rejected the moment someone rejects your idea,
it is likely you will never dare to take much risks in life. You
would avoid venturing out, coming up with new ideas and
developing new clients for fear of feeling rejected.
Do you think George W Bush, President of the United
States fears rejection? I’m sure he does. But to him he may only
feel rejected if more than 50% of the people around him reject
his ideas!
Even though half of America voted against Bush and half
the world hates him for attacking Iraq, he still went ahead
because it was difficult for him to feel rejection. It doesn’t
bother him that millions disagree with his policy, he goes ahead
and does it anyway.
Another potential conflict could be the way you define
failure. If failure is a top away-from value, then it may prevent
you from setting goals and taking action. What must happen for
you to feel ‘failure?’ Most people feel like a failure when they do
not reach their goal. As a result, they dare not set goals and take
action as they risk feeling what they want to avoid the most,
failure! Their motto is, ‘if I don’t try anything, I cannot fail.’
Change Your Values, Change Your Life!
If you find that your life values are not arranged or defined in a
way that will propel you to achieve your goals, then surely it’s
time to take charge and re-design them!
When you change a person’s values, you immediately
change the way they make decisions, the way they behave and
ultimately, their future. For example, if you took a person whose
number one value was ‘security’ and swapped it with his number
seven value of ‘freedom’, what would happen?
You would literally change his entire decision-making process
and the direction of his life. From being satisfied in a comfortable
corporate job that gives him perceived ‘security’, he may suddenly
decide to become self-employed and start his own business!
We must remember that the values we have today are not
the result of conscious choices we have made in the past. You
never consciously chose the values that you have today. They
came about because of conditioning from your environment and
the significant people in your life.
If you grew up in a family where love and connection were
valued a lot more than success and achievement, you would tend
to unconsciously adopt those values as your own. We adopt
values in order to fit in and be accepted by the people around us.
Your values may have also come from your friends, teachers,
colleagues and society at large.
The problem is when we have values that conflict with each
other or are not useful in helping us live an exceptional and
fulfilling life.
Right now, you have the choice to start designing the values
that will drive you to get the best out of yourself.
So, I want you to think, ‘How should my values be arranged
so that they propel me to achieve my life’s goals?’ ‘How can I
define my values in such a way that they empower me to take
action?’ Grab your pen and invest as much time as you need to
complete the next exercise.
My New Values
Towards values DefinitionAway-From Values Definition
For example, if success is currently a top value and health is
not even on the list, it probably explains why you will always
procrastinate going to the gym, citing no time as the main
reason. If you realize that you need the energy and health to
really get what you want, you may want to put health as one of
your top values.
If success or money is currently a top value, while family is
somewhere at the bottom, I wouldn’t be wrong if I guess that
even if it’s your wife’s birthday, you would still be at the office
telling her, ‘Darling, we will celebrate it another time’.
Or, you’d be getting your secretary to buy her a big present
and card, instead of doing it yourself. Well, if you really want to
have an enduring and more fulfilling relationship, you will have
to change. You will have to shift family to a higher priority, even
above money and work.
Clinton Delayed Entering the Presidential Race…
Because of Daughter Chelsea (His Top Value at the Time)
Bill Clintonwould have made his bid for the presidency four years earlier
than he had if he and Hillary had not decided that their precious
daughter Chelsea was still too young to be exposed to the ugliness of
politics and also she needed them to be around. As governor, Clinton
even had a little desk for Chelsea in his office, so he could have her
within ear-shot.
Clinton made his choice with a great deal of deliberation and perhaps
even reluctance at the time but their reward was seeing their daughter
blossom into a fine young woman with all the right values.
Now we go back to the accountant who was facing a lot of
conflicts because of his conflicting top priority values.
Remember, his number one towards value (success) conflicted
with his number two away-from value (rejection); well, learning
from his experience, you may want to shift ‘rejection’ down your
list of away-from values.
Change Your Definition of Your Values…
and You’ll Make Major Changes in Your Life
Besides changing the order of your values, changing the way you
define your values will also create a major impact in your life.
If your current definition of ‘failure’ is ‘not reaching my
goals’, you may want to re-define it such that it propels you
rather than stops you from taking action.
I have discovered that successful people tend to define
failure as ‘giving up’. In other words, if they don’t reach their
goal, they don’t feel like a failure. To them, as long as they keep
working towards it and not give up, they have not failed.
Because of this, they keep on moving towards their goal. Would
you find that a useful way to define failure?
As for me, my definition of failure is ‘not giving my best’.
And because I hate to fail (it is one of my top away-from values),
I am always driven to give my very best!
Now, for the woman who initially defined happiness as
‘everything must go exactly the way I expect’, and who ended up
feeling miserable, she too found it more useful to re-define
When she re-defined happiness as ‘as long as I live according
to my principles’, everything changed for her. It was amazing.
The instant she made that decision and wrote it down, it seemed
as if a great burden had been lifted from her. She started to glow
and smile and even remarked that she felt lighter and even
happy. That is the power of a value change!
If rejection is an away-from value for you, you may also want
to change what it means to feel rejected. We said earlier that if
you are the sort of person who feels rejected at the slightest sign
of ‘No’, then you would not take action, for fear that if you got
even one rejection, you would feel depressed. You may now
decide that you have been too thin-skinned.
You must be more thick-skinned. To feel rejected, more than
50% of people must say no to you, or reject your ideas. If you did
that, it would really be difficult for you to feel rejected. This
definition of ‘rejection’ will not prevent you from taking action!
Are ‘Away-From’ Values Useful?
Some people have asked me, ‘if we can make a decision to change
our values, then why not choose to throw away all our ‘away-from’ values if they create negative emotions we want to avoid.
Well, you must understand that ‘away-from’ values are very
powerful in propelling you towards your goals as well. In fact,
more people are motivated by a need to avoid pain than to
obtain pleasure. For example, some people may be motivated to
work overtime for fear of losing their job than for a desire to get
a promotion.
For example, if your top away-from value was failure (defined
as giving up), this would motivate you to keep taking action
until you succeed! Again, my definition of failure is ‘not doing
my best’ and this away-from value really drives me to give my
very best, all the time.
So ‘failure’ as an away-from value can be a very powerful
motivating force provided you define it in an empowering way!
If you have an ‘away-from’ value of boredom, it could drive
you to constantly make things happen, start new businesses and
create new ideas!
Sometimes, removing an ‘away-from’ value can be
disastrous! One of my top ‘away-from’ values was ‘uncertainty’.
As a result, every time there was an uncertainty about the end
result, like a new project, I would keep worrying that something
would go wrong. Initially, I thought that it was not a very useful
pattern to have since I hated to be in a worried state.
What I didn’t realize was that this intense fear of uncertainty
was what got me to keep planning to the last detail…until I was
certain that I had planned for everything. And that was why my
projects ran smoothly.
When I removed my away-from value of ‘uncertainty’, I
stopped worrying and adopted a ‘everything will be fine’
attitude. As a result, I stopped planning and sure enough, things
started screwing up! I quickly re-designed ‘uncertainty’ back into
my values list. A valuable lesson had been learnt.
Create a Propulsion Effect
One of the most powerful ways is to design your values such that
you create both a pull and a push effect (propulsion) towards
your goals. It’s like putting food on one end and putting heat on
the other end that drives the amoeba in one direction.
How do you do this? Simply by aligning your top towards and
away-from values so they push you in a single direction.
Here are some possible value designs that can propel you
Towards Away-From
Success (move towards my goals) Failure (not attempting or giving up)
Achievement Boredom
How to Lock In Your New Values!
Now that you have consciously re-designed your values, how do
you install them so they become a new pattern of thinking and
behavior for you?
First, you must understand that our life values change
whenever we go through significant emotional experiences,
both negative and positive.
How do you think having a baby would affect most people’s
values? For most, love and family would suddenly become a lot
higher on their values list.
I had a friend who, after suffering a heart attack and almost
losing his life, experienced a shift of values! Suddenly, ‘health’
and ‘love’ became top priorities. So the way to integrate our new
values into our nervous system is to supercharge them
emotionally. There are four steps to take to integrate your
values. They are…
First you must consciously commit to living by these new
values. Once you start consciously making new decisions based
on your new values, your mind will start to integrate them at an
unconscious level and it will form a new pattern of thinking and
So, don’t wait to change your values only when you
experience a significant emotional event – it may be too late.
Not everyone recovers from a heart attack or cancer.
1) Commit to Your New Values
The first step is to make a personal commitment (and you know what that
means, don’t you?) and a public commitment. Go to at least five people
you know well and tell them about your commitment to living by these new
values. When you put yourself on the line, you will always follow through.
Write down at least five people you will make this commitment to.
2) Be In Constant Touch with Your New Values
Put your values in front of your desk or in your organizer, so you
will be reminded of them daily.
3) Emotionally Charge Your Values
We must remember that our values were formed by neural
patterns that were conditioned in our nervous system as a result
of emotional experiences.Therefore, to lock in a new value, you
need to associate a lot of emotions into it. We generate these
emotions by using the power of visualization and submodalities.
Use the power of visualization to mentally rehearse making
decisions and behaving according to your new values. Then,
associate positive emotions towards this new value.
For example, say you wanted to place ‘health’ as a top value
in your life. Visualize the new decisions you will make and your
behaviors as a result of this new value. In your mind’s eye,
imagine yourself eating the right foods and exercising regularly.
See yourself making the new decision of investing the time
to take care of your body when faced with so many priorities.
What’s more important is to visualize and associate all the
positive benefits of doing this.
See how much more energy you will have, how great you
will look and how confident you feel. Use the power of
submodalities to intensify your mental experiences so that they
become new powerful neuro-associations in your mind.
4) Live by Your New Values
Begin by making new decisions and taking new actions based on
these new values. For example, if you have shifted health to be
a top value, above success; make sure that when the choice
arises, you will take time to go to the gym or go for that run,
before getting your work done. As you keep making these new
conscious choices, your brain will unconsciously begin to
integrate your new values.
Let’s say that you currently feel rejected every time someone
does not agree with your ideas. And you set a new definition
such that you only feel rejected when ‘more than ten people in
a row do not agree’. The next time, someone rejects you,
reframe the experience as a stepping stone to an acceptance. As
you keep doing this, your mind will start realizing that you do
not associate ‘painful emotions’ to a one, two or even three-time
rejection, not anymore.
Chapter Summary
1 Our decisions and actions are driven by us
moving towards positive emotions and,
simultaneously, moving away from negative
2 The positive emotions that we move towards are
called our Towards values. The negative emotions
we move away from are called Away-from values.
3 All of us rank our values differently and hence,
we make very different decisions and take
different actions.
4 While goals give us a direction to move towards,
values are like the emotional fuel that propel us
5 When we discover a person’s towards and
away-from values, we can predict how this person
will make decisions.
6 If we were to shift the way a person ranks his
values and/or the way he defines it, we will
dramatically change the way he behaves and
the results he produces.
7 Once we consciously change our values, we
can lock them in by:
Committing to these new values
Being in constant touch with them
Emotionally charging them by visualization
Living by these new values
‘Some dream to escape reality, some to change it forever’
– Soichiro Honda
ogether we have gone though a whole range of tools to
produce literally any result you want. You have learned
powerful strategies to re-program your brain, change your
habits and drive yourself to take consistent action. You are now
aware of the true potential that lies within you which, when
unleashed, can create astounding results.
What you must now do is to channel all this knowledge,
power and energy into a single direction by asking the question,
‘What do I really want? What do I want to achieve and create
specifically in my life?’
Now this seems like a pretty straightforward and obvious
question. However, the plain truth is that most people have no
clear idea about what they really want. Most of the time, people
will say they want to be successful, they want their life to
improve, they want more money, they want better relationships,
they want to be happier or to have peace of mind.
The trouble with all these ‘wants’ is that they are too vague
to become achievable results. You have also learned that
‘happiness’ and ‘peace of mind’ are nothing but states that we
can create at any time! If you want to be ‘happy’, all you have to
do is to focus your internal representation on what you have and
are grateful for, and simultaneously adopt a physiology of
Remember that you are in control of your states. So,
‘happiness’ is not a goal. Many people think it is, so they go after
things which they think will make them happy, like money. At
the end of it, they may have all the money in the world, but still
feel miserable. Why? Because if you cannot learn to be happy
now, you will never be happy. Happiness is a state of mind.
Success may seem like a good result to achieve but when I
ask the question, ‘What must you achieve specifically in order to
succeed (in your chosen field)?’ I normally get a ‘I don’t know
response.’ Or ‘I’m not sure, I haven’t really thought about it!’
Surely it is no wonder that most people never get what they
want. They can’t because they don’t even know what they really
If you don’t give your bio-computer a clear and direct
command of what to execute, there is no way it can direct itself
to attain it. This is because if you are not absolutely clear about
what you want to achieve, there is no way to design a specific
strategy and plan to get there.
Most people desire to make more money and become rich.
Why is it that so few ever achieve it? Again, it is because they
don’t have a specific goal to focus on.
If you do not know what you want specifically, you cannot
develop a specific strategy and action plan to get there. For
example, the strategy and action plan to earn $200,000 a year is
totally different from the strategy and plan you need to earn $2
million. It would be different again if your aim is $10 million and
vastly different again if your target is $100 million a year!
If you want to make $200,000, what should your strategy and
action plan be? You could well achieve this target by being
promoted to a senior management position in a medium to large
What if you want to make $2 million? Would the strategy be
different? Of course. The only way to make $2 million a year
would be to own your own company or be in insurance or real
estate sales.
What if you want to achieve $10 million a year? Could you
achieve this by running your own small company or being in
sales? No way! No matter how hard you work it would be
impossible to achieve this figure!
How then would it be possible? The only way would be to
expand your company by opening up many branches or creating
franchises across the country or around the world. With this
leverage, you can possibly make $10 million a year.
Now, what if you want to make $100 million a year? Again,
this goal requires a completely different set of skills and
approach. There is no way you can make $100 million through
sales, salary or even profits from your own company. The only
way is to sell shares in a company you own which is publicly
listed on the stock market. This is how the billionaires in the
world become so wealthy.
Now, although I use money as an illustration, the same thing
applies to anything we want to achieve – be it better health,
relationships, contribution to society or even spiritual growth.
My point is this. Once you know what it is you want
specifically, you will be very clear about what it is you must do
to get there. If you want to achieve $2 million, you must get into
a sales line or start your own company.
If you want to make $10 million, you need to expand your
company’s products or services into international markets; and if
you want to make over $100 million, you must get your company
listed on the stock exchange where its value will be multiplied
many times.
But when we are unclear and vague about what we want to
achieve, we are not able to focus our ideas, energy and effort on
anything tangible.
Everything is Possible, It is Only a Question
of Strategy
Here is a true-life example of how I helped an insurance agent
clarify his goal and hence develop a clear strategy to achieve his
outcome. When Paul first came to my training program, he said
that he was going nowhere after being in the profession for five
He said, ‘I don’t know how some other agents become so
successful. I work just as hard but I don’t seem to be very
‘Well, what do you want to achieve specifically?’, I asked.
‘To make good money and to qualify for some awards!’, he
replied. I realized at this point that because Paul was not focused
on a specific outcome, he could not focus his time and efforts on
any specific action plan.
Finally, after lots of questions, Paul set as his goal attaining
the ‘Million Dollar Round Table’ qualification, which requires
him to achieve total annual premiums of $150,000.
From there, I again asked a series of very specific questions
‘What is your average case size? What is your closing rate?
What is your call conversion rate?’ From these figures, I helped
him to develop the following action plan by working backwards
from his $150,000 target.
Average case size $1500
Number of cases required 100 ($150,000÷$1500)
If closing rate is 20%, then 333 appointments
number of appointments required is (100÷30%)
If call conversion rate is 20%, then
Number of leads to call required is 1665 leads (333÷20%)
Number of leads to call a day is 4.6 leads per day
(1665÷365 days)
Number of appointments a day is 0.9 appointments per day
(333÷365 days)
*Note: call conversion rate is the number of appointments you can make
as a percentage of calls you make from leads.
Call conversion rate = No. of appointments ÷no. of leads called
Following our discussion, Paul saw clearly that based on his
past rates of closing and call conversion, if he consistently
generated 5 leads a day (rounded off from 4.6) and made one
appointment a day (rounded off from 0.9) with a prospect, he would
be able to achieve $150,000 worth of premiums within a year!
The instant Paul made his goal specific, he knew precisely
what to do and what to focus on. His eyes started brightening
and I could tell that he was getting extremely excited that he
could achieve it, if he followed the plan.
Within one year, Paul told me that not only did he achieve his
target but he exceeded it because he figured that if he could
achieve the ‘Million Dollar Round Table’ by making one
appointment a day, then he could achieve the ‘Court of the Table’,
by consistently making three appointments a day and hitting a
$460,000 target for premiums, earning him over $150,000 a year!
Success Rarely Happens by Chance,
Success Happens by Design
I believe from my own life’s experiences, and studying the lives
of hundreds of successful people, that achieving success rarely
ever happens by chance.
The roll of the dice never made anyone rich for long, or
happy. It always begins with a clearly defined outcome fueled by
a passionate desire.
These were the findings of a study conducted at Yale
University in 1953. That year, the graduating batch of students
was surveyed and in this batch only 3% had their goals written
down. The goals of this 3% of graduating students included:
‘being a best-selling novelist, starting a computer company and
taking it public, running for President etc…’
97% of the students had no clearly defined goals written
down. Many of them chose to adopt the ‘whatever will be, will
be’ mindset.
Twenty years later, a follow up study revealed that the 3% of
students who wrote down their goals earned a combined income
three times greater than the combined income of the 97% that
had no goals written down.
That surely shows the incredible power of goal setting.
No Plan?… then You will Fall into Someone
Else’s Plan
I can tell you that if I did not sit down 14 years ago and design
my life the way that I wanted it to unfold, I certainly wouldn’t
have achieved what I have right now. I would be somewhere
else, probably doing something totally different.
Very often, if we don’t have a clear plan for our life, we will
fall into somebody else’s plan. Most often it would be our
parents’ plan: ‘Be a doctor, be a lawyer, be an engineer and make
plenty of money’…and while it would be (in their view) for our
own future good, it would be trying to live out their expectations
and sometimes their own unrealized dreams.
Or if we are in a public or private corporation, do we expect
our boss, the company, to chart our goals and our future? I can
tell you that if they do it, it will be for your benefit only if that’s
in line with the company’s targets.
Now, don’t we all want the freedom to do and to be
whatever we choose to become?
When I was first featured in the newspapers as a 26-year old
millionaire whose speaking fee was $1000 an hour, many of my
friends asked me how I was able to command such a high fee
within two years of graduating from university.
Well, by 26, two years after graduation, I had written a best-selling book, started and ran three companies, spoken to
thousands of people and made over a million dollars. Most of my
peers were either looking for their first job or working for other
people for about $2000+ a month.
The irony is that many of these peers and friends were
probably just as intelligent, just as talented and hardworking as
I was. The only difference between them and me was the fact
that at age 15 (highly charged by motivational gurus), I sat down
and scripted out a detailed life plan.
I wrote down exactly what I was going to achieve in the next
twenty years of my life (this is what I will be getting you to do,
whatever your age, wherever you are in your life’s journey, at the
end of this chapter).
After scripting out my life plan, I took action and each
action I took enabled me to focus all my talents, my intelligence
and energies like a laser beam. I use the analogy of a laser beam
because I was so energized, I felt I could cut through anything
that was in my way.
Often it’s our die-hard habits that stand in our way!
Now, remember, things that come up and seemingly stand in
our way are often our own die-hard habits. It’s so easy to hang
around with a bunch of friends, whether it’s at a coffee club or
swank private club and while away the time.
Getting on with our goals, forging ahead, definitely calls for
what initially appears to be ‘sacrifice’ – using the time you would
have spent ‘hanging out’ purposefully making ‘cold calls’,
reading, studying the market and researching. Most of these are
solitary pursuits but so necessary.
So, armed with my detailed life plan, I went all-out and did
what I needed to do to make my dreams a reality. It was because
of what I had designed (in that plan) that made me start
collecting notes and writing a book. Nothing was by chance,
everything was according to plan.
Starting my first business (mobile disco) at 15, attending
personal development programs and reading hundreds of
motivational, self-help and business books, were all in my plan.
Even spending whatever free time I had (outside of my studies)
speaking in public or selling something was part of my success
The goals drove my decisions and my actions. If I did not
have a clear plan, I would have followed the crowd, doing what
everyone else was doing (just getting my education) and getting
what everyone else was getting.
If you do what everyone else does, you will get what
everyone else gets! – Adam Khoo
Do you have a home computer? Yes? What software does
your computer run on? If I bet that it runs on Windows, I will
be right eight out of ten times. Why? Because over 80% of
personal computers run on some form of Microsoft software. Did
this happen by chance? No!
This is the result of a very clear goal that Bill Gates set when
he first started Microsoft, two decades back. His vision was ‘a
computer on every desk and every home, running Microsoft
In fact, this goal was set at a time when it was uncommon for
homes to have personal computers. Just a few years earlier, in
1977, Kenneth Olsen, the President of Digita Equip Corp
remarked, ‘There is no reason for any individual to have a
computer in their home.’
Gates thought otherwise. He made it his specific goal and
mobilized his team to create what is now taken for granted;
home computers that are as common as telephones.
When Milkshake Salesman Ray Kroc Set a Mega
Goal of Going Global…
Do you know which company collectively owns the biggest
spread of real estate in the world? It’s McDonald’s Corporation.
Anywhere in the world, in any major city, you will find a
McDonald’s restaurant. In fact, many major cities like Los
Angeles, California, Hong Kong and London have a McDonald’s
almost every five blocks.
Earlier, during McDonalds’ massive expansion phase, outlets
were being opened at the rate of one restaurant a day, all around
the world!
This phenomenon did not happen by accident. McDonald’s
dominance around the world started as the result of a clear
vision that McDonald’s Franchise owner Ray Kroc had back in
1961 when he first acquired the worldwide rights to build
McDonald’s restaurants around the world.
In the beginning, McDonald’s was just a small diner in
America operated by the McDonald brothers. At that time, Ray
Kroc was a salesman who sold milkshake mixers. When he saw
how the diner was operated, he was amazed at its service and
efficiency and the consistency and cleanliness of the food it
offered its customers. Kroc manage to get the brothers to sign
over to him the rights to franchise and build exact replicas of the
McDonald’s restaurant around the world.
As salesman Kroc flew back home with the newly-signed
document in his hand, he knew he had a struck a goldmine as he
envisioned how hundreds of thousands of these McDonald’s
restaurants would be created all over the world, in every country,
and in every city.
Again, it was this specific mega goal, fueled by passion that
led to it being a reality. Today, a new McDonald’s restaurant
opens somewhere in the world every seven hours: a tally of
20,000+ outlets in 90 countries serving 29 million people
Why You Must Start Setting Goals, Right Now!
If there is one message I must get across, it is this. You must start
setting goals in every major area of your life. Right now,
whatever your age, whatever you are doing. Without something
to focus on, the decisions we make and actions we take daily will
not have any long-term direction, and will not result in any kind
of achievement.
Without direction, we will be caught up with short term
outcomes like paying the bills, watching our favourite television
shows, going shopping, trying out the newest restaurant,
avoiding problems or just making it through one hectic week
after another. Like rats on a treadmill. We will tend to be caught
up in a stressed and monotonous existence instead of designing
a destiny and truly living.
You see, the human mind is always pursing some kind of
goal, however feeble. If we don’t focus our mind on long term
goals that lead us to success, our minds will tend to focus on
short term and puny goals that end up wasting our time and
distracting us.
Life is Like a Raging River Branching Out to Many Streams…
I always like to use a river as a metaphor for life. We are all in
our boats moving down this raging river which splits into many
tributaries downstream, representing the many outcomes.
Which tributary we take will determine where we end up.
When we are clear about which stream we want to take, we
will begin rowing in that direction. Now, along the way, there
are definitely going to be currents that pull us in different
directions. There are going to be rocks and rapids that block our
path. But if we stay focused on where we want to go, we will just
keep rowing steadfastly, re-directing our boat until we get to our
However, if we go through life without any clear idea of
where we are going and where we want to end up, we will just
row our boats aimlessly. We will just allow the currents and the
rocks to move us in all directions.
This is what happens to most people. They end up going
down a stream that they don’t want to be in. When they finally
realize that it is not an outcome they want, they start paddling
hard to avoid it. By this time, for many, it will be too late.
They go over the rapids (disaster) or finish up in a dead-end
mill pond. They end up feeling frustrated, disillusioned and
unfulfilled in the many different areas of their life. So, surely it
is time to start deciding where you want to end up in your river
of life!
What Prevents Most People from Designing
their Life?
If setting clear goals is so crucial for us to achieve a successful
and fulfilling future, then why do so many people fail to do it?
Why are so many people allowing the river of life to pull them
in all directions?
1) Limiting Beliefs
The first thing that holds most people back from setting goals
are their limiting beliefs. Many people only dream about what
they would love to have. When it comes to committing to a
specific target and plan, they don’t even bother. Something
inside them says ‘there is no way’. Either it’s too difficult or they
simply don’t have what it takes.
You now know that these are nothing but limiting beliefs.
Unless we break these past generalizations about ourselves, we
will never dare to design goals that drive us to the next level.
2) They Don’t Know What They Want
‘But... I don’t know what I want!’ This is probably one of the
most common responses I get from people. I bet if I gave these
people a magic lamp and told them that they would be granted
anything they wish for, they will start making up a whole list of
things real quick!
It is not that people don’t know what they want. What has
truly happened is that most people have stopped daring to
dream. I believe that as kids, all of us had fantasies and dreams
of what we wanted to have and be when we grow up. However,
as we went through life, we met with so many failures and
disappointments that our rational, critical mind has forbidden us
to continue day dreaming anymore.
Whenever we get excited about something, our internal voice
will rush in to tell us, ‘It can’t be done’ ‘You cannot do that’ ‘That’s
impossible’ ‘Grow up, get real’. (It could even be an echo of our
parents’ voice, if we had stern, no-nonsense parents). As a result,
this would block our creative juices and deflate our passion – the
very elements we need to create and design the life we truly want.
We need to learn how to unlock our imagination and set our
creative minds FREE… free of fear and inhibitions so we can
dream clearly and with growing excitement of what we truly
want out of life.
3) Fear of Failure
This fear of failure, of rejection and embarrassment is what
probably paralyzes most people from even starting out. I had a
participant in one of my seminars who never dared set goals
because of her intense fear of failing if she did not achieve what
she had set her heart and mind to. In her mind, she reckoned
that if she did not set expectations, then she could not fail!
My mum did something similar when she was sitting for her
final O level examinations over 40 years ago. She was sure she
would fail maths (which she hated), and so she decided she
would rather not take the exam than have a fail mark!
Sounds crazy, but many people do the same thing. They
believe that it is better not to have expectations, so they cannot
let themselves down.
Does this mean that people who keep setting goals do not
fear failure? I don’t believe so. I think everyone hates and fears
the feeling of failure, including myself. What, then, gives them
the courage to set high goals and go for it? It is how we define
failure to ourselves. (Remember that we talked about this in the
chapter on ‘values?’).
The only one who can tell us that we failed and make us feel
bad is… ourselves. Yet, this is how we often shoot ourselves in
the foot. The moment we do not achieve what we want, even on
our first attempt, we tell ourselves we have failed, and feel really
bad. This pain is what prevents us – and this goes for the majority
of people – from daring to go for high stakes, to taking risks.
People who constantly set expectations and go for it do so
because they define failure differently. They believe that not
getting what they set out for is not failure, but only feedback.
They don’t feel bad about it at all. They believe that they only
fail if they give up! As long as they keep going for it and do not
give up, then they have not failed! This belief drives them to do
anything, since they alone decide when (i.e. if they ever have
to) to call it quits!
You can do the same thing for yourself. Let me ask you this
question, ‘What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?’
Would you suddenly go out and do a lot of things you never
dared to do? I bet you would.
Then why don’t you go out and do it? After all, there is no
way you can fail unless you give up! It is this belief that has
driven me to go for the impossible!
Did I achieve them all? Of course not, but it has stretched
me so much and has gotten me so much more results than I
would have had I not set such high targets.
4) Addiction to the Soft Life
Most people are risk averse because they are addicted to a way of
life: a soft life, a cushy life with habits and material comforts
they are loathed to change or risk losing. Unless that comfy life-style is imminently under threat, they won’t do anything that
calls for iron will and discipline.
Setting goals and really going for our goals often means
changing habits, sacrificing time spent hanging out with friends.
This is why people make half-hearted attempts. As soon as their
new path impinges on their old habits, they withdraw…it’s too
A friend who teaches a Detox and Energise self-help program
says most people don’t stick to it because even if they believe in
its long-term health benefits, they are not willing to work at it…
and it is life-long work. They’d rather pop a pill (a drug) and
dam the long-term consequences.
There are no short-cuts to success in any area – business,
career, health or personal relationships. So, be prepared to make
what appears to be ‘sacrifices’ and, if you do, the rewards are
5) Setting Goals Don’t Work
‘I have tried setting goals, but they didn’t work.’ ‘Many people I
know set goals, but they never achieve it, so they give up!’ This
is another one of the most common responses I get. My reply is
always ‘It’s not the goal that did not work, you did not work!’
Remember that setting goals in isolation will not get you
what you want. However, they are the first and major key to the
ultimate success formula. If you don’t follow up with your goals
by developing a strategy, taking action and changing your
strategy from feedback, you will not be successful!
When you don’t get what you want, it is merely part of the
feedback you get on your journey of getting to what you want.
Let me illustrate this with a diagram.
When you have no specific goals, you will tend to go towards
whatever influences you in the short term. You will be like a
sheep following other sheeps around you. After some time, you
will move all over the place and end up going nowhere.
When you set a clear goal and focus on it, you will make the
decisions and take the actions that will move you there. As you
take action and follow your plans, you will move towards what
you want.
But very rarely is the path a straight and easy one. Along the
way, soon enough, you will encounter some obstacles, set backs
and frustrations.
It could be in the form of a rejection, a lost business deal or
even a business failure. At this point, there will always be a
group of people (I estimate 30%), who will give up on their
dream. These are the ones who will live in fear all of their life
and never dare to shoot for anything anymore.
give up
give up
The remaining people (the 70%) will not let one setback
stop them. They will quickly recover and take action again. Sure
enough, along the way, failure will strike again. At this stage,
another group of people will give up, say maybe another 30%.
The remaining 40% will pick themselves up and keep taking
action. So along the way to their goals, more and more people
will keep giving up as they encounter one setback after another.
It is only the remaining 5% that finally reach their goals.
Coming Back Even Stronger… After Major Blows
In fact, setbacks sometimes come as big plunges. I have noticed
so many times that people are only rewarded with their dreams
after they have gone through one of these huge plunges. If you
study the life stories of Sylvester Stallone, Richard Branson,
Soichiro Honda and Donald Trump, the pinnacle of their
success came only after (and sometimes as a result of) some huge
There are always going to be times in our lives when we seem
to be put to the ultimate test. These are times when life seems
really unfair. We put in all the work, only to see everything flop.
We earn everything only to lose everything.
Some people allow these experiences to destroy their dreams
forever. People who make their achievements a living example
are those who allow disasters to make them stronger and propel
them even faster to their goals.
In an earlier chapter, we saw how Donald Trump went
through a near brush with bankruptcy, but regained his focus to
make over $3 billion in the following three years. Well, Soichiro
Honda had his entire factory bombed twice during World War
II, then flattened by an earthquake after rebuilding it for the
second time. After weathering these two blows, the Honda
corporation was paralyzed by a fuel shortage in post-war Japan.
Despite all these ‘unfair’ blows that life gave Honda, he
managed to build the Honda corporation into one of the major
transportation companies in the world today.
Out of the Ashes of Two ‘Bad’ Experiences…
I Built a New Business
I can say that I have had similar experiences in the pursuit of my
own goals. It was only after I went through two major setbacks,
the collapse of an interior design company I had a major share
in, and my breakup with my former partner and mentor, that I
sat down to re-focus and set new goals.
Out of the ashes of those two experiences, I started a new
business in the field I know best; gained a new partner and friend
and has emerged wiser, more resilient and more confident. And
my reward? I am now seeing my business skyrocket to a new peak!
I believe that failures and setbacks are there to teach us
certain lessons. Important lessons that, unless we learn, we will
never get to the next level necessary for us to reach our dreams.
I also believe that life throws failures at us to test our level of
If we are truly committed, we will be rewarded with our
dreams coming true. Many people fail this test of commitment,
and that is why they never get what they dream of.
Three Major Keys to Powerful Goals
So, are you ready to sit down and start designing the kind of life
you want? Before we get started, there are three major keys that
every one of your goals must have. They must be 1) Specific and
Measurable, 2) Passionate and Exciting and 3) Stretch Goals.
1) Be Specific and Measurable
The more specific you are, the more focused your mind and
efforts will be. Specific and measurable outcomes will lead to
effective strategies and actions. If you want your health to
improve, you must set specific and measurable targets such as
‘how much weight do I want to lose?’
‘What pulse rate do I want to achieve’ ‘What is my targeted
body-fat ratio?’ ‘How many hours must I spend in the gym each
week?’ ‘How many calories will I allow myself to take in a day?’
‘How many miles should I run or how many laps must I swim at
each session and how many times a week?’
Under personal development goals, you may want to set
goals such as ‘What new languages do I want to learn? And to
what standard?’ ‘How many books do I want to read each month,
and in what areas?’ You must also be specific about the time
frame you are giving to each goal and list a specific date of
2) Passionate and Exciting
Have you ever been so passionate and excited about doing or
achieving something that it kept you awake all night? That kept
you thinking about it every waking moment? Something that
you just couldn’t wait for it to happen? Maybe it was your first
trip to an exciting new destination. Or it was participating in an
important tournament, meeting that special person or it was
planning your 21st, 30th, 40th birthday celebration.
When we are so passionate about achieving something
vitally important to us, it gives us a level of energy and focus that
cannot be matched. It is this level of passion and excitement
that we must have for our goal(s), if we ever want to achieve it!
When people ask me, ‘Where do you get the energy and
discipline to keep writing books, developing seminars and
starting new companies?’, I reply by saying that it is because I get
so passionate and excited about my goals, they charge me up
I sleep, breathe and dream my goals every single day until
they are achieved! Then I set a new one, at a higher level!
When people seem to lack discipline or will power, it is not
that they are lazy, it is just that their goals are not exciting
enough for them. They are not passionate about what they want
to achieve!
This second key of goal setting is one of the most important.
We must only set goals that we are passionate about and which
give us a high level of excitement. If your goals don’t fire you up
inside, they are not exciting goals! And therefore, not effective
in getting you to take action.
People who achieve their goals, despite all the odds and
setbacks, got there because of one single reason, Passion. They
did it because they loved to do it.
Tiger Woods loves to play golf, Donald Trump loves the art
of the deal, Steven Spielberg loves to make larger-than-life
movies and Bill Gates loves technology and the idea of shaping
the world. Even if they had all the money in the world (which
they do), they would still be as obsessed with their goals.
So, you must set goals that you are passionate about. How?
Simply ask yourself this question, ‘Even if I had $10 billion,
what would I still want to do and accomplish? What would I be
willing to do for free if I had all the money in the world?’
The other point is to make sure that the goals you set are
aligned with your life’s values. Remember that we are always
driven by emotions and not logic. When our goals are truly
aligned with what is important to us, we will automatically have
the drive and discipline that follows.
Take for example John (Baskin) Robbins. This heir to the
Baskin Robbins ice-cream empire turned away from his billion-dollar inheritance to lead an almost monastic life with his family
and followed his heart-dream of rebuilding the Planet through
his revolutionary books (Diet for a New America) and his soft
speeches urging his readers and audience to help create a better
and kinder world where “May all be fed, May all be healed, May
all be loved.”
So, whatever your dreams, whatever your passion, make
them BIG and when we get to the ‘Design Your Destiny
Exercise’ in a short while, write down what you are truly
passionate about and what comes from your heart rather than
just from your mind.
3) Stretch Goals for Quantum Results
I believe that the most powerful goals you can set are stretch
goals. This was a key ingredient that allowed me to achieve so
much within such a short period of time.
Most people I know tend to subscribe to setting for
themselves merely incremental goals. Incremental goals are
goals that are slightly higher than what you are currently
achieving. For example, if you were making $2000 a month in
income, an incremental goal would be $2500.
A stretch goal, on the other hand, is when you set for
yourself an outcome that is way beyond your current level of
ability and skill. If you were making $2000 a month, an example
of a stretch goal would be one aiming for $10,000 a month. So
why should you set for yourself stretch goals?
Stretch Goals Excite You & Put Fire In Your Belly
There are two main reasons why stretch goals are extremely
powerful. First, setting stretch goals are a lot more exciting than
setting puny, incremental goals. Remember, if a goal is not
exciting, you will never have the emotional drive to go for it.
The thought of achieving something so much bigger than
what you have will rouse your imagination and boost your
energy level. Stretch goals are goals that seem almost impossible
at the time you set them, but the possibility of achieving them
will create a sense of excitement and drive.
It is this excitement and passion that all of us need to drive
us constantly to take action! Remember, the main reason most
people do not take action and go for their goals is because it does
not excite them. They see it more as a chore than an adventure!
If you were making $2000 a month now, would the thought
of earning $2500 get you jumping out of bed? Of course not. On
the other hand, the thought of believing and committing to
earning $20,000 will certainly drive you to take a lot more
It is imperative that you truly believe it is possible
(remember when we said that beliefs determine everything?).
When I was at the bottom of my school, I set for myself crazy
goals like topping the school and qualifying for the number one
junior college. The thought of possibly doing that gave me a
level of excitement and energy nothing else could match!
Similarly, when I set the goal of becoming a millionaire by
age 26 and writing a best-seller, the excitement kept me awake
every night working and doing whatever it took to make it a
Stretch Goals Result in Stretch Strategies
Stretch goals are extremely powerful as they literally stretch
your abilities and skills way beyond your current level. They
force you to think out of the box and to develop ground
breaking, revolutionary strategies.
Let me give you an example of what I mean. Imagine if there
was a high jumper who had to get over a high jump bar, how
high would he decide to set the bar? Well, if he were into setting
incremental goals, he would set the bar slightly higher than
what he cleared the last time. If he cleared the bar at 5 feet the
last time, he would set an incremental goal of 5.5 feet. With
enough training and effort, he would eventually be able to clear
the new height by jumping high enough.
Well, what would happen if he set a stretch goal instead?
Suppose, he set himself a goal to clear the bar at 50 feet? Would
he be able to achieve it?
Most people would say ‘No way!’ ‘That’s crazy!’ ‘Impossible.’
They are right. There is no way he will be able to do it…if he
keeps to his current way of thinking and strategy. But did I say
that he had to jump over the bar from the ground? No! Jumping
is just an assumption that we all make, since it is what he has
always been doing.
What if he could use any strategy known to man to get across
the bar? Would it then be possible? Of course! If you start
thinking out of a box, you could come up with a million ideas -like using a trampoline, pole vault, a helicopter, a rope, a ladder,
be a human cannonball or even shorten the legs of the pole!
You see, as long as we keep setting targets that are
incremental, we will always have the tendency of doing what we
are used to do. We will always keep to the same paradigm of
jumping from the ground. We will just keep working harder and
harder doing the same thing over and over again.
However, the moment we set a stretch goal, our brain knows
immediately that it is impossible to reach the goal, if we keep to
that same paradigm. It then forces us to think out of the box and
come up with revolutionary ideas to achieve that goal! As a
result, we tap so much more of our own potential.
Setting Crazy Stretch Goals… Will Get You Exceptional Results
Setting crazy stretch goals has been one of the main reasons why
I have been able to achieve so much more than my peers. If I had
thought incrementally like everyone else, what goals would I
have set? I would have been ‘realistic’ and planned to graduate
at 25, get my first job, make $2500 a month at best and take 5-10 years to gain enough experience and money to start my own
business at 35.
By the time I am in a position to make a million, I would be
50 years old. And, hopefully, if I worked and saved hard enough,
I could retire by age 60. If I had set such incremental goals, I
would have taken the conventional path, doing what everyone
else does, except probably work a lot harder. (Nothing wrong
taking the conventional route as long as you are content with
your incremental raises and small achievements.)
Because I set a stretch goal of making my first million at the
age of 26 and retiring at the age of 35 with $10m, it forced me
to do things other people would never think of doing. It forced
me to think out of the box.
It made me create stretch ideas and strategies such as
starting a mobile disco business while still studying (at age 15),
investing heavily in business, marketing and personal
development courses and books, cramming to finish a four-year
honors degree course in three years, writing my first book and
taking on two additional jobs (training and selling greeting
cards); all this while I was still studying full time.
Then, as I succeeded in these early ventures and my
academic studies, I was offered scholarships and lucrative job
training by multi-national companies and the military. I turned
them all down.
Every one thought that I was a dreamer making a stupid
mistake in doing my own thing, but I knew that if I took the
conventional route of ‘jumping’, I would never be able to
achieve exceptional results!
The Bank that Used Stretch Thinking to Break
Through Restrictions
Now, let me give you an example of how stretch thinking
enabled a foreign bank in Singapore to expand, despite
regulations that could have limited their operations. This is how
it happened. Because of strict regulations imposed on foreign
financial institutions in the past, foreign banks like Citibank
were only allowed to have three branches in the country, as
compared to the hundreds of branches that local banks were
allowed to have.
If Citibank wanted to be ‘realistic’ and think incrementally
because of these restrictions, it would simply have done what
every other foreign bank did. Instead, they set stretch targets of
becoming a major player in the consumer credit market as well
as having a significant market share in the high-end retail bank
market. Citibank did this because they knew that with their
restricted number of branches, it would be extremely
inconvenient for people to bank with them. If they followed
conventional ways of doing business, their market share would
This stretch target forced them to think out of the box and
pose themselves this question.‘Who says people have to come to
the bank to do banking?’ When they challenged this paradigm
about banking, they gave birth to the idea of ‘phone banking’.
It was an overnight success. Many people chose to make all their
major banking transactions from their home.
Sure enough, all the other banks followed this revolutionary
idea. However, a major hassle was the inconvenience of having
to go down to the bank to deposit cheques. While most other
banks required the customer to do this, Citibank again changed
the rules by offering its customers the simple option of putting
their cheques into a self addressed envelope and dropping it into
any post box. The cheque would be automatically banked in.
They literally converted every post box in Singapore into a
Citibank branch!
As a result, Citibank continues to be one of the market
leaders in the banking industry. This shows that when you set
stretch targets, it will lead you to stretch strategies and quantum
The Agency Leader Who Dared Set ‘Unrealistic’ Targets
Let me relate an interesting example from one of my consulting
projects in the life insurance business. Now, most agency leaders
would typically take anywhere from five to ten years to build up
an agency team of fifty agents. The usual way is to recruit new
agents through interviewing potential new agents, using
referrals or word of mouth recommendations.
There was an agency leader from one of the major insurance
companies who caught my attention. He was someone who had
achieved massive success over a short period of time in the
industry. Just twelve months into the business and he achieved
his MDRT (representing the top 6% of insurance agents in the
world). He continued to achieve this award for five straight
years and eventually started his own agency. One major key that
I discovered about his success was his willingness to set super
stretch goals that everyone else thought was ‘unrealistic’.
In his second year as an agency leader, he set the stretch goal
of recruiting fifty new recruits within five months, and his aim
was for 80% of these new recruits to achieve their MDRT within
12 months. Quite impossible if he did what every other agency
leader did. But this stretch goal forced him to think out of the
box and ask, ‘How can I make this happen?’ That was when he
approached me to help him recruit these fifty new high quality
The strategy we came up with was to put a large
advertisement in the papers with the headline ‘Learn the
formula to earn $100,000 a year!’ Needless to say, the response
was overwhelming. Together, we did a power-packed introductory
seminar on how they could achieve their first million in this
Over 50% of those who attended were interested to be part
of the team! This method of recruitment had never been done
before and certainly not on this large scale and not by a single
As a bonus incentive, any one who qualified to join the firm
would be sent for training in AKLTG’s Patterns of Excellence
program, because I knew that with our formula training,
achieving the MDRT would be a piece of cake.
Want Exceptional Results?
Use Out-of-the-Box Strategies!
Time and time again, we hear people with good intentions tell
us that we should know our limits. We should not set goals that
are too high to avoid disappointment. While it is certainly true
that it is so much easier to succeed with incremental goals, if you
want to produce exceptional results you have to use out-of-the-box strategies.
People who make history are those that set goals that
everyone else had thought was ‘unrealistic’ and even crazy. But
by using the ultimate success formula and doing whatever it
takes, they made the impossible possible.
In fact, I believe that when people say something is
impossible, it’s only impossible because a strategy has not been
found yet. Many of the things around us that we take for granted
were not too long ago dismissed as ‘unrealistic’.
Thirty years ago, if you told someone that almost everybody
today will be walking around with a telephone the size of a credit
card and it can also play music, take pictures, communicate with
computers and send pictures, they would think you were crazy.
Why is it now a reality? All it took was for someone to think
the ‘impossible’ and then make it real. Everything you see
around you first started as an idea in someone’s head. Everything
is created twice, first in the mind, and then manifested in
physical reality.
Were the Wright brothers being very realistic when they set
out to build a flying machine? Not only were they not scientists
or engineers, but it was believed by the scientific community
that it was physically impossible for machines that were heavier
than air to fly. Again, by changing their strategy and doing
whatever it takes, they finally invented the first airplane.
Today, it is still a wonder that a multiple-tonned jumbo jet
carrying over 300 people can lift off and fly 35,000 feet above sea
level. If the Wright brothers had been realistic, you and I would
still be taking the slow boat to China.
Singapore’s Success… Can be Attributed to Thinking
Think about how Singapore became a developed country and a
first world economy within thirty years. When the country
gained independence back in 1965, the government had to face
the fact that all we had was a tiny island of one million people.
Singapore had no natural resources like tin, oil or gold. In
fact, we did not even have sufficient water. The only resource we
had was human resource. And this human resource comprised of
mostly lowly or uneducated immigrants from China and India,
and Malay fishing folk.
Clan clashes, gang warfare and racial riots were also rampant
at that time and the economy (over 70%) was dependent on the
British armed forces who were soon going to pull out of their Far
East base, Singapore.
If the government had been realistic, given the limited
resources they had, they would have set incremental goals,
growing alongside our neighbours who have huge hinterlands
and an abundance of natural resources. If they did, Singapore
would still be a developing third world economy.
Instead, the government set out to make Singapore a first
world economy, modeling itself after tiny Switzerland. At that
time, this seemed like a mad and impossible dream. However,
this stretch target forced them to develop plans and strategies
that were ‘out of the box’.
The government decided to jump start the economy by
attracting American and Japanese multinationals to invest. The
government created a safe and conducive investment climate
and provided incentives for them. They came and in the process
created thousands upon thousands of jobs.
To create social cohesion, the government made it
compulsory for every male citizen to serve in the Army for two
years and they made it compulsory for every citizen to save 40%
of their income. They created a first class education system to
serve the industrial economy’s growing needs; a first-class
transport system and also a financial centre to rival Hong Kong
by going out and modeling the best systems in the world. As a
result, within thirty years, Singapore has achieved first world
economy status and has one of the highest gross national
product (GNP) per capita in the world.
Design Your Life Exercise
With these three major keys in mind, get ready to design your
destiny! This exercise is designed to help you unlock your
imagination and tap deep down into what you really want
to achieve and create in the next 10 to 15 years of your life.
A few rules though. For the purpose of this exercise, I
want you to suspend your judgment and internal critic.
Ask yourself the question,‘What would I do if I
knew I could not fail?’.
The second rule is to write with total passion and
emotional intensity. Ask yourself,‘What am I truly
passionate about? What would I love to do? If
I could create a life full of passion, what would
it be like?’.
The third rule is thatonce you start writing,
you cannot stop the pen until the time is up.
So it would be good if you find a place where
you can spend the next 30 minutes fully focused.
No distractions whatsoever (and turn off your
mobile phone).
Once you are ready, follow the time indicated and write all the
goals that you want to achieve in the following categories.
Make sure they are specific & measurable, passionate & exciting
and are stretch goals. Also, remember to put a specific deadline
for each goal. Ready? Go for it!
Personal Development Goals (6 mins)
What do you want to be able to learn?
What new skills do you want to acquire & master? Speed-reading? Investing?
Creative-Artistic expression? Public speaking?
Do you want to learn a new language? To dance the Salsa?
To play a musical instrument? Produce a play?
What do you want to achieve in the area of your health?
What is your ideal weight? How do you plan to get fit?
Career and Business Goals (6 mins)
How much more value do you want to be able to create in your career?
What do you want to achieve in your career?
What position do you see yourself aiming for?
Where do you see yourself in your industry?
How could you become the best: a pioneer, an industry leader?
What kind of boss do you want to be?
What kind of business do you want to start?
What are the goals you have for your business?
What do you want to achieve in terms of market share, sales and profit?
What kind of people do you want to employ?
How would you want to serve your customers?
Wealth & Lifestyle Goals (6 mins)
How much would you like to earn a year?
How much would you like to increase your income by each year,
over the next 10-15 years?
When and how much do you want to retire with?
What sources of income do you want to create for yourself?
How would you create them?
What is your targeted annual return on your investments?
What investments would you like to be able to master?
Describe your ideal lifestyle.
What kind of house do you want to live in? Where would this ideal home be?
What kind of car do you want to drive?
What are the places you always wanted to visit? All the things you always
wanted to do?
What other dream luxuries would you love to have? A yacht? A private jet?
A tropical resort?
Family & Friends Goals (6 mins)
How could you add value to your family & friends?
What kind of son, daughter, spouse, father or mother do you want to be?
A model of kindness and understanding? A source of inspiration & strength?
How could you show them more love & appreciation?
How could you increase the bonds you have with them?
Contribution Goals (6 mins)
How would you want to be able to contribute to your family, your
neighbourhood, your community, your nation, the world?
Do you want to start a foundation? What kind and for what purpose?
Do you want to start a charity or be a regular volunteer in an existing one?
What kind of charity? Do you want to work with the disabled, the poor and
needy, young children, troubled teens, single parents or old people?
If you are already an active member in your Community – how much more can
you take on? How can you help them to become more effective?
Maybe you would like to introduce new ideas to your Community club, set them
in new directions; eg like creating an organic food garden using the volunteer
skills of retired farmers?
Perhaps you would like to fight for animal rights. Join the Vegetarian society
and campaign for animal welfare? Create a massive fundraiser for a cause you
are passionate about? Or even work with humanitarian agencies abroad.
How would you want to be remembered when you pass on?
Making the Dream Possible and Real
Have you designed all the things that you want to create in your life? Great!
At this stage, what you have done is to put all your dreams down on paper.
The only way for you to manifest your major goals into reality is to take it
through a seven-step goal achievement process!
These seven steps are designed to help you move the goal from Dream to
Possibility, and then to Realization. So what I want you to do is to look at all
the goals you have written down and to make sure that you have put a
deadline on each one of them.
Now, re-categorize your goals by putting them into the various time frames
of one year, five years, ten years and fifteen years. You can do this on the
worksheet given below.
Goals within One Year
Personal Development Deadline Three action steps (36 hours)
Career & business Deadline Three action steps (36 hours)
Wealth & lifestyle Deadline Three action steps (36 hours)
Family & Friends Deadline Three action steps (36 hours)
Contribution Deadline Three action steps (36 hours)
Take On a 36-hour Challenge
They say that taking the first step is the most difficult one. We
are often held back by inertia. The moment we start taking the
first few steps towards a goal, we will gain momentum and
continue on until we realize it. What has been an extremely
powerful strategy for the hundreds of participants that have gone
through the ‘Patterns of Excellence’ programs (and also for me),
is that for every goal we write down, we act on three action steps
within 36 hours of setting the goal.
No matter what goal it is, or how long term it is, there are
definitely three steps you can take within 36 hours that will
move you towards your goal.
It is a very powerful process… one of the most powerful steps
you take on this process involves putting yourself on the line by
making a commitment to other people. Or it involves
committing some money. By doing this, you are telling your
brain that you are serious about the time you are investing.
If your goal is to lose 5 kg in the next three months, what are
three steps you can take within 36 hours to commit yourself? You
could give away all your clothes and go out and replace it with a
wardrobe four sizes smaller.
You could sign up for an aerobics class and put down a
deposit. You could go and buy a book on ‘healthy eating’ and
read and follow it religiously.
There was a participant who set a goal of quitting and
starting his own business in two years time. Despite this being a
long-term goal, he sat down and wrote a business plan, registered
his business with $80 and signed up for a part-time course in
business management. All within 36 hours.
If your dream is to buy a Ferrari in five years time, you could
go down to the showroom right away to get a brochure and take
a test drive. So, write down your 36-hour action plan for each of
your major one-year goals.
Do it now!
Goals within Five Years
Personal Development Deadline
Career & Business Deadline
Wealth & Lifestyle Deadline
Family & Friends Deadline
Contribution Deadline
Goals within Ten Years
Personal Development Deadline
Career & Business Deadline
Wealth & Lifestyle Deadline
Family & Friends Deadline
Contribution Deadline
Goals within Fifteen Years
Personal Development Deadline
Career & Business Deadline
Wealth & Lifestyle Deadline
Family & Friends Deadline
Contribution Deadline
Now, take all your major one-year goals and put them through
the seven-step goal achievement process. You can do this in the
worksheets provided.
Seven-Step Goal Achievement Process
1 What do you want specifically? What is the deadline?
2 Who can you model for excellence?
3 What specific actions/steps do you need to take to get there?
What are your deadlines? Schedule this in your organizer now!
4 What resources would you need? (people, money, talent, skills etc…)
5 What are 3 action steps to take within 36 hours?
6 Why must you achieve this goal?
7 Visualize this goal daily.
Seven-Step Goal Achievement Process Worksheet
1 What do you want specifically? What is the deadline?
2 Who can you model for excellence?
3 What specific action steps do you need to take to get there?
What are your deadlines? Schedule this in your organizer now!
4 What resources do you need? (people, money, talent, skills etc…)
5 What are 3 action steps to take within 36 hours?
6 Why must you achieve this goal?
7 Visualize this goal daily.
The Power of Why
The next step is to list down all the reasons why you must achieve this goal. In
fact, I believe the ‘why’ is more important than the ‘how’. When you know why
you want something bad enough, you will eventually find out how to do it. So,
why is it important for you to achieve this goal? Again, all your reasons ‘why’
should be in line with your top values.
Visualization: Emotionally Charging Up Your Goals
This final step is an extremely powerful one. Remember again:
what drives our actions daily is not logic but the emotional states
we are in. Logically you may want to build your company to be
the next Fortune 500 but if you are not in a state of high
excitement, you will keep putting it off.
So you must keep getting yourself in a resourceful state by
emotionally charging up your goals. Do it daily! I personally love
to do this just before I sleep every night. What you do is to take
one major goal a night and to visualize yourself in the future
already achieving it. As you imagine the experience in your
mind, increase the intensity of the state by shifting your driver
Get associated into the experience and make the picture
bigger, closer and brighter. Make it into a movie and make the
sounds loud and in full stereo. Hear what you hear around you as
you are achieving this goal.
I can bet you that by doing this constantly with your major
goals, you will definitely find the energy and drive to take action
towards them.
I remember that the only way I managed to have the
discipline to write my first book was that every night I would
imagine myself in the bookstores signing autographs and seeing
the books flying off the shelves.
The image was so clear in my mind that it kept giving me the
energy to work on my book until it was finally complete. So start
visualizing your goals today!
Chapter Summary
1 Know what you want specifically. Only then can you develop a
specific strategy and focus your efforts towards your outcome.
2 Success rarely happens merely by chance.
Success happens by design.
3 What prevents most people from designing their destiny are:
Limiting beliefs
They don’t know what they really want
Fear of failure
Addiction to the soft life
Belief that goals do not work
4 Major keys in goal achievement
Specific & measurable
Passionate & exciting
Stretch goals create stretch ideas and results
5 You must design your life in these areas:
a Personal development
b Friends and family
c Wealth & lifestyle
d Career or business
e Contribution
6 Seven-Step Goal Achievement Process
a What do you want specifically? What is the deadline?
b Who can you model for excellence?
c What specific actions steps do you need to take to get
there? What are your deadlines? Schedule this in your
organizer now!
d What resources do you need? (people, money, talent,
skills etc…)
e What are 3 action steps to take within 36 hours?
f Why must you achieve this goal?
g Visualize this goal daily
elcome to the final chapter! I am sure by now, you
would have experienced a major shift in your personal
effectiveness. In this chapter, we will further explore
the concept of modeling and how you can replicate the success
blueprints of models of excellence. One of the reasons I have
been able to achieve such exceptional results in such a short
period of time is that I have learnt how to become a master
modeler. I have identified fantastic role models in the area of
learning, speaking, wealth creation, selling and business and
have distilled their years of experience and accumulated
expertise into a series of strategies that I have adopted within a
few years.
Remember that we all have got basically the same neurology
(one thousand billion neurons) available to us. If someone is
more effective than you in a particular skill or behaviour, it is
because their neurology is running a more effective strategy.
They may have taken years of trial and error to build in their
ability to speak in a powerful manner, generate creative ideas or
stay relaxed in stressful situations. As a result, their brains have
formed an effective set of neural connections that generate the
desired states, behaviours and results. In this chapter you will
learn how to dissect a person’s success blueprint, replicate it and
install it within yourself.
When I modeled the top students and gifted children, I
discovered that the reason they were superior learners was
simply because they had a very effective strategy for generating
ideas, understanding new facts, memorizing it and solving
questions. 95% of the other students who were either average or
below average were not stupid, they just had an ineffective
Let me give you an example of how changing your mental
strategy can significantly change the results you produce. Do you
have a good memory? Most people I ask would say ‘no’
immediately. Well, again if you forget things easily, it is not
because you do not have the ability to remember, you just have
an ineffective memory strategy. Take a look at the list below and
do your best to remember it in sequence. Give yourself a
maximum of one minute.
1 Eggs 6 Fan 11 Michael Jackson 16 Numbers
2 Cow 7 Hair 12 Ear rings 17 Crown
3 Fork 8 Glucose 13 Frisbee 18 Fish balls
4 Bikini 9Policeman 14 Planet 19 Clock
5 Banana 10 Zoo 15 Rainbow 20 Claws
Now, covering the list above (be honest!), do your best to
write down as many words as you can remember in the blank
spaces below.
1 6 11 16
2 7 12 17
510 1520
So how many words did you manage to recall in sequence?
Most people can only manage a maximum of seven to ten words.
Now, would you believe that it is possible to remember every single
word in sequence, within 2 minutes, given the right strategy?
Here is what I would like you to do. Using your imagination,
make a visual image of each word and associate it to the next
word in a humorous way. At the same time, say the word out
loud! Follow the associations I have created below…
Use your mind and visualize an egg. (say ‘egg’ out loud) Now, imagine
that the egg cracks and out pops a cow’s head. (say ‘cow’ out loud).
See that the cow has forks on its head (say ‘fork’). Imagine that the
fork is wearing a pink bikini. Suddenly, the bikini drops and bananas
are exposed. Imagine that the skin of the banana peels off and
becomes fan. The fan blows all your hairaway. Your hairs flies and
gets glued to a ghost (sound like ‘glucose’). The glue ghost (glucose)
chases a policemaninto the zoo. Inside the zoo, imagine seeing
Michael Jacksonwearing ear rings. He then takes the ear rings and
throws it like a Frisbee. See the Frisbee spinning around the planet.
A rainbowappears. Then see that there are numbersdancing on the
rainbows. These numbers then join to make a crown. On the crown you
see fish ballswhich contain small clocks. On the hand of the clock
are claws.
Now, do your best to write down as many words as you can
remember in the blank spaces below.
1 6 11 16
2 7 12 17
510 1520
If you had followed the strategy, you would have no problem
remembering all 20 words in sequence. Why were you able to
remember so easily the second time? Well, simply because you
used the strategy people with exceptional memories use.
Most people try to remember by staring at the words and
repeating it to themselves over and over again. This visual external
& auditory digital (self talk) strategy is not effective at all.
Ineffective Memory Strategy
Visual external
Auditory digital
seeing the words repeat words to yourself
However, what I have found is that people with exceptional
memories tend to make an image of the word in their mind
(visual internal). They then associate the images together in an
emotionally outstanding way (kinesthetic). In addition, they say
the words out loud (auditory digital). Anyone who uses this
strategy will find themselves being able to remember lists and
list of words effortlessly. By adopting this memory strategy as
well as other powerful learning strategies in reading and
information processing, I managed to jump from a below average
student to among the top one percent of students in the country!
You can model and replicate the strategies of literally any
form of exceptional behaviour. In 2000, my partner Stuart Tan
was given a project by the Singapore Armed Forces Shooting
Contingent (SSC) to model its top shooters and transfer their
success blueprints to the new soldiers who were going to
compete in the upcoming ASEAN (Association of South East
Asian nations) Army Rifles Meet.
Modeling & Replicating the Strategies of Top Shooters
As narrated by Stuart Tan
The challenge is that Singapore is the only nation in South East Asia with
a large number of its top shooters being made up of national servicemen
who serve in the army for only two and a half years. Every year, they
find themselves having to compete in a shooting competition with career
soldiers in other countries who have ten to fifteen years of shooting
In the year 2001, many of the Army’s top shooters were going to leave the
force after serving their two and a half year term. The commanding officer
at the time wanted to find a way to retain their shooting skills and transfer
it to the new soldiers who were just going in. So I was given the top eight
shooters to model. It was an arduous task when I videotaped and analyzed
the physiological and mental strategies of these shooters. It wasn’t very
difficult to identify their strategies as they were distinctly different from
Effective Memory Strategy
Visual internal Kinesthetic internal Auditory digital
imagine images ➨emotionally engaging ➨say words aloud
& associate images i.e. humorous
novice shooters. The experts had a clear vision, a clear idea about their
outcomes, they conducted mental rehearsals for themselves, they learnt
beyond the point of remembering, they were technically well-versed, and
they executed their strategies in an optimum state. After I distilled the
blueprints of these top shooters, the Army then used it for their mental
training purposes while they continued with their usual physical routine.
Not surprisingly, in the following year, the Singapore Shooting contingent
came in champions in the ASEAN Army Rifles meet for the first time.
Modeling the Success Blueprint
So how do you go about modeling a person’s success blueprint?
In chapter 6, we talked about the power of modeling someone’s
PHYSIOLOGY (external behaviour). By modeling a person’s
physiology, we can quickly tap into their optimum states and
peak performance levels.
By observing and literally modeling the gestures, tonality,
facial expressions, posture and mannerisms of top speakers,
Stuart and I managed to become extremely powerful
communicators on stage within a short period of time. In his
work with the Army, a major portion of his modeling of the top
shooters was modeling their breathing patterns before and after
they squeezed the trigger. What made a key difference to their
accuracy were also their body position, eye movements and
If we want to replicate a person’s success, we must also model
their empowering BELIEF SYSTEMS.Why? Remember that our
beliefs are like the operating system to our brain. They
determine how we filter and perceive what happens around us.
They determine how we respond and how we take action. By
observing and asking the role model questions, you can get a
sense of the beliefs they have. Here are some examples of the
empowering beliefs of effective communicators. It is these sets of
beliefs that truly set them apart from the average communicators.
Beliefs of Highly Effective Communicators
Everyone has a different model of reality
The meaning of your communication is the response you get
Resistance is a sign of lack of rapport
There is no failure, only feedback
There are no resistant people, only inflexible communicators.
Beliefs of Successful Entrepreneurs
Everything is possible. It is only a question of strategy
Every failure lays the foundation for progress towards success
Everything happens for a beneficial reason
For things to change, I must change first
Behind every crisis lies an opportunity
The other thing we must model from someone who is
excellent in something is their VALUES STRUCTURE. You have
learnt that the way we individually rank and define our values
(towards and away from) also determines the decisions we make
and what actions we take. Again, is it necessary to know the
person’s entire values structure? No! We just need to get a sense
of what drives them towards what they do. We can simply do
this by asking, ‘What’s important to you about what you do?’
(refer to Chapter 10). For example, when I was modeling the
values of a top insurance advisor (who earned over $600,000pa),
I found that her towards values were ‘contribution’, ‘passion’,
‘money’ and ‘accomplishment (of a great challenge)’. At the
same time, her away-from values were ‘losing’ (she hated to lose
to anyone), ‘giving up’ (she always persisted until she got what
she wanted) and boredom (she could not keep still). These
values sets drove her to become top advisor of the year for six
years in a company of over 3000 professionals.
The final thing we must model in a person’s success blueprint
known as STRATEGIES. Every behavior (positive or negative)
we perform begins with a specific mental strategy that we run in
our brain. In order to generate brilliant ideas, a person runs a
specific ‘creative’ mental strategy in their neurology. Similarly,
in order for us to feel ‘love’ or ‘depressed’, our neurology must
run certain mental strategies that produce these states and
Strategies: Our Mental Roadmap
So what is a mental strategy? It is a specific sequence of internal
and external experiences we run in our brain in order to produce
a specific outcome. It is what a person does in his brain that
produces a specific result. For example, how do you wake up in
the morning? In order to perform the behavior of ‘waking up’,
your brain goes through a mental strategy. And all of us have
different mental strategies for waking up in the morning. For
some people, when they hear the alarm go off, they would look
at the clock and say to themselves, ‘What time is it? How much
longer can I sleep?’ They then shut it off, feel the warmth of
their blanket, say to themselves ‘just five more minutes’ and doze
off again. A few minutes later, they would start making pictures
in their head of how they will get into trouble for being late.
This triggers off a feeling of panic and an internal voice that
goes, ‘Oh Shit! I’m late!’ they will then jump out of bed twenty
minutes late. This is obviously an ineffective waking up strategy
that probably gets you always to be late.
Again, are there some people who are able to get themselves
up bright and early? Yes! How do they do it? Well, they just have
a more effective mental program running. By modeling these
people’s waking up strategy and installing it in my neurology
(you will learn how to do this), I find myself getting up on time
So, think about it. What is your strategy for waking up in the
morning? What is the first thing that happens in your mind as
Make a picture ➨
of all the great
things you can
achieve today
Say to yourself, ➨
‘Time to get up!’
Feel ➨
Jump out ➨
of bed
off the alarm
Say, ‘how ➨
much longer
can I sleep?
Shut off ➨
Feel ➨
of blanket
Say ‘just ➨
five more
Make ➨
pictures of
being late
Say, ➨
‘Oh shit’
Feel ➨
Jump out
of bed late
Look ➨
at time
Ineffective Waking Up Strategy
Effective Waking Up Strategy
the alarm clock rings? Do you make a picture in your mind? Say
something to yourself? Switch off the alarm immediately? How
do you eventually get out of bed? Take about 5 minutes and use
the space below to map out your strategy.
We use mental processing strategies for everything we do.
All our states and external behaviours are controlled by these
internal processing strategies. We have strategies for falling in
love, buying, motivation, learning, decision-making, writing,
communication, procrastination and creativity. There are
strategies for everything. It is just that many of us have never
been aware of our mental strategies.
We must start becoming aware of our own mental strategies,
both the useful ones and the non-useful ones. If you have a
useful strategy for creativity, you must discover how you do it. In
this way, you can replicate your creativity at any time and in any
given situation. If you have a lousy ‘waking up strategy’ or ‘anger
strategy’, you must discover how it runs so you can begin to
change it!
What Makes Up a Strategy?
So, what makes up a strategy? Well, if you think about it, there
are only three major things we can run in our brain. We can
either make Pictures (Visual), Sounds (Auditory) or Feelings
(Kinesthetic). These Pictures, Sounds and Feelings can be either
External or Internally generated. For example, a Visual External
(Ve) experience is when we see the alarm clock. A Visual
Internal (Vi) experience is when we make a picture in our minds
i.e. imagining ourselves arriving late.
An Auditory External (Ae) experience is when we hear the
alarm clock ringing. An Auditory Internal (Ai) is when we play
sounds in our mind. An Auditory Digital (Ad) experience is
when we are talking to ourselves or trying to make sense out of
something. i.e. saying to ourselves, ‘Just five more minutes.’
A Kinesthetic External (Ke) experience is when we
physically touch something, like feeling the warmth of the
blanket. It also includes an external smell or taste. A Kinesthetic
Internal (Ki) experience is when we feel emotions like ‘panic’ or
when we imagine in our minds what it would be like to touch a
snake. Again, it could also include imagining what something
would taste or smell like.
External Ve Seeing something
Internal Vi Making a picture in our heads
Do note that in order to be even more specific, when we visualize
something in our minds (Vi), we can either imagine an image we have seen
before (known as visual remembered or Vr) or we can make up something
new (known as visual constructed Vc).
External Ae Hearing a sound
Internal Ai Making sounds in our head (the tone)
Digital Ad Self talk & reasoning
When dealing with auditory, you want to be clear about the difference
between auditory internal (Ai) and auditory digital (Ad). Auditory internal (Ai)
is more concerned about the tone of the sounds, whether it ‘sounds right’.
Auditory digital (Ad) is more concerned with the content of the words,
whether it ‘makes sense’.
External Ke Physical movement (motor) or
feeling a sensation (tactile)
Internal Ki Emotion or imagining a feeling
Vr (visual remembered)
e.g. Recalling what your room looks like.
Vc (visual construct)
e.g. Imagining what it would be like to achieve
a future goal
Notice, that we use a lot of notations in describing strategies.
These notations make it a lot easier and efficient to study our
mental strategies.
What makes up a strategy is not just what we run in our
brains, but the order and sequence in which we run it. Just by
changing the sequence of what we run, the entire outcome of
the strategy changes. For example, let’s look back at the effective
‘waking up strategy’.
Effective Waking up Strategy
In the last part of this strategy, you should ‘jump out of bed’ (Ke)
and then ‘switch of the alarm’ (Ke). If we were to change the
sequence to ‘switch off the alarm’ ➨‘Jump out of bed’, would it
work as well? Maybe not. Why? By switching off the alarm
before getting out of bed, it may cause you to lie on the bed and
feel lethargic again (Ki).
A good metaphor for understanding the concept of strategies
is in the baking of a cake. Imagine if there was a famous chef
who could bake a delicious cake. He may have taken years of
trial and error to produce a cake of such high quality. However,
within a matter of minutes, you too could bake the same quality
of cake. How? All you would need would be his recipe and to
follow it precisely. You will have to use the same ingredients, the
exact amounts and well as the sequence in which they are
Similarly, in the modeling of human behaviour and results,
we need to find out the recipe for excellence. The ingredients in
this case would be the visual, auditory or kinesthetic elements.
The amounts would be the submodalities of our experience. For
example, is the visual image large or small, associated or
disassociated? Finally, the sequence of these experiences must be
replicated precisely.
Ae ➨ Vc ➨ Ad ➨ Ki ➨ Ke ➨ Ke
Imagine all the
things you can
achieve today
Say to yourself,
‘Time to get up!’
Jump out
of bed
off the alarm
Do know that in understanding a person’s strategy, we are
not so much interested in the content of the thought, but the
form. You might say, ‘I thought of this’ or ‘I thought about that’
or ‘I thought of a car’. Rather than the content (what you
actually thought of), we are more interested in the structure and
sequence of the thought. In other words, did you make a picture
in your mind? Did you say something to yourself? Did you have
an internal emotion? And, what was the sequence of it? Did you
make a picture in your head and hear a sound or was it the other
way around?
Why Learn Strategies
Besides being able to model and replicate strategies from an
individual who is excellent at producing a particular result, there
are many more reasons for discovering our own strategies and
that of other people.
A very important reason for discovering our own strategies is
to be able to replicate our own excellent states and past
performances at will. Haven’t you ever experienced a time when
you were especially creative in generating ideas, whereas in
another point of time you felt a creative block? When we can
discover what our strategy for motivation, creativity or love is,
we can trigger these states and behaviors whenever we need to!
For example, I discovered that I am able to write (my books)
most effectively when I imagine myself in front of an audience
(Vi) and hear myself giving a talk (Ad). While I see and hear
this in my mind, I type out the words of my talk (Ke). When I
use this particular sequence of internal experiences, my mind
gets into its most creative mode and the words just flow out. By
the way, this is the reason why my writing style is so
conversational in nature.
When we discover someone else’s strategy, we can also utilize
it to help them achieve their peak states and outcomes. For
example, let’s say that you discovered that your son’s motivation
strategy was Ve ➨Ad ➨Ki. In other words, in order to access
the state of motivation, he has to see something, then say
something to himself and this gets him to feel motivated. You
can talk to this person (Ae) about why they should be motivated
but it would not work. Why? Wrong trigger! This person’s
strategy must begin with an external image (Ve). But if you were
to show him something (the result), then mentioned what he
would say to himself when he achieved it, this sequence would
lead to him getting into a motivated state. We will learn more
about this in the section on ‘How to utilize someone’s strategy’.
Another purpose for discovering someone’s strategy is to
assist them in changing it. Obviously, we would want to change
a strategy if it is not very useful in helping us achieve our goals.
For example, I once had a client who had a buying strategy that
caused her to constantly buy on impulse. Her buying strategy was:
This ‘see it’, ‘feel good about it’ and ‘act upon it’ strategy is
pretty efficient for making quick decisions, especially if you are
an airline pilot. It was however not very effective for the person
as she kept buying a lot of things on impulse which she would
later regret. The problem was that she lacked an auditory digital
(Ad) check (asking herself, ‘Do I really need this? Can I afford
it?’) component in her strategy, like most of us have. In the
section on ‘Re-designing strategies’, we will talk about how to do
just this. Before going further, we need to first learn…
How to Discover Someone’s Strategy
So, how do you discover someone’s strategy? Well, just ask them!
If you are able to get the consent of a role model or a client, then
you can use a Formal Strategy Discovery Script (on page 338).
First, do your best to get the person in the right state. If you
want to discover a person’s motivation strategy, get the person to
go back to the last time they were very motivated, and as they
access that state, they will be able to describe how they did it
(their strategy). If you want to discover a person’s buying
strategy, get them to think of the last time they bought
something and as they run through that memory and access the
buying state, they will be able to describe the mental process
they went through in making a purchase.
see the item feel good about buying buy it
Every strategy begins with a trigger. A trigger is what sets off
a strategy. For example, think about how you know when to
become motivated. Remember a time when you felt extremely
motivated. What set it off? Was it something you saw, heard or
felt? Once you know the trigger, you can get the person to run
the same strategy by firing off the trigger. To some people, they
get motivated when they hear a speech (auditory trigger). To
others, they must see a result (visual trigger).
Formal Strategy Discovery Script
Let’s say you wanted to discover a person’s motivation strategy.
You can ask them the following series of questions.
1 Can you recall a time when you were totally motivated?
Can you recall a specific time?
2 What was the first thingthat caused you to be totally motivated?
Was it something you saw, something you heard (or a tone or
voice/music) or something you felt?
This question identifies the trigger that starts off the strategy.
It is normally something external you see, hear or feel.
3 After you (saw, felt, heard) that, what was the very next thing
that happened that led you to become totally motivated?
Did you picture something in your mind?
Say something to yourself?
Have a certain feeling or emotion?
4After you (saw, felt, heard) that, did you know that you were totally
motivated? If ‘yes’, then the strategy is complete. If ‘no’, then
continue to ask question 3.
Continue asking these series of questions until the strategy is complete
(the outcome of motivation is reached).
Demonstration of a Formal Strategy Discovery – Motivation
Let’s assume that Robert is attempting to discover Peter’s
motivation strategy. Here is an example of what typically
might happen.
Robert Can you remember a time
when you felt totally motivated?
Can you remember a specific
Peter Hmmm…Yes
Robert What was the first thing that
happened that caused you to be
totally motivated? Was it
something you saw? Something
you heard? Or the touch of
something or someone?
Peter It was something I saw (i.e. Ve)
Robert Good. After you saw what you
saw, what was the next thing
that caused you to be totally
motivated? Did you picture
something in your mind?
Say something to yourself?
Was it something you heard?
Did you have a certain emotion
or feeling?
Peter I had a picture in my mind (Vi)
Robert Good. After you made this
picture in your mind, did you
know you were totally motivated
or did you say something to
yourself or have a certain
feeling or emotion?
Peter I said something to myself (Ad)
Robert Alright. So, after you saw
something (Ve), that made you
create a picture in your mind
(Vi), you then said something to
yourself (Ad). Did you become
totally motivated or was there
something else that happened?
Peter Well, I just felt motivated at
this stage.
Robert Ok. So that completes
your motivation strategy.
Now, we know that Peter’s
motivation strategy is
Ve ➨Vi➨Ad➨Ki
Once you find the components
and sequence of Peter’s
strategy, you must also find
out the submodalities of what
he saw, heard or felt.
Robert So, this picture you made
in your mind. What was
about it that made you feel
motivated? Was it the size?
Was it associated or
disassociated? Was it a
movie or a still picture?
Peter It was a large, associated
Robert So, what you said to
yourself, was it loud or
soft? Which direction did it
come from? Was it high or
low pitch?
Peter What I said to myself was
loud, low pitch and from
the left.
Robert O.K. Thanks
You can test to see if
this strategy is accurate
by getting him to run the
same strategy in his brain.
If you do this well,
this person will become
motivated instantly.
Exercise 1
To truly understand and master the ability to discover someone’s
strategy, it is best that you take action and experience the
process for yourself. It is a stretch, so put yourself on the line and
you reap the benefits now.
So, here is your assignment. Go out and find someone whom
you can spend at least 20 minutes with and model their
motivation strategy. You can follow the script given above, but
be flexible and explore as much as you can.
Demonstration of an Informal Strategy Discovery
Sometimes, you may need to discover a person’s strategy
informally, without them being aware of it. This is especially so
when you are a salesperson, teacher or parent who wants to be
able to discover and utilize your client’s (or child’s) strategy.
What is important is to first establish rapport with that
person and use softeners before asking strategic discovery
questions. For example, as a salesperson, you could ask, ‘Mr.
Client, just so I can serve you better, would it be o.k. if I were to
ask you a couple of questions?’
Let’s say that you were selling clothes and a customer walks
towards your section. In order to get the customer motivated to buy,
it would be useful to find out his buying strategy. No matter what
we buy, we tend to follow a consistent mental processing sequence
in evaluating a purchase and becoming motivated to buy.
Salesperson Hi! That’s a great shirt you have. How did you decide that
it was the shirt for you?
Customer Well, I liked how it looked (Ve)
Salesperson Did you know that it was the shirt to buy just by looking at
it? What else was important in your decision?
Customer Well, I kind of imagined how I would look in it (Vi)
Salesperson Did you buy it right away?
Customer No, I had to make sure it was value for money(Ad)
Salesperson If the price is right, would you buy it right away?
Customer Well, the material mustfeel rightand I would try to make
sure it fits (Ke)
Salesperson You felt that it was the right shirt for you?
Customer Yup! I feltit was the right decision (Ki)
So, from the conversation, we can kind of guess that that the
customer’s buying strategy is:
Ve ➨ Vi ➨ Ad ➨Ke ➨Ki➨Take action and buy
Obviously, in a real life scenario, you will never be able to
ask a series of questions and get such accurate answers so easily.
More often than not, you have to subtly ask when the time is
right and guess their strategies through the answers they give.
In the next section, we will learn in greater detail about how
to utilize a person’s strategy.
Now that You Know How to Discover a Person’s
Strategy…You Must Know How to Utilize It!
Once you have discovered what someone’s strategies are, you
can begin to utilize that person’s strategy by feeding information
back to them in the exact same way. When it is done, the
information becomes irresistible for them. For example, you can
utilize a person’s strategy to help them become motivated
towards doing something such as taking action to buy something
or perform a task.
Let’s say, a person’s buying strategy was
Ve ➨Vi ➨Ad ➨Ki
In other words, in order to get motivated to buy, their brain’s
recipe is to first see something, make a picture in their mind, say
something to themselves (make sense of the information) and
feel good about making the purchase.
While presenting your proposal for an interior design
project, you could say to them, ‘Here, take a LOOK (Ve) at this
proposal, IMAGINE (Vi) how good it would make your office
LOOK. From the quote and specifications, you will find that it
meets your CRITERIA (Ad). Does it FEEL good to you? (Ki).
They would probably feel very motivated by what you said and
won’t even be consciously aware why. The way you present
information to a person is extremely important. If you present it
in an order and sequence in which their minds process
information (their strategy), your suggestion would seem
attractive, However, if you were to present it in a different
sequence, they can feel very differently about it. If you were to
just present your proposal verbally (Ae) without first showing
them a result they could see (Ve), they will not feel as excited by
it because their buying strategy is not being effectively triggered
off. It is like you are punching the wrong keyboard commands to
access his motivation program. It just cannot run.
Re-Designing an Ineffective Strategy
Some of the strategies we develop over the years may not be very
useful to us. For example, running depression, procrastination,
impulsive buying, anger or overeating strategies may limit us and
prevent us from producing exceptional results. When a strategy
is not useful to us, we can re-design it. However, do remember
that whether a strategy is useful or not depends on the situation
we are in. For example, when we need to do something
important, running a procrastination strategy in our minds is not
very useful. However, whenever we see something that we would
like to buy, running a procrastination strategy may be useful to
prevent you from overspending.
I used to get depressed very easily, especially when I hear bad
news from my family members or my staff. The moment I get
depressed, I would not be very productive for the rest of the day
until I got over it. I decided that running the depression strategy
whenever I hear bad news was not useful for me, so I decided to
change it! First, I discovered how I got depressed by re-playing
in my mind the sequence of thoughts that got me to feel lousy.
(Yes. You can discover your own strategies).
Here is what my depression strategy looked like:
Ae (Bad News) ➨Ki ➨(Vi + Ai + Ad) Negative
(Vi+Ai+Ad) means that it is all happening simultaneously.
What normally triggers off my depression strategy is bad
news that I hear or news that does not match my expectation
(Ae). The moment I hear this bad news (Ae), I will feel
depressed (Ki). In this state, I would start to imagine the worst-case scenario by making pictures and hearing sounds (Vi + Ai).
At the same time, I will start talking to myself negatively, ‘Oh
No! Oh sh**!’ (Ad) This will make me feel even more depressed
(loop back to Ki). The more I feel depressed (Ki), the more I see
and hear the worst case scenario (Vi + Ai), and the cycle
I knew that I had to re-design my strategy in such a way that
when I hear bad news, it will not fire off the feeling of
depression, but a more resourceful emotion of motivation
instead. I decided to re-design my strategy in the following way:
Ae ➨Ad ➨(Vi + Ai + Ad) ➨ Ki
Bad News Reframe Positive Motivation
After installing this new strategy, whenever I heard bad news,
I would immediately do a reframe (we learnt this in Chapter 9),
I would then imagine how this negative news would be a
blessing instead. I would see and hear the future possibilities (Vi
+ Ai) and this would make me feel motivated to take action and
deal with the challenge.
How to Curb that Spending
Do you remember me speaking about a client I had who had a
buying strategy that caused her to keep buying on impulse? To
recap, her strategy was:
Ve ➨Ki ➨Ke
See the itemFeel good about buying Buy it
In order to keep her from overspending, I knew that I had to
help her develop a buying strategy that got her to procrastinate
making a purchase. Since I did it naturally myself (yes, I take
months to decide on buying something), I decided to get her to
model my strategy and use it.
Ve ➨ Ad➨ (Vi+Ad) ➨Ki ➨Ki
See item Do I really need it? NegativeRegret Procrastinate
Is it value for money?
Ki Feel good about buying
Whenever I see an item that I like (Ae), I would always ask
myself, ‘Do I really need it? Is it value for money?’ (Ad). If the
answer is ‘Yes’, then I would feel good about buying it (Ki) and
purchase the product. However, if the answer was ‘no’ (which
was most of the time), I would imagine myself not using it and
saying, ‘I wasted my money.’ (Vi + Ad), this would incite the
feeling of regret (Ki) and I would procrastinate buying it (Ki).
Are you getting the hang of how you could re-design your
mental strategies now? Great. Again, test it out by doing the
following exercise.
Exercise 2
Think of a strategy that is currently limiting you now. Do you
overeat? Wake up late? Get depressed, procrastinate or get over-worried? Use the strategy discovery steps and sketch out your
strategy. Once you have your strategy, think of how you could re-design it in such a way that it leads you to a more powerful
Existing Strategy
New Re-Designed Strategy
Installing Our Strategies of Excellence
One you have modeled a person’s strategy and/or re-designed an
ineffective strategy, you must install the new strategy into your
brain. The best way to achieve this is to mentally rehearse the
strategy through visualization. By visually rehearsing the new
strategy a few times, new neuro-connections that generate a new
set of thoughts and behavioral patterns will be formed.
For example, let’ say that you had an ineffective strategy that
got you to overeat.
Ve ➨(Vi+Ki) ➨Ad ➨Ki ➨Ke
See foodImagine yourself Say to yourself, Feel hungry Overeat
eating and imagining Yummy.
how it feels like I’m hungry
to eat it
And you have designed a new strategy so that looking at the
food will fire off a new chain of internal experiences that create
a new behavioral outcome (i.e. going to exercise).
Old strategy
Ve (Vi+Ai) ➨Ad ➨Ki ➨
See foodSee yourself fat Say to yourself, Feel bad
& hear others ‘I look disgusting’
➨(Vi+At) ➨Ki ➨Ke
See yourself Feel motivatedExercise
exercising & hearing to look &
positive comments feel good
The way to install this would be to close your eyes and
imagine yourself running through the new strategy. So imagine
yourself seeing the food where you usually do (on a television
commercial or restaurant sign), then see yourself conjuring up
an image of yourself being fat and hearing people commenting
on how lousy you look. You then say to yourself how disgusting
you are. Run through the state of ‘feeling bad’ and intensify this
feeling! Then imagine yourself in the future looking fit and
good, feel the motivation to exercise and see yourself working
Alternatively, you could also use the Swish Pattern (chapter
7) to swish in the new strategy. If you recall, the swish pattern
requires you to swish away the Trigger Image and Swish in the
Desired Image. Similarly, in this case, swish away the Trigger
Image (seeing the food), and swish towards you the new strategy.
Repeat this process with all the visual, auditory and kinesthetic
elements until you have created the new pattern in your
So there you have it, all the tools and strategies you will need
to model, utilize, design and install any mental strategy to help
you reach your desired outcomes. So start being aware of your
own strategies, both the effective and ineffective ones that result
in the outcomes you experience daily. At the same time, keep a
lookout for powerful individuals whom you can begin to model
and learn their patterns of excellence.
Chapter Summary
1 We all possess the same neurology. If we can model and replicate
a person’s success blueprint, we can replicate their results
2 We can model in successful individuals their:
a Physiology
b Beliefs
c Values
d Mental Strategies
3 A strategy is a specific sequence of internal and external
experiences we run in our brain to produce a specific outcome
4 We have mental strategies for everything including feeling
loved, motivation, learning, decision making, buying,
eating, waking up etc…
5 A strategy is made up of:
a Ingredients: Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic Experiences
(Internal or External)
b Amounts: Submodalities
c Order and sequence
6 We learn strategies in order to:
a Model an individual who exhibits excellence in something
b Model our own successful patterns to repeat a past
c Help a person utilize his strategy to achieve an outcome
d Re-design ineffective strategies.
7 We need to Discover a person strategy in order to
a Utilize it
b Re-design it
c Install it
8 We can install a new strategy through mental rehearsal or
using the Swish Pattern.
Bandler, R.,Using Your Brain for a Change(Utah: Real People Press, 1985).
Branson, R.,Losing My Virginity(Great Britain: Virgin Publishing Ltd, 1998).
Dearlove, D., Business the Richard Branson Way
(United Kingdom: Capstone Publishing Limited, 1998).
Dearlove, D., Business the Bill Gates Way
(United Kingdom: Capstone Publishing Limited, 1999).
Dilts, R.,Applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(California: Meta Publications, 1983).
Dilts, R.,Changing Belief Systems with NLP(California: Meta Publications, 1990).
James, T & Woodsmall, W.,Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality
(California: Meta Publications, 1988).
Hamilton, N.,Bill Clinton: An American Journey: Great Expectations
(UK: Century, 2003).
Hansen, M & Allen R.,The One Minute Millionaire
(Australia: Random House, 2002).
Khoo, A.,I Am Gifted, So Are You!(Singapore: Times Publishing, 1998).
Kroc, R & Anderson, R.,Grinding it Out: The Making of McDonalds
(Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1977).
Lewis, B & Pucelik, F.,Magic of NLP Demystified
(Portland: Metamorphosis Press, 1990).
O’Keeffee, J.,Business Beyond the Box(London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 1998).
Robbins, A.,Unlimited Power(Great Britain: Simon & Schuster, 1988).
Robbins, A.,Awaken the Giant Within(New York: Summit Books, 1991).
Roddick, A. & Prokop, I.,Body and Soul: Profits with Principles – The Amazing
Success Story of Anita Roddick and the Body Shop(New York: Crown, 1991).
Rossi, E.,The Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing
(New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993).
Shone, S.,Creative Visualization(London: The Aquarian Press, 1984).
Patterns of Excellence™
Influence & Mastery
Wealth Academy
‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!™’ Camp for Teens
aged 13-17
SuperKids™ Camp for Children aged 10-12
* Programs are currently being conducted in Singapore and Malaysia
‘I Am Gifted, So Are You!™’ Workshop for Teens
Superkids™ Workshop for Children aged 10-12
Brain-Based, Innovation and Enterprise Workshops
for Teachers and students
Super Teachers Training
Accelerated Learning for Success
Peak Performance Selling
Presentation Dynamics
Emotional Mastery for Personal Effectiveness
Team Communication, Bonding and Motivation
Plus Customized Training in the following areas:
Emotional Management
Seminars & Training Programs
Adam Khoo’s Group of Companies
Nature of Business
Personal development seminars
& training programs
Public seminars and corporate training on
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
Accelerated Learning & Business Success.
Singapore contact:
Tel (65) 6274 0105
Fax (65) 6274 2105
Malaysia contact:
Tel (603) 7956 7879
Fax (603) 7956 2879
Visit us at
Nature of Business
Advertising & Marketing Communications
Scope of Services
Strategic marketing communications
Conceptualization & planning
Media strategy & buying
Creative concepts applied to print, TV, radio,
internet & outdoor advertising.
Tel (65) 6278 6828
Fax (65) 6276 6373
Visit us at
Nature of Business
Special event organizers
Scope of Services
Strategic conceptualization & management
of special events, conferences, marketing
roadshows & product launches.
Tel (65) 6276 8900
Fax (65) 6276 8187
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